Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Ltd. All rights reserved.
SRC:=dllt.h dllt.cpp dllt.cia dlltifc.h exet.cpp exetifc.h \
exetifc.cpp t_ldrtst.h t_ldrtst.cpp t_ldrtst2.cpp t_ldrtst.mmp t_sfhash.cpp t_hash.h
SOURCE_FILES:=$(addprefix $(TO_BLDINF)/,$(SRC))
DEST_FILES:=$(addprefix $(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)/,$(SRC))
define ldrtest_buildcode
# Use guard to ensure only generate and build the source once
ifeq ($(f32test_loader_dlltree_$(call sanitise,$(PROJECT_META))),)
f32test_loader_dlltree_$(call sanitise,$(PROJECT_META)):=1
$(DEST_FILES): $(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)/% : $(TO_BLDINF)/% $(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)/generated
cp -u $$(filter-out %generated,$$^) $$@
$(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)/generated: $(TO_BLDINF)/ $(TO_BLDINF)/dlltree.txt
perl $(TO_BLDINF)/ $(TO_BLDINF)/dlltree.txt $(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)
touch $$@
ALL :: $(DEST_FILES) $(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)/generated
$(SBS_HOME)/bin/sbs -b $(TO_BLDINF)/$(GDIR)/dlltree.inf -m $(EPOCBLD)/ -f $(EPOCBLD)/f32test_loader_dlltree.log -c $(SBS_CONFIGURATION)
$(eval $(ldrtest_buildcode))