changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 23 26645d81f48d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <s32mem.h>
    17 #include "SqlDb.h"
    18 #include "SqlPanic.h"
    19 #include "SqlDatabaseImpl.h"
    20 #include "IPCBuf.h"
    22 // The maximum time (100 milliseconds) that a block of data is allowed to take to be read/written by TSqlBlob.
    23 // If the time taken is longer than this value then the next block size used will be less
    24 const TInt KTimeThresholdInMicroSecs = 100000; 
    25 // The largest block size used by TSqlBlob is 32Kb
    26 const TInt KLargestBlockSize = 32 * 1024; 
    27 // The client-side buffer will be used instead if the calculated block size is 2Kb or less 
    28 const TInt KUseClientBufferThreshold = 2 * 1024; 
    30 // Prepare an IPC buffer containing the parameter values
    31 static HBufC8* PrepareIpcParamBufLC(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnName, TInt64 aRowId, 
    32 								  TBool aReadOnly, const TDesC& aDbName)
    33 	{
    34 	HBufC8* ipcPrmBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(aTableName.Size() + sizeof(TDesC) + 
    35 									  aColumnName.Size() + sizeof(TDesC) +
    36 									  sizeof(aRowId) + sizeof(aReadOnly) + 
    37 									  aDbName.Size() + sizeof(TDesC) + sizeof(TInt32) * 3);
    38 	TPtr8 ipcPrmDes = ipcPrmBuf->Des();
    39 	RDesWriteStream strm(ipcPrmDes);
    41 	strm << static_cast <TInt32> (aTableName.Length()) 
    42 	     << aTableName 
    43 	     << static_cast <TInt32> (aColumnName.Length()) 
    44 	     << aColumnName 
    45 	     << aRowId 
    46 	     << static_cast<TInt32>(aReadOnly) 
    47 	     << static_cast <TInt32> (aDbName.Length()) 
    48 	     << aDbName;
    49 	strm.CommitL();
    50 	strm.Close();
    51 	return ipcPrmBuf;
    52 	}
    54 // Create an IPC stream, sending the IPC buffer containing the parameter values
    55 static MStreamBuf* CreateIpcStreamL(RSqlDbSession& aDbSession, const TDesC8& aIpcPrmBuf)
    56 	{
    57 	TIpcArgs ipcArgs;
    58 	ipcArgs.Set(0, aIpcPrmBuf.Length());
    59 	ipcArgs.Set(1, &aIpcPrmBuf);
    60 	HIpcBuf* ipcBuf = HIpcBuf::NewL(aDbSession, ::MakeMsgCode(ESqlSrvDbBlobSource, ESqlSrvNoHandle, 0), ipcArgs);
    61 	return ipcBuf;
    62 	}	
    64 // Used by TSqlBlob to calculate the appropriate block size to use for the next transfer of blob data
    65 static TInt CalculateBlockSize(TInt aRemainingDataSize, TInt aPreviousBlockSize, TBool aTimeThresholdBreached)
    66 	{
    67 	TInt blockSize = aPreviousBlockSize;
    68 	if(aTimeThresholdBreached)
    69 		{
    70 		// The time threshold was breached using the previous block size
    71 		// so we will reduce the block size by a factor of 2
    72 		blockSize /= 2;
    73 		if(blockSize <= KUseClientBufferThreshold)
    74 			{
    75 			// Just use the client-side IPC buffer size if things get to this stage
    76 			blockSize = KIpcBufSize; 
    77 			}
    78 		}	
    79 	return aRemainingDataSize <= blockSize ? aRemainingDataSize : blockSize;
    80 	}
    82 // Retrieve the data in blocks
    83 static void DoReadInBlocksL(RSqlBlobReadStream& aStrm, TDes8& aDestBuffer, TInt aBlobSize)
    84 	{
    85 	TInt remainingDataSize = aBlobSize;	
    86 	TBool timeThresholdBreached = EFalse;
    87 	TInt blockSize = KLargestBlockSize;
    88 	TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*)aDestBuffer.Ptr(), aDestBuffer.MaxSize());
    90 	while(remainingDataSize > 0)
    91 		{	
    92 		// Calculate the block size to use for this iteration, based on 
    93 		// how much data is remaining and how fast the previous read was
    94 		blockSize = CalculateBlockSize(remainingDataSize, blockSize, timeThresholdBreached);
    96 		// Read the block of data, timing how long it takes
    97 		TTime t1, t2;
    98 		t1.HomeTime();
    99 		aStrm.ReadL(ptr, blockSize);
   100 		t2.HomeTime();
