changeset 0 af10295192d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:af10295192d8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "qoslib.h"
    17 #include "qoslib_glob.h"
    18 #include "pfqos_stream.h"
    20 #include <networking/qoslib_internal.h>
    21 #endif
    23 /**
    24 Default constructor. 
    26 RQoSPolicy::Open() must always be called before any other 
    27 methods in the RQoSPolicy can be called. 
    29 @publishedPartner
    30 @released
    31 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
    32 affect several data flows.
    33 */
    34 EXPORT_C RQoSPolicy::RQoSPolicy() : iPolicy(NULL)
    35 	{
    36 	}
    38 /**
    39 Destructor. 
    41 Closes any open policy. 
    43 @publishedPartner
    44 @released
    45 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
    46 affect several data flows.
    47 */
    48 EXPORT_C RQoSPolicy::~RQoSPolicy()
    49 	{
    50 	if (iPolicy)
    51 		iPolicy->Close();
    52 	}
    54 /**
    55 This must always be called before any other function can be used. 
    57 It specifies the selector for a QoS policy. 
    59 @publishedPartner
    60 @released
    61 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
    62 affect several data flows.
    63 @param aSelector Selector for the QoS policy.
    64 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code if the QoS channel 
    65 cannot be opened. 
    66 */
    67 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::Open(const TQoSSelector& aSelector)
    68 	{
    69 	if (iPolicy)
    70 		return KErrAlreadyExists;
    71 	CQoSMan* manager = NULL;
    72 	TRAPD(err,
    73 		manager = CQoSMan::NewL();
    74 		// There is manager->Open() in above NewL.
    75 		// How and when is that cancelled, if leave happens below? --msa
    76 		iPolicy = manager->OpenQoSPolicyL(aSelector)
    77 		);
    78 	return err;
    79 	}
    81 /**
    82 Sets the QoS parameters for the QoS policy. 
    84 A CQoSAddEvent event is received asynchronously to indicate the success or 
    85 failure of the request. 
    87 @publishedPartner
    88 @released
    89 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
    90 affect several data flows.
    91 @param aPolicy QoS parameters.
    92 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code. 
    93 */
    94 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::SetQoS(CQoSParameters& aPolicy)
    95 	{
    96 	if (!iPolicy)
    97 		return KErrNotReady;
    98 	TRAPD(err, iPolicy->SetQoSL(aPolicy));
    99 	return err;
   100 	}
   102 /**
   103 Gets the QoS policy from QoS policy database. 
   105 A CQoSGetEvent event is received asynchronously to indicate the success or 
   106 failure of the request.
   108 @publishedPartner
   109 @released
   110 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
   111 affect several data flows.
   112 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code. 
   113 */
   114 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::GetQoS()
   115 	{
   116 	if (!iPolicy)
   117 		return KErrNotReady;
   118 	TRAPD(err, iPolicy->GetQoSL());
   119 	return err;
   120 	}
   122 /**
   123 Deletes the QoS policy.
   125 @publishedPartner
   126 @released
   127 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
   128 affect several data flows.
   129 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code (e.g. if 
   130 RQoSPolicy::Open() was not called).
   131 */
   132 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::Close()
   133 	{
   134 	if (!iPolicy)
   135 		return KErrNotReady;
   136 	TRAPD(err, iPolicy->DeleteL());
   137 	if (err == KErrNone)
   138 		{
   139 		iPolicy->Close();
   140 		iPolicy = NULL;
   141 		}
   142 	return err;
   143 	}
   145 /**
   146 Registers an event observer to catch QoS events.
   148 @publishedPartner
   149 @released
   150 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
   151 affect several data flows.
   152 @param aObserver Event observer.
   153 @param aMask An event mask. An application can specify a set of QoS events 
   154 that it wants to receive. By default all events are notified to the 
   155 application. See TQoSEvent enumerations.
   156 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code. 
