changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/esockapiextensions/internetsockets/inc/in6_opt.h	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// in6_opt.h - new socket options and MEventService data e.g.
+// for accessing the network interface and route
+// information.
+// New socket options and MEventService data e.g. for accessing the network interface
+// and route information.
+ @file in6_opt.h
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+#ifndef __INSOCK_IN6_ROUTE_H__
+#define __INSOCK_IN6_ROUTE_H__
+#include <in_sock.h>
+// PS: I'm declaring the following rule:
+// ** Use socket option names above 0x1000 for all options defined in this file **
+// (don't want to accidentally collide with in_sock.h, even though the probability is
+// small considering the number of different sockopt levels)
+// -- Socket option level: KSolInetIp --
+Controls the use of Explicit Congestion Notification. Values:
+@li 0 = ECN disabled
+@li 1 = ECN enabled with ECT(1)
+@li 2 = ECN enabled with ECT(0) (recommended over ECT(1), because some implementations may
+not implement ECT(1))
+See RFC 3168 for more information.
+const TUint KSoIpEcn = 0x1010;
+Next hop route selection.
+Set forces the next hop route selection on the flow.
+The option parameter is not used in set.
+Get returns information about the current next hop
+selection. The option parameter is TInetRouteInfo.
+If the link layer is using addresses, the information
+refers to neighbor cache entry. If the interface is not
+using link layer addresses, the returned information just
+describes the currently attached route entry.
+To be successful, the flow must be assigned to the
+interface and the source address must be set at the
+time of the call.
+This option is provided for hook implementations, for
+example ISATAP tunneling hook can use this¨to force
+next hop selection on the virtual interface to find the
+actual link layer address (= outer IPv4 address).
+const TUint KSoNextHop = 0x1011;
+// -- Socket option level: KSolInetTcp --
+If set, only full-sized TCP segments are sent before closing the connection. This is like
+Nagle, but stricter.
+const TUint KSoTcpCork = 0x1020;
+Send only full-sized TCP segments. Separate option in addition to KSoTcpCork is needed for
+BSD compatibility.
+const TUint KSoTcpNoPush = 0x1021;
+Do not return from close immediately, but linger for given maximum time to wait that the
+send buffers are emptied. Socket option parameter is TSoTcpLingerOpt struct.
+const TUint KSoTcpLinger = 0x1022;
+Parameter struct for KSoTcpLinger socket option. The following combinations are possible:
+@li <b>iOnOff == 0</b>: Close() call returns immediately, but TCP still
+		tries to transmit the data remaining in its send buffers.
+@li <b>iOnOff == 1, iLinger == 0</b>: Close() returns immediately, and the TCP sender discards
+		all data in its send buffers. TCP RST is sent to the other end. Note: the TCP sender
+		avoids the TIME_WAIT state.
+@li <b>iOnOff == 1, iLinger > 0</b>: Close() call blocks until the data in TCP send buffers
+		is succesfully transmitted and the connection is graciously terminated.
+		If the sender cannot transmit all data before the linger time expires,
+		the Close() call wakes up, but the stack continues towards terminating the
+		connection as usual.
+A similar structure is used in BSD Unix sockets, hence porting Unix apps using linger option
+should be straight forward.
+class TSoTcpLingerOpt
+	{
+	TInt	iOnOff;		//< 0=Linger off; nonzero=Linger on.
+	TInt	iLinger;	//< Linger time in seconds.
+	};
+// -- Socket option level: KSolInetIfQuery --
+// The options below are on KSolInetIfQuery level, although they use different option format
+// than the rest of the options.
+// There are no incoming parameters for these queries
+Return array of TInetInterfaceInfo objects as the response of GetOptions call.
+const TUint KSoInetInterfaceInfo = 0x1001;
+Return array of TInetAddressInfo objects as the response of GetOptions call.
+const TUint KSoInetAddressInfo = 0x1002;
+Return array of TInetRouteInfo objects as the response of GetOptions call.
+const TUint KSoInetRouteInfo = 0x1003;
+Information of an address attached to interface.
