changeset 8 cfe32394fcd5
parent 7 8a14024f954a
child 9 7e287c5c61f0
--- a/stif/QtUI/StifQtUI/frmmain.cpp	Mon Mar 15 12:46:13 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description: QT C++ based Class.
- *              
- */
-#include <QtGui>
-#include "frmmain.h"
-#include "stfqtuicontroller.h"
-#include "stfqtuimodel.h"
-#include <QList>
-#include "version.h"
-#include <QCursor>
-const QString SELECTITEMHEADER = " * ";
-const QString UNSELECTITEMHEADER = "   ";
-    {
-    uiSetting = new UiSetting();
-    createMenus();
-    load();
-    LoadSubMenu();
-    model = new StfQtUIModel();
-    model->AddStifModelEventListener(this);
-    controller = new StfQtUIController(model);
-    controller->AddStfEventListener(this);
-    loadContent();
-    dlgOutput = new DlgOutput(controller);
-    setSetting();
-    }
-    {
-    model->AbortCase();
-    controller->RemoveStfEventListener(this);
-    model->RemoveStifModelEventListener(this);
-    delete uiSetting;
-    delete dlgOutput;
-    delete controller;
-    delete model;
-    }
-void frmMain::setSetting()
-    {
-    controller->SetShowOutput(uiSetting->ReadSetting("showoutput") == "true");    
-    }
-void frmMain::OnGetMessage(const QString& aMessage)
-    {
-    txtOutput->appendPlainText(aMessage);
-    }
-void frmMain::OnRunningCaseChanged()
-    {
-    QList<CSTFCase> caseList = controller->GetCasesByStatus(EStatusRunning);
-    lstStartedCases->clear();
-    foreach(CSTFCase aCase, caseList)
-            {
-            lstStartedCases->addItem(aCase.Name());
-            }
-    if (caseList.size() != 0)
-        {
-        btnPauseCase->setEnabled(true);
-        btnAbortCase->setEnabled(true);
-        actPause->setEnabled(true);
-        actAbort->setEnabled(true);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        btnPauseCase->setEnabled(false);
-        btnAbortCase->setEnabled(false);
-        actPause->setEnabled(false);
-        actAbort->setEnabled(false);
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::OnCaseOutputChanged(const IStfEventListener::CaseOutputCommand& /*cmd*/, const QString& /*index*/, const QString& /*msg*/)
-    {
-    //nothing to do.
-    }
-void frmMain::OnSetListChanged()
-    {
-    loadSetList();
-    }
-void frmMain::OnCaseStatisticChanged()
-    {
-    loadStatistic();
-    }
-void frmMain::createMenus()
-    {
-    //operateMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Operation"));
-    actAbout = new QAction(tr("&About"), this);
-    connect(actAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actAbout_triggered()));
-    actExit = new QAction(tr("&Exit"), this);
-    connect(actExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
-    actOpenFile = new QAction(tr("&Open Ini File"), this);
-    connect(actOpenFile, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actOpenFile_triggered()));
-    actRunCaseSeq = new QAction(tr("Run Case Sequentially"), this);
-    connect(actRunCaseSeq, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actRunCaseSeq_triggered()));
-    actRunCasePar = new QAction(tr("Run Case Parallel"), this);
-    connect(actRunCasePar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actRunCasePar_triggered()));
-    actAddtoSet = new QAction(tr("Add cases to Set"), this);
-    connect(actAddtoSet, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actAddtoSet_triggered()));
-    actSelectAll = new QAction(tr("Select All"), this);
-    connect(actSelectAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actSelectAll_triggered()));
-    actExpandAll = new QAction(tr("Expand All"), this);
-    connect(actExpandAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actExpandAll_triggered()));
-    actCollapseAll = new QAction(tr("Collapse All"), this);
-    connect(actCollapseAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actCollapseAll_triggered()));
-    actSetting = new QAction(tr("Setting"), this);
-    connect(actSetting, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actSetting_triggered()));
-    actRunSetSeq = new QAction(tr("Run Set Sequentially"), this);
-    connect(actRunSetSeq, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actRunSetSeq_triggered()));
-    actRunSetPar = new QAction(tr("Run Set Parallel"), this);
-    connect(actRunSetPar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actRunSetPar_triggered()));
-    actNewSet = new QAction(tr("Create New Set"), this);
-    connect(actNewSet, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actNewSet_triggered()));
-    actDelSet = new QAction(tr("Delete Set"), this);
-    connect(actDelSet, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actDelSet_triggered()));
-    actPause = new QAction(tr("Pause"), this);
-    actPause->setEnabled(false);
-    connect(actPause, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actPause_triggered()));
-    actAbort = new QAction(tr("Abort"), this);
-    actAbort->setEnabled(false);
-    connect(actAbort, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actAbort_triggered()));
-    actClearStatistics = new QAction(tr("Clear Statistics"), this);
