changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <s32file.h>
    17 #include "UT_STD.H"
    19 //The default media block size, used in the computations, if the file system guarantees atomic "block write" file operations.
    20 const TInt KDefaultMediaBlockSize = 512;
    22 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    23 /////////////////////              TPermanentStoreHeader               /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    24 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    26 //Returns false, if:
    27 // - the dirty bit is set (indicates commit phase #2 or #3 is not complete);
    28 // - the CRC check fails ("backup TOC ref", "handle" and "TOC ref" are protected by 16-bit CRC in the permanent store file header);
    29 TBool TPermanentStoreHeader::IsValid() const
    30 	{
    31 	if (IsDirty())
    32 		return EFalse;
    33 //
    34 	TUint16 crc=0;
    35 	Mem::Crc(crc,Ptr(),_FOFF(TPermanentStoreHeader,iCrc));
    36 	return crc==iCrc;
    37 	}
    39 //Sets the "backup TOC ref", "handle" and "TOC ref" in current TPermanentStoreHeader object.
    40 //16-bit CRC is calculated, based on the values of the input parameters, and stored together with them in the 
    41 //TPermanentStoreHeader object.
    42 void TPermanentStoreHeader::Set(TInt aBackupToc,TInt aHandle,TInt aReference)
    43 	{
    44 	iBackup=TUint32(aBackupToc)<<1;
    45 	iHandle=aHandle;
    46 	iRef=aReference;
    47 	iCrc=0;
    48 	Mem::Crc(iCrc,Ptr(),_FOFF(TPermanentStoreHeader,iCrc));
    49 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValid(),User::Invariant());
    50 	}
    52 const TInt KTocGranularity=12;
    54 struct STocEntry
    55 	{
    56 	TInt32 handle;
    57 	TInt32 ref;
    58 	};
    60 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    61 /////////////////////              CPermanentStoreToc               ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    62 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    64 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::TEntry::Compare(const TEntry& aLeft, const TEntry& aRight)
    65 //
    66 // Ordering for Stream handles, return <0,0,>0 depending on comparison
    67 // The index part of the handle is only 24 bits, so just subtract the handles for result
    68 //
    69 	{
    70 	return (aLeft.handle&KMaskHandleIndex) - (aRight.handle&KMaskHandleIndex);
    71 	}
    73 CPermanentStoreToc* CPermanentStoreToc::NewL(TStreamPos aBase,TStreamExchange& aHost,TInt aToc,TInt aBaseReloc)
    74 	{
    75 	CPermanentStoreToc* table=new(ELeave) CPermanentStoreToc(aBase,aHost);
    76 	CleanupStack::PushL(table);
    77 	table->ConstructL(aToc,aBaseReloc);
    78 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    79 	return table;
    80 	}
    82 TBool CPermanentStoreToc::IsDelta() const
    83 //
    84 // Report whether the current TOC should be written as a delta, or a base TOC
    85 //
    86 	{
    87 	TInt delta = iEntries.Count();
    88 	if (delta >= KTocDeltaCap)
    89 		return EFalse;
    90 	TInt magic = iMagic + delta;
    91 	if (magic > KMaxTocDeltaMagic)
    92 		return EFalse;
    93 	return magic*KSizeTocDeltaEntry <= iCount*KSizeTocEntry - KSizeTocDeltaExtra;
    94 	}
    96 void CPermanentStoreToc::Move(TInt aToc,TInt anExtent)
    97 //
    98 // Final stage of compaction, update to address new TOC
    99 //
   100 	{
   101 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(anExtent<=iOff&&anExtent>=aToc&&anExtent-(aToc+KOffsetTocHeader)==iExt-iOff,User::Invariant());
   102 	if (!HasDelta())
   103 		{
   104 		// Base-toc only, update the base toc position as well
   105 		TInt window=iWindow-iTocExt;
   106 		iTocOff=aToc+KOffsetTocHeader;
   107 		iTocExt=anExtent;
   108 		iWindow=anExtent+window;
   109 		}
   110 	iOff = aToc+KOffsetTocHeader;
   111 	iExt = anExtent;
   112 	}
   114 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::RealizeL(TInt aPrimary,TInt anExtent) const
   115 	{
   116 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsVirtual(),User::Invariant());
   117 	RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   118 	buf.PushL();
   119 	const TBool delta = IsDelta();
   120 	aPrimary &= KMaskStreamIdValue;
   121 	if (delta)
   122 		aPrimary |= KTocDelta;
   123 	STocHead h;
   124 	h.primary=TInt32(aPrimary);
   125 	h.avail=TInt32(iAvail);
   126 	h.count=TUint32(iCount);
   127 //
   128 	TInt off;
   129 	if (delta)
   130 		off=DeltaL(buf,anExtent,h);
   131 	else
   132 		off=RewriteL(buf,anExtent,h);
   133 //
   134 	buf.SynchL();
   135 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buf);
   136 	return off-KOffsetTocHeader;
   137 	}
   139 void CPermanentStoreToc::Adopt(TInt aToc,TInt aPrimary)
   140 //
   141 // Final stage of Commit - all file changes have been successful
   142 // Record the new Toc location and reset the changed flag
   143 //
   144 	{
   145 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aToc+KOffsetTocHeader>=iExt,User::Invariant());
   147 	if (IsDelta())
   148 		{
   149 		// Adjust the TOC-delta location
   150 		TInt c = iEntries.Count();
   151 		iOff=aToc+KOffsetTocHeader;
   152 		iExt=aToc + KSizeTocDeltaExtra + KSizeTocDeltaEntry*c;
   153 		if (c > KTocDeltaMagic)
   154 			iMagic += c - KTocDeltaMagic;
   155 		}
   156 	else
   157 		{
   158 		// Adjust all the TOC data and reset the delta-set
   159 		TInt window = iTocOff>=0 ? iWindow-iTocOff : -KOffsetTocHeader;
   160 		iTocOff=iOff=aToc+KOffsetTocHeader;
   161 		iTocExt=iExt=aToc+KSizeTocEntry*iCount;
   162 		iWindow = iTocOff + window;
   163 		iEntries.Reset();
   164 		iMagic = 0;
   165 		}
   166 	iPrimary=aPrimary;
   167 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsVirtual(),User::Invariant());
   168 	}
   170 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::AllocL(TInt anOffset)
   171 	{
   172 	TEntry& entry=DoAllocL();
   173 	entry.ref=anOffset;
   174 	return entry.handle;
   175 	}
   177 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::AllocL()
   178 	{
   179 	TEntry& entry=DoAllocL();
   180 	entry.ref=KFrameNonexistent16;
   181 	return entry.handle|=KHandleInvalid;
   182 	}
   184 void CPermanentStoreToc::Cancel(TInt aHandle)
   185 	{
   186 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle<0&&IsVirtual(),User::Invariant());
   187 	TEntry* entry=Entry(aHandle);
   188 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((entry!=NULL) && (entry->handle==aHandle),User::Invariant());
   189 	entry->ref=iAvail;
   190 	iAvail=aHandle;
   191 	}
   193 void CPermanentStoreToc::FreeL(TInt aHandle)
   194 	{
   195 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle>0,User::Invariant());
   196 	TEntry& entry=FetchL(aHandle);
