changeset 0 af10295192d8
child 20 7e41d162e158
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tcpiputils/dnd/inc/listener.h	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// listener.h - name resolver query dispatcher header
+#ifndef __LISTENER_H__
+#define __LISTENER_H__
+@file listener.h
+Dispatch resolve requests to resolvers
+@internalComponent	Domain Name Resolver
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+#include "dns_hdr.h"
+#include "servers.h"
+#include "res_sock.h"
+@mainpage	Domain Name Resolver Daemon (DND)
+@section	overview	Overview
+  The EPOC32 differs architecturally from the usual Unix resolver
+  library implementations:
+  Traditionally on Unix, the resolver library is linked with the application and from
+  the view point of the kernel, the application is just using additional sockets to
+  communicate with the name servers.
+  on EPOC32, the name name resolver for the internet is implemented by the TCP/IP
+  protocol module, and is shared by all applications. Applications only establish
+  a session to this service via RHostResolver class. EPOC32 has standardised the
+  resolver interface, and each protocol can have its own implementation of the
+  service (with TCPIP protocol, all protocols use the same instance of the name
+  resolver).
+  The IPv6/Ipv4 stack does not contain the name resolution code. Instead,
+  it provides a special socket API for a protocol named <b>resolver</b>, which
+  is used by an external server application providing the actual implementation
+  of the name resolution.
+  The stack maintains a <b>communication path</b> or session between user
+  RHostResolver and the resolver instance within the name resolver implementation.
+  This path is a chain of objects starting from the RHostResolver and ending
+  into CDndResolver, which performs the real name resolution using the other
+  modules of the name resolver application:
+  RHostResolver (application -> Socket Server)
+    CHostResolver (Socket Server -> TCPIP stack)
+      CDndSession (TCPIP stack -> gateway socket)
+        RSocket (gateway socket -> resolver application)
+          CDndResolver (resolver instance)
+          - use host files
+          - use UDP sockets to communicate with DNS servers
+  The name resolver is a <b>server application</b> listening to the incoming
+  requests from a special <b>resolver</b> socket.
+  When an application requests a name resolution via some RHostResolver
+  method (GetByName, GetByAddress or Query), the resolver gateway code
+  in the stack (res.cpp) translates this into a message which is received
+  by the DND listener. The message includes a session id, which is assigned
+  by the resolver gateway. TDnsRequestBase defines the basic message format.
+  The name resolver receives the request and uses the session id in choosing
+  the correct resolver instance to serve the request. If a session does not
+  yet have a resolver, it will be allocated.
+  The resolver processes the request and returns the result as a reply
+  message to the socket. The resolver gateway will then translate the result
+  into RHostResolver completion.
+@section	components	Major components of the implementation
+Application                .
+===================== RHostResolver ==========
+Socket Server              .
+===================== CHostResolver ==========
+TCPIP Stack                .
+                       CDndSession
+           resolver        .
+            gateway   (session id)
+============ socket ===========================
+DND                   (session id)
+                           .
+     main                  .
+       \                   .
+       engine              .
+       /  \                .
+      /    \               .
+   hosts    \              .
+   file    listener        .
+           /   |  \        .
+          /    |    \      .
+         /     |      \    .
+   DNS  /     DNS       \  .
+ servers   protocol    resolvers
+ manager  /  . |  . .    . .
+         /  .  |   . .  . .
+        /  .  DNS   . .. .
+  (LLMNR) .  cache   query
+       . .          sessions
+        .
+        .
+     UDP/TCP
+==== socket(s) =================================
+        .
+        .
+      remote
+     DNS Server
+@subsection	main		Main component
+  The <b>main</b> contains the necessary glue and wrappings that are required to
+  run an application under EPOC32. The main implements the user interface of
+  the application. The standard DND is run as a <b>daemon process</b> and there
+  is no real user interface. However, the architecture also allows one to
+  write a main module with full user interface, if desired.
+  The MDemonMain class defines the services which are required by the
+  resolver implementation (engine) from the main module.
+@subsection	engine		Engine component
+  The <b>engine</b> contains usually the implementation of the application.
+  This is intended to be independent of the user interface. The class
+  MDemonEngine defines the API from engine to the <b>main</b>.
