Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# - Build a rom
# Pre-processes the .oby/iby files then invokes rombuild.exe
# (or other specified builder)
# First, read our config file
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
my %opts=();
my $param_count = scalar(@ARGV);
my $result = GetOptions (\%opts, "assp=s",
my (@assps, @builds, %variants, @templates, %flags, %insts, %zip, %builder);
my $main;
my $kmain;
my $toroot;
my $e32path;
my $rombuildpath;
my $euserdir;
my $elocldir;
my $kbdir;
my $romname;
my $single;
my $smain;
my $pagedCode;
my $debug = $opts{_debug};
my $quiet;
$quiet = $opts{quiet} unless $debug;
my $drive;
# discover where this script is running from to set the $toroot and $e32path variables
my $toolpath;
my $Epoc32Path;
my $EpocRoot;
my $drive;
my $BasePath;
$EpocRoot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable.\n" if (!defined($EpocRoot));
$EpocRoot =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must be an absolute path, " .
"not containing a drive letter.\n" if ($EpocRoot !~ /^\\/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path.\n" if ($EpocRoot =~ /^\\\\/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash.\n" if ($EpocRoot !~ /\\$/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory.\n" if (!-d $EpocRoot);
# The cpp needed a drive apparently
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
$cwd =~ /^(.)/;
$drive = "$1:";
my $fp0 = $0;
$cwd =~ s/\//\\/g;
$fp0 =~ s/\//\\/g;
unless ($fp0 =~ /^([A-Za-z]:)?\\/) {
if ($cwd =~ /\\$/) {
$fp0 = "$cwd$fp0";
} else {
$fp0 = "$cwd\\$fp0";
my @path = split(/\\/, $cwd);
$toroot = ('..\\') x @path;
$e32path = $fp0;
$e32path =~ s/\\kernelhwsrv\\kernel\\eka\\rombuild\\rom\.pl$//i;
$e32path =~ s/^[A-Za-z]://;
$rombuildpath = $toroot."os\\kernelhwsrv\\kernel\\eka\\rombuild";
$Epoc32Path = $toroot;
$Epoc32Path =~ s/\\$//;
$Epoc32Path .= $EpocRoot . "epoc32";
$toolpath = "$Epoc32Path\\tools\\";
push @INC, $toolpath;
$BasePath = $toroot;
$BasePath =~ s/\\$/$e32path\\/;
use E32Plat;
if ($debug) {
print "EpocRoot = $EpocRoot\n";
print "Epoc32Path = $Epoc32Path\n";
print "drive = $drive\n";
print "toolpath = $toolpath\n";
print "toroot = $toroot\n";
print "e32path = $e32path\n";
print "rombuildpath = $rombuildpath\n";
print "BasePath = $BasePath\n";
my $cppflags="-P -undef -traditional -lang-c++ -nostdinc -iwithprefixbefore $rombuildpath -I $rombuildpath -I $Epoc32Path ";
# Include variant hrh file defines when processing oby and ibys with cpp
# (Code copied from \\EPOC\master\cedar\generic\tools\romkit\tools\ -
# it used relative path to the working dir but we are using absolute path seems neater)
use E32Variant;
use Pathutl;
my $variantMacroHRHFile = Variant_GetMacroHRHFile();
# Using absolute paths so must include drive letter otherwise cpp will fail
# Also adding the directory containing the HRH file to main includes paths in
# case it includes files
my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$variantMacroHRHFile);
$cppflags .= " -I $drive$variantFilePath -include $drive$variantMacroHRHFile";
if($param_count == 0 || $opts{'help'} || !$result) {
exit 0;
# Now check that the options we have make sense
if (!$quiet) {
print "Starting directory: ", Cwd::cwd(), "\n";
print <<EOF;
\tTYPE: $opts{'type'}
\tVARIANT: $opts{'variant'}
\tINSTRUCTION SET: $opts{'inst'}
\tBUILD: $opts{'build'}
\tMODULES: $opts{'modules'}
#Pick out the type file
my $skel;
if (-e "$opts{'type'}.oby") {
} elsif (-e "$rombuildpath\\$opts{'type'}.oby") {
} else {
die "Can't find type file for type $opts{'type'}, $!";
print "Using type file $skel\n" if !$quiet;
# If clean is specified, zap all the image and .oby files
if($opts{'clean'}) {
unlink glob("*.img");
unlink "rom.oby";
unlink "rombuild.log";
unlink glob("*.rofs");
unlink "rofsbuild.log";