   197 	aHandle|=KHandleInvalid;
   198 	entry.handle=aHandle;
   199 	entry.ref=iAvail;
   200 	iAvail=aHandle;
   201 	Changed();
   202 	}
   204 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::AtL(TInt aHandle) const
   205 	{
   206 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle>0,User::Invariant());
   208 	// check the delta table
   209 	const TEntry* entry=Entry(aHandle);
   210 	if (entry!=NULL )
   211 		{
   212 		// if there is an entry in the delta table, but its
   213 		// not an exact match leave with KErrNotFound
   214 		// This happens when the delta indicates it's been deleted
   215 		if (entry->handle!=aHandle)
   216 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   218 		return entry->ref;
   219 		}
   220 //
   221 	// if it's not in the delta table check the base TOC
   222 	return DoAtL(aHandle);
   223 	}
   225 void CPermanentStoreToc::PutL(TInt aHandle, TInt anOffset, TPut aCheck)
   226 //
   227 // Used by compaction to update a single stream reference IN-PLACE in the TOC
   228 // We need to check in which TOC to make the update
   229 //
   230 	{
   231 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsVirtual(),User::Invariant());
   232 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle>0,User::Invariant());
   233 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle!=KHandleTocBase || HasDelta(),User::Invariant());
   235 	if (aHandle == KHandleTocBase)
   236 		{
   237 		// update the TOC-base link
   238 		PutTocL(anOffset - KOffsetTocHeader, aCheck);
   239 		if (iTocOff != anOffset)
   240 			{
   241 			TInt size = iTocExt - iTocOff;
   242 			TInt window = iWindow - iTocOff;
   243 			iTocOff = anOffset;
   244 			iTocExt = anOffset + size;
   245 			iWindow = anOffset + window;
   246 			}
   247 		return;
   248 		}
   250 	TEntry e;
   251 	e.handle=aHandle;
   252 	TInt i;
   253 	if (iEntries.FindInOrder(e,i,&TEntry::Compare)==0)
   254 		{
   255 		// update TOC-delta entry
   256 		TEntry& entry=iEntries[i];
   257 		if (entry.handle==aHandle && entry.ref != anOffset)
   258 			{
   259 			PutDeltaL(i,aHandle,anOffset);
   260 			entry.ref=anOffset;
   261 			}
   262 		return;
   263 		}
   265 	// update TOC-base entry
   266 	if (aCheck==EWrite || DoAtL(aHandle)!=anOffset)
   267 		PutBaseL(aHandle,anOffset);
   268 	}
   270 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::GetL(TInt aHandle)
   271 	{
   272 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle>0,User::Invariant());
   273 	TEntry& entry=FetchL(aHandle);
   274 	return entry.ref;
   275 	}
   277 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::Set(TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset)
   278 	{
   279 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle!=0,User::Invariant());
   280 	TEntry* entry=Entry(aHandle);
   281 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((entry!=NULL) && (entry->handle==aHandle),User::Invariant());
   282 	aHandle&=KMaskStreamIdValue;
   283 	entry->handle=aHandle;
   284 	entry->ref=anOffset;
   285 	Changed();
   286 	return aHandle;
   287 	}
   289 CPermanentStoreToc::CPermanentStoreToc(TStreamPos aBase,TStreamExchange& aHost)
   290 	: /*iPrimary(0),iAvail(0),iCount(0),*/iEntries(KTocGranularity),
   291 		iBase(aBase),iHost(&aHost),iOff(KFrameNonexistent16)/*,iExt(0)*/,
   292 		iTocOff(KFrameNonexistent16)/*,iTocExt(0),iWindow(0)*/
   293 	{}
   295 CPermanentStoreToc::~CPermanentStoreToc()
   296 	{
   297 	iEntries.Close();
   298 	}
   300 void CPermanentStoreToc::ConstructL(TInt aToc,TInt aBaseReloc)
   301 //
   302 // Read and validate the TOC header at aToc.
   303 // aBaseReloc may contain a relocated TOC-base offset, which should override the one in a TOC-delta
   304 //
   305 	{
   306 	if (aToc==0)
   307 		return;
   308 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aToc>0&&iEntries.Count()==0,User::Invariant());
   309 	RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   310 	aToc+=KOffsetTocHeader;
   311 	buf.OpenL(Host(),aToc,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.ERead);
   312 	buf.PushL();
   313 	RReadStream stream(&buf);
   314 	STocHead h;
   315 	stream.ReadL((TUint8*)&h,sizeof(STocHead)); // platform dependency
   316 	if ((h.primary&~(KMaskStreamIdValue|static_cast<TUint>(KTocDelta)))!=0||
   317 		h.avail>0||(h.avail&KMaskHandleClear)!=0||(h.count&~KMaskHandleIndex)!=0)
   318 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   319 //
   320 	iPrimary=TInt(h.primary) & ~KTocDelta;
   321 	iAvail=TInt(h.avail);
   322 	iCount=TInt(h.count);
   323 	iOff = aToc;
   324 //
   325 	if (h.primary & KTocDelta)
   326 		{
   327 		// This is a TOC-delta
   328 		aToc = InternalizeL(stream, aBaseReloc) + KOffsetTocHeader;
   330 		// Now locate and validate the base TOC
   331 		buf.Release();
   332 		buf.OpenL(Host(),aToc,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.ERead);
   333 		stream.ReadL((TUint8*)&h,sizeof(STocHead)); // platform dependency
   334 		if ((h.primary&~KMaskStreamIdValue)!=0||(h.count&~KMaskHandleIndex)!=0||
   335 			h.avail>0||(h.avail&KMaskHandleClear)!=0||TInt(h.count)>iCount)
   336 			__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   337 		}
   338 	TInt size = KSizeTocEntry*TInt(h.count);
   339 // Eagerly load the first few TOC entries into the cache
   340 // This is good as it almost certainly lies in the file buffer already
   341 	if (size>0)
   342 		stream.ReadL(&iBuf[0],Min(size,TInt(KSizeTocBuf)));
   343 	size-=KOffsetTocHeader;
   344 	if (buf.SizeL()!=size)
   345 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   346 	iTocOff=aToc;
   347 	iWindow=aToc-KOffsetTocHeader;
   348 	iTocExt=aToc+size;
   349 	if (iExt == 0)
   350 		iExt = iTocExt;		// set extent for non-delta TOC
   351 //
   352 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buf);
   353 	}
   355 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aIn, TInt aBaseReloc)
   356 //
   357 // Load and validate the delta-toc table
   358 //
   359 	{
   360 	TInt tocoff = aIn.ReadInt32L();
   361 	if (aBaseReloc != KFrameNonexistent16)
   362 		tocoff = aBaseReloc - KOffsetTocHeader;
   363 	if (tocoff<0||tocoff>=iOff)
   364 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   365 	iMagic = aIn.ReadUint16L();
   366 	if (!IsDelta())
   367 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   368 	TInt n = aIn.ReadUint8L();
   369 	TInt size = -KOffsetTocHeader + KSizeTocDeltaExtra + KSizeTocDeltaEntry * n;
   370 	if (aIn.Source()->SizeL()!=size)
   371 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   372 	iExt = iOff + size;
   373 	TInt last = 0;
   374 	while (--n >= 0)
   375 		{
   376 		STocEntry e;
   377 		aIn.ReadL((TUint8*)&e,KSizeTocDeltaEntry);	// platform dependency
