author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:12:29 +0200
changeset 1 28c1bd28d474
parent 0 a03f92240627
child 6 ecff51f1e7fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201005

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: STIFUnit module declaration

#ifndef StifUnitGeneric_H
#define StifUnitGeneric_H

#include <e32svr.h>
//#include "StifTestModule.h"
#include <StifTestInterface.h>
#include <StifLogger.h>
#include <StifUnitMacros.h>



// A typedef for function that does the actual testing,
// function is a type 
// TInt STIF_UNIT_MODULE_CLASS_NAME::<NameOfFunction> ( TTestResult& aResult )
typedef TInt (STIF_UNIT_MODULE_CLASS_NAME::* TestFunction)(TTestResult&);

*  An internal structure containing a test case name and
*  the pointer to function doing the test
*  @lib ?library
*  @since ?Series60_version
class TCaseInfoInternal
        const TText*    iCaseName;
        TestFunction    iMethod;
        TBool           iIsOOMTest;
        TInt            iFirstMemoryAllocation;
        TInt            iLastMemoryAllocation;

*  A structure containing a test case name and
*  the pointer to function doing the test
*  @lib ?library
*  @since ?Series60_version
class TCaseInfo
        TPtrC iCaseName;
        TestFunction iMethod;
        TBool           iIsOOMTest;
        TInt            iFirstMemoryAllocation;
        TInt            iLastMemoryAllocation;

    TCaseInfo( const TText* a ) : iCaseName( (TText*) a )


*  STIFUnit class (name of the class is changed by real module name).
    public:  //Enums
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static STIF_UNIT_MODULE_CLASS_NAME* NewL()

            CleanupStack::PushL( self );

            return self;

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~STIF_UNIT_MODULE_CLASS_NAME()
            delete iLog;

    public: // New functions

        * ?member_description.
        * @since ?Series60_version
        * @param ?arg1 ?description
        * @return ?description
        //?type ?member_function( ?type ?arg1 );

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CTestModuleBase InitL is used to initialize the 
        *       STIFUnit module. It is called once for every instance of 
        *       TestModuleUnit after its creation.
        * @param aIniFile Initialization file for the test module (optional)
        * @param aFirstTime Flag is true when InitL is executed for first 
        *               created instance of STIFUnit module.
        * @return Symbian OS error code
        TInt InitL( TFileName& /*aIniFile*/, TBool /*aFirstTime*/ )
            return KErrNone;

        * From CTestModuleBase GetTestCasesL is used to inquiry test cases 
        *   from STIFUnit module. 
        * @since ?Series60_version
        * @param aTestCaseFile Test case file (optional)
        * @param aTestCases  Array of TestCases returned to test framework
        * @return Symbian OS error code
        TInt GetTestCasesL( const TFileName& /*aTestCaseFile*/, 
                            RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases )
            TTestResult dummyResult;
            return MainTestL(EEnumerateTestCases, -1, aTestCases, dummyResult); 

        * From CTestModuleBase RunTestCaseL is used to run an individual 
        *   test case. 
        * @since ?Series60_version
        * @param aCaseNumber Test case number
        * @param aTestCaseFile Test case file (optional)
        * @param aResult Test case result returned to test framework (PASS/FAIL)
        * @return Symbian OS error code (test case execution error, which is 
        *           not reported in aResult parameter as test case failure).
        TInt RunTestCaseL( const TInt aCaseNumber, 
                           const TFileName& /*aTestCaseFile*/,
                           TTestResult& aResult )
            iVersionLogged = ETrue;
        RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo> aTestCases; //temporary
        // iNumberOfTestCases should contain valid number of test cases present in test module. This info
        // is gathered in the enumeration procedure.
        // However if test case crashes, test module is loaded again and enumeration is not performed.
        // In such case counting procedure must be done.
        if(iNumberOfTestCases == 0)
            TRAPD(errCount, MainTestL(ECountTestCases, aCaseNumber, aTestCases, aResult));
            if(errCount != KErrNone)
        		    iLog->Log(_L("Error during counting test cases [%d]"), errCount);
        		    return errCount;
         * SetupL is responsible for inicialization of all fields (etc.) common for all testcases
         * MainTestL starts required testcase
         * TeardownL destroys all data that was created by SetupL
        TInt errSetup = KErrNone;
        TInt errTestcase = KErrNone;
        if(aCaseNumber > iNumberOfTestCases)
            return KErrNotFound;
        TRAP(errSetup, MainTestL(ERunTestCase, STIF_RUN_SETUP, aTestCases, aResult); TRAP(errTestcase, MainTestL(ERunTestCase, aCaseNumber, aTestCases, aResult))\
        		MainTestL(ERunTestCase, STIF_RUN_TEARDOWN, aTestCases, aResult));
        if(errTestcase != KErrNone)
            aResult.SetResult(errTestcase, _L("Testcase failed"));
        if(errSetup != KErrNone)
            aResult.SetResult(errSetup, _L("Setup or teardown failed"));
        return KErrNone;

