changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined(__S32STOR_H__)
    17 #define __S32STOR_H__
    18 #if !defined(__S32STD_H__)
    19 #include <s32std.h>
    20 #endif
    21 #if !defined(__S32SHARE_H__)
    22 #include <s32share.h>
    23 #endif
    24 #if !defined(__S32PAGE_H__)
    25 #include <s32page.h>
    26 #endif
    28 class MIncrementalCollector;
    29 /**
    30  * @publishedAll 
    31  * @released
    32  * Provides the core abstract framework for stores allowing streams to be 
    33 created and manipulated.  
    34 */
    35 class CStreamStore : public CBase
    36 	{
    37 public:
    38 	inline TStreamId ExtendL();
    39 	IMPORT_C void Delete(TStreamId anId);
    40 	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TStreamId anId);
    41 //
    42 	IMPORT_C TInt Commit();
    43 	inline void CommitL();
    44 	IMPORT_C void Revert();
    45 	inline void RevertL();
    46 //
    47 	IMPORT_C TInt ReclaimL();
    48 	IMPORT_C TInt CompactL();
    49 private:
    50 	virtual IMPORT_C TStreamId DoExtendL();
    51 	virtual IMPORT_C void DoDeleteL(TStreamId anId);
    53 	/** Opens the requested stream for reading. The function should return a 
    54 	stream buffer positioned at the beginning of this stream.
    56 	This function is called by the OpenL() and OpenLC() member functions of 
    57 	RStoreReadStream.
    59 	@param anId The stream to be read.
    60 	@return A stream buffer positioned at the beginning of the stream to be read.
    61 	@see RStoreReadStream::OpenL()
    62 	@see RStoreReadStream::OpenLC() */
    63 	virtual MStreamBuf* DoReadL(TStreamId anId) const=0;
    65 	/** Creates a new stream in the store. The function gets the allocated 
    66 	stream id in the anId parameter. A stream buffer for the stream should be 
    67 	returned, ready to write into the new stream. This provides the 
    68 	implementation for the RStoreWriteStream::CreateL() functions.
    70 	@param anId On return, contains the allocated stream id.
    71 	@return The stream buffer to be written to. */
    72 	virtual MStreamBuf* DoCreateL(TStreamId& anId)=0;
    73 	virtual IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoWriteL(TStreamId anId);
    74 	virtual IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoReplaceL(TStreamId anId);
    75 	virtual IMPORT_C void DoCommitL();
    76 	virtual IMPORT_C void DoRevertL();
    77 	virtual IMPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* DoReclaimL();
    78 	virtual IMPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* DoCompactL();
    79 private:
    80 	friend class RStoreReadStream;
    81 	friend class RStoreWriteStream;
    82 	friend class RStoreReclaim;
    83 	};
    85 /**
    86  * @publishedAll 
    87  * @released
    88  * Persistent store abstract base class. It provides the behaviour for setting 
    89 and retrieving the root stream id.
    91 Before closing a persistent store, the root stream id must be set. After opening 
    92 a persistent store, the first thing done is to look up the root stream id. 
    93 The root stream can then be opened and data read from the store.
    95 @see CFileStore  
    96 */
    97 class CPersistentStore : public CStreamStore
    98 	{
    99 public:
   100 	inline TStreamId Root() const;
   101 	inline void SetRootL(TStreamId anId);
   102 protected:
   103 	inline CPersistentStore();
   104 private:
   105 	virtual IMPORT_C void DoSetRootL(TStreamId anId);
   106 protected:
   107 	TStreamId iRoot;
   108 	};
   110 /**
   111  * @publishedAll 
   112  * @released
   113  * Performs space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in 
   114 incremental steps.
   116 Reclaiming unused space makes it available for re-use by the store. Compacting 
   117 makes unused space available for re-use by the relevant system pool — for 
   118 example, the filing system in the case of file-based stores.
   120 Once compaction is complete, the store must be committed.
   122 Notes:
   124 Space reclamation and compaction are only supported by the file store 
   125 CPermanentFileStore and are not supported by embedded or direct file stores. 
   127 Use active objects when implementing space reclamation or compaction 
   128 asynchronously.
   130 This class performs incremental compaction/reclamation. These operations can 
   131 be performed in a possibly long running single step using CStreamStore 
   132 functions.  