+Used by the event service (EClassAddress events) and KSoInetAddressInfo socket option.
+class TInetAddressInfo
+	{
+	TUint32	    iInterface;	    //< Network interface index to which this address is bound.
+	TIp6Addr    iAddress;	    //< Prefix or Id part of the address described.
+	TUint8	    iPrefixLen;	    //< Length of the prefix part in bits.
+	TUint32	    iScopeId;	    //< ScopeId of this address.
+	TUint32	    iPrefLifetime;  //< Remaining Preferred lifetime of this address.
+	TUint32	    iValidLifetime; //< Remaining Valid lifetime of this address.
+	TUint	    iFlags;	    //< Is address entry for prefix or id, etc. See enum TFlags
+	TUint	    iState;	    //< Address state, copied from TIp6AddressInfo, see enum TAddressState
+	TUint	    iType;	    //< Address type copied from TIp6AddressInfo, see enum TAddressType
+	TUint	    iGenerations;   //< Number of times the address Id is generated (or randomly re-generated)
+	TUint	    iNS;	    //< Number of neighbour solicitations sent for DAD.
+	// Values used in iFlags field.
+	enum TFlags
+		{
+	    EF_Prefix = 0x1,	//< This address entry specifies prefix
+	    EF_Id = 0x2,    	//< This address entry specifies id part of the address
+	    EF_Deprecated = 0x4 //< Address is deprecated
+		};
+	// Values used in iState field. The field is directly copied from iface.cpp.
+	enum TAddressState
+		{
+	    ENoAddress	= 0,	//< 0 0 - unassigned initial state (no address present)
+	    EDuplicate	= 1,	//< 0 1 - address is duplicate
+	    EAssigned	= 2,	//< 1 0 - address fully available
+	    ETentative	= 3	//< 1 1 - address is tentative (DAD in progress)
+		};
+	// Values used in iType field. The field is directly copied from iface.cpp.
+	enum TAddressType
+		{
+	    EProxy	= 2,	//< Do DAD, is not for me (forward)
+	    EAnycast	= 1,	//< Don't do DAD, is for me address
+	    ENormal	= 0	//< Do DAD, is for me
+		};
+	};
+Information of a network interface.
+Used by event service (EClassInterface events) and KSoInetInterfaceInfo socket option.
+class TInetInterfaceInfo
+	{
+	TUint32	    iIndex;
+	TName	    iName;		//< Interface name
+	TInt	    iState;		//< State
+	TInt	    iSMtu;		//< Maximum transmit unit size
+	TInt	    iRMtu;		//< Maximum receive unit size
+	TInt	    iSpeedMetric;	//< Metric - bigger is better
+	TUint	    iFeatures;		//< Feature flags
+	TSockAddr   iHwAddr;		//< Hardware address
+	// Possible interface states.
+	// Can also have negative values when on error state.
+	enum
+		{
+	    IfState_READY   = 0,  //< Ready to receive data from protocol
+	    IfState_PENDING = 1,  //< Not ready for data yet
+	    IfState_HOLD    = 2
+		};
+	};
+Information of a route entry in IP stack.
+Used by event service (EClassRoute events) and KSoInetRouteInfo socket option.
+class TInetRouteInfo
+	{
+	TUint32	    iIndex;	//< Route index
+	TUint	    iType;	//< Type of route (kernel generated have 0 at the present)
+	TUint	    iState;	//< State of route (copied from iState in CIp6Route)
+	TInt	    iMetric;	//< Smaller is better (less hops and/or faster link)
+	TUint32	    iInterface; //< Network interface index of the route
+	TIp6Addr    iGateway;	//< IP address of gateway (might be the interface)
+	TIp6Addr    iDstAddr;	//< Destination network or host
+	TUint8	    iPrefixLen;	//< Length of the route prefix in bits
+	TUint32	    iScopeId;	//< Scope Id of this route
+	TUint32	    iLifetime;  //< Route lifetime in seconds
+	enum
+		{ 
+		EDeprecated = 0x80000000	//< This bit is set in iType if the route is deprecated
+		};
+	// Values used in iState field
+	enum TState
+	  	{
+	    EIncomplete = 0,
+	    ELoopback = 1,
+	    EOnlink = 2,
+	    EGateway = 3,
+	    EAnycast = 5,
+	    ERedirect = 7,
+	    EReachable = 8,
+	    EStale = 16
+	 	 };
+	};
+Information on a neighbour cache entry in the IP stack.