+  In the name resolver implementation, the <b>engine</b> module is left as an
+  intermediate between the real implementation in the listener and the main
+  module. The CDndEngine is passed as the <b>control</b> instance to almost every
+  other component of the resolver implementation. <b>Engine</b> creates and owns
+  some common resources, for example: timer service (MTimeoutManager),
+  host files handler (RHostsFile) and the configuration
+  parameters (TDndConfigParameters).
+@subsection	listener	Listener component
+  The listener (CDndListener) is the real <b>main program</b> of the name
+  resolver implementation. If opens the socket and listens to the
+  incoming request messages.
+  Using the session id, the listener delegates the task of
+  serving the session to an available resolver instance (CDndResolver).
+@subsection	resolvers	Resolver component
+  The <b>resolver</b> (CDndResolver) serves one RHostResolver session at time.
+  The same session may serve different RHostResolver's at different times.
+  It receives the requests from the gateway socket via the listener.
+  The resolver state diagram is roughly
+     Start
+       |----------------> Stop
+     Receive a Query
+       |----------------> Stop
+     Return first result
+       |
+   +-->|
+   |   | - - -> listener forced Stop
+   |   |
+   |   |----------------> Stop
+   | Receive Next Query
+   |   |----------------> Stop
+   | Return next result
+   +---|
+     Stop
+  Because many applications are only interested about the first result,
+  and because they often leave the RHostResolver session(s) open, the
+  gateway may sometimes <em>steal a session for a new RHostResolver</em>,
+  if all resolvers are already busy. The oldest resolver that has returned
+  at least one answer is assigned to the new RHostResolver.
+  The "stealing action" action does not harm the application in any other way,
+  except that if it now tries to call Next(), it will return an error. If
+  such application issues a new query (GetByName, GetByAddress or Query),
+  a new resolver is just assigned to serve it.
+  The resolver session is always stopped, after query has
+  completed (no further answers are available).
+  The resolver performs its work by establishing a number of query
+  sessions (MDnsSession) with the DNS protocol module. The progress
+  of an active query session is reported through callbacks
+  (MDnsResolver).
+@subsection	hosts		Host File component
+  The hosts file handler (RHostsFile) provides the service for looking an
+  answer from the local hosts file (if any is present). Only the GetByName
+  or GetByAddr queries can be satisfied from the hosts file. The "hosts"
+  file has a very simple format which binds a name to an address,
+  for example:
+ localhost
+ server
+ server
+ alternatename
+fe80::dead:beef local-beef
+::1 localhost6
+ff02::1 allnodes6
+ff02::2 allrouters6
+ff02::3 allhosts6
+@subsection dnsclient	DNS Protocol implementation
+  The DNS procotol is implemented by CDndDnsclient class (or by some derived class). The
+  class exports MDnsSource API, which is used by the resolvers to start query sessions
+  (MDnsSession), which send and receive the actual DNS protocol messages.
+@subsection	llmnr		Link Local Multicast Name Resolution
+  The link local multicast name resolution uses the DNS protocol with link local
+  multicast. The DNS protocol messages are sent to the link with multicast
+  destinations and a node that owns the queried name, will respond as if it
+  was a DNS server.
+  When LLMNR is compiled in, the DNS protocol is implemented by CDndLlmnrSender
+  class, which is derived from the CDndDnsclient. This class extends the normal
+  DNS with the link local multicast name resolution additions.
+@subsection	servers		Server Manager component
+  The server manager (MDnsServerManager) maintains the list of currently known and
+  avalable DNS servers. The content of the list may be constantly changing depending
+  on which interfaces are active at any particular point of time. The issues are even
+  more complicated by the fact that initially there are no interfaces up (or at least,
+  there may be no known servers), and name resolver just has to wait until something
+  becomes available.
+@subsection cache		DNS Cache
+  The cache component (CDndCache) stores cached answers from the DNS servers. When
+  resolvers send questions to the protocol module, the cache is first checked for
+  a matching valid answer. If found, the cached answer is returned to the resolver,
+  and no actual queries need to be sent.
+@section	scoped_dns	Scoped name resolution architecture
+  The answers to a query can be found from different sources at different scope
+  levels. This implementation uses three levels:
+  the <b>hosts file</b> is a node local scope source.
+  the <b>"real" DNS</b> is a global scope source.
+  <b>LLMNR</b> is a link local scope source.
