changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 23 26645d81f48d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Example CTestStep derived implementation
    15 //
    19 /**
    20  @file te_tracecollectorclient.cpp
    21  @internalTechnology
    22 */
    23 #include "te_advancedfiltering.h"
    24 #include "te_ostv2integsuite_defs.h"
    25 #include "te_instrumentationpoints.h"
    26 #include "te_tracecontrolcmds.h"
    27 #include "te_advancedfilteringTraces.h"
    28 #include <opensystemtrace.h>
    29 #include <uloggerclient.h>
    31 using namespace Ulogger; //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
    32 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
    33 _LIT(KTextvalue, "C:\\logs\\ULoggerStartFileTestLog.utf");
    34 #endif
    35 /*******************************************************************************/
    36 /*********************************Primary Filter Test***************************/
    37 /*******************************************************************************/
    39 CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::~CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper()
    40 /**
    41  * Destructor
    42  */
    43 	{
    44 	}
    46 CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper()
    47 /**
    48  * Constructor
    49  */
    50 	{
    51 	}
    53 CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper* CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::NewLC()
    54 	{
    55 	CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper* self = new (ELeave)CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper();
    56 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    57 	self->ConstructL();
    58 	return self;
    59 	}
    61 CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper* CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::NewL()
    62 	{
    63 	CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper* self=CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::NewLC();
    64 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
    65 	return self;
    66 	}
    68 void CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::ConstructL()
    69 	{
    70 	}
    72 TAny* CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::GetObject()
    73 	{
    74 	return NULL;
    75 	}
    77 TBool CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::DoCommandL(	const TTEFFunction& /*aCommand*/,
    78 					const TTEFSectionName& /*aSection*/,
    79 					const TInt /*aAsyncErrorIndex*/)
    80 	{
    81 	  if(BlockResult()==EPass)
    82 		{
    83 		//  ************** Delete the Block, the block start ****************
    84 		TBool OstStatus=EFalse;
    85 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
    86 		EmptyFile(KTextvalue);
    87 		OstStatus=ETrue;
    88 #endif
    89 		TInt result=0;
    90 		RULogger logger;
    92 		/**************First set primary filter*************/
    94 		result=logger.Connect();
    95         INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Connection to Ulogger: %d, attempt: 1"), result);
    96             if (result!=KErrNone)
    97             {
    98             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Connection to Ulogger failed. Will try to connect max. 10 times"));
    99             for (TInt i=2; i<12;i++)
   100                {
   101                User::After(1000);
   102                result = logger.Connect();
   103                INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Connection to Ulogger: %d, attempt: %d"), result, i);
   104                if (result==KErrNone)
   105                     {
   106                     break;
   107                     }
   108                }
   109             }
   110 		CClearConfig configIni;
   111 		configIni.Clear(logger);
   112 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("connect err %d"), result);
   114 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test setting a single primary filter with the filter, rather than an array"));
   116 		CArrayFixFlat<TUint8> *setfilterarray = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>(1); //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
   117 		CleanupStack::PushL(setfilterarray); //CA:added
   118 		TGroupId setfilter = KGroupId;
   119 		setfilterarray->AppendL(setfilter); //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
   120 		CArrayFixFlat<TUint8> *getfilter = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>(1);
   121 		CleanupStack::PushL(getfilter); //CA:added
   122 		CArrayFixFlat<TUint8> *removefilterarray = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>(1); //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
   123 		CleanupStack::PushL(removefilterarray); //CA:added
   124 		TGroupId removefilter = setfilter;
   125 		removefilterarray->AppendL(removefilter); //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
   127 		result=logger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setfilterarray,ETrue);//C.A. previously:Result=logger.EnableClassification(setfilter);
