Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\nkernsmp\x86\vectors.cia
#include <x86.h>
#include <apic.h>
#include "vectors.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
void __X86VectorIrq();
void __X86VectorExc();
void __X86ExcFault(TAny*);
#ifdef __GCC32__
#define DECLARE_X86_INT(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { asm("push 0"); asm("push 0x"#n); asm("jmp %a0" : : "i" (&__X86VectorIrq)); }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_NOERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { asm("push 0"); asm("push 0x"#n); asm("jmp %a0" : : "i" (&__X86VectorExc)); }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_ERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { asm("push 0x"#n); asm("jmp %a0" : : "i" (&__X86VectorExc)); }
#define DECLARE_X86_INT(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { _asm push 0 _asm push 0x##n _asm jmp __X86VectorIrq }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_NOERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { _asm push 0 _asm push 0x##n _asm jmp __X86VectorExc }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_ERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { _asm push 0x##n _asm jmp __X86VectorExc }
const TLinAddr NKern_WaitForAnyRequest = (TLinAddr)&NKern::WaitForAnyRequest;
const TLinAddr NKern_Lock = (TLinAddr)&NKern::Lock;
const TLinAddr NKern_LockSystem = (TLinAddr)&NKern::LockSystem;
const TLinAddr NKern_UnlockSystem = (TLinAddr)&NKern::UnlockSystem;
const TLinAddr NKern_Unlock = (TLinAddr)&NKern::Unlock;
const TLinAddr NKern_ThreadLeaveCS = (TLinAddr)&NKern::ThreadLeaveCS;
const TLinAddr TScheduler_Reschedule = (TLinAddr)&TScheduler::Reschedule;
const TLinAddr addressof_TheScheduler = (TLinAddr)&TheScheduler;
const TLinAddr addressof_CrashState = (TLinAddr)&::CrashState;
extern "C" void send_resched_ipis(TUint32 aMask);
extern "C" void run_user_mode_callbacks();
* Check that the kernel is unlocked, no fast mutex is held and the thread
* is not in a critical section when returning to user mode.
extern "C" __NAKED__ void check_lock_state()
asm("pushfd ");
asm("cli "); // so we don't migrate between reading APIC ID and thread pointer
asm("mov edx, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr edx, 24 ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("mov esi, [edx*4+%0]" : : "i"(&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("jnz short bad_lock_state1 ");
asm("mov ecx, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCurrentThread));
asm("cmp dword ptr [ecx+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iHeldFastMutex));
asm("jne short bad_lock_state2 ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [ecx+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iCsCount));
asm("jne short bad_lock_state3 ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("popfd ");
asm("ret ");
asm("bad_lock_state1: ");
asm("int 0xff ");
asm("bad_lock_state2: ");
asm("int 0xff ");
asm("bad_lock_state3: ");
asm("int 0xff ");
* Int 20h Handler - Fast Executive Calls
* Enter with:
* Call number in EAX
* Parameter in ECX if any
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = return EIP
* [ESP+4] = return CS
* [ESP+8] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+12] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+16] = return SS if privilege change occurred
GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector20()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push 0 "); // error code
asm("push 0x20 "); // vector number
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov cx, ds ");
asm("mov dx, ss ");
asm("mov ds, dx ");
asm("mov gs, cx ");
asm("mov es, dx ");
asm("mov ecx, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr ecx, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [ecx*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCurrentThread));
asm("test eax, eax ");
asm("je short wait_for_any_request ");
asm("mov edx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iFastExecTable));
asm("cmp eax, [edx] ");
asm("jae short fast_exec_invalid ");
asm("call [edx][eax*4] ");
asm("fast_exec_exit: ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short fast_exec_exit2 "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
// don't need to check for user mode callbacks here since
// we couldn't have rescheduled
asm("fast_exec_exit2: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 8 ");
asm("iretd ");
asm("wait_for_any_request: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_WaitForAnyRequest));
asm("cli ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short fast_exec_exit2 "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short fast_exec_exit2 ");
