changeset 21 abbed5a4b42a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkcontrol/ipcprshim/src/shimcpr.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:45:15 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <comms-infras/nifif.h>
+#include <esockmessages.h>
+#include <nifman.h>
+#include "shimcpr.h"
+#include "shimconnsettings.h"
+#include "es_prot.h"
+#include "shimnifmansconn.h"
+#include "ss_glob.h"
+#include "connectionSelectorShim.h"
+using namespace ESock;
+#include <networking/umtsgprs_subconnprovfactory.h>
+CConnectionProviderShim* CConnectionProviderShim::NewL(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory)
+	{
+	CConnectionProviderShim* self = new (ELeave) CConnectionProviderShim(aFactory);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ConstructL()
+	{
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tConstructL"), this));
+	// Do nothing, atleast for now;	
+	}
+	{
+	delete iConnectionSettings;
+	// As soon as the provider has a valid iProvider pointer the ownership has passed to this provider
+   	delete iProvider;
+	iSelectors.Close();
+	iConnections.Close();
+	iNifManSubConnections.Close();
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\t~CConnectionProviderShim"), this));
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::AddRefL(CConnectionSelectorShim* aSelector)
+	{
+	TInt index = iSelectors.Find(aSelector);
+	if (-1 == index)
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tAddRef(aSelector %x) adding selector"), this, aSelector));	
+		iSelectors.AppendL(aSelector);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tAddRef(aSelector %x) selector already known"), this, aSelector));	
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ReleaseRef(CConnectionSelectorShim* aSelector)
+	{	
+	TInt index = iSelectors.Find(aSelector);
+	if (-1 != index)
+		{		
+		iSelectors[index]->SetProviderNull();
+		iSelectors.Remove(index);
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tReleaseRef(aSelector %x) removng selector"), this, aSelector));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tReleaseRef(aSelector %x) selector not known"), this, aSelector));
+		}
+	if (ShouldIDeleteNow())
+		{
+		DeleteMeNow();
+		}
+	}
+// CConnectionProviderBase virtuals
+TBool CConnectionProviderShim::ShouldIDeleteNow()
+	{		
+	TInt selectors = iSelectors.Count();
+	if (0 == selectors && !iHasAnyControlClientJoined)
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;	
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoStartL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	Meta::STypeId tid = aParams.GetTypeId();
+	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageConnStart);
+	CConnStart& p = static_cast<CConnStart&>(aParams);
+	if ( p.ConnPrefs() )
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoStartL() with prefs"), this));
+		iProvider->StartL(p.StartType(), *p.ConnPrefs(), aMessage);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoStartL() without prefs"), this));
+		iProvider->StartL(p.StartType(), aMessage);
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoDataClientJoiningL(MConnectionDataClient& aDataClient)
+	{
+	(void)aDataClient;
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoDataClientJoiningL(aDataClient %x) [iDataClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aDataClient, iDataClients.Count()));
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoDataClientLeaving(MConnectionDataClient& aDataClient)
+	{
+	(void)aDataClient;
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoDataClientLeaving(aDataClient %x) [iDataClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aDataClient, iDataClients.Count()));
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoControlClientJoiningL(MConnectionControlClient& aControlClient)
+	{
+	(void)aControlClient;
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoControlClientJoiningL(aControlClient %x) [iControlClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aControlClient, iControlClients.Count()));
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoControlClientLeaving(MConnectionControlClient& aControlClient)
+	{
+	(void)aControlClient;
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoControlClientLeaving(aControlClient %x) [iControlClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aControlClient, iControlClients.Count()));
