author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32test\server\t_mmc.cpp
// Tests locking, unlocking and clearing of a password on a suitable
// device.  Currently, this device is a MultiMediaCard.  The RFs API
// allows the user to store the password.
// This is a manual test, and the operator must observe that the notifier
// appears exactly when indicated by the program.

#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include <f32fsys.h>

// definitions from p32mmc.h

const TInt KMMCCIDLength = 16;

class TMMC
	static inline TUint32 BigEndian32(const TUint8*);
	static inline void BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal);

inline TUint32 TMMC::BigEndian32(const TUint8* aPtr)
	{return( (aPtr[0]<<24) | (aPtr[1]<<16) | (aPtr[2]<<8) | (aPtr[3]) );}

inline void TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal)
	aPtr[0] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 24) & 0xFF);
	aPtr[1] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 16) & 0xFF);
	aPtr[2] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 8) & 0xFF);
	aPtr[3] = (TUint8)(aVal & 0xFF);

// local test data

LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("t_mmc"));

LOCAL_D RFile TheFile;

#if defined(__WINS__)
_LIT(KSessionPath, "X:\\");
const TInt KDrv = EDriveX;
const TText KDrvLtr = 'x';
_LIT(KSessionPath, "D:\\");
const TInt KDrv = EDriveD;
const TText KDrvLtr = 'd';

_LIT(KTestFileName, "testFile");

enum TAccessType {EAccessUnlock, EAccessStore, EAccessCancel, EAccessWrongPw, EAccessNoNotifier};

LOCAL_D TMediaPassword KNul, KPw1, KPw2, KPw3, KPw4, KPw5;

#ifdef __WINS__
	const static TUint8 cid0[KMMCCIDLength] =	// "CID0ccccccccccc#";
		'C',	'I',	'D',	'0',
		'c',	'c',	'c',	'c',
		'c',	'c',	'c',	'c',
		'c',	'c',	'c',	'#'
	const static TUint8 cid0[KMMCCIDLength] =	// big-endian, CID0
		0x06,	0x00,	0x00,	0x31,
		0x36,	0x4d,	0x20,	0x20,
		0x20,	0x00,	0xb4,	0xff,
		0xff,	0xff,	0x63,	0xd9

// local test functions

LOCAL_C void RemountMedia();
LOCAL_C void ClearControllerStore();
LOCAL_C void DeletePasswordFile();
LOCAL_C TInt CreateFile();
LOCAL_C TInt PWFileSize(TInt &aLength);
LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk(TAccessType aAccess, const TDesC8 &aPWD);
LOCAL_C void TestHasPassword(TBool aIL, TBool aHP);

LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlockR();
LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords();
LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock();

LOCAL_C void TestPasswordStore();
LOCAL_C void TestWriteToDisk();

LOCAL_C void TestFormat();
LOCAL_C void TestRemount();

/** force a remount on the removable media. */

LOCAL_C void RemountMedia()
#ifdef __WINS__
//	UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(ERemovableMedia0);
	User::After(1 * 1500 * 1000);
//	UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(ERemovableMedia0);
//	User::After(1 * 1500 * 1000);
	test.Printf(_L("Remove and re-insert card.  Press \'z\' when finished.\n"));
	while (test.Getch() != 'z')
		{ /* empty. */ }

/** ask the user to replace the current lockable media with another */

LOCAL_C void ChangeMedia()
#ifdef __WINS__
	test.Printf(_L("Press f4 whilst holding down f5\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("Press z when completed\n"));
	while(test.Getch() != 'z')
		{ /* empty */ }
	test.Printf(_L("Remove and insert other card.  Press \'z\' when finished.\n"));
	while (test.Getch() != 'z')
		{ /* empty. */ }

/** disable auto-unlock by clearing controller store */

LOCAL_C void ClearControllerStore()
	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBusLocalDrive::WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);// empty
	test(TBusLocalDrive::PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

/** delete the password store file.  Does not affect the auto-unlock mechanism. */

LOCAL_C void DeletePasswordFile()
	TInt r;
	TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
	mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
		User::After(100 * 1000);
		r = TheFs.Delete(mediaPWrdFile);
		} while (r == KErrInUse);

	test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotFound);

/** attempt to create a file on the removable media and return any error code */

LOCAL_C TInt CreateFile()
	RFile f;
	TInt r = f.Replace(TheFs, KTestFileName, EFileShareAny);
	if (r == KErrNone)
	return r;

/** get size of the media store file in bytes, and return any error code */

LOCAL_C TInt PWFileSize(TInt &aLength)
	TInt r;										// error code

	// allow low priority background writer thread to start and finish

	User::After(1 * 1000 * 1000);

	TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
	mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
	RFile f;
	if ((r = f.Open(TheFs, mediaPWrdFile, EFileShareAny)) == KErrNone)
		r = f.Size(aLength);

	return r;

 * write message to screen and attempt to access disk.  If card is locked then async
 * notifier will be brought up from within file server.

LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk(TAccessType aAccess, const TDesC8 &aPWD)
	TBuf16<16> pwd;
	pwd.Copy((const TUint16 *)aPWD.Ptr(), aPWD.Length() / 2);

	if (aAccess == EAccessUnlock || aAccess == EAccessStore)
		test.Printf(_L("\"%S\": "), &pwd);

		case EAccessUnlock: 

		case EAccessStore:

		case EAccessCancel:

		case EAccessWrongPw:

		case EAccessNoNotifier:
			test.Printf(_L("** no notifier **\n"));


	TInt r = TheFile.Open(TheFs, KTestFileName, EFileShareAny);
	if(r == KErrNone)

	return r;

 * uses RFs::DriveInfo() to test if the card has a password.  Is checking
 * that iHasPassword in TMMCCard is maintained properly.

inline TBool bits_set(TUint aMsk, TUint aSel)
	return (aMsk & aSel) == aSel;

LOCAL_C void TestHasPassword(TBool aIL, TBool aHP)
	const TInt d = KDrv;
	RFs &fs = TheFs;

	TDriveInfo di;
	test(fs.Drive(di, d) == KErrNone);

#ifdef __WINS__
	test(aIL == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttLocked | KMediaAttLockable | KMediaAttHasPassword));
	test(aHP == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttLockable | KMediaAttHasPassword));
	test(aIL == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttLocked | KMediaAttHasPassword));
	test(aHP == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttHasPassword));

// -------- test functions --------

 * test return values of LockDrive(), UnlockDrive() and ClearPassword()
 * without trying use the disk.  This tests that the functions return the
 * same values as the TBusLocalDrive functions.
 *			EPbPswdUnlock		EPbPswdLock			EPbPswdClear
 *			right	wrong		right	wrong		right	wrong	
 * locked	None	AccDen		AccDec	AccDen		AccDen	AccDen	
 * unlocked	AldExst	AldExst		None	AccDec		None	AccDen	
 * Locked means inaccessible, not just has password.

LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlockR()

	const TInt d = KDrv;
	RFs &fs = TheFs;

	test.Next(_L("assign password"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// assign test password
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	RemountMedia();													// card is now locked
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("lock locked card"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw2, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// lock locked wrong
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw1, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// lock locked right
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("unlock locked card"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);		// unlock locked wrong
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);				// unlock locked right
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("unlock unlocked card"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists);		// unlock unlocked right
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists);		// unlock unlocked wrong
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("lock unlocked card"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw2, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// lock unlocked wrong
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw1, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// lock unlocked right
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("clear unlocked card"));
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw2) == KErrAccessDenied);			// clear unlocked wrong
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrNone);					// clear unlocked right
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);

	test.Next(_L("assign password"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// assign test password
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	RemountMedia();													// card is now locked
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("clear locked card"));
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw2) == KErrAccessDenied);			// clear locked wrong
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrAccessDenied);			// clear locked right
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);



/** test the special cases where null passwords are used. */

LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords()

	test.Next(_L("card has no password"));
	test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(TheFs.UnlockDrive(KDrv, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
	test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KNul) == KErrAccessDenied);

	test.Next(_L("card has password and is unlocked"));
	test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KPw1, ETrue) == KErrNone);
	test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(TheFs.UnlockDrive(KDrv, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
	test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KNul) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KPw1) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("unlock with null disallowed"));
	test(TheFs.UnlockDrive(KDrv, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test.Next(_L("check can still use card"));
	test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KPw1, ETrue) == KErrNone);	// check can still use
	test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KPw1) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));


/** test LockDrive(), UnlockDrive() and ClearPassword() with locked media notifier */

LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock()

	const TInt d = KDrv;
	RFs &fs = TheFs;

	test.Next(_L("create test file"));
	test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("lock card and don't store"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// unlocked KPw1
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("access with right pwd"));
	RemountMedia();													// locked KPw1
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw1) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("access with cancelled pwd"));
	RemountMedia();													// locked KPw1	
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessCancel, KNul) == KErrLocked);
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("access with new stored pwd"));
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessStore, KPw1) == KErrNone);				// unlocked KPw1
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("access with stored pwd"));
	RemountMedia();													// unlocked KPw1 (use store)
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("lock wrong pwd"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw3, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// unlocked KPw1
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("change pwd"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw1, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// unlocked KPw2 (rem from store)
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("mapping removed from store"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw2) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("wrong password"));
	RemountMedia();													// locked KPw2
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessWrongPw, KNul) == KErrLocked);
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("unlocked card"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, ETrue) == KErrNone);				// unlocked KPw2 (add to store)
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);			// before power down
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("clear wrong pwd"));
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrAccessDenied);			// KPw2 backup kept
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	RemountMedia();													// unlocked KPw2 (use store)
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("change pwd"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw2, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// locked KPw1 (rem from store)
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw1) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("cancelled pwd"));
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessCancel, KNul) == KErrLocked);
	TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(fs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KPw1) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);


 * test password store by accessing disk in various states.  Ensures password
 * store file is right size after each operation.  More detailed checking of
 * the TBusLocalDrive::ReadPasswordData() ouput is done in t_pwstr.

LOCAL_C void TestPasswordStore()

//	TInt r;										// general error code
	RFs &fs = TheFs;
	const TInt d = KDrv;

	test.Next(_L("create test file on first media"));
	test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("lock card and don't store"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw5, EFalse) == KErrNone);	// {}
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	TInt size1;
	test(PWFileSize(size1) == KErrNotFound);

	test.Next(_L("lock card and store"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw5, KPw3, ETrue) == KErrNone);	// {0 |-> 3}
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test.Next(_L("access media1 with stored password"));

	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("test password file exists"));
	test(PWFileSize(size1) == KErrNone);
	test(size1 == 16 + 4 + KPw3.Length());

	test.Next(_L("change cards and add second password to store"));

	test.Next(_L("create test file on second media"));
	test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("lock card and store"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw4, ETrue) == KErrNone);	// {0 |-> 3, 1 |-> 4}
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	TInt size2;
	test(PWFileSize(size2) == KErrNone);
	test(size2 == 16 + 4 + KPw3.Length() + 16 + 4 + KPw4.Length());

	test.Next(_L("access media2 with stored password"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	test.Next(_L("change password"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw4, KPw5, ETrue) == KErrNone);	// {0 |-> 3, 1 |-> 5}
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);

	TInt size3;
	test(PWFileSize(size3) == KErrNone);
	test(size3 == 16 + 4 + KPw3.Length() + 16 + 4 + KPw5.Length());

	test.Next(_L("access media1 with stored password"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("remove password from media 1"));
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw3) == KErrNone);			// {1 |-> 5}	- 0 |-> 3
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
	test(PWFileSize(size3) == KErrNone);
	test(size3 == 16 + 4 + KPw5.Length());

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw5) == KErrNone);			// {}			- 1 |-> 5
	TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
	test(PWFileSize(size3) == KErrNone);
	test(size3 == 0);
	test.Printf(_L("replace original card\n"));
	ChangeMedia();											// use original card


 * check the spin off delayed writer thread can work when many requests are queued.
 * The background writer runs at EPriorityMuchLess, so it will not be executed until
 * this thread sleeps.

LOCAL_C void TestWriteToDisk()

	TInt r;										// error code
	TBuf8<1> noMappings;

	test.Next(_L("Queuing threads"));
	test.Printf(_L("Queuing 100 writes\n"));

	const TInt KQueueCnt = 100;

	TInt i;
	TMediaPassword oldPswd;						// empty - no password at start
	TMediaPassword newPswd;
	for (i = 0; i < KQueueCnt; ++i)
		newPswd.Fill(i, KMaxMediaPassword);
		test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, oldPswd, newPswd, ETrue) == KErrNone);

	test.Printf(_L("Waiting 20 seconds for threads to complete\n"));
	User::After(20 * 1000 * 1000);

	// check password file contains the last writing.

	test.Next(_L("check password file contains last writing"));
	const TInt KFileLen = 16 + sizeof(TUint32) + KMaxMediaPassword;
	RFile f;
	TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
	mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
	test(f.Open(TheFs, mediaPWrdFile, EFileShareExclusive | EFileStream | EFileRead) == KErrNone);
	TInt sz;
	test(f.Size(sz) == KErrNone);
	test(sz == KFileLen);

	TBuf8<KFileLen> chkBuf;
	test(f.Read(chkBuf, KFileLen) == KErrNone);
	// defer checking buffer contents until after password cleared so not left
	// with locked card if test fails.