   157 */
   158 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::NotifyEvent(MQoSObserver& aObserver, TUint aMask)
   159 	{
   160 	if (!iPolicy)
   161 		return KErrNotReady;
   162 	return iPolicy->NotifyEvent(aObserver, aMask);
   163 	}
   165 /**
   166 Deregisters an event observer to catch QoS events. 
   168 @publishedPartner
   169 @released
   170 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
   171 affect several data flows.
   172 @param aObserver Event observer.
   173 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise an error code. 
   174 */
   175 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::CancelNotifyEvent(MQoSObserver& aObserver)
   176 	{
   177 	if (!iPolicy)
   178 		return KErrNotReady;
   179 	return iPolicy->CancelNotifyEvent(aObserver);
   180 	}
   182 /**
   183 Loads a QoS policy file into the QoS policy database. 
   185 A TQoSEvent event (EQoSEventLoadPolicyFile) is received asynchronously to 
   186 indicate the success or failure of the request. 
   188 @publishedPartner
   189 @released
   190 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
   191 affect several data flows.
   192 @param aName Name of the QoS policy file to be loaded.
   193 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code. 
   194 */
   195 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::LoadPolicyFile(const TDesC& aName)
   196 	{
   197 	if (!iPolicy)
   198 		return KErrNotReady;
   199 	TRAPD(err, iPolicy->LoadFileL(aName));
   200 	return err;
   201 	}
   203 /**
   204 Unloads a QoS policy file from the QoS policy database. 
   206 A TQoSEvent event (EQoSEventUnloadPolicyFile) is received asynchronously to 
   207 indicate the success or failure of the request. 
   209 @publishedPartner
   210 @released
   211 @capability NetworkControl Restrict QoS policy operations because they may 
   212 affect several data flows.
   213 @param aName Name of the QoS policy file to be unloaded.
   214 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, an error code. 
   215 */
   216 EXPORT_C TInt RQoSPolicy::UnloadPolicyFile(const TDesC& aName)
   217 	{
   218 	if (!iPolicy)
   219 		return KErrNotReady;
   220 	TRAPD(err, iPolicy->UnloadFileL(aName));
   221 	return err;
   222 	}
   225 //
   226 CQoSRequestBase::~CQoSRequestBase()
   227 	{
   228 	iManager->ClearPendingRequest(this);
   229 	iManager->Close();
   230 	}
   232 void CQoSRequestBase::ParseExtensions(TPfqosMessage& aMsg, CQoSParameters& aPolicy)
   233 	{
   234 	aMsg.SetQoSParameters(aPolicy.iQoS);
   235 	TSglQueIter<CPfqosPolicyData> iter(aMsg.iExtensions);
   236 	CPfqosPolicyData *data;
   238 	while ((data = iter++) != NULL)
   239 		{
   240 		TInt extensionType;
   241 		TInt ret = GetExtensionType(data->Data(), extensionType);
   242 		if (ret == KErrNone)
   243 			{
   244 			CExtensionBase *ext = aPolicy.FindExtension(extensionType);
   245 			if (ext)
   246 				ext->ParseMessage(data->Data());
   247 			}
   248 		}
   249 	}
   251 TInt CQoSRequestBase::GetExtensionType(const TDesC8& aData, TInt& aType)
   252 	{
   253 	const TUint8 *p = aData.Ptr();
   254 	TInt length = aData.Length();
   255 	//lint -e{826} thinks this cast is suspicious -- is not!
   256 	struct pfqos_configure *ext = (struct pfqos_configure *) p;
   258 	if (length < (TInt)sizeof(pfqos_configure))
   259 		return KErrGeneral;	 // EMSGSIZE (impossible message size)
   261 	if (ext->pfqos_configure_len * 8 != length)
   262 		return KErrGeneral;	 // EMSGSIZE (incorrect message length)
   264 	if (ext->pfqos_ext_type != EPfqosExtExtension)
   265 		return KErrGeneral;
   267 	p += sizeof(struct pfqos_configure);
   268 	//lint -e{826} thinks this cast is suspicious -- is not!