# Now pre-pre-process this file to point to the right places for .ibys
# Unfortunately cpp won't do macro replacement in #include strings, so
# we have to do it by hand
my $k = $opts{kerneltrace};
if ($opts{assp}=~/^m(\S+)/i) {
$kbdir="kbarm" if (lc $1 eq 'eig');
} else {
$single=1 if ($opts{assp}=~/^s(\S+)/i);
if ($single) {
# Hackery to cope with old compiler
if ($main eq 'MARM') {
} else {
} else {
open(X, "$skel") || die "Can't open type file $skel, $!";
open(OUT, "> rom1.tmp") || die "Can't open output file, $!";
# First output the ROM name
print OUT "\nromname=$romname\n";
while(<X>) {
print OUT;
close X;
close OUT;
# Use cpp to pull in include chains and replace defines
my $defines = "";
$defines .= "-D MAIN=$main ";
$defines .= "-D KMAIN=$kmain ";
$defines .= "-D EUSERDIR=$euserdir ";
$defines .= "-D ELOCLDIR=$elocldir ";
$defines .= "-D E32PATH=$e32path ";
$defines .= "-D BASEPATH=$BasePath ";
$defines .= "-D EPOCROOT=$EpocRoot ";
$defines .= "-D SMAIN=$smain " if $smain;
foreach (@{$opts{'define'}}) {
my @array=split(/,/,$_);
foreach (@array) {
$defines.="-D ".uc $_." ";
$pagedCode = 1 if $_ eq 'PAGED_CODE';
if ($opts{'modules'}) {
my @array=split(/,/,$opts{'modules'});
foreach (@array) {
$defines.="-D ".uc $_." ";
foreach (keys %opts) {
next if ($_ eq 'name');
next if ($_ eq 'modules');
next if ($_ eq 'zip');
next if ($_ eq 'symbol');
next if ($_ eq 'kerneltrace');
next if ($_ eq 'define');
$defines.="-D ".uc $_."=".$opts{$_}." ";
$defines.="-D ".uc $_."_".$opts{$_}." ";
$defines.="-D SINGLE " if ($single);
sub IsRVCTBuild($) {
my ($build)=@_;
return 1 if ($build =~ /^ARMV/i);
my @customizations = Plat_Customizations('ARMV5');
return 1 if (grep /$build/, @customizations);
return 0;
$defines.="-D RVCT " if (IsRVCTBuild($main));
print "Using defines $defines\n" if !$quiet;
my $ret=1;
my $cppcmd;
if($opts{'build'}=~/^u/i) {
# Unicode build
$cppcmd = "cpp $cppflags -D UNICODE $defines rom1.tmp rom2.tmp";
} else {
$cppcmd = "cpp $cppflags $defines rom1.tmp rom2.tmp";
print "Executing CPP:\n\t$cppcmd\n" if $debug;
$ret = system($cppcmd);
die "ERROR EXECUTING CPP\n" if $ret;
# Zap any ## marks REMS or blank lines
cleanup("rom2.tmp", "rom3.tmp", $k);
# scan tmp file and generate auxiliary files, if required
open TMP, "rom3.tmp" or die("Can't open rom3.tmp\n");
my $line;
while ($line=<TMP>)
if ($line=~/\s*gentestpaged/i) {
genfile("paged"); }
if ($line=~/\s*gentestnonpaged/i) {
genfile("nonpaged"); }
parsePatchData("rom3.tmp", "rom4.tmp");
# break down the oby file into rom, rofs, extensions and smr oby files
my $oby_index =0;
my $dumpfile="rom.oby";
my $rofs=0;
my $smr=0;
my $extension=0;
my $corerofsname="";
my $smrname="";
open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or die("Can't create $dumpfile\n");
my $line;
open TMP, "rom4.tmp" or die("Can't open rom4.tmp\n");
while ($line=<TMP>)
if ($line=~/^\s*rofsname/i)
close DUMPFILE; # close rom.oby or previous rofs#/extension#.oby
$corerofsname =~ s/rofsname\s*=\s*//i; # save core rofs name
$corerofsname =~ s/\s*$//g; # remove trailing \n
unlink $corerofsname || print "unable to delete $corerofsname";
my $dumpfile="rofs".$rofs.".oby";
open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or (close TMP and die("Can't create $dumpfile\n"));
if ($line=~/^\s*imagename/i)
close DUMPFILE; # close rom.oby or previous rofs#/extension#.oby
$smrname =~ s/imagename\s*=\s*//i; # save smr name
$smrname =~ s/\s*$//g; # remove trailing \n
unlink $smrname || print "unable to delete $smrname";
my $dumpfile="smr".$smr.".oby";
open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or (close TMP and die("Can't create $dumpfile\n"));
if ($line=~/^\s*coreimage/i)
close DUMPFILE; # close rofs.oby
if ($oby_index ne 1) {
close TMP;
die "Must specify ROFS image before ROFS extension\n";
my $name=$line;
$name =~ s/coreimage\s*=\s*//i; # read core rofs name
$name =~ s/\s*$//g; # remove trailing \n
if ($name ne $corerofsname) {
