author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 6 0173bcd7697c
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32test\server\t_pwstr.cpp
// Tests peripheral bus controller password store.

//#include <p32mmc.h>

#include <e32test.h>
#include <f32fsys.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32def_private.h>
#include <e32hal.h>

// define this macro to autodetect card re-insertion

const TUint KMMCCIDLength=16;

class TCID
	inline TCID() {}					// Default constructor
	inline TCID(const TUint8*);
	inline TCID& operator=(const TCID&);
	inline TCID& operator=(const TUint8*);
	inline TBool operator==(const TCID&) const;
	inline TBool operator==(const TUint8*) const;
	inline void Copy(TUint8*) const;		// Copies big endian 16 bytes CID
	inline TUint8 At(TUint anIndex) const;	// Byte from CID at anIndex
	TUint8 iData[KMMCCIDLength];		// Big endian 128 bit bitfield representing CID

class TMMC
	static inline TUint32 BigEndian32(const TUint8*);
	static inline void BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal);

//	--------  class TCID  --------

inline TCID::TCID(const TUint8* aPtr)
	{memcpy(&iData[0], aPtr, KMMCCIDLength);}

inline TCID& TCID::operator=(const TCID& aCID)
	{memcpy(&iData[0], &aCID.iData[0], KMMCCIDLength); return(*this);}

inline TCID& TCID::operator=(const TUint8* aPtr)
	{memcpy(&iData[0], aPtr, KMMCCIDLength); return(*this);}

inline TBool TCID::operator==(const TCID& aCID) const

inline TBool TCID::operator==(const TUint8* aPtr) const

inline void TCID::Copy(TUint8* aPtr) const
	{memcpy(aPtr, &iData[0], KMMCCIDLength);}

inline TUint8 TCID::At(TUint anIndex) const

inline TUint32 TMMC::BigEndian32(const TUint8* aPtr)
	{return( (aPtr[0]<<24) | (aPtr[1]<<16) | (aPtr[2]<<8) | (aPtr[3]) );}

inline void TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal)
	aPtr[0] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 24) & 0xFF);
	aPtr[1] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 16) & 0xFF);
	aPtr[2] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 8) & 0xFF);
	aPtr[3] = (TUint8)(aVal & 0xFF);

// Static data.

LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_PWSTR"));

LOCAL_D TBusLocalDrive TBLD;
LOCAL_D TBool TBLDChangedFlag;

LOCAL_D TInt TBLDNum = -1; 	// Change this to specify the drive under test
							// e.g. for the lm_pana board when fitted to the
							// integrator, TBLDNum should be set to 3.

LOCAL_D TInt RFsDNum = -1;	// File Server Drive number

struct TTestMapping
	TInt iCIDIdx;							// index in CID
	TInt iPWDIdx;							// index in PWD

const TInt KMaxLengthOfStoreMapping = KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + KMaxMediaPassword;
// EMaxPasswordLength is max size of the password store descriptor
// (which actually contains multiple mappings of CID and passwords)
const TInt KMaxNumOfStoreEntries= TPasswordStore::EMaxPasswordLength/KMaxLengthOfStoreMapping;

const TInt KPWDCnt(4);
LOCAL_C TMediaPassword *PWDs[KPWDCnt];

//Allocate enough unique CIDs to be able to overflow the store 
const TInt KCIDCnt(KMaxNumOfStoreEntries+1);

//Let the descriptor be one mapping longer than allowed by the password
//store to test overflowing it.
const TInt KMaxPersistentStore(TPasswordStore::EMaxPasswordLength+KMaxLengthOfStoreMapping);
typedef TBuf8<KMaxPersistentStore> TPersistentStore;
LOCAL_C TInt mapSizes[KCIDCnt][KPWDCnt];

// Static function prototypes.

LOCAL_C void AllocateTestData();
LOCAL_C void DeleteTestData();

LOCAL_C void AllocateCIDs();
LOCAL_C void DeleteCIDs();

LOCAL_C void AllocatePasswords();
LOCAL_C void DeletePasswords();

LOCAL_C void SetUpMapSizes();

LOCAL_C void AddMapping(TDes8 &aSt, const TCID *aCID, const TMediaPassword *aPWD);
LOCAL_C void DumpStore(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC8 &aSt);
LOCAL_C TBool StoresEqual(const TDesC8 &aSt0, const TDesC8 &aSt1);
LOCAL_C TBool IsStoreValid(const TDesC8 &aSt);
LOCAL_C void PrintCID(const TCID &aCID);
LOCAL_C void ParseStore(const TDesC8 &aStore, CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping> *aMP);
LOCAL_C void TestStaticStore();

LOCAL_C void RemountMedia();
LOCAL_C void AttemptToUnlock(TMediaPassword &aPWD, TBool aStore = EFalse);
LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock();
LOCAL_C void TestElidePasswords();
LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords();
LOCAL_C void TestControllerStore();

LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk();
LOCAL_C void TestAutoUnlock();

LOCAL_C void RunTests();

// Test data

LOCAL_C void AllocateCIDs()
// Allocates a set of static global media identifiers on the heap.
// The identifiers are all exactly 128 bits.
// Because the test uses only one card, CIDs 1 through 3 can be arbitrary
// (they are just used to construct store data.)
// Format is "CIDXccccccccccc#", where X is the ASCII digit for the index.
// The CID is stored internally in big endian format.
// TCID::At(TInt i) returns the i'th byte, i.e. cid >> (i * 8) & 0xff, which
// is the opposite order to the way they are stored in the array.
// CIDs are formed in the same way in pp_mmc.cpp, the WINS ASSP layer.
// For actual card tests, CIDs[0] must correspond to the card's actual CID.

