changeset 0 af10295192d8
child 6 c64cefac6e99
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkingtestandutils/networkingperformancemeasurementtools/testcontroller/data/netperf_example.ini	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+# NETPERF test suite example configuration file
+# =============================================
+# This is a comprehensively commented reference ini file for Netperf.
+# It should be used as the basis for creating your own customised ini files.
+#  It's best if you work with a modified copy (e.g. in \netperfwork\netperf_new.ini)
+#   so that netperf_example.ini itself can be kept as a master reference copy.
+# So.. before you start modifying the file, delete these comments up to this point
+#   and save it as a local working copy (e.g. \netperfwork\netperf_new.ini)
+# The #'ed out options shown below will be taken at their default values.
+#  Uncomment them if you want a non-default value.
+#  Otherwise you can remove them from the file to keep it simple and small.
+# After you've configured this ini file, use it as follows:
+#  netperf \netperfwork\netperf_yours.ini emulator <interactive> <run>
+#  netperf \netperfwork\netperf_yours.ini devboard <interactive> <run>
+#  netperf \netperfwork\netperf_yours.ini device <interactive> <run>
+#  The optional keyword 'interactive' causes the user to be prompted when manual intervention
+#   may be required, e.g. when the setup files have been created and the user needs to
+#    run them on the device, prior to the tests proceeding to run. So omit this keyword
+#     if you're running the tests in some kind of batch job environment
+#      (e.g. overnight builds).
+#  The optional keyword 'run' causes the same tests to run as the last invocation
+#    of netperf. This speeds things up when the device has already been set up,
+#     and the list of tests to run hasn't changed since last time. If you've
+#      changed your config file then you should omit this keyword so the
+#       test run is reconfigured correctly.
+# The following section specifies information about the TestControllerPC,   #
+#  which will set up / drive the performance tests.                         #
+#   The TestControllerPC is probably the PC you're reading this on.         #
+# Option: [TestControllerPC].Method
+#[Method=Testdriver or CopyTestScripts]
+# For fully-automatic mode (tests invoked from PC), use value Testdriver
+# For semi-automatic mode (tests invoked from Device), use value CopyTestScripts
+# No default. Must be specified.
+# Option: [TestControllerPC].DestinationForSetupData
+# The destination, according to the TestControllerPC, of the setup data which
+#  will be generated by Netperf.
+#  The setup data comprises of
+#   - commsdat (if specified below)
+#   - stat.ini file (if Testdriver mode)
+#   - script to install the above
+# So for a devboard you probably want to set this to a card reader
+#  (e.g. F:\)
+#  In this case ensure a card is inserted when you run the script!
+# For a production device you might want to copy to a local folder
+#   (e.g. the default, 'netperf_device_setup') and somehow copy
+#   the files manually to the phone when prompted (in "interactive" mode).
+# Defaults to local folder "netperf_devboard_<target>"
+#                             (where <target> is emulator/devboard/device)
+# Option: [TestControllerPC].TestBearerIP
+# The TestControllerPC IP address (on its network interface of
+#    the bearer for which we're measuring performance, the "test bearer").
+#   This is the address that the DeviceUnderTest-side performance library will
+#    send data to / receive data from.
+# No default. Must be specified.
+# Option: [TestControllerPC].ControlIP
+# The TestControllerPC IP address (on its network interface used for control).
+#  If you're happy with control traffic to be "in-band" (i.e. sharing the bearer
+#  with the "test bearer" mentioned above), the value of this should match
+#  that of TestBearerIP above.
+# No default. Must be specified.
+# Option: [TestControllerPC].ControlPort
+# The TCP port of the UCC service running on the TestControllerPC.
+# Defaults to 1683. Only change this if you have something else using the port.
+# Option: [TestControllerPC].RunServices
+# Whether the script should try to run the PC-side services UCC and exeservice
+#  during its test run, and shut them down at the end.
+# If you have a reason to launch them independently before the script starts,
+#  you need to set this to 'no'
+# Defaults to yes
+# The following section specifies information about the Symbian OS device  #
+#  on which we want to measure networking performancev ("DeviceUnderTest") #
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].LocationForSetupData
+#  This is where the device will expect to see the setup files.
+#   e.g. if you've copied them to a memory card which mounts as "E:\" on
+#         the target device, put "E:\" here.
+#   e.g. if you've copied them manually to the inbuild system drive
+#         called "C:\", put "C:\" here.
+#  N.B. In fully-automatic (Testdriver) mode this needs to be a root
+#   of a drive (e.g. C:\, E:\) because Stat will expect to find the ini file
+#   generated by Netperf in a specific place on the drive \system\data
+# Defaults to C:\
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].TestBearerIAP/SNAP
+# The connection of the test bearer on the DeviceUnderTest
+#  This is the connection that the DeviceUnderTest-side performance
+#   library will attach to before
+#     sending data to / receiving data from [TestControllerPC].TestBearerIP
+#  Specified by *either* IAP number *or* SNAP number.
+# Defaults to 0 - this means "default connection".
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].TestBearerIP
+# The address on the test bearer of the DeviceUnderTest
+# This is the address that the PC-side performance tool (e.g. iperf)
+#  will send data to / receive data from.
+#  Also goes into the generated commsdat for configuring the
+#   network interface statically.
+# Subnet mask can be specified in CIDR format (e.g. 24 for
+#  Subnet mask defaults to 24 bits if omitted.
+# No default. Must be specified.
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].TestBearerGateway
+# The address of the gateway (if any) on the test bearer.
+#  Goes into the generated commsdat for configuring the
+#   network interface statically.
+# Defaults to x.x.x.1 in the subnet scope specified above.
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].ControlIAP/SNAP
+# The connection of the control link on the DeviceUnderTest
+#  UCC will attach to this connection before sending control calls 
+#   to [TestControllerPC].ControlIP
+# (in testdriver mode, Stat will run on this connection too)
+#  Specified by *either* IAP number *or* SNAP number.
+# Defaults to 0 - this means "default connection".
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].ControlIP
+# The IP address of the DeviceUnderTest, which the TestControllerPC
+#  will contact to run tests using testdriver/stat.
+# As before, if control is "in-band", use the same value for this
+#  as for TestBearerIP.
+# No default. Only needed in Testdriver (fully-auto) mode.
+#   Can be omitted in CopyTestScripts (semi-auto) mode.
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].ControlPort
+# The TCP/IP port on the DeviceUnderTest where Stat is listening.
+# Defaults to 3000. Only change this if you have something else using the port.
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].CpuMeterThreadPriority
+# This sets the thread priority of the idle loop which is used
+#  to measure available CPU cycles during the performance tests
+#  (by counting how many it manages to eat over time).
+# If no CPU measurements are recorded it's a sign this is set too low.
+# If test system runs sluggishly or comes to a halt,
+#    it's a sign that this is set too high.
+# Depending on the system scheduler or the exact test environment
+#  it may be necessary to tweak this.
+# See TThreadPriority in %EPOCROOT%epoc32/include/e32const.h for possible values.
+# Defaults to 100 (EPriorityAbsoluteVeryLow)
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].RunSamplingProfiler
+# Whether to run the sampling profiler, and retrieve its results
+#  for each test. The profiler must be present on the device for this
+#   to work (e.g. by including profiler.iby when building ROM).
+# Defaults to false   (because running it applies a small processing overhead)
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].Platform,BuildVariant
+# Variant and platform of the software sent to the DeviceUnderTest.
+# For accurate performance measurement on target devices, leave this section
+#  alone (defaulting to armv5/urel).
+# Be wary - udeb is a lot slower due to all the logging calls, so should
+#  not be trusted for reliable performance measurements- it's only to be used
+#  for debugging.
+# Also, winscw with testdriver isn't possible as testdriver tries to start the
+#  emulator locally (i.e. on the TestControllerPC). This is a bad thing,
+#  as the software running on the TestControllerPC (specifically iperf) doesn't
+#  like to run on the same box as the DeviceUnderTest.
+# Unfortunately Testdriver to a remote emulator isn't possible either, because
+#  Testdriver itself tries to start the emulator on the TestController,
+#  and communicate over a TAP device.
+# So only use winscw if your [TestControllerPC].Method is "CopyTestScriptsTo ..."
+# Defaults to armv5/urel
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].CommsdatTemplate
+# Defaults to "" (i.e. no commsdat template generation.. in case your commsdat
+# is all set up already and you don't want Netperf to interfere with it)
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].Cert,Key
+# Certificate and Private Key files used for signing .sis files.
+# Defaults to "" (i.e. TestDriver uses its own certificates)
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].PassOpts
+# Password options if Private Key requires it. This argument is passed to
+#  TestDriver command line. At present it supports these parameters:
+#  --sigalgorithm RSA/DSA
+#  --certpass [password]
+# Defaults to "" (i.e. no password)
+#PassOpts=--sigalgorithm DSA --certpass [password]
+# The following section specifies information about the monitoring PC,    #
+#  which will run wireshark for you, to catch all the data sent or        #
+#   received during the running of the performance tests (for further     #
+#    analysis after the tests finish). The benefit of this is that each   #
+#     test will have a packet dump file corresponding to the name of      #
+#      the test. This allows long test runs with extensive post-analysis  #
+# Option: [PacketCapturePC].PacketCapture
+# Defaults to false
+# Option: [PacketCapturePC].IPAddress
+#  This is the IP address of the monitoring PC. Obiously it needs an IP
+#   address on the test bearer network. It also needs wireshark installed,
+#   and the PcapService installed and configured(see HowTo document).
+#  e.g. IPAddress=
+# Option: [PacketCapturePC].FTPUser,FTPPassword
+#  These are the login details of the FTP server running on the monitoring PC.
+#   Netperf will expect to find wireshark logs at the initial current
+#    directory on logging in. It will pull each one down then delete it.
+#  e.g. FTPUser=anonymous
+#  e.g. FTPPassword=aa
+# Simply specified tests follow (speed/proto/direction)                #
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].DurationInSeconds
+# The duration (in seconds) that data is sent/received per test
+# Defaults to 60
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].BasePortNumber
+# The base port number used by the send/receive tests.
+#  This increments by 1 per reader/writer used throughout the test run.
+#   So use a number at the beginning of a large unused range of ports.
+# Defaults to 5001
+# Option: [DeviceUnderTest].Rates
+# Concise way to specify the tests you want to run.
+# e.g. Rates=1000				for 1000kbps udp send, then 1000kbps tcp send, then 1000kbps udp receive, then 1000kbps tcp receive (4 test cases)
+#   or Rates=00256ts,0512u		for 256kbps tcp send then 512kbps udp send then 512kbps udp receive (3 test cases)
+#   or Rates=10(+10)80us		for udp send at 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 kbps (8 test cases)
+#   or Rates=16(*1.5)182ur		for udp receive at 16,24,36,54,81,121,182kbps (7 test cases). Note the integers round downwards.
+#   or Rates=00256ts,0512u,10(+10)80us,16(*1.5)182ur    for all the above in turn (4+3+8+7=22 test cases in total)
+# Defaults to ''  (i.e. no simply specified tests, just run any
+#   fully specified tests in the following sections)
+# Individual fully specified tests follow. More wordy to set up but more flexible. #
+# These will run after the tests specified in Rates= above.                        #
+# run this particular test for 900 sec (15 min)
+# we have a sender (device->PC), called Sender_01. it will be sending udp.
+# it will be sending at a rate of 500kbps
+# it will be sending in a packet size of 1024 bytes.
+# we have another udp sender (to be running at the same time). It's called Sender_bob
+# also sending at 500kbps
+# a third simultaneous sender called Sender_foo
+# at the same time as the 3 senders we will have a udp receiver (PC->device)
+# ... at 500kbps
+# The next test. 1 TCP receiver at 1024 byte packet size