author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 6 0173bcd7697c
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Tests for the blockmap API. The blockmap API enumerates the resources
// used by a file depending upon the type of media on which the file
// resides.
// 002 Test Initialise error checking
// 003 Test processing of user-side block map into extent list
// 004 Test processing of user-side block map into extent list, block size > read unit size
// 005 Test Read error checking
// 006 Test Read
// Test BlockMap API functionality.

//! @SYMTestCaseID			KBASE-T_BLOCKMAP-0337
//! @SYMTestType			UT
//! @SYMPREQ				PREQ1110
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc		Demand Paging Blockmap tests
//! @SYMTestActions			001 Unit tests the TKernBlockMap class
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass.
//! @SYMTestPriority        High
//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented

#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include "t_server.h"

RTest test( _L("T_BLOCKMAP") );

const TInt KReadBufferSize = 1024;
const TInt KMaxFragmentSize = 400;
const TInt KMaxFileSize = 10000;

TInt RamFatDrive = -1;
TInt RemovableFatDrive = -1;
TInt InternalRemovableFatDrive = -1;
TInt NandDrive = -1;
TBool Pageable = EFalse;
TBool Finished = EFalse;

enum DriveType

_LIT( KTestFile, "Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
_LIT( KTestFileFAT, "Z:\\Multiple\\T_file.cpp");
_LIT( KTestFileName, "T_FILE.CPP");
_LIT( KFragmentedFileName1, "FRAG1.TXT");
_LIT( KFragmentedFileName2, "FRAG2.TXT");
_LIT( KDriveBase, " :\\" );

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
	name[0] = TText('A' + NandDrive);
	name.Append( KTestFileName );

	TInt r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	r = fMan->Delete(name);

	r = fMan->Copy(KTestFile, name);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TInt localDriveNum = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	r = testFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt counter = 0;
	TInt startPos = aStartPos;
	TInt bmErr;

	// Store SBlockMapInfo objects in map:RArray until KErrCompletion is returned.
		bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, ETestDebug);
		if (bmErr != 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion)
			r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
			test( r == KErrNone );
			r = fMan->Delete(name);
			test( r == KErrNone );
			delete fMan;
			return bmErr;
		if (counter++ == 0)
			localDriveNum = info.iLocalDriveNumber;
		} while ( bmErr == 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion );
	test( bmErr == KErrCompletion );
	TInt granularity;

	TInt size;
	r = testFile.Size(size);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf1;
	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf2;
	TBool changed;	
	TBusLocalDrive localDrive;


	TBlockMapEntry* myBlockMapEntry;
	TInt myCounter = 0;
	TInt totalSegments = 0;
	TInt remainder = 0;
	TInt miniLength = 0;
	TInt amountRead = 0;

	TInt c;
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		totalSegments += granularity;

	const TInt KTotalSegments = totalSegments;
	r = localDrive.Connect( localDriveNum, changed );
	test( r == KErrNone );

//	For each SBlockMapInfo object in RArray map
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		TInt length;
		if ( aEndPos == -1 )
			length = size - startPos;
			aEndPos = size;
			length = aEndPos - startPos;
		for ( TInt c2 = 1; c2 <= granularity; c2++)
			myCounter = 0;
			if ( c2 == KTotalSegments && aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity != 0 )
				remainder = map[c].iBlockGranularity - aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity;
				remainder = 0;
			miniLength = map[c].iBlockGranularity*myBlockMapEntry->iNumberOfBlocks - remainder - (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0);
				if ( miniLength >= KReadBufferSize )
					testFile.Read( startPos + amountRead, buf1, KReadBufferSize );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, KReadBufferSize, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					miniLength -= KReadBufferSize;
					length -= KReadBufferSize;
					amountRead += KReadBufferSize;
					testFile.Read(startPos + amountRead, buf1, miniLength);
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, miniLength, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					amountRead += miniLength;
					length -= miniLength;
					miniLength = 0;
				} while ( miniLength != 0 && length != 0);

	r=fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	r = fMan->Delete(name);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;
	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapNandFAT(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
// Test BlockMap retrieval on NAND FAT.
	TInt localDriveNum = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	TInt r = testFile.Open( TheFs, KTestFileFAT, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt counter = 0;
	TInt startPos = aStartPos;
	TInt bmErr;