   133 */
   134 class RStoreReclaim
   135 	{
   136 public:
   137 	inline RStoreReclaim();
   138 	IMPORT_C void OpenL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
   139 	IMPORT_C void OpenLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
   140 	IMPORT_C void CompactL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
   141 	IMPORT_C void CompactLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
   142 	inline void Close();
   143 	IMPORT_C void Release();
   144 //
   145 	IMPORT_C void ResetL(TInt& aCount);
   146 	IMPORT_C void NextL(TInt& aStep);
   147 	IMPORT_C void Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   148 	IMPORT_C void NextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   149 	IMPORT_C TInt Next(TInt& aStep);
   150 //
   151 	inline TInt Available() const;
   152 private:
   153 	MIncrementalCollector* iCol;
   154 	TPckgBuf<TInt> iAvail;
   155 	};
   157 /**
   158  * @publishedAll 
   159  * @released
   160  * Encapsulates an embedded store. 
   162 The embedded store may contain an arbitrarily complex network of streams, 
   163 but is viewed as simply another stream by the embedding store. This means 
   164 that the embedded store can dealt with as a single stream for purposes of 
   165 copying or deleting.
   167 Once streams within the embedded store have been committed and closed, they 
   168 cannot subsequently be changed, i.e. streams cannot be replaced, deleted, 
   169 extended or changed in any way. 
   171 @see CPersistentStore  
   172 */
   173 class CEmbeddedStore : public CPersistentStore
   174 	{
   175 public:
   176 	IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* FromL(RReadStream& aHost);
   177 	IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* FromLC(RReadStream& aHost);
   178 	IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* NewL(RWriteStream& aHost);
   179 	IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* NewLC(RWriteStream& aHost);
   180 //
   181 	inline static TStreamPos Position(TStreamId anId);
   182 //
   183 	IMPORT_C void Detach();
   184 	inline void Reattach(MStreamBuf* aHost);
   185 	inline MStreamBuf* Host() const;
   186 	inline TStreamPos Start() const;
   187 //
   188 	IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore(MStreamBuf* aHost);
   189 	IMPORT_C void MarshalL(RReadStream& aStream);
   190 	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(RWriteStream& aStream);
   191 	IMPORT_C ~CEmbeddedStore();
   192 protected:
   193 	IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoReadL(TStreamId anId) const;
   194 	IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoCreateL(TStreamId& anId);
   195 private:
   196 	IMPORT_C void DoSetRootL(TStreamId anId);
   197 	IMPORT_C void DoCommitL();
   198 //
   199 	static CEmbeddedStore* DoNewLC(MStreamBuf* aHost);
   200 private:
   201 	__MUTABLE TStreamExchange iHost;
   202 	TStreamPos iStart;
   203 	};
   205 /**
   206  * @publishedAll 
   207  * @released
   208  * Dictionary store interface.
   210 This is an abstract class which provides the necessary interface for using 
   211 concrete dictionary stores.
   213 A dictionary store is a store where a stream is accessed by UID (TUid), rather 
   214 than directly by stream id (TStreamId).
   216 This type of store contains streams in the usual way but, in addition, the 
   217 root stream is a stream dictionary. The stream dictionary provides a list 
   218 of two-way associations between unique identifiers and stream ids.
   220 Note that a dictionary store object does not derive from CStreamStore, but 
   221 owns a persistent store and a stream dictionary as part of its implementation.
   223 @see CStreamDictionary
   224 @see CPersistentStore
   225 @see CDictionaryFileStore
   226 @see TUid
   227 @see TStreamId  
   228 */
   229 class CDictionaryStore : public CBase
   230 	{
   231 public:
   232 	IMPORT_C TBool IsNullL() const;
   233 	IMPORT_C TBool IsPresentL(TUid aUid) const;
   234 	IMPORT_C void Remove(TUid aUid);
   235 	IMPORT_C void RemoveL(TUid aUid);
   236 //
   237 	IMPORT_C TInt Commit();
   238 	IMPORT_C void CommitL();
   239 	IMPORT_C void Revert();
   240 	IMPORT_C void RevertL();
   241 //
   242 	IMPORT_C ~CDictionaryStore();
   243 protected:
   244 	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
   245 private:
   246 	CStreamDictionary* DictionaryL() const;
   247 	MStreamBuf* GetSourceL(TUid aUid) const;
   248 	MStreamBuf* GetSinkL(TUid aUid);
   249 protected:
   250 	CPersistentStore* iStore;
   251 private:
   252 	__MUTABLE CStreamDictionary* iDictionary;
   253 	TBool iDictionaryHasChanged;
   254 private:
   255 	friend class RDictionaryReadStream;
   256 	friend class RDictionaryWriteStream;
   257 	friend class HDictionaryStoreBuf;
   258 	};
   259 //
   260 const TInt KDictionaryCommitThreshold = 1024;
   262 /**
   263  * @publishedAll 
   264  * @released
   265  * Supports the opening and manipulation of a stream in a dictionary store.
