author John Imhofe
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:47:35 +0000
changeset 16 f3f3987b99ac
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 22 2f92ad2dc5db
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 1979 Build fix, removed missing directory\mmp from e32utils\group bld.inf file

// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_ext.cpp

#include "sf_std.h"

typedef CProxyDriveFactory*(*TExtensionNew)();
typedef CExtProxyDriveFactory*(*TProxyDriveNew)();


Initialises drive extension count to zero.


Note that the class is intended only as an abstract base for other classes.

@panic FSERV 51 if the supplied CMountCB pointer is NULL.
CProxyDrive::CProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount)
//	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMount!=NULL,Fault(EProxyDriveConstruction));


Frees resources before destruction of the object.

An interface with which control commands can be passed to 
the appropriate driver layer.

This base implementation performs no operations.

@param aMessage Message to be sent.
@param aCommand Command type.
@param aParam1  1st parameter of control message.
@param aParam2  2nd parameter of control message.

@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& /*aMessage*/,TInt /*aCommand*/,TAny* /*aParam1*/,TAny* /*aParam2*/)
// General purpose function for use by specific file systems and extensions

General purpose read function for use by specific file systems and extensions.

This base implementation performs no operations.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 /*aPos*/,TInt /*aLength*/,const TAny* /*aTrg*/,TInt /*aThreadHandle*/,TInt /*aOffset*/, TInt /*aFlags*/)

General purpose write function for use by specific file systems and extensions.

This base implementation performs no operations.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 /*aPos*/,TInt /*aLength*/,const TAny* /*aSrc*/,TInt /*aThreadHandle*/,TInt /*aOffset*/, TInt /*aFlags*/)

Issue a notification that a physical delete has occurred. 
For example a cluster or partition has been freed.

This base implementation performs no operations.

@param aPos    The position of the data which is being deleted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being deleted.

@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::DeleteNotify(TInt64 /*aPos*/, TInt /*aLength*/)
An interface with which information can be retrieved about disk errors.

This base implementation performs no operations.

@param aErrorInfo Reference to a descriptor containing disk error information.

@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8& /*aErrorInfo*/)
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::GetLocalDrive(TBusLocalDrive*& aLocDrv)
	return (GetInterface(EGetLocalDrive, (TAny*&)aLocDrv, (TAny*)this));	// this GetInterface does the dirty work for you...

EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::Finalise(TBool aIsFinalised)
	TAny* dummyInterface;
	return (GetInterface(EFinalised, dummyInterface, (TAny*)aIsFinalised));

Called to get a Proxy drive interface.

@param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
@param aInterface Address of variable that retrieves the specified interface.
@param aInput Data required for the instantiation of the interface.

This base implementation performs no operations.

@return KErrNotSupported
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt /*aInterfaceId*/,TAny*& /*aInterface*/,TAny* /*aInput*/)

EXPORT_C CLocDrvMountCB::CLocDrvMountCB() {}


Frees assigned Proxy drive before destruction of the object.
EXPORT_C CLocDrvMountCB::~CLocDrvMountCB()
	__PRINT1(_L("CLocDrvMountCB::~CLocDrvMountCB() 0x%x"),this);
	if(iProxyDrive && !LocalDrives::IsProxyDrive(Drive().DriveNumber()) && LocalDrives::IsValidDriveMapping(Drive().DriveNumber()))

Creates and initialises the local drive.

