// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// ipsec.h - IPv6/IPv4 IPSEC security policy protocol family
#ifndef __IPSEC_H__
#define __IPSEC_H__
#include <es_prot.h>
#include <es_mbuf.h>
const TUint KProtocolInetHook = 0x103; // a temp assignment
const TUint KAfIpsec = 0x0801; // a temp assignment
* @capability ECapabilityNetworkControl Required for opening 'pfkey' sockets.
* @ref RSocket::Open()
const TUint KProtocolKey = 0x101; // a temp assignment
* @capability ECapabilityNetworkControl Required for opening 'secpol' sockets.
* @ref RSocket::Open()
const TUint KProtocolSecpol = KProtocolInetHook; // SECPOL needs to use hook id!
enum TIpsecPanic
EIpsecPanic_DeleteSA // Attempt to delete non-existent SA
void Panic(TIpsecPanic);
class MAssociationManager;
class IPSEC
static CProtocolBase *NewSecpolL();
static CProtocolBase *NewPfkeyL();
static void IdentifySecpol(TServerProtocolDesc &aEntry);
static void IdentifyPfkey(TServerProtocolDesc &aEntry);
static MAssociationManager *FindAssociationManager(const CProtocolBase *aProtocol, TUint aId);
class CProviderIpsecBase : public CServProviderBase
* The common base class for SECPOL and PFKEY socket provider.
* This class provides the default implementations for the
* required functions, which are not used for anything in
// Virtual provider base class stuff, that must be present
// (most of these don't make any sense with the IPSEC/Policy Socket)
void LocalName(TSockAddr& anAddr) const;
TInt SetLocalName(TSockAddr& anAddr);
void RemName(TSockAddr& anAddr) const;
TInt SetRemName(TSockAddr& anAddr);
TInt GetOption(TUint level,TUint name,TDes8& anOption)const;
void Ioctl(TUint level,TUint name,TDes8* anOption);
void CancelIoctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName);
TInt SetOption(TUint level,TUint name,const TDesC8 &anOption);
void ActiveOpen();
void ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& aConnectionData);
TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueSize);
TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueSize,const TDesC8& aConnectionData);
void Shutdown(TCloseType option);
void Shutdown(TCloseType option,const TDesC8& aDisconnectionData);
void AutoBind();
void GetData(TDes8& aDesc,TUint options,TSockAddr* anAddr);
void Deliver(RMBufChain& aPacket);
TInt SecurityCheck(MProvdSecurityChecker *aChecker);
// ...for the associated protocol class.
TDblQueLink iSAPlink; //< SAP collection under the protocol
TUint iListening; //< Non-Zero, when queuing packets is allowed.
// Provide the receive queue for the SAP
RMBufPktQ iRecvQ; //< Messages waiting for delivery to application.
* Receive queue limit.
* The queue limit is used to control how much buffered data is allowed
* to be in the iRecvQ, before "congestion" control hits. The value counts
* bytes in iRecvQ in following way:
* @li if iQueueLimit < 0, then incoming packet is dropped (= "congestion")
* @li if iQueueLimit >= 0, then incoming packet is added into iRecvQ, and
* the length of the packet is subtracted from the iQueueLimit. When
* GetData removes the packet from the queue, the length is added back
* to iQueueLimit.
* Thus, if left as initial value (= 0), only one packet at time can be
* queued. If initialized to 8000, then at most 8000 bytes and 1 packet
* can be queued at any point.
* Currently only enforced for the Policy Socket. PFKEY messages are
* too important to drop, and PFKEY clients MUST read the the
* socket.
TInt iQueueLimit;