+	}
+TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoStop(TInt aError, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+	{
+	// when RConn::Stop() happens, that means one is releasing the connection, so the IAP associated with
+	// the Lock should go away. The code below will set the status of IAP locked to false, so that any further
+	// Start can lock it 			
+	iFactoryShim->SetIAPLockStatus(EFalse,-1);
+	return iProvider->Stop( aError, aMessage );
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoProgressL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams) const
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	Meta::STypeId tid = aParams.GetTypeId();
+	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsNifBuffer);
+	TMetaNifProgressBuf& p = static_cast<TMetaNifProgressBuf&>(aParams);
+	iProvider->ProgressL( p.iNifProgressBuf );
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoLastProgressError(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	Meta::STypeId tid = aBuffer.GetTypeId();
+	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsNifBuffer);
+	TMetaNifProgressBuf& p = static_cast<TMetaNifProgressBuf&>(aBuffer);
+	iProvider->LastProgressError( p.iNifProgressBuf );
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoRequestServiceChangeNotificationL()
+	{
+	iProvider->RequestServiceChangeNotificationL();
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoCancelServiceChangeNotification()
+	{
+	iProvider->CancelServiceChangeNotification();
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoControlL(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, Meta::SMetaData& aOption, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	Meta::STypeId tid = aOption.GetTypeId();
+	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsDes8);
+	::TMetaDes8& p = static_cast< ::TMetaDes8& >(aOption);
+	ASSERT(p.iDes);
+	iProvider->ControlL(aOptionLevel, aOptionName, *((TDes8*)(p.iDes)), aMessage);
+	}
+TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable()
+	{
+	return iProvider->AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable();
+	}
+TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoCancelAllSubConnectionNotification()
+	{
+	return iProvider->CancelAllSubConnectionNotification();
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoSendIoctlMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	iProvider->SendIoctlMessageL(aMessage);
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoSendCancelIoctl()
+	{
+   	iProvider->SendCancelIoctl();	
+	}
+TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoEnumerateSubConnectionsL(TUint& aCount)
+	{
+	return iProvider->EnumerateSubConnections(aCount);
+	}
+TUint CConnectionProviderShim::DoEnumerateClientsL(HBufC8*& /*aClientInfoBuffer*/, TEnumClients /*aClientType*/)
+	{
+	return 0;
+	}
+CConnectionSettings& CConnectionProviderShim::DoSettingsAccessL()
+	{
+	ASSERT(iProvider);
+	if (iConnectionSettings == NULL)
+    	{
+    	iConnectionSettings = new (ELeave)CConnectionSettingsShim(*iProvider);	    
+    	}
+	return *iConnectionSettings;
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ConnectionJoiningL( const CConnection& aConnection )
+	{
+	if (iConnections.Find(&aConnection) < 0)
+		{
+		iConnections.AppendL(&aConnection);
+		}
+	TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
+	for ( TInt n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
+		CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = static_cast<CNifManSubConnectionShim*>(iNifManSubConnections[n]);
+		MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
+		subint->ConnectionJoiningL(aConnection);
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ConnectionLeaving( const CConnection& aConnection )
+	{
+	TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
+	for ( TInt n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
+		CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = static_cast<CNifManSubConnectionShim*>(iNifManSubConnections[n]);
+		MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
+		subint->ConnectionLeaving(aConnection);
+		}
+	TInt n = iConnections.Find(&aConnection);
+	if (n >= 0)
+		{
+		iConnections.Remove(n);
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoConnectionControlActivityL( TControlActivity aControlActivity, const Meta::SMetaData* aData, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage )
