changeset 0 a03f92240627
child 10 381827f66490
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stif/TestEngine/src/TestReport.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:57:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1405 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This module contains implementation of CTestReport 
+* class member functions.
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include "TestReport.h"
+#include "TestEngineCommon.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+// None
+// None
+// None
+const TInt KMaxLenEol = 6;
+const TInt KMaxReportData = 256;
+typedef TBuf<KMaxReportData> TPrintInfo;
+const TInt KSummaryLineEndLen = 12;
+_LIT( KSummaryLineEnd,  "            ");
+// XML Tags (alphabetically)
+_LIT(KXMLCaseNumberTag,          "<CaseNumber>");
+_LIT(KXMLCaseNumberTagEnd,       "</CaseNumber>");
+_LIT(KXMLCaseTitleTag,           "<Title>");
+_LIT(KXMLCaseTitleTagEnd,        "</Title>");
+_LIT(KXMLConfigFileTag,          "<Config>");
+_LIT(KXMLConfigFileTagEnd,       "</Config>");
+_LIT(KXMLCpuSpeedTag,            "<CPUSpeed>");
+_LIT(KXMLCpuSpeedTagEnd,         "</CPUSpeed>");
+_LIT(KXMLCpuTag,                 "<CPU>");
+_LIT(KXMLCpuTagEnd,              "</CPU>");
+_LIT(KXMLCrashedTag,             "<Crashed>");
+_LIT(KXMLCrashedTagEnd,          "</Crashed>");
+_LIT(KXMLDateTag,                "<Date>");
+_LIT(KXMLDateTagEnd,             "</Date>");
+_LIT(KXMLDllSummaryTag,          "<Dlls>");
+_LIT(KXMLDllSummaryTagEnd,       "</Dlls>");
+_LIT(KXMLDllTag,                 "<Dll>");
+_LIT(KXMLDllTagEnd,              "</Dll>");
+_LIT(KXMLEndTimeTag,             "<EndTime>");
+_LIT(KXMLEndTimeTagEnd,          "</EndTime>");
+_LIT(KXMLEnvironmentInfoTag,     "<EnvironmentInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLEnvironmentInfoTagEnd,  "</EnvironmentInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLExecutionResultTag,     "<ExecutionResultCode>");
+_LIT(KXMLExecutionResultTagEnd,  "</ExecutionResultCode>");
+_LIT(KXMLFailedTag,              "<Failed>");
+_LIT(KXMLFailedTagEnd,           "</Failed>");
+_LIT(KXMLFileNameTag,            "<FileName>");
+_LIT(KXMLFileNameTagEnd,         "</FileName>");
+_LIT(KXMLHardwareInfoTag,        "<HardwareInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLHardwareInfoTagEnd,     "</HardwareInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLHwRevisionTag,          "<HwRevision>");
+_LIT(KXMLHwRevisionTagEnd,       "</HwRevision>");
+_LIT(KXMLLanguageTag,            "<Language>");
+_LIT(KXMLLanguageTagEnd,         "</Language>");
+_LIT(KXMLMachineUidTag,          "<MachineUID>");
+_LIT(KXMLMachineUidTagEnd,       "</MachineUID>");
+_LIT(KXMLManufacturerTag,        "<Manufacturer>");
+_LIT(KXMLManufacturerTagEnd,     "</Manufacturer>");
+_LIT(KXMLMemoryInfoTag,          "<MemoryInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLMemoryInfoTagEnd,       "</MemoryInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLModelTag,               "<Model>");
+_LIT(KXMLModelTagEnd,            "</Model>");
+_LIT(KXMLModuleNameTag,          "<ModuleName>");
+_LIT(KXMLModuleNameTagEnd,       "</ModuleName>");
+_LIT(KXMLModuleSummaryTag,       "<Modules>");
+_LIT(KXMLModuleSummaryTagEnd,    "</Modules>");
+_LIT(KXMLModuleTag,              "<Module>");
+_LIT(KXMLModuleTagEnd,           "</Module>");
+_LIT(KXMLPassedTag,              "<Passed>");
+_LIT(KXMLPassedTagEnd,           "</Passed>");
+_LIT(KXMLRamFreeTag,             "<RAMFree>");
+_LIT(KXMLRamFreeTagEnd,          "</RAMFree>");
+_LIT(KXMLRamTag,                 "<RAM>");
+_LIT(KXMLRamTagEnd,              "</RAM>");
+_LIT(KXMLResultDescrTag,         "<ResultDescription>");
+_LIT(KXMLResultDescrTagEnd,      "</ResultDescription>");
+_LIT(KXMLResultTag,              "<Result>");
+_LIT(KXMLResultTagEnd,           "</Result>");
+_LIT(KXMLSoftwareInfoTag,        "<SoftwareInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLSoftwareInfoTagEnd,     "</SoftwareInfo>");
+_LIT(KXMLStartTimeTag,           "<StartTime>");
+_LIT(KXMLStartTimeTagEnd,        "</StartTime>");
+_LIT(KXMLSwBuildTag,             "<SwBuild>");
+_LIT(KXMLSwBuildTagEnd,          "</SwBuild>");
+_LIT(KXMLSwRevisionTag,          "<SwRevision>");
+_LIT(KXMLSwRevisionTagEnd,       "</SwRevision>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestCasesSummaryTag,    "<TestCasesSummary>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestCasesSummaryTagEnd, "</TestCasesSummary>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestCasesTag,           "<TestCases>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestCasesTagEnd,        "</TestCases>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestCaseTag,            "<TestCase>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestCaseTagEnd,         "</TestCase>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestReportTag,          "<TestReport>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestReportTagEnd,       "</TestReport>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestResultTag,          "<ResultCode>");