	// Store SBlockMapInfo objects in map:RArray until KErrCompletion is returned.
		bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, Pageable?EBlockMapUsagePaging:ETestDebug);
		if (bmErr != 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion)
			return bmErr;
		if (counter++ == 0)
			localDriveNum = info.iLocalDriveNumber;
		} while ( bmErr == 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion );
	test( bmErr == KErrCompletion );
	TInt granularity;

	TInt size;
	r = testFile.Size(size);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf1;
	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf2;
	TBool changed;	
	TBusLocalDrive localDrive;

	TBlockMapEntry* myBlockMapEntry;
	TInt myCounter = 0;
	TInt totalSegments = 0;
	TInt remainder = 0;
	TInt miniLength = 0;
	TInt amountRead = 0;

	TInt c;
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		totalSegments += granularity;

	const TInt KTotalSegments = totalSegments;
	r = localDrive.Connect( localDriveNum, changed );
	test( r == KErrNone );

//	For each SBlockMapInfo object in RArray map
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);

		TInt length;
		if ( aEndPos == -1 )
			length = size - startPos;
			aEndPos = size;
			length = aEndPos - startPos;

		for ( TInt c2 = 1; c2 <= granularity; c2++)
			myCounter = 0;
			if ( c2 == KTotalSegments && aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity != 0 )
				remainder = map[c].iBlockGranularity - aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity;
				remainder = 0;
			miniLength = map[c].iBlockGranularity*myBlockMapEntry->iNumberOfBlocks - remainder - (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0);
				if ( miniLength >= KReadBufferSize )
					testFile.Read( startPos + amountRead, buf1, KReadBufferSize );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, KReadBufferSize, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					miniLength -= KReadBufferSize;
					length -= KReadBufferSize;
					amountRead += KReadBufferSize;
					testFile.Read(startPos + amountRead, buf1, miniLength);
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, miniLength, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					amountRead += miniLength;
					length -= miniLength;
					miniLength = 0;
				} while ( miniLength != 0 && length != 0);
	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapNandROFS(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
// Test BlockMap retrieval on NAND ROFS.
	TInt localDriveNum = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	TInt r = testFile.Open( TheFs, KTestFile, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt counter = 0;
	TInt startPos = aStartPos;
	TInt bmErr;

	// Store SBlockMapInfo objects in map:RArray until KErrCompletion is returned.
		bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, Pageable?EBlockMapUsagePaging:ETestDebug);
		if (bmErr != 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion)
			return bmErr;
		if (counter++ == 0)
			localDriveNum = info.iLocalDriveNumber;
		} while ( bmErr == 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion );
	test( bmErr == KErrCompletion );
	TInt granularity;

	TInt size;
	r = testFile.Size(size);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf1;
	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf2;
	TBool changed;	
	TBusLocalDrive localDrive;

	TBlockMapEntry* myBlockMapEntry;
	TInt myCounter = 0;
	TInt totalSegments = 0;
	TInt miniLength = 0;
	TInt amountRead = 0;

	TInt c;
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		totalSegments += granularity;
	r = localDrive.Connect( localDriveNum, changed );
	test( r == KErrNone );

//	For each SBlockMapInfo object in RArray map
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);