   267 Construct an object of this type to open an existing stream in a dictionary 
   268 store for reading.
   270 @see CDictionaryStore  
   271 */
   272 class RDictionaryReadStream : public RReadStream
   273 {
   274 public:
   275 	IMPORT_C void OpenL(const CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
   276 	IMPORT_C void OpenLC(const CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
   277 	};
   279 /**
   280  * @publishedAll 
   281  * @released
   282  * Supports the creation or replacement of a stream a dictionary store.
   284 @see CDictionaryStore  
   285 */
   286 class RDictionaryWriteStream : public RWriteStream
   287 	{
   288 public:
   289 	/** Constructs an uninitialised object. It is necessary because there are 
   290 	also non-default constructors in this class. */
   291 	RDictionaryWriteStream() {}
   292 	inline RDictionaryWriteStream(const MExternalizer<TStreamRef>& anExter);
   293 	IMPORT_C void AssignL(CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
   294 	IMPORT_C void AssignLC(CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
   295 	};
   297 /**
   298  * @publishedAll 
   299  * @released
   300  * Persistent settings to use for a RStorePagePool.
   302 @see RStorePagePool 
   303 */
   304 class TStorePagePoolToken
   305 	{
   306 public:
   307 	/** Provides a TStorePagePoolToken initialisation flag. */
   308 	enum TEmpty 
   309 		/** Initialise for an empty page pool flag. */
   310 		{EEmpty};
   311 public:
   312 	/** Default constructor. */
   313 	TStorePagePoolToken() {}
   315 	/** Constructor that intialises the TStorePagePoolToken for an empty page pool.
   317 	@param Intialises for an empty page pool */
   318 	inline TStorePagePoolToken(TEmpty);
   319 	inline void Touch();
   320 //
   321 	inline TBool HasAvailable() const;
   322 	inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
   323 //
   324 	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   325 	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
   326 private:
   327 	inline TStorePagePoolToken(TStreamId aHead,TPageRef anAvail);
   328 private:
   329 	TStreamId iHead;
   330 	TPageRef iAvail;
   331 private:
   332 	friend class RStorePagePool;
   333 	};
   334 #if defined(__NO_CLASS_CONSTS__)
   335 #define KEmptyStorePagePoolToken TStorePagePoolToken(TStorePagePoolToken::EEmpty)
   336 #else
   337 /** Defines a TStorePagePoolToken object initialised for an empty page pool. */
   338 const TStorePagePoolToken KEmptyStorePagePoolToken=TStorePagePoolToken::EEmpty;
   339 #endif
   341 /**
   342  * @publishedAll 
   343  * @released
   344  * Uses a store to implement the page pool interface MPagePool.
   346 Pages can be reclaimable (tracked by the page pool, so that they can be freed 
   347 when required) or not (in which case they must be deleted explicitly): this 
   348 is indicated by a flag of type TPageReclamation. Non-reclaimable pages each 
   349 have their own stream in the store; reclaimable pages are bundled 15 to a 
   350 stream. To track the reclaimable pages, the page pool has a separate token, 
   351 type TStorePagePoolToken, that must be saved by the user of the pool.
   353 The store used must support CStreamStore::ExtendL(), CStreamStore::DeleteL() 
   354 and allow streams to be re-written. CPermanentFileStore meets these conditions.
   356 A store page pool uses a cache to store pages in-memory and to cache frequently 
   357 accessed pages. You should provide a cache object (CPageCache) to the pool 
   358 for this purpose.