close TMP;
die "This extension does not relate to previous ROFS\n";
$oby_index=33; # open window
my $dumpfile="extension".$extension.".oby";
open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or (close TMP and die("Can't create $dumpfile\n"));
if ($line=~/^\s*extensionrofs/i)
$oby_index=3 if ($oby_index eq 2);
if (($oby_index eq 2) && !($line=~/^\s*$/)) {
close TMP;
die "Bad ROFS extension specification\n";
print DUMPFILE $line;
$oby_index=2 if ($oby_index eq 33); # close window
close TMP;
# For paged roms that use rofs, move all data= lines in rom which are not 'paging_unmovable' to rofs, so that paged ram-loaded code
# is automatically put into rofs
rename('rom.oby', 'rom4.tmp') || die;
open(IN, 'rom4.tmp') || die "Can't read rom4.tmp";
open(ROM, '>rom.oby') || die "Can't write to rom.oby";
if ($oby_index >= 1 && $pagedCode) {
open(ROFS, '>>rofs0.oby') || die "Can't append to rofs0.oby";
while ($line=<IN>)
if(($oby_index >= 1) && ($pagedCode) && ($line=~/^\s*data\s*=/) && !($line=~/\.*paging_unmovable\s*/)) {
print ROFS $line;
else {
print ROM $line;
close IN;
close ROM;
if ($oby_index >= 1 && $pagedCode) {
close ROFS;
unlink 'rom4.tmp';
my $flags;
foreach (@{$flags{$opts{'assp'}}}) {
$flags.=" -$_";
if($opts{'noheader'}) {
$flags.=" -no-header";
if($opts{'compress'}) {
$flags.=" -compress";
my $builder = $opts{'rombuilder'};
$builder = "rombuild" unless ($builder);
print "$builder $flags -type-safe-link -S rom.oby 2>&1\n\n";
open(Y, "$builder $flags -type-safe-link -S rom.oby 2>&1 |") ||
die "Can't start $builder command, $!";
my $nerrors=0;
my $nwarnings=0;
while(<Y>) {
my $error=(/^error:/i);
my $warning=(/^warning:/i);
print if ($error or $warning or !$quiet);
$nerrors++ if ($error);
$nwarnings++ if ($warning);
print "\nGenerated .oby file is rom.oby\n" if !$quiet;
print "\nGenerated image file is $romname\n" if (!$nerrors);
my $rofsbuilder;
if ($rofs) {
$rofsbuilder = $opts{'rofsbuilder'};
$rofsbuilder = "rofsbuild" unless ($rofsbuilder);
for(my $i=0;$i<$rofs;++$i) {
print "Executing $rofsbuilder on main rofs\n" if !$quiet;
my $image="rofs".$i.".oby";
system("$rofsbuilder $image");
if ($? != 0)
print "$rofsbuilder $image returned $?\n";
rename "rofsbuild.log", "rofs$i.log"
if ($rofs and $extension) {
for(my $i=0;$i<$extension;++$i) {
print "Executing $rofsbuilder on extension rofs\n" if !$quiet;
my $image="extension".$i.".oby";
system("$rofsbuilder $image");
if ($? != 0)
print "$rofsbuilder $image returned $?\n";
rename "rofsbuild.log", "extension$i.log"
if ($smr) {
$rofsbuilder = $opts{'rofsbuilder'};
$rofsbuilder = "rofsbuild" unless ($rofsbuilder);
for(my $i=0;$i<$smr;++$i) {
print "Executing $rofsbuilder on smr partition\n" if !$quiet;
my $image="smr".$i.".oby";
system("$rofsbuilder -smr=$image");
if ($? != 0)
print "$rofsbuilder -smr=$image returned $?\n";
rename "rofsbuild.log", "smr$i.log"
if ($nerrors) {
print "\n\n Errors found during $builder!!\n\nLeaving tmp files\n";
} elsif ($nwarnings) {
print "\n\n Warnings during $builder!!\n\nLeaving tmp files\n";
} elsif ($rerrors) {
print "\n\n Errors during $rofsbuilder!!\n\nLeaving tmp files\n";
} else {
unlink glob("*.tmp") if !$debug;
if ($opts{zip} or $zip{$opts{assp}}) {
my $zipname=$romname;
$zipname =~ s/\.(\w+)$/\.zip/i;
unlink $zipname;
system("zip $zipname $romname");
if ($opts{symbol}) {
my $logname=$romname;
$logname =~ s/\.(\w+)$/\.log/i;
my $obyname=$romname;
$obyname =~ s/\.(\w+)$/\.oby/i;
unlink $logname;
unlink $obyname;
system("rename rombuild.log $logname");
system("rename rom.oby $obyname");
system("maksym $logname");
if ($nerrors || $nwarnings || $rerrors) {
exit 4;
exit 0;
################################ Subroutines ##################################
sub usage {
print <<EOT;
rom <options>
Generate a rom image for the specified target, along with a rom.oby file
that can be fed to (a) rombuild to regenerate the image.
