changeset 0 af10295192d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:af10295192d8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Predictor-1 PPP decompressor (RFC 1978)
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file DECOMP.CPP
    20 */
    22 #include "PREDCOMP.H"
    24 CPppDeCompressor* CPredCompFactory::NewPppDeCompressorL(CPppCcp* aCcp, TInt aMaxFrameLength,const TUint8* aMode)
    25 /**
    26 Constructor, Allocating memory to class CPredDeCompressor.
    28 @return DeComp, a pointer to class CPredDeCompressor.
    29 */
    30 	{
    31 	aMode = aMode;
    32 	CPredDeCompressor* DeComp = new (ELeave) CPredDeCompressor();
    33 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CNifFactory::Cleanup,DeComp));
    34 	DeComp->ConstructL(this, aCcp, aMaxFrameLength);
    35 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    37 	return DeComp;
    38 	}
    40 void CPredDeCompressor::ResetDecompressor(TInt /*aLength*/, RMBufChain& /*aPacket*/)
    41 /**
    42 This function is used to reset the Decompressor.
    43 */
    44 	{
    45 	// Initializes the guess table
    46 	Reset();
    47 	iReConfiguring = FALSE;
    48 //	__LOGTEXT_DEBUG(_L8("ResetDecompressor\r\n"));
    49 	}
    52 void CPredDeCompressor::ConstructL(CPredCompFactory* aFactory, CPppCcp* aCcp, TInt aMaxFrameLength)
    53 /**
    54 2nd Phase Construction
    55 */
    56 	{
    57 	// Initializes the guess table
    58 	Reset();
    59 //	__LOGTEXT_DEBUG(_L8("CPredDeCompressor::ConstructL\r\n"));
    60 	//
    61 	// Allow space for Protocol header (up to 2 bytes)
    62 	//
    63 	iCompressedBuffer = HBufC8::NewMaxL(aMaxFrameLength + 2);
    64 	iDecompressBuffer = HBufC8::NewMaxL(aMaxFrameLength + 2);
    65 	iReConfiguring = FALSE;
    67 	iCcp = aCcp;
    68 	iFactory = aFactory;
    69 	iFactory->Open();
    70 	}
    72 TBool CPredDeCompressor::Decompress(RMBufQ& aBufferQ)
    73 /**
    74 @return 0 if we have not been destructed whilst frames are still arriving else Reconstituted buffer into a chain
    75 */
    76 	{
    77 	// In case we have not been destructed whilst frames are still arriving
    78 	if(iReConfiguring)
    79 		return(FALSE);
    80 	// Remove the first buffer in the chain so we can extract the
    81 	// uncompressed length see RFC 1978 3.2
    82 	RMBuf *buf = aBufferQ.Remove();
    83 	// Check the pointer is valid, because there is small probability to be it NULL
    84 	// And make sure the RFC 1978 header bytes are there
    85 	if (buf == NULL || buf->Length() < 5)
    86 		{
    87 		aBufferQ.Free();
    88 		return(FALSE);
    89 		}
    90 	// Get the uncompressed length & compressed/uncompressed bit
    91 	TUint16 uncompressedLength = BigEndian::Get16(buf->Ptr());	
    92 	// Make sure the top bit is cleared before we do the CRC
    93 	*buf->Ptr() &= ~0x80;
    94 	// Calculate the 16bit CRC
    95 	TPppFcs16 fcs;
    96 	// CRC the 2 length bytes
    97 	fcs.Calc(buf->Ptr(),buf->Ptr()+2);
    98 	// effectively remove them by adjusting the offset of the start of the buffer
    99 	buf->AdjustStart(2);
   100 	aBufferQ.Prepend(buf);
   102 	// Set some convenient references to the class buffers
   103 	TPtr8 src = iCompressedBuffer->Des();
   104 	TPtr8 dest = iDecompressBuffer->Des();
   105 	// Copy method needs max buffer size
   106 	src.SetMax();
   107 	// Remember, src might be changed to point directly into the MBuf on return
   108 	// Overall length should include the 16 bit CRC
   109 	TInt overallLength = FlattenBuf(src,aBufferQ);
   110 	// Set the length
   111 	src.SetLength(overallLength);
   112 	// Remove the CRC from the end and deduct 2 from the buffer
   113 	TUint16 crc = (TUint16) ((src[src.Length()-1] << 8) | src[src.Length()-2]);
   114 	src.SetLength(src.Length()-2);
   115 	// Prepare for decompression
   116 	dest.SetLength(0);
   117 	// Check the top bit to see if this frame is compressed
   118 	if(uncompressedLength & 0x8000)
   119 		{
   120 		// Decompress using RFC 1878 algorithm
   121 		DecompressRFC1978(src,dest);
   122 		}
   123 	else
   124 		{
   125 		// not compressed
   126 		dest = src;
   127 		// Run compressor over the source to keep the guess table in synch
   128 		// with the server.