+_LIT(KXMLTestResultTagEnd,       "</ResultCode>");
+_LIT(KXMLTimeoutedTag,           "<Timeout>");
+_LIT(KXMLTimeoutedTagEnd,        "</Timeout>");
+_LIT(KXMLTimeTag,                "<Time>");
+_LIT(KXMLTimeTagEnd,             "</Time>");
+_LIT(KXMLTotalTag,               "<Total>");
+_LIT(KXMLTotalTagEnd,            "</Total>");
+_LIT(KXMLVersionTag,             "<Version>");
+_LIT(KXMLVersionTagEnd,          "</Version>");
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================================
+// None
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================================
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: CTestReport
+    Description: Default constructor
+    C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+    might leave.
+    Parameters: const TTestReportMode aReportMode: in: Report mode
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Approved
+CTestReport::CTestReport( const TTestReportMode aReportMode ):
+    iReportMode( aReportMode ) 
+    {
+    iXML = EFalse;
+    iReportHWInfo = TTestHWInfo();
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: ConstructL
+    Description: Symbian OS second phase constructor
+    Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
+    Parameters: CTestReportSettings& aTestReportSettings: in: Report settings
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if memory allocation for iTotalSummary fails
+    Status: Approved
+void CTestReport::ConstructL( TTestReportSettings& aTestReportSettings )
+    {
+    // Create summary for all test cases
+    _LIT( KName, "All test cases" );
+    iTotalSummary = new ( ELeave ) TTestSummary( KName() );
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
+    TPtrC path;
+    path.Set( aTestReportSettings.iPath->Des() );
+    TPtrC name;
+    name.Set( aTestReportSettings.iName->Des() );
+    iFormat = aTestReportSettings.iFormat;
+    iOutput = aTestReportSettings.iOutput;
+    iXML = aTestReportSettings.iXML;
+    // XML format can be used only when report is of txt file type.
+    if(iFormat != CStifLogger::ETxt && iOutput != CStifLogger::EFile && iXML)
+        {
+        RDebug::Print(_L("Stif: XML report is available only when TestReportFormat is TXT and TestReportOutput is FILE"));
+        iXML = EFalse;
+        }
+    if( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile )
+        {
+        iFs.MkDirAll( path );
+        HBufC* pathAndFileBuf = HBufC::NewLC( path.Length() + name.Length() + 5 );
+        TPtr pathAndFile(pathAndFileBuf->Des() );
+        pathAndFile.Append( path );
+        pathAndFile.Append( name );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            pathAndFile.Append( _L(".xml") );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if( ( iFormat == CStifLogger::EHtml ) && 
+                ( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile ) )
+                {
+                pathAndFile.Append( _L(".html") );
+                }
+            else 
+                {
+                pathAndFile.Append( _L(".txt") );
+                }
+            }
+        if( aTestReportSettings.iOverwrite )
+            {
+            User::LeaveIfError( iFile.Replace( iFs, 
+                           pathAndFile,
+                           EFileWrite | EFileStreamText | EFileShareAny ) );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TBool isOpen( EFalse );
+            TInt fileOpen = iFs.IsFileOpen( pathAndFile, isOpen );
+            if( fileOpen == KErrNotFound )
+                {
+                User::LeaveIfError( 
+                    iFile.Create( iFs, 
+                                  pathAndFile, 
+                                  EFileWrite | EFileStreamText | EFileShareAny ) );
+                }
+            else if( fileOpen == KErrNone )
+                {
+                User::LeaveIfError( 
+                    iFile.Open( iFs, 
+                                pathAndFile, 
+                                EFileWrite | EFileStreamText | EFileShareAny ) );
+                TInt endPosOfFile = 0;
+                User::LeaveIfError( iFile.Seek( ESeekEnd, endPosOfFile ) );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                User::Leave( fileOpen );
+                }
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pathAndFileBuf );
+        }
+    WriteHeaderL();
+    // Add temporarily closing tags to keep valid xml structure
+    CloseXMLTagsInUnfinishedFileL();
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: NewL
+    Description: Two-phased constructor.
