changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
    15 // This code is compiled only in the Unicode build.
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #ifdef _UNICODE
    21 #include <s32ucmp.h>
    23 const TUint32 TUnicodeCompressionState::iStaticWindow[EStaticWindows] =
    24 	{
    25 	0x0000,		// tags
    26 	0x0080,		// Latin-1 supplement
    27 	0x0100,		// Latin Extended-A
    28 	0x0300,		// Combining Diacritics
    29 	0x2000,		// General Punctuation
    30 	0x2080,		// Currency Symbols
    31 	0x2100,		// Letterlike Symbols and Number Forms
    32 	0x3000		// CJK Symbols and Punctuation
    33 	};
    35 const TUint32 TUnicodeCompressionState::iDynamicWindowDefault[EDynamicWindows] =
    36 	{
    37 	0x0080,		// Latin-1 supplement
    38 	0x00C0,		// parts of Latin-1 supplement and Latin Extended-A
    39 	0x0400,		// Cyrillic
    40 	0x0600,		// Arabic
    41 	0x0900,		// Devanagari
    42 	0x3040,		// Hiragana
    43 	0x30A0,		// Katakana
    44 	0xFF00		// Fullwidth ASCII
    45 	};
    47 const TUint16 TUnicodeCompressionState::iSpecialBase[ESpecialBases] =
    48 	{
    49 	0x00C0,		// Latin 1 letters (not symbols) and some of Extended-A
    50 	0x0250,		// IPA extensions
    51 	0x0370,		// Greek
    52 	0x0530,		// Armenian
    53 	0x3040,		// Hiragana
    54 	0x30A0,		// Katakana
    55 	0xFF60		// Halfwidth katakana
    56 	};
    58 // Single-byte mode tag values
    59 const TUint8 SQ0 = 0x01;	// <byte>				quote from window 0
    60 const TUint8 SDX = 0x0B;	// <hbyte> <lbyte>		define window in expansion area
    61 const TUint8 SQU = 0x0E;	// <hbyte> <lbyte>		quote Unicode value
    62 const TUint8 SCU = 0x0F;	//						switch to Unicode mode
    63 const TUint8 SC0 = 0x10;	//						select dynamic window 0
    64 const TUint8 SD0 = 0x18;	// <byte>				set dynamic window 0 index to <byte> and select it
    66 // Unicode mode tag values
    67 const TUint8 UC0 = 0xE0;	//						select dynamic window 0 and switch to single-byte mode
    68 const TUint8 UD0 = 0xE8;	// <byte>				set dynamic window 0 index to <byte>, select it and switch to
    69 							//						single-byte mode
    70 const TUint8 UQU = 0xF0;	// <hbyte>, <lbyte>		quote Unicode value
    71 const TUint8 UDX = 0xF1;	// <hbyte>, <lbyte>		define window in expansion area and switch to single-byte mode
    73 TUnicodeCompressionState::TUnicodeCompressionState():
    74 	iUnicodeWords(0),
    75 	iMaxUnicodeWords(0),
    76 	iCompressedBytes(0),
    77 	iMaxCompressedBytes(0)
    78 	{
    79 	Reset();
    80 	}
    82 void TUnicodeCompressionState::Reset()
    83 	{
    84 	iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
    85 	iActiveWindowBase = 0x0080;
    86 	for (int i = 0; i < EDynamicWindows; i++)
    87 		iDynamicWindow[i] = iDynamicWindowDefault[i];
    88 	}
    91 // Return the index of the static window that contains this code, if any, or -1 if there is none.
    92 TInt TUnicodeCompressionState::StaticWindowIndex(TUint16 aCode)
    93 	{
    94 	for (TInt i = 0; i < EStaticWindows; i++)
    95 		if (aCode >= iStaticWindow[i] && aCode < iStaticWindow[i] + 128)
    96 			return i;
    97 	return -1;
    98 	}
   100 /*
   101 If aCode can be accommodated in one of the legal dynamic windows, return the index of that window
   102 in the offset table. If not return KErrNotFound.
