// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "qos_prot.h"
#include "qoserr.h"
#include "policy_sap.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "qos_channel.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "flowhook.h"
#include "negotiation.h"
// CQoSSessionBase
CQoSSessionBase::CQoSSessionBase(CFlowHook& aHook, TInt aChannelId)
: iHook(aHook), iModuleList(aHook.ModuleList()), iChannelId(aChannelId)
iPending.SetOffset(_FOFF(CNegotiateItem, iLink));
iFatalError = EFalse;
iError = KErrNone;
iNegotiated = aHook.QoSParameters();
while (!iPending.IsEmpty())
CNegotiateItem* request = iPending.First();
// Because there is no way to cancel a pending CNegotiateItem,
// it *CANNOT* be deleted here. Make it a ZOMBIE by removing
// the session pointer and hope that RequestComplete arrives
// someday!
void CQoSSessionBase::Run()
* Start the session.
iCurrent = 0;
if (iModuleList.Count() == 0)
// There are no modules present, the negotiation would
// not do or achieve anything. It is somewhat unclear
// whether this is an error or not. Treat it as an error
// and pick the associated error code from the interface
// (if there is no TrafficControlStatus error on interface
// then this just completes the request without error)
FatalError(iHook.Interface() ? iHook.Interface()->TrafficControlStatus() : EQoSNoModules);
// Proceed negotiation
void CQoSSessionBase::Proceed()
if (iProceed)
// Getting here from DoCall, do nothing here
// Proceeding after DoCall returns! DoCall
// completed the subrequest immediate!
while (!iFatalError && iCurrent < iModuleList.Count())
RModule* module = iModuleList[iCurrent];
const TUint flags = module->Flags();
if ((flags & KQoSModuleSerialize) && !iPending.IsEmpty())
// The module requires previous requests to be completed.
// There is at least one pending request. When it completes,
// the Proceed() gets called to restart the loop.
CNegotiateItem*const item = new CNegotiateItem(this, flags);
if (item == NULL)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("calling\tmodule[%S] for session[%u]"), &module->Name(), (TInt)this));
++iProceed; // ..in case DoCall calls (Sub)RequestComplete!
const TInt ret = DoCall(*module, *item);
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("<<<\treturns from module[%S] for session[%u]"), &module->Name(), (TInt)this));
if (ret != KErrNone)
// DoCall didn't call the module, there will be no (Sub)RequestCompete call!
// Destroy the item here!
delete item;
if (iPending.IsEmpty() || iFatalError)
//?? In case of iFatalError, should we start a "shutdown" process
//?? session for those modules that actually succeeded (at least
//?? in case of some session, like if some Joins succeed, shouldn't
//?? there be a Leave for those, if the whole session cannot be
//?? completed? [apparenty there is never more than one module, so
//?? the issue has not come up yet...]
delete this;
CInternalQoSChannel* CQoSSessionBase::Channel() const
* Return internal channel object or NULL.
// The sessions only store the channel id, and when needed, the
// channel object is located by this. This takes care of the
// possibility that the channel disappears while sessions is
// running (if a pointer was stored, the channel object destructor
// would have to find all sessions referencing it, and currently
// this would be somewhat complicated (as flows holding the session
// might not be members of that channel any more).
