changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    21 /**
    22  @file
    23  @publishedPartner
    24  @released
    25 */
    27 #ifndef FEATURECMN_H
    28 #define FEATURECMN_H
    30 #include <e32cmn.h>
    31 #include <babitflags.h>
    33 const TInt KFeatureUnsupported( 0 );
    34 const TInt KFeatureSupported( 1 );
    36 /** An enumeration for accessing feature status flags.
    37  @see TBitFlagsT
    38 */
    39 enum TFeatureFlags
    40     {
    41     /** If set, feature is supported and available for use;
    42      if not, feature is not supported.
    43     */
    44     EFeatureSupported      = 0,
    45     /** If set, feature is upgradeable. The feature is known to the device
    46      but it must be upgraded to enable it. If a feature s blacklisted,
    47      its upgradeable flag is unset.
    48     */
    49     EFeatureUpgradeable    = 1,
    50     /** If set, the feature is modifiable and may be enabled/disabled
    51      at run-time. The initial flag values for such a feature flag are
    52      defined in a ROM image obey file.
    53     */
    54     EFeatureModifiable     = 2,
    55     /** If set, the feature has been blacklisted, and may not be changed at
    56      run-time. This also prevents a feature from being upgraded.
    57     */
    58     EFeatureBlackListed    = 3,
    59     /** If set, this flag Supported state is unknown at build-time and is
    60      initialised at run-time by system software. The Feature Manager will
    61      ignore the Supported flag in the file. A run-time call to RFeatureControl
    62      will be needed to set the feature's supported flag. Look ups of
    63      uninitialised features result in a KErrNotReady error code.
    64     */
    65     EFeatureUninitialized  = 4,
    66     /** If set, this flag is saved to the system drive when modified
    67      preserving its value across reboots/power downs.
    68     */
    69     EFeaturePersisted      = 5,
    71     // Bits 6..23 Reserved for Symbian to define for future use, always zero.
    73     // High byte bits are undefined, reserved for internal use
    74     EFeatureReserved24     = 24,
    75     EFeatureReserved25     = 25,
    76     EFeatureReserved26     = 26,
    77     EFeatureReserved27     = 27,
    78     EFeatureReserved28     = 28,
    79     EFeatureReserved29     = 29,
    80     EFeatureReserved30     = 30,
    81     EFeatureReserved31     = 31
    83     };
    85 /** An enumeration for checking feature change type.
    86 */
    87 enum TFeatureChangeType
    88     {
    89     /** Feature status not changed.
    90     */
    91     EFeatureNoChange            = 0,
    92     /** Feature status changed to enabled or disabled.
    93     */
    94     EFeatureStatusUpdated       = 1,
    95     /** Feature data changed.
    96     */
    97     EFeatureDataUpdated         = 2,
    98     /** Feature status and data changed.
    99     */
   100     EFeatureStatusDataUpdated   = 3,
   101     /** Not used, future: complex change occurred, reload all features.
   102     */
   103     EFeatureRediscover          = 4,
   104     /** Not used, future: new feature has been added to system.
   105     */
   106     EFeatureFeatureCreated      = 5,
   107     /** Feature has been deleted.
   108     */
   109     EFeatureFeatureDeleted      = 6
   110     };
   112 /**
   113  Feature entry class.
   114  Used by Feature Manager and its clients.
   116 */
   118 class TFeatureEntry
   119     {
   120     public:
   122         /**
   123          Default constructor.
   124          Needed by clients using the method
   125          FeatureSupported( TFeatureEntry& aFeature ) of Feature Control API.
   127          @param aFeature Feature UID.
   128         */
   129         IMPORT_C TFeatureEntry( TUid aFeature );
   131         /**
   132          Default constructor.
   133          Needed by clients using the method
   134          AddFeature( TFeatureEntry& aFeature ) of Feature Control API.
   136          @param aFeature Feature UID.
   137          @param aFlags Feature status flags.
   138          @param aData Feature data.
   139         */
   140         IMPORT_C TFeatureEntry( TUid aFeature, TBitFlags32 aFlags, TUint32 aData );
   142         /**
   143          Returns feature UID.
   144         */
   145         IMPORT_C TUid FeatureUid() const;
   147         /**
   148          Returns feature status flags.
   149         */
   150         IMPORT_C TBitFlags32 FeatureFlags() const;
   152         /**
   153          Returns feature data.
   154         */
   155         IMPORT_C TUint32 FeatureData() const;
   157     public:
   158         /**
   159          Default constructor.
   160          Used by Feature Manager.
   161         */
   162         IMPORT_C TFeatureEntry();
   164     private:
   166         /** UID of the feature. */
   167         TUid iFeatureID;
   168         /**
   169          Value of the feature status flags.
   170          @see TFeatureFlags
   171         */
   172         TBitFlags32 iFlags;
   173         /** Data associated with feature. */
   174         TUint32 iData;
   175         /**
   176 	     Reserved for future use.
   177 	     Initialised to 0 on construction.
   178 	    */
   179         TUint32 iReserved;
   180     };
   183 /**
   184  Defines the feature UID array.
   185 */
   186 typedef RArray<TUid> RFeatureUidArray;
   188 /**
   189  Defines  the feature entry array.
   190 */
   191 typedef RArray<TFeatureEntry> RFeatureArray;
   193 #endif  // FEATURECMN_H
   195 // End of File