changeset 0 af10295192d8
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkingtestandutils/networkingexamples/webserver/Documentation/README.txt	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+//    readme.txt - http server development notes
+//    Portions Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd. 2007.
+//    Portions Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Nokia. * Nokia Core OS *
+//    Save as expressly licensed to you by Symbian Software Ltd, all rights reserved.
+Hi !
+I've put in the CVS a new version of the webserver.
+This versions suports GET(1), HEAD(1), PUT(2), DELETE(2), TRACE & OPTIONS Methods.
+It allows the webmaster to define the relationship between extension and content-type (see WSTYPES.CFG)
+It allows the webmaster to define his own HTML errors messages.
+This version has also 3 new files :
+ws.cfg 			-> This the configuration file of the webserver.
+wstypes.cfg		-> This file defines the relation ship between extension and content-types.
+webserver.log		-> This file is automatically generated by the webserver. It is used by the webmaster
+			   to undelete files which has been deleted by a PUT or DELETE method.
+By now, this files must be in the root directory. (\epoc32\wins\C\ in the emulator)
+BACKUP_PATH=\ws\backups\	-> Set the directory for security copies of deleted files by the PUT & DELETE methods.
+ERROR_PATH=\ws\error\		-> Set the directory where the user has his own HTML error messages.
+SERVER_PATH=\ws\		-> Set the root directory of the webserver.
+DEFAULT_RESOURCE=home.htm	-> Set the default resource name. 
+				   (e.g: http::// => http:://
+PORT=2080			-> Set the listen port.
+(Note: All the values which are not defined in ws.cfg are set with defaults values.)
+<extension_name>	<content-type>
+html	text/html
+htm	text/html
+txt	text/plain
+gif	image/gif
+jpg	image/jpeg
+js	application/octet-stream
+ps	application/postscript 
+HTML error files
+The HTML error files must be named as "errorXXX.htm".
+The XXX is the error number. (eg: 404 Not found error will have a "error404.htm" HTML error file)
+If there is no error file definied the webserver will use its defaults HTML error messages.
+GET & HEAD Methods (1)
+This version of the webserver doesn't allow queries in these methods.Although, it will support very soon.
+PUT & DELETE Methods (2)
+These methods are allowed, but there is no authentication implemented yet. That means everybody can use these
+methods with out being authorized !!!
+/***************************************** NEW VERSION (8 - 2 - 2000) **************************************/
+WS.CFG (new fields) 
+DELETE_METHOD=[Yes/No]	-> Enable/Disable the delete method in the websever.
+CGI_PATH=\ws\cgi-bin\	-> Set the directory for CGIs.
+GET & HEAD Methods (1)
+This version allows queries in these methods.
+Range Requests are supported.
+POST Method
+The Post method is supported.
+TRACE Method
+The Trace method is supported.
+The Options method is supported.
+Chuncked Enconding is NOT supported.
+Authentication is NOT supported.
+Restricted URI access is NOT supported.
+Multi-Host is NOT supported.
+/***************************************** NEW VERSION (24 - 3 - 2000) **************************************/
+These files are now located in \DATA\ directory.
+You can modify them through the new interface in the Webserver. Config data can only be changed with the WebServer
+GET & HEAD Methods 
+Multi-range request are supported.
+New User Interface.
+No Panic when config files are missing. Now, there are nice warnings.
+Console displays HTTP Request and Responses headers.It also displays remote addresses. 
+(These messages can be enable/disable) 
+Help is still under construction.
+Chuncked Enconding is NOT supported.
+Authentication is NOT supported.
+Restricted URI access is NOT supported.
+Multi-Host is NOT supported.