@param aLocDrv The local drive to be created

@return System wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CLocDrvMountCB::CreateLocalDrive(TBusLocalDrive& aLocDrv)
	TInt r;
	CProxyDrive* pConcrete=CLocalProxyDrive::New(this,aLocDrv);
		// if failure then pConcrete will be deleted by CreateProxyDriveL()
	__PRINT1(_L("CreateLocalDrive r=%d"),r);

EXPORT_C TInt CLocDrvMountCB::CreateDrive(TInt aDriveNumber)
/** Create drive
	Ascertain if the drive is mapped to a local drive or a proxy drive, and create the drive
	as appropriate
	@param aDriveNumer drive number
	@return KErrNone on success
		     KErrArgument is the drive is not mapped to a proxy or a local drive or if the number
		     is invalid
	// dunno why we are using TInts instead of TUints here

	if (aDriveNumber<0 || aDriveNumber>=KMaxDrives) return KErrArgument;
	TInt r = KErrNone;
	TInt aDriveLocal = LocalDrives::DriveNumberToLocalDriveNumber(aDriveNumber);
	if (aDriveLocal == KDriveInvalid) return KErrArgument;
	if (aDriveLocal < KMaxLocalDrives)
		return CreateLocalDrive(LocalDrives::GetLocalDrive(aDriveNumber));	// drive is really local
		CExtProxyDrive* pProxyDrive = LocalDrives::GetProxyDrive(aDriveNumber);
		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(pProxyDrive != NULL,User::Panic(_L("CreateDrive - pProxyDrive == NULL"), -999));

		iProxyDrive = CreateProxyDriveL(pProxyDrive, this);
		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iProxyDrive != NULL,User::Panic(_L("CreateDrive - CreateProxyDrive returned NULL"), -999));

		r = InitLocalDrive();
	return r;

Initialise the local drive

@panic FSERV 52 if initialise when no local drive exists.

@return system wide error code
EXPORT_C TInt CLocDrvMountCB::InitLocalDrive()

Dismount the local drive

@panic FSERV 53 if dismount when no local drive exists.
EXPORT_C void CLocDrvMountCB::DismountedLocalDrive()

static constructor.

Instatiates a CLocalProxyDrive objects with the given arguments.

@param aMount The mount control block
@param aLocDrv The local drive.

@return pointer to instantiated CLocalProxyDrive object.
CLocalProxyDrive* CLocalProxyDrive::New(CMountCB* aMount,TBusLocalDrive& aLocDrv)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveNew, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		aMount, aMount->DriveNumber());

	CLocalProxyDrive* proxyDrive = new CLocalProxyDrive(aMount,aLocDrv);
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveNewRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, proxyDrive);
	return proxyDrive;


@param aMount The mount control block.
@param aLocDrv The local drive.
CLocalProxyDrive::CLocalProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount,TBusLocalDrive& aLocDrv)

Initialise the connected drive.

This implementation performs no operations.

@return KErrNone.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Initialise()
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveInitialise, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveInitialiseRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, KErrNone);


Ensures any cached data is flushed before unmounting drive.

This implementation performs no operations.

@return KErrNone.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Dismounted()
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDismounted, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDismountedRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, KErrNone);


Increase the size of the connected drive by the specified length (in bytes).

@param aLength The length/size (in bytes) by which the drive is to be increased.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Enlarge(TInt aLength)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveEnlarge, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aLength);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Enlarge(aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveEnlargeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Reduce the size of the connected drive by removing the specified length
(in bytes) starting at the specified position.
Refer to relevant media driver documentation for implementation/restriction 

@param aPos    The start position of area to be removed.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being removed.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ReduceSize(TInt aPos, TInt aLength)
	TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveReduceSize, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aPos, aLength);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.ReduceSize(aPos,aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveReduceSizeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Read from the connected drive, and pass flags to driver.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset, TInt aFlags)
	TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Read from the connected drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
	TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, anOffset);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,anOffset);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Read from the connected drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg)
	TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, &aTrg);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Write to the connected drive and pass flags to driver.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
	TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);

	return r;

Write to the connected drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
	TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, anOffset);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,anOffset);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Write to the connected drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
	TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aSrc.Length(), &aSrc);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Write(aPos,aSrc);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;
Get the connected drive's capabilities information.

@param anInfo A descriptor of the connected drives capabilities.

@return system wide error code
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Caps(TDes8& anInfo)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveCaps, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Caps(anInfo);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveCapsRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Format the connected drive.