-    connect(actClearStatistics, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actClearStatistics_triggered()));
-    }
-void frmMain::load()
-    {
-    this->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QSize btnSize(100,35);
-    QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    mainLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    mainLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    mainLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    mainLayout->setMargin(2);
-    MainWidget = new QWidget(this);
-    MainWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    //tab control
-    tabWidget = new QTabWidget(this);
-    tabWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    tabCase = new QWidget(tabWidget);
-    tabCase->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    tabWidget->addTab(tabCase, tr("Cases"));
-    tabSet = new QWidget(tabWidget);
-    tabSet->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    tabWidget->addTab(tabSet, tr(" Set "));
-    tabStarted = new QWidget(tabWidget);
-    tabStarted->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    tabWidget->addTab(tabStarted, tr("Running"));
-    tabStatistic = new QWidget(tabWidget);
-    tabStatistic->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    tabWidget->addTab(tabStatistic, tr("Statistics"));
-    connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this,
-            SLOT(onTabWidgetSelectIndexChanged()));
-    //output panel
-    QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox(this);
-    groupBox->setFixedHeight(150);
-    groupBox->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    groupBox->setTitle(tr("Information"));
-    QFont serifFont("Times", 5, QFont::Normal);
-    txtOutput = new QPlainTextEdit(groupBox);
-    txtOutput->setFont(serifFont);
-    txtOutput->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    txtOutput->setReadOnly(true);
-    txtOutput->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
-    //txtOutput->setEditFocus(false);
-    QGridLayout *groupBoxLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    groupBoxLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    groupBoxLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    groupBoxLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    groupBoxLayout->setMargin(2);   
-    groupBoxLayout->addWidget(txtOutput, 0, 0);
-    groupBox->setLayout(groupBoxLayout);
-    //Create MainLayout and MainWidget
-    mainLayout->addWidget(tabWidget, 0, 0);
-    mainLayout->addWidget(groupBox, 1, 0, Qt::AlignBottom);
-    MainWidget->setLayout(mainLayout);
-    //Tab page: Case
-    QGridLayout *tabCaseLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    tabCaseLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    tabCaseLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    tabCaseLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    tabCaseLayout->setMargin(2);   
-    treeModuleList = new QTreeWidget(tabCase);
-    treeModuleList->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    treeModuleList->headerItem()->setText(0, tr("Module List"));
-    treeModuleList->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
-    treeModuleList->setEditFocus(false);
-    connect(treeModuleList, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* , int)), this, 
-            SLOT(on_treeModuleList_itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* , int)));
-    QWidget *caseToolWidget = new QWidget(tabCase);
-    caseToolWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QGridLayout *caseToolWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout;
-    QPushButton *btnRunCase = new QPushButton(tr("Run"), caseToolWidget);
-    btnRunCase->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnRunCase->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnRunCase, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actRunCaseSeq_triggered()));
-    QPushButton *btnExpandAll = new QPushButton(tr("Expand"), caseToolWidget);
-    btnExpandAll->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnExpandAll->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnExpandAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actExpandAll_triggered()));
-    QPushButton *btnCollapseAll = new QPushButton(tr("Collapse"),
-            caseToolWidget);
-    btnCollapseAll->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnCollapseAll->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnCollapseAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actCollapseAll_triggered()));
-    caseToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnRunCase, 0, 0);
-    caseToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnExpandAll, 0, 1);
-    caseToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnCollapseAll, 0, 2);
-    caseToolWidget->setLayout(caseToolWidgetLayout);
-    tabCaseLayout->addWidget(caseToolWidget, 1, 0);
-    tabCaseLayout->addWidget(treeModuleList, 0, 0);
-    tabCase->setLayout(tabCaseLayout);
-    //Tab page: Set
