changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 # 2001 October 12
     2 #
     3 # Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
     4 #
     5 # The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
     6 # a legal notice, here is a blessing:
     7 #
     8 #    May you do good and not evil.
     9 #    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
    10 #    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
    11 #
    12 #***********************************************************************
    13 # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
    14 # focus of this file is testing for correct handling of I/O errors
    15 # such as writes failing because the disk is full.
    16 # 
    17 # The tests in this file use special facilities that are only
    18 # available in the SQLite test fixture.
    19 #
    20 # $Id: ioerr.test,v 1.41 2008/07/12 14:52:20 drh Exp $
    22 set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
    23 source $testdir/tester.tcl
    25 # If SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM is set to true, then a simulated IO error
    26 # on the 8th IO operation in the SQL script below doesn't report an error.
    27 #
    28 # This is because the 8th IO call attempts to read page 2 of the database
    29 # file when the file on disk is only 1 page. The pager layer detects that
    30 # this has happened and suppresses the error returned by the OS layer.
    31 #
    32 do_ioerr_test ioerr-1 -erc 1 -ckrefcount 1 -sqlprep {
    33   SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
    34 } -sqlbody {
    35   CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
    36   SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
    38   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2,3);
    39   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(4,5,6);
    40   ROLLBACK;
    41   SELECT * FROM t1;
    43   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2,3);
    44   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(4,5,6);
    45   COMMIT;
    46   SELECT * FROM t1;
    47   DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a<100;
    48 } -exclude [expr [string match [execsql {pragma auto_vacuum}] 1] ? 4 : 0]
    50 # Test for IO errors during a VACUUM. 
    51 #
    52 # The first IO call is excluded from the test. This call attempts to read
    53 # the file-header of the temporary database used by VACUUM. Since the
    54 # database doesn't exist at that point, the IO error is not detected.
    55 # 
    56 # Additionally, if auto-vacuum is enabled, the 12th IO error is not 
    57 # detected. Same reason as the 8th in the test case above.
    58 # 
    59 ifcapable vacuum {
    60   do_ioerr_test ioerr-2 -cksum true -ckrefcount true -sqlprep { 
    61     BEGIN; 
    62     CREATE TABLE t1(a, b, c); 
    63     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50)); 
    64     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+2, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1; 
    65     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+4, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1;
    66     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+8, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1;
    67     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+16, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1;
    68     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+32, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1;
    69     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+64, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1;
    70     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+128, b||'-'||rowid, c||'-'||rowid FROM t1;
    71     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, randstr(600,600), randstr(600,600));
    72     CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT * FROM t1;
    73     CREATE TABLE t3 AS SELECT * FROM t1;
    74     COMMIT;
    75     DROP TABLE t2;
    76   } -sqlbody {
    77     VACUUM;
    78   } -exclude [list \
    79       1 [expr [string match [execsql {pragma auto_vacuum}] 1]?9:-1]]
    80 }
    82 do_ioerr_test ioerr-3 -ckrefcount true -tclprep {
    83   execsql {
    84     PRAGMA cache_size = 10;
    85     BEGIN;
    86     CREATE TABLE abc(a);
    87     INSERT INTO abc VALUES(randstr(1500,1500)); -- Page 4 is overflow
    88   }
    89   for {set i 0} {$i<150} {incr i} {
    90     execsql {
    91       INSERT INTO abc VALUES(randstr(100,100)); 
    92     }
    93   }
    94   execsql COMMIT
    95 } -sqlbody {
    96   CREATE TABLE abc2(a);
    97   BEGIN;
    98   DELETE FROM abc WHERE length(a)>100;
    99   UPDATE abc SET a = randstr(90,90);
   100   COMMIT;
   101   CREATE TABLE abc3(a);
   102 } 
   104 # Test IO errors that can occur retrieving a record header that flows over
   105 # onto an overflow page.
   106 do_ioerr_test ioerr-4 -ckrefcount true -tclprep {
   107   set sql "CREATE TABLE abc(a1"
   108   for {set i 2} {$i<1300} {incr i} {
   109     append sql ", a$i"
   110   }
   111   append sql ");"
   112   execsql $sql
   113   execsql {INSERT INTO abc (a1) VALUES(NULL)}
   114 } -sqlbody {
   115  SELECT * FROM abc;
   116 }
   119 # Test IO errors that may occur during a multi-file commit.
   120 #
   121 # Tests 8 and 17 are excluded when auto-vacuum is enabled for the same 
   122 # reason as in test cases ioerr-1.XXX
   123 ifcapable attach {
   124   set ex ""
   125   if {[string match [execsql {pragma auto_vacuum}] 1]} {
   126     set ex [list 4 17]
   127   }
   128   do_ioerr_test ioerr-5 -restoreprng 0 -ckrefcount true -sqlprep {
   129     ATTACH 'test2.db' AS test2;
   130   } -sqlbody {
   131     BEGIN;
   132     CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
   133     CREATE TABLE test2.t2(a,b,c);
   134     COMMIT;
   135   } -exclude $ex
   136 }
   138 # Test IO errors when replaying two hot journals from a 2-file 
   139 # transaction. This test only runs on UNIX.
