changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __LOGSERVPANIC_H__
    17 #define __LOGSERVPANIC_H__
    19 // System includes
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    22 /**
    23 Enumerations
    24 @internalComponent
    25 */
    26 enum TLogServPanic
    27 	{
    28 	ELogAlreadyActive1,			// 0
    29 	ELogAlreadyActive2,
    30 	ELogAlreadyActive3,
    31 	ELogAlreadyActive4,
    32 	ELogAlreadyActive5,
    33 	ELogAlreadyActive6,
    34 	ELogAlreadyActive7,
    35 	ELogAlreadyActive8,
    36 	ELogAlreadyActive9,
    37 	ELogAlreadyActive10,
    38 	ELogAlreadyActive11,		// 10
    39 	ELogAlreadyActive12,
    40 	ELogAlreadyActive13,
    41 	ELogAlreadyActive14,
    42 	ELogAlreadyActive15,
    43 	ELogAlreadyActive16,
    44 	ELogAlreadyActive17,
    45 	ELogAlreadyActive18,
    46 	ELogAlreadyActive19,
    47 	ELogAlreadyActive20,
    48 	ELogNoSuchColumn,			// 20
    49 	ELogQueryEvaluated,
    50 	ELogNoSuchState1,
    51 	ELogNoSuchState2,
    52 	ELogNoSuchState3,
    53 	ELogNoSuchState4,
    54 	ELogNoSuchState5,
    55 	ELogNoSuchState6,
    56 	ELogNoSuchState7,
    57 	ELogTooManyRows1,
    58 	ELogTooManyRows2,			// 30
    59 	ELogTooManyRows3,
    60 	ELogTooManyRows4,
    61 	ELogTooManyRows5,
    62 	ELogTooManyRows6,
    63 	ELogNoFirstRow1,
    64 	ELogNoFirstRow2,
    65 	ELogStringTooBig1,
    66 	ELogStringTooBig2,
    67 	ELogBadState1,
    68 	ELogBadState2,				// 40
    69 	ELogBadState3,
    70 	ELogBadState4,
    71 	ELogBadState5,
    72 	ELogBadState6,
    73 	ELogBadState7,
    74 	ELogDesEmpty1,
    75 	ELogDesEmpty2,
    76 	ELogDesEmpty3,
    77 	ELogDesEmpty4,
    78 	ELogNotValid,				// 50
    79 	ELogDatabaseDamaged1,
    80 	ELogDatabaseDamaged2,
    81 	ELogDatabaseDamaged3,
    82 	ELogDatabaseDamaged4,
    83 	ELogRecoverError,
    84 	ELogUnknownField,
    85 	ELogNullRecentList,
    86 	ELogNullFilterInList1,
    87 	ELogNullFilterInList2,
    88 	ELogNullFilterInList3,		// 60
    89 	ELogNullFilterInList4,
    90 	ELogDatabaseAlreadyOpen,
    91 	ELogBadDescriptor,
    92 	ELogIllegalFunction,
    93 	ELogStartBackupFailure,
    94 	ELogInvalidRecentView,
    95 	ELogInvalidQuery,
    96 	ELogNotifyListsNotEmpty,
    97 	ELogBeginInTransaction,
    98 	ELogCommitNotInTransaction,	// 70
    99 	ELogRollbackNotInTransaction,
   100 	ELogNothingHasChanged,
   101 	ELogEventAlreadyInView,
   102 	ELogServFactoryUnrecognizedOperationType,
   103 	ELogServFactoryUnrecognizedOperationType2,
   104 	ELogServFactoryUnrecognizedViewType,
   105 	ELogNoOutstandingAsyncRequest,
   106 	ELogBackupObserversStillRegistered,
   107 	ELogNoResourceForId,
   108 	ELogNoChangeInterfacePointer, // 80
   109 	ELogUnrecognizedChangeType,
   110 	ELogUnrecognizedChangeType2,
   111 	ELogInappropriateChangeType,
   112 	ELogViewChangeRequestAlreadyIssued,
   113 	ELogViewNoClientChangeMessageOutstanding,
   114 	ELogViewBadClientSideChangeBufferSize,
   115 	ELogInvalidRecentView2,
   116 	ELogCacheAccessDuringBackupStrings,
   117 	ELogCacheAccessDuringBackupTypes,
   118 	ELogCacheAccessDuringBackupConfig, // 90
   119 	ELogTypeEntryCacheDescriptionMemoryError,
