changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
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-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 #!perl -w
     2 # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 #
    17 use strict;
    19 #
    20 # A simple class to manage feature flags for a feature set data file.
    21 #
    22 package FeatureFlag;
    24 # Create a feature flag object.
    25 sub new
    26 {
    27 	my $arg = shift;
    28 	my $class = ref($arg) || $arg;
    29 	my($uid, $sf, $ud) = @_;
    30 	die "You must specify a UID when creating a FeatureFlag object"
    31 	    unless(defined($uid));
    32 	$sf = 0 unless(defined($sf));
    33 	$ud = 0 unless(defined($ud));
    35 	my $self = {
    36 			     uid => $uid,
    37 			     statusflags => $sf,
    38 			     userdata => $ud,
    39 				 endian => "LE",
    40 			   };
    41 	bless $self, $class;
    42 	return $self;
    43 }
    45 sub Endian
    46 {
    47 	my $self = shift;
    48 	return undef unless(ref($self));
    49 	my $arg = shift;
    50 	return $self->{endian} unless(defined($arg) and $arg =~ m/(^BE$|^LE$)/i);
    51 	$self->{endian} = lc($1);
    52 	return $self->{endian};
    53 }
    55 # Return a twelve byte string 'feature flag' information.
    56 sub BinaryContent
    57 {
    58 	my $self = shift;
    59 	return undef unless(ref($self));
    60 	my @arr = ( $self->UID(), $self->StatusFlags(), $self->UserData() );
    62 	# Decide whether we want big or little endian output.
    63 	# According to the documentation, 'V', 'N' are GUARANTEED to be 32-bit.
    64 	my $packstring = "V3"; # Little endian.
    65 	   $packstring = "N3" if($self->Endian() eq "BE");
    67 	my $string = pack $packstring, @arr;
    68 	return $string;
    69 }
    71 # A single 32-bit number.
    72 sub UID
    73 {
    74 	my $self = shift;
    75 	return undef unless(ref($self));
    76 	my $uid = shift;
    77 	return $self->{uid} unless(defined($uid));
    78 	$uid = int($uid);
    79 	$self->{uid} = $uid;
    80 	return $uid;
    81 }
    83 # A single 32-bit number.
    84 sub StatusFlags
    85 {
    86 	my $self = shift;
    87 	return undef unless(ref($self));
    88 	my $sf = shift;
    89 	return $self->{statusflags} unless(defined($sf));
    90 	$sf = int($sf);
    91 	$self->{statusflags} = $sf;
    92 	return $sf;
    93 }
    95 # A single 32-bit number.
    96 sub UserData
    97 {
    98 	my $self = shift;
    99 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   100 	my $ud = shift;
   101 	return $self->{userdata} unless(defined($ud));
   102 	$ud = int($ud);
   103 	$self->{userdata} = $ud;
   104 	return $ud;
   105 }
   107 # Display the content of the feature flag in english.
   108 sub Show
   109 {
   110 	my $self = shift;
   111 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   112 	my $fd = shift;
   113 	$fd = *STDOUT unless(defined($fd));
   114 	printf $fd "UID 0x%08x\n", $self->UID();
   115 	printf $fd "Status Flags 0x%08x\n", $self->StatusFlags();
   117 	# Supported?
   118 	print "\t";
   119 	print "Not " unless($self->Supported);
   120 	print "Supported\n";
   122 	# Upgradable?
   123 	print "\t";
   124 	print "Not " unless($self->Upgradable);
   125 	print "Upgradable\n";
   127 	# Modifiable?
   128 	print "\t";
   129 	print "Not " unless($self->Modifiable);
   130 	print "Modifiable\n";
   132 	# BlackListed?
   133 	print "\t";
   134 	print "Not " unless($self->BlackListed);
   135 	print "BlackListed\n";
   137 	# Uninitialised?
   138 	print "\t";
   139 	print "Not " unless($self->Uninitialised); # Double negative.
   140 	print "Uninitialised\n";
   142 	# Persisted?
   143 	print "\t";
   144 	print "Not " unless($self->Persisted);
   145 	print "Persisted\n";
   147 	printf $fd "User Data 0x%08x\n\n", $self->UserData();
   148 	return 1;
   149 }
   151 1;
   152 # ###########################################################################
   154 # The following methods operate on the 'StatusFlags' member, just setting
   155 # or clearing bits as required.
   156 #
   157 # Bits 6 through 31 are currently reserved, 23/7/07.
   158 #
   160 sub Supported
   161 {
   162 	my $self = shift;
   163 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   164 	my $arg = shift;
   165    	my $sp = $self->StatusFlags;
   166 	if(defined($arg))
   167 	{
   168 	    $arg = 0 if( $arg =~ m/EXCLUDE/i );
   169     	$arg = 1 if( $arg =~ m/FEATURE/i );
   170     	if($arg) { $sp |= 1; } else { $sp &= ~1; };
   171     	$self->StatusFlags($sp);
   172 		return $arg;
   173 	}
   174 	else
   175 	{
   176 		return ($sp & 1);
   177 	}
   178 }
   180 sub Upgradable
   181 {
   182 	my $self = shift;
   183 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   184 	my $arg = shift;
   185     my $sp = $self->StatusFlags;
   186 	if(defined($arg))
   187 	{
   188     	if($arg) { $sp |= 2; } else { $sp &= ~2; };
   189     	$self->StatusFlags($sp);
   190 		return $arg;
   191 	}
   192 	else
   193 	{
   194 		return ($sp & 2);
   195 	}
   196 }
   198 sub Modifiable
   199 {
   200 	my $self = shift;
   201 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   202 	my $arg = shift;
   203     my $sp = $self->StatusFlags;
   204 	if(defined($arg))
   205 	{
   206     	if($arg) { $sp |= 4; } else { $sp &= ~4; };
   207     	$self->StatusFlags($sp);
   208 		return $arg;
   209 	}
   210 	else
   211 	{
   212 		return ($sp & 4);
   213 	}
   214 }
   216 sub BlackListed
   217 {
   218 	my $self = shift;
   219 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   220 	my $arg = shift;
   221    	my $sp = $self->StatusFlags;
   222 	if(defined($arg))
   223 	{
   224     	if($arg) { $sp |= 8; } else { $sp &= ~8; };
   225     	$self->StatusFlags($sp);
   226 		return($arg);
   227 	}
   228 	else
   229 	{
   230 		return ($sp & 8);
   231 	}
   232 }
   234 sub Uninitialised
   235 {
   236 	my $self = shift;
   237 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   238 	my $arg = shift;
   239    	my $sp = $self->StatusFlags;
   240 	if(defined($arg))
   241 	{
   242     	if($arg) { $sp |= 16; } else { $sp &= ~16; };
   243     	$self->StatusFlags($sp);
   244 		return($arg);
   245 	}
   246 	else
   247 	{
   248 		return ($sp & 16);
   249 	}
   250 }
   252 sub Uninitialized
   253 {
   254 	return Uninitialised(@_);
   255 }
   257 sub Persisted
   258 {
   259 	my $self = shift;
   260 	return undef unless(ref($self));
   261 	my $arg = shift;
   262     my $sp = $self->StatusFlags;
   263 	if(defined($arg))
   264 	{
   265     	if($arg) { $sp |= 32; } else { $sp &= ~32; };
   266     	$self->StatusFlags($sp);
   267 		return($arg);
   268 	}
   269 	else
   270 	{
   271 		return ($sp & 32);
   272 	}
   273 }
   276 # ###########################################################################
   278 1;