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("jmp short fast_exec_exit2 ");
asm("fast_exec_invalid: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("mov esi, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iSlowExecTable)); // esi=slow exec table base
asm("call [esi-8] "); // call invalid exec handler
asm("cli ");
asm("jmp short fast_exec_exit ");
* Int 21h Handler - Slow Executive Calls
* Enter with:
* Call number in EAX
* Parameters in ECX, EDX, EBX, ESI in that order
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* Must preserve EBX, EBP, ESI, EDI
* [ESP+0] = return EIP
* [ESP+4] = return CS
* [ESP+8] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+12] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+16] = return SS if privilege change occurred
GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector21()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push 0 "); // error code
asm("push 0x21 "); // vector number
asm("sub esp, 32 "); // reserve space for additional arguments
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov cx, ds ");
asm("mov dx, ss ");
asm("mov ds, dx ");
asm("mov gs, cx ");
asm("mov es, dx ");
asm("mov edi, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr edi, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [edi*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCurrentThread)); // edi=TheCurrentThread
asm("mov esi, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iSlowExecTable)); // esi=slow exec table base
asm("lea ebp, [esi][eax*8] "); // ebp points to exec table entry
asm("cmp eax, [esi-12] ");
asm("jae short slow_exec_invalid ");
asm("mov ebx, [ebp] "); // ebx=flags
asm("test ebx, 0x1c000000 "); // additional arguments required?
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_extra_args ");
asm("mov edx, [esp+8] "); // edx points to additional args
asm("lea eax, [esp+44] "); // address of copied additional arguments
asm("mov [esp+8], eax "); // replace supplied address
asm("mov ecx, ebx ");
asm("shr ecx, 26 ");
asm("and cl, 7 "); // ecx=number of additional arguments-1
asm("test edx, edx ");
asm("jnz short slow_exec_extra_args_present "); // if arg ptr not NULL, copy args
asm("slow_exec_zero_args: ");
asm("mov [esp+ecx*4+44], edx "); // else zero args
asm("dec ecx ");
asm("jns short slow_exec_zero_args ");
asm("jmp short slow_exec_no_extra_args ");
asm("slow_exec_extra_args_present: ");
asm("slow_exec_copy_args: ");
asm("mov eax, gs:[edx+ecx*4] "); // get argument
asm("mov [esp+ecx*4+44], eax "); // copy it
asm("dec ecx ");
asm("jns short slow_exec_copy_args ");
asm("test ebx, 0x80000000 "); // test EClaim
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_claim ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_LockSystem)); // trashes eax, ecx, edx
asm("slow_exec_no_claim: ");
asm("test ebx, 0x20000000 "); // test EPreprocess
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_preprocess ");
asm("mov eax, [esi-4] "); // preprocess handler address
asm("mov esi, edi "); // save NThread pointer in ESI, also leave it in EDI
asm("call eax "); // trashes eax, ecx, edx, edi
asm("mov edi, esi "); // NThread pointer back into EDI
asm("slow_exec_no_preprocess: ");
asm("call [ebp+4] "); // call exec function
asm("mov [esp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadSlowExecStack, iEax)); // save return value
asm("test ebx, 0x40000000 "); // test ERelease
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_release ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_UnlockSystem)); // trashes eax, ecx, edx
asm("slow_exec_no_release: ");
asm("slow_exec_exit: ");
asm("cli ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadSlowExecStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short slow_exec_exit2 "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short slow_exec_exit2 ");
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("slow_exec_exit2: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 40 ");
asm("iretd ");
asm("slow_exec_invalid: ");
asm("call [esi-8] "); // call invalid exec handler
asm("jmp short slow_exec_exit ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 __tr()
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("str ax ");
asm("ret ");
extern "C" void _irqdebug(TUint a);
extern "C" void generic_ipi_isr(TSubScheduler* aS);
extern "C" void run_event_handlers(TSubScheduler* aS);
extern "C" void IrqStartTrace(TUint32 aVector);
extern "C" void IrqEndTrace();
* IRQ Preamble/Postamble Common Code
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = vector number
