changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 15 fcc16690f446
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <e32test.h>
    17 #include <bautils.h>
    18 #include <sqldb.h>
    19 #include <hal.h>
    20 #include "SqlUtil.h"
    22 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    24 RTest TheTest(_L("t_sqlcompact1 test"));
    26 RSqlDatabase TheDb;
    28 const TInt KTextLen = 400;
    29 TBuf<KTextLen> TheText;
    30 TBuf<KTextLen + 100> TheSqlBuf;
    32 _LIT(KTestDir, "c:\\test\\");
    33 _LIT(KDbName1, "c:\\test\\t_sqlcompact1_1.db");
    34 _LIT(KDbName2, "c:\\test\\t_sqlcompact1_2.db");
    35 _LIT(KDbName3, "c:\\test\\t_sqlcompact1_3.db");
    36 _LIT(KDbName4, "c:\\test\\t_sqlcompact1_4.db");
    38 _LIT(KAttachName1, "UOOO");
    39 _LIT(KAttachName2, "FOOO");
    40 _LIT(KAttachName3, "AOOO");
    41 _LIT(KAttachName4, "EOOO");
    43 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    45 void DestroyTestEnv()
    46 	{
    47 	TheDb.Close();
    48 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName4);
    49 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName3);
    50 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName2);
    51 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName1);
    52 	}
    54 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    55 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    56 //Test macros and functions
    57 void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aLine)
    58 	{
    59 	if(!aValue)
    60 		{
    61 		DestroyTestEnv();
    62 		RDebug::Print(_L("*** Test failure. Boolean expression evaluates to false.\r\n"));
    63 		TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
    64 		}
    65 	}
    66 void Check2(TInt aValue, TInt aExpected, TInt aLine)
    67 	{
    68 	if(aValue != aExpected)
    69 		{
    70 		DestroyTestEnv();
    71 		RDebug::Print(_L("*** Expected error: %d, got: %d\r\n"), aExpected, aValue);
    72 		TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
    73 		}
    74 	}
    75 #define TEST(arg) ::Check((arg), __LINE__)
    76 #define TEST2(aValue, aExpected) ::Check2(aValue, aExpected, __LINE__)
    78 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    80 void CreateTestEnv()
    81     {
    82     RFs fs;
    83 	TInt err = fs.Connect();
    84 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    86 	err = fs.MkDir(KTestDir);
    87 	TEST(err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists);
    89 	fs.Close();
    90 	}
    92 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    94 void ReplaceDb(const TDesC& aDbName, TInt aPageSize)
    95 	{
    96 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(aDbName);
    97 	_LIT8(KConfigStr, "compaction=manual;page_size=");
    98 	TBuf8<50> config;
    99 	config.Copy(KConfigStr);
   100 	config.AppendNum(aPageSize);
   101 	TInt err = TheDb.Create(aDbName, &config);
   102 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   103 	TheDb.Close();
   104 	}
   106 void CreateTable(const TDesC& aDbName)
   107 	{
   108 	TInt err = TheDb.Open(aDbName);
   109 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   110 	err = TheDb.Exec(_L("CREATE TABLE A(I INTEGER, T TEXT)"));
   111 	TEST(err >= 0);
   112 	TheDb.Close();
   113 	}
   115 void InsertRecords(const TDesC& aDbName)
   116 	{
   117 	TInt err = TheDb.Open(aDbName);
   118 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   119 	TheText.SetLength(TheText.MaxLength());
   120 	TheText.Fill(TChar('A'));
   121 	for(TInt i=0;i<100;++i)
   122 		{
   123 		TheSqlBuf.Format(_L("INSERT INTO A VALUES(%d, '%S')"), i + 1, &TheText);
   124 		err = TheDb.Exec(TheSqlBuf);
   125 		TEST2(err, 1);
   126 		}
   127 	TheDb.Close();
   128 	}
   130 TInt DeleteRecords(const TDesC& aDbName, TInt aPageCount, TInt aPageSize)
   131 	{
   132 	TInt freePageCount = -1;
   133 	TInt err = TheDb.Open(aDbName);
   134 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   135 	for(TInt i=0;;++i)
   136 		{
   137 		TheSqlBuf.Format(_L("DELETE FROM A WHERE I=%d"), i + 1);
   138 		err = TheDb.Exec(TheSqlBuf);
   139 		TEST2(err, 1);
   140 		RSqlDatabase::TSize s;
   141 		err = TheDb.Size(s);
   142 		TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   143 		freePageCount = s.iFree / aPageSize;
   144 		if(freePageCount >= aPageCount)
   145 			{
   146 			break;	
   147 			}
   148 		}
   149 	TheDb.Close();
   150 	return freePageCount;
   151 	}
   153 /**
   154 @SYMTestCaseID			SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4072
   155 @SYMTestCaseDesc		Manual compaction on attached databases with different page size.