+    Parameters: CTestReportSettings& aTestReportSettings: in: Report settings
+                const TTestReportMode aReportMode: in: Report mode
+    Return Values: CTestReport* : pointer to created object
+    Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if memory allocation for object fails
+                       Leaves if ConstructL leaves
+    Status: Approved
+CTestReport* CTestReport::NewL( TTestReportSettings& aTestReportSettings,
+                                const TTestReportMode aReportMode )
+    {
+    CTestReport* self = new ( ELeave ) CTestReport( aReportMode );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aTestReportSettings );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: ~CTestReport
+    Description: Destructor
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Approved
+    {
+    // Reset and destroy arrays
+    iTestSummaries.ResetAndDestroy();
+    delete iTotalSummary;
+    if( iOutput != CStifLogger::ERDebug )
+        {
+        // Delete file
+        iFile.Close();
+        iFs.Close();
+        }
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: AddTestCaseResultL
+    Description: Add new test case result.
+    Parameters: const TTestInfo& aTestInfo: in: TTestInfo: Test info
+                const TFullTestResult& aTestResult: in: TTestResult: Testresult
+                const TInt aError: in: Symbian OS error: Additional error code
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: Leave is iReportGenerated is generated
+                       Leave if summary creation fails
+                       Leave if summary adding fails
+    Status: Approved
+void CTestReport::AddTestCaseResultL( const TTestInfo& aTestInfo,
+                                        const TFullTestResult& aTestResult,
+                                        const TInt aError )
+    {
+    // Create summary for this test case
+    TTestCaseSummary summary;
+    summary.iTestInfo = aTestInfo;
+    summary.iFullTestResult = aTestResult;
+    TBool passed( EFalse );
+    TBool crashed( EFalse );
+    TBool timeout( EFalse );
+    if( ( aError == KErrNone ) && 
+         ( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultType == TFullTestResult::ECaseExecuted ) &&
+         ( KErrNone == summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResult ) )
+        {
+        passed = ETrue;
+        }
+    else if( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultType == TFullTestResult::ECaseTimeout )
+        {
+        timeout = ETrue;
+        }
+    else if( ( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultCode != KErrNone )
+    		|| ( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultType == TFullTestResult::ECasePanic )
+    		|| ( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultType == TFullTestResult::ECaseException ) )
+        {
+        crashed = ETrue;
+        }
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportCases )
+        {
+        // Print summary to file
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCaseTag);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLModuleNameTag, &summary.iTestInfo.iModuleName, &KXMLModuleNameTagEnd);
+            if(summary.iTestInfo.iConfig != KNullDesC)
+                {
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLConfigFileTag, &summary.iTestInfo.iConfig, &KXMLConfigFileTagEnd);
+                }
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLCaseNumberTag, summary.iTestInfo.iTestCaseInfo.iCaseNumber, &KXMLCaseNumberTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLCaseTitleTag, &summary.iTestInfo.iTestCaseInfo.iTitle, &KXMLCaseTitleTagEnd);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteLineL( _L("[%S][%S][%d] Title:[%S]"),
+                &summary.iTestInfo.iModuleName,
+                &summary.iTestInfo.iConfig,
+                summary.iTestInfo.iTestCaseInfo.iCaseNumber,
+                &summary.iTestInfo.iTestCaseInfo.iTitle );
+            }
+        const TInt KTimeFieldLength = 30;
+        TBuf<KTimeFieldLength> startTime;
+        TBuf<KTimeFieldLength> endTime;
+        _LIT(KDateString4,"%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B");
+        summary.iFullTestResult.iStartTime.FormatL(
+            startTime,KDateString4 );
+        summary.iFullTestResult.iEndTime.FormatL(
+            endTime,KDateString4 );
+        // Result description needs max length 0x80(Must be same as
+        // TResultDes length) + specific characters see below.
