changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined(__D32DBAS_H__)
    17 #define __D32DBAS_H__
    18 #if !defined(__D32DBMS_H__)
    19 #include <d32dbms.h>
    20 #endif
    22 // other classes referenced
    23 class RFs;
    24 class CDbContext;
    26 // classes defined
    27 class TTextOps;
    28 class TDbBlob;
    29 class TDbCell;
    30 class TDbColumnC;
    31 class TDbColumn;
    32 class RDbRow;
    33 class CDbObject;
    34 class CDbRowConstraint;
    35 class CDbCursor;
    36 class CDbNotifier;
    37 class CDbIncremental;
    38 class CDbSyncIncremental;
    39 class CDbAsyncIncremental;
    40 class CDbDatabase;
    41 class CDbSource;
    42 class TDbDriver;
    43 class TDbFormat;
    45 /**
    46 @internalComponent
    47 */
    48 const TInt KDbMaxFormatName=32;
    49 const TInt KDbMaxDatabaseName=KMaxFileName;
    51 /**
    52 @internalComponent
    53 */
    54 const TInt KDbMaxInlineBlobSize=255;
    56 /**
    57 @internalComponent
    58 */
    59 typedef TUint32 TDbBlobId;
    61 /**
    62 @internalComponent
    63 */
    64 const TDbBlobId KDbNullBlobId=0;
    66 /**
    67 @internalComponent
    68 */
    69 class Dbms
    70 	{
    71 public:
    72 	IMPORT_C static void Panic(const TDesC& aCategory,TInt aCode);
    73 	};
    75 /**
    76 @internalComponent
    77 */
    78 class TTextOps
    79 	{
    80 public:
    81 	IMPORT_C static const TTextOps& Ops(TDbTextComparison aType=EDbCompareNormal);
    82 //
    83 	inline TUint Fold(TUint aChar) const;
    84 	IMPORT_C TInt Compare(const TDesC8& aLeft,const TDesC8& aRight) const;
    85 	IMPORT_C TInt Compare(const TDesC16& aLeft,const TDesC16& aRight) const;
    86 	inline TInt Compare(const TText8* aLeftPtr,TInt aLeftLen,const TText8* aRightPtr,TInt aRightLen) const;
    87 	inline TInt Compare(const TText16* aLeftPtr,TInt aLeftLen,const TText16* aRightPtr,TInt aRightLen) const;
    88 	inline TInt Match(const TDesC8& aDes,const TDesC8& aPattern) const;
    89 	inline TInt Match(const TDesC16& aDes,const TDesC16& aPattern) const;
    90 	IMPORT_C TInt Match(const TText8* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText8* aPatternPtr,TInt aPatternLen) const;
    91 	IMPORT_C TInt Match(const TText16* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText16* aPatternPtr,TInt aPatternLen) const;
    92 	IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TDesC8& aDes,const TDesC8& aSub) const;
    93 	IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TDesC16& aDes,const TDesC16& aSub) const;
    94 	IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TText8* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText8* aSubPtr,TInt aSubLen) const;
    95 	IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TText16* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText16* aSubPtr,TInt aSubLen) const;
    96 	TInt Order(const TDesC16& aLeft, const TDesC16& aRight) const;
    97 	inline TInt Order(const TText16* aLeftPtr, TInt aLeftLen, const TText16* aRightPtr, TInt aRightLen) const;
    98 public:
    99 	TUint (*iFold)(TUint aChar);
   100 	TInt (*iCompare8)(const TText8*,TInt,const TText8*,TInt);
   101 	TInt (*iMatch8)(const TDesC8&,const TDesC8&);
   102 	TInt (*iFind8)(const TDesC8&,const TText8*,TInt);
   103 	TInt (*iCompare16)(const TText16*,TInt,const TText16*,TInt);
   104 	TInt (*iMatch16)(const TDesC16&,const TDesC16&);
   105 	TInt (*iFind16)(const TDesC16&,const TText16*,TInt);
   106 	TInt (*iOrder16)(const TText16*,  TInt, const TText16*, TInt);
   107 	};
   109 /**
   110 @internalComponent
