// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file NullAgent.CPP
#include "NullAgent.h"
#include <d32comm.h> // Conversion of link speed constants
#include <cdbcols.h> // CommDB access
#include <networking\cfbearers.h>
KNullAgentPanic indicates NullAgent
extern "C" EXPORT_C CNifAgentFactory* NewAgentFactoryL()
Agent Factory
First ordinal export
@return an object to class CNullAgentFactory,which Perform Agent initialisation.
return new(ELeave) CNullAgentFactory;
void CNullAgentFactory::InstallL()
Performs a new Agent initialisation
CNifAgentBase* CNullAgentFactory::NewAgentL(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
Creates a new NullAgent to Nifman
@param aName , name of the NullAgent
@return a new instance of class CNullAgent
return CNullAgent::NewL();
TInt CNullAgentFactory::Info(TNifAgentInfo& aInfo, TInt /*aIndex*/) const
Retrieves information about the Agent
@param aInfo,a reference of class TNifAgentInfo which contains information about NullAgent
@return KErrNone if information retrieved successfully.
aInfo.iName = KNullAgentName;
aInfo.iVersion = TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
return KErrNone;
CNullAgent::CNullAgent() : iServiceStartedCallback(CActive::EPriorityStandard),
Default Constructor
TCallBack serviceStartedCallback(ServiceStartedCb, this);
TCallBack connectionCompleteCallback(ConnectCompleteCb, this);
TCallBack disconnectionCompleteCallback(DisconnectCompleteCb, this);
iCancelled = EFalse;
CNullAgent* CNullAgent::NewL()
Static NewL function constructing an object of class CNullAgent
@return self,pointer to class CNullAgent,that owns a CAsyncCallback used to
control the asynchronous ServiceStarted() and DisconnectComplete() call from the Agent to Nifman.
CNullAgent* self = new (ELeave) CNullAgent();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
void CNullAgent::ConstructL()
2nd Phase Constructor
Calls CAgentBase::ConstructL()
construct the database and dialog processor
iConnected = EFalse;
void CNullAgent::Info(TNifAgentInfo& aInfo) const
Information about this Agent
@param aInfo on return contains information about the agent
aInfo.iName = KNullAgentName;
aInfo.iName.AppendFormat(_L("-AgentFactory[0x%08x]"), this);
aInfo.iVersion = TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
void CNullAgent::Connect(TAgentConnectType aType)
Connects this NullAgent to Nifman
@param aType, a variable of enum TAgentConnectType describing connection types.
if (EAgentReconnect == aType)
// skip forward to connect complete (service started would panic as we already have an interface etc)
iCancelled = EFalse;
void CNullAgent::Connect(TAgentConnectType aType, CStoreableOverrideSettings* /*aOverrideSettings*/)
Connects this NullAgent to Nifman with store and retrieve commDB override sets to and from both
streams and buffers.
@param aType,a variable of enum TAgentConnectType describing connection types.
@param aOverrideSettings, a pointer to class CStoreableOverrideSettings which store CommDB overrides.
void CNullAgent::CancelConnect()
Cancels Connection of the NullAgent to Nifman
iConnected = EFalse;
iCancelled = ETrue;
void CNullAgent::Disconnect(TInt /*aReason*/)
Disconnects from the NullAgent to Nifman with reason
@param aReason, reason for disconnection to the agent.
void CNullAgent::ServiceStarted(TInt /*aError*/)
ConnectionComplete from NullAgent to Nifman
This function is calling CallBack() function if connect is not cancelled
@param aError, error number for which service needs to be started.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iNotify, NullAgentPanic(NullAgent::ENullNifmanNotifyPointer));
iNotify->AgentProgress(ENullAgtConnecting, KErrNone);
/* if the connect has been cancelled during ServiceStarted() then we need to avoid
* calling ConnectComplete() - done in this next callback - otherwise we get a panic */
if (!iCancelled)
void CNullAgent::ConnectionComplete(TInt aError)
Second phase of completing connection of NullAgent to Nifman
@param aError,error number for which connection is complete.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iNotify, NullAgentPanic(NullAgent::ENullNifmanNotifyPointer));
iNotify->AgentProgress(ENullAgtConnected, KErrNone);
iConnected = ETrue;
void CNullAgent::DisconnectionComplete()
Completes the disconnection of NullAgent from Nifman
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iNotify, NullAgentPanic(NullAgent::ENullNifmanNotifyPointer));
iNotify->AgentProgress(ENullAgtDisconnected, KErrNone);
iConnected = EFalse;
TInt CNullAgent::GetExcessData(TDes8& /*aBuffer*/)
Gets excessData from NullAgent to Nifman
@param aBuffer, variable containing the name of NullAgent
@return KErrNotSupported,error code if it does not get excess data from NullAgent.