The following options are required:
--variant=<variant> e.g. --variant=assabet
--inst=<instruction set> e.g. --inst=arm4
--build=<build> e.g. --build=udeb
--type=<type of rom>
tshell for a text shell rom
e32tests for a rom with e32tests
f32tests for rom with f32tests
alltests for all the tests
The following are optional:
--name=<image name> Give image file specified name
--noheader Pass -no-header option on to rombuild
--help This help message.
--clean Remove existing generated files first
--quiet Be less verbose
--modules=<comma separated list> List of additional modules for this ROM
--define=<comma separated list> List of CPP macros to define
Options may be specified as a short abbreviation
e.g. -b udeb instead of --build udeb
sub cleanup($$$) {
my ($in, $out, $k) = @_;
my ($line, $lastblank);
open(OUTPUT_FILE, "> $out") or die "Cannot open $out for output";
open(INPUT_FILE, "< $in") or die "Cannot open for $in input";
while ($line=<INPUT_FILE>) {
# file=\epoc32\... ==> file=%EPOCROOT%\epoc32\...
$line =~ s/(=\s*)\\epoc32/\1${EpocRoot}Epoc32/i;
# Now compress blank lines down to one
if($line=~/^\s*$/) {
if($lastblank) {
# Do nothing
} else {
# This is the first blank line
print OUTPUT_FILE $line;
} else {
# Not blank
if ($k and $line=~/^\s*kerneltrace/i) {
$line = "kerneltrace $k\n";
print OUTPUT_FILE $line if !($line=~/^\s*REM\s+/i);
sub IsSmp($) {
my %SmpKernelDirs=(
'x86smp' => 1,
'x86gmp' => 1,
'arm4smp' => 1,
'armv4smp' => 1,
'armv5smp' => 1
my ($kdir) = @_;
return $SmpKernelDirs{lc $kdir};
sub checkopts {
unless($opts{variant}) { die "No Variant specified"; }
$opts{'build'}="UDEB" unless($opts{'build'});
$opts{'type'}="TSHELL" unless($opts{'type'});
$opts{'inst'}="ARM4" unless($opts{'inst'});
my $additional;
if ($opts{'modules'}) {
$additional=~ s/,/_/ig;
my $build=lc $opts{build};
my $inst=uc $opts{'inst'};
if ($inst eq "MARM") {
# Hackery to cope with old compiler
else {
if ($main eq "THUMB") {
} else {
if ($main eq "ARMI" or $main eq "THUMB") {
} else {
$kmain = $opts{'xabi'};
$kmain = $main unless ($kmain);
if (IsSmp($kmain)) {
$euserdir = $kmain;
if ($opts{name}) {
} else {
if ($build=~/^\w*DEB$/i) {
sub lookupFileInfo($$)
my ($infile, $fullname) = @_;
my ($name, $ext) = $fullname =~ /^(.+)\.(\w+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : ($fullname, undef);
open TMP, $infile or die("Can't open $infile\n");
$_ = lc;
my ($src, $dest) = ($2, $3);
my $destFullname = $dest =~ /^.*\\(.+)$/ ? $1 : $dest;
my ($destName, $destExt) = $destFullname =~ /^(.+?)\.(\w+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : ($destFullname, undef);
if ($destName eq $name && (!$ext || $ext eq $destExt))
close TMP;
return ($src, $dest);
die "patchdata: Can't find file $fullname\n";
sub lookupSymbolInfo($$)
my ($file, $name) = @_;
open TMP, $file or die "Can't read $file\n";