-    QGridLayout *tabSetLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    tabSetLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    tabSetLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    tabSetLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    tabSetLayout->setMargin(2);   
-    QGridLayout *tabSetMainLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    tabSetMainLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    tabSetMainLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    tabSetMainLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    tabSetMainLayout->setMargin(2);   
-    QWidget *tabSetMainWidget = new QWidget(tabSet);
-    tabSetMainWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QLabel *lblSet = new QLabel(tr("Test Set:"), tabSetMainWidget);
-    lblSet->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QLabel *lblCase = new QLabel(tr("Cases:"), tabSetMainWidget);
-    lblCase->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    cboSetList = new QComboBox(tabSetMainWidget);
-    cboSetList->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    cboSetList->setEditable(false);
-    connect(cboSetList, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this,
-            SLOT(on_cboSetList_currentIndexChanged(QString)));
-    lstSetCases = new QListWidget(tabSetMainWidget);
-    lstSetCases->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    tabSetMainLayout->addWidget(lblSet, 0, 0);
-    tabSetMainLayout->addWidget(cboSetList, 0, 1);
-    tabSetMainLayout->addWidget(lblCase, 1, 0,
-            (Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight));
-    tabSetMainLayout->addWidget(lstSetCases, 1, 1);
-    tabSetMainWidget->setLayout(tabSetMainLayout);
-    QWidget *setToolWidget = new QWidget(tabSet);
-    setToolWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QGridLayout *setToolWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    setToolWidgetLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    setToolWidgetLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    setToolWidgetLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    setToolWidgetLayout->setMargin(2);     
-    QPushButton *btnRunSetCase = new QPushButton(tr("Run"), setToolWidget);
-    btnRunSetCase->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnRunSetCase->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnRunSetCase, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actRunSetSeq_triggered()));
-    QPushButton *btnNewSet = new QPushButton(tr("New Set"), setToolWidget);
-    btnNewSet->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnNewSet->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnNewSet, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actNewSet_triggered()));
-    QPushButton *btnDelSet = new QPushButton(tr("Delete Set"), setToolWidget);
-    btnDelSet->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnDelSet->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnDelSet, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actDelSet_triggered()));
-    setToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnRunSetCase, 0, 0);
-    setToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnNewSet, 0, 1);
-    setToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnDelSet, 0, 2);
-    setToolWidget->setLayout(setToolWidgetLayout);
-    tabSetLayout->addWidget(tabSetMainWidget, 0, 0);
-    tabSetLayout->addWidget(setToolWidget, 1, 0);
-    tabSet->setLayout(tabSetLayout);
-    //Tab Started
-    QGridLayout *tabStartedLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    tabStartedLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    tabStartedLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    tabStartedLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    tabStartedLayout->setMargin(2);     
-    lstStartedCases = new QListWidget(tabStarted);
-    lstStartedCases->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QWidget *startedToolWidget = new QWidget(tabStarted);
-    startedToolWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    QGridLayout *startedToolWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    startedToolWidgetLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    startedToolWidgetLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    startedToolWidgetLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    startedToolWidgetLayout->setMargin(2);
-    btnPauseCase = new QPushButton(tr("Pause"), startedToolWidget);
-    btnPauseCase->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnPauseCase->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnPauseCase, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actPause_triggered()));
-    btnPauseCase->setEnabled(false);
-    btnAbortCase = new QPushButton(tr("Abort"), startedToolWidget);
-    btnAbortCase->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    btnAbortCase->setFixedSize(btnSize);
-    connect(btnAbortCase, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(on_actAbort_triggered()));
-    btnAbortCase->setEnabled(false);