#if 1
	static TUint8 ht0[KMMCCIDLength] =			// CID0
		0x06,	0x00,	0x00,	0x31,
		0x36,	0x4d,	0x20,	0x20,
		0x20,	0x00,	0xb4,	0xff,
		0xff,	0xff,	0x63,	0xd9
	static TUint8 ht0[KMMCCIDLength] =			// BPC2
		0x06,	0x00,	0x00,	0x31,
		0x36,	0x4d,	0x20,	0x20,
		0x20,	0x00,	0x89,	0xff,
		0xff,	0xff,	0x63,	0xa7


	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
		TUint8 bf[KMMCCIDLength];
		TUint j;
		bf[0] = 'C';
		bf[1] = 'I';
		bf[2] = 'D';
		bf[3] = TUint8('0' + i);
		for (j = 4; j < KMMCCIDLength - 1; j++)
			bf[j] = 'c';
		bf[KMMCCIDLength - 1] = '#';

		if (i == 0)
			TUint cidIdx = 0;
			TLocalDriveCapsV5 driveCaps;
			TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV5> driveCapsPkg(driveCaps);	
			if(TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg) == KErrNone)
				// V5 of TLocalDriveCapsV5 now contains a serial number
				// which for MMC cards is defined to be the unique CID
				if(driveCaps.iSerialNumLength == KMMCCIDLength)
					for(cidIdx=0; cidIdx<KMMCCIDLength; cidIdx++)
						bf[cidIdx] = driveCaps.iSerialNum[KMMCCIDLength-cidIdx-1];
			if(cidIdx == KMMCCIDLength)
				test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(bf)) != NULL);
#ifdef __WINS__
				test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(bf)) != NULL);
				test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(ht0)) != NULL);
			test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(bf)) != NULL);


LOCAL_C void DeleteCIDs()
// Deletes static global media identifiers from the heap.

	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
		delete CIDs[i];


LOCAL_C void AllocatePasswords()
// Allocates a set of static global TMediaPassword objects on the heap.
// The passwords range from zero to 16 bytes in length.

	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < KPWDCnt; i++)
		test((PWDs[i] = new TMediaPassword) != NULL);
		TInt j;
		for (j = 0; j < i * 2; j++)
			PWDs[i]->Append(TChar('a' + i + j));


LOCAL_C void DeletePasswords()
// Deletes static global TMediaPassword objects from the heap.

	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < KPWDCnt; i++)
		delete PWDs[i];


LOCAL_C void SetUpMapSizes()
// Initializes static global mapSizes[,] with the persistent store mapping
// sizes of each CID and password.

	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
		TInt j;

		for (j = 0; j < KPWDCnt; j++)
			mapSizes[i][j] = KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + PWDs[j]->Length();


LOCAL_C void AllocateTestData()
// Allocates all test data objects on the heap.


LOCAL_C void DeleteTestData()
// Frees all test data objects on the heap.

// Test functions.

LOCAL_C void TestStaticStore()
// Tests the non card specific virtual functions in DPeriphBusController.
//	TInt ReadPasswordData(TDes8 &aBuf);
//	TInt WritePasswordData(const TDesC8 &aBuf);
//	TInt PasswordStoreLengthInBytes();
// store is reset at start of DMMCController::WritePasswordData().

	// TBuf8<KMaxPersistentStore> is 4 + 4 + 256 bytes, so allocate on heap.
	TPersistentStore *pwStore;
	test((pwStore = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &wStore = *pwStore;
	TPersistentStore *prStore;
	test((prStore = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &rStore = *prStore;

	// WritePasswordData()


	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);// empty
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[1], PWDs[1]);						// exactly one entry
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == mapSizes[1][1]);

	AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[2], PWDs[2]);						// exactly two entries
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == mapSizes[1][1] + mapSizes[2][2]);

	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < wStore.Length(); i++)						// corrupt (partial)
		TInt r(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore));
		if (i == 0 || i == mapSizes[0][0] || i == mapSizes[0][0] + mapSizes[1][1])
			test(r == KErrNone);
			test(r == KErrCorrupt && TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	test.Next(_L("Exceeding password store size"));	

	wStore.Zero();	// empty password store
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);

	test.Printf(_L("Adding mappings...\n"));

	const TMediaPassword password(_L8("abcdefghijklmnop")); //Need a max length password (KMaxMediaPassword)
	for(TInt n=0; n<KCIDCnt; ++n)
		AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[n], &password);
		test.Printf(_L("Mapping:%d store size: %d bytes\n"),n , wStore.Length() );
		const TInt r = TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore);
		test.Printf(_L("WritePasswordData() --> ret=%d\n"), r);
	 		test(r == KErrOverflow);
	 		test(r == KErrNone);	

	// ReadPasswordData().


	wStore.Zero();												// empty
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == KErrNone);
	test(rStore.Length() == 0);

	AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[1], PWDs[1]);						// exactly one entry
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
	rStore.SetLength(0);										// lt store len
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == KErrNone);
	test(rStore.Length() == TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes());
																// gt store len
	rStore.SetLength(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() + 4);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == 0);
	test(rStore.Length() == TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes());
	TBuf8<2> srStore;											// max lt store len
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(srStore) == KErrOverflow);

	// Stress test high turnover with memory failure.

	test.Next(_L("Memory test"));

	TInt r;										// error code

	TInt m;
	for (m = 1; m < 100; m++)
		__KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, m);

		TInt j;
		for (j = 1; j < KCIDCnt - 1; j++)
			TInt k;
			for (k = 1; k < KPWDCnt - 1; k++)

				AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[j], PWDs[k]);
				AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[j + 1], PWDs[k + 1]);

				if ((r = TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore)) != KErrNone)
					test(r == KErrNoMemory);
					test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
					test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == KErrNone);
					test(IsStoreValid(rStore) && StoresEqual(rStore, wStore));
		}	// for (m = 1; m < 16; m++)

	// Clear the store for subsequent tests.

