changeset 0 af10295192d8
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // in_net.cpp - network layer protocol
    15 //
    17 #include "in6_if.h"
    18 #include "inet.h"
    19 #include "in_net.h"
    20 #include "tcpip_ini.h"
    21 #include "inet6log.h"
    23 void CProtocolInet6Network::StartL()
    24 	{
    25 	CProtocolInet6Base::StartL();
    26 	//
    27 	// Get the default value for the provider receive queue limiter
    28 	// (use the protocol name as section name)
    29 	TServerProtocolDesc info;
    30 	Identify(&info);
    31 	TInt value;
    32 	if (iNetwork->Interfacer()->FindVar(info.iName, TCPIP_INI_RECV_BUF, value))
    33 		iQueueLimit = value;
    34 	else
    35 		iQueueLimit = KNetDefaultRecvBuf;
    36 	}
    39 CProtocolInet6Network::~CProtocolInet6Network()
    40 	{
    41 	}
    43 //
    44 //	CProtocolInet6Network::Deliver
    45 //	******************************
    46 //	Generate a copy of the packet to every bound provider
    47 //
    48 void CProtocolInet6Network::Deliver(/*const*/ RMBufPacketBase &aPacket)
    49 	// .. cannot use "const", because CopyInfoL is not const! -- msa */
    50 	{
    51 	CProviderInet6Network* provider;
    52 	TInet6SAPIter iter(this);
    54 	const RMBufPktInfo *const info = aPacket.Info();
    55 	while (provider = (CProviderInet6Network *)iter++, provider != NULL)
    56 		{
    57 		if (provider->IsReceiving(*info))
    58 			{
    59 			RMBufRecvPacket copy;
    60 			TRAPD(err, aPacket.CopyL(copy);aPacket.CopyInfoL(copy));
    61 			if (err == KErrNone)
    62 				{
    63 				copy.Pack();
    64 				provider->Process(copy);
    65 				}
    66 			else
    67 				copy.Free();
    68 			}
    69 		}
    70 	}
    72 //
    73 // Shared provider methods (defaults)
    74 //
    75 CProviderInet6Network::~CProviderInet6Network()
    76 	{
    77 	iProtocol->UnbindProvider(this);
    78 	iRecvQ.Free();
    79 	}
    82 void CProviderInet6Network::InitL()
    83 	{
    84 	//
    85 	// Set initial value for the iQueueLimit
    86 	//
    87 	iQueueLimit = ((CProtocolInet6Network*)iProtocol)->QueueLimit();
    88 	CProviderInet6Base::InitL();
    89 	iProtocol->UnbindProvider(this);
    90 	iProtocol->BindProvider(this);
    91 	}
    93 TInt CProviderInet6Network::SetLocalName(TSockAddr &aAddr)
    94 	{
    95 	iProtocol->UnbindProvider(this);
    96 	// Note: a non-zero port in aAddr is significant!
    97 	iFlow.SetLocalAddr(aAddr);
    98 	iProtocol->BindProvider(this);
    99 	return 0;
   100 	}
   102 void CProviderInet6Network::AutoBind()
   103 	{
   104 	// TInetAddr() is assumed to be KAFUnspec & port=0
   105 	iFlow.SetLocalAddr(TInetAddr());
   106 	}
   109 void CProviderInet6Network::Shutdown(TCloseType aOption)
   110 	{
   112 	switch(aOption)
   113 		{
   114 		case EStopInput:
   115 			iInputStopped = 1;
   116 			iProtocol->UnbindProvider(this);	// We don't need any incoming data
   117 			iRecvQ.Free();
   118 			iSocket->Error(KErrNone,MSocketNotify::EErrorClose); // Complete KErrNone
   119 //			Nif::SetSocketState(ENifSocketConnected, this); // Reset CSocket state to ESStateConnected
   120 			break;
   122 		case EStopOutput:
   123 			iSocket->Error(KErrNone,MSocketNotify::EErrorClose); // Complete KErrNone
   124 //			Nif::SetSocketState(ENifSocketConnected, this); // Reset CSocket state to ESStateConnected
   125 			break;
   127 		default:
   128 	        iProtocol->UnbindProvider(this);
   129 	        if (aOption!=EImmediate)
   130 				iSocket->CanClose();
   131 		}
   132 	}
   134 //
   135 // CProviderInet6Network::Process()
   136 // ********************************
   137 //	Process incoming data from the protocol object.
