Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\nkernsmp\x86\ncthrd.cpp
// NThreadBase member data
#include <x86.h>
#include <apic.h>
#include <nk_irq.h>
// Called by a thread when it first runs
void __StartThread();
void NThreadBase::OnKill()
void NThreadBase::OnExit()
extern void __ltr(TInt /*aSelector*/);
extern "C" TUint __tr();
extern void InitAPTimestamp(SNThreadCreateInfo& aInfo);
TInt NThread::Create(SNThreadCreateInfo& aInfo, TBool aInitial)
if (!aInfo.iStackBase || aInfo.iStackSize<0x100)
return KErrArgument;
new (this) NThread;
TInt cpu = -1;
if (aInitial)
cpu = __e32_atomic_add_ord32(&TheScheduler.iNumCpus, 1);
if (cpu==0)
memset(SubSchedulerLookupTable, 0x9a, sizeof(SubSchedulerLookupTable));
aInfo.iCpuAffinity = cpu;
// OK since we can't migrate yet
TUint32 apicid = *(volatile TUint32*)(X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID) >> 24;
TSubScheduler& ss = TheSubSchedulers[cpu];
ss.i_APICID = (TAny*)(apicid<<24);
ss.iCurrentThread = this;
SubSchedulerLookupTable[apicid] = &ss;
ss.iLastTimestamp64 = NKern::Timestamp();
iRunCount64 = UI64LIT(1);
__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,DEBUGPRINT("Init: cpu=%d APICID=%08x ss=%08x", cpu, apicid, &ss));
if (cpu)
__e32_atomic_ior_ord32(&TheScheduler.iActiveCpus1, 1<<cpu);
__e32_atomic_ior_ord32(&TheScheduler.iActiveCpus2, 1<<cpu);
__e32_atomic_ior_ord32(&TheScheduler.iCpusNotIdle, 1<<cpu);
TInt r=NThreadBase::Create(aInfo,aInitial);
if (r!=KErrNone)
return r;
if (!aInitial)
TLinAddr stack_top = (TLinAddr)iStackBase + (TLinAddr)iStackSize;
TLinAddr sp = stack_top;
TUint32 pb = (TUint32)aInfo.iParameterBlock;
SThreadStackStub* tss = 0;
if (aInfo.iParameterBlockSize)
tss = (SThreadStackStub*)stack_top;
tss->iVector = SThreadStackStub::EVector;
tss->iError = 0;
tss->iEip = 0;
tss->iCs = 0;
tss->iEflags = 0;
sp = (TLinAddr)tss;
sp -= (TLinAddr)aInfo.iParameterBlockSize;
wordmove((TAny*)sp, aInfo.iParameterBlock, aInfo.iParameterBlockSize);
pb = (TUint32)sp;
tss->iPBlock = sp;
SThreadInitStack* tis = (SThreadInitStack*)sp;
tis->iR.iCR0 = X86::DefaultCR0 | KX86CR0_TS;
tis->iR.iReschedFlag = 1;
tis->iR.iEip = (TUint32)&__StartThread;
tis->iR.iReason = 0;
tis->iX.iEcx = 0;
tis->iX.iEdx = 0;
tis->iX.iEbx = pb; // parameter block pointer
tis->iX.iEsi = 0;
tis->iX.iEdi = 0;
tis->iX.iEbp = stack_top;
tis->iX.iEax = (TUint32)aInfo.iFunction;
tis->iX.iDs = KRing0DS;
tis->iX.iEs = KRing0DS;
tis->iX.iFs = 0;
tis->iX.iGs = KRing0DS;
tis->iX.iVector = SThreadInitStack::EVector;
tis->iX.iError = 0;
tis->iX.iEip = (TUint32)aInfo.iFunction;
tis->iX.iCs = KRing0CS;
tis->iX.iEflags = (TUint32)(EX86FlagIF|EX86FlagAC|0x1002);
tis->iX.iEsp3 = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
tis->iX.iSs3 = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
wordmove(&iCoprocessorState, DefaultCoprocessorState, sizeof(iCoprocessorState));
iSavedSP = (TLinAddr)tis;
// synchronize AP's timestamp with BP's
if (cpu>0)
return KErrNone;
void DumpExcInfo(TX86ExcInfo& a)
DEBUGPRINT("Exc %02x EFLAGS=%08x FAR=%08x ErrCode=%08x",a.iExcId,a.iEflags,a.iFaultAddress,a.iExcErrorCode);
DEBUGPRINT("EAX=%08x EBX=%08x ECX=%08x EDX=%08x",a.iEax,a.iEbx,a.iEcx,a.iEdx);