# ignore local symbols.
while (<TMP> !~ /Global Symbols/) { }
while (<TMP>)
if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+data\s+(\S+)/i)
my ($symbol, $addr, $size) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ($symbol eq $name)
close TMP;
return ($addr, $size);
# This is a quick fix for RVCT 3.1, which uses the text "(EXPORTED)"
# in the map file. Here is an example:
# KHeapMinCellSize (EXPORTED) 0x0003d81c Data 4 mem.o(.constdata)
elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s+\(exported\)\s+(\S+)\s+data\s+(\S+)/i)
my ($symbol, $addr, $size) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ($symbol eq $name)
close TMP;
return ($addr, $size);
die "patchdata: Can't find symbol $name\n";
sub parsePatchData($$)
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
open IN, $infile or die("Can't read $infile\n");
open OUT, ">$outfile" or die("Can't write $outfile\n");
my $line;
while($line = <IN>)
if ($line =~ /^\s*patchdata\s+(.+?)\s*$/i)
if ($1 !~ /(\S+)\s*@\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/)
die "Bad patchdata command: $line\n";
my ($file, $symbol, $value) = (lc $1, $2, $3);
my ($srcFile, $destFile) = lookupFileInfo($infile, $file);
my ($index, $elementSize) = (undef, undef);
if ($symbol =~ s/:(\d+)\[(\d+)\]$//)
($index, $elementSize) = ($2, $1);
$index = hex($index) if $index =~ /^0x/i;
if ($srcFile =~ /\\armv5(smp)?\\/i)
my ($symbolAddr, $symbolSize) = lookupSymbolInfo("$", $symbol);
my $max;
if (defined($index))
my $bytes;
$bytes = 1, $max = 0xff if $elementSize == 8;
$bytes = 2, $max = 0xffff if $elementSize == 16;
$bytes = 4, $max = 0xffffffff if $elementSize == 32;
die("patchdata: invalid element size $elementSize: $line\n") unless defined($bytes);
if ($bytes > 1 && (($symbolSize & ($bytes-1)) != 0))
die("patchdata: unexpected symbol size $symbolSize for array $symbol ($elementSize-bit elements)\n");
if ($index >= int($symbolSize / $bytes))
die("patchdata: index $index out of bounds for $symbol of $symbolSize bytes ($elementSize-bit elements)\n");
$symbolAddr = hex($symbolAddr) if $symbolAddr =~ /^0x/i;
$symbolAddr += $index * $bytes;
$symbolAddr = sprintf("0x%x", $symbolAddr);
$symbolSize = $bytes;
elsif ($symbolSize == 1) { $max = 0xff; }
elsif ($symbolSize == 2) { $max = 0xffff; }
elsif ($symbolSize == 4) { $max = 0xffffffff; }
else { die "patchdata: Unexpected symbol size $symbolSize for $symbol\n"; }
$value = hex($value) if $value =~ /^0x/i;
if ($value > $max)
print("Warning: Value overflow of $symbol\n");
$value &= $max;
$value = sprintf("0x%08x", $value);
$line = "patchdata $destFile addr $symbolAddr $symbolSize $value\n";
$line = "";
print OUT $line;
close IN;
close OUT;
sub genfile {
my $count=0;
if($_[0] eq 'paged') {
my $file='gentestpaged.txt';
unlink $file;
open(OUTFILE, ">$file") or die "Can't open output file, $!";
for(my $i=0;$i<50000;++$i) {
if(($i >5) && ($i % 40 ==0)) {
print OUTFILE "\n";
if(($i+$count) % 5 ==0) {
if(($i+$count) % 5 ==1) {
if(($i+$count) % 5 ==2) {
if(($i+$count) % 5 ==3) {
if(($i+$count) % 5 ==4) {
} else {
my $file='gentestnonpaged.txt';
unlink $file;
open(OUTFILE, ">$file") or die "Can't open output file, $!";
for(my $i=0;$i<20000;++$i) {
if(($i >5) && ($i % 40 ==0)) {
print OUTFILE "\n";
if(($i+$count) % 4 ==0) {
print OUTFILE "STEP ";
if(($i+$count) % 4 ==1) {
print OUTFILE "TIME ";
if(($i+$count) % 4 ==2) {
print OUTFILE "EMIT ";
if(($i+$count) % 4 ==3) {
print OUTFILE "PETS ";
# Tell emacs that this is a perl script even 'though it has a .bat extension
# Local Variables:
# mode:perl
# tab-width:4
# End: