--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkcontrol/commsuserpromptmgr/interface/src/netupsimpl.cpp Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file provides the implementation of the methods for CNetUpsImpl
+// @internalAll
+// @prototype
+#include <e32std.h> // defines User
+#include <e32cmn.h> // defines RPointerArray
+#include <e32def.h> // defines ASSERT
+#include <e32base.h> // defines cleanup stack
+#include "netupsassert.h" // defines Net Ups Asserts
+#include "netupsimpl.h"
+#include "netupsdatabaseentry.h" // defines the generic NET UPS database
+#include "netupsthreadentry.h" // defines the NET UPS database thread entry
+#include "netupssubsession.h" // defines the NET UPS Subsession
+#include "netupsstatemachine.h" // defines generic NET UPS state machine
+#include "netupsstatedef.h" // defines internal UPS States
+#include "netupspolicycheckrequestqueue.h" // defines the policy check request queue
+#include "netupskeys.h" // defines the keys which access an entry in the Net UPS database
+#include <comms-infras/commsdebugutility.h> // defines the comms debug logging utility
+using namespace UserPromptService;
+using namespace ESock;
+namespace NetUps
+__FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KNetUpsSubsys, "esock");)
+__FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KNetUpsComponent, "NetUps");) /*esockloader*/
+CNetUpsImpl* CNetUpsImpl::NewL()
+ {
+ CNetUpsImpl* self = new (ELeave) CNetUpsImpl;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CNetUpsImpl::CNetUpsImpl() : iLifeTimeMode(EProcessLifeTimeMode), iRefCount(0) //, iRequestId(0)
+ {
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::ConstructL()
+ {
+ TInt rc = iUpsSession.Connect();
+ (void) User::LeaveIfError(rc);
+ __FLOG_OPEN(KNetUpsSubsys, KNetUpsComponent);
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tConstructL()"), this);
+ }
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\t~CNetUpsImpl()"), this);
+ for (TInt i = iDatabaseEntry.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ delete iDatabaseEntry[i];
+ }
+ iDatabaseEntry.Reset();
+ iDatabaseEntry.Close();
+ for (TInt j = iStateMachine.Count() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
+ {
+ delete iStateMachine[j];
+ }
+ iStateMachine.Reset();
+ iStateMachine.Close();
+ iUpsSession.Close();
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::SetLifeTimeMode(TLifeTimeMode aLifeTimeMode)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tSetLifeTimeMode(), aLifeTimeMode = %d"), this, aLifeTimeMode);
+ iLifeTimeMode = aLifeTimeMode;
+ }
+CNetUpsImpl::TLifeTimeMode CNetUpsImpl::LifeTimeMode()
+ {
+ return iLifeTimeMode;
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::ProcessPolicyCheckRequestL(const TPolicyCheckRequestData& aPolicyCheckRequestData, TRequestId& aRequestId)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tProcessPolicyCheckRequestL()"), this);
+ CUpsStateMachine& upsStateMachine = IdentifyStateMachineL(aPolicyCheckRequestData.iServiceId);
+ CDatabaseEntry* databaseEntry = NULL;
+ CProcessEntry* processEntry = NULL;
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = NULL;
+ IdentifyDatabaseEntryL(aPolicyCheckRequestData, databaseEntry, processEntry, threadEntry);
+ __FLOG_1(_L("\tdatabaseEntry = %08x"), databaseEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((databaseEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl));
+ __FLOG_1(_L("\tprocessEntry = %08x"), processEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((processEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl1));
+ // threadEntry will be NULL if in process lifetime.
