changeset 0 af10295192d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:af10295192d8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined (__BSCGSMIPC_H__)
    17 #define __BSCGSMIPC_H__
    19 #if !defined (__ETELBGSM_H__)
    20 #include "ETelBgsm.h"
    21 #endif
    23 /**
    24 @internalComponent
    25 */
    26 #define IPC_GSM_BSC_EXT (1000)
    28 /**
    29 @internalComponent
    30 */									   
    31 enum
    32 	{
    33 //
    34 // Phone
    35 //
    36 	EGsmPhoneGetGsmPhoneId=IPC_GSM_BSC_EXT,			// 1000
    37 	EGsmPhoneGetSignalStrength,						// 1001
    38 	EGsmPhoneGetSignalStrengthCancel,				// 1002
    39 	EGsmPhoneSignalStrengthNotification,			// 1003
    40 	EGsmPhoneSignalStrengthNotificationCancel,		// 1004
    41 	EGsmPhoneGetBer,								// 1005
    42 	EGsmPhoneGetBerCancel,							// 1006
    43 	EGsmPhoneBerNotification,						// 1007
    44 	EGsmPhoneBerNotificationCancel,					// 1008
    45 	EGsmPhoneGetSignalBerCaps,						// 1009
    46 	EGsmPhoneSignalBerCapsChangeNotification,		// 1010
    47 	EGsmPhoneSignalBerCapsChangeNotificationCancel,	// 1011
    48 	EGsmPhoneGetBasicNetworkCaps,					// 1012
    49 	EGsmPhoneEnumeratePhoneBooks,					// 1013
    50 	EGsmPhoneGetPhoneBookInfo,						// 1014
    51 	EGsmPhoneEnumerateDetectedNetwork,				// 1015
    52 	EGsmPhoneEnumerateDetectedNetworkCancel,		// 1016
    53 	EGsmPhoneGetNetworkInfo,						// 1017
    54 	EGsmPhoneGetNetworkInfoCancel,					// 1018
    55 	EGsmPhoneSetNetworkMode,						// 1019
    56 	EGsmPhoneSetNetworkModeCancel,					// 1020
    57 	EGsmPhoneRetrieveDetectedNetworksPhase1,		// 1021
    58 	EGsmPhoneRetrieveDetectedNetworksPhase1Cancel,	// 1022
    59 	EGsmPhoneRetrieveDetectedNetworksPhase2,		// 1023
    60 	EGsmPhoneRetrieveDetectedNetworksPhase2Cancel,	// 1024
    61 	EGsmPhoneSetManualNetwork,						// 1025
    62 	EGsmPhoneSetManualNetworkCancel,				// 1026
    63 	EGsmPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfo,					// 1027
    64 	EGsmPhoneNotifyChangeOfCurrentNetwork,			// 1028
    65 	EGsmPhoneNotifyChangeOfCurrentNetworkCancel,	// 1029
    66 	EGsmPhoneGetBatteryInfo,						// 1030
    67 	EGsmPhoneGetBatteryInfoCancel,					// 1031
    68 	EGsmPhoneBatteryInfoNotification,				// 1032
    69 	EGsmPhoneBatteryInfoNotificationCancel,			// 1033
    70 	EGsmPhoneGetBatteryAndPowerCaps,				// 1034
    71 	EGsmPhoneIndicatorNotification,					// 1035
    72 	EGsmPhoneIndicatorNotificationCancel,			// 1036
    73 	EGsmPhoneGetIndicator,							// 1037
    74 	EGsmPhoneGetIndicatorCaps,						// 1038
    75 	EGsmPhoneReadClock,								// 1039
    76 	EGsmPhoneEnumerateAlarm,						// 1040
    77 	EGsmPhoneGetAlarm,								// 1041
    78 	EGsmPhoneSetAlarm,								// 1042
    79 	EGsmPhoneSetClock,								// 1043
    80 	EGsmPhoneGetClockCaps,							// 1044
    81 	EGsmPhoneClockCapsChangeNotification,			// 1045
    82 	EGsmPhoneClockCapsChangeNotificationCancel,		// 1046
    83 	EGsmPhoneGetInfoBasic,							// 1047
    84 	EGsmPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus,			// 1048
    85 	EGsmPhoneNotifyChangeOfNetworkRegistrationStatus,		// 1049
    86 	EGsmPhoneNotifyChangeOfNetworkRegistrationStatusCancel,	// 1050
    87 	EGsmPhoneGetNetworkSearchMode,							// 1051
    88 	EGsmPhoneNotifyChangeOfNetworkSearchMode,				// 1052
    89 	EGsmPhoneNotifyChangeOfNetworkSearchModeCancel,			// 1053
    90 //
    91 // Call
    92 //
    93 	EGsmCallBasicGetCaps,							// 1054
    94 	EGsmCallBasicCapsChangeNotification,			// 1055
    95 	EGsmCallBasicCapsChangeNotificationCancel,		// 1056
    96 	EGsmCallGetInfoBasic,							// 1057
    98 //
    99 // Gsm PhoneBook
   100 //