+  The above order is also the current default order of the sources: first,
+  the <b>hosts</b> file is checked, then real DNS and finally, the link local name
+  resolution is attempted. The first source to give an answer defines the whole
+  answer. Answers from different sources are never mixed.
+  A scope level is assigned to all queries that are received. Currently a global
+  scope is given to all GetByName and Query requests. The scope level of the
+  GetByAddress is the scope level of queried address.
+  For a specific query, only sources that have same or smaller scope level are used.
+  For example, only LLMNR is used, when GetByAddress to a link local address
+  (169.254/16 or fe80::/10) is requested.
+  GetByName queries could also have other than global scope. For example,
+  it could be agreed that a query for a name ending with ".local" would have a
+  link local scope, and thus only LLMNR would be tried for it (the current
+  implementation does not have such feature coded).
+// The size of the resolver pool. This defines how many simultaneous
+// clients (opened RHostResolver's) are served. Note, that this does
+// is not set a limit for the total number open RHostResolver's in all
+// applications. If there are more than KDndNumResolver RHostResolvers,
+// the resolver gateway (res.cpp in the stack) will maintain a queue, and
+// assign the service to applications, when resolvers become available
+// from the pool.
+const TUint KDndNumResolver = 31;
+// Special Progress Notifications for the TReplyCallback: query has been sent.
+// KDnsNotify_QUERY_SENT
+// occurs when the DNS query has actually been sent to the
+// server (e.g. socket write completes). Normally this occurs
+// very fast after DoQueryL(), except when the packet or DNS
+// has to activate the "netdial startup". In such case, the
+// sending is blocked until the interface becomes available.
+const TInt KDnsNotify_QUERY_SENT = 1;
+// Special Progress Notifications for the TReplyCallback: DNS server list is available.
+// occurs when the DNS has found at least one DNS server
+// address. This signal is only returned if MDnsSession::NewQuery
+// returned with > 0 (indicating it started interface startup).
+const TInt KDnsNotify_HAVE_SERVERLIST = 2;
+// The request is using TCP instead of UDP.
+// KDnsNotify_USING_TCP
+// occurs when the DNS decides to use a connected TCP socket
+// for the query to the DNS server. This may happen on receipt of
+// DNS reply with TC=1 (truncated), or if some configuration setting
+// forces the use of TCP.
+// The expected effect should be to disable the retransmission
+// logic of the resolver, because TCP handles it internally.
+const TInt KDnsNotify_USING_TCP = 3;
+// -- for now, no other notifys --
+// Query modifier flag -- KDnsModifier_RD
+// Used in aFlags parameter of MDnsSession::NewQuery. This controls
+// the state of RD (Recursion Desired) bit in the DNS query messages
+// generated from for this query. Normally, this is always set.
+const TUint32 KDnsModifier_RD = 1;
+// Set probe flag -- KDnsModifier_PQ
+// Set in ProbeServer() to switch off worker assigning for the query.
+// If not set, DNS will check if there's already same query assigned
+// to some resolver.
+const TUint32 KDnsModifier_PQ = 2;
+// The query session.
+// The query session is a handle through which the resolver can request
+// the DNS protocol module to do queries and return answers to them. The
+// use of separatate session concept (instead of having the methods
+// directly on MDnsSource) allows resolver to do multiple queries
+// in parallel.
+// The usage is:
+// @li (1) open a session with MDnsSource::OpenSession
+// @li (2) define the domain name using MDnsSession::NewQuery
+// @li (3) activate a specific query (type) with MDnsSession::DoQueryL
+// @li (3) after the query is complete (MDnsResolver::ReplyCallback),
+//		retrieve answers one by one with repeated calls to MDnsSession::DoNext
+// @li (4) session can be used for another query with same domain-name (-> 3),
+//		or different domain-name (-> 2)
+// @li (6) when session is no more needed, it must be released by MDnsSession::Close
+// The MDnsSession::CancelQuery can be used at any point to cancel
+// all activity, that has been started by MDnsSession::DoQueryL.
+// When a DNS server is required, the query session will select the current
+// default server. This choice will not be changed even if the server is not
+// responding or is not reachable. It is the duty of the controlling resolver
+// to decide when to try another server, if any are available. For this
+// purpose, the MDnsSession has the following methods:
+// @li MDnsSession::PickDefaultServer, reset to default
+// @li MDnsSession::PickNewServer, pick next server in list
+class MDnsSession
+	{
+	/**
+	// Load new query information to be resolved.