		TInt length;
		if ( aEndPos == -1 )
			length = size - startPos;
			aEndPos = size;
			length = aEndPos - startPos;
		for ( TInt c2 = 1; c2 <= granularity; c2++)
			myCounter = 0;
			miniLength = length;
				if ( miniLength >= KReadBufferSize )
					testFile.Read( startPos + amountRead, buf1, KReadBufferSize );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, KReadBufferSize, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					miniLength -= KReadBufferSize;
					length -= KReadBufferSize;
					amountRead += KReadBufferSize;
					testFile.Read(startPos + amountRead, buf1, miniLength);
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, miniLength, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					amountRead += miniLength;
					length -= miniLength;
					miniLength = 0;
				} while ( miniLength != 0 && length != 0);

	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapRamFAT(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
// Test BlockMap retrieval on RAM FAT.
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
	name[0] = TText('A' + RamFatDrive);
	name.Append( KTestFileName );

	TInt r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	r = fMan->Delete(name);

	r = fMan->Copy(KTestFile, name);
	test( r == KErrNone  || r == KErrAlreadyExists);

	TInt localDriveNum = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	r = testFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt counter = 0;
	TInt startPos = aStartPos;
	TInt bmErr;

	// Store SBlockMapInfo objects in map:RArray until KErrCompletion is returned.
		bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, ETestDebug);
		if (bmErr != 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion)
			r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
			test( r == KErrNone );
			r = fMan->Delete(name);
			test( r == KErrNone );
			delete fMan;
			return bmErr;
		if (counter++ == 0)
			localDriveNum = info.iLocalDriveNumber;
		} while ( bmErr == 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion );
	test( bmErr == KErrCompletion );
	TInt granularity;

	TInt size;
	r = testFile.Size(size);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf1;
	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf2;
	TBool changed;	
	TBusLocalDrive localDrive;


	TBlockMapEntry* myBlockMapEntry;
	TInt myCounter = 0;
	TInt totalSegments = 0;
	TInt remainder = 0;
	TInt miniLength = 0;
	TInt amountRead = 0;

	TInt c;
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		totalSegments += granularity;

	const TInt KTotalSegments = totalSegments;

	r = localDrive.Connect( localDriveNum, changed );
	test( r == KErrNone );

//	For each SBlockMapInfo object in RArray map
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);

		TInt length;
		if ( aEndPos == -1 )
			length = size - startPos;
			aEndPos = size;
			length = aEndPos - startPos;
		for ( TInt c2 = 1; c2 <= granularity; c2++)
			myCounter = 0;
			if ( c2 == KTotalSegments && aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity != 0 )
				remainder = map[c].iBlockGranularity - aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity;
				remainder = 0;
			miniLength = map[c].iBlockGranularity*myBlockMapEntry->iNumberOfBlocks - remainder - (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0);
				if ( miniLength >= KReadBufferSize )
					testFile.Read( startPos + amountRead, buf1, KReadBufferSize );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, KReadBufferSize, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					miniLength -= KReadBufferSize;
					length -= KReadBufferSize;
					amountRead += KReadBufferSize;
					testFile.Read(startPos + amountRead, buf1, miniLength);
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, miniLength, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					amountRead += miniLength;
					length -= miniLength;
					miniLength = 0;
				} while ( miniLength != 0 && length != 0);

	r=fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	r = fMan->Delete(name);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;
	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapRamFAT2(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
// Test BlockMap retrieval on Ram FAT.
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
	name[0] = TText('A' + RamFatDrive);
	name.Append( KTestFileName );

	TInt r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	r = fMan->Delete(name);

	r = fMan->Copy(KTestFile, name);
	test( r == KErrNone  || r == KErrAlreadyExists);

	RFile testFile;
	r = testFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;

	TInt bmErr;
	bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, EBlockMapUsagePaging);


	r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	r = fMan->Delete(name);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;
	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapRemovableFAT(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
// Test BlockMap retrieval on Removable FAT.
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
	name[0] = TText('A' + RemovableFatDrive);
	name.Append( KTestFileName );

	TInt r=fMan->Copy(KTestFile, name);
	test( r == KErrNone  || r == KErrAlreadyExists);