   269 	pfqos_extension *extensionType = (pfqos_extension *) p;
   270 	aType = extensionType->pfqos_extension_type;
   271 	return KErrNone;
   272 	}
   274 TInt CQoSRequestBase::NotifyEvent(MQoSObserver& aObserver, TUint aMask)
   275 	{
   276 	if (aMask & ~KQoSEventAll)
   277 		return KErrNotSupported;
   278 	iEventMask = aMask;
   279 	iObserver = &aObserver;
   280 	return KErrNone;
   281 	}
   283 TInt CQoSRequestBase::CancelNotifyEvent(MQoSObserver& aObserver)
   284 	{
   285 	if (iObserver != &aObserver)
   286 		return KErrNotFound;
   287 	iObserver = NULL;
   288 	return KErrNone;
   289 	}
   292 //
   293 CPolicy* CPolicy::NewL(CQoSMan* aManager, const TQoSSelector& aSelector)
   294 	{
   295 	CPolicy* policy = new (ELeave) CPolicy(aManager, aSelector);
   296 	return policy;
   297 	}
   299 CPolicy::CPolicy(CQoSMan* aManager, const TQoSSelector& aSelector)
   300 	{
   301 	iManager = aManager;
   302 	iSelector = aSelector;
   303 	iPending = ENone;
   304 	iPolicyCreated = EFalse;
   305 	}
   307 CPolicy::~CPolicy()
   308 	{
   309 	iManager->RemoveQoSPolicy(this);
   310 	}
   312 void CPolicy::Close()
   313 	{
   314 	delete this;
   315 	}
   317 TBool CPolicy::Match(const TQoSSelector& aSelector)
   318 	{
   319 	return (iSelector == aSelector);
   320 	}
   322 void CPolicy::SetQoSL(CQoSParameters& aPolicy)
   323 	{
   324 	if (iPending != ENone)
   325 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   326 	iPolicy.CopyL(aPolicy);
   327 	CRequest* request = CRequest::NewL(this, KQoSDefaultBufSize);
   328 	if (iPolicyCreated)
   329 		{
   330 		request->iMsg->Init(EPfqosUpdate);
   331 		iPending = EPendingUpdate;
   332 		}
   333 	else
   334 		{
   335 		request->iMsg->Init(EPfqosAdd);
   336 		iPending = EPendingAdd;
   337 		}
   338 	request->iMsg->AddSelector((TUint8)iSelector.Protocol(), 
   339 							   iManager->Uid().UidType(), 
   340 							   EPfqosFlowspecPolicy, 
   341 							   iSelector.IapId(), 
   342 							   EPfqosApplicationPriority, 
   343 							   TPtr(0,0));
   344 	request->iMsg->AddSrcAddress(iSelector.GetSrc(), 
   345 								 iSelector.GetSrcMask(), 
   346 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortSrc()); 
   347 	request->iMsg->AddDstAddress(iSelector.GetDst(), 
   348 								 iSelector.GetDstMask(), 
   349 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortDst()); 
   350 	request->iMsg->AddQoSParameters(iPolicy.iQoS);
   352 	TQoSExtensionQueueIter iter(iPolicy.Extensions());
   353 	CExtensionBase *extension;
   354 	while ((extension=iter++) != NULL)
   355 		request->iMsg->AddExtensionPolicy(extension->Data());
   356 	iManager->Send(request);
   358 	}
   360 void CPolicy::GetQoSL()
   361 	{
   363 	if (iPending != ENone)
   364 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   365 	CRequest* request = CRequest::NewL(this, KQoSDefaultBufSize);
   366 	request->iMsg->Init(EPfqosGet);
   367 	iPending = EPendingGet;
   368 	request->iMsg->AddSelector((TUint8)iSelector.Protocol(), 
   369 							   iManager->Uid().UidType(), 
   370 							   EPfqosFlowspecPolicy, 
   371 							   iSelector.IapId(), 
   372 							   EPfqosApplicationPriority, 
   373 							   TPtr(0,0));
   374 	request->iMsg->AddSrcAddress(iSelector.GetSrc(), 
   375 								 iSelector.GetSrcMask(), 
   376 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortSrc()); 
   377 	request->iMsg->AddDstAddress(iSelector.GetDst(), 