	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	delete prStore;
	delete pwStore;


LOCAL_C void AddMapping(TDes8 &aSt, const TCID *aCID, const TMediaPassword *aPWD)
// Adds aCID |-> aPWD mapping to persistent file's store contents.
	aSt.SetLength(aSt.Length() + KMMCCIDLength);
	aCID->Copy(&aSt[aSt.Length() - KMMCCIDLength]);

	TUint8 lenBuf[sizeof(TInt32)];		// TInt32, big endian
	TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(lenBuf, TInt32(aPWD->Length()));
	aSt.Append(&lenBuf[0], sizeof(TInt32));


LOCAL_C TBool IsStoreValid(const TDesC8 &aSt)
// Checks the integrity of the supplied buffer.
	TInt iBIdx;									// buffer index
	TBool corrupt(EFalse);						// abort flag
	for (iBIdx = 0; iBIdx < aSt.Length(); /* nop */)
		// Enough raw data for CID, PWD_LEN and 1 byte of PWD.
		corrupt = TUint(aSt.Length() - iBIdx) < KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + 1;
		if (corrupt)
		// PWD_LEN is valid and enough raw data left for PWD.
		iBIdx += KMMCCIDLength;
		const TInt32 pwd_len(TMMC::BigEndian32(aSt.Mid(iBIdx).TDesC8::Ptr()));
		corrupt = !(
				(pwd_len <= KMaxMediaPassword)
			&&	aSt.Length() - iBIdx >= TInt(sizeof(TInt32)) + pwd_len );
		if (corrupt)
		// skip over PWD_LEN and PWD to next entry.
		iBIdx += sizeof(TInt32) + pwd_len;

	if (corrupt)
		DumpStore(_L("invalid"), aSt);

	return ! corrupt;

LOCAL_C void PrintCID(const TCID &aCID)
// Prints the 128 bit CID in big endian format.
	test.Printf(_L("CID: "));
	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < TInt(KMMCCIDLength); i += 4)
		TInt j;
		for (j = i; j < i + 4; ++j)
			test.Printf(_L("%02x: %02x "), j, aCID.At(KMMCCIDLength - j - 1));

LOCAL_C void ParseStore(const TDesC8 &aSt, CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping> *aMP)
// Fills aMP with the mappings in aSt.
	TInt iBIdx;									// buffer index
	TInt r(KErrNone);							// exit code
	for (iBIdx = 0; r == KErrNone && iBIdx < aSt.Length(); /* nop */)
		// Calculate index for CID.
		TPtrC8 pCID(aSt.Mid(iBIdx, KMMCCIDLength));	// CID
		const TCID cid(pCID.Ptr());
		TInt cidIdx;
		for (cidIdx = 0; cidIdx < KCIDCnt && !(*(CIDs[cidIdx]) == cid); cidIdx++)
			{ /* empty. */ }
		// If invalid CID then print CID with valid CIDs.
		if (!(cidIdx < KCIDCnt))
			test.Printf(_L("ParseStore: invalid CID\n"));
			TInt i;
			for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
				test.Printf(_L("ParseStore: valid CID %d\n"), i);

		const TInt32 pwd_len(TMMC::BigEndian32(&aSt[iBIdx + KMMCCIDLength]));

		// Calculate index for PWD.
		TMediaPassword pwd;
		pwd.Copy(&aSt[iBIdx + KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32)], pwd_len);

		TInt pwdIdx;
		for (pwdIdx = 0; pwdIdx < KPWDCnt && *PWDs[pwdIdx] != pwd; pwdIdx++)
			{ /* empty. */ }
		test(pwdIdx < KPWDCnt);

		TTestMapping mp;
		mp.iCIDIdx = cidIdx;
		mp.iPWDIdx = pwdIdx;
		TRAP(r, aMP->InsertL(0, mp));
		test(r == KErrNone);

		iBIdx += KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + pwd_len;

LOCAL_C void DumpStore(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC8 &aSt)
// Prints the contents of the supplied store.
	test.Printf(_L("\nstore %S: len = %d\n"), &aName, aSt.Length());

	TInt i;
	for (i = 0; i < aSt.Length(); i += 8)
		TInt j;
		for (j = i; j < Min(aSt.Length(), i + 8); j++)
			test.Printf(_L("%02d: %03d : %02x : %c \n "), j, aSt[j], aSt[j], aSt[j]);

LOCAL_C TBool StoresEqual(const TDesC8 &aSt0, const TDesC8 &aSt1)
// Compares aSt1 with aSt2.  Return value indicates whether or not the
// stores contain exactly the same mappings, but not necessarily in the
// same order.
	TBool same(EFalse);

	CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping> *ramp0, *ramp1;

	test((ramp0 = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping>(2)) != NULL);
	test((ramp1 = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping>(2)) != NULL);

	ParseStore(aSt0, ramp0);
	ParseStore(aSt1, ramp1);

	TArray<TTestMapping> a0(ramp0->Array());
	TArray<TTestMapping> a1(ramp1->Array());

	if (a0.Count() == a1.Count())
	// if #a0 == #a1 and a0 <= a1 then a0 == a1.
		TBool allInA1(ETrue);
		TInt i;
		for (i = 0; allInA1 && i < a0.Count(); i++)
			TBool found(EFalse);
			TInt j;
			for (j = 0; ! found && j < a0.Count(); j++)
				found = (
						a0[i].iCIDIdx == a1[j].iCIDIdx
					&&	a0[i].iPWDIdx == a1[j].iPWDIdx );
			allInA1 = found;

		same = allInA1;

	delete ramp1;
	delete ramp0;

	if (! same)
		DumpStore(_L("0"), aSt0);
		DumpStore(_L("1"), aSt1);

	return same;

LOCAL_C void RemountMedia()
// Forces a media remount and waits for it to take effect.  If the card has a
// password, it will become locked the next time that it is powered up.
//#ifdef __WINS__
//	TBLD.ForceMediaChange();
//	UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(ERemovableMedia0);
//	User::After(1 * 1000 * 1000);

	RFs fs;
	test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	test.Printf(_L("Remove and re-insert card.."));