DEBUGPRINT("ESP=%08x EBP=%08x ESI=%08x EDI=%08x",a.iEsp,a.iEbp,a.iEsi,a.iEdi);
DEBUGPRINT(" CS=%08x EIP=%08x DS=%08x SS=%08x",a.iCs,a.iEip,a.iDs,a.iSs);
DEBUGPRINT(" ES=%08x FS=%08x GS=%08x",a.iEs,a.iFs,a.iGs);
if (a.iCs&3)
DEBUGPRINT("SS3=%08x ESP3=%08x",a.iSs3,a.iEsp3);
TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
TInt irq = NKern::DisableAllInterrupts();
TSubScheduler& ss = SubScheduler();
NThreadBase* ct = ss.iCurrentThread;
TInt inc = TInt(ss.i_IrqNestCount);
TInt cpu = ss.iCpuNum;
DEBUGPRINT("Thread %T, CPU %d, KLCount=%08x, IrqNest=%d",ct,cpu,ss.iKernLockCount,inc);
void GetContextAfterExc(TX86RegSet& aContext, SThreadExcStack* txs, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask, TBool aSystem)
TInt cpl = txs->iCs & 3;
aAvailRegistersMask = 0xffffu; // EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX,ESP,EBP,ESI,EDI,CS,DS,ES,FS,GS,SS,EFLAGS,EIP all valid
aContext.iEax = txs->iEax;
aContext.iEbx = txs->iEbx;
aContext.iEcx = txs->iEcx;
aContext.iEdx = txs->iEdx;
if (aSystem)
aContext.iEsp = TUint32(txs+1);
if (cpl==0)
aContext.iEsp -= 8; // two less words pushed if interrupt taken while CPL=0
aContext.iSs = KRing0DS;
aAvailRegistersMask &= ~0x2000u; // SS assumed not read
else if (cpl==3)
aContext.iEsp = txs->iEsp3;
aContext.iSs = txs->iSs3;
aContext.iEbp = txs->iEbp;
aContext.iEsi = txs->iEsi;
aContext.iEdi = txs->iEdi;
aContext.iCs = txs->iCs;
aContext.iDs = txs->iDs;
aContext.iEs = txs->iEs;
aContext.iFs = txs->iFs;
aContext.iGs = txs->iGs;
aContext.iEflags = txs->iEflags;
aContext.iEip = txs->iEip;
void GetContextAfterSlowExec(TX86RegSet& aContext, SThreadSlowExecStack* tsxs, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask)
TInt cpl = tsxs->iCs & 3;
if (cpl!=3)
aAvailRegistersMask = 0xffffu; // EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX,ESP,EBP,ESI,EDI,CS,DS,ES,FS,GS,SS,EFLAGS,EIP all valid
aContext.iEax = tsxs->iEax;
aContext.iEbx = tsxs->iEbx;
aContext.iEcx = tsxs->iEcx;
aContext.iEdx = tsxs->iEdx;
aContext.iEsp = tsxs->iEsp3;
aContext.iSs = tsxs->iSs3;
aContext.iEbp = tsxs->iEbp;
aContext.iEsi = tsxs->iEsi;
aContext.iEdi = tsxs->iEdi;
aContext.iCs = tsxs->iCs;
aContext.iDs = tsxs->iDs;
aContext.iEs = tsxs->iEs;
aContext.iFs = tsxs->iFs;
aContext.iGs = tsxs->iGs;
aContext.iEflags = tsxs->iEflags;
aContext.iEip = tsxs->iEip;
// Enter and return with kernel locked
void NThread::GetUserContext(TX86RegSet& aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask)
NThread* pC = NCurrentThreadL();
TSubScheduler* ss = 0;
if (pC != this)
if (iWaitState.ThreadIsDead())
aAvailRegistersMask = 0;
if (iReady && iParent->iReady)
ss = TheSubSchedulers + (iParent->iReady & EReadyCpuMask);
if (iCurrent)
// thread is actually running on another CPU
// interrupt that CPU and wait for it to enter interrupt mode
// this allows a snapshot of the thread user state to be observed
// and ensures the thread cannot return to user mode
TUint32* stack = (TUint32*)(TLinAddr(iStackBase) + TLinAddr(iStackSize));
if (stack[-1]!=0xFFFFFFFFu && stack[-2]!=0xFFFFFFFFu && stack[-7]<0x100u) // if not, thread never entered user mode
if (stack[-7] == 0x21) // slow exec