+Used by event service (EClassNeighbour events).
+class TInetNeighbourInfo
+	{
+	TUint32	    iIndex;		//< Route index.
+	TIp6Addr    iDstAddr;	//< Neighbour's IP address.
+	TUint	    iState;		//< State of neigbour entry. @see TInetRouteInfo::TState.
+	TInt	    iMetric;	//< Smaller is better (less hops and/or faster link).
+	TUint32	    iInterface; //< Network interface index of the route.
+	TUint32	    iScopeId;	//< Scope Id of this neighbour.
+	TUint32	    iLifetime;  //< Cache entry lifetime in seconds.
+	// Hardware address (e.g. Ethernet MAC).
+	TBuf8<KMaxSockAddrSize>	iHwAddr;
+	};
+For building an array on top of TDes8. This is like casting a TDes8 data pointer to an array, but
+it provides protection against array boundary violations, and some small helpful utilities.
+The motivation of this class is to help in handling the information accessed by MNetworkInfo
+template<class T> class TOverlayArray
+	{
+	inline TOverlayArray(TDes8& aDes) : iDes(aDes)
+	{ }
+	/**
+	* Returns pointer to the given element location in the array. If the index exceeds the
+	* maximum length of the array, NULL is returned.
+	*/
+	inline T* IndexPtr(TInt aIndex)
+	{ if (aIndex >= MaxLength()) return NULL; else return &((T*)iDes.Ptr())[aIndex]; }
+	/**
+	* Return the given element of the array. No boundary checking.
+	*/
+	inline T& operator[](TInt aIndex)
+	{ return ((T*)iDes.Ptr())[aIndex]; }
+	/**
+	* Returns the maximum length of the array in the number of array elements.
+	*/
+	inline TInt MaxLength()
+	{ return (iDes.MaxLength() / sizeof(T)); }
+	/**
+	* Returns the current length of the array in the number of array elements.
+	* The length information is based
+	* on the current underlaying descriptor length, which may not always be the desired result.
+	*/
+	inline TInt Length()
+	{ return (iDes.Length() / sizeof(T)); }
+	/**
+	* Set the length of the underlaying descriptor. The parameter is given in the number of array
+	* elements, which is then multiplied by a length of one element to determine the needed
+	* descriptor length.
+	*/
+	inline void SetLength(TInt aLength)
+	{ iDes.SetLength(aLength * sizeof(T)); }
+	TDes8&	  iDes;
+	};
+Information of a multicast group joined by the IP stack. This class is not currently
+used by socket options, only EClassMulticast events.
+class TInetMulticastInfo
+	{
+	TIp6Addr	iMulticastGroup;	//< IP address of the multicast group.
+	TUint32		iInterface;		//< Interface index of the group.
+	TUint32		iLifetime;		//< Lifetime of the group in seconds.
+	};
+// -- Socket option level: KSolInetIfCtrl --
+Control the use of link-local addresses per interface.
+Argument: TSoInetIpv4LinkLocalInfo  (SetOpt only).
+@capability ECapabilityNetworkControl Configuring IPv4 Link-local addresses is restricted.
+@ref RSocket::SetOpt()
+const TUint KSoIpv4LinkLocal = 0x1001;
+Used as a parameter in KSoIpv4LinkLocal.
+class TSoInetIpv4LinkLocalInfo
+	{
+	TUint	iInterface;		//< Interface index to be affected.
+	TUint	iFlag;			//< Indicates whether IPv4 link locals are used  (0='no'; 1='yes').
+	};
+#endif  // __INSOCK_IN6_ROUTE_H__