   103 */
   104 TInt TUnicodeCompressionState::DynamicWindowOffsetIndex(TUint16 aCode)
   105 	{
   106 	if (aCode < 0x0080)
   107 		return KErrNotFound;
   108 	if (aCode >= 0x3400 && aCode <= 0xDFFF)
   109 		return KErrNotFound;
   111 	/*
   112 	Prefer sections that cross half-block boundaries. These are better adapted to actual text.
   113 	They are represented by offset indices 0xf9..0xff.
   114 	*/
   115 	for (int i = 0; i < ESpecialBases; i++)
   116 		if (aCode >= iSpecialBase[i] && aCode < iSpecialBase[i] + 128)
   117 			return 0xF9 + i;
   119 	/*
   120 	Offset indices 0x01..0x67 represent half blocks from 0x0080 to 0x3380 and
   121 	0x68..0xA7 represent half blocks from 0xE000 to 0xFF80.
   122 	*/
   123 	if (aCode >= 0xE000)
   124 		aCode -= 0xAC00;
   125 	return aCode / 0x80;
   126 	}
   128 // Return the base of the window represented by offset index <n>. Return 0 if the offset index is illegal.
   129 TUint32 TUnicodeCompressionState::DynamicWindowBase(TInt aOffsetIndex)
   130 	{
   131 	if (aOffsetIndex >= 0xF9 && aOffsetIndex <= 0xFF)
   132 		{
   133 		/*
   134 		WARNING: don't optimise the following two lines by replacing them with
   135 		'return iSpecialBase[aOffsetIndex - 0xF9];'. To do so would re-introduce an error
   136 		in ARM builds caused by optimisation and consequent erroneous fixing up
   137 		of the array base: see defect EDNGASR-4AGJQX in ER5U defects.
   138 		*/
   139 		int special_base_index = aOffsetIndex - 0xF9;
   140 		return iSpecialBase[special_base_index];
   141 		}
   142 	if (aOffsetIndex >= 0x01 && aOffsetIndex <= 0x67)
   143 		return aOffsetIndex * 0x80;
   144 	if (aOffsetIndex >= 0x68 && aOffsetIndex <= 0xA7)
   145 		return aOffsetIndex * 0x80 + 0xAC00;
   146 	return 0;
   147 	}
   149 TBool TUnicodeCompressionState::EncodeAsIs(TUint16 aCode)
   150 	{
   151 	return aCode == 0x0000 || aCode == 0x0009 || aCode == 0x000A || aCode == 0x000D ||
   152 		   (aCode >= 0x0020 && aCode <= 0x007F);
   153 	}
   155 void TUnicodeCompressionState::Panic(TPanic aPanic)
   156 	{
   157 	User::Panic(_L("ucmp"),aPanic);
   158 	}
   160 EXPORT_C TUnicodeCompressor::TUnicodeCompressor():
   161 	iInputBufferStart(0),
   162 	iInputBufferSize(0),
   163 	iOutputBufferStart(0),
   164 	iOutputBufferSize(0),
   165 	iDynamicWindowIndex(0),
   166 	iOutputStream(NULL),
   167 	iOutputPointer(NULL),
   168 	iInput(NULL)
   169 	{
   170 	}
   172 EXPORT_C void TUnicodeCompressor::CompressL(RWriteStream& aOutput,MUnicodeSource& aInput,
   173 											TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt aMaxInputWords,
   174 											TInt* aOutputBytes,TInt* aInputWords)
   175 	{
   176 	DoCompressL(&aOutput,NULL,&aInput,aMaxOutputBytes,aMaxInputWords,aOutputBytes,aInputWords);
   177 	}
   179 EXPORT_C void TUnicodeCompressor::CompressL(TUint8* aOutput,MUnicodeSource& aInput,
   180 											TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt aMaxInputWords,
   181 											TInt* aOutputBytes,TInt* aInputWords)
   182 	{
   183 	DoCompressL(NULL,aOutput,&aInput,aMaxOutputBytes,aMaxInputWords,aOutputBytes,aInputWords);
   184 	}
