changeset 0 af10295192d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // tcpip_ini.h - INI File literals
    15 //
    17 #ifndef __TCPIP_INI_H__
    18 #define __TCPIP_INI_H__
    20 /**
    21 * @file tcpip_ini.h
    22 * @ingroup tcpip_ini_parameters
    23 * Define TCPIP.INI configuration parameters
    24 * @internalComponent
    25 */
    27 /**
    28 * @defgroup tcpip_ini_parameters	TCPIP.INI configuration parameters
    29 *
    30 * @{
    31 */
    33 //
    34 // INI File literals
    35 // *****************
    36 //
    38 /** The name of the ini-file */
    39 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_DATA,                "tcpip.ini");
    41 /**
    42 * @name	Start Section
    43 *
    44 * When the protocol stack is loaded into memory, it can automatically start
    45 * a number of system daemons. The DNS resolver daemon (dnd.exe) is an example
    46 * of such system damoens. When the stack is unloaded, any running daemons are
    47 * automatically killed.
    48 *
    49 * Each daemon has its own section in the TCPIP.INI file. The daemons that
    50 * should be started up are listed in the [start] section under the daemons
    51 * key, separated by commas. Each daemon specific section contains the
    52 * initialization parameters for the daemon. Currently, the only supported
    53 * parameter key is filename, which specifies the location of the executable.
    54 * For example:
    55 @verbatim
    56 [start]
    57 daemons= dnd,httpserver
    59 [dnd]
    60 filename= z:\system\programs\dnd.exe
    62 [httpserver]
    63 filename= d:\system\programs\httpserver.exe
    64 @endverbatim
    65 * @{
    66 */
    67 /** The section name <tt>[start]</tt> */
    68 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_START,               "start");
    69 /** The daemons list. <tt>daemons= dnd,kmd</tt> */
    70 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_DAEMONS,             "daemons");
    71 /** The filename daemon. <tt>[dnd]<br>filename= dnd.exe</tt> */
    72 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_FILENAME,            "filename");
    73 /** @} */
    75 /**
    76 * @name Network layer parameters
    77 * @{
    78 */
    79 /** The section name <tt>[ip]</tt> */
    80 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_IP,                  "ip");		    // [ip]
    81 /**
    82 * Default TTL (time to live) value for IP packets.
    83 *
    84 * Default: #KTcpipIni_Maxttl
    85 */
    86 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_MAXTTL,              "maxttl");	            // maxttl= 69
    87 /**
    88 * Default TTL for link local destinations.(IPv4 and IPv6).
    89 * If negative, then default is same as <tt>maxttl</tt>.
    90 *
    91 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_LinkLocalttl
    92 * - Range: [-1..255]
    93 */
    94 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_LINKLOCALTTL,		"linklocalttl");
    95 /**
    96 * Maximum number of simultaneous dial attempts via NifMan.
    97 *
    98 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_Maxdials
    99 * - Range: >= 0
   100 * @deprecated Not used
   101 * @since 7.0
   102 */
   103 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_MAXDIALS,            "maxdials");
   104 /**
   105 * Packet forwarding.
   106 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_Forward
   107 * - Range: 0 = disabled, > 0 = enabled, and the number of cached flows to use.
   108 */
   109 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_FORWARD,             "forward");
   110 /**
   111 * Enable IPv4 link-local configuration.
   112 * When set, the stack will autoconfigure interface for IPv4 linklocal
   113 * address space (<tt></tt>). This happens in addition to
   114 * any other configuration if present unless option 3 is specified. Possible
   115 * values and their meanings:
   116 *
   117 * Default: #KTcpipIni_Ipv4Linklocal
   118 *
   119 * Valid values:
   120 * - 0= No IPv4 link-local addresses,
   121 * - 1= Always use IPv4 link-local addresses,
   122 * - 2= Only use IPv4 link-local addresses when no global address has been configured,
   123 * - 3= Use link-local address if no IPv4 address is read from Nif or configuration daemon (e.g., DHCP).
   124 */
   125 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_IPV4LINKLOCAL,       "ipv4linklocal");
   126 /**
   127 * Probe addresses without route from all links.
   128 * If set to 1, destination addresses for which no route can be found,
   129 * are probed with ND (ARP for IPv4) on all interfaces within scope.