-    //    
-    //    QPushButton *btnShowOutput = new QPushButton(tr("Output"), startedToolWidget);
-    //    connect(btnShowOutput, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-    //                SLOT(on_btnShowOutput_clicked()));
-    startedToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnPauseCase, 0, 0);
-    startedToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnAbortCase, 0, 1);
-    //startedToolWidgetLayout->addWidget(btnShowOutput, 0, 2);
-    startedToolWidget->setLayout(startedToolWidgetLayout);
-    tabStartedLayout->addWidget(lstStartedCases, 0, 0);
-    tabStartedLayout->addWidget(startedToolWidget, 1, 0);
-    tabStarted->setLayout(tabStartedLayout);
-    //Tab Statistic
-    QGridLayout *tabStatisticLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
-    tabStatisticLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
-    tabStatisticLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
-    tabStatisticLayout->setSpacing(2);
-    tabStatisticLayout->setMargin(2);
-    treeStatistic = new QTreeWidget(tabStatistic);
-    treeStatistic->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    treeStatistic->headerItem()->setText(0, tr("Statistics"));
-    tabStatisticLayout->addWidget(treeStatistic, 0, 0);
-    tabStatistic->setLayout(tabStatisticLayout);
-    executedItems = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeStatistic);
-    executedItems->setText(0, tr("Executed Cases(0)"));
-    passedItems = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeStatistic);
-    passedItems->setText(0, tr("Passed Cases(0)"));
-    failedItems = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeStatistic);
-    failedItems->setText(0, tr("Failed Cases(0)"));
-    crashedItems = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeStatistic);
-    crashedItems->setText(0, tr("Crashed Cases(0)"));
-    abortedItems = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeStatistic);
-    abortedItems->setText(0, tr("Aborted Cases(0)"));
-    setCentralWidget(MainWidget);
-    }
-void frmMain::LoadSubMenu()
-    {
-    menuBar()->clear();
-    menuBar()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
-    if (tabWidget->currentIndex() == 0)
-        {
-        //Cases Tab
-        menuBar()->addAction(actOpenFile);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actRunCaseSeq);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actRunCasePar);
-        menuBar()->addSeparator();
-        menuBar()->addAction(actAddtoSet);
-        menuBar()->addSeparator();
-        menuBar()->addAction(actSelectAll);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actExpandAll);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actCollapseAll);
-        }
-    else if (tabWidget->currentIndex() == 1)
-        {
-        //Set Tab
-        menuBar()->addAction(actRunSetSeq);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actRunSetPar);
-        menuBar()->addSeparator();
-        menuBar()->addAction(actNewSet);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actDelSet);
-        }
-    else if (tabWidget->currentIndex() == 2)
-        {
-        //Started Tab
-        menuBar()->addAction(actPause);
-        menuBar()->addAction(actAbort);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        //Staticstic tab
-        menuBar()->addAction(actClearStatistics);
-        }
-    menuBar()->addSeparator();
-    menuBar()->addAction(actSetting);
-    menuBar()->addAction(actAbout);
-    menuBar()->addAction(actExit);
-    }
-void frmMain::onTabWidgetSelectIndexChanged()
-    {
-    LoadSubMenu();
-    }
-void frmMain::loadContent()
-    {
-    //Load ModuleList
-    loadModuleList();
-    //Load SetList
-    loadSetList();
-    //Load Statistic List
-    loadStatistic();
-    }
-void frmMain::loadModuleList()
-    {
-    treeModuleList->clear();
-    QList<QString> moduleList = controller->GetModuleList();
-    foreach(QString moduleName, moduleList)
-            {
-            QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeModuleList);
-            item->setText(0, UNSELECTITEMHEADER + moduleName);
-            QList<QString> caseList = controller->GetCaseListByModule(
-                    moduleName);
-            foreach(QString caseName, caseList)
-                    {
-                    QTreeWidgetItem* caseItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item);        
-                    caseItem->setText(0, UNSELECTITEMHEADER + caseName);
-                    }
-            }
-    if (moduleList.size() > 0)
-        {
-        treeModuleList->setCurrentItem(treeModuleList->topLevelItem(0));
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::reloadStatisticItem(QString name, QTreeWidgetItem* item,
-        TSTFCaseStatusType type)
-    {
-    QList<CSTFCase> caseList = controller->GetCasesByStatus(type);
-    while (item->childCount() != 0)
-        {
-        item->removeChild(item->child(0));
-        }
-    item->setText(0, name + "(" + QString::number(caseList.size(), 10) + ")");
-    foreach(CSTFCase aCase, caseList)