* [ESP+4] = error code (=0)
* [ESP+8] = return EIP
* [ESP+12] = return CS
* [ESP+16] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+20] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+24] = return SS if privilege change occurred
__NAKED__ void __X86VectorIrq()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov ax, ss ");
asm("mov ds, ax ");
asm("mov es, ax ");
asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr eax, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [eax*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("mov edi, esp "); // edi points to saved stuff
asm("inc dword ptr [esi+36+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // increment i_IrqCount
asm("inc dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // nest count starts at -1, iExtras[13]
asm("jnz short nested_irq_entry ");
asm("mov esp, [esi+56+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // iExtras[14] = irq stack top
asm("push edi ");
asm("nested_irq_entry: ");
asm("mov edx, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuMask));
asm("lock or [%a0], edx" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iCpusNotIdle));
asm("mov ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iVector));
asm("cmp byte ptr %a0, 0" : : "i" (&BTraceData.iFilter[4/*BTrace::ECpuUsage*/]));
asm("jz short no_trace ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (IrqStartTrace));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("no_trace: ");
#ifdef _DEBUG
asm("push ebx ");
asm("call %a0 ": :"i" (&_irqdebug));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("cmp ebx, 0x30 ");
asm("jb short kernel_ipi ");
asm("mov ecx, ebx ");
asm("call [%a0]" : : "i" (&X86_IrqHandler));
asm("jmp short postamble ");
asm("kernel_ipi: ");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_VECTOR));
asm("je short postamble ");
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("mov ds:[%0], eax" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_EOI));
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (TRANSFERRED_IRQ_VECTOR));
asm("je short postamble");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (RESCHED_IPI_VECTOR));
asm("je short resched_ipi ");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (TIMESLICE_VECTOR));
asm("jne short generic_ipi ");
asm("resched_ipi: ");
asm("mov byte ptr [esi+%0], 1" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iRescheduleNeededFlag));
asm("jmp short postamble ");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (GENERIC_IPI_VECTOR));
asm("jne short postamble ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&generic_ipi_isr));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
// Postamble. Interrupts disabled here.
asm("postamble: ");
asm("cli ");
asm("dec dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("jns short nested_irq_exit ");
// Check for deferred/transferred IRQs
asm("cmp byte ptr [esi+%0], 0 " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iEventHandlersPending));
asm("je short no_event_handlers ");
// increment i_IrqNestCount again since we are going to run more ISRs
asm("inc dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("push esi ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (run_event_handlers));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("dec dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("no_event_handlers: ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("mov esp, eax ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("jne short irq_kernel_locked_exit ");
// asm("cmp dword ptr [esi]TSubScheduler.iRescheduleNeededFlag, 0 VC6 ignores the "dword ptr"
asm("lea eax, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iRescheduleNeededFlag));
asm("cmp dword ptr [eax], 0 ");
asm("je short irq_kernel_locked_exit ");
asm("mov dword ptr [esi+%0], 1" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("sti ");
asm("push 2 ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (TScheduler_Reschedule)); // returns with EDI -> current thread
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("lock xchg eax, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iReschedIPIs));
asm("test eax, eax ");
asm("jz short irq_user_check ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&send_resched_ipis));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("irq_user_check: ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short irq_exit "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short irq_exit "); // no callbacks so just return
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("jmp short irq_exit ");
asm("irq_kernel_locked_exit: ");
asm("nested_irq_exit: ");