	RFile testFile;
	r = testFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, Pageable?EBlockMapUsagePaging:ETestDebug);

	r=fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	r = fMan->Delete(name);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;
	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
// Test BlockMap retrieval on internal removable FAT.
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
	name[0] = TText('A' + RamFatDrive);
	name.Append( KTestFileName );

	TInt r=fMan->Copy(KTestFile, name);
	test( r == KErrNone  || r == KErrAlreadyExists);

	TInt localDriveNum = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	r = testFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt counter = 0;
	TInt startPos = aStartPos;
	TInt bmErr;

	// Store SBlockMapInfo objects in map:RArray until KErrCompletion is returned.
		bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, ETestDebug);
		if (bmErr != 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion)
			r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
			test( r == KErrNone );
			r = fMan->Delete(name);
			test( r == KErrNone );
			delete fMan;
			return bmErr;
		if (counter++ == 0)
			localDriveNum = info.iLocalDriveNumber;
		} while ( bmErr == 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion );
	test( bmErr == KErrCompletion );
	TInt granularity;

	TInt size;
	r = testFile.Size(size);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf1;
	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf2;
	TBool changed;	
	TBusLocalDrive localDrive;


	TBlockMapEntry* myBlockMapEntry;
	TInt myCounter = 0;
	TInt totalSegments = 0;
	TInt remainder = 0;
	TInt miniLength = 0;
	TInt amountRead = 0;

	TInt c;
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		totalSegments += granularity;

	const TInt KTotalSegments = totalSegments;

	r = localDrive.Connect( localDriveNum, changed );
	test( r == KErrNone );

//	For each SBlockMapInfo object in RArray map
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);

		TInt length;
		if ( aEndPos == -1 )
			length = size - startPos;
			aEndPos = size;
			length = aEndPos - startPos;
		for ( TInt c2 = 1; c2 <= granularity; c2++)
			myCounter = 0;
			if ( c2 == KTotalSegments && aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity != 0 )
				remainder = map[c].iBlockGranularity - aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity;
				remainder = 0;
			miniLength = map[c].iBlockGranularity*myBlockMapEntry->iNumberOfBlocks - remainder - (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0);
				if ( miniLength >= KReadBufferSize )
					testFile.Read( startPos + amountRead, buf1, KReadBufferSize );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, KReadBufferSize, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					miniLength -= KReadBufferSize;
					length -= KReadBufferSize;
					amountRead += KReadBufferSize;
					testFile.Read(startPos + amountRead, buf1, miniLength);
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, miniLength, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					amountRead += miniLength;
					length -= miniLength;
					miniLength = 0;
				} while ( miniLength != 0 && length != 0);

	r=fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	r = fMan->Delete(name);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;
	return bmErr;

LOCAL_C TInt TestBlockMapFragmented(DriveType aDriveType, TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos)
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
	if (aDriveType==EDriveRam)
		name[0] = TText('A' + RamFatDrive);
	else if (aDriveType==EDriveRemovable)
		name[0] = TText('A' + RemovableFatDrive);
	else if (aDriveType==EDriveNand)
		name[0] = TText('A' + NandDrive);
		name[0] = TText('A' + InternalRemovableFatDrive);
	name.Append( KFragmentedFileName1 );
	TInt localDriveNum = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	TInt r = testFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
	test( r == KErrNone );
	RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;	// From RArray<TBlockMapEntry> map; to RArray<SBlockMapInfo> map;
	SBlockMapInfo info;
	TInt counter = 0;
	TInt startPos = aStartPos;
	TInt bmErr;

	// Store SBlockMapInfo objects in map:RArray until KErrCompletion is returned.
		bmErr = testFile.BlockMap(info, aStartPos, aEndPos, ETestDebug);
		if (bmErr != 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion)
			if ( Finished )
				r = fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
				test( r == KErrNone );
				r = fMan->Delete(name);
				test( r == KErrNone );
			delete fMan;
			return bmErr;
		if (counter++ == 0)
			localDriveNum = info.iLocalDriveNumber;
		} while ( bmErr == 0 && bmErr != KErrCompletion );
	test( bmErr == KErrCompletion );
	TInt granularity;
	TInt size;
	r = testFile.Size(size);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf1;
	TBuf8<KReadBufferSize> buf2;
	TBool changed;	
	TBusLocalDrive localDrive;