   378 		if ((e.handle&KMaskHandleClear)!=0||e.handle>=0&&(e.ref<KFrameNonexistent16)||
   379 			e.handle<0&&(e.ref>0||(e.ref&KMaskHandleClear)!=0))
   380 			__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   381 		TInt i = e.handle&KMaskHandleIndex;
   382 		if (i <= last || i > iCount)
   383 			__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   384 		last = i;
   385 		TEntry entry;
   386 		entry.handle = TInt(e.handle);
   387 		entry.ref = TInt(e.ref);
   388 		User::LeaveIfError(iEntries.Append(entry));
   389 		}
   391 	return tocoff;
   392 	}
   394 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::DeltaL(RFrame16Buf& aBuf,TInt aExtent,const STocHead& aHead) const
   395 //
   396 // Write the TOC-delta
   397 //
   398 	{
   399 	TInt off=aBuf.ExtendL(Host(),aExtent,EFrameDescriptive16|aBuf.EWrite);
   400 	RWriteStream out(&aBuf);
   401 	out.WriteL((TUint8*)&aHead,sizeof(STocHead)); // platform dependency
   402 	out.WriteInt32L(iTocOff - KOffsetTocHeader);
   403 	TInt n = iEntries.Count();
   404 	TInt magic = iMagic;
   405 	if (n > KTocDeltaMagic)
   406 		magic += n - KTocDeltaMagic;
   407 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(magic <= KMaxTocDeltaMagic,User::Invariant());
   408 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(n <= (TInt)KMaxTUint8, User::Invariant());
   409 	out.WriteUint16L(magic);
   410 	out.WriteUint8L(n);
   411 	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
   412 		{
   413 		const TEntry& entry = iEntries[i];
   414 		STocEntry e;
   415 		e.handle=TInt32(entry.handle);
   416 		e.ref=TInt32(entry.ref);
   417 		out.WriteL((TUint8*)&e,KSizeTocDeltaEntry); // platform dependency
   418 		}
   419 	return off;
   420 	}
   422 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::RewriteL(RFrame16Buf& aBuf,TInt aExtent,const STocHead& aHead) const
   423 //
   424 // Write the TOC-base
   425 //
   426 	{
   427 	const TInt KElementsRewrite=304;
   428 	const TInt KSizeRewriteBuf=KElementsRewrite*KSizeTocEntry;
   429 	TUint8 toc[KSizeRewriteBuf];
   431 	RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   432 	buf.PushL();
   433 	TInt oldsize = 0;
   434 	TInt window = 0;
   435 	if (iTocOff>=0)
   436 		{
   437 		oldsize = iTocExt-iTocOff+KOffsetTocHeader;
   438 		window = iWindow + KOffsetTocHeader - iTocOff;
   439 		if (oldsize <= Min(KSizeTocBuf,KSizeRewriteBuf) && window == 0)
   440 			{
   441 			// the old TOC is already in the toc-base cache, no need to read it
   442 			Mem::Copy(&toc[0],&iBuf[0],oldsize);
   443 			oldsize = 0;	// this prevents the read request
   444 			}
   445 		else
   446 			{
   447 			buf.Set(Host(),iTocOff,iTocExt,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.ERead);
   448 			buf.SeekL(buf.ERead,TStreamPos(-KOffsetTocHeader));
   449 			}
   450 		}
   451 	RReadStream in(&buf);
   452 	// defer the initialisation of the write in roder to improve file buffering performance
   453 	RWriteStream out(&aBuf);
   454 	TInt off=-1;
   455 	TInt size=iCount*KSizeTocEntry;
   457 	for (TInt base=0,delta=0;base<size;base+=KSizeRewriteBuf)
   458 		{
   459 		// fill buffer with old TOC data
   460 		if (base < oldsize)
   461 			in.ReadL(&toc[0],Min(KSizeRewriteBuf,oldsize-base));
   462 		// apply changes to this block
   463 		for (TInt n=iEntries.Count();delta<n;++delta)
   464 			{
   465 			const TEntry& entry=iEntries[delta];
   466 			TInt pos = (entry.handle&KMaskHandleIndex)*KSizeTocEntry - KSizeTocEntry - base;
   467 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos>=0,User::Invariant());
   468 			if (pos>=KSizeRewriteBuf)
   469 				break;
   470 			STocEntry e;
   471 			e.handle=TInt32(entry.handle);
   472 			e.ref=TInt32(entry.ref);
   473 			Mem::Copy(&toc[pos],(const TUint8*)&e+KSizeHandleIndex,KSizeTocEntry);
   474 			pos += base - window;
   475 			if (TUint(pos) < TUint(KSizeTocBuf))
   476 				Mem::Copy(MUTABLE_CAST(TUint8*,&iBuf[pos]),(const TUint8*)&e+KSizeHandleIndex,KSizeTocEntry);
   477 			}
   478 		// write buffer to file
   479 		if (off == -1)
   480 			{
   481 			// initialise writing
   482 			off=aBuf.ExtendL(Host(),aExtent,EFrameDescriptive16|aBuf.EWrite);
   483 			out.WriteL((TUint8*)&aHead,sizeof(STocHead)); // platform dependency
   484 			}
   485 		out.WriteL(&toc[0],Min(KSizeRewriteBuf,size-base));
   486 		}
   487 //
   488 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buf);
   489 	return off;
   490 	}
   492 CPermanentStoreToc::TEntry* CPermanentStoreToc::Entry(TInt aHandle)
   493 	{
   494 	TEntry e;
   495 	e.handle=aHandle;
   496 	TInt i;
   497 	if (iEntries.FindInOrder(e,i,&TEntry::Compare)!=0)
   498 		return NULL;
   499 //
   500 	TEntry& entry=iEntries[i];
   502 	// allow entry to return a pointer even if not an exact match
   503 	return &entry;
   504 	}
   506 CPermanentStoreToc::TEntry& CPermanentStoreToc::FetchL(TInt aHandle)
   507 	{
   508 	TEntry e;
   509 	e.handle=aHandle;
   510 	TInt i;
   511 	if (iEntries.FindInOrder(e,i,&TEntry::Compare)!=0)
   512 		{
   513 		e.ref=DoAtL(aHandle);
   514 		User::LeaveIfError(iEntries.Insert(e,i));
   515 		}
   516 	TEntry& entry=iEntries[i];
   517 	if (entry.handle!=aHandle)
   518 		__LEAVE(KErrNotFound);
   519 //
   520 	return entry;
   521 	}
   523 CPermanentStoreToc::TEntry& CPermanentStoreToc::DoAllocL()
   524 	{
   525 	TInt handle=iAvail;
   526 	TEntry* entry;
   527 	if (handle==0)
   528 		{
   529 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iEntries.Count()==0||(iEntries[iEntries.Count()-1].handle&KMaskHandleIndex)<=iCount,User::Invariant());
   530 		User::LeaveIfError(iEntries.Append(TEntry()));
   531 		entry=&iEntries[iEntries.Count()-1];
   532 		handle=++iCount;
   533 		}
   534 	else
   535 		{
   536 		entry=&FetchL(handle);
   537 		handle=(handle+KIncHandleGen)&KMaskStreamIdValue;
   538 //
   539 		TInt avail=entry->ref;
   540 		if (avail>0||(avail&KMaskHandleClear)!=0)
   541 			__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   542 //
   543 		iAvail=avail;
   544 		}
   545 	entry->handle=handle;
   546 	Changed();
   547 	return *entry;
   548 	}
   550 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::DoAtL(TInt aHandle) const
   551 	{
   552 	TInt off=iTocOff;
   553 	if (off<0)
   554 		__LEAVE(KErrNotFound);
   555 //
   556 	off+=-KOffsetTocHeader-KSizeTocEntry+KSizeTocEntry*(aHandle&KMaskHandleIndex);
   557 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(off>=iTocOff-KOffsetTocHeader,User::Invariant());
   558 	if (off>=iTocExt)
   559 		__LEAVE(KErrNotFound);
   560 //
   561 	TInt window=iWindow;
   562 	if (off-window<0||off-window>=KSizeTocBuf)
   563 		{
   564 		TInt len=iTocOff-KOffsetTocHeader;
   565 		window=Max(len,Min(off-KBackTocBuf,iTocExt-KSizeTocBuf));
