changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    15 //
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <e32svr.h>
    21 #include <centralrepository.h>
    22 #include "cenrepnotifyhandler.h"
    24 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    26 /**
    27 * Constructor used for single key listening.
    28 *
    29 * @param aCallback Reference to a callback instance.
    30 * @param aSession Reference to an existing repository session.
    31 * @param aKeyType  Type of the key identified by aId parameter.
    32 * @param aId       Id of the key that change notifications are needed for.
    33 * @capability      None
    34 */
    35 CCenRepNotifyHandler::CCenRepNotifyHandler(
    36     MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback& aCallback, 
    37     CRepository& aSession, 
    38     TCenRepKeyType aKeyType, 
    39     TUint32 aId)
    40     : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iSession(aSession), 
    41     iCallback(aCallback), iKeyType(aKeyType), iId(aId), iWholeRepository(EFalse)
    42     {
    43     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    44     }
    46 /**
    47 * Constructor used for whole repository listening.
    48 *
    49 * @param aCallback Reference to a callback instance.
    50 * @param aSession Reference to an existing repository session.
    51 * @capability None
    52 */
    53 CCenRepNotifyHandler::CCenRepNotifyHandler(
    54     MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback& aCallback, 
    55     CRepository& aSession)
    56     : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iSession(aSession), iCallback(aCallback), 
    57     iKeyType(EIntKey), iId(0), iWholeRepository(ETrue)
    58     {
    59     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    60     }
    62 /**
    63 * This is a two-phase constructor method that is used to
    64 * create a new instance for listening to the changes in a single key.
    65 *
    66 * @param aCallback Reference to a callback instance.
    67 * @param aSession  Reference to an existing repository session.
    68 *                  Do not close this session until all CCenRepNotifyHandler
    69 *                  instances referring to it have been deleted.
    70 * @param aKeyType  Type of the key identified by aId parameter. 
    71 * @param aId       Id of the key that change notifications are needed for.
    72 * @return          A pointer to a new instance of the CCenRepNotifyHandler class.
    73 * 
    74 * @leave           KErrArgument if invalid key type is passed as a parameter.
    75 * @capability      None
    76 */
    77 EXPORT_C CCenRepNotifyHandler* CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL(
    78     MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback& aCallback, 
    79     CRepository& aSession, 
    80     TCenRepKeyType aKeyType, 
    81     TUint32 aId)
    82     {
    83     CCenRepNotifyHandler* newInstance = NewLC(aCallback, aSession, aKeyType, aId);
    84     CleanupStack::Pop();
    85     return newInstance;
    86     }
    88 /**
    89 * This is a two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new
    90 * instance for listening to the changes in all keys in the repository. 
    91 *
    92 * Type specific callback methods of MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback will not
    93 * be used when notifying about changes in this case,
    94 * only HandleNotifyGeneric() is used.
    95 *
    96 * @param aCallback Reference to a callback instance.
    97 * @param aSession  Reference to an existing repository session.
    98 *                  Do not close this session until all CCenRepNotifyHandler
    99 *                  instances referring to it have been deleted.
   100 * @return          A pointer to a new instance of the CCenRepNotifyHandler class.
   101 * @capability      None
   102 */
   103 EXPORT_C CCenRepNotifyHandler* CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL(
   104     MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback& aCallback, 
   105     CRepository& aSession)
   106     {
   107     CCenRepNotifyHandler* newInstance = NewLC(aCallback, aSession);
   108     CleanupStack::Pop();
   109     return newInstance;
   110     }
   112 /**
   113 * This is a two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new
   114 * instance for listening to the changes in a single key.
   115 * Leaves the constructed instance to cleanup stack.
   116 *
   117 * @param aCallback Reference to a callback instance.
   118 * @param aSession  Reference to an existing repository session.
   119 *                  Do not close this session until all CCenRepNotifyHandler
   120 *                  instances referring to it have been deleted.