   130 * This setting is ignored if disabled if the source address is an IPv4
   131 * link local or else the link local would not function except for
   132 * neighbours with routes already discovered and cached.  This is
   133 * necessary for compliance with the ZEROCONF RFC.
   134 *
   135 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_ProbeAddress
   136 * - Range: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
   137 */
   138 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_PROBEADDRESS,		"probeaddress");
   139 /**
   140 * No id defence.
   141 *
   142 * Normally the node tries to keep assigned ID reserved for this node,
   143 * regardless of the prefix part. Enabling this option, disables this
   144 * feature (and allows other hosts use my id with different prefixes).
   145 *
   146 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_NoDefendId
   147 * - Range: 0 = disabled (defend id), 1 = enabled (do not defend id).
   148 */
   149 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_NODEFENDID,			"nodefendid");
   150 /**
   151 * No interface error to attaced flows.
   152 *
   153 * This is the default value for new sockets (flows).
   154 * The default can be changed by a socket option
   155 * #KSoNoInterfaceError.
   156 *
   157 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_Noiferror
   158 * - Range: 0= pass, 1= don't pass errors to flow
   159 */
   160 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_NOIFERROR,			"noiferror");
   161 /**	
   162 * Max time to wait for route or interface.
   163 *
   164 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_Maxholdtime
   165 * - Range: [0..maxint]
   166 */
   167 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_MAXHOLDTIME,			"maxholdtime");
   168 /**
   169 * Shutdown delay.
   170 * How long to wait until to kill daemons after last user (SAP/NIF) exits.
   171 *
   172 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_ShutdownDelay seconds.
   173 * - Range: [0..maxint]
   174 */
   175 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_SHUTDOWN_DELAY,		"shutdown_delay");
   176 /**
   177 * Keep interface up.
   178 *
   179 * This is the default value for new sockets (flows).
   180 * The default can be changed by a socket option
   181 * #KSoKeepInterfaceUp.
   182 *
   183 * When enabled (1), attaching the flow to the interface
   184 * increments the flow count on the interface. This
   185 * count is part of the process that controls how
   186 * long idle interfaces are kept up.
   187 *
   188 * When disabled (0), the flow is not counted.
   189 *
   190 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_KeepInterfaceUp
   191 * - Range: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
   192 */
   193 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_KEEP_INTERFACE_UP,	"keepinterfaceup");
   194 /**
   195 * Max Fragment assemblies.
   196 *
   197 * Max number of simultaneous incomplete fragment assembly (currently per
   198 * protocol version: IPv4 and IPv6). This is a safeguard against denial of
   199 * service (DOS) attacks. Prevents overusing the heap space for the
   200 * assembly control blocks.
   201 *
   202 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_FragCount
   203 * - Range: [0..maxint]
   204 */
   205 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_FRAG_COUNT,			"frag_count");
   206 /**
   207 * Max Fragment buffering.
   208 *
   209 * Total amount buffer space that can be allocated (RMBufs) for incomplete
   210 * assemblies (per protocol version). This is a safeguard against denial of
   211 * service (DOS) attacks. Prevents overusing the RMBuf pool for the
   212 * packet content.
   213 *
   214 * - Default: #KTcpipIni_FragTotal (bytes)
   215 * - Range: [0..maxint]
   216 */
   217 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_FRAG_TOTAL,			"frag_total");
   218 /**
   219 * Destination cache.
   220 * - Default: 0 (disabled)
   221 * - Range: 0 = disabled,
   222 *          1 = enabled / one entry per address,
   223 *          2 = enabled / one entry per network
   224 *
   225 * @see MDestinationCache for more information.
   226 */
   227 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_DSTCACHE,			"dstcache");
   228 /**
   229 * Lifetime of dest. cache entry.
   230 *
   231 * - Default: 600 (secs)
   232 */
   233 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_DST_LIFETIME,		"dst_lifetime");
   234 /**
   235 * Max total size of dest. cache.
   236 *
   237 * - Default: 2048 (bytes)
   238 */
   239 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_DST_MAXSIZE,			"dst_maxsize");
   240 /**
   241 * Max transmitted ICMP errors or echo replies within ca. 8 second timeslot.