   101 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds readTime = t2.MicroSecondsFrom(t1);
   102 		timeThresholdBreached = (readTime.Int64() > KTimeThresholdInMicroSecs);
   104 		// Update how much data is still to be read, and the buffer pointer
   105 		remainingDataSize -= blockSize;
   106 		__SQLASSERT(remainingDataSize >= 0, ESqlPanicInternalError);
   107 		ptr.Set((TUint8*)(ptr.Ptr() + blockSize), 0, remainingDataSize);
   108 		}	
   109 	aDestBuffer.SetLength(aBlobSize);
   110 	}
   112 // Send the data in blocks
   113 static void DoWriteInBlocksL(RSqlBlobWriteStream& aStrm, const TDesC8& aData, TInt aDataSize)
   114 	{
   115 	TInt remainingDataSize = aDataSize;	
   116 	TBool timeThresholdBreached = EFalse;
   117 	TInt blockSize = KLargestBlockSize;
   119 	while(remainingDataSize > 0)
   120 		{	
   121 		// Calculate the block size to use for this iteration, based on 
   122 		// how much data is remaining and how fast the previous write was
   123 		blockSize = CalculateBlockSize(remainingDataSize, blockSize, timeThresholdBreached);
   125 		// Write the block of data, timing how long it takes
   126 		TTime t1, t2;
   127 		t1.HomeTime();
   128 		aStrm.WriteL(aData.Right(remainingDataSize), blockSize);
   129 		t2.HomeTime();
   130 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds writeTime = t2.MicroSecondsFrom(t1);
   131 		timeThresholdBreached = (writeTime.Int64() > KTimeThresholdInMicroSecs);
   133 		// Update how much data is still to be written
   134 		remainingDataSize -= blockSize;
   135 		__SQLASSERT(remainingDataSize >= 0, ESqlPanicInternalError);
   136 		}	
   137 	aStrm.CommitL();	
   138 	}
   140 // The data is returned in a UTF-8 buffer that is allocated on the heap
   141 static HBufC8* ReadLC(RSqlDatabase& aDb, 	
   142 				   	  const TDesC& aTableName, 
   143 				   	  const TDesC& aColumnName, 
   144 				   	  TInt64 aRowId,
   145 				   	  const TDesC& aDbName)	
   146 	{
   147 	RSqlBlobReadStream strm;
   148 	CleanupClosePushL(strm);
   149 	strm.OpenL(aDb, aTableName, aColumnName, aRowId, aDbName);		
   150 	TInt blobSize = strm.SizeL(); // size of the blob, in bytes
   151 	HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(blobSize);
   152 	TPtr8 ptr = buf->Des();	
   153 	DoReadInBlocksL(strm, ptr, blobSize);
   154 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // buf
   155 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // strm
   156 	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
   157 	return buf;	
   158 	}
   160 // The data is returned in the UTF-8 buffer passed in
   161 static void ReadL(RSqlDatabase& aDb, 	
   162 				  const TDesC& aTableName, 
   163 				  const TDesC& aColumnName, 	
   164 				  TDes8& aBuffer,
   165 				  TInt64 aRowId,
   166 				  const TDesC& aDbName)
   167 	{	
   168 	RSqlBlobReadStream strm;
   169 	CleanupClosePushL(strm);
   170 	strm.OpenL(aDb, aTableName, aColumnName, aRowId, aDbName);		
   171 	TInt blobSize = strm.SizeL(); // size of the blob, in bytes
   172 	if(blobSize > aBuffer.MaxSize())
   173 		{
   174 		__SQLLEAVE(KErrOverflow);
   175 		}	
   176 	DoReadInBlocksL(strm, aBuffer, blobSize);
   177 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // strm
   178 	}
   180 // The data in the client-specified UTF-8 buffer is written
   181 static void WriteL(RSqlDatabase& aDb, 	
   182 				   const TDesC& aTableName, 
   183 				   const TDesC& aColumnName,
   184 				   const TDesC8& aData,	
   185 				   TInt64 aRowId,
   186 				   const TDesC& aDbName)
   187 	{
   188 	RSqlBlobWriteStream strm;
   189 	CleanupClosePushL(strm);
   190 	strm.OpenL(aDb, aTableName, aColumnName, aRowId, aDbName);
   191 	TInt dataSize = aData.Size(); // size of the data, in bytes
   192 	TInt blobSize = strm.SizeL(); // size of the blob, in bytes
   193 	if(dataSize > blobSize)
   194 		{
   195 		__SQLLEAVE(KErrEof);
   196 		}	
   197 	if(dataSize > 0)