@param anInfo Device specific format information.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& anInfo)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Format(anInfo);

	TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		r, anInfo.iFormatIsCurrent, anInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted, anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat);
	return r;

Format the connected drive.

@param aPos    The position of the data which is being formatted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being formatted.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength)
	TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Format(aPos,aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Set the mount information on the local drive.

@param aMountInfo Information passed down to the media driver. The meaning of this information depends on the media driver.
@param aMountInfoThreadHandle  Message thread handle number.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::SetMountInfo(const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TInt aMountInfoThreadHandle)
	TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveSetMountInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aMountInfo, aMountInfoThreadHandle);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.SetMountInfo(aMountInfo,aMountInfoThreadHandle);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveSetMountInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Forces a remount on the local drive

@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ForceRemount(TUint aFlags)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveForceRemount, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aFlags);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.ForceRemount(aFlags);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveForceRemountRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

An interface with which control commands can be passed to 
the appropriate driver layer.

@param aMessage Message to be sent.
@param aCommand Command type.
@param aParam1  1st parameter of control message.
@param aParam2  2nd parameter of control message.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& /*aMessage*/,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveControlIO, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.ControlIO(aCommand,aParam1,aParam2);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveControlIORet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;
Unlocks a password-enabled device.

@param aPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Unlock(TMediaPassword &aPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveUnlock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Unlock(aPassword,aStorePassword);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveUnlockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Locks a password-enabled device with the new password.

@param aOldPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aNewPassword A descriptor containing the new password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Lock(TMediaPassword &aOldPassword, TMediaPassword &aNewPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveLock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.SetPassword(aOldPassword,aNewPassword,aStorePassword);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveLockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Clears a password from a device - controller sets password to null.

@param aPassword A descriptor containing the password.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Clear(TMediaPassword &aPassword)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveClear, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.Clear(aPassword);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveClearRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Forcibly unlock a password-enabled drive.

@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ErasePassword()
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveErasePassword, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.ErasePassword();

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveErasePasswordRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Notify the media driver that an area of the partition has been deleted.
Used by some media drivers (e.g. NAND flash) for garbage collection.

@param aPos    The position of the data which is being deleted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being deleted.

@return System wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::DeleteNotify(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
	TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDeleteNotify, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.DeleteNotify(aPos, aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDeleteNotifyRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Retrieve disk error information.

@param aErrorInfo Reference to a descriptor containing disk error information.

@return System wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8 &aErrorInfo)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iLocDrv.GetLastErrorInfo(aErrorInfo);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

TInt CLocalProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
	TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetInterface, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, aInterfaceId, aInput);

	TInt r;
		case EGetLocalDrive:
			r = KErrNone;

        case ELocalBufferSupport:
            aInterface = NULL;
			r = KErrNone;

			r= CProxyDrive::GetInterface(aInterfaceId,aInterface,aInput);

	TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetInterfaceRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r, aInterface);
	return r;


@panic FSERV 54 if the supplied CMountCB pointer is NULL.
EXPORT_C CBaseExtProxyDrive::CBaseExtProxyDrive(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive, CMountCB* aMount)

Frees resources before destruction of the object.
EXPORT_C CBaseExtProxyDrive::~CBaseExtProxyDrive()

Initialise the proxy drive.

This implementation performs no operations.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Initialise()
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveInitialise, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->Initialise();

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveInitialiseRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Calls Dismounted() on the proxy drive.

@return KErrNone.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Dismounted()
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDismounted, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->Dismounted();

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDismountedRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Increase the size of the proxy drive by the specified length (in bytes).