   242 *
   243 * - Default #KTcpipIni_IcmpLimit
   244 */
   245 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_ICMP_LIMIT,			"icmp_limit");
   246 /**
   247 * Route Information option.
   248 *
   249 * The type code for RouteInformation has not been defined by the
   250 * IANA. This option allows enabling the option by specifying some
   251 * non-zero type, which identifies the option in Router Avertisement
   252 * message. (Experimental)
   253 *
   254 * - Default: 0 (not enabled)
   255 */
   256 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_RA_OPT_ROUTE,		"ra_opt_route");
   257 /**
   258 * Recursive DNS Server Option (RDNSS)
   259 *
   260 * The type code for RouteInformation has not been defined by the
   261 * IANA. This option allows enabling the option by specifying some
   262 * non-zero type, which identifies the option in Router Avertisement
   263 * message. (Experimental)
   264 *
   265 * - Default: 0 (not enabled)
   266 */
   267 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_RA_OPT_RDNSS,		"ra_opt_rdnss");
   268 /** @} */
   270 /**
   271 * @name TCP Parameters
   272 * @{
   273 */
   274 /** The section name <tt>[tcp]</tt> */
   275 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP,                 "tcp");
   276 /**
   277 * TCP maximum segment size.
   278 * Upper limit is bounded by the network interface MTU.
   279 *
   280 * - Default: tcp_mss= 65535
   281 * - Range: [0..65535]
   282 */
   283 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_MSS,             "tcp_mss");
   284 /**
   285 * TCP receive buffer size.
   286 * - Default: tcp_recv_buf= 8192
   287 * - Range: [1024..65535]
   288 */
   289 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RECV_BUF,        "tcp_recv_buf");
   292 /**
   293 * TCP receive maximum window size.
   294 * - Default: tcp_recv_max_buf= 262144
   295 * - Range: [131070-1073741823]
   296 */
   297 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RECV_MAX_WND,        "tcp_recv_max_wnd");
   300 /**
   301 * TCP send buffer size.
   302 * - Default: tcp_send_buf= 8192
   303 * - Range: [1024..65535]
   304 */
   305 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_SEND_BUF,        "tcp_send_buf");
   306 /**
   307 * Minimum retransmission timeout (ms).
   308 * - Default: tcp_min_rto= 1000
   309 * - Range: 1000 ms
   310 */
   311 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_MIN_RTO,         "tcp_min_rto");
   312 /**
   313 * Maximum retransmission timeout (ms).
   314 * - Default: tcp_max_rto= 60000
   315 * - Range: 60000 ms
   316 */
   317 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_MAX_RTO,         "tcp_max_rto");
   318 /**
   319 * Initial retransmission timeout (ms).
   320 * - Default: tcp_initial_rto= 3000
   321 * - Range: [0..]
   322 */
   323 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_INITIAL_RTO,     "tcp_initial_rto");
   324 /**
   325 * SRTT smoothing.
   326 *
   327 * alpha = 1 /  tcp_srtt_smooth, as defined in RFC2988.
   328 * - Default: tcp_srtt_smooth= 8
   329 * - Range: [0..]
   330 */
   331 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_SRTT_SMOOTH,     "tcp_srtt_smooth");
   332 /**
   333 * MDEV smoothing.
   334 * beta = 1 /  tcp_rttvar_smooth, as defined in RFC2988.
   335 * - Default: tcp_rttvar_smooth= 4
   336 * - Range: [0..]
   337 */
   338 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RTTVAR_SMOOTH,   "tcp_rttvar_smooth");
   339 /**
   340 * G value in RTO calculation (RFC2988).
   341 * Constant representing clock granularity.
   342 * - Default: machine specific.
   343 * - Range: [0..]
   344 */
   345 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RTO_G,           "tcp_rto_g");
   346 /**
   347 * K value in RTO calculation (RFC2988).
   348 * K constant, RTO = SRTT + max(K * RTTVAR, G)  (RFC2988)
   349 * - Default: tcp_rto_k= 4
   350 * - Range: [0..]
   351 */
   352 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RTO_K,           "tcp_rto_k");
   353 /**
   354 * Maximum retransmit burst size
   355 * - Default: tcp_max_burst= 2
   356 * - Range: [1..]