	test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, oldPswd) == KErrNone);
	User::After(1 * 1000 * 1000);				// wait to finish writing
	r = TheFs.Delete(mediaPWrdFile);
	test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotFound);
	test(TBusLocalDrive::WritePasswordData(noMappings) == KErrNone);

	// check contents of password file correspond to last written buffer.

	test(chkBuf.Length() == KFileLen);
	test(chkBuf.Mid(0, KMMCCIDLength) == TPtrC8(cid0, KMMCCIDLength));
	const TUint32 len = TMMC::BigEndian32(chkBuf.Mid(KMMCCIDLength, sizeof(TUint32)).Ptr());
	test(len == TInt(KMaxMediaPassword));
	test(chkBuf.Mid(KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TUint32), KMMCCIDLength) == oldPswd);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));


/** test unable to format locked card */

LOCAL_C void TestFormat()

//	TInt r;										// error code
	RFs &fs = TheFs;
	const TInt d = KDrv;

	TBuf<3> bfDrv;
	_LIT(KBP, ":\\");

	test.Next(_L("create test file"));
	test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("lock drive"));
	test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("unlock card and don't store"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw2) == KErrNone);

	// format unlocked drive
	test.Next(_L("format unlocked card"));
	RFormat fmt;
	TInt count;
	test(fmt.Open(fs, bfDrv, EHighDensity, count) == KErrNone);
	while (count > 0)
		test.Printf(_L("\rfmt:%d  "), count);
		test(fmt.Next(count) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("format locked media"));
	RemountMedia();								// locked KPw2
	test.Printf(_L("Notifier: No password required. Press cancel. \n"));
	test(fmt.Open(fs, bfDrv, EHighDensity, count) == KErrLocked);

	test.Next(_L("unlock locked card"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrNone);
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw2) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("create test file"));
	test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("remount media, check not locked"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));


/** do media change with file open */

LOCAL_C void TestRemount()

//	TInt r;										// general error code
	RFs &fs = TheFs;
	const TInt d = KDrv;

	test.Next(_L("create file"));
	TFileName fn;
	_LIT(KFN, ":\\openfile");
	test.Printf(_L("fn = \"%S\"\n"), &fn);

	RFile f;
	test(f.Replace(fs, fn, EFileShareAny) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("lock card"));
	test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw5, EFalse) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("access with right pwd"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw5) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("access with wrong pwd"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessWrongPw, KNul) == KErrLocked);

	test.Next(_L("access with cancelled pwd"));
	test(AccessDisk(EAccessCancel, KNul) == KErrLocked);

	test.Next(_L("clear password"));
	test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw5, EFalse) == KErrNone);
	test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw5) == KErrNone);

	test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("close and delete file"));
	test(fs.Delete(fn) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));


 * entry point.  Displays instructions; sets up heap checking; sets up
 * file server session and calls individual tests.  Mounts drive for WINS.

GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()

	test.Start(_L("Starting T_MMC"));

	test.Printf(_L("The notifier should only apear along with user instructions.\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("The test has failed otherwise.\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("Use return to simulate unlock button on notifier\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("Use space to simulate store button on notifier\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("Use escape to simulate cancel button on notifier\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("Press a key to continue ...\n\n"));

	test(TheFs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
	mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
	TParsePtrC ppc(mediaPWrdFile);
	TInt r = TheFs.MkDir(ppc.DriveAndPath());
	test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrAlreadyExists);

	// The media driver for the protected area of the SD card uses mount
	// info. This is also used for password unlocking by the MMC media driver.
	// Due to a temporary problem with the way mount info. is assigned to DMedia
	// objects which results in a conflict between the two drivers, unload
	// the protected area SD card driver for duration of test.

	test(TheFs.SetSessionPath(KSessionPath) == KErrNone);
	// initialize the TMediaPassword data
	KNul.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L""), 0);
	KPw1.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"b"), 2);
	KPw2.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"cd"), 4);
	KPw3.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"def"), 6);
	KPw4.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"efgh"), 8);
	KPw5.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"fghij"), 10);

	test.Next(_L("calling ClearControllerStore"));
	test.Next(_L("calling DeletePasswordFile"));

	test.Next(_L("calling TestLockUnlockR"));
	test.Next(_L("calling TestNullPasswords"));
	test.Next(_L("calling TestLockUnlock"));

	test.Next(_L("calling TestPasswordStore"));
	test.Next(_L("calling TestWriteToDisk"));

	test.Next(_L("calling TestFormat"));
	test.Next(_L("calling TestRemount"));

	// Restore SD Card protected area media driver



	return KErrNone;