   186 EXPORT_C TInt TUnicodeCompressor::FlushL(RWriteStream& aOutput,TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt& aOutputBytes)
   187 	{
   188 	DoCompressL(&aOutput,NULL,NULL,aMaxOutputBytes,0,&aOutputBytes,NULL);
   189 	return iOutputBufferSize;
   190 	}
   192 EXPORT_C TInt TUnicodeCompressor::FlushL(TUint8* aOutput,TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt& aOutputBytes)
   193 	{
   194 	DoCompressL(NULL,aOutput,NULL,aMaxOutputBytes,0,&aOutputBytes,NULL);
   195 	return iOutputBufferSize;
   196 	}
   198 EXPORT_C TInt TUnicodeCompressor::CompressedSizeL(MUnicodeSource& aInput,TInt aInputWords)
   199 	{
   200 	TInt bytes;
   201 	TUnicodeCompressor c;
   202 	c.DoCompressL(NULL,NULL,&aInput,KMaxTInt,aInputWords,&bytes,NULL);
   203 	return bytes;
   204 	}
   206 // Compress until input or output is exhausted or an exception occurs.
   207 void TUnicodeCompressor::DoCompressL(RWriteStream* aOutputStream,TUint8* aOutputPointer,MUnicodeSource* aInput,
   208 									 TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt aMaxInputWords,
   209 									 TInt* aOutputBytes,TInt* aInputWords)
   210 	{
   211 	iOutputStream = aOutputStream;
   212 	iOutputPointer = aOutputPointer;
   213 	iInput = aInput;
   214 	iMaxCompressedBytes = aMaxOutputBytes;
   215 	iMaxUnicodeWords = aMaxInputWords;
   216 	iCompressedBytes = iUnicodeWords = 0;
   217 	FlushOutputBufferL();
   218 	if (iInput)
   219 		{
   220 		while (iUnicodeWords < iMaxUnicodeWords && iCompressedBytes < iMaxCompressedBytes)
   221 			{
   222 			TUint16 x = iInput->ReadUnicodeValueL();
   223 			TAction action(x);
   224 			iInputBuffer[(iInputBufferStart + iInputBufferSize) % EMaxInputBufferSize] = action;
   225 			iInputBufferSize++;
   226 			iUnicodeWords++;
   227 			if (iInputBufferSize == EMaxInputBufferSize)
   228 				WriteRunL();
   229 			}
   230 		}
   231 	FlushInputBufferL();
   232 	if (aOutputBytes)
   233 		*aOutputBytes = iCompressedBytes;
   234 	if (aInputWords)
   235 		*aInputWords = iUnicodeWords;
   236 	}
   238 TUnicodeCompressor::TAction::TAction(TUint16 aCode):
   239 	iCode(aCode)
   240 	{
   241 	if (TUnicodeCompressionState::EncodeAsIs(aCode))
   242 		iTreatment = EPlainASCII;
   243 	else
   244 		{
   245 		iTreatment = TUnicodeCompressionState::DynamicWindowOffsetIndex(aCode);
   246 		if (iTreatment == -1)
   247 			{
   248 			iTreatment = TUnicodeCompressionState::StaticWindowIndex(aCode);
   249 			if (iTreatment == -1)
   250 				iTreatment = EPlainUnicode;
   251 			else
   252 				iTreatment += EFirstStatic;
   253 			}
   254 		}
   255 	}
   257 void TUnicodeCompressor::WriteCharacterFromBuffer()
   258 	{
   259 	const TAction& action = iInputBuffer[iInputBufferStart];
   260 	iInputBufferSize--;
   261 	iInputBufferStart = (iInputBufferStart + 1) % EMaxInputBufferSize;
   262 	WriteCharacter(action);
   263 	}
   265 void TUnicodeCompressor::FlushInputBufferL()
   266 	{
   267 	while (iInputBufferSize > 0 && iCompressedBytes < iMaxCompressedBytes)
   268 		WriteRunL();
   269 	}
   271 void TUnicodeCompressor::WriteRunL()
   272 	{
   273 	// Write out any leading characters that can be passed through.