asm("cmp byte ptr %a0, 0" : : "i" (&BTraceData.iFilter[4/*BTrace::ECpuUsage*/]));
asm("jz short no_trace2 ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (IrqEndTrace));
asm("no_trace2: ");
asm("irq_exit: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 8 ");
asm("iretd ");
* General Exception Handler
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = vector number
* [ESP+4] = error code (filled with 0 for exceptions without error codes)
* [ESP+8] = return EIP
* [ESP+12] = return CS
* [ESP+16] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+20] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+24] = return SS if privilege change occurred
GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86VectorExc()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov bp, ss ");
asm("mov ds, bp ");
asm("mov es, bp ");
asm("mov eax, cr2 ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("sub esp, 8 ");
asm("mov ebp, esp "); // ebp points to exception info frame
asm("mov esi, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr esi, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [esi*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable)); // esi -> subscheduler
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCurrentThread)); // edi -> current thread
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("mov ax, ss ");
asm("mov [ebp+4], eax "); // SS
asm("lea eax, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,iEsp3)); // EAX = ESP at point of exception if ring 0
asm("test dword ptr [ebp+%0], 3 " : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,iCs)); // check if we came from kernel mode
asm("jz short ring0_exception ");
asm("add eax, 8 "); // EAX = ESP at point of exception if ring 3
asm("mov cx, %0" : : "i" (KRing0DS));
asm("mov gs, cx "); // exception in user mode -> GS = user mode DS
asm("ring0_exception: ");
asm("mov [ebp], eax ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+52+%0], -1 " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("jnz short fatal_exception_irq ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+%0], 0 " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("jnz short fatal_exception_locked ");
asm("sti ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [ebp+%0], 7 " : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo, iExcId)); // check for device not available
asm("jne short not_fpu ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_Lock));
asm("clts ");
asm("frstor [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iCoprocessorState));
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_Unlock));
asm("jmp short proceed ");
asm("not_fpu: ");
asm("mov eax, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iHandlers));
asm("push edi "); // pass current thread parameter
asm("push ebp "); // pass frame address
asm("call [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SNThreadHandlers,iExceptionHandler));
asm("add esp, 8 "); // remove parameters
asm("cli ");
asm("add esp, 12 "); // skip iEsp, iSs, iFaultAddress
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short exc_exit "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short exc_exit "); // no callbacks so just return
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("exc_exit: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 8 "); // skip vector number and error code
asm("iretd ");
asm("fatal_exception_irq: ");
asm("fatal_exception_locked: ");
asm("mov eax, %0" : : "i" (addressof_TheScheduler));
asm("lea eax, [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iMonitorExceptionHandler));
asm("mov eax, [eax] ");
asm("test eax, eax ");
asm("jnz short monitor_exception ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&__X86ExcFault)); // doesn't return
asm("monitor_exception: ");
asm("jmp eax ");
* NMI Interrupt handler
* Used to halt other CPUs when one CPU detects a fault
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = return EIP
* [ESP+4] = return CS
* [ESP+8] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+12] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+16] = return SS if privilege change occurred
extern "C" __NAKED__ void __X86Vector02()
asm("push ds ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("mov bp, ss ");
asm("mov ds, bp ");
asm("mov esi, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr esi, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [esi*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable)); // esi -> subscheduler
asm("mov ebp, [esi+44+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("cmp ebp, 16 ");
asm("jae nmihook ");