+	//
+	// Load a new query into session by converting the information from the
+	// TNameRecord or TDnsQuery into DNS format. This only loads the name
+	// to be queried, it does not define query type or class.
+	//
+	// For TNameRecord, if the iName field is empty, then iAddr is used to
+	// construct a name to be searched (* or
+	//
+	// @param aQuery
+	//	defines the name or address to be queried. Does not define
+	//	the actual query type. This same question may be used for
+	//	different query types (for example A and AAAA).
+	// @param aServerScope
+	//	the scope level of the query. This limits the servers that
+	//	are going to be used.
+	// @param aFlags
+	//	modify the query operation. See KDnsModifier_* symbols.
+	//
+	// @returns
+	// @li	< 0, if load failed (bad query information)
+	// @li	= 0, if query initialized (KErrNone)
+	*/
+	virtual TInt NewQuery(const TDnsMessage &aQuery, TDnsServerScope aServerScope, TUint32 aFlags) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Cancel query activity
+	//
+	// Cancel all (if any) activity caused by a DoQueryL on this session.
+	// This makes session usable for a new query, it does not close the
+	// session. MDnsResolver::ReplyCallback is disabled and not called
+	// (until reactivated by a new DoQueryL).
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelQuery() = 0;
+	/**
+	// Activate a query of specified type for the loaded query information.
+	//
+	// Enables the MDnsResolver::ReplyCallback.
+	// @param aRequestTime
+	//	the time when resolver received the request that is causing this
+	//	query to be asked. The value is mainly used to determine whether
+	//	the cached answer is still valid for this request.
+	// @param aQType
+	//	the actual query to be done. IN class is assumed.
+	//
+	// @returns
+	// @li	< 0, if query cannot be activated
+	// @li	= 0, if query processed (KErrNone)
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoQueryL(const TTime &aRequestTime, const EDnsQType aQType) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Retrieve answer RR's from the previous completed reply.
+	//
+	// @param aReply
+	//	the reply buffer that receives the ansver
+	// @param aNext
+	//	the index of the answer to return. The first answer has the
+	//	index == 0.
+	//
+	// @returns
+	// @li	< 0, if no more answers, or some error is detected
+	// @li	= 0, if requested answer has been placed into aReply
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoNext(TDnsMessageBuf &aReply, TInt aNext) const = 0;
+	/**
+	// Set current record into error state.
+	//
+	// @param aError
+	//	the error code to set
+	// @param aTTL
+	//	the lifetime (seconds) for the error to persist
+	//	in the cache before it becoming invalid.
+	*/
+	virtual void DoError(TInt aError, TUint aTTL) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Choose next server for the session.
+	//
+	// @returns
+	//	@li	TRUE, if a different server could be picked
+	//	@li	FALSE, if no different server available
+	*/
+	virtual TBool PickNewServer() = 0;
+	/**
+	// Set default server for the session.
+	//
+	// Reassign the session to the current chosen "best" server
+	// (if any).
+	//
+	// @returns
+	//	@li	TRUE, if a server was selected (or still waiting configuration to stabilise)
+	//	@li	FALSE, otherwise (no suitable servers at this point).
+	*/
+	virtual TBool PickDefaultServer() = 0;
+	/**
+	// Close the session.
+	//
+	// Release resources associated with the session and
+	// make it available for re-use. CancelQuery is done
+	// automaticly.
+	*/
+	virtual void Close() = 0;
+	// Return instance ptr of the actual class instance (only for comparisons)
+	virtual const void *const Instance() const = 0;
+	};
+class MDnsResolver
+	{
+	/**
+	// Response callback.
+	//
+	// After a query has been activated by MDnsSession::DoQueryL,
+	// its progress and completion is reported back by a call
+	// to this callback function. The callback may also occur
+	// during the DoQueryL.
+	//
+	// A completion is indicated by a result <= 0. Results > 0
+	// are intermediate notifications.
+	//
+	// @param aErr is defined as follows:
+	// @li	< 0, query complete result, some error condition
+	// @li	= 0, query complete result, success
+	// @li	> 0, query progress notification from DNS.