+        TBuf<KMaxReportData> printBuf2;
+        TInt code = CStifLogger::ENoStyle;
+        if( ( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultType 
+        	!= TFullTestResult::ECasePanic ) &&
+        	( summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultCode 
+            == KErrNone ) )
+            {
+            printBuf2.AppendFormat( _L("\tResult: %d [%S]"),
+                summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResult,
+                &summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResultDes );
+            if ( KErrNone == 
+                 summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResult )
+                {
+                printBuf2.AppendFormat( _L(" ==> PASSED"));
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                code = CStifLogger::ERed;
+                printBuf2.AppendFormat( _L(" ==> FAILED"));
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            code = CStifLogger::ERed;
+            printBuf2.AppendFormat( _L("\tCaseExecutionResult: %S with %d"),
+                &summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResultDes,
+                summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultCode );
+            }
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLStartTimeTag, &startTime, &KXMLStartTimeTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLEndTimeTag, &endTime, &KXMLEndTimeTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLTestResultTag, summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResult, &KXMLTestResultTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLResultDescrTag, &summary.iFullTestResult.iTestResult.iResultDes, &KXMLResultDescrTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLExecutionResultTag, summary.iFullTestResult.iCaseExecutionResultCode, &KXMLExecutionResultTagEnd);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteLineL( _L("\tStartTime: %S, EndTime: %S"),
+                &startTime,
+                &endTime );
+            WriteLineL( printBuf2, code );
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "- " ), 10 );
+            WriteLineL( _L( "" ) );
+            }
+        }
+    // Add test summary
+    // Check if the module already exists for this test case
+    TTestSummary* moduleSummary = NULL;
+    TInt count = iTestSummaries.Count();
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        {
+        if ( iTestSummaries[i]->iName == aTestInfo.iModuleName )
+            {
+            moduleSummary = iTestSummaries[i];
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    if( moduleSummary == NULL )
+        {
+        // Create new module array
+        moduleSummary = new ( ELeave ) TTestSummary( aTestInfo.iModuleName );
+        User::LeaveIfError( iTestSummaries.Append( moduleSummary ) );
+        }
+    if( passed )
+        {
+        moduleSummary->iPassedCases++;
+        iTotalSummary->iPassedCases++;
+        if(iXML && (iReportMode & ETestReportCases))
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%SPASSED%S"), &KXMLResultTag, &KXMLResultTagEnd);
+            }
+        }
+    else if( timeout )
+        {
+        moduleSummary->iTimeoutCases++;
+        iTotalSummary->iTimeoutCases++;
+        if(iXML && (iReportMode & ETestReportCases))
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%STIMEOUT%S"), &KXMLResultTag, &KXMLResultTagEnd);
+            }
+        }
+    else if( crashed ||
+           ( aError != KErrNone ) )
+        {
+        moduleSummary->iCrashedCases++;
+        iTotalSummary->iCrashedCases++;
+        if(iXML && (iReportMode & ETestReportCases))
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%SCRASHED%S"), &KXMLResultTag, &KXMLResultTagEnd);
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        moduleSummary->iFailedCases++;
+        iTotalSummary->iFailedCases++;
+        if(iXML && (iReportMode & ETestReportCases))
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%SFAILED%S"), &KXMLResultTag, &KXMLResultTagEnd);
+            }
+        }
+    if(iXML && (iReportMode & ETestReportCases))
+        {
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCaseTagEnd);
+        }
+    // Add temporarily closing tags to keep valid xml structure
+    CloseXMLTagsInUnfinishedFileL();
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: WriteHeaderL
+    Description: Write test report header.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Proposal
+void CTestReport::WriteHeaderL()
+    {
+    if( ( iFormat == CStifLogger::EHtml ) && 
+        ( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile ) )
+        {        
+        // Html start tags to whole page and header section
+        iFile.Write(
+            _L8( "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>TestReport</title>\n</head>\n\n\n<body>\n" ) );
+        }
+    if(iXML)
+        {
+        WriteLineL(_L("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>"));
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestReportTag);            
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        WriteDelimiterL( _L( "***" ), 25 );
+        }
+    // Generate date and time
+    TTime time;
+    time.HomeTime();
+    TBuf<30> date;
+    TBuf<30> clock;
+    // Date
+    _LIT( KDate, "%E%D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3" );
+    time.FormatL( date, KDate );
+    // Time
+    _LIT( KClock,"%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%+B" );
+    time.FormatL( clock,KClock );
+    // Add date and time
+    if(iXML)
+        {
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLDateTag, &date, &KXMLDateTagEnd);