   274 	if (!iUnicodeMode)
   275 		while (iInputBufferSize > 0)
   276 			{
   277 			const TAction& action = iInputBuffer[iInputBufferStart];
   278 			if (action.iTreatment == TAction::EPlainASCII ||
   279 				(action.iCode >= iActiveWindowBase && action.iCode < iActiveWindowBase + 128))
   280 				WriteCharacterFromBuffer();
   281 			else
   282 				break;
   283 			}
   285 	// Write a run of characters that cannot be passed through.
   286 	int i;
   287 	if (iInputBufferSize > 0)
   288 		{
   289 		/*
   290 		Find a run of characters with the same treatment and select that treatment
   291 		if the run has more than one character.
   292 		*/
   293 		int treatment = iInputBuffer[iInputBufferStart].iTreatment;
   294 		int next_treatment = treatment;
   295 		int run_size = 1;
   296 		for (i = 1; i < iInputBufferSize; i++)
   297 			{
   298 			int index = (iInputBufferStart + i) % EMaxInputBufferSize;
   299 			next_treatment = iInputBuffer[index].iTreatment;
   300 			if (next_treatment != treatment)
   301 				break;
   302 			run_size++;
   303 			}
   304 		if (run_size > 1)
   305 			SelectTreatment(treatment);
   306 		for (i = 0; i < run_size; i++)
   307 			WriteCharacterFromBuffer();
   308 		}
   310 	FlushOutputBufferL();
   311 	}
   313 void TUnicodeCompressor::FlushOutputBufferL()
   314 	{
   315 	while (iOutputBufferSize > 0 &&	iCompressedBytes < iMaxCompressedBytes)
   316 		{
   317 		TUint8 byte = iOutputBuffer[iOutputBufferStart];
   318 		if (iOutputPointer)
   319 			*iOutputPointer++ = byte;
   320 		else if (iOutputStream)
   321 			iOutputStream->WriteUint8L(byte);
   322 		iCompressedBytes++;
   323 		iOutputBufferSize--;
   324 		iOutputBufferStart = (iOutputBufferStart + 1) % EMaxOutputBufferSize;
   325 		}
   326 	}
   328 void TUnicodeCompressor::SelectTreatment(TInt aTreatment)
   329 	{
   330 	if (aTreatment == TAction::EPlainUnicode)
   331 		{
   332 		// Switch to Unicode mode if not there already.
   333 		if (!iUnicodeMode)
   334 			{
   335 			WriteByte(SCU);
   336 			iUnicodeMode = TRUE;
   337 			}
   338 		return;
   339 		}
   341 	if (aTreatment == TAction::EPlainASCII)
   342 		{
   343 		// Switch to single-byte mode, using the current dynamic window, if not there already.
   344 		if (iUnicodeMode)
   345 			{
   346 			WriteByte(UC0 + iDynamicWindowIndex);
   347 			iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
   348 			}
   349 		return;
   350 		}
   352 	if (aTreatment >= TAction::EFirstDynamic && aTreatment <= TAction::ELastDynamic)
   353 		{
   354 		TUint32 base = DynamicWindowBase(aTreatment);
   356 		// Switch to the appropriate dynamic window if it is available; if not, redefine and select dynamic window 4.