   566 		len=Min(iTocExt-len,TInt(KSizeTocBuf));
   567 //
   568 		RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   569 		buf.Set(Host(),iTocOff,iTocExt,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.ERead);
   570 		buf.PushL();
   571 		buf.SeekL(buf.ERead,TStreamPos(window-iTocOff));
   572 		RReadStream stream(&buf);
   573 		MUTABLE_CAST(TInt&,iWindow)=iTocExt;
   574 		stream.ReadL(MUTABLE_CAST(TUint8*,&iBuf[0]),1); // assume half decent read-ahead buffering
   575 		stream.ReadL(MUTABLE_CAST(TUint8*,&iBuf[1]),len-1);
   576 		MUTABLE_CAST(TInt&,iWindow)=window;
   577 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   578 		}
   579 	STocEntry e;
   580 	e.handle=aHandle;
   581 	Mem::Copy((TUint8*)&e+KSizeHandleIndex,&iBuf[off-window],KSizeTocEntry); // platform dependency
   582 	if ((e.handle&KMaskHandleClear)!=0||e.handle>=0&&(e.ref<KFrameNonexistent16)||
   583 		e.handle<0&&(e.ref>0||(e.ref&KMaskHandleClear)!=0))
   584 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   585 //
   586 	if (TInt(e.handle)!=aHandle)
   587 		__LEAVE(KErrNotFound);
   588 //
   589 	return TInt(e.ref);
   590 	}
   592 void CPermanentStoreToc::PutBaseL(TInt aHandle,TInt aReference)
   593 //
   594 // Update a TOC-base entry
   595 //
   596 	{
   597 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTocOff>=0,User::Invariant());
   599 	TInt pos=-KOffsetTocHeader-KSizeTocEntry+KSizeTocEntry*(aHandle&KMaskHandleIndex);
   600 	RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   601 	buf.Set(Host(),iTocOff,iTocExt,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.EWrite);
   602 	buf.PushL();
   603 	buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,TStreamPos(pos));
   604 	RWriteStream stream(&buf);
   605 	STocEntry e;
   606 	e.handle=aHandle;
   607 	e.ref=aReference;
   608 	stream.WriteL((TUint8*)&e+KSizeHandleIndex,KSizeTocEntry); // platform dependency
   609 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   610 	TInt off=pos+iTocOff-iWindow;
   611 	if (off>=0&&off<KSizeTocBuf)
   612 		Mem::Copy(&iBuf[off],(const TUint8*)&e+KSizeHandleIndex,KSizeTocEntry); // platform dependency
   613 	}
   615 void CPermanentStoreToc::PutDeltaL(TInt aPos, TInt aHandle, TInt aReference)
   616 //
   617 // Update a single stream reference IN-PLACE in the TOC-delta
   618 //
   619 	{
   620 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(HasDelta(),User::Invariant());
   621 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iOff>=0,User::Invariant());
   622 	RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   623 	buf.Set(Host(),iOff,iExt,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.EWrite);
   624 	buf.PushL();
   625 	buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,TStreamPos(-KOffsetTocHeader + KSizeTocDeltaExtra + KSizeTocDeltaEntry*aPos));
   626 	RWriteStream stream(&buf);
   627 	STocEntry e;
   628 	e.handle=aHandle;
   629 	e.ref=aReference;
   630 	stream.WriteL((TUint8*)&e,KSizeTocDeltaEntry); // platform dependency
   631 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   632 	}
   634 void CPermanentStoreToc::PutTocL(TInt aTocBase, TPut aCheck)
   635 //
   636 // Update the base TOC link in the TOC-delta
   637 //
   638 	{
   639 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(HasDelta(),User::Invariant());
   640 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iOff>=0,User::Invariant());
   641 	RFrame16Buf buf(Base());
   642 	buf.Set(Host(),iOff,iExt,EFrameDescriptive16|buf.EWrite|buf.ERead);
   643 	buf.PushL();
   644 	buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite|buf.ERead,TStreamPos(-KOffsetTocHeader));
   645 	RReadStream in(&buf);
   646 	if (aCheck==EWrite || in.ReadInt32L() != aTocBase)
   647 		{
   648 		RWriteStream out(&buf);
   649 		out.WriteInt32L(aTocBase);
   650 		}
   651 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   652 	}
   654 // Used prior to PutL to determine exactly where in the file the TOC update will be written.
   655 // This may be used to eliminate the pre-put write of the relocation information in the file
   656 // header in situations where the write is entirely within an atomic file block.
   657 //
   658 // The detailed numbers used to offset into the TOCs are dependant on the TOC formats, as
   659 // implicated by other members of this class
   660 TInt CPermanentStoreToc::RefSpan(TInt aHandle,TInt& aLength)
   661     {
   662     __ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsVirtual(),User::Invariant());
   663     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle>0,User::Invariant());
   665     if (aHandle == KHandleTocBase)
   666         {    // locate the TOC-base link
   667         __ASSERT_DEBUG(HasDelta(),User::Invariant());
   668         __ASSERT_DEBUG(iOff>=0,User::Invariant());
   669         aLength = sizeof(TInt32);
   670         return RFrame16Buf::Position(Base(), iOff - KOffsetTocHeader).Offset();
   671         }
   673     TEntry e;
   674     e.handle=aHandle;
   675     TInt ix;
   676     if (iEntries.FindInOrder(e, ix, &TEntry::Compare) == 0)
   677         {    // locate TOC-delta entry
   678         TEntry& entry=iEntries[ix];
   679         if (entry.handle==aHandle)
   680             {
   681             __ASSERT_DEBUG(HasDelta(),User::Invariant());
   682             __ASSERT_DEBUG(iOff>=0,User::Invariant());
   683             aLength = KSizeTocDeltaEntry;
   684             return RFrame16Buf::Position(Base(),iOff - KOffsetTocHeader + KSizeTocDeltaExtra + KSizeTocDeltaEntry*ix).Offset();
   685             }
   686         }
   688     // locate the TOC-base entry
   689     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTocOff>=0,User::Invariant());
   690     aLength = KSizeTocEntry;
   691     return RFrame16Buf::Position(Base(),iTocOff-KOffsetTocHeader-KSizeTocEntry+KSizeTocEntry*(aHandle&KMaskHandleIndex)).Offset();
   692     }
   694 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   695 /////////////////////              RPermanentStoreTocIter               ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   696 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   698 RPermanentStoreTocIter::RPermanentStoreTocIter(const CPermanentStoreToc& aTable)
   699 	: iTable(aTable), iBuf(aTable.Base()), iDelta(0), iDeltaEnd(0)
   700 	{
   701 	TInt off=aTable.iTocOff;
   702 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(off>=KFrameNonexistent16,User::Invariant());
   703 	TInt ext=off<0?off:aTable.iTocExt;
   704 	iBuf.Set(aTable.Host(),off,ext,EFrameDescriptive16|iBuf.ERead);
   705 	}
   707 void RPermanentStoreTocIter::Release()
   708 	{
   709 	iBuf.Release();
   710 	}
   712 void RPermanentStoreTocIter::ResetL()
   713 	{