+	{
+	switch (aControlActivity)
+		{
+		case EAttachNormal:
+		case EAttachMonitor:
+			iProvider->AttachToConnectionL(iConnectionInfo.Right(KConnInfoPart), aControlActivity == EAttachMonitor, aMessage);
+			if ( aData == NULL )
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			aControlActivity = EConnJoin; //and fall through
+		case EConnJoin:
+			if ( !aData || !aData->IsTypeOf( STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KShimCommsUid, Meta::KNetMetaTypeAny) ) )
+				{
+				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+				}
+			ConnectionJoiningL(static_cast<const TShimConnectionInfo*>(aData)->iConnection);
+			break;
+		case EConnLeave:
+			if ( !aData || !aData->IsTypeOf( STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KShimCommsUid, Meta::KNetMetaTypeAny) ) )
+				{
+				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+				}
+			ConnectionLeaving(static_cast<const TShimConnectionInfo*>(aData)->iConnection);
+			break;
+		case ESetUsageProfile:
+			{
+			ASSERT(aData);
+	#ifdef _DEBUG
+			Meta::STypeId tid = aData->GetTypeId();
+	#endif
+			ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsDes8);
+			const ::TMetaDes8* p = static_cast<const ::TMetaDes8*>(aData);
+			ASSERT(p->iDes);
+			const TUint* profile = reinterpret_cast<const TUint*>(p->iDes->Ptr());
+			if (iUsageProfile != *profile)
+				{
+				__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSetting usage profile %x -> %x"),
+						this, iUsageProfile & 0xff, *profile & 0xff));
+				iUsageProfile = *profile;
+				iProvider->SetUsageProfile(*profile);
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		};
+	}
+CNifManSubConnectionShim* CConnectionProviderShim::FindSubConnection( TSubConnectionUniqueId aId )
+	{
+	CNifManSubConnectionShim* client = NULL;
+	TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
+	for ( TInt n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
+		CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = static_cast<CNifManSubConnectionShim*>(iNifManSubConnections[n]);
+		MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
+		if (subint->Id() == aId )
+			{
+			client = c;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return client;
+	}
+// Define methods from the interface specified by MConnectionNotify
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
+	{
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tProgressNotification(%d, %d)"), this, aStage, aError));
+	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+	for (TInt n = max - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--)
+		{
+		MConnectionControlClient* client = iControlClients[n];
+		client->ProgressNotification(aStage, aError);
+		//check whether the client dissapeared or not
+		if ( n < iControlClients.Count() && client == iControlClients[n] )
+			{
+			if (aStage == KLinkLayerOpen)
+				{
+				iControlClients[n]->LayerUp(aError);
+				}
+			else if (aError != KErrNone)
+				{
+				iControlClients[n]->ConnectionError(aStage, aError);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (aStage == KConnectionUninitialised && !iIsAlreadyUninitialised /* Guard against receiving KConnectionUninitialised multiple times*/)
+		{						
+		iIsAlreadyUninitialised = ETrue;
+		TInt selectors = iSelectors.Count();
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < selectors; ++i)
+			{
+			iSelectors[i]->SetProviderNull();
+			}		
+		DeleteMeNow();		
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::LinkLayerOpen(TInt /*aError*/)
+Notification from the connection provider - ignored.
+	{	
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::LinkLayerClosed(TInt /*aError*/)
+Notification from the connection provider - not currently used.
+	{
+	User::Invariant();
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::SelectionComplete(TInt aError, const TDesC8& /*aSelectionInfo*/)
+	{//obsolete call selection done by factories this could happen only on Attach
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSelectionComplete(%d)"), this, aError));
+	ProgressNotification(KFinishedSelection, aError);
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ConnectionError(TInt /*aError*/)
+Notification from the connection provider - not currently used.