   156 						The test creates couple of databases with manual compaction and 
   157 						different page sizes, then inserts some records and deletes part of
   158 						the just inserted records thus making some free pages.
   159 						The test opens the first database and attaches all other databases the the first one.
   160 						Then the test checks that RSqlDatabase::Size() returns correct information
   161 						about the free database space. The test runs the manual compaction on the
   162 						databases and checks again that the free database space is reported correctly.
   163 @SYMTestPriority		Medium
   164 @SYMTestActions			Manual compaction on attached databases with different page size.
   165 @SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
   166 @SYMREQ					REQ10405
   167                         REQ10407
   168 */
   169 void CompactDbTest1()
   170 	{
   171 	const TPtrC KDbName[] = 	{KDbName1(), 	KDbName2(), 	KDbName3(), 	KDbName4()};
   172 	const TPtrC KDbAttachName[]={KAttachName1(),KAttachName2(), KAttachName3(), KAttachName4()};
   173 	const TInt KDbPageSize[] = 	{8192, 			1024, 			4096, 			2048};
   174 	const TInt KFreePageCount[]={9, 			30, 			17, 			7};
   175 		  TInt freePageCount[] ={0, 0, 0, 0};
   176 	const TInt KSize = sizeof(KDbName) / sizeof(KDbName[0]);
   178 	TInt i;
   180 	//Create databases, tables, insert records, delete part of the just inserted records.
   181 	for(i=0;i<KSize;++i)
   182 		{
   183 		ReplaceDb(KDbName[i], KDbPageSize[i]);
   184 		CreateTable(KDbName[i]);
   185 		InsertRecords(KDbName[i]);
   186 		freePageCount[i] = DeleteRecords(KDbName[i], KFreePageCount[i], KDbPageSize[i]);
   187 		}
   189 	//Open the first database, attach all others.
   190 	TInt err = TheDb.Open(KDbName1());
   191 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   192 	for(i=0;i<KSize;++i)
   193 		{
   194 		err = TheDb.Attach(KDbName[i], KDbAttachName[i]);
   195 		TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   196 		}
   198 	//Check the size of the main database.
   199 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size;
   200 	err = TheDb.Size(size);
   201 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   202 	TEST2((size.iFree / KDbPageSize[0]), freePageCount[0]);
   204 	//For all attached database: check the size of the database, compact, check the size again.
   205 	for(i=0;i<KSize;++i)
   206 		{
   207 		err = TheDb.Size(size, KDbAttachName[i]);
   208 		TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   209 		TEST2((size.iFree / KDbPageSize[i]), freePageCount[i]);
   211 		const TInt KCompactPageCount = 3;
   212 		TInt rc = TheDb.Compact(KCompactPageCount * KDbPageSize[i], KDbAttachName[i]);
   213 		TInt expected = KCompactPageCount * KDbPageSize[i];
   214 		TEST2(rc, expected);
   215 		err = TheDb.Size(size, KDbAttachName[i]);
   216 		TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   217 		TInt count = size.iFree / KDbPageSize[i];
   218 		expected = freePageCount[i] - KCompactPageCount;
   219 		TEST2(count, expected);
   220 		}
   222 	//Detach databases and close the main database.