	TInt r;
		TRequestStatus status;
		TDriveUnit driveUnit(RFsDNum);
		TDriveName driveName = driveUnit.Name();
		fs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll, status, driveName);
		test(status == KRequestPending);
		test.Printf(_L("\rAccessing card...          \r"));

		r = AccessDisk();
		if (r == KErrNotReady)
			test.Printf(_L("\rRemove and re-insert card.."));

		if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrNotReady && r != KErrLocked)
			test.Printf(_L("AccessDisk() returned %d"), r);
	while (r == KErrNotReady);



	// Power down the card so that it is locked the next time it is powered up.
	test.Printf(_L("Remove and re-insert card.  Press \'z\' when finished.\n"));
	while (test.Getch() != 'z')
		{ /* empty. */ }


LOCAL_C void AttemptToUnlock(TMediaPassword &aPWD, TBool aStore)
// Tests that the card is locked and then tries to unlock it.
	TInt r = AccessDisk();
	if (r != KErrLocked)
		test.Printf(_L("AccessDisk() returned %d\n"), r);
	test(r == KErrLocked);
	test(TBLD.Unlock(aPWD, aStore) == KErrNone);

LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock()
// Tests TBusLocalDrive functions for locking / unlocking individual cards.
// Lock() currently means set password only.  The media must be remounted before it
// can really be locked.
//			EPbPswdUnlock		EPbPswdLock			EPbPswdClear
//			right	wrong		right	wrong		right	wrong	
// locked	None	AccDen		AccDec	AccDen		AccDen	AccDen	
// unlocked	AldExst	AldExst		None	AccDec		None	AccDen	
// Locked means inaccessible, not just has password.

	TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
	TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);
	TMediaPassword arb2(*PWDs[2]);

	// Clear the password store for when function run on its own.
	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);// empty
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	// Give the card an arbitrary password
	test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
	RemountMedia();												// card is now locked

	test.Next(_L("lock locked card"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// lock locked wrong
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// lock locked right

	test.Next(_L("unlock locked card"));
	test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);		// unlock locked wrong

	test.Next(_L("unlock unlocked card"));
	test(TBLD.Unlock(arb1, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists);		// unlock unlocked right
	test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists);		// unlock unlocked wrong

	test.Next(_L("lock unlocked card"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied);	// lock unlocked wrong
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);			// lock unlocked right

	test.Next(_L("clear unlocked card"));
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied);					// clear unlocked wrong

	//!!! If clear with wrong password, cannot clear with right password in same
	// power session (H).
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);				// give test password
	RemountMedia();												// make inaccessible

	test.Next(_L("clear locked card"));
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied);					// clear locked wrong
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrAccessDenied);					// clear locked right

	// Clear password for subsequent tests.
	test.Next(_L("clear password"));
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);


 * Because MultiMediaCards cannot distinguish where the current password ends
 * and the new password begins, test the media driver can abort those operations
 * that would end up giving the user unexpected passwords.
 * The stores are directly compared with buffers because they only use one password
 * and the passwords are not part of the standard test data.

LOCAL_C void TestElidePasswords()

	TMediaPassword a((const TUint8*) "a");		TMediaPassword bcxyz((const TUint8*) "bcxyz");
	TMediaPassword ab((const TUint8*) "ab");	TMediaPassword cxyz((const TUint8*) "cxyz");
	TMediaPassword abc((const TUint8*) "abc");	TMediaPassword xyz((const TUint8*) "xyz");

	TPersistentStore* pstoreAB;
	test((pstoreAB = new TPersistentStore) != 0);
	TPersistentStore& storeAB = *pstoreAB;
	AddMapping(storeAB, CIDs[0], &ab);

	TPersistentStore* pstoreCXYZ;
	test((pstoreCXYZ = new TPersistentStore) != 0);
	TPersistentStore& storeCXYZ = *pstoreCXYZ;
	AddMapping(storeCXYZ, CIDs[0], &cxyz);

	TPersistentStore *pstoreRd;									// scratch for reading
	test((pstoreRd = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore& storeRd = *pstoreRd;

	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nulSt, ab, ETrue) == KErrNone);
	RemountMedia();												// card is now locked
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(storeRd == storeAB);

	test.Next(_L("current password too short"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(a, bcxyz, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(storeRd == storeAB);

	test.Next(_L("current password too long"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(abc, xyz, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(storeRd == storeAB);

	test.Next(_L("current password exactly right"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(ab, cxyz, ETrue) == KErrNone);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(storeRd == storeCXYZ);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	test(TBLD.Clear(cxyz) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	delete pstoreRd;
	delete pstoreCXYZ;
	delete pstoreAB;


 * test the special cases where null passwords are used.  These are all failed with
 * KErrAccessDenied by the controller.

LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords()

	TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
	TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);

	test.Next(_L("card has no password"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, nul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(TBLD.Unlock(nul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
	test(TBLD.Clear(nul) == KErrAccessDenied);

	test.Next(_L("card has password and is unlocked"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, ETrue) == KErrNone);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, nul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(TBLD.Unlock(nul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
	test(TBLD.Clear(nul) == KErrAccessDenied);

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);


LOCAL_C void TestControllerStore()
// Performs standard password functions but stores the mappings in the controller store.
// + mapping added to store (if not exists)
// - mapping removed from store (if exists)
//			EPbPswdUnlock		EPbPswdLock			EPbPswdClear
//			right	wrong		right	wrong		right	wrong	
// locked	None1	AccDen-		AccDec	AccDen		AccDen	AccDen
// unlocked	AccDen	AccDen		None+	AccDec-		None-	AccDen-
// Locked means inaccessible, not just has password.
// When the user supplies a password, the mapping in the password store is not used.
// 1.	A locked card with the right mapping in the store cannot happen because of the
//		automatic unlocking mechanism.
// Tests start with an unlocked card that has no password.

	test.Next(_L("allocate test data"));

	TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
	TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);
	TMediaPassword arb2(*PWDs[2]);

