changeset 21 52e343bb8f80
parent 20 ca8a1b6995f6
child 22 e26895079d7c
--- a/tracefw/tracecompiler/test/group/build.xml	Tue Aug 31 16:45:49 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-<project name="OstTraceCompilerTest" default="build" basedir="..">
-<condition property="isLinux">
-    <os name="linux"/>
-<condition property="isWindows">
-	<not>
-		<os name="linux"/>
-	</not>
-<!-- EMMA configuration -->
-<path id="emma.lib" >
-	<pathelement location="${ant.home}/lib/emma.jar" />
-	<pathelement location="${ant.home}/lib/emma_ant.jar" />
-<taskdef resource="" classpathref="emma.lib" />
-<target name="init_windows_epocroot" if="isWindows">
-	<property environment="env" />
-	<echo message="Init Windows epocroot"/>
-	<property name="epoc.root" value="${env.EPOCROOT}"/>
-<target name="init_linux_epocroot" if="isLinux">
-	<property environment="env" />
-	<echo message="Init Linux epocroot"/>
-	<property name="epoc.root" value="${env.EPOCROOT}//" />
-<target name="init" depends="init_windows_epocroot, init_linux_epocroot">
-	<property name="src.dir" value="src" />
-	<property name="build.dir" value="build" />
-	<property name="jar.dir" value="jar" />
-	<property name="instr.dir" location="instr"/>
-	<property name="testdata.dir" location="${epoc.root}testdata"/>
-	<property name="reports.dir" value="${epoc.root}testdata/reports" />	
-	<property name="emma.dir" location="${epoc.root}testdata/reports/emma"/>
-	<property name="tools.dir" location="${epoc.root}epoc32/tools"/>
-<target name="clean" depends="init">
-	<echo>Cleaning the ${build.dir}</echo>
-	<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
-	<echo>Creating the ${build.dir} directory</echo>
-	<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
-	<echo>Cleaning the ${reports.dir}</echo>
-	<delete dir="${reports.dir}"/>
-	<echo>Creating the ${reports.dir} directory</echo>
-	<mkdir dir="${reports.dir}"/>
-	<echo>Cleaning the ${instr.dir}</echo>
-	<delete dir="${instr.dir}"/>
-	<echo>Creating the ${instr.dir} directory</echo>
-	<mkdir dir="${instr.dir}"/>
-	<echo>Deleting test exports</echo>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/include/platform/test_opensystemtrace_types.h"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/buildlog_tc.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/parsedlogs_tc.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/buildlog_sbs.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/parsedlogs_sbs.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/buildlog_mult_cpp.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/parsedlogs_mult_cpp.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/buildlog_mult_mmp.txt"/>
-	<delete file="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/parsedlogs_mult_mmp.txt"/>	
-	<delete dir="${testdata.dir}/TraceErrorApp"/>
-	<delete dir="${testdata.dir}/MultipleCppTraceErrorApp"/>
-	<delete dir="${testdata.dir}/MultipleMmpTraceErrorApps"/>
-	<delete dir="${testdata.dir}/FixedIdDefinitionsTestApp"/>
-	<delete dir="${testdata.dir}/MultipleMmpTestCases"/>
-	<delete dir="${epoc.root}testdata/MultipleMmpTestCases"/>
-	<delete dir="${testdata.dir}TracesInHeadersApps"/>
-	<delete dir="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/testdata/MultipleMmpTestCases"/>
-	<delete dir="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/testdata/MultipleCppTraceErrorApp"/>
-	<delete dir="${epoc.root}epoc32/build/testdata/TracesInHeadersApps"/>
-<target name="build" depends="clean">
-	<property name="classpath" value="${build.dir}:lib/junit-4.7.jar:../jar/tracecompiler.jar" />
-	<copy todir="${epoc.root}epoc32/include/platform">
-		<fileset dir="testdata"/>
-	</copy>
-	<copy todir="${epoc.root}testdata/TraceErrorApp">
-		<fileset dir="TraceErrorApp"/>
-	</copy>	
-	<copy todir="${epoc.root}testdata/MultipleCppTraceErrorApp">
-		<fileset dir="MultipleCppTraceErrorApp"/>
-	</copy>	
-	<copy todir="${epoc.root}testdata/MultipleMmpTraceErrorApps">
-		<fileset dir="MultipleMmpTraceErrorApps"/>
-	</copy>
-	<copy todir="${epoc.root}testdata/FixedIdDefinitionsTestApp">
-		<fileset dir="FixedIdDefinitionsTestApp"/>
-	</copy>			
-	<copy todir="${epoc.root}testdata/MultipleMmpTestCases">
-		<fileset dir="MultipleMmpTestCases"/>
-	</copy>
-    	<copy todir="${epoc.root}testdata/TracesInHeadersApps">