   357 		for (int i = 0; i < EDynamicWindows; i++)
   358 			if (base == iDynamicWindow[i])
   359 				{
   360 				if (iUnicodeMode)
   361 					WriteByte(UC0 + i);
   362 				else if (i != iDynamicWindowIndex)
   363 					WriteByte(SC0 + i);
   364 				iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
   365 				iDynamicWindowIndex = i;
   366 				iActiveWindowBase = base;
   367 				return;
   368 				}
   369 		if (iUnicodeMode)
   370 			WriteByte(UD0 + 4);
   371 		else
   372 			WriteByte(SD0 + 4);
   373 		iDynamicWindowIndex = 4;
   374 		iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
   375 		WriteByte(aTreatment);
   376 		iDynamicWindow[4] = base;
   377 		iActiveWindowBase = base;
   378 		return;
   379 		}
   380 	}
   382 // Write a character without changing mode or window.
   383 void TUnicodeCompressor::WriteCharacter(const TAction& aAction)
   384 	{
   385 	if (iUnicodeMode)
   386 		WriteUCharacter(aAction.iCode);
   387 	else
   388 		WriteSCharacter(aAction);
   389 	}
   391 void TUnicodeCompressor::WriteUCharacter(TUint16 aCode)
   392 	{
   393 	// Emit the 'quote Unicode' tag if the character would conflict with a tag.
   394 	if (aCode >= 0xE000 && aCode <= 0xF2FF)
   395 		WriteByte(UQU);
   397 	// Write the Unicode value big-end first.
   398 	WriteByte((aCode >> 8) & 0xFF);
   399 	WriteByte(aCode & 0xFF);
   400 	}
   402 void TUnicodeCompressor::WriteByte(TUint aByte)
   403 	{
   404 	if (iOutputBufferSize >= EMaxOutputBufferSize)
   405 		Panic(EOutputBufferOverflow); //Panic here is ok as this is a programming error
   406 	iOutputBuffer[(iOutputBufferStart + iOutputBufferSize) % EMaxOutputBufferSize] = (TUint8)aByte;
   407 	iOutputBufferSize++;
   408 	}
   410 void TUnicodeCompressor::WriteSCharacter(const TAction& aAction)
   411 	{
   412 	// Characters in the range 0x0020..0x007F, plus nul, tab, cr, and lf, can be emitted as their low bytes.
   413 	if (aAction.iTreatment == TAction::EPlainASCII)
   414 		{
   415 		WriteByte(aAction.iCode);
   416 		return;
   417 		}
   419 	// Characters in a static window can be written using SQ<n> plus a byte in the range 0x00-0x7F
   420 	if (aAction.iTreatment >= TAction::EFirstStatic && aAction.iTreatment <= TAction::ELastStatic)
   421 		{
   422 		int window = aAction.iTreatment - TAction::EFirstStatic;
   423 		WriteByte(SQ0 + window);
   424 		WriteByte(aAction.iCode);
   425 		return;
   426 		}
   428 	// Characters in the current dynamic window can be written as a byte in the range 0x80-0xFF.
   429 	if (aAction.iCode >= iActiveWindowBase && aAction.iCode < iActiveWindowBase + 128)
   430 		{
   431 		WriteByte(aAction.iCode - iActiveWindowBase + 0x80);
   432 		return;
   433 		}
   435 	// Characters in another dynamic window can be written using SQ<n> plus a byte in the range 0x80-0xFF
   436 	int i;
   437 	for (i = 0; i < EDynamicWindows; i++)
   438 		if (aAction.iCode >= iDynamicWindow[i] && aAction.iCode < iDynamicWindow[i] + 128)
   439 			{
   440 			WriteByte(SQ0 + i);
   441 			WriteByte(aAction.iCode - iDynamicWindow[i] + 0x80);
   442 			return;
   443 			}
   445 	// Other characters can be quoted.
