changeset 0 a03f92240627
child 7 8a14024f954a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hti/HtiFramework/inc/HtiDispatcher.h	Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implementation of MDispatcher interface that used
+*        to dispatch incoming messages to servers
+*        and outcoming to host client.
+*        MDispatcher should be used by services to send outcoming
+*        messages and by communication modules to dispatch messages.
+*        This is the main class in HtiFramework.
+#ifndef DISPATCHER_H__
+#define DISPATCHER_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include "HtiDispatcherInterface.h"
+#include "HtiMessage.h"
+#include "HtiLogging.h"
+const static TUid KHtiSystemServiceUid = { 0x1020DEB6 };
+const static TInt KServiceArrayGranularity = 4;
+const static TInt KHandbrakeTimerIntervalMS = 100 * 1000; //in microseconds
+const static TInt KMaxFailedDispatchCalls = 4;
+//forward declarations
+class CHtiCommAdapter;
+//class CHtiMessage;
+class CHtiMessageQueue;
+class CHTIServicePluginInterface;
+class CHTICommPluginInterface;
+class CHtiSecurityManager;
+// HTI Framework error codes
+enum THtiError
+    {
+    EHtiErrBigMessage = 1,
+    EHtiErrNoMemory,
+    EHtiErrServiceNotFound,
+    EHtiErrServiceError,
+    EHtiErrNotAuthorized,
+    EHtiErrUnwrap
+    };
+// Types for restore factory settings
+enum TRfsType
+    {
+    ERfsUnknown = -1,
+    ERfsNormal  = 0,
+    ERfsDeep    = 1
+    };
+* Helper class that constructs messages
+* used by the HTI system service
+class THtiSystemProtocolHelper
+    {
+    static TDesC8* ErrorMessageL( TInt aHtiErrorCode,
+                                  const TUid aTargetServiceUid );
+    static TDesC8* ErrorMessageL( TInt aHtiErrorCode,
+                                  const TUid aTargetServiceUid,
+                                  TInt aErrorCode,
+                                  const TDesC8& aErrorDescription );
+    static TDesC8* AuthMessageL( const TDesC8& aToken );
+    };
+class CHtiDispatcher:
+    public CBase,
+    public MHtiDispatcher
+    {
+    /**
+    * Creates dispatcher. Leaves on failure.
+    *
+    * @param aCommPlugin plug-in name to use for communication
+    * @param aMaxMsgSize maximum size for an incoming message
+    * @param aMaxQueueMemorySize maximum size of all messages in the
+    *        incoming queue
+    * @param aShowConsole whether to open a console window for HTI
+    * @param aShowErrorDialogs whether to show a dialog in case of critical
+    *        error or just silently exit
+    * @return pointer to the created CHtiDispatcher instance
+    */
+    static CHtiDispatcher* NewL( const TDesC8& aCommPlugin,
+                                 TInt aMaxMsgSize,
+                                 TInt aMaxQueueMemorySize,
+                                 TBool aShowConsole,
+                                 TBool aShowErrorDialogs );
+    /**
+    * Creates dispatcher and puts the created isntance to the cleanup stack.
+    * Leaves on failure.
+    *
+    * @param aCommPlugin plug-in name to use for communication
+    * @param aMaxMsgSize maximum size for an incoming message
+    * @param aMaxQueueMemorySize maximum size of all messages in the
+    *        incoming queue
+    * @param aShowConsole whether to open a console window for HTI
+    * @param aShowErrorDialogs whether to show a dialog in case of critical
+    *        error or just silently exit
+    * @return pointer to the created CHtiDispatcher instance
+    */
+    static CHtiDispatcher* NewLC( const TDesC8& aCommPlugin,
+                                  TInt aMaxMsgSize,
+                                  TInt aMaxQueueMemorySize,
+                                  TBool aShowConsole,
+                                  TBool aShowErrorDialogs );
+    /**
+    * Destructor. Frees the allocated resources.
+    */
+    ~CHtiDispatcher();
+    /**
+    *
+    * Parse message to a corresponding service
+    * The function returns immediately.
+    * Transfer ownership of aMessage.
+    *
+    *  @param aMessage contains incoming message
+    */
+    void DispatchIncomingMessage( CHtiMessage* aMessage );
+    /**
+    * Construct and dispath HTI error message. For internal use.