   129 		if(result==KErrNone)
   130 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Set single Primary filter has been set with single filter, %d, check log"), setfilter);
   131 		else
   132 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Set single Primary filter was not set, error returned, %d"), result);
   134 		//logger.EnableClassificationFiltering();//C.A.: already enabled by default in old ulogger
   136 		/**************Now get the GroupId filter set above************/
   138 		logger.GetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*getfilter);//C.A.: previously:logger.GetEnabledClassifications(*getfilter);
   139 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Primary filter returns the following filters"));
   140 		for(TInt i=0;i!=getfilter->Count();i++)
   141 		{
   142 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("get filter returns %d "),getfilter->At(i));
   143 		}
   144 		if(getfilter->At(0)==setfilter)
   145 		{
   146             result=0;
   147 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get primary filter successful"));
   148 		}
   149 		else
   150 		{
   151 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Get primary filter failed.\n NB: getfilter->Count is %d"), getfilter->Count());
   152 			result=1;
   153 		}
   154 		getfilter->Reset();
   155 		/*****************Now remove the above set filter***************/
   157 		if(result==0)
   158 		{
   160 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test disabling a single primary filter with the filter, rather than an array"));
   162 			result=logger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*removefilterarray,EFalse);//C.A previously:Result=logger.DisableClassification(removefilter);
   163 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Remove GroupId filters single filter with single filter not array, 0 if succesful: %d"), result);
   164 			logger.GetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*getfilter);//CA previously:logger.GetEnabledClassifications(*getfilter);
   165 			if(getfilter->Count()==0&&result==KErrNone)
   166 			{
   167 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Remove primary filter successful"));
   168 				result=0;
   169 			}
   170 			else
   171 			{
   172 				if(result!=0)
   173 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Remove primary filter failed, as filter has not been set in the config file"));
   174 				else
   175 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Remove primary filter failed, as able to pass same filter option to RemovePrimaryFilter"));
   176 				result=1;
   177 			}
   178 		}
   179 		getfilter->Reset();
   181 		/****Now if the above steps have passed proceed to testing enable/disable primary filtering***/
   183 		if(result==1)
   184 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   185 		else
   186 		{
   187 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Testing GroupId filtering enabled/ disabled "));
   189 			//reset config file
   190 			configIni.Clear(logger);
   193 			/***********************************************************/
   194 			/***enable GroupId, enable GroupId filtering*/
   195 			/***********************************************************/
   197 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Enable test GroupId, enable GroupId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS carried out "));
   198 			SetBlockResult(TestGroupIdFiltering(logger, ETrue, ETrue));
   200 			/***********************************************************/
   201 			/***enable GroupId, disable GroupId filtering*/
   202 			/***********************************************************/
   204 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   205 				{
   206 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Enable test GroupId, disable GroupId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS carried out + lots of kernel traces "));
   207 				SetBlockResult(TestGroupIdFiltering(logger, ETrue, EFalse));
   208 				}
   210 			/***********************************************************/
   211 			/***disable GroupId, disable GroupId filtering*/
   212 			/***********************************************************/
   214 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   215 				{
   216 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Disable test GroupId, disable GroupId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS carried out + lots of kernel traces"));
   217 				SetBlockResult(TestGroupIdFiltering(logger, EFalse, EFalse));
   218 				}
   220 			/***********************************************************/
   221 			/***disable GroupId, enable GroupId filtering*/
   222 			/***********************************************************/
   224 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   225 				{
   226 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Disable test GroupId, enable GroupId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS NOT carried out "));
   227 				SetBlockResult(TestGroupIdFiltering(logger, EFalse, ETrue));
   228 				}