	TBlockMapEntry* myBlockMapEntry;
	TInt myCounter = 0;
	TInt totalSegments = 0;
	TInt remainder = 0;
	TInt miniLength = 0;
	TInt amountRead = 0;

	TInt c;
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);
		totalSegments += granularity;

	const TInt KTotalSegments = totalSegments;
	r = localDrive.Connect( localDriveNum, changed );
	test( r == KErrNone );

//	For each SBlockMapInfo object in RArray map
	for ( c = 0; c < map.Count(); c++ )
		myBlockMapEntry = (TBlockMapEntry*) map[c].iMap.Ptr();
		granularity = map[c].iMap.Size()/sizeof(TBlockMapEntry);

		TInt length;
		if ( aEndPos == -1 )
			length = size - startPos;
			aEndPos = size;
			length = aEndPos - startPos;
		for ( TInt c2 = 1; c2 <= granularity; c2++)
			myCounter = 0;
			if ( c2 == KTotalSegments && aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity != 0 )
				remainder = map[c].iBlockGranularity - aEndPos%map[c].iBlockGranularity;
				remainder = 0;
			miniLength = map[c].iBlockGranularity*myBlockMapEntry->iNumberOfBlocks - remainder - (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0);
				if ( miniLength >= KReadBufferSize )
					testFile.Read( startPos + amountRead, buf1, KReadBufferSize );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, KReadBufferSize, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					miniLength -= KReadBufferSize;
					length -= KReadBufferSize;
					amountRead += KReadBufferSize;
					testFile.Read(startPos + amountRead, buf1, miniLength );
					localDrive.Read( map[c].iStartBlockAddress + myBlockMapEntry->iStartBlock * map[c].iBlockGranularity + (c2 == 1?map[c].iBlockStartOffset:0) + myCounter*KReadBufferSize, miniLength, buf2);
					r = buf1.Compare( buf2 );
					test( r == 0 );
					amountRead += miniLength;
					length -= miniLength;
					miniLength = 0;
				} while ( miniLength != 0 && length != 0);

	if ( Finished )
		r=fMan->Attribs(name, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
		test( r == KErrNone );
		r = fMan->Delete(name);
		test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;
	return bmErr;	

LOCAL_C void GenerateFragmentedFiles(DriveType aDriveType)
	TInt r;
	TFileName name1(KDriveBase);
	if (aDriveType==EDriveRam)
		name1[0] = TText('A' + RamFatDrive);
	else if (aDriveType==EDriveRemovable)
		name1[0] = TText('A' + RemovableFatDrive);
	else if (aDriveType==EDriveNand)
		name1[0] = TText('A' + NandDrive);
		name1[0] = TText('A' + InternalRemovableFatDrive);
	name1.Append( KFragmentedFileName1 );
	RFile file1;
	r = file1.Create(TheFs, name1, EFileWrite);
	test( r == KErrNone );

	TFileName name2(KDriveBase);
	if (aDriveType==EDriveRam)
		name2[0] = TText('A' + RamFatDrive);
	else if (aDriveType==EDriveRemovable)
		name2[0] = TText('A' + RemovableFatDrive);
	else if (aDriveType==EDriveNand)
		name2[0] = TText('A' + NandDrive);
		name2[0] = TText('A' + InternalRemovableFatDrive);
	name2.Append( KFragmentedFileName2 );
	RFile file2;
	r = file2.Create(TheFs, name2, EFileWrite);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	TInt64 randomSeed;
	TBuf8<KMaxFragmentSize> tempBuf;	
	TUint8 *buf;
	TInt fileSize = 0;
	TInt fragmentSize;
	TInt randomLength;
	TInt pos1;
	TInt pos2;
	TInt mycount = 0;
		fragmentSize = 0;
		pos1 = 0;
		pos2 = 0;
		buf = (TUint8*) tempBuf.Ptr();
		randomLength = Math::Random() % KMaxFragmentSize;
		randomSeed = Math::Random();