+    *
+    * @param aHtiErrorCode error code
+    * @param aTargetService UID of the service plug-in that caused the error
+    * @return standard Symbian error code
+    */
+    TInt DispatchOutgoingErrorMessage( THtiError aHtiErrorCode,
+                   const TUid aTargetService = KHtiSystemServiceUid );
+public: // Inherited methods from MHtiDispatcher
+    TInt DispatchOutgoingMessage( TDesC8* aMessage,
+                    const TUid aTargetServiceUid,
+                    TBool aWrappedFlag,
+                    THtiMessagePriority aPriority );
+    TInt DispatchOutgoingMessage( TDesC8* aMessage,
+                    const TUid aTargetServiceUid );
+    TInt DispatchOutgoingErrorMessage( TInt aErrorCode,
+                    const TDesC8& aErrorDescription,
+                    const TUid aTargetServiceUid );
+    /**
+    * Adds memory observer.
+    *
+    * @param anObserver memory observer
+    */
+    void AddMemoryObserver( MHtiMemoryObserver* anObserver );
+    /**
+    * Removes memory observer.
+    *
+    * @param anObserver memory observer
+    */
+    void RemoveMemoryObserver( MHtiMemoryObserver* anObserver );
+    /**
+    * Returns the amount of memory available for message in the incoming queue
+    *
+    */
+    TInt GetFreeMemory();
+    void Notify( TInt aError );
+    /*
+    * Returns a pointer to the HTI console
+    */
+    CConsoleBase* GetConsole();
+    /**
+    * Unload all service plugins and clear queues
+    */
+    void Reset();
+    /*
+    * Shutdown HTI and reboot the device.
+    *
+    * Called from service plug-ins or from EHtiReboot HtiSystem command
+    */
+    void ShutdownAndRebootDeviceL();
+    /*
+    * Query the ShowErrorDialogs configuration value.
+    * @return iShowErrorDialogs value
+    */
+    TBool GetShowErrorDialogs();
+    /**
+    * Constructors
+    *
+    */
+    CHtiDispatcher( TInt aMaxQueueMemorySize, TBool aShowErrorDialogs );
+    void ConstructL( const TDesC8& aCommPlugin,
+                     TInt aMaxMsgSize,
+                     TBool aShowConsole );
+    /**
+    * Construct and dispath HTI error message. For internal use
+    *
+    * @param aHtiErrorCode error code
+    * @param aLeaveCode leave code that caused error
+    * @param aTargetServiceUid UID of the service plug-in that caused the error
+    *
+    */
+    TInt DispatchOutgoingErrorMessage( THtiError aHtiErrorCode,
+                                    TInt aLeaveCode,
+                                    const TUid aTargetServiceUid );
+    /**
+    * Ensures that iIdle is started
+    * when a new message come
+    *
+    */
+    void Start();
+    /**
+    * Does message dispatching one at a time
+    * This method is called by the static callback function
+    * DispatchCallback().
+    *
+    */
+    TInt DoDispatch();
+    void DoMemoryNotification();
+    /**
+    * Callback functions called by CIdle in idel time to
+    * process messages in the queues
+    *
+    * @param aObj the reference to a CHTIDispatcher is passed
+    *             to call its non-static DoDispatch() method
+    */
+    static TInt DispatchCallback( TAny* aObj );
+    /**
+    * Finds and if needed loads specified service
+    * Returns NULL if service in question was not found
+    *
+    */
+    CHTIServicePluginInterface* GetService( const TUid aServiceUid );
+    /**
+    * Destructs all loaded services from iLoadedServices array.
+    * Note this function does not delete iLoadedServices object itself.
+    *
+    */
+    void UnloadAllServices();
+    /**
+    * Used instead of panic when framework cannot work further
+    * Reason code and description used for logging
+    *
+    * @param aReason code for rebooting
+    * @param aReasonDescr description
+    */
+    void UrgentReboot( TInt aReason, const TDesC8& aReasonDescr );
+    /**
+    * Handle HTI message addressed to HTI system service.
+    * It's processed right in the dispatcher.
+    * The method is trapped and no special actions if it leaves.
+    * @param aMessage the message data
+    */
+    void HandleSystemMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage );
+    // functions to handle HTI system commands
+    /**
+    * Phone reboot
+    *
+    */
+    void Reboot();
+    /**
+    * Activate restore factory settings. Causes also a reboot.
+    * The mode of restore factory settings (normal or deep) is
+    * defined by iRfsMode.