@param aLength The length (in bytes) of which the drive is to be increased by.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Enlarge(TInt aLength)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveEnlarge, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aLength);

	TInt r = iProxy->Enlarge(aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveEnlargeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Reduce the size of the proxy drive by removing the specified length
(in bytes) starting at the specified position.
Refer to relevant media driver documentation for implementation/restriction 

@param aPos    The start position of area to be removed.
@param aLength The length/size (in bytes) by which the drive is to be reduced.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ReduceSize(TInt aPos, TInt aLength)
	TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveReduceSize, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aPos, aLength);

	TInt r = iProxy->ReduceSize(aPos,aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveReduceSizeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Read from the proxy drive, and pass flags to driver.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
	TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);

	TInt r = iProxy->Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);

	return r;

Read from the proxy drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
	TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, anOffset);

	TInt r = iProxy->Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,anOffset);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Read from the proxy drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg)
	TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, &aTrg);

	TInt r = iProxy->Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Write to the proxy drive and pass flags to driver.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
	TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);

	TInt r = iProxy->Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Write to the proxy drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
	TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, anOffset);

	TInt r = iProxy->Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,anOffset);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Write to the proxy drive.

@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
	TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aSrc.Length(), &aSrc);

	TInt r = iProxy->Write(aPos,aSrc);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Get the proxy drive's capabilities information.

@param anInfo A descriptor of the connected drives capabilities.

@return system wide error code
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Caps(TDes8& anInfo)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveCaps, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->Caps(anInfo);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveCapsRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Format the connected drive.

@param anInfo Device specific format information.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& anInfo)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->Format(anInfo);

	TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		r, anInfo.iFormatIsCurrent, anInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted, anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat);
	return r;

Format the proxy drive.

@param aPos    The position of the data which is being formatted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being formatted.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength)
	TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);

	TInt r = iProxy->Format(aPos,aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Set the mount information on the proxy drive.

@param aMountInfo Information passed down to the media driver. The meaning of this information depends on the media driver.
@param aMountInfoThreadHandle  Message thread handle number.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::SetMountInfo(const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TInt aMountInfoThreadHandle)
	TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveSetMountInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aMountInfo, aMountInfoThreadHandle);

	TInt r = iProxy->SetMountInfo(aMountInfo,aMountInfoThreadHandle);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveSetMountInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Forces a remount on the proxy drive

@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ForceRemount(TUint aFlags)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveForceRemount, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aFlags);

	TInt r = iProxy->ForceRemount(aFlags);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveForceRemountRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Unlocks a password-enabled proxy drive.

@param aPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Unlock(TMediaPassword &aPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveUnlock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);

	TInt r = iProxy->Unlock(aPassword,aStorePassword);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveUnlockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Locks a password-enabled proxy drive with the new password.

@param aOldPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aNewPassword A descriptor containing the new password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Lock(TMediaPassword &aOldPassword, TMediaPassword &aNewPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
	TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveLock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);

	TInt r = iProxy->Lock(aOldPassword,aNewPassword,aStorePassword);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveLockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Clears a password from a proxy drive - controller sets password to null.

@param aPassword A descriptor containing the password.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Clear(TMediaPassword &aPassword)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveClear, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->Clear(aPassword);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveClearRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Forcibly unlock a password-enabled proxy drive.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ErasePassword()
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveErasePassword, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->ErasePassword();

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveErasePasswordRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

An interface with which control commands can be passed to 
the appropriate driver layer.

@param aMessage Message to be sent.
@param aCommand Command type.
@param aParam1  1st parameter of control message.
@param aParam2  2nd parameter of control message.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveControlIO, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->ControlIO(aMessage,aCommand,aParam1,aParam2);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveControlIORet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Initialise the provided interface extension.

@param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
@param aInterface Address of variable that retrieves the specified interface.
@param aInput Data required for the instantiation of the interface.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
	TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetInterface, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, aInterfaceId, aInput);

	TInt r;
	if (aInterfaceId==EGetLocalDrive)
		r = iProxy->GetLocalDrive((TBusLocalDrive*&)aInterface);		// iProxy is of type CLocalProxyDrive, so OK to reenter
		r = CProxyDrive::GetInterface(aInterfaceId,aInterface,aInput);

	TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetInterfaceRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r, aInterface);
	return r;

Retrieve proxy drive disk error information.