GetContextAfterSlowExec(aContext, ((SThreadSlowExecStack*)stack)-1, aAvailRegistersMask);
GetContextAfterExc(aContext, ((SThreadExcStack*)stack)-1, aAvailRegistersMask, FALSE);
if (pC != this)
if (ss)
class TGetContextIPI : public TGenericIPI
void Get(TInt aCpu, TX86RegSet& aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask);
static void Isr(TGenericIPI*);
TX86RegSet* iContext;
TUint32* iAvailRegsMask;
void TGetContextIPI::Isr(TGenericIPI* aPtr)
TGetContextIPI& ipi = *(TGetContextIPI*)aPtr;
TX86RegSet& a = *ipi.iContext;
TSubScheduler& ss = SubScheduler();
TUint32* irqstack = (TUint32*)ss.i_IrqStackTop;
SThreadExcStack* txs = (SThreadExcStack*)irqstack[-1]; // first word pushed on IRQ stack points to thread supervisor stack
GetContextAfterExc(a, txs, *ipi.iAvailRegsMask, TRUE);
void TGetContextIPI::Get(TInt aCpu, TX86RegSet& aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegsMask)
iContext = &aContext;
iAvailRegsMask = &aAvailRegsMask;
Queue(&Isr, 1u<<aCpu);
// Enter and return with kernel locked
void NThread::GetSystemContext(TX86RegSet& aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegsMask)
aAvailRegsMask = 0;
NThread* pC = NCurrentThreadL();
TSubScheduler* ss = 0;
if (iWaitState.ThreadIsDead())
if (iReady && iParent->iReady)
ss = TheSubSchedulers + (iParent->iReady & EReadyCpuMask);
if (iCurrent)
// thread is actually running on another CPU
// use an interprocessor interrupt to get a snapshot of the state
TGetContextIPI ipi;
ipi.Get(iLastCpu, aContext, aAvailRegsMask);
// thread is not running and can't start
SThreadReschedStack* trs = (SThreadReschedStack*)iSavedSP;
TUint32 kct = trs->iReason;
TLinAddr sp = TLinAddr(trs+1);
TUint32* stack = (TUint32*)sp;
switch (kct)
case 0: // thread not yet started
aContext.iEcx = stack[0];
aContext.iEdx = stack[1];
aContext.iEbx = stack[2];
aContext.iEsi = stack[3];
aContext.iEdi = stack[4];
aContext.iEbp = stack[5];
aContext.iEax = stack[6];
aContext.iDs = stack[7];
aContext.iEs = stack[8];
aContext.iFs = stack[9];
aContext.iGs = stack[10];
aContext.iEsp = sp + 40 - 8; // entry to initial function
aContext.iEip = aContext.iEax;
aContext.iEflags = 0x41202; // guess
aContext.iCs = KRing0CS;
aContext.iSs = KRing0DS;
aAvailRegsMask = 0x9effu;
case 1: // unlock
aContext.iFs = stack[0];
aContext.iGs = stack[1];
aContext.iEbx = stack[2];
aContext.iEbp = stack[3];
aContext.iEdi = stack[4];
aContext.iEsi = stack[5];
aContext.iEip = stack[6]; // return address from NKern::Unlock()
aContext.iCs = KRing0CS;
aContext.iDs = KRing0DS;
aContext.iEs = KRing0DS;
aContext.iSs = KRing0DS;
aContext.iEsp = sp + 28; // ESP after return from NKern::Unlock()
aContext.iEax = 0; // unknown
aContext.iEcx = 0; // unknown
aContext.iEdx = 0; // unknown
aContext.iEflags = 0x41202; // guess
aAvailRegsMask =0x98f2u; // EIP,GS,FS,EDI,ESI,EBP,ESP,EBX available, others guessed or unavailable
case 2: // IRQ
GetContextAfterExc(aContext, (SThreadExcStack*)sp, aAvailRegsMask, TRUE);
default: // unknown reschedule reason
if (ss)
// Enter and return with kernel locked
void NThread::SetUserContext(const TX86RegSet& aContext, TUint32& aRegMask)
NThread* pC = NCurrentThreadL();
TSubScheduler* ss = 0;