asm("mov ebp, [esi+60+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // points to SCpuData
asm("mov edi, %0" : : "i" (addressof_TheScheduler));
asm("lea ebp, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SCpuData, iRegs));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEax));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], ebx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEbx));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], ecx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEcx));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEdx));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEdi));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEsi));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEbp));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iDs));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEip));
asm("pop edx "); // return CS
asm("mov [ebp+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iCs));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEflags));
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("mov ax, es ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEs));
asm("mov ax, fs ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iFs));
asm("mov ax, gs ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iGs));
asm("lea ebx, [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // points to i_IrqNestCount
asm("mov eax, 0x80000000 ");
asm("lock xchg eax, [ebx] ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iIrqNestCount));
asm("test dl, 3 ");
asm("jnz short priv_change ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], esp" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEsp));
asm("mov ax, ss ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iSs));
asm("jmp short got_regs ");
asm("priv_change: ");
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEsp));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iSs));
asm("got_regs: ");
asm("mov dword ptr [esi+44+%0], 2" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // flag that this CPU is done
asm("nmi_halt: ");
asm("cli ");
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKCrashHandler));
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("mov eax, [esi+%0] " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCpuMask));
asm("not eax ");
asm("mov edx, %0": :"i" (addressof_CrashState));
asm("lock and [edx+2], ax ");
asm("pushfd ");
asm("push cs ");
asm("lea eax, nmi_halt2 ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("iretd "); // return to next instruction, allowing further NMIs
asm("nmi_halt2: ");
asm("hlt ");
asm("jmp short nmi_halt2 ");
asm("nmihook: ");
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
asm("call ebp ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("iret ");
extern "C" __NAKED__ void __X86Vector27()
asm("jmp %a0": : "i"(&__X86Vector02));
* Exception Handlers
* Interrupt Handlers
// IPIs
// External interrupts
// /*const*/ PFV TheExcVectors[64]=
const PFV TheExcVectors[80]=
__X86Vector00, __X86Vector01, __X86Vector02, __X86Vector03,
__X86Vector04, __X86Vector05, __X86Vector06, __X86Vector07,
__X86Vector08, __X86Vector09, __X86Vector0A, __X86Vector0B,
__X86Vector0C, __X86Vector0D, __X86Vector0E, __X86Vector0F,
__X86Vector10, __X86Vector11, __X86Vector12, __X86Vector13,
__X86Vector14, __X86Vector15, __X86Vector16, __X86Vector17,
__X86Vector18, __X86Vector19, __X86Vector1A, __X86Vector1B,
__X86Vector1C, __X86Vector1D, __X86Vector1E, __X86Vector1F,
__X86Vector20, __X86Vector21, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, __X86Vector27,
__X86Vector28, __X86Vector29, __X86Vector2A, __X86Vector2B,
__X86Vector2C, __X86Vector2D, __X86Vector2E, __X86Vector2F,
__X86Vector30, __X86Vector31, __X86Vector32, __X86Vector33,
__X86Vector34, __X86Vector35, __X86Vector36, __X86Vector37,
__X86Vector38, __X86Vector39, __X86Vector3A, __X86Vector3B,
__X86Vector3C, __X86Vector3D, __X86Vector3E, __X86Vector3F,
__X86Vector40, __X86Vector41, __X86Vector42, __X86Vector43,
__X86Vector44, __X86Vector45, __X86Vector46, __X86Vector47,
__X86Vector48, __X86Vector49, __X86Vector4A, __X86Vector4B,
__X86Vector4C, __X86Vector4D, __X86Vector4E, __X86Vector4F
// Call from ISR
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TLinAddr X86::IrqReturnAddress()
asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr eax, 24 ");
asm("mov eax, [eax*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable)); // esi -> subscheduler
asm("mov eax, [eax+56+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // eax = i_IrqStackTop
asm("mov eax, [eax-4] "); // saved supervisor stack pointer