if (iChannelId > 0)
return iHook.Protocol().ChannelMgr()->FindChannel(iChannelId);
return NULL;
void CQoSSessionBase::FatalError(TInt aErrorCode)
iFatalError = ETrue;
iError = aErrorCode;
void CQoSSessionBase::SubRequestComplete(TInt aErrorCode,
const TQoSParameters* aParams, const TExtensionData& aExtension,
CNegotiateItem* aItem)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("<>\tqos session[%u] NegotiateItem[%u] SubRequestComplete"), (TInt)this, (TInt)aItem));
if (aParams)
iNegotiated = *aParams;
// add possible extensions to PF_QOS event
if (aExtension.iData.Length() > 0)
TRAPD(err, iMsg.AddExtensionL(aExtension.iData, aExtension.iType));
if (err != KErrNone)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iMsg.AddExtensionL error: %d"), err));
if (aErrorCode == KErrNone)
//lint -e{961} Missing 'else' is OK
if (KQoSModuleSignaling & aItem->Flags())
iValue |= KQoSModuleSignaling;
else if (KQoSModulePartialSignaling & aItem->Flags())
iValue |= KQoSModulePartialSignaling;
else if (KQoSModuleProvisioning & aItem->Flags())
iValue |= KQoSModuleProvisioning;
if (aItem->Flags() & KQoSFatalFailure
|| aErrorCode == EQoSLeaveFailure)
void CQoSSessionBase::DeliverEvent(TUint16 aEvent)
// If the caller does not set event, choose one by iFatalError
if (aEvent == 0)
//?? Event seems to be a bitmask. Should this actually be done
//?? always (and with OR to the aEvent)?
aEvent = iFatalError ? KPfqosEventFailure : KPfqosEventConfirm;
T_pfqos_msg base(EPfqosEvent);
if (iError != KErrNone)
base.pfqos_msg_errno = iError;
iMsg.iBase.iMsg = &base;
T_pfqos_event event(EPfqosExtEvent, aEvent, iValue);
iMsg.iEvent.iExt = &event;
T_pfqos_flowspec spec(iNegotiated);
iMsg.iFlowSpec.iExt = &spec;
// Add flow identifying PF_QOS blocks
// note: the variables must be outside the if-block, because they must exist
// when Deliver is called!
TInetAddr msk;
pfqos_address src, dst;
pfqos_selector sel;
iHook.FillFlowInfo(iMsg, src, dst, sel, msk);
// Add channel identifying PF_QOS block (only present if requested)
T_pfqos_channel channel(iChannelId);
if (iChannelId > 0)
iMsg.iChannel.iExt = &channel;
iMsg.iNumModules = 0;
iHook.Protocol().Deliver(iMsg, KProviderKey_RegisteredQoSConf);
// Negotiate
CNegotiateSession::CNegotiateSession(CFlowHook& aHook) : CQoSSessionBase(aHook, 0)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tqos session[%u] Negotiate for HOOK[%u] size=%d"), (TInt)this, (TInt)&aHook, sizeof(*this)));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] Negotiate deleted"), (TInt)this));
TInt CNegotiateSession::DoCall(RModule& aModule, MQoSNegotiateEvent& aCallback)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tmodule[%S]::Negotiate(...)"), &aModule.Name()));
aModule.Module()->Negotiate(iHook.Context(), iHook.QoSParameters(), aCallback);
return KErrNone;
void CNegotiateSession::RequestComplete()
// Create channel session
CCreateChannelSession::CCreateChannelSession(CFlowHook& aHook, TInt aChannelId) : CQoSSessionBase(aHook, aChannelId)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tqos session[%u] for HOOK[%u] CreateChannel size=%d"), (TInt)this, (TInt)&aHook, sizeof(*this)));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] CreateChannel deleted"), (TInt)this));
TInt CCreateChannelSession::DoCall(RModule& aModule, MQoSNegotiateEvent& aCallback)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tmodule[%S]::OpenChannel(channel[%u],..., FLOW[%u])"),
&aModule.Name(), iChannelId, (TInt)&iHook.Context()));
CInternalQoSChannel*const channel = iHook.Protocol().ChannelMgr()->FindChannel(iChannelId);
if (channel == NULL)
return EQoSChannelDeleted;
aModule.Module()->OpenChannel(iChannelId, channel->QoSParameters(), channel->Extension(), aCallback, iHook.Context());
return KErrNone;
void CCreateChannelSession::RequestComplete()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tqos session[%u] CreateChannel complete"), (TInt)this));
CInternalQoSChannel*const channel = iHook.Protocol().ChannelMgr()->FindChannel(iChannelId);
if (channel)
// Negotiate channel session