   198 		{
   199 		DoWriteInBlocksL(strm, aData, dataSize);
   200 		}	
   201 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // strm
   202 	}
   204 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	
   206 /**
   207 Gives access to a blob as a read-only stream of bytes.
   209 @param aDb        	  A connection to the database that contains the blob
   210 @param aTableName     The name of the table that contains the blob
   211 @param aColumnName    The name of the column that contains the blob
   212 @param aRowId         The ROWID of the record that contains the blob,
   213 					  or KSqlLastInsertedRowId if the last inserted ROWID 
   214 					  of the specified database connection is to be used
   215 @param aDbName  	  The name of the attached database if the blob is 
   216 					  contained in an attached database
   218 @leave KSqlErrGeneral, 		 Invalid database connection or table name or column name 
   219 							 or column type or ROWID or database name;							 
   220 	   KErrNoMemory, 		 An out of memory condition occurred;	   
   221 	   KErrArgument, 		 The ROWID is zero or negative or a UTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed;
   222   	   KErrBadName,  		 The table name, column name or database name has an invalid length;
   223 	   KErrPermissionDenied, The client does not have the required security capabilites for this operation; 						 
   224        						 Note that the function may also leave with some other system wide errors or 
   225                      		 database specific errors categorised as ESqlDbError.
   227 @panic SqlDb 2 The database object is not yet created
   228 @panic SqlDb 3 Server failed to create a handle to the blob
   229 @panic SqlDb 4 In _DEBUG mode. Bad parameter value
   230 @panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode. NULL blob handle
   232 @capability None, if the aDb parameter represents a handle which operates on a non-secure database;
   233             RSqlSecurityPolicy::EReadPolicy or 
   234             RSqlSecurityPolicy::ESchemaPolicy database policy type, if the blob belongs to a secure database; 
   235 */		
   236 EXPORT_C void RSqlBlobReadStream::OpenL(RSqlDatabase& aDb, const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnName, 
   237 										TInt64 aRowId, const TDesC& aDbName)
   238 	{
   240 	SYMBIAN_TRACE_SQL_EVENTS_ONLY(UTF::Printf(UTF::TTraceContext(UTF::EInternals), KRSqlBlobParam16, &aDb, &aTableName, 
   241 			&aColumnName, aRowId, &aDbName));
   243 	HBufC8* ipcPrmBuf = ::PrepareIpcParamBufLC(aTableName, aColumnName, aRowId, ETrue, aDbName);
   244 	MStreamBuf* strm = ::CreateIpcStreamL(aDb.Impl().Session(), ipcPrmBuf->Des());
   245 	Attach(strm);
   246 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ipcPrmBuf);	
   247 	}
   249 /**
   250 Returns the size of the blob object, in bytes.
   252 @return The size of the blob object, in bytes
   254 @leave One of the system-wide error codes
   256 @panic SqlDb 2 The stream buffer is NULL
   258 @capability None
   259 */
   260 EXPORT_C TInt RSqlBlobReadStream::SizeL()
   261 	{
   264 	MStreamBuf* src = Source();
   265 	__SQLASSERT_ALWAYS(src != NULL, ESqlPanicInvalidObj);
   266 	return src->SizeL();
   267 	}
   269 /**
   270 Gives access to a blob as a writeable stream of bytes.
   272 @param aDb        	  A connection to the database that contains the blob
   273 @param aTableName     The name of the table that contains the blob
   274 @param aColumnName    The name of the column that contains the blob
   275 @param aRowId         The ROWID of the record that contains the blob,
   276 					  or KSqlLastInsertedRowId if the last inserted ROWID 
   277 					  of the specified database connection is to be used
   278 @param aDbName  	  The name of the attached database if the blob is 
   279 					  contained in an attached database
   281 @leave KSqlErrGeneral, 		 Invalid database connection or table name or column name or column 
   282 							 type or ROWID or database name, or the specified column is indexed;
   283 	   KErrNoMemory, 		 An out of memory condition occurred;	   
   284 	   KErrArgument, 		 The ROWID is zero or negative or a UTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed;
   285   	   KErrBadName,  		 The table name, column name or database name has an invalid length;
   286 	   KErrPermissionDenied, The client does not have the required security capabilites for this operation; 						 
   287        						 Note that the function may also leave with some other system wide errors or 
   288                      		 database specific errors categorised as ESqlDbError.