+ aRequestId = AllocateRequestId();
+ TNetUpsState netUpsState = processEntry->NetUpsState();
+ if (MapInternalStateToSessionMode(netUpsState) == ESessionMode)
+ {
+ // Already in Session Yes or Session No, no need to query UPS Server
+ TNetUpsDecision netUpsDecision = ESessionNo;
+ DetermineUpsDecision(netUpsState, netUpsDecision);
+ if ((netUpsDecision == ESessionYes) && (iLifeTimeMode == ENetworkLifeTimeMode))
+ {
+ threadEntry->IncrementConnectionCountL(aPolicyCheckRequestData.iCommsId);
+ }
+ TInt rc = aPolicyCheckRequestData.iPolicyCheckRequestOriginator.ProcessPolicyCheckResponse(netUpsDecision, aPolicyCheckRequestData.iCommsId);
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tProcessPolicyCheckRequestL(), error = %d"), this , rc );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("\tthreadEntry = %08x"), threadEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((threadEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl2));
+ TThreadKey threadKey(*databaseEntry, *processEntry, *threadEntry);
+ upsStateMachine.ProcessPolicyCheckRequestL(threadKey, aPolicyCheckRequestData, aRequestId);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CNetUpsImpl::CancelRequest(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCallersNodeId, const TRequestId& aRequestId)
+ {
+// __FLOG_4(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tCancelRequest(), aServiceId = %d, aCallersNodeId = %08x, requestId = %d"), this, aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, aRequestId);
+ __FLOG_3(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tCancelRequest(), aServiceId = %d, requestId = %d"), this, aServiceId, aRequestId);
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = NULL;
+ TInt rc = IdentifyDatabaseEntry(aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, threadEntry);
+ if ((rc == KErrNone) && (threadEntry->SubSession()->IsActive()))
+ {
+ rc = threadEntry->RequestQueue().CancelRequest(aCallersNodeId, aRequestId);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+CUpsStateMachine& CNetUpsImpl::IdentifyStateMachineL(TInt32 aServiceId)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyStateMachineL(), aServiceId = %d"), this, aServiceId);
+ CUpsStateMachine* upsStateMachine = NULL;
+ const TInt count = iStateMachine.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const TInt32 serviceId = iStateMachine[i]->ServiceId();
+ if (serviceId == aServiceId)
+ {
+ upsStateMachine = iStateMachine[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (upsStateMachine == NULL)
+ {
+ upsStateMachine = CUpsStateMachine::NewL(*this, aServiceId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(upsStateMachine);
+ iStateMachine.AppendL(upsStateMachine);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(upsStateMachine);
+ }
+ return *upsStateMachine;
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::IdentifyDatabaseEntryL(const TPolicyCheckRequestData& aPolicyCheckRequestData, CDatabaseEntry*& aDatabaseEntry, CProcessEntry*& aProcessEntry, CThreadEntry*& aThreadEntry)
+/** Searches the database to locate the entities associated with the policy check request. If the entities
+are not found then they are instantiated.
+@param aPolicyCheckRequestData The policy check request which represents the search key.
+@param aDatabaseEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the database entry associated with the search key. It must be NULL on entry to this method.
+@param aProcessEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the process entry associated with the search key. It must be NULL on entry to this method.
+@param aThreadEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the threadEntry associated with the search key, or NULL if there is no associated threadEntry.
+ The latter is applicable when the processEntry is in process life time mode.
+ This parameter must be NULL on entry to this method.