   129 		// NULL parameter as we aren't interested in the output
   130 		CompressRFC1978(src,NULL);
   131 		}
   132 	// The length set by the decompressor should match the header length
   133 	if(dest.Length() != (uncompressedLength & ~0x8000))
   134 		{
   135 		// Reset the guess table
   136 //		__LOGTEXT_ALWAYS(_L8("Length Mismatch\r\n"));
   137 		// Call into PPP ccp
   138 		// Causes Configure Request to be sent and we get destructed
   139 		iCcp->ReConfigLink();
   140 		// Set this flag so we throw frames until we are destructed
   141 		iReConfiguring = TRUE;
   142 		// Make sure to free any MBuf still in aBufferQ. This can occur
   143 		// if FlattenBuf avoided copying it into the descriptor.
   144 		aBufferQ.Free();
   145 		return(FALSE);
   146 		}
   147 	// calculate the fcs on the uncompressed data
   148 	fcs.Calc(dest.Ptr(),dest.Ptr()+dest.Length());
   149 	if(fcs.Fcs() != crc)
   150 		{
   151 		// Call into PPP ccp
   152 		// Causes Configure Request to be sent and we get destructed
   153 		iCcp->ReConfigLink();
   154 		iReConfiguring = TRUE;
   155 //		__LOGTEXT3_ALWAYS(_L8("Fcs Fail calcFcs = %X crc = %X\r\n"),calcFcs,crc);
   156 //		__LOGTEXT3_ALWAYS(_L8("Fcs Fail orig length = %d overall length = %d\r\n"),(uncompressedLength & ~0x8000),overallLength);
   157 		// Make sure to free any MBuf still in aBufferQ. This can occur
   158 		// if FlattenBuf avoided copying it into the descriptor.
   159 		aBufferQ.Free();
   160 		return(FALSE);
   161 		}
   162 	// Re constitute the buffer into a chain
   163 	return(CopyNewFrameToChain(dest,aBufferQ));
   164 	}
   166 CPredDeCompressor::CPredDeCompressor()
   167 /**
   168 Constructor
   169 */
   170 	{
   171 	return;
   172 	}
   174 CPredDeCompressor::~CPredDeCompressor()
   175 /**
   176 Destructor
   177 */
   178 	{
   179 	if(iFactory)
   180 		iFactory->Close();
   181 	return;
   182 	}
   184 /**
   185 Copies the contents of aBufferQ into the given descriptor. If the entire packet
   186 fits into a single MBuf, aPtr is changed to point directly into the MBuf and
   187 it is not freed from aBufferQ. Otherwise, all MBufs are freed and aBufferQ
   188 returns empty.
   190 @param aPtr Descriptor pointing to a large enough descriptor to hold the data.
   191   On return, the descriptor may be changed to point directly into the MBuf.
   192 @param aBufferQ Input data
   194 @return Length of data in the buffer
   195 */
   196 TUint CPredDeCompressor::FlattenBuf(TPtr8& aPtr, RMBufQ& aBufferQ)
   197 	{
   198 	if (aBufferQ.First() == aBufferQ.Last())
   199 		{
   200 		// The BufferQ only holds a single MBuf; just point the descriptor
   201 		// directly into that MBuf, bypassing the copy step.  Remember to free
   202 		// that MBuf before finishing the decompress.