   357 */
   358 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_MAX_BURST,       "tcp_max_burst");
   359 /**
   360 * Delayed acknowledgement delay time (ms).
   361 * - Default: tcp_ack_delay= 200
   362 * - Range: [0..]
   363 */
   364 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_ACK_DELAY,       "tcp_ack_delay");
   365 /**
   366 * Number of retransmissions per connect() attempt.
   367 * - Default: tcp_syn_retries= 5
   368 * - Range: [0..]
   369 */
   370 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_SYN_RETRIES,     "tcp_syn_retries");
   371 /**
   372 * Number of retransmissions before black hole diagnostics.
   373 * Maximum retries before MTU reduction.
   374 * - Default: tcp_retries1= 3
   375 * - Range: [0..]
   376 */
   377 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RETRIES1,        "tcp_retries1");
   378 /**
   379 * Maximum number of retransmissions.
   380 * - Default: tcp_retries2= 12
   381 * - Range: [0..]
   382 */
   383 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RETRIES2,        "tcp_retries2");
   384 /**
   385 * MSL2 timeout (ms).
   386 * TIME-WAIT & FIN-WAIT timeout.
   387 * - Default: tcp_msl2= 60000
   388 * - Range: [0..]
   389 */
   390 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_MSL2,            "tcp_msl2");
   391 /**
   392 * Large initial window (RFC2414).
   393 * Set initial cwnd according to RFC2414
   394 * - Default: .tcp_rfc2414= 1
   395 * - Range: 1=enable, 0=disable.
   396 */
   397 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_RFC2414,         "tcp_rfc2414");
   398 /**
   399 * Initial congestion window size (segments) when RFC2414 is disabled.
   400 * - Default: tcp_initial_cwnd= 2
   401 * - Range: [1..]
   402 */
   403 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_INITIAL_CWND,    "tcp_initial_cwnd");
   404 /**
   405 * TCP timestamps (RFC1323).
   406 * - Default: tcp_timestamps= 1
   407 * - Range: 1=enable, 0=disable
   408 */
   409 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_TIMESTAMPS,      "tcp_timestamps");
   410 /**
   411 * Enable selective acknowledgements (RFC2018).
   412 * - Default: tcp_sack= 1
   413 * - Range: 1=enable, 0=disable
   414 */
   415 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_SACK,            "tcp_sack");
   416 /**
   417 * Apply TIME-WAIT state also to local connections.
   418 * - Default: tcp_local_timewait= 0
   419 * - Range: 1=enable, 0=disable
   420 */
   421 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_LOCAL_TIMEWAIT,  "tcp_local_timewait");
   422 /**
   423 * Typical degree of packet reordering in the network.
   424 * - Default: tcp_reordering= 3
   425 * - Range: [0..]
   426 */
   427 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_REORDERING,      "tcp_reordering");
   428 /**
   429 * Variant of the nagle algorithm.
   430 * - Default: tcp_strict_nagle= 0
   431 * - Range: 0 = modern, 1 = strict
   432 */
   433 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_STRICT_NAGLE,    "tcp_strict_nagle");
   434 /**
   435 * Limited transmit window size in segments (RFC3042).
   436 * - Default: tcp_ltx_window= 2
   437 * - Range: 0=disable, [1..]
   438 */
   439 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_LTX_WINDOW,      "tcp_ltx_window");
   440 /**
   441 * Zero window probe style.
   442 * - Default: tcp_probe_style= 0
   443 * - Range:
   444 *		- 0 = probe with a single byte (standard)
   445 *		- 1 = probe with a full segment (BSD)
   446 *		- 2 = probe with an out-of-window acknowledgement (experimental)
   447 */
   448 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_PROBE_STYLE,     "tcp_probe_style");
   449 /**
   450 * Acknowledge pushed segments immediately.
   451 *
   452 * - Default: ?
   453 * - Range: ?
   454 */
   455 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_PUSH_ACK,        "tcp_push_ack");
   456 /**
   457 * F-RTO, also disables timestamp spike detection.
   458 *
   459 * If enabled, the TCP sender tries to probe with new previously
   460 * unsent data segments after an RTO whether the RTO was spurious.
   461 * If the RTO is detected spurious, the sender continues by sending
   462 * new data instead of retransmitting.