@param aErrorInfo Reference to a descriptor containing disk error information.

@return System wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8 &aErrorInfo)
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);

	TInt r = iProxy->GetLastErrorInfo(aErrorInfo);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

Issue a notification that a physical delete has occurred. 
For example a cluster or partition has been freed.

@param aPos    The position of the data which is being deleted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being deleted.

@return System wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::DeleteNotify(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
	TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDeleteNotify, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, 
		this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);

    TInt r = iProxy->DeleteNotify(aPos, aLength);

	TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDeleteNotifyRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
	return r;

EXPORT_C CProxyDriveFactory::CProxyDriveFactory()

Remove the Proxy driver factory.

This implementation performs no operations.

@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDriveFactory::Remove()

GLDEF_C CExtProxyDriveFactory* GetProxyDriveFactory(const TDesC& aName)
// Lookup an extension by name.

	TInt h=0;
	TInt r=ProxyDrives->FindByName(h,aName);
	if (r!=KErrNone)

// construct a extension proxy drive device
EXPORT_C CExtProxyDriveFactory::CExtProxyDriveFactory()

EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDriveFactory::Remove()
	return KErrNone;

EXPORT_C void CExtProxyDriveFactory::AsyncEnumerate()

Create a proxy drive using the local proxy drive passed in
and any extensions that have been added to the drive.

@param aConcreteDrive local proxy drive
@param aMount local proxy drive mount control block

@return pointer to instantiated CProxyDrive object.
EXPORT_C CProxyDrive* CreateProxyDriveL(CProxyDrive* aConcreteDrive,CMountCB* aMount)
	TDrive& drive=TheDrives[aMount->Drive().DriveNumber()];

	TBool extSupported = drive.FSys().IsExtensionSupported();
	TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleFileSys::ECFileSystemIsExtensionSupported, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, extSupported);
	CProxyDrive* pOrig=aConcreteDrive;
	CProxyDrive* pFinal=NULL;
	for(TInt i=0;i<drive.ExtInfo().iCount;++i)
		__PRINT1TEMP(_L("adding extension %S"),drive.ExtInfo().iInfo[i].iFactory->Name());
		__PRINT1(_L("extension is primary = %d"),drive.ExtInfo().iInfo[i].iIsPrimary);

Lookup a proxy drive extension by name.

@param aName name of extension to be found

@return system wide error code
CProxyDriveFactory* GetExtension(const TDesC& aName)

	TInt h=0;
	TInt r=Extensions->FindByName(h,aName);
	if (r!=KErrNone)

// construct a extension proxy drive
EXPORT_C CExtProxyDrive::CExtProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount,CExtProxyDriveFactory* aDevice)
  : CProxyDrive(aMount),

// delete a extension proxy drive
EXPORT_C CExtProxyDrive::~CExtProxyDrive()
		delete iMediaChangeNotifier;

EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDrive::NotifyChange(TDes8 &/*aChanged*/, TRequestStatus* /*aStatus*/)
	return KErrNotSupported;

EXPORT_C void CExtProxyDrive::NotifyChangeCancel()

EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDrive::SetInfo(const RMessage2& /*aMsg*/, TAny* /*aMessageParam2*/, TAny* /*aMessageParam3*/)
	return KErrNone;

Initialise the provided interface extension.

@param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
@param aInterface Address of variable that retrieves the specified interface.
@param aInput Data required for the instantiation of the interface.