   230 		}
   232 		if (BlockResult()==EPass&&OstStatus)
   233 			{
   234 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
   235 			if(!ReadFromLogFile(KTextvalue))
   236 				{
   237 				TInt err=CompareTraces();
   238 				if(err)
   239 					{
   240 					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ERROR: Error when comparing traces, error %i"), err);
   241 					SetBlockResult(EFail);
   242 					}
   243 				else
   244 					SetBlockResult(EPass);
   245 				}
   246 #endif
   247 			}
   250 		//  **************   Block end ****************
   252 		configIni.Clear(logger);
   253 		logger.Close();
   254 		CleanupStack::Pop(3);
   255 		if(getfilter)
   256 			delete getfilter;
   257 		if(setfilterarray)
   258 			delete setfilterarray;
   259 		if(removefilterarray)
   260 			delete removefilterarray;
   261 		}
   262 	  return ETrue;
   263 	}
   266 TVerdict CTCMAdvancedGroupIDFilteringWrapper::TestGroupIdFiltering(RULogger& aLogger, const TBool aFilter, const TBool aFiltering)
   267 /**
   268  * @return - TVerdict code
   269  * standard function to test error returns and GroupId filtering
   270  */
   271 	{
   272  	TInt Result = 0;
   273 	CArrayFixFlat<TUint8> *setfilterarray = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>(256); //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
   274 	CleanupStack::PushL(setfilterarray); //CA:added
   275 	setfilterarray->AppendL(KGroupId); //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
   276 	//enable/disable filter
   277 	aLogger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setfilterarray,aFilter);
   279 	//C.A. previously this but only need line above:
   280 /*	if(aFilter)
   281 		aLogger.EnableClassification(KGroupId);
   282 	else
   283 		aLogger.DisableClassification(KGroupId);*/
   286 	//enable/disabled filtering
   287 	if(aFiltering){}
   288 		//Result = aLogger.EnableClassificationFiltering();//CA:enabled by default
   289 	else //enable all GroupIds between 0 and 255
   290 		//C.A. previously just :Result = aLogger.DisableClassificationFiltering();
   291 		{
   292 		TInt i;
   293 		setfilterarray->Delete(0,setfilterarray->Count());
   294 		for (i=0;i<=255;i++)
   295 			{
   296 			setfilterarray->AppendL((TUint8)i);
   297 			}
   298 		Result = aLogger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setfilterarray,ETrue);
   299 		}
   300 	if(Result==KErrNone)
   301 		SetBlockResult(EPass);
   302 	else
   303 		{
   304 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Enable/disable GroupId filtering test FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   305 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   306 		}
   308 	if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   309 		{
   310 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Enable/disable GroupId filtering a second time to ensure correct error return"));
   311 		//enable/disable filtering again
   312 		if(aFiltering){}
   313 			//Result = aLogger.EnableClassificationFiltering();//CA:enabled by default
   314 		else //enable all GroupIds between 0 and 255
   315 			//C.A. previously just :Result = aLogger.DisableClassificationFiltering();
   316 			{
   317 			//setfilterarray should not have changed i.e still contains all filters between 0 and 255
   318 			Result = aLogger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setfilterarray,ETrue);
   319 			}
   320 		if(Result==KErrNone)
   321 			SetBlockResult(EPass);
   322 		else
   323 			{
   324 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Duplicate enable/disable GroupId filtering test FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   325 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   326 			}
   327 		}
   328 	if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   329 		{
   330 		//initialise filtering enabled boolean
   331 //		TBool enabled = EFalse;
   332 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check IsClassificationFilteringEnabled() returns correct boolean accordingly"));
   333 //		CA: filtering is always enabled and besides, can't check with this api
   334 //		aLogger.IsClassificationFilteringEnabled(enabled);
   335 //		if(enabled==aFiltering)
   336 //			SetBlockResult(EPass);
   337 //		else
   338 //			{
   339 //			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("IsClassificationFilteringEnabled test FAILED, returning bool %d"), enabled);
   340 //			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   341 //			}
   342 		}
   343 	if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   344 		{
   345 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Now call a trace statement to confirm correct full implementation"));
   346 		CUptULogger loggerCommand;
   347 		Result=loggerCommand.StartFileL(aLogger, aFiltering, ETrue, aFilter, ETrue);
   348 		if(Result==KErrNone)
   349 			SetBlockResult(EPass);
   350 		else
   351 			{
   352 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Ulogger didnt start-> FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   353 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   354 			}