   140 ifcapable crashtest&&attach {
   141   if {![catch {sqlite3 -has_codec} r] && !$r} {
   142     do_ioerr_test ioerr-6 -ckrefcount true -tclprep {
   143       execsql {
   144         ATTACH 'test2.db' as aux;
   145         CREATE TABLE tx(a, b);
   146         CREATE TABLE aux.ty(a, b);
   147       }
   148       set rc [crashsql -delay 2 -file test2.db-journal {
   149         ATTACH 'test2.db' as aux;
   150         PRAGMA cache_size = 10;
   151         BEGIN;
   152         CREATE TABLE aux.t2(a, b, c);
   153         CREATE TABLE t1(a, b, c);
   154         COMMIT;
   155       }]
   156       if {$rc!="1 {child process exited abnormally}"} {
   157         error "Wrong error message: $rc"
   158       }
   159     } -sqlbody {
   160       SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
   161       SELECT * FROM aux.sqlite_master;
   162     }
   163   }
   164 } 
   166 # Test handling of IO errors that occur while rolling back hot journal
   167 # files.
   168 #
   169 # These tests can't be run on windows because the windows version of 
   170 # SQLite holds a mandatory exclusive lock on journal files it has open.
   171 #
   172 if {$tcl_platform(platform)!="windows" && $tcl_platform(platform)!="symbian"} {
   173   do_ioerr_test ioerr-7 -tclprep {
   174     db close
   175     sqlite3 db2 test2.db
   176     db2 eval {
   177       PRAGMA synchronous = 0;
   178       CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
   179       INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2);
   180       BEGIN;
   181       INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, 4);
   182     }
   183     copy_file test2.db test.db
   184     copy_file test2.db-journal test.db-journal
   185     db2 close
   186   } -tclbody {
   187     sqlite3 db test.db
   188     db eval {
   189       SELECT * FROM t1;
   190     }
   191   } -exclude 1
   192 }
   194 # For test coverage:  Cause an I/O failure while trying to read a
   195 # short field (one that fits into a Mem buffer without mallocing
   196 # for space).
   197 #
   198 do_ioerr_test ioerr-8 -ckrefcount true -tclprep {
   199   execsql {
   200     CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
   201     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randstr(200,200), randstr(1000,1000), 2);
   202   }
   203   db close
   204   sqlite3 db test.db
   205 } -sqlbody {
   206   SELECT c FROM t1;
   207 }
   209 # For test coverage: Cause an IO error whilst reading the master-journal
   210 # name from a journal file.
   211 if {$tcl_platform(platform)=="unix"} {
   212   do_ioerr_test ioerr-9 -ckrefcount true -tclprep {
   213     execsql {
   214       CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
   215       INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randstr(200,200), randstr(1000,1000), 2);
   216       BEGIN;
   217       INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randstr(200,200), randstr(1000,1000), 2);
   218     }
   219     copy_file test.db-journal test2.db-journal
   220     execsql {
   221       COMMIT;
   222     }
   223     copy_file test2.db-journal test.db-journal
   224     set f [open test.db-journal a]
   225     fconfigure $f -encoding binary
   226     puts -nonewline $f "hello"
   227     puts -nonewline $f "\x00\x00\x00\x05\x01\x02\x03\x04"
   228     puts -nonewline $f "\xd9\xd5\x05\xf9\x20\xa1\x63\xd7"
   229     close $f
   230   } -sqlbody {
   231     SELECT a FROM t1;
   232   }
   233 }
   235 # For test coverage: Cause an IO error during statement playback (i.e. 
   236 # a constraint).
   237 do_ioerr_test ioerr-10 -ckrefcount true -tclprep {
   238   execsql {
   239     BEGIN;
   240     CREATE TABLE t1(a PRIMARY KEY, b);
   241   }
   242   for {set i 0} {$i < 500} {incr i} {
   243     execsql {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(:i, 'hello world');}
   244   }
   245   execsql {
   246     COMMIT;
   247   }
   248 } -tclbody {
   250   catch {execsql {
   251     BEGIN;
   252     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('abc', 123);
   253     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('def', 123);
   254     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('ghi', 123);
   255     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT (a+500)%900, 'good string' FROM t1;
   256   }} msg
   258   if {$msg != "column a is not unique"} {
   259     error $msg
   260   }
   261 }
   263 # Assertion fault bug reported by alex dimitrov.
   264 #
   265 do_ioerr_test ioerr-11 -ckrefcount true -erc 1 -sqlprep {
   267    INSERT INTO A(Id, Name) VALUES(1, 'Name');
   268 } -sqlbody {
   269    UPDATE A SET Id = 2, Name = 'Name2' WHERE Id = 1;
   270 }
   272 # Test that an io error encountered in a sync() caused by a call to
   273 # sqlite3_release_memory() is handled Ok. Only try this if 
   274 # memory-management is enabled.