   120 	ELogCacheConfigAlreadyInTransaction,
   121 	ELogCacheConfigNotInTransaction,
   122 	ELogChangeConfigLogicError,
   123 	ELogBackupManagerMultipleObservationRequestsFromObject,
   124 	ELogViewNotSetupForChangesFetch,
   125 	ELogViewRecentViewNotYetReadyForFlagSetting,
   126 	ELogViewBadWindow,
   127 	ELogViewNoLockStatusChangeMessage,
   128 	ELogViewLockStatusChangeRequestAlreadyIssued, // 100
   129 	ELogViewWindowFetcherBadState,
   130 	ELogViewWindowFetcherBadState2,
   131 	ELogBadFilterConstructionType,
   132 	ELogViewNoPendingChangesToDeliver,
   133 	ELogExtendedMessageAlreadyActive,
   134 	ELogViewWindowFetcherBadState3,
   135 	ELogSecurityCapabilitiesUndefined,
   136 	ELogTooManyCapabilities,
   137 	ELogUnknownCapability,
   138 	ELogNoEventTypeAtId,							// 110
   139 	ELogMismatchedId,
   140 	ELogQueryNullColSet,
   141 	ELogStringsCacheReserved,
   142 	ELogStringsCacheNullArg1,
   143 	ELogStringsCacheNullArg2,
   144 	ELogTypesCacheReserved,
   145 	ELogTypesCacheNotInTransaction,
   146 	ELogInvalidStringColNo,
   147 	ELogInvalidTypeColNo,
   148 	ELogTypeCacheNullArg,							//120
   149     ELogInvalidConfigColNo,
   150     ELogInvalidConstructionType,
   151     ELogArrayReserved
   152 	};
   154 const TInt KLogPanicLeave = -1001;
   156 /**
   157 Utility functions
   158 @internalComponent
   159 */
   160 void Panic(TLogServPanic aPanic);
   161 void PanicClientL(const RMessage2& aMessage, TLogServPanic aPanic);
   162 void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage, TLogServPanic aPanic);
   164 #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED
   166 #include <f32file.h>
   167 #include <flogger.h>
   169 /**
   170 @internalComponent
   171 */
   172 _LIT(KLogFileName, "LogEng.txt");
   173 _LIT(KLogFolder,   "LogEng");
   174 _LIT(KTimeFormat, "%02d.%02d:%02d:%06d    ");
   175 _LIT(KTextFormat, "%S");
   177 class Log : public RFileLogger
   178 /**
   179 @internalComponent
   180 */
   181 	{
   182 public:
   183 	static void New();
   184 	static void Write(const TDesC& aText);
   185 	static void WriteFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
   187 private:
   188 	static void PruneLogFile();
   189     };
   191 /**
   192 @internalComponent
   193 */
   194 #define LOGNEW							Log::New()
   195 #define LOGTEXT(AAA)					{ _LIT(KString, AAA); Log::Write(KString); }
   196 #define LOGTEXT2(AAA, BBB)				{ _LIT(KString, AAA); Log::WriteFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KString()), BBB); }
   197 #define LOGTEXT3(AAA, BBB, CCC)			{ _LIT(KString, AAA); Log::WriteFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KString()), BBB, CCC); }
   198 #define LOGTEXT4(AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD)	{ _LIT(KString, AAA); Log::WriteFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KString()), BBB, CCC, DDD); }
   200 #else
   202 #define LOGNEW
   203 #define LOGTEXT(AAA)
   204 #define LOGTEXT2(AAA, BBB)
   205 #define LOGTEXT3(AAA, BBB, CCC)
   206 #define LOGTEXT4(AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD)
   208 #endif
   211 #endif