   138 //
   139 void CProviderInet6Network::Process(RMBufChain& aPacket, CProtocolBase * /*aSourceProtocol*/)
   140 	{
   141 	// iInputStopped is set at ShutDown() and no packets should be coming
   142 	// from the protocol after that. However, without knowing the exact
   143 	// details of the process model/threads, it could be possible that
   144 	// a Process() call has been initiated by the protocol and interrupted
   145 	// before the shutdown, thus there may be a need for this iInputStopped
   146 	// flag, although I would prefer to do without... NEED TO VERIFY IF
   147 	// iInputStopped is really needed!!! -- msa
   148 	//
   149 	if(!(iInputStopped ||
   150 		(iErrorMask & (MSocketNotify::EErrorFatal|MSocketNotify::EErrorConnect|MSocketNotify::EErrorRecv))))
   151 		{
   152 		iQueueLimit -= RMBufPacketBase::PeekInfoInChain(aPacket)->iLength;
   153 		iRecvQ.Append(aPacket);
   154 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t%S SAP[%u] Packet Queued, calling NewData(1), limit=%d"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this, iQueueLimit));
   155 		iSocket->NewData(1);
   156 		}
   157 	else
   158 		{
   159 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t%S SAP[%u] Packet Dropped"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this));
   160 		aPacket.Free();
   161 		}
   162 	}
   164 // CProviderInet6Network::IsReceiving
   165 // **********************************
   166 //
   167 TBool CProviderInet6Network::IsReceiving(const RMBufPktInfo &aInfo)
   168 	{
   169 	if (!HasNetworkServices() && (aInfo.iFlags & KIpLoopbackPacket) == 0)
   170 		return FALSE;	// No network services and packet is external.
   171 	const TInt port = iFlow.FlowContext()->LocalPort();
   173 	if (iQueueLimit < 0)
   174 		{
   175 		// Receive Queue limit is full, cannot receive this packet
   177 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t%S SAP[%u] Not receiving packets, limit=%d"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this, iQueueLimit));
   178 		iPacketsDropped++;
   179 		return FALSE;
   180 		}
   181 	return port == 0 || port == aInfo.iProtocol;
   182 	}
   185 // CProviderInet6Network::GetData
   186 // ******************************
   188 TInt CProviderInet6Network::GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aLength, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* aAddr)
   189 	{
   190 	RMBufRecvPacket packet;
   191 	const RMBufRecvInfo *info;
   192 	if (!iRecvQ.Remove(packet))
   193 		{
   194 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("GetData\t%S SAP[%u] No Data Available (0)"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this));
   195 		return 0;	// No Data Available
   196 		}
   198 	info = packet.Unpack();
   200 	if (aAddr != NULL)
   201 		*aAddr = info->iSrcAddr;
   203 #ifdef _LOG
   204 	TBuf<70> tmp(_L("NULL"));
   205 	if (aAddr)
   206 		TInetAddr::Cast(*aAddr).OutputWithScope(tmp);
   207 #endif
   208 	const TInt offset = ((aOptions & KIpHeaderIncluded) != 0 || iRawMode) ? 0 : info->iOffset;
   210 	if (aOptions & KSockReadPeek)
   211 		{
   212 		//
   213 		// Oops, peek needs to keep the original packet intact in the queue
   214 		//
   215 		TInt len = info->iLength - offset;
   216 		if (len > (TInt)aLength)
   217 			len = aLength;
   218 		TInt err = packet.Copy(aData, offset, len);
   219 		packet.Pack();
   220 		iRecvQ.Prepend(packet);
   221 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("GetData\t%S SAP[%u] Peek len=%d err=%d from=%S, calling NewData(1)"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this, len, err, &tmp));
   222 		iSocket->NewData(1);
   223 		// Any failure to create the RMBufChain is signalled as KErrNoMBufs!
   224 		return err != KErrNone ? KErrNoMBufs : len;
   225 		}
   226 	iQueueLimit += info->iLength; // Allow more packets in..
   227 	packet.TrimStart(offset);
   228 	aData.Assign(packet);
   229 	if ((TUint)info->iLength > aLength)
   230 		aData.TrimEnd(aLength);
   231 	packet.Free();	// (Releases info block)
   232 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("GetData\t%S SAP[%u] length=%d from=%S"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this, aLength, &tmp));
   233 	return aLength;
   234 	}
   236 void CProviderInet6Network::GetData(TDes8 &aDesc, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr *anAddr)
   237 	{
   238 	RMBufRecvPacket packet;
   239 	const RMBufRecvInfo *info;
   240 	if (!iRecvQ.Remove(packet))
   241 		Panic(EInet6Panic_NoData);
   243 	info = packet.Unpack();
   245 	const TInt offset = ((aOptions & KIpHeaderIncluded) != 0 || iRawMode) ? 0 : info->iOffset;
   246 	packet.CopyOut(aDesc, offset);
   248 	if (anAddr!=NULL)
   249 		*anAddr = info->iSrcAddr;
   251 #ifdef _LOG
   252 	TBuf<70> tmp(_L("NULL"));
   253 	if (anAddr)
   254 		TInetAddr::Cast(*anAddr).OutputWithScope(tmp);
   255 #endif
   257 	if (aOptions & KSockReadPeek)
   258 		{
   259 		packet.Pack();
   260 		iRecvQ.Prepend(packet);
   261 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("GetData\t%S SAP[%u] peek aDesc = %d from %S, calling NewData(1)"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this, aDesc.Length(), &tmp));
   262 		iSocket->NewData(1);
   263 		}
   264 	else
   265 		{
   266 		iQueueLimit += info->iLength; // Allow more packets in..
   267 		packet.Free();
   268 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("GetData\t%S SAP[%u] aDesc = %d from=%S"), &ProtocolName(), (TInt)this, aDesc.Length(), &tmp));
   269 		}
   270 	}