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLTimeTag, &clock, &KXMLTimeTagEnd);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        WriteLineL( _L( "%S" ), &date );
+        WriteLineL( _L( "%S" ), &clock );
+        }
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportSummary )
+        {
+        if( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile )
+            {
+            // Get current file position
+            iSummaryPos = 0;
+            User::LeaveIfError( iFile.Seek( ESeekCurrent, iSummaryPos ) );
+            }
+        // Generate Summary to Report
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesSummaryTag);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLPassedTag, &KXMLPassedTagEnd, &KSummaryLineEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLFailedTag, &KXMLFailedTagEnd, &KSummaryLineEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLTimeoutedTag, &KXMLTimeoutedTagEnd, &KSummaryLineEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLCrashedTag, &KXMLCrashedTagEnd, &KSummaryLineEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLTotalTag, &KXMLTotalTagEnd, &KSummaryLineEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesSummaryTagEnd);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL(_L("SUMMARY:") );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tPassed cases: %S"), &KSummaryLineEnd );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tFailed cases: %S"), &KSummaryLineEnd );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tTimeout cases: %S"), &KSummaryLineEnd );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tCrashed cases: %S"), &KSummaryLineEnd );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tTotal cases: %S"), &KSummaryLineEnd );
+            WriteLineL( _L( "" ));
+            }   
+        }
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportEnvironment )
+        {
+        const TInt KMegaByte = 1024*1024;
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLEnvironmentInfoTag);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLHardwareInfoTag);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLManufacturerTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iManufacturer, &KXMLManufacturerTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLMachineUidTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iMachineUid, &KXMLMachineUidTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLModelTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iModel, &KXMLModelTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLHwRevisionTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iHwRev, &KXMLHwRevisionTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLCpuTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iCpu, &KXMLCpuTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLCpuSpeedTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iCpuSpeed/1000, &KXMLCpuSpeedTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLLanguageTag, iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iLanguage, &KXMLLanguageTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLHardwareInfoTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLSoftwareInfoTag);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLSwRevisionTag, iReportHWInfo.iSwInfo.iSwRev, &KXMLSwRevisionTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S0x%x%S"), &KXMLSwBuildTag, iReportHWInfo.iSwInfo.iSwBuild, &KXMLSwBuildTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLSoftwareInfoTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLMemoryInfoTag);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLRamTag, iReportHWInfo.iMemoryInfo.iRAM/KMegaByte, &KXMLRamTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLRamFreeTag, iReportHWInfo.iMemoryInfo.iRAMFree/KMegaByte, &KXMLRamFreeTagEnd);
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLMemoryInfoTagEnd);            
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLEnvironmentInfoTagEnd);            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // HW Info
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL( _L("ENVIRONMENT INFO:") );
+            WriteLineL( _L("HW Info:") );
+            WriteLineL(
+                _L("\tManufacturer: 0x%x, MachineUid: 0x%x, Model: 0x%x "),
+                    iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iManufacturer,
+                    iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iMachineUid,
+                    iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iModel );
+            WriteLineL(
+                _L("\tHW Rev: 0x%x, CPU: 0x%x, CPU Speed: %d MHz "),
+                    iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iHwRev,
+                    iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iCpu,
+                    iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iCpuSpeed/1000 );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tLanguage: %d "),
+                iReportHWInfo.iHwInfo.iLanguage );
+            // SW Info
+            WriteLineL(_L("SW Info:") );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tSW Rev: 0x%x, SW Build: 0x%x"),
+                iReportHWInfo.iSwInfo.iSwRev,
+                iReportHWInfo.iSwInfo.iSwBuild );
+            // Memory Info
+            WriteLineL(_L("Memory Info:") );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tRAM: %d MB, RAM Free: %d MB"),
+                ( iReportHWInfo.iMemoryInfo.iRAM/KMegaByte ),
+                ( iReportHWInfo.iMemoryInfo.iRAMFree/KMegaByte ) );
+            WriteLineL( _L( "" ) );
+            }
+        }
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportCases )
+        {