+	//	Currently, only two are used: KDnsNotify_QUERY_SENT, notification
+	//	that query has been sent, and KDnsNotify_HAVE_SERVERLIST, notification
+	//	that DNS provider has some server list available (which could be empty).
+	*/
+	virtual void ReplyCallback(const TInt aResult) = 0;
+	};
+// DNS protocol services
+// This is a handle to the DNS protocol and some other services.
+class MDnsSource
+	{
+	/**
+	// Open a session.
+	//
+	// @param aCallback
+	//	The reply callback to be used in reporting events back
+	// @param aCallbackData
+	//	The fixed data provided by the callback call
+	// @returns
+	//	@li	MDnsSession, if open succeeded
+	//	@li NULL, if session could not be opened
+	*/
+	virtual MDnsSession *OpenSession(MDnsResolver *const aCallback) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Check if there is a route and valid source address for the aDestination.
+	//
+	// @param	aDestination	The address to test
+	// @returns
+	//	@li	KErrNone, if address is usable (route exists)
+	//	@li KErrNotFound, if no route or valid source addess exists
+	//	@li < 0, possible other errors (from failing to open sockets etc.)
+	*/
+	virtual TInt CheckAddress(const TInetAddr &aDestination) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Resolver has received a query from application.
+	//
+	// Just book keeping, which enables the protocol handler to
+	// release resources, if there are no active queries.
+	*/
+	virtual void QueryBegin() = 0;
+	/**
+	// Resolver has completed the query from application.
+	//
+	// Just book keeping, which enables the protocol handler to
+	// release resources, if there are no active queries.
+	*/
+	virtual void QueryEnd() = 0;
+	/**
+	// Change the hostname.
+	//
+	// This informs the LLMNR about the current hostname.
+	//
+	// @param	aId The network id
+	// @param	aName The new host name
+	// @return	KErrNone, if changed.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetHostName(TUint32 aId, const THostName &aName) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Get current hostname.
+	//
+	// If LLMNR is enabled and uniqueness testing is still in progressm,
+	// since the last SetHostName then the callback is installed to be
+	// called when testing is complete.
+	//
+	// @param	aId The network id
+	// @retval	aName
+	//	The current hostname (always returned)
+	// @param	aCallBack
+	//	If return is pending (= 1), then the callback WILL be
+	//	called when the result of the uniqueness test is
+	//	known. Otherwise callback is NOT used.
+	// @return
+	//	@li KErrNone, if the name is unique on current interfaces (no callback)
+	//	@li	= 1, if uniqueness test is in progress (callback installed)
+	//	@li < 0, if uniqueness test is complete, and failed (no callback)
+	*/
+	virtual TInt GetHostName(TUint32 aId, THostName &aName, MDnsResolver &aCallback) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Check for own address.
+	//
+	// @param aId	The network id
+	// @param aAddr	The address to check
+	// @param aNext	Non-zero, when next processing
+	// @retval aName	The returned local host name matching the address.
+	// @return KErrNone, if address was a local and name is returned
+	*/
+	virtual TInt GetByAddress(TUint32 aId, const TInetAddr &aAddr, TInt aNext, THostName &aName) = 0;
+	/**
+	// Check for own name.
+	//
+	// @param aId	The networkd id
+	// @param aName	The local host name
+	// @param aNext	Non-zero, when next processing
+	// @retval aAddr	The own address
+	*/
+	virtual TInt GetByName(TUint32 aId, const THostName &aName, TInt aNext, TInetAddr &aAddr) = 0;
+	};
+class CDndEngine;
+// MDndListener
+// ************
+// Main "module" implementing the resolver gateway.
+// Function
+// The listener owns several resolver objects. It waits for
+// any request from the applications, and whenever it receives one,
+// it passes the request to the resolver object.
+class MDndListener
+	{
+	static MDndListener *NewL(CDndEngine &aControl);
+	virtual ~MDndListener() { }
+	// for debugging only (not used currently)
+	virtual void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) = 0;
+	/**
+	* Called when a resolver has a reply ready to be returned.
+	*
+	* The writer will eventually ask the resolver for the buffer
+	* using the MdndResolver::ReplyMessage. This should return
+	* ZERO length descriptor, if there is no reply to send.
+	*/
+	virtual void PostReply() = 0;
+	};