   463 * - Default: tcp_frto= 0
   464 * - Range: 1 = enable, 0 = disable
   465 */
   466 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_FRTO,	    "tcp_frto");
   467 /**
   468 * Send DSACKs for out-of-order segments.
   469 * If enabled, send DSACKs in acknowledgements when receiving
   470 * duplicate segments (RFC 2883). The data sender behaviour is
   471 * not modified.
   472 * - Default: tcp_dsack= 1
   473 * - Range: 1 = enable, 0 = disable
   474 */
   475 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_DSACK,	    "tcp_dsack");
   476 /**
   477 * Interval between keepalive probes.
   478 * Delay for sending a TCP Keep-Alive probe after the connection
   479 * has become idle (seconds). This is also the interval between
   480 * succesful, replied keepalive probes.
   481 * - Default: tcp_keepalive_intv= 7200 (= 2h)
   482 * - Range: [0..]
   483 */
   484 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTV,  "tcp_keepalive_intv");
   485 /**
   486 * Number of unreplied probes before quitting.
   487 * Number of unreplied TCP Keep-Alive probes to send
   488 * before the sender gives up and terminates the connection.
   489 * - Default: tcp_num_keepalives= 8
   490 * - Range: [1..]
   491 */
   492 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_NUM_KEEPALIVES,  "tcp_num_keepalives");
   493 /**
   494 * Interval between keepalive rexmits 
   495 * Interval between consecutive retransmissions of a Keep-Alive
   496 * probe if there has been no response from the other end (seconds).
   497 * - Default: tcp_keepalive_rxmt= 75
   498 * - Range: [0..1800]
   499 */
   500 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_KEEPALIVE_RXMT,  "tcp_keepalive_rxmt");
   502 /**
   503 * Number of FIN retransmissions before socket is excluded from route flow count.
   504 * After the FIN persistency limit is exceeded, link layer and TCP/IP stack is given permission
   505 * to go down if no one else uses them.
   506 * Value 0 means that socket is included in the interface flow count until it is really closed,
   507 * i.e. in TIME_WAIT state.
   508 * - Default: tcp_fin_persistency= 2
   509 * - Range: [0..tcp_retries2]
   510 */
   511 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_FIN_PERSISTENCY, "tcp_fin_persistency");
   513 /**
   514 Determines how to set congestion control parameters after spurious RTO.
   515 1 = Eifel response (revert ssthresh and cwnd).
   516 2 = Half congestion window and ssthresh.
   517 3 = Set cwnd to 1 but revert ssthresh (Early versions of DCLOR).
   519 - Default: tcp_spurious_rto_response= 1
   520 - Range: [1..3]
   521 */
   522 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_SPURIOUS_RTO_RESPONSE, "tcp_spurious_rto_response");
   524 /**
   525 * ECN.
   526 * Toggles Explicit Congestion Notification [RFC3168] on and off.
   527 * Two alternatives of ECN are available: when parameter value is 1
   528 * the host uses ECN capable bit ECT(1).  When value is 2, the host
   529 * uses ECN capable bit ECT(0). Of these two, value 2 is recommended,
   530 * because some older network nodes may not recognize ECT(1) bit.
   531 * - Default: tcp_ecn= 0
   532 * - Range: 0= disabled, 1 & 2 = enabled)
   533 */
   534 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_ECN,  	    "tcp_ecn");
   536 /**
   537 TCP Option alignment toggle.
   538 If set to 1, TCP options are aligned on 32-bit boundaries using the NOP option.
   539 - Default: tcp_alignopt= 0
   540 - Range: 0, 1
   541 */
   542 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_ALIGNOPT,	"tcp_alignopt");
   544 /**
   545 * TCP Window scaling option.
   546 * Controls TCP window scaling option [RFC 1323]. -1 means window scaling
   547 * is disabled. 0 means that window scaling capability is advertised in TCP
   548 * handshake and the advertised window scale factor is determined based on
   549 * the available receive window. Values 1 to 6 mean that window scaling is
   550 * advertised on TCP handshake, but the given scale factor is always used
   551 * in advertisement regardless of the receive window size.
