changeset 13 da2cedce4920
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/piprofiler/plugins/GeneralsPlugin/inc/MemSamplerImpl.h	Tue May 25 14:22:58 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include "GeneralsConfig.h"
+#include <kern_priv.h>
+#include <piprofiler/ProfilerGenericClassesKrn.h>
+#include <piprofiler/ProfilerTraces.h>
+#include "GppSamplerImpl.h"
+#include "MemoryEventHandler.h"
+#include <e32btrace.h>
+// constants
+// defines the maximum thread amount that is assumed to
+// be possible with MEM trace
+const TInt KSampleBufferSize = 257;
+const TInt KProfilerMaxThreadsAmount = 512;
+const TInt KProfilerMaxChunksAmount = 1024;
+const TInt KProfilerMaxLibrariesAmount = 1024;
+const TInt KProfilerTotalMemorySamplePeriod = 100;
+// flags
+ *	
+ *	MEM sampler definition
+ *	
+ */
+class DMemoryEventHandler;
+class DMemSamplerImpl //: public DBase
+	enum EProcessingState
+	{
+		EStartingToProcess,
+		EProcessingNames,
+		EProcessingData,
+		ENothingToProcess
+	};
+	enum ESampleType
+	{
+	    ESampleChunks,
+	    ESampleThreads,
+	    ESampleLibraries
+	};
+	DMemSamplerImpl();
+	~DMemSamplerImpl();
+	TInt	CreateFirstSample();
+	TInt	SampleImpl();
+	TBool	SampleNeeded();
+	void	Reset();
+	TInt	ProcessChunks();
+	TInt    ProcessThreads();
+    TInt    GatherChunks();
+    TInt    GatherThreads();
+    TInt    GatherLibraries();
+    TInt    ProcessLibraries();
+	TInt	EncodeChunkData(DChunk& chunk);
+	TInt	EncodeChunkName(DChunk& chunk);
+	TInt	EncodeChunkData(DThread& thread);
+	TInt	EncodeChunkName(DThread& thread);
+	TInt    EncodeChunkData(DLibrary& library);
+	TInt    EncodeChunkName(DLibrary& library);
+	TInt 	EncodeTotalMemoryName();
+	TInt 	EncodeTotalMemory();
+	TInt	EncodeNameCode();
+	TInt	EncodeDataCode();
+	DChunk*		heapChunksToSample[KProfilerMaxChunksAmount];
+	DChunk*		heapChunkNamesToReport[KProfilerMaxChunksAmount];
+	TInt		iCount;
+	TInt		iChunkCount;
+	TInt		iNewChunkCount;
+	TBuf8<0x50> name;
+	DThread*	threadsToSample[KProfilerMaxThreadsAmount];
+	DThread*	threadNamesToReport[KProfilerMaxThreadsAmount];
+	TInt		iThreadCount;
+	TInt		iNewThreadCount;
+	DLibrary*   librariesToSample[KProfilerMaxLibrariesAmount];
+	DLibrary*   libraryNamesToReport[KProfilerMaxLibrariesAmount];
+	TInt        iLibraryCount;
+	TInt        iNewLibraryCount;
+	TInt        iLibrariesProcessing;
+	TInt		iChunksProcessing;
+    TInt        iThreadsProcessing;
+	TInt		iMemSamplingPeriod;
+	TInt		iMemSamplingPeriodDiv2;
+	TInt        iMemSamplingPeriodDiv3;
+	ESampleType iSampleType;
+	TBool		iSampleThreads;
+	TBool       iTimeToSample;
+	TBool 		iTotalMemoryOk;
+	TBool		iTotalMemoryNameOk;
+	TUint8		sample[KSampleBufferSize];
+	TPtr8		sampleDescriptor;
+	// test
+//	DMemoryEventHandler*   iEventHandler;
+	TBool      iChunksGathered;
+	TBool      iThreadsGathered;
+	TBool      iLibrariesGathered;
+template <int BufferSize>
+class DProfilerMemSampler : public DProfilerGenericSampler<BufferSize>
+	DProfilerMemSampler(struct TProfilerGppSamplerData*, TInt id);
+	~DProfilerMemSampler();
+	void	Sample();
+	TInt	Reset(DProfilerSampleStream* aStream, TUint32 aSyncOffset);
+	TInt	PostSample();
+	TBool	PostSampleNeeded();
+    DMemoryEventHandler*               iEventHandler;
+	DMemSamplerImpl			           memSamplerImpl;
+	struct TProfilerGppSamplerData*    gppSamplerData;
+	TBool                              sampleNeeded;
+ *	
+ *	MEM sampler implementation
+ *	
+ */
+template <int BufferSize>
+DProfilerMemSampler<BufferSize>::DProfilerMemSampler(struct TProfilerGppSamplerData* gppSamplerDataIn, TInt id) :
+	DProfilerGenericSampler<BufferSize>(PROFILER_MEM_SAMPLER_ID)
+    {
+    LOGSTRING2("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::CProfilerMemSampler",BufferSize);
+	this->gppSamplerData = gppSamplerDataIn;
+	this->iSamplingPeriod = 3000;	// set default setting
+    }
+template <int BufferSize>