-            {
-            QTreeWidgetItem* child = new QTreeWidgetItem(item);
-            child->setText(0, aCase.Name());
-            }
-    }
-void frmMain::loadStatistic()
-    {
-    //executedItems;
-    reloadStatisticItem("Executed Cases", executedItems, EStatusExecuted);
-    //passedItems;
-    reloadStatisticItem("Passed Cases", passedItems, EStatusPassed);
-    //failedItems;
-    reloadStatisticItem("Failed Cases", failedItems, EStatusFailed);
-    //crashedItems;
-    reloadStatisticItem("Crashed Cases", crashedItems, EStatusCrashed);
-    //abortedItems;
-    reloadStatisticItem("Aborted Cases", abortedItems, EStatusAborted);
-    }
-void frmMain::loadSetList()
-    {
-    cboSetList->clear();
-    QList<QString> setList = controller->GetSetList();
-    foreach(QString setName, setList)
-            {
-            cboSetList->addItem(setName);
-            }
-//    if (setList.size() > 0)
-//        {
-//        //cboSetList->setCurrentIndex(0);
-//        on_cboSetList_currentIndexChanged(;
-//        }
-    }
-QList<CSTFCase> frmMain::getSelectedCases()
-    {
-    int index = 0;
-    QTreeWidgetItem* item = treeModuleList->topLevelItem(index);
-    QList<CSTFCase> caseList;
-    while (item != 0)
-        {
-        for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); i++)
-            {
-            QTreeWidgetItem* child = item->child(i);
-            if (child->text(0).startsWith(SELECTITEMHEADER))
-                {
-                CSTFCase aCase(child->text(0).remove(0,3), i);
-                aCase.SetIndex(i);
-                //aCase.SetModuleName(moduleBox->text());
-                aCase.SetModuleName(item->text(0).remove(0,3));
-                caseList.append(aCase);
-                }
-            }
-        index++;
-        item = treeModuleList->topLevelItem(index);
-        }
-    return caseList;
-    }
-void frmMain::on_cboSetList_currentIndexChanged(QString item)
-    {
-    lstSetCases->clear();
-    QList<QString> list = controller->GetCaseListBySet(item);
-    foreach(QString caseName, list)
-            {
-            lstSetCases->addItem(caseName);
-            }
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actRunCaseSeq_triggered()
-    {
-    //run case seq
-    controller->RunCases(getSelectedCases(), Sequentially);
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actRunCasePar_triggered()
-    {
-    controller->RunCases(getSelectedCases(), Parallel);
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actAddtoSet_triggered()
-    {
-    QList<CSTFCase> list = getSelectedCases();
-    if (list.size() == 0)
-        {
-        QErrorMessage *errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this);
-        errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr(
-                "Please select cases you want to added to set."));
-        return;
-        }
-    QList<QString> setList = controller->GetSetList();
-    /*    
-     bool ok;
-     QString setName = QInputDialog::getItem(this, tr(
-     "Add select cases to Set"), tr("Sets:"), setList, 0, false, &ok);
-     if (ok && !setName.isEmpty())
-     {
-     controller->AddCaseToSet(list, setName);
-     }
-     */
-    //temp code, because UIStore()->AddCaseToSet() is not support to define a set name.
-    controller->AddCaseToSet(list, "");
-    tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actSelectAll_triggered()
-    {
-    QString header = UNSELECTITEMHEADER;
-    if(actSelectAll->text() == "Select All")
-        {
-        actSelectAll->setText("UnSelect All");
-        header = SELECTITEMHEADER;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        actSelectAll->setText("Select All");    
-        }
-    int index = 0;
-    QTreeWidgetItem* item = treeModuleList->topLevelItem(index);
-    while (item != 0)
-        {
-        item->setText(0, item->text(0).replace(0,3, header));
-        for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); i++)
-            {
-            QTreeWidgetItem* child = item->child(i);
-            child->setText(0,child->text(0).replace(0,3,header));
-            }
-        index++;
-        item = treeModuleList->topLevelItem(index);
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actExpandAll_triggered()
-    {
-    treeModuleList->expandAll();
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actCollapseAll_triggered()
-    {
-    treeModuleList->collapseAll();
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actSetting_triggered()
-    {
-    DlgSetting dlgSet(uiSetting);
-    int result = dlgSet.exec();
-    if(result == QDialog::Accepted)
-        {
-        setSetting();
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actRunSetSeq_triggered()
-    {
-    QString setName = cboSetList->currentText();
-    controller->RunSets(setName, Sequentially);
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actRunSetPar_triggered()
-    {
-    QString setName = cboSetList->currentText();
-    controller->RunSets(setName, Parallel);
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actNewSet_triggered()
-    {
-    //not supported.