-		<fileset dir="TracesInHeadersApps"/>
-	</copy>
-	<javac  classpath="${classpath}" srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}" debug="false" target="1.5" >
-	</javac>
-<target name="run" depends="build" description="run the junit tests">
-	<echo>---- Note ANT 1.7 or greater is required for the junit task ----</echo>
-	<!-- generate classpath -->
-	<path id="lib.path.ref">
-		<pathelement location="build"/>
-   		<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>
-   		<fileset dir="../jar" includes="*.jar"/>
- 	</path>
-	<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">		
-	 	<classpath path="${toString:lib.path.ref}"/>
-	 	<formatter type="plain"/>
-		<!--complete test code should be in the $src.dir so run all of them except>
-		<!--that is the base class of and>	 	 	
-	 	<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.dir}">
-	 		<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-	      		<include name="*.java"/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	 		</fileset>
-	 	</batchtest>	
-	</junit>
-<!-- Instrumentation target, depends on JAR -->
-<target name="instr" depends="build">
-	<!-- Instrument the source code -->
-	<emma>
-		<instr instrpath="${tools.dir}/tracecompiler" metadatafile="${emma.dir}/metadata.emma" merge="true" mode="overwrite"/>
-	</emma>
-<!--target to execute pure unit tests and measure test coverage-->		 
-<target name="run_unit_emma" depends="instr" description="run the TraceCompiler unit tests and measure test coverage">
-	<echo>---- Note ANT 1.7 or greater is required for the junit task ----</echo>
-	<!-- generate classpath -->
-	<path id="lib.path.ref">
-		<!-- Instrumented class files -->
-		<pathelement location="${epoc.root}epoc32/tools/tracecompiler"/>
-		<pathelement location="build"/>
-		<fileset dir="${instr.dir}" includes="*.class"/>
-		<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>
-		<!-- EMMA -->
-		<pathelement path="${ant.home}/lib/emma.jar"/>
- 	</path>
-	<echo>${toString:lib.path.ref}</echo> 
-	<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">		
-	 	<classpath path="${toString:lib.path.ref}"/>
-	 	<formatter type="plain"/>
-		<formatter type="xml"/>
-		<!-- Instrumentation arguments to JVM -->
-		<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${emma.dir}/coverage.emma" />
-		<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.merge=true" />
-		<!--complete test code should be in the $src.dir so run all of them except, and-->
-		<! that is the base class of and>		 	
-	 	<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.dir}">
-	 		<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-	      		<include name="*.java"/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>	      		
-                <exclude name=""/>
-	 		</fileset>
-		</batchtest>
-	</junit>
-	<!-- Create EMMA report -->
-	<emma>
-		<report sourcepath="src/" >
-			<fileset dir="${emma.dir}" >
-				<include name="*.emma" />
-			</fileset>
-			<xml outfile="${emma.dir}/coverage.xml" />
-		</report>
-	</emma>
-<!--target to execute pure unit tests-->		 
-<target name="run_unit" depends="build" description="run the TraceCompiler unit tests">
-	<echo>---- Note ANT 1.7 or greater is required for the junit task ----</echo>
-	<!-- generate classpath -->
-	<path id="lib.path.ref">
-		<pathelement location="build"/>
-   		<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>
-   		<fileset dir="../jar" includes="*.jar"/>
- 	</path>
-	<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">		
-	 	<classpath path="${toString:lib.path.ref}"/>
-	 	<formatter type="plain"/>
-	 	<formatter type="xml"/>
-		<!--complete test code should be in the $src.dir so run all of them except>
-		<!--that is the base class of and>	 	 	
-	 	<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.dir}">
-	 		<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-	      		<include name="*.java"/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>
-	      		<exclude name=""/>	 
-	      		<exclude name=""/>                
-	 		</fileset>
-	 	</batchtest>	
-	</junit>
-<target name="jar" depends="build">
-	<mkdir dir="${jar.dir}"/>
-        <jar destfile="${jar.dir}/tests.jar" basedir="${build.dir}">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="GroupNamesTest"/>
-            </manifest>
-        </jar>