	TPersistentStore *pstoreDef;								// { 3 |-> 3 }
	test((pstoreDef = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &storeDef = *pstoreDef;
	AddMapping(storeDef, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);

	TPersistentStore *pstore0_1;								// { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 1 }
	test((pstore0_1 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &store0_1 = *pstore0_1;
	AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
	AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[0], PWDs[1]);

	TPersistentStore *pstore0_2;								// { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 2 }
	test((pstore0_2 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &store0_2 = *pstore0_2;
	AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
	AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[0], PWDs[2]);

	TPersistentStore *pstoreRd;									// temp for reading
	test((pstoreRd = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &storeRd = *pstoreRd;

	// Give card arbitrary password but do not lock or store.
	test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);

	// Lock

	// Lock unlocked right out.
	test.Next(_L("lock unlocked right out"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb1, ETrue) == KErrNone);				// + (0 |-> 1)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));

	// Lock unlocked right in (different to make sure store modified.)
	test.Next(_L("lock unlocked right in"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb2, ETrue) == KErrNone);				// - (0 |-> 1) + (0 |-> 2)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_2));

	// Lock unlocked wrong out.
	test.Next(_L("lock unlocked wrong out"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, ETrue) == KErrNone);				// restore to arb1
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);		// not add (0 |-> 1)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Lock unlocked wrong in.
	test.Next(_L("lock unlocked wrong in"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);		// - (0 |-> 1)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));

	// Unlock

	// Unlock locked right out.
	test.Next(_L("unlock locked right out"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	RemountMedia();												// make inaccessible
	AttemptToUnlock(arb1, ETrue);								// + (0 |-> 1)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));
	// Unlock locked right in - see note 1.

	// Unlock locked wrong in.
	test.Next(_L("unlock locked wrong in"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_2) == KErrNone);
	RemountMedia();												// make inaccessible
	test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);			// - (0 |-> 2)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Unlock locked wrong out.
	test.Next(_L("unlock locked wrong out"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	RemountMedia();												// make inaccessible
	test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);			// not add (0 |-> 2)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Clear

	// Clear unlocked right out.
	test.Next(_L("clear unlocked right out"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	AttemptToUnlock(arb1);										// make accessible
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);							// not add (0 |-> 1)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Clear unlocked right in.
	test.Next(_L("clear unlocked right in"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);				// give password
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);							// - (0 |-> 2)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Clear unlocked wrong out.
	test.Next(_L("clear unlocked wrong out"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);				// give password
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied);					// not add (0 |-> 2)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Clear unlocked wrong in.
	test.Next(_L("clear unlocked wrong in"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied);					// - (0 |-> 2)
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));

	// Clear password for subsequent tests.

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	test.Next(_L("free test data"));

	delete pstoreRd;
	delete pstore0_2;
	delete pstore0_1;
	delete pstoreDef;


LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk()
// Attempts to read the first sector of the removable media to determine whether
// it is locked.
	const TInt KSectSize = 512;
	TBuf8<KSectSize> sect;						// 8 + 512

	return TBLD.Read(0, KSectSize, sect);

LOCAL_C void TestAutoUnlock()
// Tests controller internal store unlocking mechanism.
// A locked card should be transparently unlocked after the peripheral bus is
// powered up.

	test.Next(_L("allocate test data"));

	TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
	TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);

	TPersistentStore *pstoreDef;								// { 3 |-> 3 }
	test((pstoreDef = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &storeDef = *pstoreDef;
	AddMapping(storeDef, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);

	TPersistentStore *pstore0_1;								// { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 1 }
	test((pstore0_1 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &store0_1 = *pstore0_1;
	AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
	AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[0], PWDs[1]);

	TPersistentStore *pstore0_2;								// { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 2 }
	test((pstore0_2 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &store0_2 = *pstore0_2;
	AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
	AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[0], PWDs[2]);

	TPersistentStore *pstoreRd;									// temp for reading
	test((pstoreRd = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &storeRd = *pstoreRd;

	test.Next(_L("assign password"));
	test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);				// give password

	// No mapping in store.
	test.Next(_L("no mapping in store"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrLocked);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Right mapping in store.
	test.Next(_L("right mapping in store"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));

	// Wrong mapping in store - mapping should be removed.
	test.Next(_L("wrong mapping in store"));
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_2) == KErrNone);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrLocked);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	// Redundant mapping in store.
	test.Next(_L("redundant mapping in store"));
	test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_2) == KErrNone);
	test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
	test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));

	test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	test.Next(_L("free test data"));
	delete pstoreRd;
	delete pstore0_2;
	delete pstore0_1;
	delete pstoreDef;


LOCAL_C void TestPasswordFile()
// Additional test added for INC066636
// Tests that the MMC password file is created in the correct place on the disk
// as defined by KMediaPWrdFile in f32fsys.h
// The following test cases are checked:
//  o  Card can be locked
//  o  Cannot lock the card or change its password if the wrong password is 
//     specified
//  o  Password can be changed
//  o  Password can be removed
	const TInt KDriveNum = RFsDNum;

	TInt error = KErrNone;

	test.Start(_L("Testing password file"));

	test.Next(_L("open connection"));
	RFs theFs;
	test(theFs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	// Now set the first password that we will use
	test.Next(_L("lock the media card"));	
	TMediaPassword& nulPWrd = *PWDs[0];
	TMediaPassword& oldPWrd = *PWDs[1];
	error = theFs.LockDrive(KDriveNum, nulPWrd, oldPWrd, ETrue);
	test(KErrNone == error);

	// Verify that the password file does exist and is in the correct place
	test.Next(_L("check password file exists"));
	TEntry theEntry;
	TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
	mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
	error = theFs.Entry(mediaPWrdFile, theEntry);
	test (KErrNone == error);

	// Attempt to set a new password without specifying the current one
	test.Next(_L("change password failure"));	
	TMediaPassword& newPWrd = *PWDs[2];
	error = theFs.LockDrive(KDriveNum, nulPWrd, newPWrd, ETrue);
	test(KErrAccessDenied == error);

