changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Inline entry node organisations
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "UB_STD.H"
    20 EXPORT_C TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::TBtreeInlineLeafOrg()
    21 	{}
    23 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::SetEntrySize(TInt aSize)
    24 	{
    25 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSize<=KMaxBtreeKeyLength,Panic(EBadEntrySize));
    26 	iEntrySize=Align4(aSize);
    27 	iMaxEntries=(KPoolPageSize-sizeof(SHeader))/iEntrySize;
    28 	}
    30 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Insert(TAny *aNode,TInt aPos,const TDesC8& anEntry) const
    31 	{
    32 	SNode* const pn=Node(aNode);
    33 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<=pn->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
    34 	if (pn->iHead.iCount==iMaxEntries)
    35 		return EFalse;
    36 	TUint8* pe=Entry(pn,aPos);
    37 	Mem::Copy(pe+iEntrySize,pe,iEntrySize*(pn->iHead.iCount-aPos));
    38 	TInt size=anEntry.Size();
    39 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(size<=iEntrySize,Panic(EBadEntrySize));
    40 	Mem::Copy(pe,anEntry.Ptr(),size);
    41 	++pn->iHead.iCount;
    42 	return ETrue;
    43 	}
    45 TAny *TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::DoRedistribute(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,TInt aInsertPos) const
    46 //
    47 // Even out the distibution of entries in LeftNode and RightNode
    48 // if aInsertPos>=0 we want to insert at this cumulative position so take into account for redistribution
    49 // If total entries <=iMaxEntries or >iMaxEntries*2 then return 0
    50 // Otherwise return the node into which insertion should take place
    51 //
    52 	{
    53 	SNode* const pl=Node(aLeftNode);
    54 	SNode* const pr=Node(aRightNode);
    55 	TAny *insertNode=aRightNode;
    56 	TInt lCount=pl->iHead.iCount;
    57 	TInt rCount=pr->iHead.iCount;
    58 	TInt total=lCount+rCount;
    59 	TInt left=(total+1)>>1;
    60 	if (aInsertPos>=0)
    61 		{	// call from Insertoverflow
    62 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(aInsertPos<=total,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
    63 		if (aInsertPos<left)
    64 			{
    65 			insertNode=aLeftNode;
    66 			--left;
    67 			}
    68 		if (total>=iMaxEntries<<1)
    69 			return 0;	// no space
    70 		}
    71 	else
    72 		{ // from Redistribute
    73 		if (total<=iMaxEntries)
    74 			return 0;		// underflow state
    75 		}
    76 	pl->iHead.iCount=left;
    77 	pr->iHead.iCount=total-left;
    78 	if (lCount>left)
    79 		{ // move right
    80 		TInt move=lCount-left;
    81 		Mem::Copy(Entry(pr,move),pr->iEntries,rCount*iEntrySize);
    82 		Mem::Copy(pr->iEntries,Entry(pl,left),move*iEntrySize);
    83 		}
    84 	else if (lCount<left)
    85 		{ // move left
    86 		TInt move=left-lCount;
    87 		Mem::Copy(Entry(pl,lCount),pr->iEntries,move*iEntrySize);
    88 		Mem::Copy(pr->iEntries,Entry(pr,move),(rCount-move)*iEntrySize);
    89 		}
    90 	return insertNode;
    91 	}
    93 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::InsertOverflow(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,TInt aPos,TBool aInsertOnLeft,const TDesC8& anEntry) const
    94 //
    95 // Redistribute keys in aLeftNode and aRightNode to insert a new entry, return success or failure
    96 // We know that the insertion node is full (see code for CBplusTree::InsertAtCurrentL)
    97 // promotion done by manager
    98 //
    99 	{
   100 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Node(aInsertOnLeft?aLeftNode:aRightNode)->iHead.iCount==iMaxEntries,Panic(EIllegalOverflow));
   101 	if (!aInsertOnLeft)
   102 		aPos+=Node(aLeftNode)->iHead.iCount;
   103 	TAny* iNode=DoRedistribute(aLeftNode,aRightNode,aPos);
   104 	if (!iNode)
   105 		return EFalse;
   106 	if (iNode==aRightNode)
   107 		aPos-=Node(aLeftNode)->iHead.iCount;
   108 	return Insert(iNode,aPos,anEntry);
   109 	}
   111 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::InsertSplit(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,TInt aPos,const TDesC8& anEntry) const
   112 //
   113 // Split contents of left node into left and right and insert entry
   114 // copy link node from left to right
   115 //
   116 	{