		while (randomLength-- && fragmentSize++ < KMaxFragmentSize && fileSize++ < KMaxFileSize)
			*buf++ = (TUint8)('A' + (Math::Rand(randomSeed) % ('Z' - 'A')));
		r = file1.Open( TheFs, name1, EFileWrite );
		test( r == KErrNone );
		r = file1.Seek( ESeekEnd, pos1 );
		test( r == KErrNone );
		r = file1.Write( pos1, tempBuf );
		test( r == KErrNone );
		r = file1.Flush();
		test( r == KErrNone );		
		if ( mycount++ < 6 )
			r = file2.Open( TheFs, name2, EFileWrite );
			test( r == KErrNone );
			r = file2.Seek( ESeekEnd, pos2 );
			test( r == KErrNone );
			r = file2.Write( pos2, tempBuf );
			test( r == KErrNone );
			r = file2.Flush();
			test( r == KErrNone );
		} while ( fileSize < KMaxFileSize );
	CFileMan* fMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
	r = fMan->Delete(name2);
	test( r == KErrNone );
	delete fMan;

LOCAL_C void FindDrive(DriveType aDriveType)
	TInt i;
	TInt c = 0;
	for( i = EDriveA; i < EDriveZ; i++ )
		TDriveInfo info;
		TInt r = TheFs.Drive(info, i);
		if ( r != KErrNone )
		test( r == KErrNone );
		if ( aDriveType == EDriveNand )	
			c++ == 0 ? test.Printf( _L("Searching for NAND drive.")) : test.Printf( _L("."));
			if ( info.iType == EMediaNANDFlash && ((info.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttWriteProtected) == 0) )
				if ( info.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttPageable )
					Pageable = ETrue;
				NandDrive = i;
				test.Printf( _L("Found NAND drive: %d\n"), NandDrive );
		else if ( aDriveType == EDriveRam )
			c++ == 0 ? test.Printf( _L("Searching for RAM FAT drive.")) : test.Printf( _L("."));
			if ( (info.iType == EMediaRam) && ( info.iDriveAtt == (KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttInternal) ) && ( info.iMediaAtt == (KMediaAttVariableSize|KMediaAttFormattable) ) )
				if ( info.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttPageable )
					Pageable = ETrue;
				RamFatDrive = i;
				test.Printf( _L("Found RAM FAT drive: %d\n"), RamFatDrive );
		else if ( aDriveType == EDriveRemovable )
			c++ == 0 ? test.Printf( _L("Searching for removable FAT drive.")) : test.Printf( _L("."));
			if ( info.iType == EMediaHardDisk && ( info.iDriveAtt == (KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttRemovable) ) )
				if ( info.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttPageable )
					Pageable = ETrue;
				RemovableFatDrive = i;
				test.Printf( _L("Found removable FAT drive: %d\n"), RemovableFatDrive );
		else if ( aDriveType == EDriveInternalRemovable )
			c++ == 0 ? test.Printf( _L("Searching for internal removable FAT drive.")) : test.Printf( _L("."));
			if ( info.iType == EMediaHardDisk && ( info.iDriveAtt == (KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttInternal) ) )
				if ( info.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttPageable )
					Pageable = ETrue;
				InternalRemovableFatDrive = i;
				test.Printf( _L("Found internal removable FAT drive: %d\n"), InternalRemovableFatDrive );
		if ( i == EDriveZ )
				case EDriveNand:
					test.Printf( _L("NAND drive not found.\n") );
				case EDriveRam:
					test.Printf( _L("RAM FAT drive not found.\n") );
				case EDriveRemovable:
					test.Printf( _L("Removable FAT drive not found.\n") );
				case EDriveInternalRemovable:
					test.Printf( _L("Internal removable FAT drive not found.\n") );
					test.Printf( _L("Drive not found.\n") );

