Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32test\ext\fat_ext.cpp
//! @SYMTestType CT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test facility used by and bad disk handling test
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestActions Provided plug-in test extension for FAT
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults N/A
//! @SYMTestPriority Low
//! @SYMAuthor Ying Shi
//! @SYMCreationDate 20/05/2005
//! @See EFat and EFat32 components
//! @file f32test\ext\fat_ext.cpp
#include <e32math.h>
#include "t_fatext.h"
//-------------------------- CFatTestProxyDrive --------------------------
CFatTestProxyDrive* CFatTestProxyDrive::NewL(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive, CMountCB* aMount)
CFatTestProxyDrive* drive = new(ELeave) CFatTestProxyDrive(aProxyDrive,aMount);
CFatTestProxyDrive::CFatTestProxyDrive(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive, CMountCB* aMount)
: CTestProxyDrive(aProxyDrive,aMount)
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aMessageHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
// __PRINT(_L("CFatTestProxyDrive::Read"));
if (CheckEvent(aPos,aLength))
return KErrCorrupt;
return CTestProxyDrive::Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aMessageHandle,aOffset,aFlags);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aMessageHandle,TInt aOffset)
return Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aMessageHandle,aOffset,0);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg)
return Read(aPos,aLength,&aTrg,KLocalMessageHandle,0,0);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aMessageHandle,TInt anOffset,TInt aFlags)
// __PRINT(_L("CFatTestProxyDrive::Write"));
if (CheckEvent(aPos,aLength))
return KErrCorrupt;
return CTestProxyDrive::Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aMessageHandle,anOffset,aFlags);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aMessageHandle,TInt anOffset)
return Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aMessageHandle,anOffset,0);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
return Write(aPos,aSrc.Length(),&aSrc,KLocalMessageHandle,0,0);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& anInfo)
TInt len;
TInt64 pos = ((TInt64)anInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted) << KDefaultSectorLog2;
// base function call in order to get anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat
// for the first time
if (anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat == 0)
TInt r = CTestProxyDrive::Format(anInfo);
len = anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat;
if (CheckEvent(pos,len))
anInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted = 0;
return KErrCorrupt;
return r;
len = anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat;
if (CheckEvent(pos,len))
return KErrCorrupt;
return CTestProxyDrive::Format(anInfo);
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength)
if (CheckEvent(aPos,aLength))
return KErrCorrupt;
return CTestProxyDrive::Format(aPos, aLength);
void CFatTestProxyDrive::DoInitL()
if (!CheckMount())
iTotalSectors = iBootSector.VolumeTotalSectorNumber();
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::DoControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2)
// read boot sector & update iFatType etc
TInt r = KErrNone;
// Make sure that the information is up to date.
if ((r=ReadBootSector()) != KErrNone)
__PRINT1(_L("ReadBootSector error: %d"), r);
return EFalse;
case ESectorsPerCluster:
r = aMessage.Write(2, TPckgBuf<TInt>(iBootSector.SectorsPerCluster()));
case EFatType:
r = aMessage.Write(2, TPckgBuf<TInt>(iBootSector.FatType()));
case EGetDataPosition:
//-- obtain 1st data sector media position. This is actually a nasty hack;
//-- we expect that the drive will be freshly formatted, thust the root dir is empty and the first file we create there
//-- will occupy the certain place.
TUint32 dataSec;
if(iBootSector.FatType() !=EFat32)
dataSec = iBootSector.FirstDataSector();
{//-- for FAT32 we assume that the root dir takes exactly 1 cluster. Another dirty trick
dataSec = iBootSector.RootDirStartSector() + 1*iBootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
__PRINT1(_L("EGetDataPosition, sec:%d"), dataSec);
r = aMessage.Write(2, TPckgBuf<TInt>(dataSec << KDefaultSectorLog2));
r = CBaseExtProxyDrive::ControlIO(aMessage,aCommand,aParam1,aParam2);
__PRINT2(_L("Get unknown command %d error %d"), aCommand, r);
return r;
TBool CFatTestProxyDrive::DoCheckEvent(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
//__PRINT2(_L("CFatTestProxyDrive::DoCheckEvent() pos:%d, len:%d"), (TUint32)aPos, aLength);
if (aPos<0 || aLength<=0 || (aPos>>KDefaultSectorLog2)>=iTotalSectors)
return EFalse;
TInt begin = (TInt)(aPos >> KDefaultSectorLog2);
TInt end = (TInt)((aPos+aLength-1) >> KDefaultSectorLog2);
end = Min(end, iTotalSectors-1);
if (iEventType == ENext)
iEventType = ENone;
iLastErrorReason = TErrorInfo::EBadSector;
iSuccessBytes = 0;
return ETrue;
if (iEventType == EDeterministic)
if (iCount <= end-begin+1)
iCount = 0;
iEventType = ENone;
iLastErrorReason = TErrorInfo::EBadSector;
iSuccessBytes = (iCount-1) << KDefaultSectorLog2;
return ETrue;
iCount -= end-begin+1;
TInt i;
for (i=begin; i<=end; i++)
if (IsMarked(i))
__PRINT(_L("CFatTestProxyDrive::DoCheckEvent() Sector Marked as bad!"));
iLastErrorReason = TErrorInfo::EBadSector;
iSuccessBytes = (i-begin) << KDefaultSectorLog2;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool CFatTestProxyDrive::CheckMount()
//-- read boot sector
if (ReadBootSector() != KErrNone)
__PRINT(_L("ReadBootSector error: %d"));
return EFalse;
//-- validate boot sector
goto BadBootSector;
if (iBootSector.FatType() == EFat32) // fat 32
if (iBootSector.RootDirEntries() != 0 ||
iBootSector.TotalSectors() != 0 ||
iBootSector.HugeSectors() == 0 ||
iBootSector.FatSectors32() == 0 ||
iBootSector.RootClusterNum() < 2)
goto BadBootSector;
else // fat16/12
if (iBootSector.RootDirEntries() == 0 ||
(iBootSector.TotalSectors() == 0 && iBootSector.HugeSectors() == 0))
goto BadBootSector;
//-- boot sector is OK
return ETrue;
//-- Invalid boot sector
__PRINT(_L("Boot sector is invalid! dump:"));
return EFalse;
TInt CFatTestProxyDrive::ReadBootSector()
const TInt KBufSz = KSizeOfFatBootSector;
TBuf8<KBufSz> bootSecBuf(KBufSz);
TInt r = CTestProxyDrive::Read(0, KBufSz, bootSecBuf);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
//-- initialise TFatBootSector object
return KErrNone;
// -------------------------- CFatTestProxyDriveFactory --------------------------
Factory class constructor
Factory class installer
TInt CFatTestProxyDriveFactory::Install()
CProxyDrive* CFatTestProxyDriveFactory::NewProxyDriveL(CProxyDrive* aProxy,CMountCB* aMount)
extern "C" {
EXPORT_C CProxyDriveFactory* CreateFileSystem()
return new CFatTestProxyDriveFactory();