   378 								 iSelector.GetDstMask(), 
   379 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortDst()); 
   381 	TQoSExtensionQueueIter iter(iPolicy.Extensions());
   382 	CExtensionBase *extension;
   383 	while ((extension=iter++) != NULL)
   384 		request->iMsg->AddExtensionPolicy(extension->Data());
   385 	iManager->Send(request);
   387 	}
   389 void CPolicy::DeleteL()
   390 	{
   391 	CRequest* request = CRequest::NewL(this,KQoSDefaultBufSize);
   392 	request->iMsg->Init(EPfqosDelete);
   393 	iPending = EPendingDelete;
   394 	request->iMsg->AddSelector((TUint8)iSelector.Protocol(), 
   395 							   iManager->Uid().UidType(), 
   396 							   EPfqosFlowspecPolicy, 
   397 							   iSelector.IapId(), 
   398 							   EPfqosApplicationPriority, 
   399 							   TPtr(0,0));
   400 	request->iMsg->AddSrcAddress(iSelector.GetSrc(), 
   401 								 iSelector.GetSrcMask(), 
   402 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortSrc()); 
   403 	request->iMsg->AddDstAddress(iSelector.GetDst(), 
   404 								 iSelector.GetDstMask(), 
   405 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortDst()); 
   407 	TQoSExtensionQueueIter iter(iPolicy.Extensions());
   408 	CExtensionBase *item;
   409 	while ((item = iter++) != NULL)
   410 		request->iMsg->AddExtensionHeader((TUint16)item->Type());
   412 	iManager->Send(request);
   413 	}
   415 void CPolicy::ProcessReply(TPfqosMessage& aMsg)
   416 	{
   417 	TInt aErrorCode = aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno;
   421 	TPendingStatus status = iPending;
   423 	if (aErrorCode)
   424 		{
   425 		if (status == EPendingLoadFile || status == EPendingUnloadFile)
   426 			{
   427 			iPending = ENone;
   428 #if _UNICODE
   429 			TPtrC8 tmp((TUint8*)aMsg.iConfigFile.iExt->filename);
   430 			TFileName filename;
   431 			filename.Copy(tmp);
   432 #else
   433 			TPtrC8 filename((TUint8*)aMsg.iConfigFile.iExt->filename);
   434 #endif
   435 			TQoSEvent event_type;
   436 			if (status == EPendingLoadFile)
   437 				event_type = EQoSEventLoadPolicyFile;
   438 			else
   439 				event_type = EQoSEventUnloadPolicyFile;
   440 			CQoSLoadEvent event(event_type, aErrorCode, filename);
   441 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventLoadPolicyFile)
   442 				iObserver->Event(event);
   443 			}
   444 		else
   445 			{
   446 			NotifyError(aErrorCode);
   447 			}
   448 		}
   449 	else
   450 		{
   451 		iPending = ENone;
   453 		switch (status)
   454 			{
   455 		case EPendingAdd:
   456 			{
   457 			CQoSParameters policy;
   458 			ParseExtensions(aMsg, policy);
   459 			CQoSAddEvent event(&policy, aErrorCode);
   460 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventAddPolicy)
   461 				iObserver->Event(event);
   462 			iPolicyCreated = ETrue;
   463 			}
   464 			break;
   466 		case EPendingUpdate:
   467 			{
   468 			CQoSParameters policy;
   469 			ParseExtensions(aMsg, policy);
   470 			CQoSAddEvent event(&policy, aErrorCode);
   471 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventAddPolicy)
   472 				iObserver->Event(event);
   473 			}
   474 			break;
   476 		case EPendingDelete:
   477 			{
   478 			iPending = ENone;
   479 			CQoSDeleteEvent event(aErrorCode);
   480 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventDeletePolicy)
   481 				iObserver->Event(event);
   482 			}
   483 			break;