+	{
+	User::Invariant();
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt aStage, TInt aError)
+	{
+	MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionUniqueId));
+	if (subint)
+		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
+		subint->ProgressNotification(aStage, aError, KNullDesC8);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tProgressNotification(subConnectionId %d, %d, %d) subconnection ID lookup error occured"),
+					 this, aSubConnectionUniqueId, aStage, aError));
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType)
+	{
+	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+		{
+		iControlClients[i]->ServiceChangeNotification(aId, aType);
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::InterfaceStateChangeNotification(TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
+	{//served through factories
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::NotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint aUplinkVolume)
+	{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
+	MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionUniqueId));
+	if (subint)
+		{
+		subint->NotifyDataSent(aUplinkVolume,0);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tNotifyDataSent(subConnectionId %d, aUplinkVolume %d) subconnection ID lookup error %d occured"),
+					 this, aSubConnectionUniqueId, aUplinkVolume, KErrNotFound));
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::NotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint aDownlinkVolume)
+	{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
+	MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionUniqueId));
+	if (subint)
+		{
+		subint->NotifyDataReceived(aDownlinkVolume,0);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tNotifyDataReceived(SubConnectionId %d, aDownLinkVolume %d); subconnection ID lookup error %d occured"),
+					 this, aSubConnectionUniqueId, aDownlinkVolume, KErrNotFound));
+		}
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent)
+Upcall from connection provider indicating that a subconnection event has occured
+@param aSubConnectionEvent The event that occured
+@note Even if the not client is listening for subconnection events, we still need them to manage the array of subconnections by listening for started and stopped events on each subconnection
+@note Events are not handled on a per-subconnection basis - all events are distributed to anyone who uses the AllSubConnectionNotification() method, so no subconnection/subinterface involvement is necessary
+	{
+	TSubConnectionEventType eventType(aSubConnectionEvent.iEventType);
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	TSockManData* sockManData = SockManGlobals::Get();
+	ASSERT(sockManData != NULL);
+	CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = NULL;
+	switch(eventType)
+		{
+		case ESubConnectionOpened:
+		    {			
+			__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSubConnectionEvent() ESubConnectionOpened"), this));
+			c = FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId);
+			if (c == NULL)
+				{
+				// no instance yet for particular Id, create one
+				TRAP(ret,c = new (ELeave)CNifManSubConnectionShim(*this));
+				if(ret!=KErrNone)	// nothing we can do here, no point in throwing error back to event source - nothing they can do about it
+					{
+					// Array integrity will be broken here - may cause errors later with events on this subconnection if we recover
+					__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: Subconnection opened event; could not create CSubInterface - possible OOM condition - subconnection ID %d, error %d - subinterface array integrity failure"),
+							    this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, ret));
+					break;
+					}
+				ret = iNifManSubConnections.Append(c);
+				if (ret != KErrNone)
+					{
+						__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: could not append CNifManSubConnectionShim to the list - subconnection ID %d, error %d - subinterface array integrity failure"),
+							    this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, ret));
+						c->DeleteAsync();
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
+			subint->SetSubConnectionUniqueId(aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId);
+			TInt count = iConnections.Count();
+			for (TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+				{
+				TRAP(ret,c->ConnectionJoiningL(*iConnections[i]));
+				if(ret!=KErrNone)	// nothing we can do here, no point in throwing error back to event source - nothing they can do about it
+					{
+					// Array integrity will be broken here - may cause errors later with events on this subconnection if we recover
+					__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: connection joining subconnection opened event; - possible OOM condition - subconnection ID %d, error %d - subinterface array integrity failure"),
+								 this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, ret));
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+		    }
+			break;
+		case ESubConnectionClosed:
+			__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSubConnectionEvent() ESubConnectionClosed"), this));