   355 		if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   356 			{
   357 			//initialise boolean return from trace call
   358 			TBool ret = EFalse;
   359 			//create a trace
   360 			//need to change KPcNotIncluded to KPc so program counter can be included in tests
   361 			TTraceContext testtrace(KComponentId, KGroupId, KContextId, KPcNotIncluded);
   362 			ret = OstTrace(testtrace, KTraceId);
   363 			OstTrace0(TEST_GROUP, OstTesting, "EOstTraceDef0" ) ;
   364 			loggerCommand.Stop(aLogger);
   365 			TBool OstStatus=0;
   366 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
   367 			OstStatus = 1;
   369 #else
   370 			OstStatus = 0;
   371 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TRACING HAS BEEN DISABLED! All Log files should be empty/not exist"));
   372 #endif // trace enabled
   373 			if(ret&&OstStatus)
   374 				{
   375 				if((aFilter&&aFiltering)||(aFilter&&!aFiltering)||(!aFilter&&!aFiltering))
   376 					{
   377 					//create trace information object
   379 					SetBlockResult(EPass);
   380 					//need to change KPcNotIncluded to KPc so program counter can be included in tests
   381 					StoreTraceInfo(EFalse,(TUPTApiUsed)0,KComponentId, KGroupId,KContextId, KPcNotIncluded);
   382 					}
   383 				else
   384 					{
   385 					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED, returning bool %d"), ret);
   386 					SetBlockResult(EFail);
   387 					}
   388 				}
   389 			else if(!ret)
   390 				{
   391 				if(!OstStatus||(!aFilter&&aFiltering))
   392 					SetBlockResult(EPass);
   393 				else
   394 					{
   395 					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED, returning bool %d"), ret);
   396 					SetBlockResult(EFail);
   397 					}
   398 				}
   399 			else
   400 				{
   401 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED, returning bool %d"), ret);
   402 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
   403 				}
   404 			}
   406 		}
   407 	CleanupStack::Pop(); //setfilterarray
   408 	if(setfilterarray)
   409 		delete setfilterarray;
   410 		return BlockResult();
   411 	}
   415 /*******************************************************************************/
   416 /*********************************Secondary Filter Test***************************/
   417 /*******************************************************************************/
   420 CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::~CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper()
   421 /**
   422  * Destructor
   423  */
   424 	{
   425 	}
   427 CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper()
   428 /**
   429  * Constructor
   430  */
   431 	{
   432 	}
   434 CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper* CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::NewLC()
   435 	{
   436 	CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper* self = new (ELeave)CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper();
   437 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   438 	self->ConstructL();
   439 	return self;
   440 	}
   442 CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper* CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::NewL()
   443 	{
   444 	CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper* self=CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::NewLC();
   445 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
   446 	return self;
   447 	}
   449 void CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::ConstructL()
   450 	{
   451 	}
   453 TAny* CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::GetObject()
   454 	{
   455 	return NULL;
   456 	}
   458 TBool CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::DoCommandL(	const TTEFFunction& /*aCommand*/,
   459 					const TTEFSectionName& /*aSection*/,
   460 					const TInt /*aAsyncErrorIndex*/)
   461 	{
   462 	  if (BlockResult()==EPass)
   463 		{
   464 		//  ************** Delete the Block, the block start ****************
   465 		TBool OstStatus=EFalse;
   466 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
   467 		EmptyFile(KTextvalue);
   468 		OstStatus=ETrue;
   469 #endif
   470 		TInt result=0;
   471 		RULogger logger;
   472 		TComponentId setfilter = KComponentId;
   473 		RArray<TUint32> dupfilter;
   474 		RArray<TUint32> getfilter;
   475 		RArray<TUint32> setfilterarray,removefilterarray; //CA added for old ulogger api
   476 		setfilterarray.Append(setfilter); //CA added for old ulogger api
   477 		TComponentId removefilter=setfilter;
   478 		removefilterarray.Append(removefilter);
   479 	//	removefilter=32; //uncomment to negative test the remove filter option
   481 		/**************First set Secondary filter*************/
   483 		result=logger.Connect();
   484         INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Connection to Ulogger: %d, attempt: 1"), result);
   485             if (result!=KErrNone)
   486             {
   487             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Connection to Ulogger failed. Will try to connect max. 10 times"));