   223 	for(i=0;i<KSize;++i)
   224 		{
   225 		err = TheDb.Detach(KDbAttachName[i]);
   226 		TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   227 		}
   228 	TheDb.Close();
   230 	//Cleanup.
   231 	for(i=0;i<KSize;++i)
   232 		{
   233 		(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName[i]);
   234 		}
   235 	}
   237 //Creates a test database (with KDbName1 name). Inserts aRecordCount records.
   238 //The page size is specified in aPageSize parameter. But practically the page size is always 1024 bytes.
   239 //The record size is such that there is only one record per page.
   240 void PrepareDb(TInt aPageSize, TInt aRecordCount, TBool aManualCompaction = EFalse)
   241 	{
   242 	//Create the database
   243 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName1);
   244 	_LIT8(KConfigStr, "page_size=");
   245 	TBuf8<100> config;
   246 	config.Copy(KConfigStr);
   247 	config.AppendNum(aPageSize);
   248 	if(aManualCompaction)
   249 		{
   250 		config.Append(_L(";compaction=manual;"));
   251 		}
   252 	TInt err = TheDb.Create(KDbName1, &config);
   253 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   255 	err = TheDb.Exec(_L("CREATE TABLE A(I INTEGER, T TEXT)"));
   256 	TEST(err >= 0);
   257 	//Insert records
   258 	TheText.SetLength(TheText.MaxLength());
   259 	TheText.Fill(TChar('A'));
   260 	for(TInt i=0;i<aRecordCount;++i)
   261 		{
   262 		TheSqlBuf.Format(_L("INSERT INTO A VALUES(%d, '%S')"), i + 1, &TheText);
   263 		err = TheDb.Exec(TheSqlBuf);
   264 		TEST2(err, 1);
   265 		}
   266 	//Delete all records making a lot of free pages. This operation should kick-off the background compaction
   267 	err = TheDb.Exec(_L("DELETE FROM A WHERE 1"));
   268 	TEST2(err, aRecordCount);
   269 	}
   271 /**
   272 @SYMTestCaseID			SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4073
   273 @SYMTestCaseDesc		Background compaction steps test.
   274 						The test creates a database with background compaction mode, 
   275 						then inserts records and deletes all of them. The count of records is such that when
   276 						the records get deleted, the number of the free pages is very big and all free pages cannot
   277 						be removed for just one compaction step.
   278 						The test waits for ("compaction interval"/10 ms) time and checks that no compaction
   279 						step has been run by the server during the pause and the free space size is the same as before the
   280 						pause. Then the test waits for ("compaction interval" + "compaction step") time and checks that
   281 						the background compaction step really happened and removed only part of the free pages.
   282 						The same test is repeated again and the same check is performed again.
   283 @SYMTestPriority		Medium
   284 @SYMTestActions			Background compaction steps test.
   285 @SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
   286 @SYMREQ					REQ10271
   287                         REQ10272
   288 */
   289 void CompactDbTest2()
   290 	{
   291 	const TInt KPageSize = 1024;
   292 	//Number of records to be added and removed from database. Need to be increased when testing on a faster 
   293 	// hardware, otherwise at fastest case the background compaction could be finished in just 1 step.
   294 	const TInt KRecordCount = 2000;
   295 	PrepareDb(KPageSize, KRecordCount);
   297 	//Check the free space-1
   298 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size1;
   299 	TInt err = TheDb.Size(size1);
   300 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   301 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===Free space before compaction, pages=%d\r\n"), size1.iFree / KPageSize);
   302 	TEST(size1.iSize >= (KRecordCount * KPageSize));
   304 	//Wait KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs/10 ms. The background compaction should not be kicked-off.