CNegotiateChannelSession::CNegotiateChannelSession(CFlowHook& aHook, TInt aChannelId) : CQoSSessionBase(aHook, aChannelId)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tqos session[%u] for HOOK[%u] NegotiateChannel size=%d"), (TInt)this, (TInt)&aHook, sizeof(*this)));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] NegotiateChannel deleted"), (TInt)this));
TInt CNegotiateChannelSession::DoCall(RModule& aModule, MQoSNegotiateEvent& aCallback)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tmodule[%S]::NegotiateChannel(channel[%u], ...)"), &aModule.Name(), iChannelId));
CInternalQoSChannel*const channel = Channel();
if (channel == NULL)
return EQoSChannelDeleted;
aModule.Module()->NegotiateChannel(iChannelId, channel->QoSParameters(), channel->Extension(), aCallback);
return KErrNone;
void CNegotiateChannelSession::RequestComplete()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] NegotiateChannel complete"), (TInt)this));
CInternalQoSChannel*const channel = Channel();
if (channel)
// Join
CJoinSession::CJoinSession(CFlowHook& aHook, TInt aChannelId) : CQoSSessionBase(aHook, aChannelId)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tqos session[%u] for HOOK[%u] JoinChannel size=%d"), (TInt)this, (TInt)&aHook, sizeof(*this)));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] JoinChannel deleted"), (TInt)this));
TInt CJoinSession::DoCall(RModule& aModule, MQoSNegotiateEvent& aCallback)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tmodule[%S]::Join(channel[%u], FLOW[%u])"), &aModule.Name(), iChannelId, (TInt)&iHook.Context()));
const CInternalQoSChannel*const channel = Channel();
if (channel == NULL)
return EQoSChannelDeleted;
aModule.Module()->Join(iChannelId, iHook.Context(), aCallback);
return KErrNone;
void CJoinSession::RequestComplete()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tqos session[%u] JoinChannel complete"), (TInt)this));
CInternalQoSChannel*const channel = Channel();
if (channel)
// Leave
CLeaveSession::CLeaveSession(CFlowHook& aHook, TInt aChannelId) : CQoSSessionBase(aHook, aChannelId)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tqos session[%u] for HOOK[%u] LeaveChannel size=%d"), (TInt)this, (TInt)&aHook, sizeof(*this)));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] LeaveChannel deleted"), (TInt)this));
TInt CLeaveSession::DoCall(RModule& aModule, MQoSNegotiateEvent& aCallback)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tmodule[%S]::Leave(channel[%u], FLOW[%u])"), &aModule.Name(), iChannelId, (TInt)&iHook.Context()));
aModule.Module()->Leave(iChannelId, iHook.Context(), aCallback);
return KErrNone;
void CLeaveSession::RequestComplete()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tqos session[%u] LeaveChannel complete"), (TInt)this));
// Somewhat icky here. RestartQoS would destroy the session, and
// to prevent that, ClearPendingRequest must be called first. However
// it also set the parameter as flow status. Use PENDING so that we
// don't get accidental and useless ReadyL sequence triggered here
// (because it will be triggered anyway via RestartQoS).
if (!iFatalError)
iHook.RestartQoS(); // Need find out new QoS without channel.
CNegotiateItem::CNegotiateItem(CQoSSessionBase* aSession, TUint aFlags) : iSession(aSession)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tqos session[%u] NegotiateItem[%u] size=%d"), (TInt)iSession, (TInt)this, sizeof(*this)));
iFlags = aFlags;
void CNegotiateItem::Kill()
// Going negotiation cannot be stopped (there is no call for it), just
// make this a zombie without a session and hope that RequestComplete
// happens (if not, then there is a memory leak!)
iSession = NULL;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tqos session[%u] NegotiateItem[%u] is now a ZOMBIE!"), (TInt)iSession, (TInt)this));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tqos session[%u] NegotiateItem[%u] deleted"), (TInt)iSession, (TInt)this));
void CNegotiateItem::RequestComplete(TInt aErrorCode,
const TQoSParameters* aParams, const TExtensionData& aExtension)
if (iSession)
// I'm ALIVE! Not a ZOMBIE!
iSession->SubRequestComplete(aErrorCode, aParams, aExtension, this);
delete this;