   488             for (TInt i=2; i<12;i++)
   489                {
   490                User::After(1000);
   491                result = logger.Connect();
   492                INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Connection to Ulogger: %d, attempt: %d"), result, i);
   493                if (result==KErrNone)
   494                     {
   495                     break;
   496                     }
   497                }
   498             }
   499 		CClearConfig configIni;
   500 		configIni.Clear(logger);
   501 		result = logger.SetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(setfilterarray,ETrue);//CA previously:Result = logger.EnableModuleUid(setfilter);
   502 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Setting single Secondary filter with filter rather than array has been set with single filter, %d, check log"), setfilter);
   503 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("code: %d"), result);
   506 		/**************Now get the Secondary filter set above************/
   508 		result = logger.GetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(getfilter);//CA previously:Result = logger.GetEnabledModuleUids(getfilter);
   509 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Secondary filter returns the following filters"));
   510 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("code: %d"), result);
   511 		for(TInt i=0;i!=getfilter.Count();i++)
   512 		{
   513 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%d "),getfilter[i]);
   514 		}
   515 		if(getfilter[0]==setfilter)
   516 		{
   517 			result=0;
   518 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get single Secondary filter successful"));
   519 		}
   520 		else
   521 		{
   522 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Get Secondary filter failed. \n NB: getfilter.Count = %d"), getfilter.Count());
   523 			result=1;
   524 		}
   525 		for(TInt i=0;i!=getfilter.Count();)//i++)
   526 		{
   527 			getfilter.Remove(0);
   528 		}
   530 		/*****************Now remove the above set filter***************/
   532 		if(result==0)
   533 		{
   534 			result=logger.SetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(removefilterarray,EFalse);//CA previously:Result=logger.DisableModuleUid(removefilter);
   535 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Remove Module Uid filters single filter with single filter rather than array, 0 if succesful, -1 if failed: %d"), result);//logger.RemoveSingleSecondary);
   536 			logger.GetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(getfilter);//CA previously:logger.GetEnabledModuleUids(getfilter);
   537 			if(getfilter.Count()==0)
   538 			{
   539 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Remove ComponentId filter successful"));
   540 				result=0;
   541 			}
   542 			else
   543 			{
   544 				if(result!=0)
   545 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Remove ComponentId filter failed, as filter has not been set in the config file"));
   546 				else
   547 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Remove ComponentId filter failed, as able to pass same filter option to RemoveSecondaryFilter"));
   548 				result=1;
   549 			}
   550 		}
   552 		/****Now if the above steps have passed proceed to testing enable/disable ComponentId filtering***/
   554 		if(result==1)
   555 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   556 		else
   557 			{
   558 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Testing ComponentId filtering enabled/ disabled "));
   560 			//reset config file
   561 			configIni.Clear(logger);
   564 			/***********************************************************/
   565 			/***enable ComponentID, enable ComponentID filtering*/
   566 			/***********************************************************/
   568 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Enable test ComponentID, enable ComponentID filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS carried out "));
   569 			SetBlockResult(TestComponentIdFiltering(logger, ETrue, ETrue));
   571 			/***********************************************************/
   572 			/***enable ComponentId, disable ComponentId filtering*/
   573 			/***********************************************************/
   575 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   576 				{
   577 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Enable test ComponentId, disable ComponentId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS carried out "));
   578 				SetBlockResult(TestComponentIdFiltering(logger, ETrue, EFalse));
   579 				}
   581 			/***********************************************************/
   582 			/***disable ComponentId, disable ComponentId filtering*/
   583 			/***********************************************************/
   585 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   586 				{
   587 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Disable test ComponentId, disable ComponentId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS carried out "));