   305 	TTime time1;
   306 	time1.HomeTime();
   307 	User::After((KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs / 10) * 1000);
   308 	TTime time2;
   309 	time2.HomeTime();
   310 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds intervalUs = time2.MicroSecondsFrom(time1);	
   311 	//Check the free space-2
   312 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size2;
   313 	err = TheDb.Size(size2);
   314 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   315 	TheTest.Printf(_L("=== Wait time: %ld ms. Free space after compaction-1, pages=%d\r\n"), intervalUs.Int64() / 1000 ,size2.iFree / KPageSize);
   316 	if(intervalUs > KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs * 1000)
   317 		{
   318 		TEST(size2.iFree <= size1.iFree);
   319 		}
   320 	else
   321 		{
   322 		TEST(size2.iFree == size1.iFree);
   323 		}
   325 	//Wait (KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs + KSqlCompactStepLengthMs) ms. During the pause only part of the free pages
   326 	//should be removed (whatever can be completed for KSqlCompactStepLengthMs ms).
   327 	User::After((KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs + KSqlCompactStepLengthMs) * 1000);
   328 	//Check the free space-3
   329 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size3;
   330 	err = TheDb.Size(size3);
   331 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   332 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===Free space after compaction-2, pages=%d\r\n"), size3.iFree / KPageSize);
   333 	if(size3.iFree == 0)
   334 		{
   335 		TheTest.Printf(_L("WARNING: Background compaction finished in 1 step. Initial number of records need to be increased.\r\n"));
   336 		}
   337 	TEST(size3.iFree > 0 && size3.iFree < size2.iFree);
   339 	//Wait another (KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs + KSqlCompactStepLengthMs) ms. During the pause only part of the free pages
   340 	//should be removed (whatever can be completed for KSqlCompactStepLengthMs ms).
   341 	User::After((KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs + KSqlCompactStepLengthMs) * 1000);
   342 	//Check the free space-4
   343 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size4;
   344 	err = TheDb.Size(size4);
   345 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   346 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===Free space after compaction-3, pages=%d\r\n"), size4.iFree / KPageSize);
   347 	TEST((size4.iFree > 0 && size4.iFree < size3.iFree) || (size4.iFree == 0));
   349 	//Cleanup
   350 	TheDb.Close();
   351 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName1);
   352 	}
   354 /**
   355 @SYMTestCaseID			SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4074
   356 @SYMTestCaseDesc		Background compaction timer test.
   357 						The test creates a database with background compaction mode, 
   358 						then inserts records and deletes all of them. The count of records is such that when
   359 						the records get deleted, the number of the free pages is very big and all free pages cannot
   360 						be removed for just one compaction step.
   361 						Then the test executes a set of operations with the server. The amount of time needed for the
   362 						operations to be executed is bigger than the ("compaction interval" + "compaction step") time.
   363 						No compaction step should be executed during that time, because every operation resets the background 
   364 						compaction timer.
   365 @SYMTestPriority		Medium
   366 @SYMTestActions			Background compaction timer test.