   360 @see CPageCache
   361 @see CPermanentFileStore
   362 @see CStreamStore
   363 @see TPageReclamation  
   364 */
   365 class RStorePagePool : public TCachePagePool
   366 	{
   367 	friend class StorePagePool;
   368 public:
   369 	IMPORT_C RStorePagePool();
   370 	IMPORT_C RStorePagePool(CPageCache& aCache);
   371 	IMPORT_C RStorePagePool(CStreamStore& aStore);
   372 	IMPORT_C RStorePagePool(CStreamStore& aStore,const TStorePagePoolToken& aToken);
   373 	IMPORT_C void Create(CStreamStore& aStore);
   374 	IMPORT_C void Open(CStreamStore& aStore,const TStorePagePoolToken& aToken);
   375 	IMPORT_C TStorePagePoolToken Token() const;
   376 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   377 	inline void Release();
   378 //
   379 	inline TBool IsDirty() const;
   380 	inline void MarkCurrent();
   381 	inline void MarkDirty();
   382 //
   383 	inline TBool HasAvailable() const;
   384 	inline void Discard();
   385 //
   386 	inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
   387 	IMPORT_C TBool ReclaimL();
   388 	IMPORT_C void ReclaimAllL();
   389 protected:
   390 	IMPORT_C TPageRef ExtendL(const TAny* aPage,TPageReclamation aReclamation);
   391 	IMPORT_C void WriteL(TPageRef aRef,const TAny* aPage,TPageChange aChange);
   392 	IMPORT_C void ReadL(TPageRef aRef,TAny* aPage);
   393 	IMPORT_C void DoDeleteL(TPageRef aRef);
   394 private:
   395 	inline void CacheDeleteL(TPageRef aRef);
   396 private:
   397 	CStreamStore* iStore;
   398 	TStreamId iHead;
   399 	TPageRef iAvail;
   400 	TBool iDirty;
   401 	};
   403 /**
   404  * @publishedAll 
   405  * @released
   406  * Interface for incrementally reclaiming or compacting space in a stream store. 
   407 The interface allows these actions to be performed in small steps, so that 
   408 applications can remain responsive while doing these potentially long-running 
   409 tasks.
   411 An instance of a class derived from this interface is returned by 
   412 StreamStore::DoReclaimL() and DoCompactL(). Each step is carried out in 
   413 response to a call of DoNextL() and the object is released on completion of 
   414 the last step.
   416 Notes:
   418 One-step reclaim using CStreamStore::ReclaimL() is actually implemented in 
   419 terms of the incremental collector.
   421 A CStreamStore implementation will only need to implement a collector class 
   422 if it supports reclamation or compaction.  
   423 */
   424 class MIncrementalCollector
   425 	{
   426 public:
   427 	inline void Close();
   428 	inline void Release();
   429 //
   430 	inline void ResetL(TInt& aCount);
   431 	inline void NextL(TInt& aStep,TInt& aTotal);
   432 	inline void NextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TPckgBuf<TInt>& aTotal);
   433 protected:
   434 	/** Protected constructor. Protecting the constructor ensures that this 
   435 	abstract class cannot be instantiated.
   437 	MIncrementalCollector(const MIncrementalCollector&);
   439 	MIncrementalCollector& operator=(const MIncrementalCollector&);
   441 	Private copy constructor and copy assignment to prevent */
   442 	MIncrementalCollector() {}
   443 private:
   444 	/** Protected constructor. Protecting the constructor ensures that this 
   445 	abstract class cannot be instantiated.
   447 	MIncrementalCollector(const MIncrementalCollector&);
   449 	MIncrementalCollector& operator=(const MIncrementalCollector&);
   451 	Private copy constructor and copy assignment to prevent */
   452 	MIncrementalCollector(const MIncrementalCollector&);
   453 	MIncrementalCollector& operator=(const MIncrementalCollector&);
   454 //
   455 	virtual IMPORT_C void DoRelease();
   457 	/** Implementation of the public ResetL() function. This signals that the 
   458 	client wants to start or retsart the operation from the beginning. A new 
   459 	progress count should be returned in aCount.
   461 	@param aCount On return, contains a progress count for the 
   462 	reclamation/compaction 	process. */
   463 	virtual void DoResetL(TInt& aCount)=0;
   465 	/** Implementation of the public synchronous NextL() function. The next 
   466 	step in the reclamation should be done, reporting progress in aStep and 
   467 	aTotal.
   469 	@param aStep The progress value from either the last NextL() increment of 
   470 	from ResetL() if the reclamation/compaction was restarted. On return, 
   471 	should contain the new progress value, which can be used in subsequent 
   472 	calls to NextL(). This must be equal to, or less than, the previous 
   473 	value — a zero value must be used to indicate that the operation is 
   474 	complete.
   475 	@param aTotal On return, should contain the total amount of free space in 
   476 	the store. */
   477 	virtual void DoNextL(TInt& aStep,TInt& aTotal)=0;
   478 	virtual IMPORT_C void DoNextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TPckgBuf<TInt>& aTotal);
   479 	};
   481 #include <s32stor.inl>
   482 #endif