if (pC != this)
if (iWaitState.ThreadIsDead())
aRegMask = 0;
if (iReady && iParent->iReady)
ss = TheSubSchedulers + (iParent->iReady & EReadyCpuMask);
if (iCurrent)
// thread is actually running on another CPU
// interrupt that CPU and wait for it to enter interrupt mode
// this allows a snapshot of the thread user state to be observed
// and ensures the thread cannot return to user mode
TUint32* stack = (TUint32*)(TLinAddr(iStackBase) + TLinAddr(iStackSize));
SThreadExcStack* txs = 0;
SThreadSlowExecStack* tsxs = 0;
aRegMask &= 0xffffu;
if (stack[-1]!=0xFFFFFFFFu && stack[-2]!=0xFFFFFFFFu && stack[-7]<0x100u) // if not, thread never entered user mode
if (stack[-7] == 0x21) // slow exec
tsxs = ((SThreadSlowExecStack*)stack)-1;
txs = ((SThreadExcStack*)stack)-1;
#define WRITE_REG(reg, value) \
{ if (tsxs) tsxs->reg=(value); else txs->reg=(value); }
if (aRegMask & 0x0001u)
WRITE_REG(iEax, aContext.iEax);
if (aRegMask & 0x0002u)
WRITE_REG(iEbx, aContext.iEbx);
if (aRegMask & 0x0004u)
// don't allow write to iEcx if in slow exec since this may conflict
// with handle preprocessing
if (tsxs)
aRegMask &= ~0x0004u;
txs->iEcx = aContext.iEcx;
if (aRegMask & 0x0008u)
WRITE_REG(iEdx, aContext.iEdx);
if (aRegMask & 0x0010u)
WRITE_REG(iEsp3, aContext.iEsp);
if (aRegMask & 0x0020u)
WRITE_REG(iEbp, aContext.iEbp);
if (aRegMask & 0x0040u)
WRITE_REG(iEsi, aContext.iEsi);
if (aRegMask & 0x0080u)
WRITE_REG(iEdi, aContext.iEdi);
if (aRegMask & 0x0100u)
WRITE_REG(iCs, aContext.iCs|3);
if (aRegMask & 0x0200u)
WRITE_REG(iDs, aContext.iDs|3);
if (aRegMask & 0x0400u)
WRITE_REG(iEs, aContext.iEs|3);
if (aRegMask & 0x0800u)
WRITE_REG(iFs, aContext.iFs|3);
if (aRegMask & 0x1000u)
WRITE_REG(iGs, aContext.iGs|3);
if (aRegMask & 0x2000u)
WRITE_REG(iSs3, aContext.iSs|3);
if (aRegMask & 0x4000u)
WRITE_REG(iEflags, aContext.iEflags);
if (aRegMask & 0x8000u)
WRITE_REG(iEip, aContext.iEip);
aRegMask = 0;
if (pC != this)
if (ss)
/** Get (subset of) user context of specified thread.
The nanokernel does not systematically save all registers in the supervisor
stack on entry into privileged mode and the exact subset depends on why the
switch to privileged mode occured. So in general only a subset of the
register set is available.
@param aThread Thread to inspect. It can be the current thread or a
non-current one.
@param aContext Pointer to TX86RegSet structure where the context is
@param aAvailRegistersMask Bit mask telling which subset of the context is
available and has been copied to aContext (1: register available / 0: not
available). Bits represent fields in TX86RegSet, i.e.
8:CS 9:DS 10:ES 11:FS 12:GS 13:SS 14:EFLAGS 15:EIP
@see TX86RegSet
@see ThreadSetUserContext
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Interrupts must be enabled.
EXPORT_C void NKern::ThreadGetUserContext(NThread* aThread, TAny* aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask)
TX86RegSet& a = *(TX86RegSet*)aContext;
memclr(aContext, sizeof(TX86RegSet));
aThread->GetUserContext(a, aAvailRegistersMask);
/** Get (subset of) system context of specified thread.
@param aThread Thread to inspect. It can be the current thread or a
non-current one.