+			c = FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId);
+			if(!c)		// then there was an error (probably that we couldn't find the object in the array) - write error to log - not much else we can do
+				{
+				__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: Subconnection closed event; could not find subconnection ID %d, lookup error %d occured"),
+						    this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, KErrNotFound));
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iDeleteAsynchOnly = ETrue;
+				TInt n = iNifManSubConnections.Find(c);
+				if (n >= 0)
+					{
+					iNifManSubConnections.Remove(n);
+					}
+				c->DeleteAsync();
+				}
+			break;
+		default:
+			// do nothing; we only care about open and close events
+			break;
+		}	
+	// Rebroadcast all events to all attached control clients
+	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+	for (TInt i = max - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
+		{
+		iControlClients[i]->SubConnectionEvent(NULL, aSubConnectionEvent);
+		}
+	CheckDeleteThis();
+	}
+CConnectionProvdBase* CConnectionProviderShim::GetNifSession()
+    {
+    return iProvider;
+    }
+void CConnectionProviderShim::InitialiseL(CConnectionProvdBase* aStarterSession)
+	{
+	ASSERT(aStarterSession);
+	//
+	//can't set the provider twice
+	//
+	ASSERT(iProvider == NULL);	
+	iProvider = Nif::NewConnectionL(this, 0);	
+	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tInitialiseL(aStarterSession %x) iProvider %x"), this, aStarterSession, iProvider));
+	//
+	// After creating the new nif session (iProvider) we also need to transfer the connection attempt count
+	// from the old nif session (aStarterSession) to the new one, since it was the one that initially 
+	// started the interface and connection attempt count was incremented in StartL of nif session
+	//
+	TPckg<TInt> connectionAttempt(-1);
+	aStarterSession->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionGetConnectionAttempt, connectionAttempt, NULL);
+	ASSERT(connectionAttempt() != -1);			
+	iProvider->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionSetConnectionAttempt, connectionAttempt, NULL);
+	//
+	// Finally, call ConnectionControlActivityL to ensure that the provider is attached to the connection
+	// and progress notifications from the provider end up in the connection object too
+	//		
+	DoConnectionControlActivityL(EAttachNormal, NULL, NULL);
+	_LIT(KIfNameField, "IfName");
+	TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> nifname;
+	iProvider->GetDes16SettingL(KIfNameField(), nifname);
+    if (nifname.CompareF (KSpudName) == 0)
+        {
+        iSubConnectionType = KUmtsGprsSubConnectionProviderFactoryId;
+        }
+	iHasAnyControlClientJoined = ETrue;
+    }
+void CConnectionProviderShim::SetBlockProgressesL(CConnectionProvdBase* aStarterSession)
+Ensure that the "blocked progress" status of aStarterSession is copied across to iProvider session.
+@param aStarterSession session from which to copy "blocked progress" status.
+	{
+	TPckg<TBool> blockProgresses(EFalse);
+	aStarterSession->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionGetBlockProgresses, blockProgresses, NULL);
+	iProvider->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionSetBlockProgresses, blockProgresses, NULL);
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::DoJoinNextLayerL(CConnectionProviderBase* aNextLayer)
+	{
+	(void)aNextLayer;
+	if ( !iProvider )
+		{
+		ASSERT( !aNextLayer );
+//		AddRef(); 	//The AddRef needs to be here since it follows the logic in the selector shim. 	
+		iProvider = Nif::NewConnectionL(this, 0);
+		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoJoinNextLayerL(aNextLayer %x) iProvider %x"), this, aNextLayer, iProvider));
+		}
+	}
+CConnectionProviderBase* CConnectionProviderShim::DoNextLayer() const
+    {
+    //This is (by design) the last layer.
+    return NULL;
+    }
+TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoCanDoSubConnection(RSubConnection::TSubConnType aSubConnType) const
+	{
+	(void)aSubConnType;
+	return iSubConnectionType;
+  	return 0;
+  	}
+Find particular CSubConnectionLinkShimClient object with the pointer to given aConnection
+@param aTypeId Id of CNifManSubConnectionShim
+@param aConnection aConnection pointer 
+@return CSubConnectionLinkShimClient* or NULL
+CSubConnectionLinkShimClient* CConnectionProviderShim::QuerySubSessions(TInt32 aTypeId,const CConnection* aConnection)
+	{
+	 TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
+	 CNifManSubConnectionShim *nifManSubConnection;
+	 CSubConnectionLinkShimClient *linkShimClient = NULL;
+	 for (TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+	 	{
+		nifManSubConnection = iNifManSubConnections[i];
+		if (nifManSubConnection && nifManSubConnection->Id() == aTypeId)	
+			{
+			TInt n = 0;
+			do
+				{
+				 linkShimClient = nifManSubConnection->ShimClient(n++);			
+				}
+			while (linkShimClient && !linkShimClient->Match(*aConnection));
+			}
+	 	}
+	return linkShimClient;
+	}
+void CConnectionProviderShim::SetFactoryIfactory(CConnectionProviderFactoryShim *aFactoryShim)
+	{
+	iFactoryShim = aFactoryShim;	
+	}