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyDatabaseEntriesL(), aDatabaseEntry = %08x, aProcessEntry= %08x, aThreadEntry = %08x"), this, aDatabaseEntry, aProcessEntry, aThreadEntry);
+ TBool serviceIdFound;
+ TBool processEntryFound;
+ TBool threadEntryFound;
+ serviceIdFound = EFalse;
+ processEntryFound = EFalse;
+ threadEntryFound = EFalse;
+ TBool threadEntryRequired = ETrue; // if ETrue, thread entry must be present, otherwise must be created
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDatabaseEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aProcessEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aThreadEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ const TInt32 databaseEntryCount = iDatabaseEntry.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < databaseEntryCount; ++i)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((iDatabaseEntry[i] != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl3));
+ if (iDatabaseEntry[i]->ServiceId() == aPolicyCheckRequestData.iServiceId)
+ {
+ serviceIdFound = ETrue;
+ aDatabaseEntry = iDatabaseEntry[i];
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDatabaseEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl4));
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\ti = %d, databaseEntry = %08x"), i, aDatabaseEntry);
+ const TInt32 processEntryCount = aDatabaseEntry->ProcessEntry().Count();
+ for (TInt j = 0; (j < processEntryCount && threadEntryFound == EFalse); ++j)
+ {
+ aProcessEntry = (aDatabaseEntry->ProcessEntry())[j];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\tj= %d, processEntry = %08x"), j, aProcessEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aProcessEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl5));
+ if (aProcessEntry->ProcessId() == aPolicyCheckRequestData.iProcessId)
+ {
+ processEntryFound = ETrue;
+ if ((MapInternalStateToSessionMode(aProcessEntry->NetUpsState()) == ENonSessionMode) ||
+ (iLifeTimeMode == ENetworkLifeTimeMode))
+ {
+ const TInt32 threadEntryCount = aProcessEntry->ThreadEntry().Count();
+ for(TInt k = 0; k < threadEntryCount; ++k)
+ {
+ aThreadEntry = (aProcessEntry->ThreadEntry())[k];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\tk = %d, threadEntry = %08x"), k, aThreadEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aThreadEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl6));
+ if (aThreadEntry->ThreadId() == aPolicyCheckRequestData.iThreadId)
+ {
+ threadEntryFound = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ threadEntryRequired = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (serviceIdFound == EFalse)
+ {
+ aDatabaseEntry = CDatabaseEntry::NewL(aPolicyCheckRequestData.iServiceId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aDatabaseEntry);
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyDatabaseEntriesL() databaseEntry = %08x"), this, aDatabaseEntry);
+ iDatabaseEntry.AppendL(aDatabaseEntry);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(aDatabaseEntry);
+ }
+ if (processEntryFound == EFalse)
+ {
+ CUpsStateMachine& stateMachine = IdentifyStateMachineL(aPolicyCheckRequestData.iServiceId);
+ CProcessEntry* processEntry = CProcessEntry::NewL(*aDatabaseEntry, aPolicyCheckRequestData.iProcessId, stateMachine );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(processEntry);
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyDatabaseEntriesL() processEntry = %08x"), this, processEntry);
+ aDatabaseEntry->ProcessEntry().AppendL(processEntry);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(processEntry);
+ aProcessEntry = processEntry;
+ }
+ if ((threadEntryFound == EFalse) && (threadEntryRequired != EFalse))
+ {
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = CThreadEntry::NewL(*aDatabaseEntry, *aProcessEntry, aPolicyCheckRequestData.iThreadId, iUpsSession);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(threadEntry);
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyDatabaseEntriesL() threadEntry = %08x"), this, threadEntry);
+ aProcessEntry->ThreadEntry().AppendL(threadEntry);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(threadEntry);
+ aThreadEntry = threadEntry;
+ }
+ // By this point, databaseEntry and processEntry should be assigned to a Non NULL value
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDatabaseEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl7));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aProcessEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl8));
+ }
+TInt CNetUpsImpl::IdentifyDatabaseEntry(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCallersNodeId, CThreadEntry*& aThreadEntry)
+/** Searches the database to locate the thread entry corresponding to the Service Id and CommsId specified.
+@param aServiceId A Service Id which forms the 1st part of the query key.
+@param aCommsId A Comms Id which forms the 2nd part of the query key.
+@param aThreadEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the thread entry associated with the search key. The Client must initialise this parameter to NULL to indicate that the referenced memory is unassigned.
+ {
+ //__FLOG_4(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyDatabaseEntry(), aServiceId = %d, aCallersNodeId = %08x, aThreadEntry = %08x"), this, aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, aThreadEntry);
+ __FLOG_3(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIdentifyDatabaseEntry(), aServiceId = %d, aThreadEntry = %08x"), this, aServiceId, aThreadEntry);
+ CDatabaseEntry* databaseEntry = NULL;
+ CProcessEntry* processEntry = NULL;
+ TInt32 rc = IdentifyDatabaseEntry(aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, databaseEntry, processEntry, aThreadEntry);
+ if ((rc == KErrNone) && (aThreadEntry == NULL)) // the previous function will identify the databaseEntry and
+ // processEntry but not a threadEntry if the processEntry
+ // is in process session life time mode.
+ {
+ rc = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+TInt CNetUpsImpl::IdentifyDatabaseEntry(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCommsId, CDatabaseEntry*& aDatabaseEntry, CProcessEntry*& aProcessEntry, CThreadEntry*& aThreadEntry)
+/** Searches the database to locate the entities corresponding to the Service Id and CommsId specified.
+@param aServiceId A Service Id which forms the 1st part of the query key.
+@param aCommsId A Comms Id which forms the 2nd part of the query key.
+@param aDatabaseEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the database entry associated with the search key. The Client must initialise this parameter to NULL to indicate that the referenced memory is unassigned.
+@param aProcessEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the process entry associated with the search key. The Client must initialise this parameter to NULL to indicate that the referenced memory is unassigned.
+@param aThreadEntry An output parameter which contains a pointer to the thread entry associated with the search key. The Client must initialise this parameter to NULL to indicate that the referenced memory is unassigned.
+ This argument will remain NULL if the threadEntry does not exist.
+ {
+ //__FLOG_6(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x\t IdentifyDatabaseEntriesL(), aServiceId, aCommsId, aDatabaseEntry = %d,\t aProcessEntry= %d,\t aThreadEntry = %d"), this, aServiceId, aCommsId, aDatabaseEntry, aProcessEntry, aThreadEntry);
+ __FLOG_5(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x\t IdentifyDatabaseEntriesL(), aServiceId, aCommsId, aDatabaseEntry = %d,\t aProcessEntry= %d,\t aThreadEntry = %d"), this, aServiceId, aDatabaseEntry, aProcessEntry, aThreadEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDatabaseEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aProcessEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aThreadEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ TInt rc = KErrNotFound;
+ const TInt32 databaseEntryCount = iDatabaseEntry.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; ((i < databaseEntryCount) && (rc == KErrNotFound)); ++i)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((iDatabaseEntry[i] != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl9));
+ if (aServiceId == iDatabaseEntry[i]->ServiceId())
+ {
+ CDatabaseEntry* databaseEntry = iDatabaseEntry[i];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\ti = %d, databaseEntry = %08x"), i, databaseEntry);
+ const TInt32 processEntryCount = databaseEntry->ProcessEntry().Count();
+ for (TInt j = 0; ((j < processEntryCount) && (rc == KErrNotFound)); ++j)
+ {
+ CProcessEntry* processEntry = (databaseEntry->ProcessEntry())[j];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\tj = %d, processEntry = %08x"), j, processEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((processEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl10));
+ aDatabaseEntry = databaseEntry;
+ aProcessEntry = processEntry;
+ const TInt32 threadEntryCount = processEntry->ThreadEntry().Count();
+ for(TInt32 k = 0; ((k < threadEntryCount) && (rc == KErrNotFound)); ++k)
+ {
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = (processEntry->ThreadEntry())[k];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\tk = %d, threadEntry = %08x"), k, threadEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((threadEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl11));
+ const TInt32 commsIdCount = threadEntry->ConnectionEntry().Count();
+ for(TInt32 l = 0; l < commsIdCount; ++l)
+ {
+ const Messages::TNodeId& commsId = (threadEntry->ConnectionEntry())[l]->CommsId();
+ //__FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl\t i = %d, commsId = %d"), i, commsId.Printable());
+ __FLOG_1(_L("\tl = %d"), l);
+ if (commsId == aCommsId)
+ {
+ aThreadEntry = threadEntry;
+ rc = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::IncrementConnectionCountL(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCallersNodeId)
+ {
+ //__FLOG_3(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIncrementConnectionCountL(), aServiceId = %d, aCallersNodeId = %08x"), this, aServiceId, aCallersNodeId);
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIncrementConnectionCountL(), aServiceId = %d"), this, aServiceId);
+ if (iLifeTimeMode != EProcessLifeTimeMode)
+ {
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = NULL;