asm("mov eax, [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iEip)); // saved return address from original interrupt
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 get_cr0()
asm("mov eax, cr0 ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 get_cr3()
asm("mov eax, cr3 ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 get_esp()
asm("mov eax, esp ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ void __ltr(TInt /*aSelector*/)
asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
asm("ltr ax ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ void __lidt(SX86Des* /*aTable*/, TInt /*aLimit*/)
asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
asm("mov ecx, [esp+8] ");
asm("shl ecx, 3 ");
asm("sub ecx, 1 ");
asm("sub esp, 8 ");
asm("mov word ptr [esp], cx ");
asm("mov dword ptr [esp+2], eax ");
asm("lidt [esp] ");
asm("add esp, 8 ");
asm("ret ");
const TLinAddr addressof_TheSubSchedulers = (TLinAddr)&(TheSubSchedulers[0]);
const TInt sss = sizeof(TSubScheduler);
// Called with interrupts off
extern "C" __NAKED__ void send_generic_ipis(TUint32)
asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
asm("shl eax, 24 "); // CPUs mask into bits 24-31
asm("jz short sgi0 "); // no CPUs, so nothing to do
asm("mov edx, %0 " : : "i" (GENERIC_IPI_VECTOR | 0x4800));
asm("mov ds:[%0], eax " : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRH));
asm("mov ds:[%0], edx " : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRL));
asm("sgi0: ");
asm("mov edx, %0" : : "i" (GENERIC_IPI_VECTOR | 0x4000));
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("mov esi, %0" : : "i" (addressof_TheSubSchedulers));
asm("mov ebx, %0" : : "i" (sss));
asm("shr eax, 1 ");
asm("jnc short sgi1 ");
asm("sgi2: ");
asm("mov ecx, [esi+48+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // ss.i_APICID
asm("mov ds:[%0], ecx" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRH));
asm("mov ds:[%0], edx" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRL));
asm("sgi1: ");
asm("add esi, ebx ");
asm("shr eax, 1 ");
asm("jc short sgi2 ");
asm("jnz short sgi1 ");
asm("sgi0: ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("ret ");
* Run TUserModeCallbacks when a thread is about to return to user mode
* On entry:
* Interrupts disabled, kernel unlocked, thread not in CS
* EDI points to current NThread
* We know there is at least one callback on the list
* On return:
* Interrupts disabled, kernel unlocked, thread not in CS
* No TUserModeCallbacks outstanding at the point where interrupts were
* disabled.
* EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX modified
extern "C" __NAKED__ void run_user_mode_callbacks()
#ifdef __GNUC__
asm(".global run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("run_user_mode_callbacks: ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsCount));
asm("jz short rumc0 ");
asm("int 0xff ");
asm("rumc0: ");
asm("sti ");
// EnterCS() - not in CS to start with
asm("mov dword ptr [edi+%0], 1" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsCount));
asm("rumc1: ");
asm("xor ebx, ebx ");
asm("lock xchg ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("rumc2: ");
asm("mov ecx, [ebx+4] "); // ecx = callback->iFunc
asm("mov eax, ebx "); // eax = pointer to callback
asm("mov ebx, 1 ");
asm("lock xchg ebx, [eax] "); // ebx = callback->iNext, callback->iNext=KUserModeCallbackUnqueued, memory barrier
asm("push %0" : : "i" (EUserModeCallbackRun));
asm("push eax ");
asm("call ecx "); /* (*callback->iFunc)(callback, EUserModeCallbackRun); */
asm("add esp, 8 "); // remove parameters
asm("cmp ebx, 0 "); // any more callbacks to do?
asm("jnz short rumc2 "); // loop if there are
asm("rumc3: ");
asm("cli "); // turn off interrupts
asm("lock add [esp], ebx ");
asm("cmp ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsFunction));
asm("jnz short rumc5 "); /* jump to slow path if anything to do in ThreadLeaveCS() */
asm("cmp ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks)); // any more callbacks queued?
asm("jnz short rumc4 "); // loop if there are
// no more callbacks, no CsFunction so just ThreadLeaveCS() and return
asm("mov [edi+%0], ebx" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsCount));
asm("ret ");
// more callbacks have been queued so loop round and do them
asm("rumc4: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("jmp short rumc1 ");
// CsFunction outstanding so do it
asm("rumc5: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_ThreadLeaveCS));
asm("cli ");
asm("lock add [esp], ebx ");
asm("cmp ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks)); // any more callbacks queued?
asm("jnz short rumc0 "); // loop if there are
asm("ret ");