return KErrNotSupported;
TInt CNullAgent::Notification(TNifToAgentEventType aEvent, TAny* /*aInfo*/)
Establishes the Notification types from Nif to Agent for the agent
@param aEvent,a variable of enum TNifToAgentEventType, which contains Notification types from Nif to Agent
@param aInfo, information about the agent
@return KErrNotSupported,error code if the notification type does not exist.
TUint speedFromCommDb(0);
switch (aEvent)
// Respond to Raw IP NIF events
// N.B. This targets RawIP NIF in a test setup exclusively.
case (ENifToAgentEventTsyConfig) :
iNotify->Notification(EAgentToNifEventTsyConfig, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(&iTsyConfig));
case (ENifToAgentEventTsyConnectionSpeed) :
// Reply with a static value from CommDB.
speedFromCommDb = CommDbModemBearerRate();
iNotify->Notification(EAgentToNifEventTsyConnectionSpeed, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(&speedFromCommDb));
default :
return KErrNotSupported;
return KErrNone;
void CNullAgent::GetLastError(TInt& aError)
Gets the LastError
aError = KErrNone;
TInt CNullAgent::IncomingConnectionReceived()
@return KErrNotSupported, error code if incoming connection is not received.
return KErrNotSupported;
TInt CNullAgent::ServiceStartedCb(TAny* aThisPtr)
* Connection Callback static function
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aThisPtr, NullAgentPanic(NullAgent::ENullTAnyPointer));
CNullAgent* self = (CNullAgent*)aThisPtr;
return KErrNone;
TInt CNullAgent::ConnectCompleteCb(TAny* aThisPtr)
* Second callback used during connection creation
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aThisPtr, NullAgentPanic(NullAgent::ENullTAnyPointer));
CNullAgent* self = (CNullAgent*) aThisPtr;
return KErrNone;
TInt CNullAgent::DisconnectCompleteCb(TAny* aThisPtr)
* Disconnection callback static function
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aThisPtr, NullAgentPanic(NullAgent::ENullTAnyPointer));
CNullAgent* self = (CNullAgent*) aThisPtr;
return KErrNone;
Returns the static link rate from CommDB Modem Bearer table
@return link rate
TUint CNullAgent::CommDbModemBearerRate()
static const TUint KDefaultSpeed(115200);// Default value to use in case of a failure.
TUint32 speedMetric(0);
TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength> rateColName = TPtrC(MODEM_BEARER);
TInt err = ReadInt(rateColName, speedMetric);
if(KErrNone != err)
return KDefaultSpeed;
case EBps50:
return 50;
case EBps75:
return 75;
case EBps110:
return 110;
case EBps134:
return 134;
case EBps150:
return 150;
case EBps300:
return 300;
case EBps600:
return 600;
case EBps1200:
return 1200;
case EBps1800:
return 1800;
case EBps2000:
return 2000;
case EBps2400:
return 2400;
case EBps3600:
return 3600;
case EBps4800:
return 4800;
case EBps7200:
return 7200;
case EBps9600:
return 9600;
case EBps19200:
return 19200;
case EBps38400:
return 38400;
case EBps57600:
return 57600;
case EBps115200:
return 115200;
case EBps230400:
return 230400;
case EBps460800:
return 460800;
case EBps576000:
return 576000;
case EBps1152000:
return 1152000;
case EBps4000000:
return 4000000;
return KDefaultSpeed;
Returns the value of the ethernet as the bearer
@return Ethernet bearer
TUint32 CNullAgent::GetBearerInfo() const
return KEthernetBearer;
//void CNullAgent::MDPOLoginComplete(TInt /*aError*/)
// {}
//void CNullAgent::MDPOReadPctComplete(TInt /*aError*/)
// {}
//void CNullAgent::MDPODestroyPctComplete(TInt /*aError*/)
// {}
//void CNullAgent::MDPOQoSWarningComplete(TInt /*aError*/, TBool /*aResponse*/)
// {}