   714 	iNext = iIndex = 1;
   715 	if (iBuf.Offset()<0)
   716 		{
   717 		iCount=0;
   718 		return;
   719 		}
   720 //
   721 	RReadStream stream(&iBuf);
   722 	STocHead h;
   723 	stream.ReadL((TUint8*)&h,sizeof(STocHead)); // platform dependency
   724 	if (h.primary<0||(h.primary&~KMaskStreamIdValue)!=0||
   725 		h.avail>0||(h.avail&KMaskHandleClear)!=0||(h.count&~KMaskHandleIndex)!=0)
   726 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   727 //
   728 	const CPermanentStoreToc& table=iTable;
   729 	if (table.HasDelta())
   730 		{
   731 		TInt c = table.iEntries.Count();
   732 		if (c)
   733 			{
   734 			iDelta = &table.iEntries[0];
   735 			iDeltaEnd = iDelta + c;
   736 			}
   737 		iIndex = 0;
   738 		}
   739 	iCount = iTable.iCount;
   740 	}
   742 TBool RPermanentStoreTocIter::NextL(TEntry& anEntry)
   743 	{
   744 	TInt i=iIndex;
   745 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCount>=0,User::Invariant());
   746 	if (i == 0)
   747 		{
   748 		// report TOC-base as a 'stream'
   749 		anEntry.handle = KHandleTocBase;
   750 		anEntry.ref = iTable.iTocOff;
   751 		iIndex = 1;
   752 		return ETrue;
   753 		}
   755 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(i>0,User::Invariant());
   756 	if (i>iCount)
   757 		return EFalse;
   758 //
   759 	const TEntry* d = iDelta;
   760 	if (d != iDeltaEnd && (d->handle&KMaskHandleIndex) == i)
   761 		{
   762 		anEntry = *d;
   763 		iDelta = d+1;
   764 		iIndex = i+1;
   765 		return ETrue;
   766 		}
   767 //
   768 	RReadStream stream(&iBuf);
   769 	TInt skip = i - iNext;
   770 	if (skip > 0)
   771 		stream.ReadL(KSizeTocEntry * skip);
   772 	STocEntry e;
   773 	e.handle=i;
   774 	stream.ReadL((TUint8*)&e+KSizeHandleIndex,KSizeTocEntry); // platform dependency
   775 	if ((e.handle&KMaskHandleClear)!=0||e.handle>=0&&e.ref<KFrameNonexistent16||
   776 		e.handle<0&&(e.ref>0||(e.ref&KMaskHandleClear)!=0))
   777 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
   778 //
   779 	iNext = iIndex = i+1;
   780 	anEntry.handle=TInt(e.handle);
   781 	anEntry.ref=TInt(e.ref);
   782 	return ETrue;
   783 	}
   785 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   786 /////////////////////              TPermanentStoreCache               //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   787 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   789 const TPermanentStoreCache::TItem* TPermanentStoreCache::At(TInt aHandle) const
   790 	{
   791 	const TItem* item=&iItems[0];
   792 	TInt i=1;
   793 	TInt bit=1;
   794 	while (item->handle!=aHandle)
   795 		{
   796 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   797 		TInt step=(aHandle&bit)?i+1:i;
   798 		bit<<=1;
   799 		i+=step;
   800 		if (i>EItems)
   801 			return NULL;
   802 //
   803 		item+=step;
   804 		}
   805 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   806 	return item;
   807 	}
   809 void TPermanentStoreCache::Relocated(TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset)
   810 	{
   811 	const TItem* item=At(aHandle);
   812 	if (item)
   813 		{
   814 		// update the cache item with the new offset
   815 		// As 'extent' may only be a partial extent of a fragmented frame
   816 		// which is no longer fragmented, we cannot simply shift this by the same
   817 		// amount as 'offset'. Simplest to reset this to 'unknown', i.e. 0
   818 		const_cast<TItem*>(item)->offset = anOffset;
   819 		const_cast<TItem*>(item)->extent = 0;
   820 		}
   821 	}
   823 void TPermanentStoreCache::Put(const TItem* anItem,TInt anOffset,TInt anExtent)
   824 	{
   825 	TInt handle=anItem->handle;
   826 	TItem* item=&iItems[0];
   827 	TInt i=1;
   828 	TInt bit=1;
   829 	while (item != anItem)
   830 		{
   831 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   832 		TInt step=(handle&bit)?i+1:i;
   833 		bit<<=1;
   834 		i+=step;
   835 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(i<=EItems,User::Invariant());
   836 		item+=step;
   837 		}
   838 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   840 	for(;;)
   841 		{
   842 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   843 		TInt step=(handle&bit)?i+1:i;
   844 		bit<<=1;
   845 		i+=step;
   846 		if (i>EItems)
   847 			break;
   848 //
   849 		TItem* hole=item;
   850 		item+=step;
   851 		*hole=*item;
   852 		};
   853 	item->handle=handle;
   854 	item->offset=anOffset;
   855 	item->extent=anExtent;
   856 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(At(handle)==item,User::Invariant());
   857 	}
   859 void TPermanentStoreCache::Add(TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset,TInt anExtent)
   860 	{
   861 	TItem* item=&iItems[0];
   862 	TInt i=1;
   863 	TInt bit=1;
   864 	for(;;)
   865 		{
   866 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1]&&item->handle!=aHandle,User::Invariant());
   867 		TInt step=(aHandle&bit)?i+1:i;
   868 		bit<<=1;
   869 		i+=step;
   870 		if (i>EItems)
   871 			break;
   872 //
   873 		TItem* hole=item;
   874 		item+=step;
   875 		*hole=*item;
   876 		};
   877 	item->handle=aHandle;
   878 	item->offset=anOffset;
   879 	item->extent=anExtent;
   880 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(At(aHandle)==item,User::Invariant());
   881 	}
   883 void TPermanentStoreCache::Remove(TInt aHandle)
   884 	{
   885 	TItem* item=&iItems[0];
   886 	TInt i=1;
   887 	TInt bit=1;
   888 	while (item->handle!=aHandle)
   889 		{
   890 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   891 		TInt step=(aHandle&bit)?i+1:i;
   892 		bit<<=1;
   893 		i+=step;
   894 		if (i>EItems)
   895 			return;
   896 //
   897 		item+=step;
   898 		}
   899 	TItem* hole=item;
   900 	TInt mask=bit-1;
   901 	while (item!=&iItems[0])
   902 		{
   903 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==&iItems[i-1],User::Invariant());
   904 		TInt step=i;
   905 		bit>>=1;
   906 		i>>=1;
   907 		step-=i;
   908 		item-=step;
   909 //
   910 		if (((aHandle^item->handle)&mask)==0)
   911 			{
   912 			*hole=*item;
   913 			hole=item;
   914 			mask=bit-1;
   915 			}
   916 		}
   917 	hole->handle=0;
   918 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(i==1&&At(aHandle)==NULL,User::Invariant());
   919 	}
   921 void TPermanentStoreCache::Invalidate()
   922 	{
   923 	for (TItem* item=&iItems[0],*end=item+EItems;item<end;++item)
   924 		item->handle=0;
   925 	}
   927 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   928 /////////////////////              CPermanentStoreCoord               //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   929 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   931 //Returns the file system type, according to what the "file write" operation guarantees.