   121 * @param aKeyType  Type of the key identified by aId parameter.
   122 * @param aId       Id of the key that change notifications are needed for.
   123 * @return          A pointer to a new instance of the CCenRepNotifyHandler class.
   124 * 
   125 * @leave           KErrArgument if invalid key type is passed as a parameter.
   126 * @capability      None
   127 */
   128 EXPORT_C CCenRepNotifyHandler* CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewLC(
   129     MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback& aCallback, 
   130     CRepository& aSession, 
   131     TCenRepKeyType aKeyType, 
   132     TUint32 aId)
   133     {
   134     if ( aKeyType != EIntKey && 
   135          aKeyType != ERealKey && 
   136          aKeyType != EStringKey  && 
   137          aKeyType != EBinaryKey ) 
   138         { 
   139         User::Leave( KErrArgument ); 
   140         } 
   142     CCenRepNotifyHandler* newInstance = new (ELeave) CCenRepNotifyHandler( aCallback, aSession, 
   143                                                                            aKeyType, aId);
   144     CleanupStack::PushL( newInstance );
   145     return newInstance;
   146     }
   148 /**
   149 * This is a two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new
   150 * instance for listening to the changes in all keys in the repository.
   151 * Leaves the constructed instance to cleanup stack. 
   152 *
   153 * Type specific callback methods of MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback will
   154 * not be used when notifying about changes in this case,
   155 * only HandleNotifyGeneric() is used.
   156 *
   157 * @param aCallback Reference to a callback instance.
   158 * @param aSession  Reference to an existing repository session.
   159 *                  Do not close this session until all CCenRepNotifyHandler
   160 *                  instances referring to it have been deleted.
   161 * @return          A pointer to a new instance of the CCenRepNotifyHandler class.
   162 * @capability      None
   163 */
   164 EXPORT_C CCenRepNotifyHandler* CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewLC(
   165     MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback& aCallback, 
   166     CRepository& aSession)
   167     {
   168     CCenRepNotifyHandler* newInstance = new (ELeave) CCenRepNotifyHandler(aCallback, aSession);
   169     CleanupStack::PushL( newInstance );
   171     return newInstance;
   172     }
   174 // Destructor
   175 EXPORT_C CCenRepNotifyHandler::~CCenRepNotifyHandler()
   176     {
   177     Cancel();
   178     }
   180 /**
   181 * When this method is called, the CCenRepNotifyHandler starts
   182 * listening for notifications. If it is already listening, nothing happens.
   183 *
   184 * For single setting handler when there is already an existing notification
   185 * on the same setting and session,the HandleNotifyError will be trigerred with
   186 * KErrAlreadyExists error
   187 * @leave KErrNotFound if setting does not exist
   188 * 		 KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the necessary capability
   189 * plus other system-wide error codes.
   190 * For whole settings handler, the HandleNotifyError will be trigerred with the 
   191 * error code
   192 * @capability Dependent Capability required depends on platform security of keyspace.
   193 */
   194 EXPORT_C void CCenRepNotifyHandler::StartListeningL()
   195     {
   196     if(IsActive())
   197         {
   198         return;
   199         }
   200     User::LeaveIfError(OrderNotification());
   202     SetActive();
   203     }
   205 /**
   206 * When this method is called, the CCenRepNotifyHandler stops
   207 * listening for notifications. If it is already stopped, nothing happens.
   208 * @capability      None
   209 */
   210 EXPORT_C void CCenRepNotifyHandler::StopListening()
   211     {
   212     if(IsActive())
   213         {
   214         Cancel();
   215         }
   216     }
   218 /**
   219 * Implements CActive
   220 */    
   221 void CCenRepNotifyHandler::RunL()
   222     {
   223     // Check that notification was for correct ID or it was caused by
   224     // a repository wide reset (KInvalidNotificationId).