   111 */
   112 class TDbBlob
   113 	{
   114 public:
   115 	inline TDbBlob();
   116 	inline TDbBlob(TDbBlobId anId,TInt aSize=KDbUndefinedLength);
   117 	inline TDbBlob(const TUint8* aPtr,TInt aSize);
   118 	inline TUint8* InlineBuffer();
   119 	inline void SetId(TDbBlobId anId);
   120 	inline void SetSize(TInt aSize);
   121 //
   122 	inline TBool IsInline() const;
   123 	inline TInt Size() const;
   124 	inline const TUint8* Data() const;
   125 	inline TPtrC8 PtrC8() const;
   126 	inline TPtrC16 PtrC16() const;
   127 	inline TDbBlobId Id() const;
   128 //
   129 	inline TInt CellSize() const;
   130 	static inline TInt InlineSize(TInt aSize);
   131 	static inline TInt RefSize();
   132 private:
   133 	TDbBlobId iId;
   134 	TInt iSize;
   135 	TUint8 iInline[KDbMaxInlineBlobSize];
   136 	};
   138 /**
   139 @internalComponent
   140 */
   141 class TDbCell
   142 	{
   143 public:
   144 	static inline TInt Size(TInt aLength);
   145 	inline TInt Size() const;			// total cell size
   146 	inline TDbCell* Next();				// pointer to next cell
   147 	inline const TDbCell* Next() const;	// pointer to next cell
   148 	inline TInt Length() const;			// data size
   149 	inline void SetLength(TInt aLength);
   150 	inline TAny* Data();				// data pointer
   151 	inline const TAny* Data() const;	// data pointer
   152 private:
   153 	TInt iLength;
   154 	TUint8 iBuf[1];
   155 	};
   157 /**
   158 @internalComponent
   159 */
   160 class TDbColumnC
   161 	{
   162 	friend class TDbColumn;
   163 public:
   164 	inline TDbColumnC(const RDbRow& aRow,TDbColNo aCol);
   165 	inline TDbColumnC(const TDbColumn& aCol);
   166 	inline TInt Size() const;
   167 	inline TBool IsNull() const;
   168 	inline TInt8 Int8() const;
   169 	inline TInt16 Int16() const;
   170 	inline TInt32 Int32() const;
   171 	inline const TInt64& Int64() const;
   172 	inline TUint8 Uint8() const;
   173 	inline TUint16 Uint16() const;
   174 	inline TUint32 Uint32() const;
   175 	inline TReal32 Real32() const;
   176 	inline const TReal64& Real64() const;
   177 	inline TPtrC8 PtrC8() const;
   178 	inline TPtrC16 PtrC16() const;
   179 	inline const TTime& Time() const;
   180 	inline const TDbBlob& Blob() const;
   181 private:
   182 	const TDbCell* iCell;
   183 	};
   185 /**
   186 @internalComponent
   187 */
   188 class TDbColumn
   189 	{
   190 	friend class TDbColumnC;
   191 public:
   192 	inline TDbColumn();
   193 	inline TDbColumn(RDbRow& aRow,TDbColNo aCol);
   194 	inline void SetNull();
   195 	inline void SetL(TInt32 aValue);
   196 	IMPORT_C void SetL(TUint32 aValue);
   197 	IMPORT_C void SetL(TInt64 aValue);
   198 	IMPORT_C void SetL(TReal32 aValue) __SOFTFP;
   199 	IMPORT_C void SetL(TReal64 aValue) __SOFTFP;
   200 	IMPORT_C void SetL(const TDesC8& aValue);
   201 	IMPORT_C void SetL(const TDesC16& aValue);
   202 	inline void SetL(const TTime& aValue);
   203 	IMPORT_C void SetBlobL(TDbBlobId aBlobId,TInt aSize=KDbUndefinedLength);
   204 	IMPORT_C void SetBlobL(const TUint8* aData,TInt aSize);
   205 //
   206 	IMPORT_C TDbBlob& InitBlobL();
   207 	IMPORT_C void CommitBlob(const TDbBlob& aBlob);
   208 //
   209 	inline void SetL(const TDbCell* aCell);
   210 	inline void SetL(const TDbColumnC& aColumn);
   211 private:
   212 	inline RDbRow& Row() const;
   213 	IMPORT_C void SetL(const TAny* aPtr,TInt aSize);
   214 private:
   215 	RDbRow* iRow;
   216 	TDbColNo iColumn;
   217 	};
   219 /**
   220 @internalComponent
   221 */
   222 class RDbRow
   223 	{
   224 	friend class TDbColumn;