   203 		aPtr.Set(aBufferQ.First()->Ptr(), aBufferQ.First()->Length(), aBufferQ.First()->Length());
   204 		return aPtr.Length();
   205 	}
   206 	return CopyFrameIntoFlatBuf(aPtr, aBufferQ);
   207 	}
   209 /**
   210 Copies the data in the MBuf into the given descriptor.
   212 @param aPtr Descriptor large enough to hold the data
   213 @param aBufferQ Input data
   215 @return Length of data in the output buffer, or 0 on error
   216 */
   217 TUint CPredDeCompressor::CopyFrameIntoFlatBuf(const TPtr8& aPtr, RMBufQ& aBufferQ)
   218 	{
   219 	const TUint	maxLength = aPtr.MaxLength();
   220 	TUint8*		ptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aPtr.Ptr());
   221 	TUint		Offset = 0;
   223 	RMBuf* Temp;
   224 	while ((Temp = aBufferQ.Remove()) != NULL)
   225 		{
   226 		// Make sure we don't copy past the end of the buffer
   227 		if ((Offset + Temp->Length()) > maxLength)
   228 			{
   229 			LOG(PredLog::Printf(_L("Input packet too long\r\n")));
   230 			Offset = 0;	// This is the only indication of an error
   231 			break;
   232 			}
   233 		Mem::Copy(ptr+Offset, Temp->Ptr(), Temp->Length());
   234 		Offset += Temp->Length();
   235 		Temp->Free();
   236 		}
   238 	// Make sure to free the buffers in case we exited the loop early
   239 	aBufferQ.Free();
   240 	return Offset;
   241 	}
   244 /**
   245 Allocate a new chain and copy the decompressed frame into it
   247 @param aSrc Output descriptor
   248 @param aBufferQ Input data
   250 @return TRUE on an error
   251 */
   252 TBool CPredDeCompressor::CopyNewFrameToChain(TDesC8& aSrc,RMBufQ& aBufferQ)
   253 	{
   254 	TBool RetCode=FALSE;
   255 	RMBufChain	NewChain;
   257 	TRAPD(Ret, NewChain.AllocL(aSrc.Length()));
   258 	if (Ret == KErrNone)
   259 		{
   260 		RetCode = TRUE;
   261 		NewChain.CopyIn(aSrc);
   263 		// Make sure to free any MBuf still in aBufferQ. This can occur
   264 		// if FlattenBuf avoided copying it into the descriptor.
   265 		aBufferQ.Free();
   266 		aBufferQ.Assign(NewChain);
   267 		}
   269 	return RetCode;
   270 	}
   273 void TRFC1978Table::DecompressRFC1978(const TDesC8& aSrc,TDes8& aDest)
   274 /**
   275 Decompression logic from RFC 1978
   276 Modified to use descriptors
   277 We only support predictor type 1 so the "final" code has been removed as suggested
   278 in the RFC
   280 @param aSrc Data to compress
   281 @param aDest Compressed output buffer
   282 */
   283 	{
   284 	TInt srcIndex = 0;
   285 	TInt len = aSrc.Length();
   286 	while(len >= 9)
   287 		{
   288 		TUint8 flags = aSrc[srcIndex++];
   289 		TUint8 bitMask;
   290 		TInt j;
   291 		for(bitMask = 1,j = 0;j < 8 ;j++,bitMask <<= 1)
   292 			{
   293 			TUint8 dest;
   294 			if(flags & bitMask)
   295 				{
   296 				dest = iGuessTable[iHash];
   297 				}
   298 			else
   299 				{
   300 				dest = aSrc[srcIndex++];
   301 				iGuessTable[iHash] = dest;
   302 				len--;
   303 				}
   304 			aDest.Append(dest);
   305 			Hash(dest);
   306 			}
   307 		len--;
   308 		}
   310 	while(len)
   311 		{
   312 		TUint8 flags = aSrc[srcIndex++];
   313 		TUint8 bitMask;
   314 		TInt j;
   316 		len--;
   317 		for(bitMask = 1,j = 0;j < 8 ;j++,bitMask <<= 1)
   318 			{
   319 			TUint8 dest;
   320 			if(flags & bitMask)
   321 				{
   322 				dest = iGuessTable[iHash];
   323 				}
   324 			else
   325 				{
   326 				if(!len)
   327 					break;
   329 				dest = aSrc[srcIndex++];
   330 				iGuessTable[iHash] = dest;
   331 				len--;
   332 				}
   333 			aDest.Append(dest);
   334 			Hash(dest);
   335 			}
   336 		}
   337 	}