   485 		case EPendingGet:
   486 			{
   487 			CQoSParameters policy;
   490 			ParseExtensions(aMsg, policy);
   493 			CQoSGetEvent event(&policy, aErrorCode);
   496 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventGetPolicy)
   497 				iObserver->Event(event);
   498 			}
   499 			break;
   501 		case EPendingLoadFile:
   502 		case EPendingUnloadFile:
   503 			{
   504 #if _UNICODE
   505 			TPtrC8 tmp((TUint8*)aMsg.iConfigFile.iExt->filename);
   506 			TFileName filename;
   507 			filename.Copy(tmp);
   508 #else
   509 			TPtrC8 filename((TUint8*)aMsg.iConfigFile.iExt->filename);
   510 #endif
   511 			TQoSEvent event_type;
   512 			if (status == EPendingLoadFile)
   513 				event_type = EQoSEventLoadPolicyFile;
   514 			else
   515 				event_type = EQoSEventUnloadPolicyFile;
   516 			CQoSLoadEvent event(event_type, KErrNone, filename);
   517 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventLoadPolicyFile)
   518 				iObserver->Event(event);
   519 			}
   520 			break;
   522 		default:
   523 			break;
   524 			}
   525 		}
   526 	}
   528 TBool CPolicy::MatchReply(const TPfqosMessage& aMsg, TUint8 aMsgType)
   529 	{
   530 	if (((iPending == EPendingAdd && aMsgType == EPfqosAdd) ||
   531 	 (iPending == EPendingUpdate && aMsgType == EPfqosUpdate) ||
   532 	 (iPending == EPendingGet && aMsgType == EPfqosGet) ||
   533 	 (iPending == EPendingDelete && aMsgType == EPfqosDelete) ||
   534 	 (iPending == EPendingLoadFile && aMsgType == EPfqosLoadFile) ||
   535 	 (iPending == EPendingUnloadFile && aMsgType == EPfqosUnloadFile)) &&
   536 	(iSelector.GetDst().Match(*aMsg.iDstAddr.iAddr)) &&
   537 	(iSelector.GetSrc().Match(*aMsg.iSrcAddr.iAddr)) &&
   538 	(iSelector.Protocol() == aMsg.iSelector.iExt->protocol) &&
   539 	(iSelector.GetDst().Port() == aMsg.iDstAddr.iAddr->Port()) &&
   540 	(iSelector.GetSrc().Port() == aMsg.iSrcAddr.iAddr->Port()) &&
   541 	(iSelector.MaxPortDst() == aMsg.iDstAddr.iExt->pfqos_port_max) &&
   542 	(iSelector.MaxPortSrc() == aMsg.iSrcAddr.iExt->pfqos_port_max))
   543 		return ETrue;
   545 	return EFalse;
   546 	}
   548 void CPolicy::ProcessEvent(TPfqosMessage& aMsg)
   549 	{
   550 	if ((iSelector.GetDst().Match(*aMsg.iDstAddr.iAddr)) &&
   551 	(iSelector.GetSrc().Match(*aMsg.iSrcAddr.iAddr)) &&
   552 	(iSelector.Protocol() == aMsg.iSelector.iExt->protocol) &&
   553 	(iSelector.GetDst().Port() == aMsg.iDstAddr.iAddr->Port()) &&
   554 	(iSelector.GetSrc().Port() == aMsg.iSrcAddr.iAddr->Port()) &&
   555 	(iSelector.MaxPortDst() == aMsg.iDstAddr.iExt->pfqos_port_max) &&
   556 	(iSelector.MaxPortSrc() == aMsg.iSrcAddr.iExt->pfqos_port_max))
   557 		{
   558 		iCapabilities = aMsg.iEvent.iExt->event_value;
   560 		switch (aMsg.iEvent.iExt->event_type)
   561 			{
   562 		case KPfqosEventFailure:
   563 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventFailure)
   564 				{
   565 				ParseExtensions(aMsg, iPolicy);
   566 				CQoSFailureEvent event(iPolicy, aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
   567 				iObserver->Event(event);
   568 				}
   569 			break;
   571 		case KPfqosEventConfirm:
   572 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventConfirm)
   573 				{
   574 				ParseExtensions(aMsg, iPolicy);
   575 				CQoSConfirmEvent event(iPolicy);
   576 				iObserver->Event(event);
   577 		  		}
   578 			break;
   580 		case KPfqosEventAdapt:
   581 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventAdapt)