+TInt DProfilerMemSampler<BufferSize>::Reset(DProfilerSampleStream* aStream, TUint32 aSyncOffset)
+    {
+//    Kern::Printf("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::Reset - calling superclass reset",BufferSize);
+    // check if reset called in stop (by driver)
+    if(aSyncOffset != 999999)
+        {
+        DProfilerGenericSampler<BufferSize>::Reset(aStream);
+        memSamplerImpl.Reset();
+        // reset member variables
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iThreadsGathered = false;
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iChunksGathered = false;
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iLibrariesGathered = false;
+        // memory event handler
+        if(iEventHandler)
+            {
+            // stop previous sampling if still running
+//            Kern::Printf("Stopping DMemoryEventHandler");
+            iEventHandler->Stop();
+            iEventHandler->Close();
+            iEventHandler = NULL;
+            }
+//        Kern::Printf("Initiating DMemoryEventHandler");
+        iEventHandler = new DMemoryEventHandler(this->iSampleBuffer);
+        if(iEventHandler)
+            {
+//            Kern::Printf("Creating DMemoryEventHandler");
+            TInt err(iEventHandler->Create());
+            if(err != KErrNone)
+                {
+                Kern::Printf("Error in creation of DMemoryEventHandler, error %d", err);
+                return err;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            Kern::Printf("Could not initiate DMemoryEventHandler");
+            return KErrGeneral;
+            }
+        // set first chunk&thread memory lookup at the 5 ms, should be enough
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriod = 45;
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriod = 10;
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriod = this->iSamplingPeriod;
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriodDiv2 = (TInt)(this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriod / 2);
+        this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriodDiv3 = (TInt)(this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriod / 3);
+        LOGSTRING3("CProfilerMemSampler<%d>::Reset - set mem sampling period to %d",
+                                BufferSize,this->memSamplerImpl.iMemSamplingPeriod);
+        }
+	else
+        {
+        LOGSTRING2("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::Reset - reset in stop", BufferSize);
+        // destroy memory event handler
+        if(iEventHandler)
+            {
+            // stop previous sampling if still running
+//            Kern::Printf("Stopping DMemoryEventHandler");
+            iEventHandler->Stop();
+            iEventHandler->Close();
+            iEventHandler = NULL;
+            }
+        return KErrNone;    // return if reset called in stop
+        }
+	// add MEM sample header
+	TInt length(memSamplerImpl.CreateFirstSample());
+	this->iSampleBuffer->AddSample(memSamplerImpl.sample,length);
+	this->sampleNeeded = false;
+	LOGSTRING("DProfilerMemSampler::Reset - exit");
+	return KErrNone;
+    }
+template <int BufferSize> 
+TInt DProfilerMemSampler<BufferSize>::PostSample()
+    {
+    this->sampleNeeded = false;
+    LOGSTRING3("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::PostSample - state %d",BufferSize,this->iSampleBuffer->GetBufferStatus());
+    // check if all threads and chunks (and libraries) are gathered
+    if(!memSamplerImpl.iThreadsGathered || !memSamplerImpl.iChunksGathered || !memSamplerImpl.iLibrariesGathered)
+    if(!memSamplerImpl.iThreadsGathered || !memSamplerImpl.iChunksGathered)
+        {
+        // disable interrupts for checking the kernel containers (EChunk, EThread)
+//        TInt interruptLevel(NKern::DisableInterrupts(0));
+        // first collect chunk data
+        TInt length(this->memSamplerImpl.SampleImpl());