@param aContext Pointer to TX86RegSet structure where the context is
@param aAvailRegistersMask Bit mask telling which subset of the context is
available and has been copied to aContext (1: register available / 0: not
available). Bits represent fields in TX86RegSet, i.e.
8:CS 9:DS 10:ES 11:FS 12:GS 13:SS 14:EFLAGS 15:EIP
@see TX86RegSet
@see ThreadGetUserContext
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Interrupts must be enabled.
EXPORT_C void NKern::ThreadGetSystemContext(NThread* aThread, TAny* aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask)
TX86RegSet& a = *(TX86RegSet*)aContext;
memclr(aContext, sizeof(TX86RegSet));
aThread->GetSystemContext(a, aAvailRegistersMask);
/** Set (subset of) user context of specified thread.
@param aThread Thread to modify. It can be the current thread or a
non-current one.
@param aContext Pointer to TX86RegSet structure containing the context
to set. The values of registers which aren't part of the context saved
on the supervisor stack are ignored.
@see TX86RegSet
@see ThreadGetUserContext
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Interrupts must be enabled.
EXPORT_C void NKern::ThreadSetUserContext(NThread* aThread, TAny* aContext)
TX86RegSet& a = *(TX86RegSet*)aContext;
TUint32 mask = 0xffffu;
aThread->SetUserContext(a, mask);
/** Return the total CPU time so far used by the specified thread.
@return The total CPU time in units of 1/NKern::CpuTimeMeasFreq().
EXPORT_C TUint64 NKern::ThreadCpuTime(NThread* aThread)
TSubScheduler* ss = 0;
if (aThread->i_NThread_Initial)
ss = &TheSubSchedulers[aThread->iLastCpu];
else if (aThread->iReady && aThread->iParent->iReady)
ss = &TheSubSchedulers[aThread->iParent->iReady & NSchedulable::EReadyCpuMask];
if (ss)
TUint64 t = aThread->iTotalCpuTime64;
if (aThread->iCurrent || (aThread->i_NThread_Initial && !ss->iCurrentThread))
t += (NKern::Timestamp() - ss->iLastTimestamp64);
if (ss)
return t;
extern "C" void __fastcall add_dfc(TDfc* aDfc)
TInt NKern::QueueUserModeCallback(NThreadBase* aThread, TUserModeCallback* aCallback)
if (aCallback->iNext != KUserModeCallbackUnqueued)
return KErrInUse;
TInt result = KErrDied;
TUserModeCallback* listHead = aThread->iUserModeCallbacks;
do {
if (TLinAddr(listHead) & 3)
goto done; // thread exiting
aCallback->iNext = listHead;
} while (!__e32_atomic_cas_ord_ptr(&aThread->iUserModeCallbacks, &listHead, aCallback));
result = KErrNone;
if (!listHead) // if this isn't first callback someone else will have done this bit
* If aThread is currently running on another CPU we need to send an IPI so
* that it will enter kernel mode and run the callback.
* The synchronization is tricky here. We want to check if the thread is
* running and if so on which core. We need to avoid any possibility of
* the thread entering user mode without having seen the callback,
* either because we thought it wasn't running so didn't send an IPI or
* because the thread migrated after we looked and we sent the IPI to
* the wrong processor. Sending a redundant IPI is not a problem (e.g.
* because the thread is running in kernel mode - which we can't tell -
* or because the thread stopped running after we looked)
* The following events are significant:
* Event A: Target thread writes to iCurrent when it starts running
* Event B: Target thread reads iUserModeCallbacks before entering user
* mode
* Event C: This thread writes to iUserModeCallbacks
* Event D: This thread reads iCurrent to check if aThread is running
* There is a barrier between A and B since A occurs with the ready
* list lock for the CPU involved or the thread lock for aThread held
* and this lock is released before B occurs.
* There is a barrier between C and D (__e32_atomic_cas_ord_ptr).
* Any observer which observes B must also have observed A.
* Any observer which observes D must also have observed C.
* If aThread observes B before C (i.e. enters user mode without running
* the callback) it must observe A before C and so it must also observe
* A before D (i.e. D reads the correct value for iCurrent).
TInt current = aThread->iCurrent;
if (current)
TInt cpu = current & NSchedulable::EReadyCpuMask;
if (cpu != NKern::CurrentCpu())
return result;