   446 	WriteByte(SQU);
   447 	WriteByte((aAction.iCode >> 8) & 0xFF);
   448 	WriteByte(aAction.iCode & 0xFF);
   449 	return;
   450 	}
   452 EXPORT_C TUnicodeExpander::TUnicodeExpander():
   453 	iInputBufferStart(0),
   454 	iInputBufferSize(0),
   455 	iOutputBufferStart(0),
   456 	iOutputBufferSize(0),
   457 	iOutput(NULL),
   458 	iInputStream(NULL),
   459 	iInputPointer(NULL)
   460 	{
   461 	}
   463 EXPORT_C void TUnicodeExpander::ExpandL(MUnicodeSink& aOutput,RReadStream& aInput,
   464 										TInt aMaxOutputWords,TInt aMaxInputBytes,
   465 										TInt* aOutputWords,TInt* aInputBytes)
   466 	{
   467 	DoExpandL(&aOutput,&aInput,NULL,aMaxOutputWords,aMaxInputBytes,aOutputWords,aInputBytes);
   468 	}
   470 EXPORT_C void TUnicodeExpander::ExpandL(MUnicodeSink& aOutput,const TUint8* aInput,
   471 										TInt aMaxOutputWords,TInt aMaxInputBytes,
   472 										TInt* aOutputWords,TInt* aInputBytes)
   473 	{
   474 	DoExpandL(&aOutput,NULL,aInput,aMaxOutputWords,aMaxInputBytes,aOutputWords,aInputBytes);
   475 	}
   477 EXPORT_C TInt TUnicodeExpander::FlushL(MUnicodeSink& aOutput,TInt aMaxOutputWords,TInt& aOutputWords)
   478 	{
   479 	DoExpandL(&aOutput,NULL,NULL,aMaxOutputWords,0,&aOutputWords,NULL);
   480 	return iOutputBufferSize;
   481 	}
   483 EXPORT_C TInt TUnicodeExpander::ExpandedSizeL(RReadStream& aInput,TInt aInputBytes)
   484 	{
   485 	TInt words;
   486 	TUnicodeExpander e;
   487 	e.DoExpandL(NULL,&aInput,NULL,KMaxTInt,aInputBytes,&words,NULL);
   488 	return words;
   489 	}
   491 EXPORT_C TInt TUnicodeExpander::ExpandedSizeL(const TUint8* aInput,TInt aInputBytes)
   492 	{
   493 	TInt words;
   494 	TUnicodeExpander e;
   495 	e.DoExpandL(NULL,NULL,aInput,KMaxTInt,aInputBytes,&words,NULL);
   496 	return words;
   497 	}
   499 // Expand until input or output is exhausted or an exception occurs.
   500 void TUnicodeExpander::DoExpandL(MUnicodeSink* aOutput,RReadStream* aInputStream,const TUint8* aInputPointer,
   501 								 TInt aMaxOutputWords,TInt aMaxInputBytes,
   502 								 TInt* aOutputWords,TInt* aInputBytes)
   503 	{
   504 	iOutput = aOutput;
   505 	iInputStream = aInputStream;
   506 	iInputPointer = aInputPointer;
   507 	iMaxUnicodeWords = aMaxOutputWords;
   508 	iMaxCompressedBytes = aMaxInputBytes;
   509 	iUnicodeWords = iCompressedBytes = 0;
   510 	iInputBufferStart = 0;
   511 	FlushOutputBufferL();
   512 	if (iInputPointer || iInputStream)
   513 		{
   514 		while (iUnicodeWords + iOutputBufferSize < iMaxUnicodeWords && iCompressedBytes < iMaxCompressedBytes)
   515 			HandleByteL();
   516 		}
   517 	if (aOutputWords)
   518 		*aOutputWords = iUnicodeWords;
   519 	if (aInputBytes)
   520 		*aInputBytes = iCompressedBytes;
   521 	}
   523 void TUnicodeExpander::HandleByteL()
   524 	{
   525 	TUint8 byte;
   526 	TBool handled = FALSE;
   527 	if (ReadByteL(byte))
   528 		{
   529 		if (iUnicodeMode)
   530 			handled = HandleUByteL(byte);
   531 		else
   532 			handled = HandleSByteL(byte);
   533 		}
   534 	iInputBufferStart = 0;
   535 	if (handled)
   536 		iInputBufferSize = 0;
   537 	FlushOutputBufferL();
   538 	}
   540 void TUnicodeExpander::FlushOutputBufferL()
   541 	{
   542 	while (iOutputBufferSize > 0 &&	iUnicodeWords < iMaxUnicodeWords)
   543 		{
   544 		if (iOutput)
   545 			iOutput->WriteUnicodeValueL(iOutputBuffer[iOutputBufferStart]);
   546 		iUnicodeWords++;
   547 		iOutputBufferSize--;
   548 		iOutputBufferStart = (iOutputBufferStart + 1) % EMaxOutputBufferSize;
   549 		}
   550 	}
   552 TBool TUnicodeExpander::HandleSByteL(TUint8 aByte)
   553 	{
   554 	// 'Pass-through' codes.