   932 //The return result could be one of:
   933 // - ESimple        - "single byte write" operations are atomic;
   934 // - EBlockAtomic   - "block/sector write" operations are atomic;
   935 // - ETransactional - transactional file system;
   936 CPermanentStoreCoord::TFileQoS CPermanentStoreCoord::FileQoSL()
   937 	{
   938 	//Uncomment, if you want FileQoSL() to return always EBlockAtomic/EBlockAtomic.
   939 	//iFileQos = ETransactional;	
   940 	//iFileQos = EBlockAtomic;	
   941 	//return iFileQos;
   942 	//
   943 	if (iFileQos == EUnknown) //get the file sytem type, if iFileQos is not set yet
   944 		{
   945 		TStreamExchange &se = Host();
   946 		RFileBuf *sb = static_cast<RFileBuf *>(se.HostL());
   947 		RFile &f = sb->File();
   949 		TInt dn;
   950 		TDriveInfo di;
   951 		User::LeaveIfError(f.Drive(dn, di));
   953 		iFileQos = (di.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttTransaction) ? ETransactional : ESimple;
   955 		if(iFileQos == ESimple && IsBlockAtomicL(dn))
   956 			{
   957 			iFileQos = EBlockAtomic;	
   958 			}
   959 		}
   960 	return iFileQos;
   961 	}
   963 //The function returns true, if the file system guarantees atomic "block write" operations on aDriveNo.
   964 //It is not the most effective implementation at the moment (creates/closes a file session), 
   965 //probably TDriveInfo::iType can be used in a more effective implementation.
   966 TBool CPermanentStoreCoord::IsBlockAtomicL(TInt aDriveNo) const
   967 	{
   968 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDriveNo >= EDriveA && aDriveNo <= EDriveZ, User::Invariant());
   969 	RFs fs;
   970 	CleanupClosePushL(fs);
   971 	User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
   973 	TVolumeIOParamInfo volInfo;
   974 	TInt err = fs.VolumeIOParam(aDriveNo, volInfo);
   975 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs);
   977 	//If VolumeIOParam() succeeds, the media block size is >= 512 bytes and the media block size is power of two - report
   978 	//that the media supports atomic "block write" operations.
   979 	return err == KErrNone && volInfo.iBlockSize >= KDefaultMediaBlockSize && (volInfo.iBlockSize & (volInfo.iBlockSize - 1)) == 0;
   980 	}
   982 TStreamPos CPermanentStoreCoord::LimitL()
   983 	{
   984 	TableL();
   985 	return RFrame16Buf::Position(Base(),iExt);
   986 	}
   988 TStreamId CPermanentStoreCoord::PrimaryL()
   989 	{
   990 	return TStreamId(TableL().Primary());
   991 	}
   993 void CPermanentStoreCoord::ChangedL()
   994 	{
   995 	ConsolidateL().Changed();
   996 	}
   998 TBool CPermanentStoreCoord::CommitL(TStreamId aPrimary)
   999 	{
  1000 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsTrim(),User::Invariant());
  1001 	if (iExtend!=0)
  1002 		__LEAVE(KErrInUse);
  1003 //
  1004 	CPermanentStoreToc& table=ConsolidateL();
  1005 	if (!table.IsVirtual())
  1006 		return EFalse;
  1007 //
  1008 	iState|=EClip;
  1009 	TInt toc=table.RealizeL(aPrimary.Value(),iExt);
  1010 //
  1011 	TPermanentStoreHeader header(toc);
  1012 	header.SetBackupToc(iToc);
  1013 	MStreamBuf* buf=BeginL(header);
  1014 	buf->SynchL();
  1015 		// it's done, wrap things up
  1016 	Host().Share(buf);
  1017 	iToc=toc;
  1018 	table.Adopt(toc,aPrimary.Value());
  1019 	++iGen;
  1020 	iState=EBackup;
  1021 	iExt=table.Extent();
  1022 	return ETrue;
  1023 	}
  1025 TBool CPermanentStoreCoord::RevertL(TStreamId& aPrimary)
  1026 	{
  1027 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iAccess==0,Panic(EStoreInUse));
  1028 		// can't revert things under people's feet
  1029 	CPermanentStoreToc* table=iTable;
  1030 	iTable=NULL;
  1031 	iCache.Invalidate();
  1032 	if (table==NULL||!table->IsVirtual())
  1033 		{
  1034 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(table==NULL||aPrimary==TStreamId(table->Primary()),User::Invariant());
  1035 		delete table;
  1036 		return EFalse;
  1037 		}
  1038 //
  1039 	aPrimary=TStreamId(table->Primary());
  1040 	delete table;
  1041 	iState|=EClip;
  1042 //
  1043 	TStreamExchange& host=Host();
  1044 	MStreamBuf* buf=host.HostL();
  1045 	host.Release();
  1046 	buf->SynchL();
  1047 	host.Share(buf);
  1048 	return ETrue;
  1049 	}
  1051 TStreamId CPermanentStoreCoord::ExtendL()
  1052 	{
  1053 	return TStreamId(ConsolidateL().AllocL(KFrameNonexistent16));
  1054 	}
  1056 void CPermanentStoreCoord::DeleteL(TStreamId anId)
  1057 	{
  1058 	TInt handle=anId.Value();
  1059 	ConsolidateL().FreeL(handle);
  1060 	iCache.Remove(handle);
  1061 	}
  1063 CPermanentStoreCoord::CPermanentStoreCoord(TStreamPos aBase,TStreamExchange& aHost)
  1064 	: iBase(aBase),iHost(&aHost), iFileQos(EUnknown)
  1065 	{}
  1067 //
  1068 // Read and analyse the store header.