   101 	EGsmPhoneBookGetGsmCaps,						// 1058
   102 	EGsmPhoneBookAddressAddedNotification,			// 1059
   103 	EGsmPhoneBookAddressAddedNotificationCancel,	// 1060
   104 	EGsmPhoneBookAddressRemovedNotification,		// 1061
   105 	EGsmPhoneBookAddressRemovedNotificationCancel,	// 1062
   106 	EGsmPhoneBookEntryChangedNotification, 			// 1063
   107 	EGsmPhoneBookEntryChangedNotificationCancel,	// 1064
   108 	EGsmPhoneBookGetInfo,							// 1065
   109 	EGsmPhoneBookGetInfoCancel,						// 1066
   110 	EGsmPhoneBookRead,								// 1067
   111 	EGsmPhoneBookReadCancel,						// 1068
   112 	EGsmPhoneBookReadFirst,							// 1069
   113 	EGsmPhoneBookReadFirstCancel,					// 1070
   114 	EGsmPhoneBookReadPrevious,						// 1071
   115 	EGsmPhoneBookReadPreviousCancel,				// 1072
   116 	EGsmPhoneBookReadNext,							// 1073
   117 	EGsmPhoneBookReadNextCancel,					// 1074
   118 	EGsmPhoneBookWrite,								// 1075
   119 	EGsmPhoneBookWriteCancel,						// 1076
   120 	EGsmPhoneBookDelete,							// 1077
   121 	EGsmPhoneBookDeleteCancel,						// 1078
   122 	EGsmPhoneBookSearchPhase1,						// 1079
   123 	EGsmPhoneBookSearchPhase2,						// 1080
   124 	EGsmPhoneBookSearchPhase1Cancel,				// 1081
   125 	EGsmPhoneBookSearchPhase2Cancel,		   		// 1082
   127 //
   128 // Gsm Sms Storage
   129 //
   130 	ESmsStorageGetInfo,								// 1083
   131 	ESmsStorageGetInfoCancel,						// 1084
   132 	ESmsStorageReadSms,								// 1085
   133 	ESmsStorageReadSmsCancel,						// 1086
   134 	ESmsStorageWrite,								// 1087
   135 	ESmsStorageWriteCancel,							// 1088
   136 	ESmsStorageDelete,								// 1089
   137 	ESmsStorageDeleteCancel,						// 1090
   138 	ESmsStorageWriteNotification,					// 1091
   139 	ESmsStorageWriteNotificationCancel,				// 1092
   141 //
   142 //	RSmsMessaging
   143 //
   144 	ESmsMessagingGetCaps,							// 1093
   145 	ESmsMessagingSetMode,							// 1094
   146 	ESmsMessagingGetMode,							// 1095
   147 	ESmsMessagingGetSCAddress,						// 1096
   148 	ESmsMessagingSetSCAddress,						// 1097
   149 	ESmsMessagingSetSCAddressCancel,				// 1098
   150 	ESmsMessagingSendMessage,						// 1099
   151 	ESmsMessagingSendMessageCancel,					// 1100
   152 	ESmsMessagingReadSmsMessage,					// 1101
   153 	ESmsMessagingReadSmsMessageCancel,				// 1102
   154 	ESmsMessagingNotifySmsMessageArrived,			// 1103
   155 	ESmsMessagingNotifySmsMessageArrivedCancel,		// 1104
   156 	ESmsMessagingEnumerateMessageStores,			// 1105
   157 	ESmsMessagingGetMessageStoreInfo,				// 1106
   158 	ESmsMessagingSetModeCancel,						// 1107		// added 29/1/99
   159 	ESmsMessagingGetSCAddressCancel,				// 1108		// added 29/1/99
   160 	ESmsMessagingGetMessageStoreInfoCancel,			// 1109		// added 29/1/99
   162 	EGsmPhoneReadClockCancel,						// 1110		// added 1/2/99
   163 	EGsmPhoneSetClockCancel,						// 1111		// added 1/2/99
   164 	EGsmPhoneEnumerateAlarmCancel,					// 1112		// added 1/2/99
   165 	EGsmPhoneGetAlarmCancel,						// 1113		// added 1/2/99
   166 	EGsmPhoneSetAlarmCancel,						// 1114		// added 1/2/99
   167 	EGsmPhoneGetPhoneBookInfoCancel,				// 1115		// added 1/2/99
   168 //
   169 // HSCSD Call Based, added 10/2/00
   170 //
   171 	EGsmCallGetHscsdCaps,							// 1116
   172 	EGsmCallNotifyHscsdCaps,						// 1117
   173 	EGsmCallNotifyHscsdCapsCancel,					// 1118
   174 	EGsmCallSetHscsdParams,							// 1119
   175 	EGsmCallGetHscsdParams,							// 1120
   176 	EGsmCallGetDynamicHscsdParams,					// 1121
   177 	EGsmCallNotifyDynamicHscsdParams,				// 1122
   178 	EGsmCallNotifyDynamicHscsdParamsCancel,			// 1123
   179 	EGsmCallSetDynamicHscsdParams,					// 1124
   180 	EGsmCallSetDynamicHscsdParamsCancel				// 1125
   181 	};
   183 #endif