   555 	if (TUnicodeCompressionState::EncodeAsIs(aByte))
   556 		{
   557 		WriteChar(aByte);
   558 		return TRUE;
   559 		}
   561 	// Codes 0x80-0xFF select a character from the active window.
   562 	if (aByte >= 0x80)
   563 		{
   564 		WriteChar32(iActiveWindowBase + aByte - 0x80);
   565 		return TRUE;
   566 		}
   568 	// SQU: quote a Unicode character.
   569 	if (aByte == SQU)
   570 		return QuoteUnicodeL();
   572 	// SCU: switch to Unicode mode.
   573 	if (aByte == SCU)
   574 		{
   575 		iUnicodeMode = TRUE;
   576 		return TRUE;
   577 		}
   579 	// SQn: quote from window n.
   580 	if (aByte >= SQ0 && aByte <= SQ0 + 7)
   581 		{
   582 		int window = aByte - SQ0;
   583 		TUint8 byte;
   584 		if (ReadByteL(byte))
   585 			{
   586 			TUint32 c = byte;
   587 			if (c <= 0x7F)
   588 				c += iStaticWindow[window];
   589 			else
   590 				c += iDynamicWindow[window] - 0x80;
   591 			WriteChar32(c);
   592 			return TRUE;
   593 			}
   594 		else
   595 			return FALSE;
   596 		}
   598 	// SCn: switch to dynamic window n.
   599 	if (aByte >= SC0 && aByte <= SC0 + 7)
   600 		{
   601 		iActiveWindowBase = iDynamicWindow[aByte - SC0];
   602 		return TRUE;
   603 		}
   605 	// SDn: define dynamic window n and switch to it.
   606 	if (aByte >= SD0 && aByte <= SD0 + 7)
   607 		return DefineWindowL(aByte - SD0);
   609 	// SDX: define window in the expansion space.
   610 	if (aByte == SDX)
   611 		return DefineExpansionWindowL();
   613 	User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   614 	return FALSE;
   615 	}
   617 TBool TUnicodeExpander::HandleUByteL(TUint8 aByte)
   618 	{
   619 	// Plain Unicode; get the low byte and emit the Unicode value.
   620 	if (aByte <= 0xDF || aByte >= 0xF3)
   621 		{
   622 		TUint8 lo;
   623 		if (ReadByteL(lo))
   624 			{
   625 			TUint16 c = (TUint16)((aByte << 8) | lo);
   626 			WriteChar(c);
   627 			return TRUE;
   628 			}
   629 		else
   630 			return FALSE;
   631 		}
   633 	// Quote a Unicode character that would otherwise conflict with a tag.
   634 	if (aByte == UQU)
   635 		return QuoteUnicodeL();
   637 	// UCn: change to single byte mode and select window n.
   638 	if (aByte >= UC0 && aByte <= UC0 + 7)
   639 		{
   640 		iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
   641 		iActiveWindowBase = iDynamicWindow[aByte - UC0];
   642 		return TRUE;
   643 		}
   645 	// UDn: define dynamic window n and switch to it.
   646 	if (aByte >= UD0 && aByte <= UD0 + 7)
   647 		return DefineWindowL(aByte - UD0);
   649 	// UDX: define window in the expansion space.