   588 				SetBlockResult(TestComponentIdFiltering(logger, EFalse, EFalse));
   589 				}
   591 			/***********************************************************/
   592 			/***disable ComponentId, enable ComponentId filtering*/
   593 			/***********************************************************/
   595 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   596 				{
   597 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\n\n Disable test ComponentId, enable ComponentId filtering.\n Testing error returns and ensuring a trace statement IS NOT carried out "));
   598 				SetBlockResult(TestComponentIdFiltering(logger, EFalse, ETrue));
   599 				}
   600 			}
   602 		if (BlockResult()==EPass&&OstStatus)
   603 			{
   604 			if (BlockResult()==EPass)
   605 				{
   606 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
   607 				if(!ReadFromLogFile(KTextvalue))
   608 					{
   609 					TInt err=CompareTraces();
   610 					if(err)
   611 						{
   612 						INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ERROR: Error when comparing traces, error %i"), err);
   613 						SetBlockResult(EFail);
   614 						}
   615 					else
   616 						SetBlockResult(EPass);
   617 					}
   618 #endif
   619 				}
   620 			}
   622 		//  **************   Block end ****************
   624 		configIni.Clear(logger);
   625 		logger.Close();
   626 		}
   627 	  return ETrue;
   628 	}
   632 TVerdict CTCMAdvancedComponentIDFilteringWrapper::TestComponentIdFiltering(RULogger& aLogger, const TBool aFilter, const TBool aFiltering)
   633 /**
   634  * @return - TVerdict code
   635  * standard function to test error returns and ComponentId filtering
   636  */
   637 	{
   638 	RArray<TUint32> setfilterarray; //CA added for old ulogger api
   639 	setfilterarray.Append(KComponentId); //CA added for old ulogger api
   640 	TInt Result = 0;
   642 	//enable/disable filter
   643 	aLogger.SetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(setfilterarray,aFilter);
   645 //	CA previously:
   646 /*	if(aFilter)
   647 		aLogger.EnableModuleUid(KComponentId);
   648 	else
   649 		aLogger.DisableModuleUid(KComponentId);*/
   651 	//enable/disabled filtering
   652 	Result = aLogger.SetSecondaryFilteringEnabled(aFiltering);
   653 //	CA previously:
   654 /*	if(aFiltering)
   655 		Result = aLogger.EnableModuleUidFiltering();
   656 	else
   657 		Result = aLogger.DisableModuleUidFiltering();*/
   659 	if(Result==KErrNone)
   660 		SetBlockResult(EPass);
   661 	else
   662 		{
   663 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Enable/disable ComponentId filtering test FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   664 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   665 		}
   667 	if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   668 		{
   669 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Enable/disable ComponentId filtering a second time to ensure correct error return"));
   670 		//enable/disable filtering again
   671 		Result = aLogger.SetSecondaryFilteringEnabled(aFiltering);
   672 		//	CA previously:
   673 		/*	if(aFiltering)
   674 				Result = aLogger.EnableModuleUidFiltering();
   675 			else
   676 				Result = aLogger.DisableModuleUidFiltering();*/
   677 		if(Result==KErrNone)
   678 			SetBlockResult(EPass);
   679 		else
   680 			{
   681 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Duplicate enable/disable ComponentId filtering test FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   682 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   683 			}
   684 		}
   686 	if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   687 		{
   688 		//initialise filtering enabled boolean
   689 		TBool enabled = EFalse;
   690 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check IsModuleUidFilteringEnabled() returns correct boolean accordingly"));
   691 		aLogger.GetSecondaryFilteringEnabled(enabled);//CA previously:aLogger.IsModuleUidFilteringEnabled(enabled);
   692 		if(enabled==aFiltering)
   693 			SetBlockResult(EPass);
   694 		else
   695 			{
   696 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("IsModuleUidFilteringEnabled test FAILED, returning bool %d"), enabled);
   697 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   698 			}
   699 		}
   701 	if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   702 		{
   703 		CUptULogger loggerCommand;
   704 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Now call a trace statement to confirm correct full implementation with classification correctly enabled"));
   705 		Result=loggerCommand.StartFileL(aLogger, ETrue, aFiltering, ETrue, aFilter);
   706 		if(Result==KErrNone)
   707 			SetBlockResult(EPass);
   708 		else
   709 			{
   710 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Ulogger didnt start-> FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   711 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   712 			}
   713 			{
   714             TBool OstStatus=0;
   715 #ifdef TE_UPT_TRACE_ENABLED
   716             OstStatus = 1;
   717             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TRACING HAS BEEN ENABLED!"));