   582 				{
   583 				ParseExtensions(aMsg, iPolicy);
   584 				CQoSAdaptEvent event(iPolicy, aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
   585 				iObserver->Event(event);
   586 				}
   587 			break;
   589 		default:
   590 			return;
   591 			}
   592 		}
   593 	}
   595 void CPolicy::NotifyError(TInt aReason)
   596 	{
   597 	TPendingStatus status = iPending;
   598 	iPending = ENone;
   600 	if (aReason)
   601 		{
   602 		switch (status)
   603 			{
   604 		case EPendingAdd:
   605 		case EPendingUpdate:
   606 			{
   607 			CQoSAddEvent event(&iPolicy, aReason);
   608 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventAddPolicy)
   609 				iObserver->Event(event);
   610 			}
   611 			break;
   613 		case EPendingGet:
   614 			{
   615 			CQoSGetEvent event(NULL, aReason);
   616 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventGetPolicy)
   617 				iObserver->Event(event);
   618 			}
   619 			break;
   621 		case EPendingDelete:
   622 			{
   623 			CQoSDeleteEvent event(aReason);
   624 			if (iObserver && iEventMask & EQoSEventDeletePolicy)
   625 				iObserver->Event(event);
   626 			}
   627 			break;
   629 		default:
   630 			break;
   631 			}
   632 		}
   633 	}
   636 void CPolicy::LoadFileL(const TDesC& aName)
   637 	{
   638 	if (iPending != ENone)
   639 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   640 	if (aName.Length() > KMaxFileName)
   641 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   642 	CRequest* request = CRequest::NewL(this, KQoSDefaultBufSize);
   643 	request->iMsg->Init(EPfqosLoadFile);
   644 	iPending = EPendingLoadFile;
   645 	request->iMsg->AddSelector((TUint8)iSelector.Protocol(), 
   646 							   iManager->Uid().UidType(), 
   647 							   EPfqosFlowspecPolicy, 
   648 							   iSelector.IapId(), 
   649 							   EPfqosApplicationPriority, 
   650 							   TPtr(0,0));
   651 	request->iMsg->AddSrcAddress(iSelector.GetSrc(), 
   652 								 iSelector.GetSrcMask(), 
   653 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortSrc()); 
   654 	request->iMsg->AddDstAddress(iSelector.GetDst(), 
   655 								 iSelector.GetDstMask(), 
   656 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortDst());
   657 	request->iMsg->AddConfigFile(aName);
   658 	iManager->Send(request);
   659 	}
   661 void CPolicy::UnloadFileL(const TDesC& aName)
   662 	{
   663 	if (iPending != ENone)
   664 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   665 	if (aName.Length() > KMaxFileName)
   666 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   667 	CRequest* request = CRequest::NewL(this, KQoSDefaultBufSize);
   668 	request->iMsg->Init(EPfqosUnloadFile);
   669 	iPending = EPendingUnloadFile;
   670 	request->iMsg->AddSelector((TUint8)iSelector.Protocol(), 
   671 							   iManager->Uid().UidType(), 
   672 							   EPfqosFlowspecPolicy, 
   673 							   iSelector.IapId(), 
   674 							   EPfqosApplicationPriority, 
   675 							   TPtr(0,0));
   676 	request->iMsg->AddSrcAddress(iSelector.GetSrc(), 
   677 								 iSelector.GetSrcMask(), 
   678 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortSrc()); 
   679 	request->iMsg->AddDstAddress(iSelector.GetDst(), 
   680 								 iSelector.GetDstMask(), 
   681 								 (TUint16)iSelector.MaxPortDst());
   682 	request->iMsg->AddConfigFile(aName);
   683 	iManager->Send(request);
   684 	}