        * From CTestModuleBase; OOMTestQueryL is used to specify is particular
        * test case going to be executed using OOM conditions
        * @param aTestCaseFile Test case file (optional)
        * @param aCaseNumber Test case number (optional)
        * @param aFailureType OOM failure type (optional)
        * @param aFirstMemFailure The first heap memory allocation failure value (optional)
        * @param aLastMemFailure The last heap memory allocation failure value (optional)
        * @return TBool
        virtual TBool OOMTestQueryL( const TFileName& aTestCaseFile, 
                                     const TInt aCaseNumber, 
                                     TOOMFailureType& aFailureType, 
                                     TInt& aFirstMemFailure, 
                                     TInt& aLastMemFailure);
        virtual TBool OOMTestQueryL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */, 
                                     const TInt /* aCaseNumber */, 
                                     TOOMFailureType& /* aFailureType */, 
                                     TInt& /* aFirstMemFailure */, 
                                     TInt& /* aLastMemFailure */ )
            return EFalse;

        * From CTestModuleBase; OOMTestInitializeL may be used to initialize OOM
        * test environment
        * @param aTestCaseFile Test case file (optional)
        * @param aCaseNumber Test case number (optional)
        * @return None
        virtual void OOMTestInitializeL( const TFileName& aTestCaseFile, 
                                         const TInt aCaseNumber);
        virtual void OOMTestInitializeL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */, 
                                         const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )

        * From CTestModuleBase; OOMHandleWarningL
        * @param aTestCaseFile Test case file (optional)
        * @param aCaseNumber Test case number (optional)
        * @param aFailNextValue FailNextValue for OOM test execution (optional)
        * @return None
        * User may add implementation for OOM test warning handling. Usually no
        * implementation is required.           
        virtual void OOMHandleWarningL( const TFileName& aTestCaseFile,
                                        const TInt aCaseNumber, 
                                        TInt& aFailNextValue);
        virtual void OOMHandleWarningL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
                                        const TInt /* aCaseNumber */, 
                                        TInt& /* aFailNextValue */)

        * From CTestModuleBase; OOMTestFinalizeL may be used to finalize OOM
        * test environment
        * @param aTestCaseFile Test case file (optional)
        * @param aCaseNumber Test case number (optional)
        * @return None
        virtual void OOMTestFinalizeL( const TFileName& aTestCaseFile, 
                                       const TInt aCaseNumber);
        virtual void OOMTestFinalizeL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */, 
                                       const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )

         * Method used to log version of test module
        void SendTestModuleVersion()
            TVersion moduleVersion;
            moduleVersion.iMajor = TEST_MODULE_VERSION_MAJOR;
            moduleVersion.iMinor = TEST_MODULE_VERSION_MINOR;
            moduleVersion.iBuild = TEST_MODULE_VERSION_BUILD;
            TFileName moduleName;
            moduleName = STIF_UNIT_MODULE_NAME;
            TBool newVersionOfMethod = ETrue;
            TestModuleIf().SendTestModuleVersion(moduleVersion, moduleName, newVersionOfMethod);

    protected:  // New functions

        * ?member_description.
        * @since ?Series60_version
        * @param ?arg1 ?description
        * @return ?description
        //?type ?member_function( ?type ?arg1 );

    protected:  // Functions from base classes

        * From ?base_class ?member_description
        //?type ?member_function();


        * C++ default constructor.

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL()
            iLog = CStifLogger::NewL( KUnitLogPath, KUnitLogFile);

            // Sample how to use logging
            iLog->Log( KLogStart );

            iVersionLogged = EFalse;
            iNumberOfTestCases = 0;

        * Method containing all test cases, setup and teardown sections.
        TInt MainTestL(TCallReason aRunReason, TInt aTestToRun, RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases, TTestResult& aResult)
            aResult.iResult = aResult.iResult; //for avoiding compiler warning when unit test does not use any assert macro  
            if(aRunReason == ERunTestCase)
                if(aTestToRun < 0)
                    iLog->Log(_L("Running setup or teardown"));
                    iLog->Log(_L("Running test case #%d"), aTestToRun);
            else if(aRunReason == EEnumerateTestCases)
                iLog->Log(_L("Enumerating test cases."));
            else if(aRunReason == ECountTestCases)
                iLog->Log(_L("Counting test cases."));
                iLog->Log(_L("Unknown run reason [%d]."), aRunReason);
                return KErrNotSupported;
            TInt _test_case_no = -1;
            //test cases, setup and teardown include
            #define TEST_CASES
            #include STIF_UNIT_TEST_CASES
            #undef TEST_CASES
            if(aRunReason == EEnumerateTestCases)
                iNumberOfTestCases = _test_case_no;
                iLog->Log(_L("Enumeration completed."));
            else if(aRunReason == ECountTestCases)
                iNumberOfTestCases = _test_case_no;
                iLog->Log(_L("Counting completed."));
            // Test case was executed
            return KErrNone;

    public:     // Data
        // ?one_line_short_description_of_data

    protected:  // Data
        // ?one_line_short_description_of_data

    private:    // Data
        // Pointer to test (function) to be executed
        TestFunction iMethod;

        // Pointer to logger
        CStifLogger * iLog; 

        // Flag saying if version of test module was already sent
        TBool iVersionLogged;
        // Total number of test cases
        TInt iNumberOfTestCases;

        // ?one_line_short_description_of_data

        // Reserved pointer for future extension
        //TAny* iReserved;
         * all testmodule-global variables declarations are inserted here
        #include STIF_UNIT_TEST_CASES

    public:     // Friend classes
    protected:  // Friend classes
    private:    // Friend classes


EXPORT_C CTestModuleBase* LibEntryL()

EXPORT_C TInt SetRequirements( CTestModuleParam*& /*aTestModuleParam*/, 
                               TUint32& /*aParameterValid*/ )
    return KErrNone;

#endif      // StifUnitGeneric_H

// End of File