@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)

TInt CExtProxyDrive::SetupMediaChange()
		TRAPD(err, iMediaChangeNotifier->RequestL());
		return err;

	TRAPD(err, iMediaChangeNotifier = CExtNotifyMediaChange::NewL(this));	

	return(err == KErrNotSupported ? KErrNone : err);

TInt TFsAddExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Add an extension
	__PRINT(_L("TFsAddExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)"));
	RLibrary lib;
	// Get library handle
	if (lib.Type()[1]!=TUid::Uid(KFileSystemUidValue))
		return KErrNotSupported;

    TExtensionNew e=(TExtensionNew)lib.Lookup(1);
	if (!e)
		return KErrCorrupt;
	CProxyDriveFactory* pP=(*e)();
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt r=pP->Install();
	__PRINT1TEMP(_L("InstallExtension %S"),pP->Name());
	if (r==KErrNone)
		__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
	__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
	if (r==KErrNone)

TInt TFsAddExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	TSecurityPolicy policy(RProcess().SecureId(), ECapabilityTCB);
	if (!policy.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Add File System Extension")))
		return KErrPermissionDenied;
	return KErrNone;

TInt TFsAddProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Load a proxy drive
	__PRINT(_L("TFsAddProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)"));
	RLibrary lib;
	// Get library handle
	if (lib.Type()[1]!=TUid::Uid(KFileSystemUidValue))
		return KErrNotSupported;

    TProxyDriveNew e=(TProxyDriveNew)lib.Lookup(1);
	if (!e)
		return KErrCorrupt;
	CExtProxyDriveFactory* pP=(*e)();
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt r=pP->Install();
	__PRINT1TEMP(_L("Install Proxy Drive %S"),pP->Name());
	if (r==KErrNone)
		__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
	__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
	if (r==KErrNone)

TInt TFsAddProxyDrive::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	TSecurityPolicy policy(RProcess().SecureId(), ECapabilityTCB);
	if (!policy.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Add File System Proxy Drive")))
		return KErrPermissionDenied;
	return KErrNone;

TInt TFsMountExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Mount an extension
	TFullName name;
	CProxyDriveFactory* pE=GetExtension(name);
	if (pE==NULL)

TInt TFsMountExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int1(),aRequest);

TInt TFsDismountExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Dismount extension
	TFullName name;
	CProxyDriveFactory* pE=GetExtension(name);
	if (pE==NULL)

TInt TFsDismountExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	if (!KCapFsDismountExtension.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Dismount File Extension")))
		return KErrPermissionDenied;
	TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int1(),aRequest);

TInt TFsRemoveExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Remove an extension
	TFullName name;
	CProxyDriveFactory* pE=GetExtension(name);
	if (pE==NULL)
	TInt r=pE->Remove();
	if (r!=KErrNone)
	RLibrary lib=pE->Library();

TInt TFsRemoveExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	if (!KCapFsRemoveExtension.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Remove File Extension")))
		return KErrPermissionDenied;
	return KErrNone;

TInt TFsRemoveProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Remove a proxy drive
	TFullName name;

	CExtProxyDriveFactory* pD=GetProxyDriveFactory(name);
	// are there any mounted drives using this extension?
	if (LocalDrives::IsProxyDriveInUse(pD)) return KErrInUse;
	if (pD==NULL)
	TInt r=pD->Remove();
	if (r!=KErrNone)
	RLibrary lib=pD->Library();


TInt TFsRemoveProxyDrive::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	if (!KCapFsRemoveProxyDrive.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Remove Proxy Drive")))
		return KErrPermissionDenied;
	return KErrNone;

TInt TFsExtensionName::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Return the name of an extension for a given drive and extension chain position
	TFullName name;
	TInt r=aRequest->Drive()->ExtensionName(name,aRequest->Message().Int2());

TInt TFsExtensionName::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int1(),aRequest);

TInt TFsDismountProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Dismount a proxy extension


	return aRequest->Drive()->DismountProxyDrive();

TInt TFsDismountProxyDrive::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
	if (!KCapFsDismountProxyDrive.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Dismount Proxy Drive")))
		return KErrPermissionDenied;

	TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int0(),aRequest);

	return KErrNone;