  1069 // The whole header (14 bytes) is read from the file and:
  1070 // - If the dirty bit is set, the backup TOC will be used;
  1071 // - If the dirty bit is not set, and the backup TOC ref is not the same as the TOC ref,
  1072 //   then it means the the backup TOC ref has not been written successfully, so the TOC ref will be used;
  1073 void CPermanentStoreCoord::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
  1074 	{
  1075 	if (iTable!=NULL)
  1076 		__LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
  1077 //
  1078 	iState=EClip;
  1079 	TPermanentStoreHeader header;
  1080 	aStream.ReadL(header.Ptr(),KPermanentStoreHeaderLength);
  1081 		// determine where the toc lives
  1082 	TInt toc=header.BackupToc();
  1083 	if (header.IsDirty())
  1084 		{
  1085 		iReloc=0;
  1086 		iTarget=0;
  1087 		}
  1088 	else
  1089 		{
  1090 		TInt handle=header.Handle();
  1091 		TInt ref=header.Reference();
  1092 		if (handle==0&&toc!=ref)
  1093 			{ // toc pointer not backed up, validate as if it was
  1094 			toc=ref;
  1095 			iState|=EBackup;
  1096 			header.SetBackupToc(toc);
  1097 			}
  1098 		if (!header.IsValid()) // not a permanent store or damaged beyond recognition
  1099 			__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
  1100 	//
  1101 		if (toc<0||((handle&~KMaskStreamIdValue)!=0&&handle!=KHandleTocBase)||ref<0||(handle!=0&&ref>=toc+KOffsetTocHeader))
  1102 			__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt); // integrity compromised
  1103 	//
  1104 		iReloc=handle;
  1105 		iTarget=ref;
  1106 		}
  1107 	//
  1108 	if (iToc!=0 && iToc!=toc)		// refresh produced a different toc
  1109 		__LEAVE(KErrCorrupt);
  1110 	iToc=toc;
  1111 	}
  1113 CPermanentStoreCoord::~CPermanentStoreCoord()
  1114 	{
  1115 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iRefs==0,Panic(EStoreInUse));
  1116 	delete iTable;
  1117 	}
  1119 void CPermanentStoreCoord::CanExtendL()
  1120 	{
  1121 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsTrim(),User::Invariant());
  1122 	if (iExtend!=0)
  1123 		__LEAVE(KErrInUse);
  1124 //
  1125 	ConsolidateL();
  1126 	}
  1128 TInt CPermanentStoreCoord::DoCreateL()
  1129 	{
  1130 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsTrim()&&iReloc==0&&iExtend==0,User::Invariant());
  1131 	TInt handle=Table().AllocL();
  1132 	iExtend=handle;
  1133 	Inc();
  1134 	++iAccess;
  1135 	return handle;
  1136 	}
  1138 void CPermanentStoreCoord::DoReplaceL(TInt aHandle)
  1139 	{
  1140 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsTrim()&&iReloc==0&&iExtend==0,User::Invariant());
  1141 	TInt off=Table().GetL(aHandle);
  1142 	const TItem* item=iCache.At(aHandle);
  1143 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==NULL||iTable!=NULL&&item->handle==aHandle,User::Invariant());
  1144 	if (item==NULL)
  1145 		iCache.Add(aHandle,off,Min(off,0));
  1146 	iExtend=aHandle;
  1147 	Inc();
  1148 	++iAccess;
  1149 	}
  1151 TInt CPermanentStoreCoord::DoOpenL(TInt& anOffset,TInt aHandle)
  1152 	{
  1153 	const TItem* item=iCache.At(aHandle);
  1154 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(item==NULL||iTable!=NULL&&item->handle==aHandle,User::Invariant());
  1155 	TInt off;
  1156 	TInt ext;
  1157 	if (item==NULL)
  1158 		{
  1159 		off=TableL().AtL(aHandle);
  1160 		if (iReloc==aHandle)
  1161 			{
  1162 			TInt trg=iTarget;
  1163 			if (trg==off)
  1164 				iReloc=0;
  1165 			else
  1166 				off=trg;
  1167 			}
  1168 		ext=Min(off,0); // ensures ext==off for empty streams
  1169 		iCache.Add(aHandle,off,ext);
  1170 		}
  1171 	else
  1172 		{
  1173 		off=item->offset;
  1174 		ext=item->extent;
  1175 		}
  1176 	Inc();
  1177 	++iAccess;
  1178 	anOffset=off;
  1179 	return ext;
  1180 	}
  1182 void CPermanentStoreCoord::DoRelease(TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset,TInt anExtent)
  1183 	{
  1184 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle!=0,User::Invariant());
  1185 	Dec();
  1186 	--iAccess;
  1187 	if (anExtent==0)
  1188 		{ // failed to commit the extending stream
  1189 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle==iExtend&&IsTrim(),User::Invariant());
  1190 		iState|=EClip;
  1191 		iExtend=0;
  1192 		if (aHandle<0)
  1193 			Table().Cancel(aHandle);
  1194 		}
  1195 	else
  1196 		{
  1197 		const TItem* item=iCache.At(aHandle);
  1198 		if (item!=NULL&&item->offset==anOffset&&anExtent>item->extent)
  1199 			iCache.Put(item,anOffset,anExtent);
  1200 		}
  1201 	}
  1203 TInt CPermanentStoreCoord::DoCommit(TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset,TInt anExtent)
  1204 	{
  1205 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHandle!=0&&aHandle==iExtend&&(anExtent>=iExt||anOffset==anExtent),User::Invariant());
  1206 	aHandle=Table().Set(aHandle,anOffset);
  1207 	if (anExtent<0)
  1208 		iCache.Remove(aHandle);
  1209 	else
  1210 		{
  1211 		iExt=anExtent;
  1212 		const TItem* item=iCache.At(aHandle);
  1213 		if (item==NULL)
  1214 			iCache.Add(aHandle,anOffset,anExtent);
  1215 		else
  1216 			iCache.Put(item,anOffset,anExtent);
  1217 		}
  1218 	iExtend=0;
  1219 	return aHandle;
  1220 	}
  1222 CPermanentStoreToc& CPermanentStoreCoord::TableL()
  1223 	{
  1224 	CPermanentStoreToc* table=iTable;
  1225 	if (table==NULL)
  1226 		{
  1227 		table=CPermanentStoreToc::NewL(Base(),Host(),iToc,iReloc==KHandleTocBase?iTarget:KFrameNonexistent16);
  1228 		iExt=table->Extent();
  1229 		iTable=table;
  1230 		}
  1231 	return *table;
  1232 	}
  1234 CPermanentStoreToc& CPermanentStoreCoord::ConsolidateL()
  1235 	{
  1236 	CPermanentStoreToc& table=TableL();
  1237 	if (iReloc!=0)
  1238 		{
  1239 		table.PutL(iReloc,iTarget,CPermanentStoreToc::ETestBeforeWrite);
  1240 		iCache.Relocated(iReloc,iTarget);
  1241 		iReloc=0;
  1242 		}
  1243 	return table;
  1244 	}
  1246 //After stream relocation, the stream entry in the TOC has to be updated with the new stream position.
  1247 //If the file system is not transactional or if the file system is "block atomic", but the stream entry is split
  1248 //on a block/sector boundary, then the stream handle will be stored in the permanent file store header, in case
  1249 //if the TOC entry update fails.
  1250 void CPermanentStoreCoord::RelocateL(TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset)
  1251 	{
  1252 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!Accessed(),User::Invariant());
  1253 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReloc==0,User::Invariant());
  1255 	TBool updateStoreHeader = ETrue;	
  1256 	TFileQoS fileQos = FileQoSL();
  1257 	if(fileQos == ETransactional)
  1258 		{
  1259 		updateStoreHeader = EFalse;	
  1260 		}
  1261 	else if(fileQos == EBlockAtomic)
  1262 		{
  1263 		TInt dataLen = 0;
  1264 		TInt writePos = iTable->RefSpan(aHandle, dataLen);
  1265 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(writePos >= 0 && dataLen > 0, User::Invariant());
  1266 		TInt startSectorAddr = writePos & ~(KDefaultMediaBlockSize - 1);
  1267 		TInt endSectorAddr = (writePos + dataLen - 1) & ~(KDefaultMediaBlockSize - 1);
  1268 		if(startSectorAddr == endSectorAddr)
  1269 			{
  1270 			updateStoreHeader = EFalse;	
  1271 			}
  1272 		}
  1274 	if (updateStoreHeader)
  1275 		{
  1276 		TPermanentStoreHeader header(iToc,aHandle,anOffset);
  1277 		Host().Share(BeginL(header));
  1278 		iReloc=aHandle;
  1279 		iTarget=anOffset;
  1280 		}
  1281 	++iGen;
  1282 	iTable->PutL(aHandle,anOffset,CPermanentStoreToc::EWrite);
  1283 	iCache.Relocated(aHandle,anOffset);
  1284 	iReloc=0;
  1285 	}
  1287 void CPermanentStoreCoord::MoveL(TInt aToc,TInt anExtent)
  1288 	{
  1289 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReloc==0,User::Invariant());
  1290 	CPermanentStoreToc& table=Table();
  1291 	TPermanentStoreHeader header(aToc);
  1292 	header.SetBackupToc(iToc);
  1293 	Host().Share(BeginL(header));
  1294 		// update data structures but defer the write
  1295 	iToc=aToc;
  1296 	TInt ext=table.Extent();
  1297 	table.Move(aToc,anExtent);
  1298 	iState|=EBackup;
  1299 	if (iExt==ext)
  1300 		{
  1301 		iExt=anExtent;
  1302 		iState|=EClip;
  1303 		}
  1304 	}
  1306 //
  1307 // Starts a pseudo-atomic update of the permanent file store header.