   290 @panic SqlDb 2 The database object is not yet created
   291 @panic SqlDb 3 Server failed to create a handle to the blob
   292 @panic SqlDb 4 In _DEBUG mode. Bad parameter value
   293 @panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode. NULL blob handle
   295 @capability None, if the aDb parameter represents a handle which operates on a non-secure database;
   296             RSqlSecurityPolicy::EWritePolicy or 
   297             RSqlSecurityPolicy::ESchemaPolicy database policy type, if the blob belongs to a secure database; 
   298 */							
   299 EXPORT_C void RSqlBlobWriteStream::OpenL(RSqlDatabase& aDb, const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnName, 
   300 										 TInt64 aRowId, const TDesC& aDbName)
   301 	{
   303 	SYMBIAN_TRACE_SQL_EVENTS_ONLY(UTF::Printf(UTF::TTraceContext(UTF::EInternals), KRSqlBlobParam16, &aDb, &aTableName, 
   304 			&aColumnName, aRowId, &aDbName));
   306 	HBufC8* ipcPrmBuf = ::PrepareIpcParamBufLC(aTableName, aColumnName, aRowId, EFalse, aDbName);
   307 	MStreamBuf* strm = ::CreateIpcStreamL(aDb.Impl().Session(), ipcPrmBuf->Des());
   308 	Attach(strm);
   309 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ipcPrmBuf);		
   310 	}
   312 /**
   313 Returns the size of the blob object, in bytes.
   315 @return The size of the blob object, in bytes
   317 @leave One of the system-wide error codes
   319 @panic SqlDb 2 The stream buffer is NULL
   321 @capability None
   322 */
   323 EXPORT_C TInt RSqlBlobWriteStream::SizeL()
   324 	{
   327 	MStreamBuf* sink = Sink();
   328 	__SQLASSERT_ALWAYS(sink != NULL, ESqlPanicInvalidObj);
   329 	return sink->SizeL();
   330 	}
   332 /**
   333 Retrieves the entire content of a blob and returns it to the client 
   334 in a heap allocated buffer which has been placed on the cleanup stack. 
   335 It is the responsibility of the client to destroy the returned buffer.
   337 @param aDb        	  A connection to the database that contains the blob
   338 @param aTableName     The name of the table that contains the blob
   339 @param aColumnName    The name of the column that contains the blob
   340 @param aRowId         The ROWID of the record that contains the blob,
   341 					  or KSqlLastInsertedRowId if the last inserted ROWID 
   342 					  of the specified database connection is to be used
   343 @param aDbName  	  The name of the attached database if the blob is 
   344 					  contained in an attached database
   346 @leave KSqlErrGeneral, 		 Invalid database connection or table name or column name 
   347 							 or column type or ROWID or database name;							 
   348 	   KErrNoMemory, 		 An out of memory condition occurred;	   
   349 	   KErrArgument, 		 The ROWID is zero or negative or a UTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed;
   350   	   KErrBadName,  		 The table name, column name or database name has an invalid length;
   351 	   KErrPermissionDenied, The client does not have the required security capabilites for this operation; 						 
   352        						 Note that the function may also leave with some other system wide errors or 
   353                      		 database specific errors categorised as ESqlDbError.
   355 @panic SqlDb 2 The database object is not yet created
   356 @panic SqlDb 3 Server failed to create a handle to the blob
   357 @panic SqlDb 4 In _DEBUG mode. Bad parameter value
   358 @panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode. NULL blob handle or miscalculation of remaining data to be read
   360 @capability None, if the aDb parameter represents a handle which operates on a non-secure database;
   361             RSqlSecurityPolicy::EReadPolicy or 
   362             RSqlSecurityPolicy::ESchemaPolicy database policy type, if the blob belongs to a secure database; 
   363 */
   364 EXPORT_C HBufC8* TSqlBlob::GetLC(RSqlDatabase& aDb, 	
   365 					     	     const TDesC& aTableName, 
   366 					     		 const TDesC& aColumnName, 	
   367 					     		 TInt64 aRowId,
   368 					     		 const TDesC& aDbName)
   369 	{
   371 	SYMBIAN_TRACE_SQL_EVENTS_ONLY(UTF::Printf(UTF::TTraceContext(UTF::EInternals), KRSqlBlobParam16, &aDb, &aTableName, 
   372 			&aColumnName, aRowId, &aDbName));
   374 	return ReadLC(aDb, aTableName, aColumnName, aRowId, aDbName);
