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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // DBMS security policy - testing new APIs - utility functions
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <e32test.h>
    19 #include "t_dbplatsecutl.h"
    21 //Supply your a pointer to your cleanup function or NULL.
    22 TDBSCUtils::TDBSCUtils(RTest& aTest, TCleanupFunc aFunc) :
    23 	iTest(aTest),
    24 	iFunc(aFunc)
    25 	{
    26 	}
    28 //Create a CDbColSet instance. The caller is responsible for deleting it.
    29 CDbColSet* TDBSCUtils::CreateColSetLC(const TColDef* aColDef)
    30 	{
    31 	CDbColSet* set = CDbColSet::NewLC();
    32 	for(;aColDef->iName;++aColDef)
    33 		{
    34 		TDbCol col(TPtrC(aColDef->iName), aColDef->iType);
    35 		col.iAttributes = aColDef->iAttributes;
    36 		set->AddL(col);
    37 		}
    38 	return set;
    39 	}
    41 //Create a CDbKey instance. The caller is responsible for deleting it.
    42 CDbKey* TDBSCUtils::CreateKeyLC(const TDesC& aColName)
    43 	{
    44 	CDbKey* key = CDbKey::NewLC();
    45 	key->AddL(aColName);
    46 	return key;
    47 	}
    49 //Create a DBMS table.
    50 void TDBSCUtils::CreateTableL(RDbNamedDatabase& aDb, const TDesC& aTblName, const TColDef* aColDef)
    51 	{
    52 	CDbColSet* colset = TDBSCUtils::CreateColSetLC(aColDef);
    53 	TInt err = aDb.CreateTable(aTblName, *colset);
    54 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    55 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(colset);
    56 	}
    58 // Create secure shared database. The caller is responsible for closing it.
    59 RDbNamedDatabase TDBSCUtils::CreateDatabase(RDbs& aDbs, TUid aPolicyUid, const TDesC& aDbName)
    60 	{
    61 	_LIT(KSecure, "SECURE");
    62 	TBuf<32> format;
    63 	format.Copy(KSecure);
    64 	format.Append(aPolicyUid.Name());
    65 	RDbNamedDatabase db;
    66 	TInt err = db.Create(aDbs, aDbName, format);
    67 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    68 	return db;
    69 	}
    71 // Delete secure shared database.
    72 TInt TDBSCUtils::DeleteDatabase(RDbs& aDbs, TUid aPolicyUid, const TDesC& aDbName)
    73 	{
    74 	RDebug::Print(_L("Deleting %X \"%S\" database.\n"), aPolicyUid.iUid, &aDbName);
    75 	TInt err = aDbs.DeleteDatabase(aDbName, aPolicyUid);
    76 	if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound) 
    77 		{
    78 		RDebug::Print(_L("Error %d deleting \"%S\" database.\n"), err, &aDbName);
    79 		}
    80 	return err;
    81 	}
    83 //Check if a secure shared database with "aDatabaseName" name exists.
    84 //aDatabaseName format: <name>.<ext>
    85 TBool TDBSCUtils::IsDatabaseThereL(RDbs& aDbs, TUid aPolicyUid, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const TDesC& aDatabaseName)
    86 	{
    87 	CDbDatabaseNames* dbNames = aDbs.DatabaseNamesL(aDriveNumber, aPolicyUid);
    88 	TEST(dbNames != NULL);
    89 	TBool found = EFalse;
    90 	for(TInt i=0;i<dbNames->Count();++i)
    91 		{
    92 		const TDesC& dbName = (*dbNames)[i];
    93 		if(aDatabaseName.CompareF(dbName) == 0)
    94 			{
    95 			found = ETrue;
    96 			break;
    97 			}
    98 		}
    99 	delete dbNames;
   100 	return found;
   101 	}
   103 //Check if the supplied aPolicy parameter has aCapability capability.
   104 TBool TDBSCUtils::HasCapability(const TCompiledSecurityPolicy& aPolicy, TCapability aCapability)
   105 	{
   106 	TInt maxCount = 0;
   107 	if(aPolicy.Type() == TSecurityPolicy::ETypeS3 || 
   108 	   aPolicy.Type() == TSecurityPolicy::ETypeV3 ||
   109 	   aPolicy.Type() == TSecurityPolicy::ETypeC3)
   110 		{
   111 		maxCount = 3;	
   112 		}
   113 	else if(aPolicy.Type() == TSecurityPolicy::ETypeC7)
   114 		{
   115 		maxCount = 7;	
   116 		}
   117 	else
   118 		{
   119 		TEST(0);
   120 		}
   121 	for(TInt i=0;i<maxCount;++i)
   122 		{
   123 		if(aPolicy.Capability(i) == aCapability)
   124 			{
   125 			return ETrue;	
   126 			}
   127 		}
   128 	return EFalse;
   129 	}
   131 //If aValue is 0 then the method prints an error message and terminates the application.
   132 //It will do a test cleanup before the termination, if iFunc data member is not null.
   133 void TDBSCUtils::Check(TInt aValue, TInt aLine)
   134 	{
   135 	if(!aValue)
   136 		{
   137 		if(TheDbscUtils.iFunc)
   138 			{
   139 			TheDbscUtils.iFunc();
   140 			}
   141 		TheDbscUtils.iTest(EFalse, aLine);
   142 		}
   143 	}
   145 //If aValue != aExpected then the method prints an error message and terminates the application.
   146 //It will do a test cleanup before the termination, if iFunc data member is not null.
   147 void TDBSCUtils::Check(TInt aValue, TInt aExpected, TInt aLine)
   148 	{
   149 	if(aValue != aExpected)
   150 		{
   151 		RDebug::Print(_L("*** Expected error: %d, got: %d\r\n"), aExpected, aValue);
   152 		if(TheDbscUtils.iFunc)
   153 			{
   154 			TheDbscUtils.iFunc();
   155 			}
   156 		TheDbscUtils.iTest(EFalse, aLine);
   157 		}
   158 	}