	// Change the password for a new one...
	test.Next(_L("change password success"));	
	error = theFs.LockDrive(KDriveNum, oldPWrd, newPWrd, ETrue);
	test(KErrNone == error);

	// Clear the password
	test.Next(_L("clear the password"));	
	error = theFs.ClearPassword(KDriveNum, newPWrd);
	test(KErrNone == error);

	// Check that the password has been removed from the file
	// (KMediaPWrdFile should now be zero bytes in size)
	test.Next(_L("check password removal"));
	error = theFs.Entry(mediaPWrdFile, theEntry);
	test (KErrNone == error);
	test (0 == theEntry.iSize);

	// Remove the password file
	test.Next(_L("tidy up"));
	error = theFs.Delete(mediaPWrdFile);
	test (KErrNone == error);



LOCAL_C void TestFormatErase()
// Additional test added for DEF067976 - MR1: Force Erase of MMC lock UI until complete 
// Tests that a card can be locked & then force-erased using the new format switch
// Test modified for INC073653 - RFormat::Open returns KErrNone, even if card is locked
// RFormat:Open now returns KErrLocked if media is locked (previously this wasn't returned
// until calling RFormat::Next
	TInt r = KErrNone;

	test.Start(_L("Testing force erase"));

	test.Next(_L("open connection"));
	RFs fs;
	test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	// Clear the password store for when function run on its own.
	TBuf8<1> nulSt;
	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);// empty
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);

	test.Next(_L("lock card"));
	// Now set the first password that we will use
	TMediaPassword& nulPWrd = *PWDs[0];
	TMediaPassword& oldPWrd = *PWDs[1];
	r = fs.LockDrive(RFsDNum, nulPWrd, oldPWrd, EFalse);
	if (r != KErrNone)
		test.Printf(_L("RFs::LockDrive() returned %d\n"), r);
	test(r == KErrNone);

	RemountMedia();		// card is now locked

	RFormat fmt;
	TPckgBuf<TInt> stepPkg;
	TDriveUnit driveUnit(RFsDNum);
	TDriveName driveName = driveUnit.Name();

	test.Next(_L("format locked card"));
	r = fmt.Open(fs, driveName, EHighDensity, stepPkg());
	if (r != KErrLocked)
		test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Next() returned %d\n"), r);
	test(r == KErrLocked);


	test.Next(_L("force erase locked card"));
	r = fmt.Open(fs, driveName, EHighDensity | EForceErase, stepPkg());
	if (r != KErrNone)
		test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Open() returned %d\n"), r);
	test (r == KErrNone);
	while (stepPkg() > 0)
		TRequestStatus status;
		fmt.Next(stepPkg, status);
		test (status == KRequestPending || status == KErrNone);

		TInt length=(100-stepPkg())/5;
		TPtrC stars=KLitStars().Left(length);



LOCAL_C void TestWriteToPasswordStoreUnlocksCard()
// Additional test added for INC096612 - Writing to password store should unlock the card
// Tests that a card can be auto-unlocked just by writing to the password store (as this is what 
// estart does)
	TInt r = KErrNone;

	test.Start(_L("Testing writing to password store unlocks the card"));
	test.Next(_L("open connection"));
	RFs fs;
	test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	// Clear the password store for when function run on its own.
	TMediaPassword& nulPWrd = *PWDs[0];
	TMediaPassword testPassword((const TUint8*) "xyz");

	test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulPWrd) == KErrNone);// empty
	test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
	test.Next(_L("lock card"));
	test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
	r = TBLD.SetPassword(nulPWrd, testPassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone);

	RemountMedia();		// card is now locked

	// test Caps() reports that card is locked
	test.Next(_L("test card is locked"));
	TLocalDriveCapsV5 driveCaps;
	TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV5> driveCapsPkg(driveCaps);	
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("Caps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) != 0);

	// Write correct password to store
	test.Next(_L("write correct password to store"));

	TPersistentStore *pstoreDef;
	test((pstoreDef = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
	TPersistentStore &storeDef = *pstoreDef;
	AddMapping(storeDef, CIDs[0], &testPassword);
	r = TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef);

	test.Printf(_L("WritePasswordData() returned %d\n"), r);
	test(r == KErrNone);

	// test Caps() reports that card is unlocked
	test.Next(_L("test card is unlocked"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("Caps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);

	// Clear the password, remount and test card is unlocked
	test.Next(_L("clear password, remount & test card is unlocked"));
	test.Next(_L("clear the password"));	
	test(TBLD.Clear(testPassword) == KErrNone);
	test.Next(_L("test card is unlocked"));

	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("Caps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);

	delete pstoreDef;
	pstoreDef = NULL;

LOCAL_C TBool SetupDrivesForPlatform(TInt& aDrive, TInt &aRFsDriveNum)
 * Finds a suitable drive for the password store test
 * @param aDrive  The number of the local drive to test
 * @return TBool ETrue if a suitable drive is found, EFalse otherwise.
	TDriveInfoV1Buf diBuf;
	TDriveInfoV1 &di=diBuf();

	test.Printf(_L(" iRegisteredDriveBitmask 0x%08X"), di.iRegisteredDriveBitmask);

	aDrive  = -1;
	TLocalDriveCapsV5Buf capsBuf;
	TBusLocalDrive TBLD;
	TLocalDriveCapsV5& caps = capsBuf();
	TPtrC8 localSerialNum;
	TInt registeredDriveNum = 0;
	for(aDrive=0; aDrive < KMaxLocalDrives; aDrive++)
		TInt driveNumberMask = 1 << aDrive;
		if ((di.iRegisteredDriveBitmask & driveNumberMask) == 0)

		test.Printf(_L(" Drive %d -  %S\r\n"), aDrive, &di.iDriveName[registeredDriveNum]);