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesTag);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Generate Test Cases to Report
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL( _L("TESTCASE SUMMARY:") );
+            }
+        }
+    if ( iReportMode == ETestReportBlank )
+        {
+        if(!iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL( _L( "") );
+            WriteLineL( _L( "'Empty' configuration given in initialization file's [Engine_Defaults] section" ) );
+            WriteLineL( _L( "No test report created" ) );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: WriteTrailerL
+    Description: Write test report trailer.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Proposal
+void CTestReport::WriteTrailerL()
+    {
+    if(iXML && (iReportMode & ETestReportCases))
+        {
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesTagEnd);
+        }
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportSummary )
+        {
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLModuleSummaryTag);            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL(_L("TESTMODULE SUMMARIES:") );
+            }
+        // Generate module related reports
+        for ( TInt k = 0; k < iTestSummaries.Count(); k++ )
+            {
+            if(iXML)
+                {
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLModuleTag);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLModuleNameTag, &iTestSummaries[k]->iName, &KXMLModuleNameTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLPassedTag, iTestSummaries[k]->iPassedCases, &KXMLPassedTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLFailedTag, iTestSummaries[k]->iFailedCases, &KXMLFailedTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLTimeoutedTag, iTestSummaries[k]->iTimeoutCases, &KXMLTimeoutedTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLCrashedTag, iTestSummaries[k]->iCrashedCases, &KXMLCrashedTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%d%S"), &KXMLTotalTag, iTestSummaries[k]->iPassedCases + iTestSummaries[k]->iFailedCases + iTestSummaries[k]->iTimeoutCases + iTestSummaries[k]->iCrashedCases, &KXMLTotalTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLModuleTagEnd);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                WriteLineL(_L("Module: [%S]"),
+                    &iTestSummaries[k]->iName );
+                WriteLineL(_L("\tPassed cases: %d"),
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iPassedCases );
+                WriteLineL(_L("\tFailed cases: %d"),
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iFailedCases );
+                WriteLineL(_L("\tTimeout cases: %d"),
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iTimeoutCases );
+                WriteLineL(_L("\tCrashed cases: %d"),
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iCrashedCases );
+                TInt moduleTotal = iTestSummaries[k]->iPassedCases +
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iFailedCases +
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iTimeoutCases +
+                    iTestSummaries[k]->iCrashedCases;
+                WriteLineL(_L("\tTotal cases: %d"), moduleTotal );
+                WriteLineL( _L( "" ) );
+                }
+            }
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLModuleSummaryTagEnd);            
+            }
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLDllSummaryTag);            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteDelimiterL(_L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL(_L("TEST MODULES VERSIONS:"));
+            }
+        // Generate test module versions info
+        for( TInt i = 0; i < iTestModulesVersionsInfo.Count(); i++ )
+            {
+            TTestModuleVersionInfo* versionInfo = (TTestModuleVersionInfo*)iTestModulesVersionsInfo[i];
+            if(iXML)
+                {
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLDllTag);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S"), &KXMLFileNameTag, &(versionInfo->iTestModuleName), &KXMLFileNameTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S%d.%d.%d%S"), &KXMLVersionTag, versionInfo->iMajor, versionInfo->iMinor, versionInfo->iBuild, &KXMLVersionTagEnd);
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLDllTagEnd);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                WriteLineL(_L("%S %d.%d.%d"), &(versionInfo->iTestModuleName), versionInfo->iMajor, versionInfo->iMinor, versionInfo->iBuild);
+                }
+            }
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLDllSummaryTagEnd);            
+            }
+        }
+    if(!iXML)
+        {
+        WriteLineL( _L( "" ) );
+        }
+    if( ( iFormat == CStifLogger::EHtml ) && 
+        ( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile ) )
+        {        
+        // Html start tags to whole page and header section
+        iFile.Write(
+            _L8( "\n\n\n</html>\n</body>\n\n\n" ) );
+        }
+    if(iXML)
+        {
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestReportTagEnd);            
+        }
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: UpdateReportSummaryL
+    Description: Updates the test report summary.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Draft
+void CTestReport::UpdateReportSummaryL()
+    {
+    TInt currentPos = 0;
+    // Add numeric information to summary
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportSummary )
+        {
+        // Go to the summary start position of the file
+        if( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile )
+            {
+            User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, currentPos));//Get current position