   375 	}
   377 /**
   378 Retrieves the entire content of a blob into a client specified buffer.
   380 @param aDb        	  A connection to the database that contains the blob
   381 @param aTableName     The name of the table that contains the blob
   382 @param aColumnName    The name of the column that contains the blob
   383 @param aRowId         The ROWID of the record that contains the blob,
   384 					  or KSqlLastInsertedRowId if the last inserted ROWID 
   385 					  of the specified database connection is to be used
   386 @param aDbName  	  The name of the attached database if the blob is 
   387 					  contained in an attached database
   389 @return KSqlErrGeneral, 	  Invalid database connection or table name or column name 
   390 							  or column type or ROWID or database name;							 
   391 	    KErrNoMemory, 		  An out of memory condition occurred;	   
   392 	    KErrArgument, 		  The ROWID is zero or negative or a UTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed;
   393  	    KErrOverflow, 		  The specified buffer is not big enough to hold the entire blob;
   394   	    KErrBadName,  		  The table name, column name or database name has an invalid length;
   395 	    KErrPermissionDenied, The client does not have the required security capabilites for this operation; 						 
   396        						  Note that the function may also leave with some other system wide errors or 
   397                      		  database specific errors categorised as ESqlDbError.                    		 
   399 @panic SqlDb 2 The database object is not yet created
   400 @panic SqlDb 3 Server failed to create a handle to the blob
   401 @panic SqlDb 4 In _DEBUG mode. Bad parameter value
   402 @panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode. NULL blob handle or miscalculation of remaining data to be read
   404 @capability None, if the aDb parameter represents a handle which operates on a non-secure database;
   405             RSqlSecurityPolicy::EReadPolicy or 
   406             RSqlSecurityPolicy::ESchemaPolicy database policy type, if the blob belongs to a secure database; 
   407 */
   408 EXPORT_C TInt TSqlBlob::Get(RSqlDatabase& aDb, 	
   409 					 		const TDesC& aTableName, 
   410 					 	    const TDesC& aColumnName, 	
   411 					 	    TDes8& aBuffer,
   412 					 		TInt64 aRowId,
   413 					 	    const TDesC& aDbName)
   414 	{
   416 	SYMBIAN_TRACE_SQL_EVENTS_ONLY(UTF::Printf(UTF::TTraceContext(UTF::EInternals), KRSqlBlobParam16, &aDb, &aTableName, 
   417 			&aColumnName, aRowId, &aDbName));
   419 	TRAPD(err, ReadL(aDb, aTableName, aColumnName, aBuffer, aRowId, aDbName));
   420 	return err;	
   421 	}
   423 /**
   424 Writes the data in a client specified buffer to a blob.
   426 @param aDb        	  A connection to the database that contains the blob
   427 @param aTableName     The name of the table that contains the blob
   428 @param aColumnName    The name of the column that contains the blob
   429 @param aRowId         The ROWID of the record that contains the blob,
   430 					  or KSqlLastInsertedRowId if the last inserted ROWID 
   431 					  of the specified database connection is to be used
   432 @param aDbName  	  The name of the attached database if the blob is 
   433 					  contained in an attached database
   435 @leave KSqlErrGeneral, 		 Invalid database connection or table name or column name or column 
   436 							 type or ROWID or database name, or the specified column is indexed;
   437 	   KErrNoMemory, 		 An out of memory condition occurred;	   
   438 	   KErrArgument, 		 The ROWID is zero or negative or a UTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed;
   439 	   KErrEof,	     		 The data in the specified buffer is larger in size than the blob object;
   440   	   KErrBadName,  		 The table name, column name or database name has an invalid length;
   441 	   KErrPermissionDenied, The client does not have the required security capabilites for this operation; 						 
   442        						 Note that the function may also leave with some other system wide errors or 
   443                      		 database specific errors categorised as ESqlDbError.
   445 @panic SqlDb 2 The database object is not yet created
   446 @panic SqlDb 3 Server failed to create a handle to the blob
   447 @panic SqlDb 4 In _DEBUG mode. Bad parameter value
   448 @panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode. NULL blob handle or miscalculation of remaining data to be written
   450 @capability None, if the aDb parameter represents a handle which operates on a non-secure database;
   451             RSqlSecurityPolicy::EWritePolicy or 
   452             RSqlSecurityPolicy::ESchemaPolicy database policy type, if the blob belongs to a secure database; 
   453 */
   454 EXPORT_C void TSqlBlob::SetL(RSqlDatabase& aDb, 	
   455 					  		 const TDesC& aTableName, 
   456 					  		 const TDesC& aColumnName,
   457 					  		 const TDesC8& aData,	
   458 					  		 TInt64 aRowId,
   459 					  		 const TDesC& aDbName)
   460 	{
   462 	SYMBIAN_TRACE_SQL_EVENTS_ONLY(UTF::Printf(UTF::TTraceContext(UTF::EInternals), KRSqlBlobParam16, &aDb, &aTableName, 
   463 			&aColumnName, aRowId, &aDbName));
   465 	WriteL(aDb, aTableName, aColumnName, aData,	aRowId, aDbName);
   466 	}