* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* dnsproxyengine.h - Dns Engine class
* @file
* @internalTechnology
#include <es_ini.h>
#include <es_enum.h>
#include "dnsproxyserver.h"
#include "dnsproxydb.h"
#include "dns_hdr.h"
//Literals constants for reading .ini file
_LIT(DNS_PROXY_INI_DATA, "resolver.ini");
_LIT(DNS_PROXY_INI_SECTION, "proxyresolver");
const TUint KSessioncount = 1;
const TUint KRetrycount = 2;
const TUint KQSize = 20;
const TUint KTtl = 21600;//dhcp lease timer is 6 hrs
const TUint KDbSize = 10;
const TUint KTimerVal = 5;
const TUint32 KSerialNum = 10000;
const TUint32 KRefreshTime = 900;
const TUint32 KRetryTime = 600;
const TUint32 KExpireTime = 300;
const TUint32 KAddrLength = 100;
//T Type class for DNS Proxy Configuration parameters
class TDnsProxyConfigParams
TUint iSessionCount;//< Max number of Socket sessions
TUint iRetryCount; //< Possible number of retries
TUint iQSize; //< Queue size limit
TUint iTTL; //< Time to Live
TUint iDbSize; //< Max number of DB entries
TUint iTimerVal; //< Timeout value for response timer
TUint32 iSerialNum; //< This is required for NS response
TUint32 iRefreshTime; //< This is required for NS response
TUint32 iRetryTime; //< This is required for NS response
TUint32 iExpiretime; //< This is required for NS response
//forward declaration
class CDnsProxyListener;
class CESockIniData;
class CDnsProxyDb;
class CDnsServerConfig;
* This class is an entry point and reads all configuration values and creates
* some necessary objects
* @internalTechnology
* */
class CDnsProxyEngine:public CBase
//two phase construction
static CDnsProxyEngine* GetInstanceL();
//Starts DNSProxy. The method is called from DNSProxy server session.
TInt Start(const RMessage2& aMessage);
//Stops DNSProxy. The method is called from DNSProxy server session.
void Stop();
//Returns instance of socket server
RSocketServ& GetSocketServer();
//Returns an instance of Listener
CDnsProxyListener* GetProxyListener();
// The method updates DNS Proxy DB.
TInt AddDbEntryL(const RMessage2& aMsg);
//remove entry from db
TInt RemoveDbEntry(const RMessage2& aMsg);
//This method updates domain name
void UpdateDomainName(const RMessage2& aMsg);
// The method to update domain info
TInt UpdateDomainInfo(const RMessage2& aMsg);
void UpdateLocalAddr(TInetAddr& aAddr);
// Suffix is available or not
TInt IsSuffixAvailable();
//This method returns the configuration parameters read from .ini file.
const TDnsProxyConfigParams& GetConfig() const;
TInt SetDlinkConnectionInfo(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
TInt SetUplinkConnectionInfo(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
// Initializes the member variables
void ConstructL();
static CDnsProxyEngine* NewL();
//reads the configuation file
void ReadConfiguration();
//reads the configuation file for specified name /value pair
TInt GetIniValue(const TDesC& aSection, const TDesC& aName, TInt aValue=0);
//finds the value for given name
TBool FindVar(const TDesC& aSection, const TDesC& aVarName, TInt& aResult);
//loads the cinfiguaration file
TBool LoadConfigurationFile();
//unloads cinfiguration file
void UnLoadConfigurationFile();
TDnsProxyConfigParams iConfigParams; //< Parsed configuration parameters
CDnsServerConfig* iProxyServer; //< DNS server configuration
CDnsProxyDb* iDnsproxydb; //< DNS Proxy db instance
TInetAddr iProxyIfAddr; //< Listener interface address
TBuf8<KMaxName> iSuffixInfo;
CESockIniData* iConfigData; //< Used to read config data
TInt iConfigDataErr; //< Contains config data error
RSocketServ iSockServ; //< socket server handler
CDnsProxyListener* iListener; //< Intance of listener object
TBool iSuffixAvailable; //< Suffix is available
TBuf<KDnsMaxMessage> iBuf; //< Receive buffer
TBuf<KDnsMaxMessage> iDomainName;
static CDnsProxyEngine* iDnsProxyEngine;
inline const TDnsProxyConfigParams& CDnsProxyEngine::GetConfig() const
* This method returns an instance of config params
* @internalTechnology
* */
return iConfigParams;
inline RSocketServ& CDnsProxyEngine::GetSocketServer()
* This method returns an instance of socket server
* @internalTechnology
* */
return iSockServ;
inline CDnsProxyListener* CDnsProxyEngine::GetProxyListener()
* This method returns an instance of listener object
* @internalTechnology
* */
return iListener;
#endif /* DNS_PROXY_ENGINE_H */