		// check that the card is readable (so we can ignore for empty card slots)
		if ((di.iDriveName[registeredDriveNum].MatchF(_L("MultiMediaCard0")) == KErrNone) ||
		    (di.iDriveName[registeredDriveNum].MatchF(_L("SDIOCard0")) == KErrNone))
			TBool TBLDChangedFlag;
			TInt r = TBLD.Connect(aDrive, TBLDChangedFlag);
//test.Printf(_L(" Connect returned %d\n"), r);
			if (r == KErrNone)
				r = TBLD.Caps(capsBuf);
				localSerialNum.Set(caps.iSerialNum, caps.iSerialNumLength);
				const TInt KSectSize = 512;
				TBuf8<KSectSize> sect;
				r = TBLD.Read(0, KSectSize, sect);
//test.Printf(_L(" Read returned %d\n"), r);
				if (r == KErrNone)

	if(aDrive == KMaxLocalDrives)
		test.Printf(_L(" MMC Drive Not Found\r\n"));
		return EFalse;

	// Work out the file server drive number (which isn't necessarily the same 
	// as the TBusLocalDrive drive number)
	RFs theFs;
	test(theFs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	TInt i;
	for (i = EDriveA; i < EDriveZ; i++)
		TMediaSerialNumber serialNum;
	    TInt r = theFs.GetMediaSerialNumber(serialNum, i);
		TInt len = serialNum.Length();
		TInt n;
		for (n=0; n<len; n+=16)
		TBuf16<16*3 +1> buf;
			for (TInt m=n; m<n+16; m++)
				TBuf16<3> hexBuf;
				hexBuf.Format(_L("%02X "),serialNum[m]);
		if (serialNum.Compare(localSerialNum) == 0)
			TVolumeInfo vi;
	        r = theFs.Volume(vi, i);
			TBool sizeMatch = (vi.iSize < caps.iSize);
			if (sizeMatch)
				aRFsDriveNum = i;
	if (i == EDriveZ)
		test.Printf(_L(" RFs MMC Drive Not Found\r\n"));
		return EFalse;


	return ETrue;

TInt TestLockCard(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive, TMediaPassword &aOldPassword, TMediaPassword& aNewPassword, TBool aStore)
	TMediaPassword newPassWord;
    TMediaPassword oldPassWord;
    TInt err=0;
    TDriveInfo dInfo;
    aFs.Drive(dInfo, RFsDNum);

    test (dInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLockable);
    err=aFs.LockDrive(RFsDNum, oldPassWord, newPassWord, aStore );

    aFs.Drive(dInfo, aTheMemoryCardDrive);
    return err;   	

TInt TestUnlockCard(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive, TMediaPassword& aPassword, TBool aStore)
	TMediaPassword oldPw;
   	TInt err = aFs.UnlockDrive( aTheMemoryCardDrive, oldPw, aStore);
	return err;

TInt TestClearPassword(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive, TMediaPassword& aPassword)
	TMediaPassword oldPwd = aPassword;

	TInt err = aFs.ClearPassword( aTheMemoryCardDrive, oldPwd );
	return err;

TInt ExecuteForcedEraseTestL(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive)
	TInt err = aFs.ErasePassword( aTheMemoryCardDrive );
	return err;

TBool TestLocked(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive)
    TDriveInfo info;

	TInt r = aFs.Drive(info, aTheMemoryCardDrive);
	test (r == KErrNone);

	return (info.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked)?(TBool)ETrue:(TBool)EFalse;

void WaitForPowerDownLock(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive)
	test.Printf(_L("Waiting for stack to power down...\n"));
	TInt n;
	for (n=0; n<30 && !TestLocked(aFs, aTheMemoryCardDrive); n++)
	test(n < 30);
	test(TestLocked(aFs, aTheMemoryCardDrive));	// should now be locked
void WaitForPowerDownUnlock(RFs& /*aFs*/, TInt /*aTheMemoryCardDrive*/)
	test.Printf(_L("Allow some time for stack to power down"));
	for (TUint i=0; i < 80; ++i)
The MMC Media drivers do not power up the MMC Stack to retrieve card status,
the following tests ensure that the 'lock status' is correctly returned after a
stack power down.
LOCAL_C void TestPowerDownStatus()
	TInt r = KErrNone;
	TLocalDriveCapsV5 driveCaps;
	TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV5> driveCapsPkg(driveCaps);	
	TMediaPassword password = (TUint8*) "salasana";
	TMediaPassword oldpassword;
	test.Start(_L("Testing Power Down Status Reporting"));

	test.Next(_L("Open Connection"));
	RFs fs;
	test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);

// Lock card (with password stored) 
	test.Next(_L("Locking Card - Password Stored"));

	test.Next(_L("Locking card (Successful)"))	;
	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, password, ETrue);
	test(r == KErrNone); 
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	test.Next(_L("Card reports unlocked - before PowerDown"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);

	WaitForPowerDownUnlock(fs, RFsDNum);
	test.Next(_L("Check card reports unlocked - after PowerDown"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
	test.Next(_L("Clear password (Successful)"));
	r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, password);
	test(r == KErrNone);
// Lock card (without password in store)
	test.Next(_L("Locking card - Password NOT Stored"));

	test.Next(_L("Locking card (Successful)"));
	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, password, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone); 
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
	test.Next(_L("Card is reports Unlocked - before PowerDown"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);

	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
	test.Next(_L("Card reports Locked - after PowerDown"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) != 0);
// Unlock card
	test.Next(_L("Unlock 'locked' Card - Password Stored"));
	test.Next(_L("Unlocking card (Successful)"))	;
	r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, password, ETrue);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test (!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked as stack hasn't powered down
	test.Next(_L("Card reports unlocked - before PowerDown"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);

	WaitForPowerDownUnlock(fs, RFsDNum);
	test.Next(_L("Card reports unlocked - after PowerDown"));
	r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
	test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);

	test (r == KErrNone);
	test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
	test.Next(_L("Clearing Password (Successful)"));
	r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, password);
	test(r == KErrNone);

