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     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __IPCBUF_H__
    17 #define __IPCBUF_H__
    19 #include <s32buf.h>
    20 #include "IpcDefs.h"
    22 //Forward declarations
    23 class TIpcArgs;
    24 class RSqlDbSession;
    26 /**
    27 HIpcBuf class manages the "client to server" transfer of large data blocks.
    29 It caches the data to be sent/retrieved on the client side and sychronises the content of the client-side cache
    30 with the content of a similar server-side cache, sending appropriate read/write/sync commands to the server.
    32 An instance of TIpcStreamBuf class is uased as a client-side cache.
    34 The following code fragment shows how the class can be used to send to the server large blocks of data:
    36 @code
    37 //Step 1: Create the HIpcBuf instance.
    38 HIpcBuf* ipcBuf = HIpcBuf::NewLC(params, function, args);
    40 //Step 2: Create a stream instance. It will be used for sending the data to the server. All details about
    41 //		  the data transfer will be performed by the ipcBuf object.
    42 RWriteStream out(ipcBuf);
    44 //Step 3: "TheObject" is some large data object which has to be sent to the server. Let's assume 
    45 //		  "TheObject" has ExternalizeL() function which can be used to externalize the object into an output stream.
    46 TheObject.ExternalizeL(out);
    48 //Step 4: Commit the output stream. After the commit command the server will have all the data transferred.
    49 out.CommitL();		
    51 //Step 5: Cleanup.
    52 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ipcBuf);
    53 @endcode
    55 @see RSqlDbSession;
    56 @see TIpcStreamBuf
    57 @see RSessionBase
    59 @internalComponent
    60 */
    61 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(HIpcBuf) : public TStreamBuf
    62 	{
    63 public:
    64 	static HIpcBuf* NewL(RSqlDbSession& aSession, TInt aFunction, TIpcArgs& aArgs);
    65 	static HIpcBuf* NewLC(RSqlDbSession& aSession, TInt aFunction, TIpcArgs& aArgs);
    66 	virtual ~HIpcBuf();
    68 private:
    69 	HIpcBuf(RSqlDbSession& aSession);
    70 	void ConstructL(TInt aFunction, TIpcArgs& aArgs);
    72 	// from TStreamBuf
    73 	TInt UnderflowL(TInt aMaxLength);
    74 	void OverflowL();
    75 	void DoRelease();
    76 	void DoSynchL();
    77 	TInt DoReadL(TAny* aPtr, TInt aMaxLength);
    78 	void DoWriteL(const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLength);
    79 	TStreamPos DoSeekL(TMark aMark, TStreamLocation aLocation, TInt anOffset);
    81 private:
    82 	inline void SetPos(TRead, TInt aPos);
    83 	inline void SetPos(TWrite, TInt aPos);
    84 	inline TInt Pos(TRead) const;
    85 	inline TInt Pos(TWrite) const;
    86 	inline TInt MovePos(TRead, TInt aOffset);
    87 	TInt IpcReadL(TAny* aPtr, TInt aMaxLength);
    88 	void IpcWriteL(const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLength);
    89 	TInt EndL();
    91 	inline TInt Lag(TRead) const;
    92 	inline TInt Lag(TWrite) const;
    93 	inline TInt Mark(TRead) const;
    94 	inline TInt Mark(TWrite) const;
    96 private:
    97 	RSqlDbSession& 	iSession;
    98 	TInt			iHandle;
    99 	TInt 			iRPos;
   100 	TInt 			iWPos;
   101 	TIpcStreamBuf	iBuf;
   102 	};
   104 #include "IPCBuf.inl"
   106 #endif//__IPCBUF_H__