  1308 //
  1309 // For the effect to be 'atomic', writes need to meet the following requirements:
  1310 // 1. When updating n bytes using a single write, bytes 2 through n remain unchanged unless the first byte also changes.
  1311 // 2. Changes associated with successive write requests happen in strict sequence.
  1312 // 3. Updating a single byte is atomic.
  1313 //
  1314 // Also, a failure to write to a location shall be reported no later than on the next
  1315 // write to that or a different location, or on buffer synchronisation.
  1316 //
  1317 // The preconditions of the operation are:
  1318 // - all stream insert/delete/relocate operations completed, file - updated;
  1319 // - the TOC reference in the file store header points to the current (valid) TOC, which does not include the most recent
  1320 //   changes, since the last commit;
  1321 // - the in-memory backup TOC reference updated and made equal to the file stored TOC reference;
  1322 //
  1323 // The procedure consists of 3 "file-write" steps:
  1324 // -1- write the backup TOC ref (4 bytes) to the permanent file store header.
  1325 //     if this operation fails, when the store is reopened, the TOC ref will be used;
  1326 // -2- set the dirty bit and write the whole file store header (14 bytes).
  1327 //     If this operation fails, but the dirty bit has been successfully set, the backup TOC ref will be used,
  1328 //     when the store is reopened;
  1329 // -3- clear the dirty bit (1 byte "file write" op). The commit operation has completed successfully;
  1330 MStreamBuf* CPermanentStoreCoord::BeginL(TPermanentStoreHeader& aHeader)
  1331 	{
  1332 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aHeader.IsDirty()&&aHeader.BackupToc()==iToc&&iReloc==0,User::Invariant());
  1333 	MStreamBuf& buf=*Host().HostL();
  1334 	buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,Base()+KPermanentStoreHeaderOffset);
  1335 	TFileQoS fileQos = FileQoSL();
  1336 	if (fileQos<EBlockAtomic)
  1337 		{
  1338 		if (iState&EBackup)
  1339 			{ // we've yet to write the backup toc, do that before clobbering the header
  1340 			buf.WriteL(aHeader.Ptr(),KPermanentStoreBackupLength);
  1341 			buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,EStreamBeginning);
  1342 			buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,Base()+KPermanentStoreHeaderOffset);
  1343 			iState&=~EBackup;
  1344 			}
  1345 		// first write--dirty flag set in the first byte, backup toc unchanged, new header otherwise
  1346 		aHeader.MarkDirty();
  1347 		}
  1348 	Host().Release(); // from this point onwards any failure results in store shutdown
  1349 //
  1350 	buf.WriteL(aHeader.Ptr(),KPermanentStoreHeaderLength);
  1351 	if (fileQos<EBlockAtomic)
  1352 		{
  1353 		buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,EStreamBeginning);
  1354 		buf.SeekL(buf.EWrite,Base()+KPermanentStoreHeaderOffset);
  1355 		aHeader.SetBackupToc(iToc);
  1356 			// second write--single byte write to clear the dirty flag, no change otherwise
  1357 		buf.WriteL(aHeader.Ptr(),1);
  1358 		}
  1359 		// at this point synchronisation is atomic; ie, if successful the change
  1360 		// has been recorded, and failure means it will never happen
  1361 	return &buf;
  1362 	}
  1364 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1365 /////////////////////              HPermanentStoreBuf               ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1366 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1368 HPermanentStoreBuf* HPermanentStoreBuf::CreateL(CPermanentStoreCoord& aCoord,TStreamId& anId,TInt aMode)
  1369 	{
  1370 	HPermanentStoreBuf* buf=ExtendLC(aCoord,aMode);
  1371 	TInt handle=aCoord.DoCreateL();
  1372 	buf->iHandle=handle;
  1373 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1374 	anId=TStreamId(handle&KMaskStreamIdValue);
  1375 	return buf;
  1376 	}
  1378 HPermanentStoreBuf* HPermanentStoreBuf::ReplaceL(CPermanentStoreCoord& aCoord,TStreamId anId,TInt aMode)
  1379 	{
  1380 	HPermanentStoreBuf* buf=ExtendLC(aCoord,aMode);
  1381 	TInt handle=anId.Value();
  1382 	aCoord.DoReplaceL(handle);
  1383 	buf->iHandle=handle;
  1384 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1385 	return buf;
  1386 	}
  1388 HPermanentStoreBuf* HPermanentStoreBuf::OpenL(CPermanentStoreCoord& aCoord,TStreamId anId,TInt aMode)
  1389 	{
  1390 	HPermanentStoreBuf* buf=NewLC(aCoord);
  1391 	TInt handle=anId.Value();
  1392 	TInt off=KFrameNonexistent16;
  1393 	TInt ext=aCoord.DoOpenL(off,handle);
  1394 	buf->iHandle=handle;
  1395 	if (ext!=0)
  1396 		buf->RFrame16Buf::Set(aCoord.Host(),off,ext,EFrameData16|aMode);
  1397 	else
  1398 		buf->RFrame16Buf::OpenL(aCoord.Host(),off,EFrameData16|aMode);
  1399 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1400 	return buf;
  1401 	}
  1403 HPermanentStoreBuf::~HPermanentStoreBuf()
  1404 	{
  1405 	TInt handle=iHandle;
  1406 	if (handle!=0)
  1407 		Coord().DoRelease(handle,Offset(),Extent());
  1408 	RFrame16Buf::DoRelease();
  1409 	}
  1411 HPermanentStoreBuf* HPermanentStoreBuf::NewLC(CPermanentStoreCoord& aCoord)
  1412 	{
  1413 	HPermanentStoreBuf* buf=new(ELeave) HPermanentStoreBuf(aCoord);
  1414 	buf->PushL();
  1415 	return buf;
  1416 	}
  1418 HPermanentStoreBuf* HPermanentStoreBuf::ExtendLC(CPermanentStoreCoord& aCoord,TInt aMode)
  1419 	{
  1420 	aCoord.CanExtendL();
  1421 	HPermanentStoreBuf* buf=NewLC(aCoord);
  1422 	buf->RFrame16Buf::ExtendL(aCoord.Host(),aCoord.iExt,EFrameData16|aMode);
  1423 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(TStreamPos(aCoord.Host().SizeL())==buf->Position(buf->Offset()),User::Invariant());
  1424 	return buf;
  1425 	}
  1427 void HPermanentStoreBuf::DoRelease()
  1428 	{
  1429 	delete this;
  1430 	}
  1432 void HPermanentStoreBuf::DoSynchL()
  1433 	{
  1434 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHandle!=0,User::Invariant());
  1435 	if (IsCommitted())
  1436 		return;
  1437 //
  1438 	CommitL();
  1439 	iHandle=Coord().DoCommit(iHandle,Offset(),Extent());
  1440 	}