-    QErrorMessage *errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this);
-    errorMessageDialog->showMessage(
-            tr(
-                    "The feature is not supported in this version.\r\n    \
-            If you want to Add test set.\r\n           \
-            Please switch to \"Case\" tab, Select case(s) and perform \"Add case to set\"."));
-    return;
-    /*
-     * These function is not supported in this version.
-     * Unless this function has been impelemented:
-     * UIStore()->AddSet(setName);
-     * 
-     bool ok;
-     QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Create a new Set"), tr(
-     "Input a set name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QDir::home().dirName(),
-     &ok);
-     if (ok && !text.isEmpty())
-     {
-     controller->CreateSet(text);
-     }
-     */
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actDelSet_triggered()
-    {
-    //not supported.
-    QErrorMessage *errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this);
-    errorMessageDialog->showMessage(
-            tr(
-                    "The feature is not supported in this version.\r\n    \
-            If you want to remove test set.\r\n           \
-            Please delete them under {epoc root}\\winscw\\c\\TestFramework  \
-            And restart Application"));
-    return;
-    /*
-     * These function is not supported in this version.
-     * Unless this function has been impelemented:
-     * UIStore()->RemoveSet(setName);
-     * 
-     QString setName = cboSetList->currentText();
-     QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Delete a Set"), tr(
-     "Do you really want to delete the set?"), 0, this);
-     msgBox.addButton(tr("&Delete"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
-     msgBox.addButton(tr("&Cancel"), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
-     if (msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::AcceptRole)
-     {
-     controller->DeleteSet(setName);
-     }
-     */
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actPause_triggered()
-    {
-    if (btnPauseCase->text() == "Pause")
-        {
-        controller->PauseCase();
-        btnPauseCase->setText(tr("Resume"));
-        actPause->setText(tr("Resume"));
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        controller->ResumeCase();
-        btnPauseCase->setText(tr("Pause"));
-        actPause->setText(tr("Pause"));
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actAbort_triggered()
-    {
-    controller->AbortCase();
-    }
-void frmMain::on_treeModuleList_itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int /*column*/)
-    {
-    QString header = UNSELECTITEMHEADER;
-    if(item->text(0).startsWith(UNSELECTITEMHEADER))
-        {
-            header = SELECTITEMHEADER;
-        }
-    item->setText(0 , item->text(0).replace(0, 3, header));
-    for(int i=0;i<item->childCount();i++)
-        {
-            item->child(i)->setText(0, item->child(i)->text(0).replace(0, 3, header));
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actAbout_triggered()
-    {
-    QString str = QtUIVersion;
-    str.append("\r\n").append("STF version:");
-    str.append(QString::number(STIF_MAJOR_VERSION, 10)).append(".");
-    str.append(QString::number(STIF_MINOR_VERSION, 10)).append(".");
-    str.append(QString::number(STIF_BUILD_VERSION, 10));
-    str.append("  --").append(STIF_REL_DATE).append("\r\n");
-    str.append("---");
-    str.append("\r\nCopyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. ");
-    QMessageBox::information(this, tr("About"), str);
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actOpenFile_triggered()
-    {
-    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr(
-            "Select ini file"), tr("c:\\"), tr(
-            "Ini Files (*.ini);;All Files (*)"));
-    if (!fileName.isEmpty())
-        {
-        controller->OpenEngineIniFile(fileName);
-        this->loadModuleList();
-        }
-    }
-void frmMain::on_actClearStatistics_triggered()
-    {
-    model->ClearCasesStatus();
-    }