   552 *
   553 * - Default: tcp_winscale= 0
   554 * - Range: [-1..6]
   555 */
   556 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_TCP_WINSCALE,	    "tcp_winscale");
   557 /** @} */
   559 /**
   560 * @name UDP parameters
   561 * @{
   562 */
   563 /** The section name <tt>[udp]</tt>. */
   564 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_UDP,                 "udp");
   565 /**
   566 * Causes UDP send to block on interface setup.
   567 * Block UDP send while waiting for network interface setup.
   568 * - Default: udp_wait_nif= 1
   569 * - Range: 1 = enable, 0=disable (1 is conformant with old Symbian IPv4 stack)
   570 */
   571 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_UDP_WAIT_NIF,        "udp_wait_nif");
   572 /**
   573 * Maximum inbound bytes queued by UDP.
   574 * UDP receive queue size (octets, including header). Received packets will be
   575 * discarded if receive queue is full. The queue will always hold at least one
   576 * packet, regardles of packet size.
   577 * - Default: udp_recv_buf= 8192
   578 * - Range: [0..655535]
   579 */
   580 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_UDP_RECV_BUF,        "udp_recv_buf");
   581 /** @} */
   583 /**
   584 * @name Generic network group options.
   585 * For sections [ip6], [ip], [icmp] and [icmp6].
   586 * The section name is the protocol name..
   587 * @{
   588 */
   589 /**
   590 * Maximum inbound bytes queued.
   591 *
   592 * Maximum inbound bytes queued by ip6, ip, icmp or icmp6
   593 * socket (SAP).
   594 *
   595 * The test at arrival of new packet goes as follows:
   596 *  - if already queued packets exceed the limit, packet is dropped
   597 *  - if already queued packets do not exceed the limit, packet is
   598 *    queued (even if doing so puts the queue over the limit)
   599 *
   600 * From above, some useful special cases follow:
   601 *
   602 * -	Zero limits queue to single packet at time. Incoming
   603 *	packets are dropped until application reads the queued
   604 *	packet.
   605 *
   606 * -	Negative value, nothing is queued and no data can be
   607 *	received via this socket (SAP).
   608 *
   609 * Default value: 8192
   610 */
   611 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_RECV_BUF,	"recv_buf");
   612 /** @} */
   614 /**
   615 * @name Hostname section
   616 *
   617 * @{
   618 */
   619 /** The section name <tt>[host]</tt> */
   620 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOST,			"host");
   621 /**
   622 * The host name.
   623 * The default value returned by RHostResolver::GetHostName(),
   624 * if no SetHostName() has been issued.
   625 *
   626 * - Default:  <tt>hostname= localhost</tt>.
   627 */
   628 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOSTNAME,		"hostname");
   629 /** @} */
   631 /**
   632 * @name Hook ordering options
   633 *
   634 * The ordering of outbound flowhooks, outbound and inbound posthooks
   635 * '*' indicates "position" of all hooks that don't match the specific
   636 * listed names.
   637 *
   638 * @note
   639 *	The options are only examined when a protocol binds to the stack.
   640 *	The control affects the bind only if the name matches exactly
   641 *	(case sensitive). The options can include protocol names that are
   642 *	not installed in the system (there is no harm, as it doesn't match
   643 *	any protocol).
   644 * @{
   645 */
   646 /** The section name <tt>[hook]</tt> */
   647 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOOK,			"hook");
   648 /**
   649 * Controls ordering of the outbound flow hooks.
   650 * For example, <tt>hook_flow= ipsec,mip6,*,foobar</tt> says that <tt>ipsec</tt>
   651 * hook will be run first, then <tt>mip6</tt>, and <tt>foobar</tt> will be the last.
   652 * All other hooks (matched by "*" are run between <tt>mip6</tt> and <tt>foobar</tt>.
   653 * If the "*" is missing, it is implicitly assumed to be at the end of the string. 
   654 */
   655 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOOK_FLOW,		"hook_flow");
   656 /**
   657 * Controls ordering of the inbound protocol hooks.
   658 * For example, <tt>hook_any= ipsec,*,foobar</tt> says that <tt>ipsec</tt>
   659 * hook will be run first, and <tt>foobar</tt> will be the last. This can
   660 * be useful, if <tt>foobar</tt> is a protocol that wants to handle only
   661 * packets that have been verified by the IPSEC.