   117 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Node(aLeftNode)->iHead.iCount==iMaxEntries,Panic(EIllegalSplit));
   118 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Node(aRightNode)->iHead.iCount==0,Panic(EIllegalSplit));
   119 	TAny* iNode=DoRedistribute(aLeftNode,aRightNode,aPos);
   120 	if (iNode==aRightNode)
   121 		aPos-=Node(aLeftNode)->iHead.iCount;
   122 	Insert(iNode,aPos,anEntry);
   123 	Node(aRightNode)->iHead.iLink=Node(aLeftNode)->iHead.iLink;
   124 	}
   126 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Delete(TAny *aNode,TInt aPos) const
   127 //
   128 // Delete the specified entry from the node
   129 // Part of the contract is to garauntee that the entry is deleted, even if undeflowed
   130 //
   131 	{
   132 	SNode* const pn=Node(aNode);
   133 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<pn->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   135 	--pn->iHead.iCount;
   136 	TUint8* pe=Entry(pn,aPos);
   137 	Mem::Copy(pe,pe+iEntrySize,(pn->iHead.iCount-aPos)*iEntrySize);
   138 	return pn->iHead.iCount>=iMaxEntries>>1;		// underflow criterion
   139 	}
   141 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Redistribute(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode) const
   142 //
   143 // Even out the distibution of entries in LeftNode and RightNode if enough keys
   144 // leaf nodes do not set the pivot, done by manager
   145 //
   146 	{
   147 	return DoRedistribute(aLeftNode,aRightNode)!=0;
   148 	}
   150 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Concatenate(TAny *aLeftNode,const TAny *aRightNode) const
   151 //
   152 // Join LeftNode and RightNode together in LeftNode, set link
   153 // contract says that it will fit
   154 //
   155 	{
   156 	SNode* const pl=Node(aLeftNode);
   157 	const SNode* const pr=Node(aRightNode);
   158 	TInt rCount=pr->iHead.iCount;
   159 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pl->iHead.iCount+rCount<=iMaxEntries,Panic(ECannotConcatenate));
   160 	Mem::Copy(Entry(pl,pl->iHead.iCount),pr->iEntries,rCount*iEntrySize);
   161 	pl->iHead.iCount+=rCount;
   162 	pl->iHead.iLink=pr->iHead.iLink;
   163 	}
   165 EXPORT_C TInt TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::LastEntry(const TAny* aNode) const
   166 	{
   167 	return Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount;
   168 	}
   170 EXPORT_C const TAny *TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::EntryPtr(const TAny* aNode,TInt aPos) const
   171 	{
   172 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   173 	return Entry(Node(aNode),aPos);
   174 	}
   176 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::Entry(const TAny* aNode,TInt aPos) const
   177 	{
   178 	return TPtrC8((const TUint8*)EntryPtr(aNode,aPos),iEntrySize);
   179 	}
   181 EXPORT_C TPageRef TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::LinkNode(const TAny* aNode) const
   182 	{
   183 	return Node(aNode)->iHead.iLink;
   184 	}
   186 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineLeafOrg::SetLinkNode(TAny* aNode,TPageRef aNextNode) const
   187 	{
   188 	Node(aNode)->iHead.iLink=aNextNode;
   189 	}
   192 // class TBtreeInlineIndexOrg
   194 EXPORT_C TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::TBtreeInlineIndexOrg()
   195 	{}
   197 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::SetEntrySize(TInt aSize)
   198 	{
   199 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSize<=KMaxBtreeKeyLength,Panic(EBadEntrySize));
   200 	iEntrySize=_FOFF(SEntry,iKey[Align4(aSize)]);
   201 	iMaxEntries=(KPoolPageSize-sizeof(SHeader)-sizeof(TPageRef))/iEntrySize;
   202 	}
   204 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Insert(TAny *aNode,TInt aPos,const TDesC8& anEntry,TPageRef aChild) const
   205 	{
   206 	SNode* const pn=Node(aNode);
   207 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<=pn->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   208 	if (pn->iHead.iCount==iMaxEntries)
   209 		return EFalse;
   210 	TUint8* pe=Entry(pn,aPos)->iKey;
   211 	Mem::Copy(pe+iEntrySize,pe,iEntrySize*(pn->iHead.iCount-aPos));
   212 	TInt size=anEntry.Size();
   213 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(size<=KeySize(),Panic(EBadEntrySize));
   214 	*(TPageRef*)Mem::Copy(pe,anEntry.Ptr(),size)=aChild;
   215 	++pn->iHead.iCount;