LOCAL_C void TestFsLockUnlock()
	TInt r = KErrNone;

	test.Start(_L("Testing RFs APIs"));

	test.Next(_L("open connection"));
	RFs fs;
	test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("test locking card"));

	TMediaPassword oldpassword;
	TMediaPassword newpassword = (TUint8*) "salasana";
	TMediaPassword wrongpwd = (TUint8*) "failtest";

	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, newpassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	test.Next(_L("test unlocking fails if still powered up"));
	r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrAlreadyExists);		// already unlocked (as stack won't have powered down yet)
	test (!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));

	test.Next(_L("test clearing succeeds if still powered up"));
	r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));
	test.Next(_L("test locking card again"));
	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, newpassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);

	// DEF111681: CheckDisk is returning bad error code when run on locked SD card
	// RFs::CheckDisk() should return KErrNone or KErrLocked (not KErrCorrupt) if the card is locked and the 
	// stack powers down
	// NB For FAT16 cards, the FAT will be entirely cached so CheckDisk will not actually access the media
	// so KErrNone will be returned. For FAT32 cards, KErrLocked will be returned.
	test.Next(_L("test CheckDisk() returns KErrLocked if the card is locked and the stack powered down"));
	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
	TFileName sessionPath;
	TChar driveLetter;
	r = fs.DriveToChar(RFsDNum,driveLetter);
	r = fs.CheckDisk(sessionPath);
	test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrLocked);
	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);

	// DEF111700: Formatting a locked SD/MMC leaves it in a bad state (causes panics later)
	// This was caused by format calling TDrive::MountMedia(ETrue) and then not dismounting
	r = fs.RemountDrive(RFsDNum);
	test (r == KErrNone);
	RFormat fmt;
	TPckgBuf<TInt> stepPkg;
	TDriveUnit driveUnit(RFsDNum);
	TDriveName driveName = driveUnit.Name();
	test.Next(_L("format locked card"));
	r = fmt.Open(fs, driveName, EHighDensity, stepPkg());
	if (r != KErrLocked)
		test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Next() returned %d\n"), r);
	test(r == KErrLocked);
	r = fs.CheckDisk(sessionPath);
	test(r == KErrLocked);

	test.Next(_L("test unlocking fails after powered down & unlocked with wrong password"));
	r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);		// unlocked should now fail

	test.Next(_L("test unlocking succeeds for correct password after powered down & locked"));
	r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone);		// unlocked should now succeed

	test.Next(_L("test unlocking fails after successful unlock"));
	r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrAlreadyExists);		// unlocked should now succeed
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	test.Next(_L("test locking card with new password (with wrong password as old password)"));
	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd, newpassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	test.Next(_L("test locking card with new password (with right password as old password)"));
	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword, wrongpwd, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));	// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
	test.Next(_L("test clearing fails with wrong password if powered down & locked"));
	r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword); // Note: we have set the wrong password as the new password
	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
	test(TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));

	test.Next(_L("test clearing succeeds with right password if powered down & locked"));
	r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));

	test.Next(_L("test locking card again"));
	r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, newpassword, EFalse);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));		// not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down

	test.Next(_L("test forced erase fails if still powered up"));
	r = ExecuteForcedEraseTestL(fs, RFsDNum);
	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);		// fails because card is not yet locked

	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);

	test.Next(_L("test forced erase succeeds if powered down & locked"));
	r = ExecuteForcedEraseTestL(fs, RFsDNum);
	test(r == KErrNone);


PDEF104639: Phone automatically reboots when inserting memory card with password. 
Testing that TheFs.UnlockDrive() results in a notification - and doesn't crash the file server (!)
void TestUnlockDriveNotifyChange()
	RFs fs;
	test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);

	TFileName sessionPath;
	TChar driveLetter;
	TInt r=fs.DriveToChar(RFsDNum,driveLetter);
	TInt nRes;
    TDriveInfo dInfo;

    nRes = fs.Drive(dInfo, RFsDNum);
	test(nRes == KErrNone);
	if (!(dInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLockable))
		test.Printf(_L("Drive %d is not lockable %d\n"), RFsDNum);

	// attempt to lock the drive
	TMediaPassword oldPassword;
	TMediaPassword newPassword = (TUint8*) "salasana";
    nRes = fs.LockDrive(RFsDNum, oldPassword, newPassword, EFalse );
	test(nRes == KErrNone);

	WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);

    TRequestStatus reqStatNotify1(KRequestPending);
    //-- set up notifier
    fs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll, reqStatNotify1, sessionPath);
    test(reqStatNotify1.Int() == KRequestPending);

    //-- unlock the drive
   	nRes = fs.UnlockDrive(RFsDNum, newPassword, EFalse);
	test.Printf(_L("UnlockDrive() %d reqStatNotify1 %d\n"), nRes, reqStatNotify1.Int());
    //-- check that the notifier worked
    test(reqStatNotify1.Int() == KErrNone);

	r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, newPassword);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));

LOCAL_C void RunTests()
// Main test routine.  Calls other test functions.

	if(TBLDNum == -1)
		if(!SetupDrivesForPlatform(TBLDNum, RFsDNum))
			test.Printf(_L("MMC Drive Not Found - Skipping test\r\n"));

	test.Next(_L("Connecting TBLD"));
	test(TBLD.Connect(TBLDNum, TBLDChangedFlag) == KErrNone);

	test.Next(_L("Allocating test data"));

	test.Next(_L("Testing locking / unlocking using file server APIs"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing Power Down Status Reporting using file server APIs"));

    test.Next(_L("Testing RFs::NotifyChange() with RFs::UnlockDrive()"));

	test.Next(_L("Forced Erase"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing store management"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing locking functions"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing Elide Passwords"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing Null Passwords"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing controller store"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing auto unlock"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing password file"));
	test.Next(_L("Testing writing a valid password to store unlocks card"));

	test.Next(_L("Disconnecting TBLD"));

	test.Next(_L("Deleting test data"));


TInt E32Main()


	return KErrNone;