   367 @SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
   368 @SYMREQ					REQ10271
   369                         REQ10272
   370 */
   371 void CompactDbTest3()
   372 	{
   373 	const TInt KPageSize = 1024;
   374 	const TInt KRecordCount = 1000;
   375 	PrepareDb(KPageSize, KRecordCount);
   377 	//Check the free space-1
   378 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size1;
   379 	TInt err = TheDb.Size(size1);
   380 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   381 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===Free space before operations, pages=%d. Db.Size=%d, Db.Free=%d\r\n"), size1.iFree / KPageSize, size1.iSize, size1.iFree);
   382 	TEST(size1.iSize >= (KRecordCount * KPageSize));
   384 	//Execute a set of operations. The time needed for the operations to complete is bigger than
   385 	//(KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs + KSqlCompactStepLengthMs) ms
   386 	TInt freq = 0;
   387 	TEST2(HAL::Get(HAL::EFastCounterFrequency, freq), KErrNone);
   388 	TUint32 begin = User::FastCounter();
   389 	TInt count = 0;
   390 	TInt time = -1;
   391 	for(;;++count)
   392 		{
   393 		err = TheDb.Exec(_L("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM A"));
   394 		TEST(err >= 0);
   395 		TUint32 current = User::FastCounter();
   396 		TInt64 diffTicks = (TInt64)current - (TInt64)begin;
   397 		if(diffTicks < 0)
   398 			{
   399 			diffTicks = KMaxTUint32 + diffTicks + 1;
   400 			}
   401 		const TInt KMicroSecIn1Sec = 1000000;
   402 		TInt32 us = (diffTicks * KMicroSecIn1Sec) / freq;
   403 		time = us / 1000;
   404 		if(time > ((KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs + KSqlCompactStepLengthMs)))
   405 			{
   406 			break;	
   407 			}
   408 		}
   409 	//Check the free space-2
   410 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size2;
   411 	err = TheDb.Size(size2);
   412 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   413 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===%d operations completed for %d ms\r\n"), count, time);
   414 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===Free space after operations, pages=%d\r\n"), size2.iFree / KPageSize);
   415 	TEST(size1.iFree == size2.iFree);
   417 	//Cleanup
   418 	TheDb.Close();
   419 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName1);
   420 	}
   422 /**
   423 @SYMTestCaseID			SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4103
   424 @SYMTestCaseDesc		Big manual compaction test.
   425 						The test creates a database with 1000 free pages, then calls 
   426 						RSqlDatabase::Compact(RSqlDatabase::EMaxCompaction).
   427 @SYMTestPriority		Medium
   428 @SYMTestActions			Big manual compaction test.
   429 @SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
   430 @SYMREQ					REQ10271
   431                         REQ10272
   432 */
   433 void ManualCompactTest()
   434 	{
   435 	//Create a database with 1000 free pages
   436 	const TInt KPageSize = 1024;
   437 	const TInt KRecordCount = 1000;
   438 	PrepareDb(KPageSize, KRecordCount, ETrue);//create the database with manual compaction mode
   439 	//Check the free space-1
   440 	RSqlDatabase::TSize size1;
   441 	TInt err = TheDb.Size(size1);
   442 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   443 	const TInt KFreePageCount = size1.iFree / KPageSize;
   444 	TheTest.Printf(_L("===Free space before operations, pages=%d\r\n"), KFreePageCount);
   445 	TEST(size1.iSize >= (KRecordCount * KPageSize));
   446 	//Compact
   447 	err = TheDb.Compact(RSqlDatabase::EMaxCompaction);
   448 	TEST2(err, size1.iFree);
   449 	//Cleanup
   450 	TheDb.Close();
   451 	(void)RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName1);
   452 	}
   454 void DoTestsL()
   455 	{
   456 	TheTest.Start(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4072 Manual Compact() - attached databases, different page sizes"));	
   457 	CompactDbTest1();
   459 	TheTest.Next( _L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4073 Background compaction steps test"));	
   460 	CompactDbTest2();
   462 	TheTest.Next( _L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4074 Background compaction timer test"));	
   463 	CompactDbTest3();
   465 	TheTest.Next( _L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SQL-UT-4103 Big manual compaction test"));	
   466 	ManualCompactTest();
   467 	}
   469 TInt E32Main()
   470 	{
   471 	TheTest.Title();
   473 	CTrapCleanup* tc = CTrapCleanup::New();
   474 	TheTest(tc != NULL);
   476 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   478 	CreateTestEnv();
   479 	TRAPD(err, DoTestsL());
   480 	DestroyTestEnv();
   481 	TEST2(err, KErrNone);
   483 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   485 	TheTest.End();
   486 	TheTest.Close();
   488 	delete tc;
   490 	User::Heap().Check();
   491 	return KErrNone;
   492 	}