   650 	if (aByte == UDX)
   651 		return DefineExpansionWindowL();
   653 	User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   654 	return FALSE;
   655 	}
   657 TBool TUnicodeExpander::QuoteUnicodeL()
   658 	{
   659 	TUint8 hi, lo;
   660 	if (ReadByteL(hi) && ReadByteL(lo))
   661 		{
   662 		TUint16 c = (TUint16)((hi << 8) | lo);
   663 		WriteChar(c);
   664 		return TRUE;
   665 		}
   666 	else
   667 		return FALSE;
   668 	}
   670 TBool TUnicodeExpander::DefineWindowL(TInt aIndex)
   671 	{
   672 	TUint8 window;
   673 	if (ReadByteL(window))
   674 		{
   675 		iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
   676 		iActiveWindowBase = DynamicWindowBase(window);
   677 		iDynamicWindow[aIndex] = iActiveWindowBase;
   678 		return TRUE;
   679 		}
   680 	else
   681 		return FALSE;
   682 	}
   684 TBool TUnicodeExpander::DefineExpansionWindowL()
   685 	{
   686 	TUint8 hi, lo;
   687 	if (ReadByteL(hi) && ReadByteL(lo))
   688 		{
   689 		iUnicodeMode = FALSE;
   690 		iActiveWindowBase = 0x10000 + (0x80 * ((hi & 0x1F) * 0x100 + lo));
   691 		iDynamicWindow[hi >> 5] = iActiveWindowBase;
   692 		return TRUE;
   693 		}
   694 	else
   695 		return FALSE;
   696 	}
   698 // Read either from the buffer (in the case of restarting after source finished in mid-operation) or from the source.
   699 TBool TUnicodeExpander::ReadByteL(TUint8& aByte)
   700 	{
   701 	if (iInputBufferStart < iInputBufferSize)
   702 		{
   703 		aByte = iInputBuffer[iInputBufferStart++];
   704 		return TRUE;
   705 		}
   706 	else if (iCompressedBytes < iMaxCompressedBytes)
   707 		{
   708 		if (iInputPointer)
   709 			aByte = *iInputPointer++;
   710 		else
   711 			aByte = iInputStream->ReadUint8L();
   712 		iInputBuffer[iInputBufferStart++] = aByte;
   713 		iInputBufferSize = iInputBufferStart;
   714 		iCompressedBytes++;
   715 		return TRUE;
   716 		}
   717 	else
   718 		return FALSE;
   719 	}
   721 void TUnicodeExpander::WriteChar(TUint16 aChar)
   722 	{
   723 	if (iOutputBufferSize >= EMaxOutputBufferSize)
   724 		Panic(EOutputBufferOverflow); //Panic here is ok since this is a programming error
   725 	iOutputBuffer[(iOutputBufferStart + iOutputBufferSize) % EMaxOutputBufferSize] = aChar;
   726 	iOutputBufferSize++;
   727 	}
   729 // Write a Unicode character; write using surrogates if in the range 0x10000..0x10FFFF.
   730 void TUnicodeExpander::WriteChar32(TUint aChar)
   731 	{
   732 	if (aChar <= 0xFFFF)
   733 		WriteChar((TUint16)aChar);
   734 	else if (aChar <= 0x10FFFF)
   735 		{
   736 		aChar -= 0x10000;									// reduce to 20-bit value in the range 0x0..0xFFFFF
   737 		WriteChar((TUint16)(0xD800 + (aChar >> 10)));		// first high surrogate + high 10 bits
   738 		WriteChar((TUint16)(0xDC00 + (aChar & 0x03FF)));	// first low surrogate + low 10 bits
   739 		}
   740 	else
   741 		//Panic to be kept here as impossible to test this case (nor the one before). Biggest value that can be passed is 0xFFFFF 
   742 		Panic(ENotUnicode);
   743 	}
   745 #endif // _UNICODE