   216 	return ETrue;
   217 	}
   219 TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::SNode* TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::DoRedistribute(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,const TDesC8& aPivot,TBtreePivot& aNewPivot,TInt aInsertPos) const
   220 //
   221 // Even out the distibution of entries in LeftNode and RightNode
   222 // if aInsertPos>=0 we want to insert at this cumulative position so take into account for redistribution
   223 // If total entries <=iMaxEntries or >iMaxEntries*2 then return 0
   224 // Otherwise return the node into which insertion should take place
   225 // If insertion should be promoted insert position is beyond end of left node, otherwise
   226 // the new pivot is copied to aNewPivot
   227 //
   228 	{
   229 	SNode* const pl=Node(aLeftNode);
   230 	SNode* const pr=Node(aRightNode);
   231 	SNode *insertNode=pr;
   232 	TInt lCount=pl->iHead.iCount;
   233 	TInt rCount=pr->iHead.iCount;
   234 	TInt total=lCount+rCount+1;			// including pivot entry
   235 	TInt left=total>>1;
   236 	if (aInsertPos>=0)
   237 		{	// call from InsertOverflow
   238 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(aInsertPos<=total,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   239 		if (total>iMaxEntries<<1)
   240 			return NULL;		// no space to insert
   241 		if (aInsertPos<=left)
   242 			{
   243 			if (aInsertPos<left)
   244 				--left;
   245 			insertNode=pl;
   246 			}
   247 		}
   248 	else
   249 		{ // from Redistribute
   250 		if (total<=iMaxEntries)
   251 			return NULL;		// underflow state
   252 		}
   253 	pl->iHead.iCount=left;
   254 	pr->iHead.iCount=total-left-1;		// pivot not included
   255 	TInt pSize=aPivot.Size();
   256 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pSize<=KeySize(),Panic(EBadEntrySize));
   257 	if (lCount>left)
   258 		{ // move right
   259 		TInt move=lCount-left;
   260 		Mem::Copy(Entry(pr,move),pr->iEntries,rCount*iEntrySize+sizeof(TPageRef));
   261 		TUint8 *pp=Mem::Copy(pr->iEntries,Entry(pl,left+1),(move-1)*iEntrySize+sizeof(TPageRef));
   262 		Mem::Copy(pp,aPivot.Ptr(),pSize);
   263 		aNewPivot.Copy(Entry(pl,left)->iKey,KeySize());		// new pivot
   264 		}
   265 	else if (lCount<left)
   266 		{ // move left
   267 		TInt move=left-lCount-1;
   268 		TUint8 *pp=Mem::Copy(Entry(pl,lCount)->iKey,aPivot.Ptr(),pSize);
   269 		Mem::Copy(pp,pr->iEntries,move*iEntrySize+sizeof(TPageRef));
   270 		aNewPivot.Copy(Entry(pr,move)->iKey,KeySize());
   271 		Mem::Copy(pr->iEntries,Entry(pr,move+1),(rCount-move-1)*iEntrySize+sizeof(TPageRef));
   272 		}
   273 	else
   274 		{	// should we ever get here?	(lCount==left)
   275 		aNewPivot=aPivot;
   276 		}
   277 	return insertNode;
   278 	}
   280 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::InsertOverflow(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,TInt aPos,TBool aInsertOnLeft,const TDesC8& anEntry,
   281 													 TPageRef aChild,const TDesC8& aPivot,TBtreePivot& aNewPivot) const
   282 //
   283 // Redistribute keys in aNodePtr and aRight to insert a new entry, return success or failure
   284 // We know that aNodePtr is full (see code for Insert)
   285 //
   286 	{
   287 	SNode* const pl=Node(aLeftNode);
   288 	if (!aInsertOnLeft)
   289 		aPos+=pl->iHead.iCount+1;		// cumulative insertion point
   290 	SNode* insert=DoRedistribute(aLeftNode,aRightNode,aPivot,aNewPivot,aPos);
   291 	if (insert==NULL)							// no space
   292 		return EFalse;
   293 	TInt lCount=pl->iHead.iCount;
   294 	if (insert==aRightNode)
   295 		aPos-=lCount+1;					// insert position in right node
   296 	else
   297 		{
   298 		// check for the special situation [aPos]:[aPos-1]
   299 		// in which case re-arrange to promote the new entry
   300 		SNode* pr=Node(aRightNode);
   301 		if (aPos==lCount && pr->iHead.iCount<lCount)
   302 			{
   303 			Insert(pr,0,aNewPivot,Entry(pr,0)->iChild);
   304 			Entry(pr,0)->iChild=aChild;
   305 			aNewPivot=anEntry;
   306 			return ETrue;
   307 			}
   308 		}
   309 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(insert->iHead.iCount<iMaxEntries,User::Invariant());
   310 	Insert(insert,aPos,anEntry,aChild);
   311 	return ETrue;
   312 	}