+            User::LeaveIfError( iFile.Seek( ESeekStart, iSummaryPos ) );
+            }
+        TBuf<KSummaryLineEndLen> numStr;        
+        // Generate Summary to Report
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesSummaryTag);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL(_L("SUMMARY:") );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iPassedCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLPassedTag, &numStr, &KXMLPassedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tPassed cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iFailedCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLFailedTag, &numStr, &KXMLFailedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tFailed cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iTimeoutCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLTimeoutedTag, &numStr, &KXMLTimeoutedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tTimeout cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iCrashedCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLCrashedTag, &numStr, &KXMLCrashedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tCrashed cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        TInt total = iTotalSummary->iPassedCases +
+            iTotalSummary->iFailedCases +
+            iTotalSummary->iTimeoutCases +
+            iTotalSummary->iCrashedCases;
+        numStr.Num( total );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLTotalTag, &numStr, &KXMLTotalTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tTotal cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesSummaryTagEnd);
+            }
+        if(iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile)
+            {
+            User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, currentPos));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: GenerateReportL
+    Description: Generate the test report.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Approved
+void CTestReport::GenerateReportL()
+    {
+    WriteTrailerL();
+    // Add numeric information to summary
+    if ( iReportMode & ETestReportSummary )
+        {
+        // Go to the summary start position of the file
+        if( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile )
+            {
+            User::LeaveIfError( iFile.Seek( ESeekStart, iSummaryPos ) );
+            }
+        TBuf<KSummaryLineEndLen> numStr;
+        // Generate Summary to Report
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesSummaryTag);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            WriteDelimiterL( _L( "-- " ), 25 );
+            WriteLineL(_L("SUMMARY:") );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iPassedCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLPassedTag, &numStr, &KXMLPassedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tPassed cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iFailedCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLFailedTag, &numStr, &KXMLFailedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tFailed cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iTimeoutCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLTimeoutedTag, &numStr, &KXMLTimeoutedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tTimeout cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        numStr.Num( iTotalSummary->iCrashedCases );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLCrashedTag, &numStr, &KXMLCrashedTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tCrashed cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        TInt total = iTotalSummary->iPassedCases +
+            iTotalSummary->iFailedCases +
+            iTotalSummary->iTimeoutCases +
+            iTotalSummary->iCrashedCases;
+        numStr.Num( total );
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            TPtrC spaces(KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length());
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S%S%S%S"), &KXMLTotalTag, &numStr, &KXMLTotalTagEnd, &spaces);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            numStr.Append( KSummaryLineEnd().Ptr(), 
+                           KSummaryLineEnd().Length() - numStr.Length() );
+            WriteLineL(_L("\tTotal cases: %S"), &numStr );
+            }
+        if(iXML)
+            {
+            WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesSummaryTagEnd);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: WriteLine
+    Description: Write line to file.
+    Parameters: TRefByValue<const TDesC> aStr: in: test to print
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Proposal
+void CTestReport::WriteLineL( TRefByValue<const TDesC> aStr,... )
+    {
+    VA_LIST list;
+    VA_START( list, aStr );
+    TPrintInfo line;
+    // Parse parameters
+    line.AppendFormatList( aStr, list, NULL );
+    if( iOutput == CStifLogger::ERDebug )
+        {
+        // RDebug output
+        RDebug::Print( line );
+        return;
+        }
+    HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( line.Length() + KMaxLenEol );
+    TPtr8 ptr( buf->Des() );
+    ptr.Copy( line );    
+    if( ( iFormat == CStifLogger::EHtml ) && 
+        ( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile ) )
+        {
+        // Html output, add linefeed
+        ptr.Append( _L8("<BR>\r\n") );
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        // Default: Text format to file
+        // Add linefeed
+        ptr.Append( _L8("\r\n") );
+        }
+    // Write to file    
+    iFile.Write( ptr );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: WriteDelimiter
+    Description: Write delimiter line to file.