   275 #
   276 ifcapable memorymanage {
   277   do_ioerr_test memmanage-ioerr1 -ckrefcount true -sqlprep {
   278     BEGIN;
   279     CREATE TABLE t1(a, b, c);
   280     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randstr(50,50), randstr(100,100), randstr(10,10));
   281     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(9,9), randstr(90,90) FROM t1;
   282     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(9,9), randstr(90,90) FROM t1;
   283     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(9,9), randstr(90,90) FROM t1;
   284     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(9,9), randstr(90,90) FROM t1;
   285     INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(9,9), randstr(90,90) FROM t1;
   286   } -tclbody {
   287     sqlite3_release_memory 
   288   } -sqlbody {
   289     COMMIT;
   290   }
   291 }
   293 ifcapable pager_pragmas&&autovacuum {
   294   do_ioerr_test ioerr-12 -ckrefcount true -erc 1 -sqlprep {
   295      PRAGMA page_size = 512;
   296      PRAGMA auto_vacuum = incremental;
   297      CREATE TABLE t1(x);
   298      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( randomblob(1   * (512-4)) );
   299      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( randomblob(110 * (512-4)) );
   300      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( randomblob(2   * (512-4)) );
   301      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( randomblob(110 * (512-4)) );
   302      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( randomblob(3 * (512-4)) );
   303      DELETE FROM t1 WHERE rowid = 3;
   304      PRAGMA incremental_vacuum = 2;
   305      DELETE FROM t1 WHERE rowid = 1;
   306   } -sqlbody {
   307      PRAGMA incremental_vacuum = 1;
   308   }
   309 }
   311 # Usually, after a new page is allocated from the end of the file, it does
   312 # not need to be written to the journal. The exception is when the new page
   313 # shares its sector with an existing page that does need to be journalled.
   314 # This test case provokes this condition to test for the sake of coverage
   315 # that an IO error while journalling the coresident page is handled correctly.
   316 #
   317 sqlite3_simulate_device -char {} -sectorsize 2048
   318 do_ioerr_test ioerr-12 -ckrefcount true -erc 1 -tclprep {
   319   db close
   320   sqlite3 db test.db -vfs devsym
   322   # Create a test database. Page 2 is the root page of table t1. The only
   323   # row inserted into t1 has an overflow page - page 3. Page 3 will be
   324   # coresident on the 2048 byte sector with the next page to be allocated.
   325   # 
   326   db eval { PRAGMA page_size = 1024 }
   327   db eval { CREATE TABLE t1(x) }
   328   db eval { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(1100)); }
   329 } -tclbody {
   330   db eval { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(2000)); }
   331 }
   332 sqlite3_simulate_device -char {} -sectorsize 0
   333 catch {db close}
   335 do_ioerr_test ioerr-13 -ckrefcount true -erc 1 -sqlprep {
   336   PRAGMA auto_vacuum = incremental;
   337   CREATE TABLE t1(x);
   338   CREATE TABLE t2(x);
   339   INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(randomblob(1500));
   340   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   341   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   342   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   343   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   344   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   345   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   346   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   347   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   348   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(20));
   349   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1;
   350   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1;
   351   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1;
   352   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1;
   353   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1;
   354   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1;             /* 64 entries in t1 */
   355   INSERT INTO t1 SELECT x FROM t1 LIMIT 14;    /* 78 entries in t1 */
   356   DELETE FROM t2 WHERE rowid = 3;
   357 } -sqlbody {
   358   -- This statement uses the balance_quick() optimization. The new page
   359   -- is appended to the database file. But the overflow page used by
   360   -- the new record will be positioned near the start of the database
   361   -- file, in the gap left by the "DELETE FROM t2 WHERE rowid=3" statement
   362   -- above.
   363   --
   364   -- The point of this is that the statement wil need to update two pointer
   365   -- map pages. Which introduces another opportunity for an IO error.
   366   --
   367   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(2000));
   368 }
   370 do_ioerr_test ioerr-14 -ckrefcount true -erc 1 -sqlprep {
   371   PRAGMA auto_vacuum = incremental;
   372   CREATE TABLE t1(x);
   373   CREATE TABLE t2(x);
   374   INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(randomblob(1500));
   375   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   376   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   377   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   378   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   379   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   380   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   381   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   382   INSERT INTO t2 SELECT randomblob(1500) FROM t2;
   384   -- This statement inserts a row into t1 with an overflow page at the
   385   -- end of the file. A long way from its parent (the root of t1).
   386   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(1500));
   387   DELETE FROM t2 WHERE rowid<10;
   388 } -sqlbody {
   389   -- This transaction will cause the root-page of table t1 to divide
   390   -- (by calling balance_deeper()). When it does, the "parent" page of the
   391   -- overflow page inserted in the -sqlprep block above will change and
   392   -- the corresponding pointer map page be updated. This test case attempts
   393   -- to cause an IO error during the pointer map page update.
   394   --
   395   BEGIN;
   396   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   397   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   398   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   399   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   400   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   401   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   402   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   403   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   404   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   405   INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100));
   406   COMMIT;
   407 }
   409 finish_test