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     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __LOGSERVSESSION_H__
    17 #define __LOGSERVSESSION_H__
    19 #include <logcli.h>
    20 #include "LogServDefs.h"
    21 #include "LogServDatabaseChangeObserver.h"
    23 // Classes referenced
    24 class TLogClientServerData;
    25 class MLogServSessionLifetimeObserver;
    26 class MLogServTaskInterface;
    27 class MLogServOperationManager;
    28 class MLogServBackupInterface;
    29 class MLogServDatabaseChangeInterface;
    30 class MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface;
    31 class CLogServServer;
    32 class CLogNotify;
    33 class CLogServViewBase;
    35 /**
    36 Handles client requests such as "add event", "change event", etc.  
    37 and dispatches them for execution to the hitters.
    38 "Hitter" is an active object which class type is one of (CLogActive derived class): 
    39  - CLogAddEvent;
    40  - CLogGetEvent;
    41  - CLogChangeEvent;
    42  - CLogDeleteEvent;
    43  - CLogChangeConfig;
    44  - CLogMaintenance;
    45  - CLogServViewWindowFetcher;
    47 Every client request is processed asynchronously and consists of two IPC calls:
    48  - ELogOperationInitiate - the client initiates asynchronous operation that will be executed by 
    49    one of the hitters;
    50  - ELogOperationGetResult - after the hitter completes the execution of the requested operation and
    51    if there is a result for the client, the client can collect the result issuing this IPC request;
    53 The client requests processing is relatively complex and I hope the following "add event" step-by-step
    54 example can clarify how the LogEng server works.
    55  1. LogEng client issues "add event" request
    56  2. The request is handled by CLogServSession::ServiceL()
    57  3. CLogServSession::ServiceL() calls CLogServSession::ServiceOperationFunctionL() where the IPC command 
    58     is identified as ELogOperationInitiate and a new operation is created by calling
    59  4. LogServFactory::NewOperationL(). Here the client request type is identified as ELogOperationEventAdd
    60     and an instance of CLogServOpEventAdd class is created
    61  5. The CLogServOpEventAdd class derives from CLogServOperationBase. The CLogServOperationBase constructor
    62     will add the just created operation to a queue of pending operations maintained by an instance of the
    63     CLogServOperationQueue class, which implements the MLogServOperationManager interface.
    64     The CLogServOpEventAdd instance is added to the queue by calling 
    65     MLogServOperationManager::OMOperationQueueAdd().
    66  6. The CLogServOperationQueue instance is an active object. 
    67     CLogServOperationQueue::OMOperationQueueAdd() completes itsef and calls SetActive().
    68     The execution control is returned to the server side session object. Later, when the active scheduler
    69     takes the execution control the CLogServOperationQueue::RunL() will be called.
    70  7. CLogServOperationQueue::RunL() will pick up the next pending operation from the queue and calls the
    71     operation's StartL() method - CLogServOpEventAdd::StartL().
    72  8. CLogServOpEventAdd::StartL() reads the client "add event" data from the message object and calls
    73     MLogServTaskInterface::TaskEventAddL() passing the client data as call arguments.
    74  9. MLogServTaskInterface, as the class name states, is an interface class implemented by the 
    75     CLogServDatabaseDriver class.
    76 10. CLogServDatabaseDriver::TaskEventAddL() will call the StartL() method of the hitter - 
    77     CLogAddEvent::StartL().
    78 11. CLogAddEvent::StartL() will complete itself and call SetActive().
    79 12. The next time when the active scheduler takes the execution control, it will call 
    80     CLogActive::RunL() --> CLogAddEvent::DoRunL(). And the "add event" request will be executed
    81 13. The LogEng client then can complete the "add event" request by calling the server using the 
    82     ELogOperationGetResult IPC code. CLogServOperationQueue::OMGetResultL() will retrieve the result of the
    83     operation and destroy the "add event" oeration. 
    85 @see LogServFactory    
    86 @see CLogServOpEventAdd
    87 @see MLogServOperationManager
    88 @see CLogServOperationQueue
    89 @see MLogServTaskInterface
    90 @see CLogServDatabaseDriver
    91 @see CLogActive
    92 @see CLogAddEvent
    94 @internalComponent
    95 */
    96 class CLogServSession : public CSession2, public MLogServDatabaseChangeObserver
    97 	{
    98 public:
    99 	CLogServSession(TLogServSessionId aSessionId, 
   100                     MLogServSessionLifetimeObserver& aObserver, 
   101                     MLogServBackupInterface& aBackupInterface, 
   102                     MLogServTaskInterface& aTaskInterface, 
   103                     MLogServOperationManager& aOperationManager, 
   104                     MLogServDatabaseChangeInterface& aChangeInterface, 
   105                     MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& aDatabase);
   106 	~CLogServSession();
   108     inline TLogServSessionId Id() const;
   109     CLogServServer& Server() const;
   111 private:
   112 	void DCOHandleGlobalChangeEventL(const TLogServDatabaseChangeDefinition& aChange);//FROM MLogServDatabaseChangeObserver
   113 	void CreateL();
   114 	virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   115 	virtual void ServiceError(const RMessage2& aMessage,TInt aError);
   116 	CLogServViewBase& ViewByIdL(TLogViewId aViewId);
   117 	TInt ViewPositionById(TLogViewId aViewId) const;
   118     void ReadClientServerDataL(TLogClientServerData& aClientServerData, 
   119     		const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aMinOperation, TInt aMaxOperation);
   120 	void ServiceViewFunctionL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   121 	void ServiceOperationFunctionL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   122 	void ExtendedNotifyCompleteL(TInt aCompletionCode);
   124 private:
   125 	TLogServSessionId iSessionId;
   126 	MLogServSessionLifetimeObserver& iObserver;
   127 	MLogServBackupInterface& iBackupInterface;
   128 	MLogServTaskInterface& iTaskInterface;
   129 	MLogServOperationManager& iOperationManager;
   130 	MLogServDatabaseChangeInterface& iChangeInterface;
   131 	MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& iDatabase;
   132 	CLogPackage* iPackage;
   133 	CLogNotify* iNotify;
   134 	RPointerArray<CLogServViewBase> iViewList;
   135 	RMessage2 iExtendedNotificationMessage;
   136 	RArray<TLogServDatabaseChangeDefinition> iPendingGlobalChanges;
   137 	TBool iExtendedNotificationRequested;
   138 #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED
   139 	TName iClientThreadName;
   140 #endif
   142 	};
   144 inline TLogServSessionId CLogServSession::Id() const
   145 	{
   146 	return iSessionId;
   147 	}
   149 #endif//__LOGSERVSESSION_H__