+    Parameters: const TDesC& aDelimiter: in: delimiter mark
+                TInt aCount: in: number of delimiters written
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Proposal
+void CTestReport::WriteDelimiterL( const TDesC& aDelimiter, TInt aCount )
+    {
+     if( iOutput == CStifLogger::ERDebug )
+        {
+        // RDebug output
+        // Nothing is printed
+        return;
+        }
+    HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( aDelimiter.Length() );
+    TPtr8 ptr( buf->Des() );
+    ptr.Copy( aDelimiter );    
+    for( TInt i = 0; i<aCount; i++ )
+        {
+        // Write to file    
+        iFile.Write( ptr );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    TBuf8<KMaxLenEol> linefeed;        
+    if( ( iFormat == CStifLogger::EHtml ) && 
+        ( iOutput == CStifLogger::EFile ) )
+        {
+        // Html output, add linefeed
+        linefeed.Append( _L8("<BR>\r\n") );
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        // Default: Text format to file
+        // Add linefeed
+        linefeed.Append( _L8("\r\n") );
+        }
+     // Write to file    
+    iFile.Write( linefeed );
+    }        
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: TTestReportHeader::TTestReportHeader
+    Description: Constructor of TTestReportHeader
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Approved
+    {
+    // Initialize, fills a specified block of data with binary zeroes
+    Mem::FillZ( this, sizeof( CTestReport::TTestHWInfo ) );
+    // Get HW Info
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EManufacturer, iHwInfo.iManufacturer );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EMachineUid, iHwInfo.iMachineUid );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EManufacturerHardwareRev, iHwInfo.iHwRev );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EModel, iHwInfo.iModel );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::ECPU, iHwInfo.iCpu );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::ECPUSpeed, iHwInfo.iCpuSpeed );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::ELanguageIndex, iHwInfo.iLanguage );
+    // Get SW Info
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareRev, iSwInfo.iSwRev );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareBuild, iSwInfo.iSwBuild );
+    // Memory Info
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAM, iMemoryInfo.iRAM );
+    HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, iMemoryInfo.iRAMFree );
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: TTestSummary::TTestSummary
+    Description: Constructor of TTestSummary.
+    Parameters: const TName& aName: in: Name of summary
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Approved
+CTestReport::TTestSummary::TTestSummary( const TName& aName ) :
+    iName( aName ),
+    iPassedCases( 0 ),
+    iFailedCases( 0 ),
+    iCrashedCases( 0 ),
+    iTimeoutCases( 0 )
+    {
+    }
+	Class: CTestReport
+    Method: AddTestModuleVersion
+    Description: Method adds version of a test module to the list of versions
+    			 that will be printed when stif is stopped.
+    Parameters: TTestModuleVersionInfo aVersion : object contains information about version and
+    			name of test module.
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+void CTestReport::AddTestModuleVersion(TTestModuleVersionInfo& aVersion)
+	{
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < iTestModulesVersionsInfo.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		if( aVersion.iTestModuleName == iTestModulesVersionsInfo[i]->iTestModuleName )
+			{
+			return;
+			}
+		}
+	TTestModuleVersionInfo* testModuleVersionInfo = new (ELeave) TTestModuleVersionInfo;
+	testModuleVersionInfo->iMajor = aVersion.iMajor;
+	testModuleVersionInfo->iMinor = aVersion.iMinor;
+	testModuleVersionInfo->iBuild = aVersion.iBuild;
+	testModuleVersionInfo->iTestModuleName = aVersion.iTestModuleName;
+	TInt res = iTestModulesVersionsInfo.Append(testModuleVersionInfo);
+	if( res != KErrNone )
+		{
+		delete testModuleVersionInfo;
+		}
+	}
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: TTestCaseSummary::TTestCaseSummary
+    Description: Constructor of TTestCaseSummary.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: None
+    Status: Approved
+    {
+    }
+    Class: CTestReport
+    Method: CloseXMLTagsInUnfinishedFileL
+    Description: Adds needed tags to get valid xml file.
+    Parameters: None
+    Return Values: None
+    Errors/Exceptions: Seek operations may cause leaves
+    Status: Approved
+void CTestReport::CloseXMLTagsInUnfinishedFileL(void)
+    {
+    // For xml file keep current position in file.
+    if(iXML)
+        {
+        TInt currentPos = 0;
+        User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, currentPos));
+        // Add closing tags to get valid xml file
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestCasesTagEnd);
+        WriteLineL(_L("%S"), &KXMLTestReportTagEnd);
+        // Move back to previous position
+        User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, currentPos));
+        }
+    }
+// ================= OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =================================
+// None
+// End of File