+    */
+    void RestoreFactorySettings();
+    /**
+    * Checks whether given file is in a ROM drive.
+    * @param aFileName full path to the file to check
+    */
+    TBool IsFileInRom( const TDesC& aFileName );
+    TDesC8* ServicePluginsListL();
+    /**
+    * Checks and readjust priorities of comm adapters and idle object to
+    * prevent overflow of message queues.
+    *
+    */
+    void CheckPriorities();
+    /**
+    * Kills HTI watchdog process if it exists.
+    *
+    */
+    void KillHtiWatchDogL();
+#ifdef __ENABLE_LOGGING__
+    /**
+    * List in log files all found comm and service plugins
+    */
+    void DebugListPlugins();
+    /**
+    * Generate unique ID for HTI instance.
+    */
+    void CreateInstanceId();
+    /**
+    * Maps the service plugin protocol UID to implementation UID and vice versa.
+    */
+    TUid MapServicePluginUid( const TUid aUid );
+    /**
+    * used to dispatch messages when thread is free
+    */
+    CIdle* iIdle;
+    /**
+    * Indicates that iIdle was started
+    */
+    TBool iIdleActive;
+    /**
+    * Incoming message queue
+    * holds pointers to messages located in heap
+    */
+    CHtiMessageQueue* iIncomingQueue;
+    /**
+    * Outgoing message queue
+    * holds pointers to messages located in heap
+    */
+    CHtiMessageQueue* iOutgoingQueue;
+    /**
+    * loaded service plugins description
+    */
+    struct TServiceItem
+        {
+        TUid iServiceUid;
+        CHTIServicePluginInterface* iService; /** service instance */
+        };
+    /**
+    * An array that keeps all loaded service plugins
+    */
+    RArray<TServiceItem>* iLoadedServices;
+    /**
+    * Memory observers
+    */
+    RPointerArray<MHtiMemoryObserver>* iMemoryObservers;
+    /**
+    * Instance of comm. plug-in used by iListener and iSender.
+    * It's not used by dispatcher.
+    */
+    CHTICommPluginInterface* iCommPlugin;
+    /**
+    * CCommAdapter instance for constant receiving of incoming HTI messages
+    */
+    CHtiCommAdapter* iListener;
+    /**
+    * CCommAdapter instance for sending outgoing HTI messages
+    */
+    CHtiCommAdapter* iSender;
+    /**
+    * Security manager
+    */
+    CHtiSecurityManager* iSecurityManager;
+    /**
+    * maximum size of all messages in the incoming queue
+    */
+    const TInt iMaxQueueMemorySize;
+    /**
+    * Flag to indicate reboot after framework stoped
+    */
+    TBool iToReboot;
+    /**
+    * Flag indicating the requested factory settings restore mode.
+    */
+    TRfsType iRfsMode;
+    /**
+    * Queue size thresold for priorities readjusting
+    */
+    TInt iQueueSizeLowThresold;
+    TInt iQueueSizeHighThresold;
+    /**
+    * Console for HTI
+    */
+    CConsoleBase* iConsole;
+    /**
+    * By default the idle object and comm adapters AO will have the same priority
+    * iIdle will be added later to the AS that gives comm. adapter AO priority
+    * In case of very fast incoming data there is possibility that idle will not be
+    * called at all, because comm API will comlete async request at once. That will
+    * lead to incoming queue overflow. The solution is to change AOs priorities.
+    * Using AO priorities directly is complicated that active AO's priority cannot be changed.
+    * So the order of AOs with equal priorities used to change the way they will be
+    * picked up by AS.
+    * When new incoming message is added, in comm adapter AO, the incoming queue is checked
+    * in case it reaches predefined high-watermark, comm adapter AO is removed from AS and
+    * added again, so idle AO will be picked next time.
+    * when idle AO checks that incoming queue is less than predefined low-watermark, it will
+    * remove itself and add to AS, to give a way to comm adapter's AO.
+    * The following flag iIdleOverCommAdapter is used when idle is first in AS.
+    *
+    */
+    TBool iIdleOverCommAdapter;
+    /**
+    * Unique ID for HTI instance.
+    * The ID is generated only when it is queried for the first time (to add
+    * randomness). Until then it's zero.
+    */
+    TUint32 iHtiInstanceId;
+    /**
+    * Indicates whether to show error dialogs (notifiers) in case of critical
+    * errors or just silently exit.
+    */
+    TBool iShowErrorDialogs;
+    };