   225 public:
   226 	IMPORT_C RDbRow();
   227 	inline RDbRow(TAny* aBuf,TInt aMaxSize);
   228 	inline RDbRow(TAny* aBuf,TInt aSize,TInt aMaxSize);
   229 	inline void Open(TAny* aBuf,TInt aMaxSize);
   230 	IMPORT_C void Open(TAny* aBuf,TInt aSize,TInt aMaxSize);
   231 	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TInt aMaxSize);
   232 	void PushL();
   233 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   234 	inline void Reset();
   235 //
   236 	inline TDbCell* First();
   237 	inline const TDbCell* First() const;
   238 	inline const TDbCell* Last() const;
   239 	inline const TDbCell* End() const;
   240 	IMPORT_C void SetSize(TInt aSize);
   241 	inline TInt Size() const;
   242 	inline TInt MaxSize() const;
   243 	IMPORT_C void GrowL(TInt aMaxSize);
   244 // for use by data sources
   245 	static inline TInt Diff(const TDbCell* aBegin,const TDbCell* aEnd);
   246 	IMPORT_C const TDbCell* ColCell(TDbColNo aCol) const;
   247 private:
   248 	IMPORT_C TAny* SetColumnWidthL(TDbColNo aCol,TInt aWidth);
   249 	TDbCell* Column(TDbColNo aCol) const;
   250 	TInt ReallocL(TInt aMaxSize);
   251 	void ExtendL(TInt aAdjust);	// change the row buffer length
   252 //
   253 	inline TBool Owned() const;
   254 	inline TInt Column() const;
   255 	inline void SetCache(TDbCell* aCell,TInt aColumn);
   256 private:
   257 	enum {EOwned=0x80000000};
   258 	enum {EGranularity=0x100};
   259 private:
   260 	TDbCell* iFirst;	// first column
   261 	TDbCell* iLast;		// pointer past last cell
   262 	TDbCell* iEnd;		// pointer past end of available buffer
   263 	TDbCell* iCell;		// cached cell pointer
   264 	TUint iColumn;		// cached column number/ownership flag
   265 	};
   268 /**
   269 @internalComponent
   270 */
   271 class CDbObject : public CBase
   272 	{
   273 	friend class CDbContext;
   274 public:
   275 	static void Destroy(CDbObject* aObject);	// context-safe deletion
   276 	CDbObject* Attach(CDbObject* aObject);
   277 	inline const CDbContext* Context() const;
   278 //
   279 	void PushL();
   280 protected:
   281 	inline CDbObject() {}
   282 private:
   283 	CDbContext* iContext;
   284 	};
   286 /**
   287 @internalComponent
   288 */
   289 class CDbRowConstraint : public CDbObject
   290 	{
   291 protected:
   292 	CDbRowConstraint() {}
   293 	};
   295 /**
   296 @internalComponent
   297 */
   298 class CDbCursor : public CDbObject
   299 	{
   300 public:
   301 	enum TInsert {EClear,ECopy};
   302 protected:
   303 	CDbCursor() {}
   304 public:
   305 // Pure virtual
   306 	virtual void Reset() =0;
   307 	virtual TBool EvaluateL()=0;
   308 	TInt Evaluate();
   309 	virtual void Evaluate(TRequestStatus& aStatus)=0;
   310 	virtual TBool Unevaluated()=0;
   311 //
   312 	virtual void SetIndexL(const TDesC* anIndex)=0;
   313 	virtual TBool SeekL(const TDbLookupKey& aKey,RDbTable::TComparison aComparison) =0;
   314 	CDbRowConstraint* ConstraintL(const TDbQuery& aCriteria);
   315 	virtual TBool MatchL(CDbRowConstraint& aConstraint) =0;
   316 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt FindL(RDbRowSet::TDirection aDirection,const TDbQuery& aCriteria);
   317 //
   318 	virtual TBool AtBeginning()=0;
   319 	virtual TBool AtEnd()=0;
   320 	virtual TBool AtRow()=0;
   321 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt CountL(RDbRowSet::TAccuracy aAccuracy);
   322 	virtual TBool GotoL(RDbRowSet::TPosition aPosition)=0;
   323 	virtual void Bookmark(TDbBookmark::TMark& aMark) =0;
   324 	virtual void GotoL(const TDbBookmark::TMark& aMark) =0;