   718 #else
   719             OstStatus = 0;
   720             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TRACING HAS BEEN DISABLED! All Log files should be empty/not exist"));
   721 #endif // trace enabled			
   722 			//initialise boolean return from trace call
   723 			TBool ret = EFalse;
   724 			//create a trace
   725 			//need to change KPcNotIncluded to KPc so program counter can be included in tests
   726 			TTraceContext testtrace(KComponentId, KGroupId, KContextId, KPcNotIncluded);
   727 			ret = OstTrace(testtrace, KTraceId);
   728 	         if(ret&&OstStatus)
   729 	                {
   730 	                if((aFilter&&aFiltering)||(aFilter&&!aFiltering)||(!aFilter&&!aFiltering))
   731 	                    {
   732 	                    SetBlockResult(EPass);
   733 	                    //need to change KPcNotIncluded to KPc so program counter can be included in tests
   734 	                    StoreTraceInfo(EFalse,(TUPTApiUsed)0,KComponentId, KGroupId,KContextId, KPcNotIncluded);
   735 	                    }
   736 	                else
   737 	                    {
   738 	                    INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED, returning bool %d"), ret);
   739 	                    SetBlockResult(EFail);
   740 	                    }
   741 	                }
   742 	            else if(!ret)
   743 	                {
   744 	                if(!OstStatus||(!aFilter&&aFiltering))
   745 	                    SetBlockResult(EPass);
   746 	                else
   747 	                    {
   748 	                    INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED, returning bool %d"), ret);
   749 	                    SetBlockResult(EFail);
   750 	                    }
   751 	                }
   752 	            else
   753 	                {
   754 	                INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED, returning bool %d"), ret);
   755 	                SetBlockResult(EFail);
   756 	                }
   758 	        //Do the same for a couple of ostv1 derived macros
   759             //initialise return from trace call
   760             TInt macroret = KErrNone;
   761             //create a trace
   762             //need to change KPcNotIncluded to KPc so program counter can be included in tests
   763             TInt tracetag=0;
   764             iApiRunConfig.iDoStack=EFalse;
   765             iApiRunConfig.iDoStack=EFalse;
   766             for(tracetag=EOstTraceDef0; ((macroret==KErrNone)&&(tracetag!=EOstTraceExt5+1)); tracetag++)
   767                 {
   768                 iApiRunConfig.iApiId = tracetag;
   769                 macroret = 1;
   770                 TApiRunResults apiRunResults;
   771                 TRunConfigurer::Init(apiRunResults);
   772                 macroret = iTestTracer.SendTraceL(iApiRunConfig, apiRunResults);
   773                 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Ost macro %d has executed with error %d"), tracetag, macroret);                
   775                 //if tracing is enabled, store the information that should have been
   776                 //traced to compare later
   777                 if(OstStatus)
   778                     {
   779                     if((aFilter&&aFiltering)||(aFilter&&!aFiltering)||(!aFilter&&!aFiltering))
   780                         {
   781                         SetBlockResult(EPass);
   782                         //need to change KPcNotIncluded to KPc so program counter can be included in tests
   783                         StoreTraceInfo(ETrue,(TUPTApiUsed)tracetag,0, 0,iApiRunConfig.iHasContext, iApiRunConfig.iHasProgramCounter);
   784                         }
   785                     }
   786                 }
   788             //stop outputting trace
   789 			loggerCommand.Stop(aLogger);
   790 			if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   791 				{
   792 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Now call a trace statement to confirm correct full implementation with classification not configured"));
   793 				Result=loggerCommand.StartFileL(aLogger, ETrue, aFiltering, EFalse, aFilter);
   794 				if(Result==KErrNone)
   795 					SetBlockResult(EPass);
   796 				else
   797 					{
   798 					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Ulogger didnt start-> FAILED, returning error %d"), Result);
   799 					SetBlockResult(EFail);
   800 					}
   801 				if(BlockResult()==EPass)
   802 					{
   803 					//call a trace that should not be output
   804 					ret = OstTrace(testtrace, KTraceId);
   805 					loggerCommand.Stop(aLogger);
   806 					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Trace call returns a value of %d"), ret);
   808 					if(!ret)
   809 						SetBlockResult(EPass);
   810 					else
   811 						{
   812 						INFO_PRINTF2(_L("trace call test FAILED as trace carried out without requisite classification, returning bool %d"), ret);
   813 						SetBlockResult(EFail);
   814 						}
   815 					}
   816 				}
   817 			}
   819 		}
   821 	return BlockResult();
   822 	}