   314 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::InsertSplit(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,TInt aPos,const TDesC8& anEntry,TPageRef aChild,TBtreePivot& aPromote) const
   315 //
   316 // part of the contract is not to use aPromote before anEntry
   317 // We know that aNodePtr is full
   318 // prepare right node and use insert-overflow
   319 //
   320 	{
   321 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Node(aLeftNode)->iHead.iCount==iMaxEntries,Panic(EIllegalSplit));
   322 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Node(aRightNode)->iHead.iCount==0,Panic(EIllegalSplit));
   323 	SNode* const pl=Node(aLeftNode);
   324 	SNode* const pr=Node(aRightNode);
   325 	SEntry *pe=Entry(pl,pl->iHead.iCount);
   326 	--pl->iHead.iCount;
   327 	Entry(pr,0)->iChild=pe->iChild;
   328 	TPtrC8 pivot((TUint8*)pe-KeySize(),KeySize());
   329 	InsertOverflow(aLeftNode,aRightNode,aPos,ETrue,anEntry,aChild,pivot,aPromote);
   330 	}
   332 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Update(TAny *aNode,TInt aPos,const TDesC8& anEntry) const
   333 	{
   334 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(anEntry.Size()<=KeySize(),Panic(EBadEntrySize));
   335 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   336 	Mem::Copy(Entry(Node(aNode),aPos)->iKey,anEntry.Ptr(),KeySize());
   337 	return ETrue;
   338 	}
   340 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Delete(TAny *aNode,TInt aPos) const
   341 //
   342 // Delete the specified key and following child reference from the node
   343 // Part of the contract is to garauntee that the entry is deleted, even if undeflowed
   344 //
   345 	{
   346 	SNode* const pn=Node(aNode);
   347 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<pn->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   349 	--pn->iHead.iCount;
   350 	TUint8* pe=Entry(pn,aPos)->iKey;
   351 	Mem::Copy(pe,pe+iEntrySize,(pn->iHead.iCount-aPos)*iEntrySize);
   352 	return pn->iHead.iCount>=iMaxEntries>>1;		// underflow criterion
   353 	}
   355 EXPORT_C TBool TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Redistribute(TAny *aLeftNode,TAny *aRightNode,const TDesC8& aPivot,TBtreePivot& aNewPivot) const
   356 	{
   357 	return DoRedistribute(aLeftNode,aRightNode,aPivot,aNewPivot)!=NULL;
   358 	}
   360 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Concatenate(TAny *aLeftNode,const TAny *aRightNode,const TDesC8& aPivot) const
   361 //
   362 // Join LeftNode and RightNode together in LeftNode
   363 // contract says that it will fit
   364 //
   365 	{
   366 	SNode* const pl=Node(aLeftNode);
   367 	const SNode* const pr=Node(aRightNode);
   368 	TInt rCount=pr->iHead.iCount;
   369 	TInt lCount=pl->iHead.iCount;
   370 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(lCount+rCount+1<=iMaxEntries,Panic(ECannotConcatenate));
   371 	TInt pSize=aPivot.Size();
   372 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pSize<=KeySize(),Panic(EBadEntrySize));
   373 	TUint8* pp=Mem::Copy(Entry(pl,lCount)->iKey,aPivot.Ptr(),pSize);
   374 	Mem::Copy(pp,pr->iEntries,rCount*iEntrySize+sizeof(TPageRef));
   375 	pl->iHead.iCount+=rCount+1;
   376 	}
   378 EXPORT_C void TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::MakeRoot(TAny* aNode,TPageRef aChild) const
   379 	{
   380 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount==0,Panic(ECannotMakeRoot));
   381 	Entry(Node(aNode),0)->iChild=aChild;
   382 	}
   384 EXPORT_C TInt TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::LastEntry(const TAny* aNode) const
   385 	{
   386 	return Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount;
   387 	}
   389 EXPORT_C const TAny *TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::EntryPtr(const TAny* aNode,TInt aPos) const
   390 	{
   391 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   392 	return Entry(Node(aNode),aPos)->iKey;
   393 	}
   395 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::Entry(const TAny* aNode,TInt aPos) const
   396 	{
   397 	return TPtrC8((const TUint8*)EntryPtr(aNode,aPos),KeySize());
   398 	}
   400 EXPORT_C TPageRef TBtreeInlineIndexOrg::ChildNode(const TAny* aNode,TInt aPos) const
   401 //
   402 // Entries are always aligned
   403 // 
   404 	{
   405 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPos<=Node(aNode)->iHead.iCount,Panic(EBadEntryPos));
   406 	return Entry(Node(aNode),aPos)->iChild;
   407 	}