+ TInt rc = IdentifyDatabaseEntry(aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, threadEntry);
+ if (rc == KErrNone)
+ {
+ threadEntry->IncrementConnectionCountL(aCallersNodeId);
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(rc);
+ }
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::DecrementConnectionCountL(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCallersNodeId)
+ {
+ //__FLOG_3(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tDecrementConnectionCountL(), aServiceId = %d, aCallersNodeId = %08x"), this, aServiceId, aCallersNodeId);
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tDecrementConnectionCountL(), aServiceId = %d"), this, aServiceId);
+ if (iLifeTimeMode != EProcessLifeTimeMode)
+ {
+ CUpsStateMachine& upsStateMachine = IdentifyStateMachineL(aServiceId);
+ CDatabaseEntry* databaseEntry = NULL;
+ CProcessEntry* processEntry = NULL;
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = NULL;
+ TInt rc = IdentifyDatabaseEntry(aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, databaseEntry, processEntry, threadEntry);
+ if (rc == KErrNone)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((databaseEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl12));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((processEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl13));
+ if (threadEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ TCommsIdKey commsIdKey(*databaseEntry, *processEntry, *threadEntry, aCallersNodeId);
+ upsStateMachine.DecrementConnectionCountL(commsIdKey);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::DecrementConnectionCountL(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCallersNodeId, TProcessId& aProcessId, TThreadId& aThreadId)
+ {
+ if (iLifeTimeMode != EProcessLifeTimeMode)
+ {
+ CUpsStateMachine& upsStateMachine = IdentifyStateMachineL(aServiceId);
+ CDatabaseEntry* databaseEntry = NULL;
+ CProcessEntry* processEntry = NULL;
+ CThreadEntry* threadEntry = NULL;
+ TInt rc = IdentifyDatabaseEntry(aServiceId, aCallersNodeId, aProcessId, aThreadId, databaseEntry, processEntry, threadEntry);
+ if (rc == KErrNone)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((databaseEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl14));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((processEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl15));
+ if (threadEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ TCommsIdKey commsIdKey(*databaseEntry, *processEntry, *threadEntry, aCallersNodeId);
+ upsStateMachine.DecrementConnectionCountL(commsIdKey);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CNetUpsImpl::IdentifyDatabaseEntry(TInt32 aServiceId, const Messages::TNodeId& aCallersNodeId, TProcessId& aProcessId, TThreadId& aThreadId, CDatabaseEntry*& aDatabaseEntry, CProcessEntry*& aProcessEntry, CThreadEntry*& aThreadEntry)
+ {
+ TBool serviceIdFound;
+ TBool processEntryFound;
+ TBool threadEntryFound;
+ serviceIdFound = EFalse;
+ processEntryFound = EFalse;
+ threadEntryFound = EFalse;
+ TInt rc = KErrNotFound;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDatabaseEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aProcessEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aThreadEntry == NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNonNullPointerToBeOverwritten));
+ const TInt32 databaseEntryCount = iDatabaseEntry.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; (i < databaseEntryCount && serviceIdFound == EFalse); ++i)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((iDatabaseEntry[i] != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl16));
+ if (iDatabaseEntry[i]->ServiceId() == aServiceId)
+ {
+ serviceIdFound = ETrue;
+ aDatabaseEntry = iDatabaseEntry[i];
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDatabaseEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl17));
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\ti = %d, databaseEntry = %08x"), i, aDatabaseEntry);
+ const TInt32 processEntryCount = aDatabaseEntry->ProcessEntry().Count();
+ for (TInt j = 0; (j < processEntryCount && processEntryFound == EFalse); ++j)
+ {
+ aProcessEntry = (aDatabaseEntry->ProcessEntry())[j];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\tj= %d, processEntry = %08x"), j, aProcessEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aProcessEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl18));
+ if (aProcessEntry->ProcessId() == aProcessId)
+ {
+ processEntryFound = ETrue;