   225     TUint32 status = static_cast<TUint32>(iStatus.Int());
   226     if( !iWholeRepository && status != iId && 
   227         status != NCentralRepositoryConstants::KInvalidNotificationId )
   228         {
   229 #ifdef _DEBUG
   230         RDebug::Print(_L("CCenRepNotifyHandler::RunL(): Received notif about unknown key: %d"), 
   231         status);
   232         RDebug::Print(_L("CCenRepNotifyHandler::RunL(): Notification not renewed."));
   233 #endif
   234         // We are not listening to key notified for us. Do not reorder notification 
   235         // as there is clearly some problems in central repository.
   236         iCallback.HandleNotifyError(status, KErrArgument, this);
   237         return;
   238         }
   240     if (iWholeRepository && iStatus.Int() == KErrPermissionDenied)
   241     	{
   243         RArray<TUint32> allKeyList;
   244         //check every single settings that we have read permission
   245         TRAPD(err,iSession.FindL(0x00000000,0x00000000,allKeyList));
   246         if (err==KErrNone)
   247         	{
   248         	TInt arrayCount=allKeyList.Count();
   249         	for (TInt i=0;i<arrayCount;i++)
   250         		{
   251         		TUint32 dummyMeta;
   252         		err=iSession.GetMeta(allKeyList[i],dummyMeta);
   253         		//potential error at this stage likely to include only
   254         		//KErrPermissionDenied plus other resource allocation
   255         		//error such as KErrNoMemory
   256         		if (err!=KErrNone)
   257         			{
   258         			TInt errorkey=allKeyList[i];
   259         			allKeyList.Close();
   260         			iCallback.HandleNotifyError(errorkey, err, this);
   261 					return;
   262         			}
   263                 }
   264         	}
   265         else
   266             {
   267             iCallback.HandleNotifyError( NCentralRepositoryConstants::KUnspecifiedKey , err, this );
   268             return;
   269             }
   270     	}
   272     // Reorder notification
   273     TInt err = OrderNotification();
   275     // Handle notification
   276     if ( err == KErrNone )
   277         {
   278         SetActive();
   279         if ( iWholeRepository )
   280             {
   281             iCallback.HandleNotifyGeneric(status);
   282             }
   283         else
   284             {
   285             switch (iKeyType)
   286                 {
   287                 case EIntKey:
   288                     {
   289                     TInt newValue;
   290                     err=iSession.Get(iId, newValue);
   291                     if (err==KErrNone)
   292                     	{
   293                     	iCallback.HandleNotifyInt(iId, newValue);
   294                     	}
   295                     }
   296                     break;
   297                 case ERealKey:            
   298                     {
   299                     TReal newValue;
   300                     err=iSession.Get(iId, newValue);
   301                     if (err==KErrNone)
   302                     	{
   303                     	iCallback.HandleNotifyReal(iId, newValue);
   304                     	}
   305                     }
   306                     break;
   307                 case EStringKey:
   308                     {
   309                     TBuf16<NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxUnicodeStringLength> newValue;
   310                     err=iSession.Get(iId, newValue);
   311                     if (err==KErrNone)
   312                     	{
   313                     	iCallback.HandleNotifyString(iId, newValue);
   314                     	}
   315                     }
   316                     break;
   317                 case EBinaryKey:
   318                     {
   319                     TBuf8<NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxBinaryLength> newValue;
   320                     err=iSession.Get(iId, newValue);
   321                     if (err==KErrNone)
   322                     	{
   323                     	iCallback.HandleNotifyBinary(iId, newValue);
   324                     	}
   325                     }
   326                     break;
   327                 default:
   328                     break;
   329                 }
   330             if (err!=KErrNone)
   331             	{           	
   332             	iCallback.HandleNotifyError(iId,err,this);
   333             	}
   334             }
   335         }
   336     else
   337         {
   338         iCallback.HandleNotifyError(status, err, this);
   339         }
   340     }
   342 /**
   343 * Implements CActive
   344 * @param aError the error returned
   345 * @return error
   346 */
   347 TInt CCenRepNotifyHandler::RunError(TInt aError)
   348     {