// Entry point

GLDEF_C void CallTestsL(void)
	test.Start( _L("BlockMap Test\n") );

	TInt testFileSize = 0;
	RFile testFile;
	TInt r = testFile.Open(TheFs, KTestFile, EFileRead);
	r = testFile.Size(testFileSize);

	if ( gDriveToTest == 'C' )
		TInt value;
		r = HAL::Get( HAL::EMachineUid, value );
		test( r == KErrNone );
		if ( value != HAL::EMachineUid_Lubbock )	// Lubbock cannot run FindDrive as it doesn't support the NAND API
			test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on NAND FAT."));
			if ( NandDrive > -1 )	// not finding a NAND drive isn't an error as only NAND builds have one
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(1024, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(1020, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(1024, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(1020, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(1025, 1200);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(0, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(-5, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(-5, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(testFileSize, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(2000, 2001);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(2000, 2000);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFATUserData(2048, 2048);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				test.Printf(_L("Generating Fragmented File..."));
				test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on NAND FAT (User area) (fragmented)."));	
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 1024, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 1020, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 1024, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 1020, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 1025, 1200);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 0, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, -5, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, -5, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, testFileSize, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 2000, 2001);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 2000, 2000);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				Finished = ETrue;
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveNand, 2048, 2048);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on NAND FAT."));	
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(1024, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(1020, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(1024, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(1020, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(1025, 1200);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(0, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(-5, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(-5, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(testFileSize, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(2000, 2001);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(2000, 2000);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandFAT(2048, 2048);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on NAND ROFS."));
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(1024, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(1020, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(1024, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(1020, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(1025, 1200);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(0, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(-5, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(-5, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(testFileSize, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(2000, 2001);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(2000, 2000);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapNandROFS(2048, 2048);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on RAM FAT."));
				test( RamFatDrive > -1 );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(1024, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(1020, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(1024, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(1020, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(1025, 1200);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(0, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(-5, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(-5, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(testFileSize, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(2000, 2001);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(2000, 2000);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT(2048, 2048);
				test( r == KErrArgument ); 
				test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on Ram FAT (2)."));
				r = TestBlockMapRamFAT2(0, -1);
				test( r == KErrNotSupported );
				if ( RemovableFatDrive > -1)
					test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on removable FAT."));
					r = TestBlockMapRemovableFAT(0, -1);
					Pageable?test( r == KErrNotSupported ):test( r == KErrCompletion );
					test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on internal removable FAT."));
					test( InternalRemovableFatDrive > -1);
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(0, -1);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(1024, 4096);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(1020, 4100);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(1024, 4100);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(1020, 4096);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(1025, 1200);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(0, testFileSize+100);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(-5, -1);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(-5, testFileSize+100);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(0, 0);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(testFileSize, -1);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(0, -1);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(2000, 2001);
					test( r == KErrCompletion );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(0, 0);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(2000, 2000);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
					r = TestBlockMapInternalRemovableFAT(2048, 2048);
					test( r == KErrArgument );
				test.Next(_L("Test BlockMap retrieval on Ram FAT (fragmented)."));	
				test.Printf(_L("Generating Fragmented File..."));
				Finished = EFalse;
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 1020, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 2049, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 1024, 4100);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 1020, 4096);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 1025, 1200);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 0, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, -5, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, -5, testFileSize+100);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, testFileSize, -1);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 0, -1);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 2000, 2001);
				test( r == KErrCompletion );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 0, 0);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 2000, 2000);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				Finished = ETrue;
				r = TestBlockMapFragmented(EDriveRam, 2048, 2048);
				test( r == KErrArgument );
				test.Printf( _L("NAND drive not found, skipping test.\n") );