   325 	virtual void GetL()=0;
   326 	virtual void InsertL(TInsert aClearRow)=0;
   327 	virtual void UpdateL()=0;
   328 	virtual void Cancel()=0;
   329 	virtual void PutL()=0;
   330 	virtual void DeleteL()=0;
   331 // column validation
   332 	virtual TInt ColumnCount()=0;
   333 	IMPORT_C virtual void ColumnsL(CDbColSet& aColSet);
   334 	virtual void ColumnDef(TDbCol& aCol,TDbColNo aColNo)=0;
   335 	virtual TDbColType ColumnType(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
   336 // Column Accessors
   337 	virtual TDbColumnC ColumnC(TDbColNo aCol)=0;	// non-writeable column
   338 	virtual TDbColumn Column(TDbColNo aCol)=0;		// writeable column
   339 	virtual void SetNullL(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
   340 	virtual TInt ColumnSize(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
   341 // Optimized whole row access for server
   342 	virtual RDbRow* RowBuffer() =0;
   343 // Blob functions
   344 	virtual MStreamBuf* ColumnSourceL(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
   345 	virtual MStreamBuf* ColumnSinkL(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
   346 private:
   347 	virtual CDbRowConstraint* OpenConstraintL(const TDbQuery& aCriteria) =0;
   348 // Reserved virtuals
   349 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
   350 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
   351 	};
   353 /**
   354 @internalComponent
   355 */
   356 class CDbIncremental : public CDbObject
   357 	{
   358 protected:
   359 	CDbIncremental() {}
   360 public:
   361 	virtual TBool NextL(TInt& aStep) =0;
   362 	virtual void Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus) =0;
   363 	};
   365 /**
   366 @internalComponent
   367 */
   368 class CDbSyncIncremental : public CDbIncremental
   369 	{
   370 protected:
   371 	CDbSyncIncremental() {}
   372 private:
   373 	IMPORT_C void Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   374 	};
   376 /**
   377 @internalComponent
   378 */
   379 class CDbAsyncIncremental : public CDbIncremental
   380 	{
   381 protected:
   382 	CDbAsyncIncremental() {}
   383 private:
   384 	IMPORT_C TBool NextL(TInt& aStep);
   385 	};
   387 /**
   388 @internalComponent
   389 */
   390 class CDbDatabase : public CDbObject
   391 	{
   392 protected:
   393 	CDbDatabase() {}
   394 public:
   395 	enum TUtility {EStats=1,ECompact,ERecover};
   396 	enum TProperty {EUpdateStats=-EStats,ECompactable=-ECompact,EIsDamaged=-ERecover,
   397 					EInTransaction=0,ESize,EUsage};
   398 public:
   399 // Pure virtual
   400 	virtual TInt Destroy()=0;
   401 	virtual TInt Begin()=0;
   402 	virtual TInt Commit()=0;
   403 	virtual void Rollback()=0;
   404 	virtual TInt Property(TProperty aProperty) =0;
   405 	virtual void CreateTableL(const TDesC& aName,const CDbColSet& aColSet,const CDbKey* aPrimaryKey)=0;
   406 	CDbNotifier* NotifierL();
   407 	CDbIncremental* UtilityL(TUtility aType,TInt& aStep);
   408 	CDbIncremental* DropTableL(const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep);
   409 	CDbIncremental* AlterTableL(const TDesC& aTable,const CDbColSet& aNewDef,TInt& aStep);
   410 	CDbIncremental* CreateIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey,TInt& aStep);
   411 	CDbIncremental* DropIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep);
   412 	CDbIncremental* ExecuteL(const TDesC& aSql,TDbTextComparison aComparison,TInt& aInit);
   413 	CDbCursor* ViewL(const TDbQuery& aQuery,const TDbWindow& aWindow,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess);