   349     if ( iWholeRepository )
   350         {
   351         iCallback.HandleNotifyError(NCentralRepositoryConstants::KInvalidNotificationId, 
   352                                     aError, this);    
   353         }
   354     else
   355         {
   356         iCallback.HandleNotifyError(iId, aError, this);    
   357         }
   359     return KErrNone;
   360     }
   362 /**
   363 * Implements CActive
   364 */    
   365 void CCenRepNotifyHandler::DoCancel()
   366     {
   367     if ( iWholeRepository )
   368         {
   369         iSession.NotifyCancelAll();
   370         }
   371     else
   372         {
   373         iSession.NotifyCancel(iId);
   374         }
   375     }
   377 /* 
   378 * Order notification
   379 * @return error code from CenRep
   380 */
   381 TInt CCenRepNotifyHandler::OrderNotification()
   382     {
   383     if ( iWholeRepository )
   384         {
   385         // order notification for all keys in repository
   386         return iSession.NotifyRequest(0x00000000, 0x00000000, iStatus);
   387         }
   388     else
   389         {
   390         return iSession.NotifyRequest(iId, iStatus);
   391         }
   392     }
   394 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 // MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyXXX
   396 // Default implementations for callback interface. 
   397 // In debug build these methods print trace. 
   398 // In release build they do nothing.
   399 //
   400 // These methods are documented in cenrepnotifierhandler.h. Don't redocument
   401 // here.
   402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 // 
   404 #ifdef _DEBUG
   405 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyInt(TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue)
   406     {
   407     RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback: Integer key %d changed, new value: %d"), 
   408     aId, aNewValue);
   409     }
   411 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyReal(TUint32 aId, TReal aNewValue)
   412     {
   413     RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback: Real key %d changed, new value: %e"), 
   414     aId, aNewValue);
   415     }
   417 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyString(TUint32 aId, 
   418                                                                const TDesC16&  aNewValue)
   419     {
   420     RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback: String key %d changed, new value: %S"), 
   421     aId, &aNewValue);
   422     }
   424 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyBinary(TUint32 aId, 
   425                                                                const TDesC8&  aNewValue)
   426     {
   427     RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback: Binary key %d changed, new value: %s"), 
   428     aId, aNewValue.Ptr());
   429     }
   431 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyGeneric(TUint32 aId)
   432     {
   433     if ( aId == NCentralRepositoryConstants::KInvalidNotificationId )
   434         {
   435         RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback: "));
   436         RDebug::Print(_L("Repository wide reset caused generic notification"));
   437         }
   438     else
   439         {
   440         RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback: Generic key %d changed"), aId);
   441         }
   442     }
   444 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyError(TUint32 aId, TInt aError, 
   445                                                               CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler)
   446     {
   447     RDebug::Print(_L("MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback %d notifies error for id: %d, error: %d"), 
   448     aHandler, aId, aError);
   449     }
   451 #else
   453 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyInt(TUint32 /*aId*/, TInt /*aNewValue*/)
   454     {
   455     }
   457 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyReal(TUint32 /*aId*/, TReal /*aNewValue*/)
   458     {
   459     }
   461 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyString(TUint32 /*aId*/, 
   462     const TDesC16&  /*aNewValue*/)
   463     {
   464     }
   466 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyBinary(TUint32 /*aId*/, 
   467     const TDesC8&  /*aNewValue*/)
   468     {
   469     }
   471 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyGeneric(TUint32 /*aId*/)
   472     {
   473     }
   475 EXPORT_C void MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback::HandleNotifyError(TUint32 /*aId*/, TInt /*aError*/, 
   476     CCenRepNotifyHandler* /*aHandler*/)
   477     {
   478     }
   479 #endif // _DEBUG
   481 // End of File