+        if(length != 0)
+            {
+            // then, encode the sample to the buffer until no further data available
+            while(length > 0)
+                {
+                this->iSampleBuffer->AddSample(memSamplerImpl.sample,length);
+                length = this->memSamplerImpl.SampleImpl();
+                // indicate that the whole MEM sample ends by having a 0x00 in the end
+                if(length == 0)
+                    {
+                    TUint8 number(0);
+                    LOGSTRING("MEM sampler PostSample - all samples generated!");
+                    this->iSampleBuffer->AddSample(&number,1);
+                    LOGSTRING2("MEM sampler PostSample - end mark added, time: %d", gppSamplerData->sampleNumber);
+                    }
+                } 
+            }
+        // restore interrupts and continue normal execution
+//        NKern::RestoreInterrupts(interruptLevel);
+    }
+    // check if all threads and chunks are gathered
+    if(memSamplerImpl.iThreadsGathered && memSamplerImpl.iChunksGathered && memSamplerImpl.iLibrariesGathered)
+    if(memSamplerImpl.iThreadsGathered && memSamplerImpl.iChunksGathered)
+        {
+        // start memory event tracking after checking the current memory status
+        if(!iEventHandler->Tracking())
+            {
+            iEventHandler->Start();
+//            Kern::Printf("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::PostSample - memory event handler started",BufferSize);
+            }
+        }
+    LOGSTRING2("MEM sampler PostSample - finished sampling, time: %d", gppSamplerData->sampleNumber);
+    // finally perform superclass postsample
+	TInt i(this->DProfilerGenericSampler<BufferSize>::PostSample());
+	return i;
+    }
+template <int BufferSize> 
+TBool DProfilerMemSampler<BufferSize>::PostSampleNeeded()
+    {
+	LOGSTRING3("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::PostSampleNeeded - state %d",BufferSize,this->iSampleBuffer->GetBufferStatus());
+	TUint32 status(this->iSampleBuffer->iBufferStatus);
+	if(status == DProfilerSampleBuffer::BufferCopyAsap || status == DProfilerSampleBuffer::BufferFull || this->sampleNeeded == true)
+	    {
+		return true;
+	    }
+	return false;
+    }
+template <int BufferSize>
+void DProfilerMemSampler<BufferSize>::Sample()
+    {
+    LOGSTRING2("DProfilerMemSampler<%d>::Sample",BufferSize);	
+    // check if sample is needed, i.e. the sampling interval is met
+	if(memSamplerImpl.SampleNeeded()) 
+	    {
+        // set the flag for post sampling
+		this->sampleNeeded = true;
+		// start the MEM sample with the sample time
+		TUint8 number(4);    // mem sampler id
+		this->iSampleBuffer->AddSample(&number,1);
+		this->iSampleBuffer->AddSample((TUint8*)&(gppSamplerData->sampleNumber),4);
+		// leave the rest of the processing for PostSample()
+	    }	
+	// call this to increase the time stamp
+	else if(iEventHandler->SampleNeeded())
+	    {
+        // set the flag for post sampling
+        this->sampleNeeded = true;
+	    }
+//	// check if time stamp is divibable with 
+//	if((memSamplerImpl.iCount % KProfilerTotalMemorySamplePeriod) == 0 && 
+//	        memSamplerImpl.iCount > 0)
+//	    {
+//        // sample total memory once per 100 ms 
+//        memSamplerImpl.EncodeTotalMemory();
+//        // add end mark
+//        TUint8 number(0);
+//        this->iSampleBuffer->AddSample(&number,1);
+//	    }
+	LOGSTRING2("CProfilerMemSampler<%d>::Sample",BufferSize);
+	return;
+    }
+template <int BufferSize>
+    {
+	LOGSTRING2("CProfilerMemSampler<%d>::~CProfilerMemSampler",BufferSize);		
+    // memory event handler
+     if(iEventHandler)
+         {
+         // stop previous sampling if still running
+//         Kern::Printf("Stopping DMemoryEventHandler");
+         iEventHandler->Stop();
+         iEventHandler->Close();
+         iEventHandler = NULL;
+         }
+    }