   414 	CDbCursor* TableL(const TDesC& aName,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess);
   415 	virtual void TablesL(CDbTableNames& aNames)=0;
   416 	virtual void ColumnsL(CDbColSet& aColSet,const TDesC& aName)=0;
   417 	virtual void IndexesL(CDbIndexNames& aNames,const TDesC& aTable)=0;
   418 	virtual void KeysL(CDbKey& aKey,const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable)=0;
   419 private:
   420 	virtual CDbNotifier* OpenNotifierL() =0;
   421 	virtual CDbIncremental* OpenUtilityL(TUtility aType,TInt& aStep) =0;
   422 	virtual CDbIncremental* OpenDropTableL(const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep) =0;
   423 	virtual CDbIncremental* OpenAlterTableL(const TDesC& aTable,const CDbColSet& aNewDef,TInt& aStep) =0;
   424 	virtual CDbIncremental* OpenCreateIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey,TInt& aStep) =0;
   425 	virtual CDbIncremental* OpenDropIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep) =0;
   426 	virtual CDbCursor* PrepareViewL(const TDbQuery& aQuery,const TDbWindow& aWindow,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess) =0;
   427 	virtual CDbCursor* OpenTableL(const TDesC& aName,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess) =0;
   428 	virtual CDbIncremental* OpenExecuteL(const TDesC& aSql,TDbTextComparison aComparison,TInt& aInit) =0;
   429 // Reserved virtuals
   430 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
   431 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
   432 	};
   434 /**
   435 @internalComponent
   436 */
   437 class CDbNotifier : public CDbObject
   438 	{
   439 public:
   440 	enum TType {EUnlock=-1,EChange=-2};
   441 protected:
   442 	CDbNotifier() {}
   443 public:
   444 // pure virtual
   445 	virtual void Notify(TType aEvent,TRequestStatus& aStatus) =0;
   446 	virtual void Cancel() =0;
   447 	};
   450 /**
   451 CDbSource class declaration - SYMBIAN_REMOVE_TRIVIAL_ENCRYPTION version
   452 @internalComponent
   453 */
   454 class CDbSource : public CDbObject
   455 	{
   456 protected:
   457     CDbSource() 
   458     	{
   459     	}
   460 public:
   461 	CDbDatabase* OpenL();
   462 	virtual CDbDatabase* AuthenticateL() = 0;
   463 	CDbNotifier* NotifierL();
   464 private:
   465 	virtual CDbNotifier* OpenNotifierL() =0;
   466 	};
   469 /**
   470 @internalComponent
   471 */
   472 class TDbDriver
   473 	{
   474 public:
   475 	TInt iCount;
   476 	const TDbFormat* iFormats;
   477 	};
   479 /**
   480 @internalComponent
   481 */
   482 class TDbFormat
   483 	{
   484 public:
   485 	enum TCreate {ECreate,EReplace};
   486 	enum TOpen {EReadWrite,EReadOnly};
   487 	typedef CDbDatabase* (*FCreateL)(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aName, TCreate aMode,
   488                                      const TUidType& aType);
   489 	typedef CDbSource* (*FOpenL)(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aName,TOpen aMode);
   490 public:
   491 	const TText* iName;
   492 	FCreateL CreateL;
   493 	FOpenL OpenL;
   494 	TInt32 iUid[KMaxCheckedUid];
   495 	};
   497 /**
   498 @internalComponent
   499 */
   500 #define KDbmsDriverUidValue KDbmsDriverUidValue16
   501 #define KDbmsDriverUid KDbmsDriverUid16
   503 /**
   504 @internalComponent
   505 */
   506 const TInt32 KDbmsDriverUidValue8=0x10000EBC;
   507 const TUid KDbmsDriverUid8={KDbmsDriverUidValue8};
   508 const TInt32 KDbmsDriverUidValue16=0x10003B0F;
   509 const TUid KDbmsDriverUid16={KDbmsDriverUidValue16};
   511 #include "D32DBAS.INL"
   512 #endif