   662 */
   663 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOOK_INANY,		"hook_inany");
   664 /**
   665 * Controls the ordering of outbound post-processing hooks.
   666 * For example, <tt>hook_outbound= *,probe,qos</tt> says that last two
   667 * post-processors before NIF are <tt>probe</tt> and <tt>qos</tt> in this order.
   668 * Any other post-processor will be run before them. If the "*" is missing,
   669 * it is implicitly assumed to be at the end of the string.
   670 */
   671 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOOK_OUTBOUND,	"hook_outbound");
   672 /**
   673 * Controls the ordering of inbound pre-processing hooks.
   674 * For example, <tt>hook_inbound= probe</tt> says that packet from the NIF
   675 * is given first to <tt>probe</tt>, and to other possible pre-processors after it.
   676 * If the "*" is missing, it is implicitly assumed to be at the end of the string.
   677 */
   678 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOOK_INBOUND,	"hook_inbound");
   679 /**
   680 * Controls the ordering of packet forwarding hooks.
   681 * Usage is similar to the above examples.
   682 */
   683 _LIT(TCPIP_INI_HOOK_FORWARD,	"hook_forward");
   684 /** @} */
   686 /**
   687 * @name Compile time default values
   688 *
   689 * Many TCPIP.INI file parameters will have a hard coded default,
   690 * if the value is not specified in the ini file. Some of the
   691 * default constants are defined below.
   692 *
   693 * The name of the constant is generated directly from the string
   694 * literal name according to the following template
   695 * <tt>
   696 *    TCPIP_INI_PARAMETER_NAME => KTcpipIni_ParameterName
   697 * </tt>
   698 * @{
   699 */
   700 /** <tt>frag_count= 10</tt> */
   701 const TInt KTcpipIni_FragCount = 10;	// [0..maxint]
   702 /** <tt>frag_total= 30000</tt> */
   703 const TInt KTcpipIni_FragTotal = 30000;	// [0..maxint]
   704 /** <tt>maxttl= 69</tt> */
   705 const TInt KTcpipIni_Maxttl = 69;		// [1..255]
   706 /** <tt>linklocalttl= 1</tt> */
   707 const TInt KTcpipIni_LinkLocalttl = 1;	// [-1,,255]
   708 /** <tt>maxdials= 1</tt> */
   709 const TInt KTcpipIni_Maxdials = 1;		// [0..maxint]
   710 /** <tt>forward= 0</tt> */
   711 const TInt KTcpipIni_Forward = 0;		// [0..1]
   712 /** <tt>ipv4linklocal= 0</tt> */
   713 const TInt KTcpipIni_Ipv4Linklocal = 0;	// [0..1]
   714 /** <tt>probeaddress= 0</tt> */
   715 const TInt KTcpipIni_ProbeAddress = 0;	// [0..1]
   716 /** <tt>nodefendid= 0</tt> */
   717 const TInt KTcpipIni_NoDefendId = 0;	// [0..1]
   718 /** <tt>noiferror= 0</tt> */
   719 const TInt KTcpipIni_Noiferror = 0;		// [0..1]
   720 /** <tt>maxholdtime= 60</tt> */
   721 const TInt KTcpipIni_Maxholdtime = 60;	// [0..maxint]
   722 /** <tt>icmp_limit= 10</tt> */
   723 const TInt KTcpipIni_IcmpLimit = 30;	// [0..maxint]
   725 /** <tt>timeoutpriority= 12</tt>.
   726 * Hardcoded for now. No tcpip.ini parameter yet. This
   727 * defines the CActive priority used by the interface
   728 * manager for it's internal CTimeoutManager.
   729 */
   730 const TInt KTcpipIni_TimeoutPriority = 12;
   731 /** <tt>keepinterfaceup= 1</tt> */
   732 const TInt KTcpipIni_KeepInterfaceUp = 1;	// [0..1]
   733 /** <tt>shutdowndelay= 10</tt> */
   734 const TInt KTcpipIni_ShutdownDelay = 10;	// [0..maxint] (0=no delay)
   735 /** <tt>hostname= localhost</tt> */
   736 _LIT(KTcpipIni_Hostname, "localhost");	// default host name
   737 /** @} */
   739 /** @} */
   741 #endif