+ if ((MapInternalStateToSessionMode(aProcessEntry->NetUpsState()) == ENonSessionMode) ||
+ (iLifeTimeMode == ENetworkLifeTimeMode))
+ {
+ const TInt32 threadEntryCount = aProcessEntry->ThreadEntry().Count();
+ for(TInt k = 0; (k < threadEntryCount && threadEntryFound == EFalse); ++k)
+ {
+ aThreadEntry = (aProcessEntry->ThreadEntry())[k];
+ __FLOG_2(_L("\tk = %d, threadEntry = %08x"), k, aThreadEntry);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aThreadEntry != NULL), User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicNullPointer_NetUpsSimpl19));
+ if (aThreadEntry->ThreadId() == aThreadId)
+ {
+ threadEntryFound = ETrue;
+ const TInt32 commsIdCount = aThreadEntry->ConnectionEntry().Count();
+ for(TInt32 l = 0; l < commsIdCount; ++l)
+ {
+ const Messages::TNodeId& commsId = (aThreadEntry->ConnectionEntry())[l]->CommsId();
+ //__FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl\t i = %d, commsId = %d"), i, commsId.Printable());
+ __FLOG_1(_L("\tl = %d"), l);
+ if (commsId == aCallersNodeId)
+ {
+ rc = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+CNetUpsImpl::TSessionMode CNetUpsImpl::MapInternalStateToSessionMode(TNetUpsState aNetUpsState)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetUpsSubsys, KNetUpsComponent,_L("CNetUpsImpl::MapInternalStateToSessionMode(), aNetUpsState = %d"), aNetUpsState);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( (aNetUpsState == ENull) ||
+ ((aNetUpsState >= EProcLife_NonSession) && (aNetUpsState <= EProcLife_SessionNo)) ||
+ ((aNetUpsState >= ENetLife_NonSession) && (aNetUpsState <= ENetLife_SessionYes)) ,
+ User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicInvalidState));
+ TSessionMode rc = ENonSessionMode;
+ switch(aNetUpsState)
+ {
+ case EProcLife_Transit_SessionYes:
+ case EProcLife_Transit_SessionNo:
+ case EProcLife_SessionYes:
+ case EProcLife_SessionNo:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_Transit_WithoutConnections:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_WithOutConnections:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_Transit_WithConnections:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_WithConnections:
+ case ENetLife_Transit_SessionYes:
+ case ENetLife_SessionYes:
+ rc = ESessionMode;
+ break;
+ case ENull:
+ case EProcLife_NonSession:
+ case ENetLife_NonSession:
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicUnhandledState);
+ break;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::DetermineUpsDecision(TNetUpsState aNetUpsState, TNetUpsDecision& aNetUpsDecision)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetUpsSubsys, KNetUpsComponent,_L("CNetUpsImpl::DetermineUpsDecision, aNetUpsState = %d"), aNetUpsState);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( (aNetUpsState == ENull) ||
+ ((aNetUpsState >= EProcLife_NonSession) && (aNetUpsState <= EProcLife_SessionNo)) ||
+ ((aNetUpsState >= ENetLife_NonSession) && (aNetUpsState <= ENetLife_SessionYes)) ,
+ User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicInvalidState));
+ switch(aNetUpsState)
+ {
+ case EProcLife_Transit_SessionYes:
+ case EProcLife_SessionYes:
+ case ENetLife_Transit_SessionYes:
+ case ENetLife_SessionYes:
+ aNetUpsDecision = ESessionYes;
+ break;
+ case EProcLife_Transit_SessionNo:
+ case EProcLife_SessionNo:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_Transit_WithoutConnections:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_WithOutConnections:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_Transit_WithConnections:
+ case ENetLife_SessionNo_WithConnections:
+ aNetUpsDecision = ESessionNo;
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicUnhandledState);
+ break;
+ }
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetUpsSubsys, KNetUpsComponent,_L("aNetUpsDecision = %d"), aNetUpsDecision);
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::IncrementRefCount(void)
+ {
+ ++iRefCount;
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tIncrementRefCount(), iRefCount = %d"), this, iRefCount);
+ }
+void CNetUpsImpl::DecrementRefCount(void)
+ {
+ if (--iRefCount < 0)
+ {
+ User::Panic(KNetUpsPanic, KPanicAttemptToDecrementPastZero);
+ }
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CNetUpsImpl %08x:\tDecrementRefCount(), iRefCount = %d"), this, iRefCount);
+ }
+TInt32 CNetUpsImpl::RefCount(void)
+ {
+ return iRefCount;
+ }
+TRequestId CNetUpsImpl::AllocateRequestId()
+ {
+ return ++iRequestId;
+ }
+} // end of namespace