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     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // ULogger commands
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalTechnology
    21  @prototype
    22 */
    24 #ifndef ULOGGERCOMMANDS_H_
    25 #define ULOGGERCOMMANDS_H_
    27 #include <e32base.h>
    29 /** Ulogger command line syntax description.
    30 ULogger is used to configure and enable/disable logging of trace data on device.
    32 SYNOPSIS: ulogger [-rqtvhioH][-edl <config_options>...][-fsSoicbmn]...
    35 ULogger groups the commands into execution and configuration commands
    36 where options -rqtvhH belong to the former group and -edlbnmfsSoic to the latter.
    37 Execution commands: -rqtvhioH, require no other arguments.
    38 Configuration commands are further divided into:
    39 	-edl, these require one of the following options '-fsSoic'
    40 	to be present, these will fail if too many or missing options are given.
    41 	-fsSoicbmn, these will apply the arguments depending on provided option -edl.
    43 OPTIONS
    44 Execution commands:
    45 -r                      Start logging (Run)
    46 -q                      Stop logging (Quit)
    47 -t                      Restart (restarT) while logging, to update configurations
    48 -v                      Verbose mode, will list all results, or silent mode is
    49 							assumed and only error codes will be returned
    50 -h 						List of options.
    51 -o						List active output plugin.
    52 -i						List active input plugin.
    53 -H						This man page.
    54 -?						The version of this tool and most usefull commands.
    56 Configuration commands:
    57 -e <-fsSoicbmn options> ...	Enable/set either of option -fsSoicbmn
    58 -d <-fsSoic options> ...	Disable/delete either of option -fsSoic
    59 -l <-fsSoicbmn options> ...	List either of option -fsSoicbmn
    60 -f [<filter> ...]       Enable/disable/list primary filter 0-255
    61 -s [<filter> ...]       Enable/disable/list secondary filter 0-4294967295
    62 -S 						Enable/disable/list secondary filtering.
    63 							Enable to filter on secondary filters,
    64 							Disable to log all traces irrespective of secondary filter.
    65 							By default filtering is enabled.
    66 -o [<filename>]         Enable/disable an output plugin, list all output plugins
    67 -i [<filename>]         Enable/disable an input plugin, list all input plugins
    68 -c [<filename> <config> ...]       Enable(set)/delete/list plugin configurations.
    69 							First argument must be the name of the configuration
    70 							to be changed and any following arguments are treated as values of
    71 							this configuration. The configuration keyword can not use any white 
    72 							characters (e.g. space or tabulation key).
    73 -b [<size> ...]         Buffer size, 1-1024 Kb rounded up to nearest page size, 4Kb.
    74 -n [<size> ...]         Notification size, 0-1024 Kb rounded up to nearest page size, 4Kb.
    75 -m [<mode> ...]         Buffer mode, 'circular' or 'straight'. Default is straight.
    76  */
    79 //ulogger commands
    80 _LIT(KCmdEnable,				"e");
    81 _LIT(KCmdDisable,				"d");
    82 _LIT(KCmdList,					"l");
    83 _LIT(KCmdPrimaryFilter,			"f");
    84 _LIT(KCmdSecondaryFilter,		"s");
    85 _LIT(KCmdSecondaryFilterToggle,	"S");
    86 _LIT(KCmdOutputPlugin,		 	"o");
    87 _LIT(KCmdInputPlugin,		 	"i");
    88 _LIT(KCmdPluginConfigurations, 	"c");
    89 _LIT(KCmdBuffer, 				"b");
    90 _LIT(KCmdNotification,		 	"n");
    91 _LIT(KCmdBufferMode, 			"m");
    92 _LIT(KCmdVerboseMode,			"v");
    93 _LIT(KCmdStart,					"r");
    94 _LIT(KCmdStop,	  				"q");
    95 _LIT(KCmdRestart,	  			"t");
    96 _LIT(KCmdHelp,		  			"h");
    97 _LIT(KCmdMan,					"H");
    98 _LIT(KCmdVersion,				"?");
    99 _LIT(KCmdIndicator, 			"-");
   100 _LIT(KCmdAll,					"all");
   101 _LIT(KCmdBufferModeCircular,	"circular");
   102 _LIT(KCmdBufferModeStraight,	"straight");
   105 /**
   106 @internalTechnology
   107 @prototype
   108 */
   109 enum TCommand
   110  	{		
   111  	EUnknown = 0,
   112  	ERunAsService,     // function not yet implemented in server!
   113  	EDontRunAsService, // function not yet implemented in server!
   114  	EStart,
   115  	EStop,
   116  	ERestart,
   117  	ESetPrimaryFilter,
   118  	EGetPrimaryFilters,
   119  	ERemovePrimaryFilter,
   120  	ESetSecondaryFilter,
   121  	EGetSecondaryFilters,
   122  	ERemoveSecondaryFilter,
   123  	EGetSecondaryFiltering,
   124  	EEnableSecondaryFiltering,
   125  	EDisableSecondaryFiltering,
   126  	ESetActivePlugin,
   127  	EGetActivePlugin,
   128  	EGetInstalledPlugins,
   129  	ESetActiveInputPlugin,
   130  	EGetActiveInputPlugin,
   131  	EDeactivateInputPlugin,
   132  	EGetInputPlugins,
   133 	ESetPluginSettings,
   134 	EGetPluginSettings,
   135  	ERemovePluginSettings,
   136  	EResizeTraceBuffer,
   137  	EGetTraceBufferSize,
   138  	ESetDataNotificationSize,
   139  	EGetDataNotificationSize,
   140  	ESetBufferMode,
   141 	EGetBufferMode,
   142 	EHelp,
   143 	EManPage,
   144 	EVersion
   145  	};
   147 /**
   148 @internalTechnology
   149 @prototype
   150  */
   151 class TCommandLookup
   152  {
   153  public:
   154  	TCommandLookup(const TDesC* aMainCommand, const TDesC*	aSubCommand, const TCommand aCommand)
   155  		: iMainCommand(aMainCommand), iSubCommand(aSubCommand), iCommand(aCommand)
   156  		{}
   158  	//data
   159  	const TDesC* 	iMainCommand;
   160  	const TDesC*	iSubCommand;
   161  	TCommand 	iCommand;
   162  };
   165 /**
   166 Interface to execute command. 
   168 @internalTechnology
   169 @prototype
   170  */ 
   171 class MCommandImpl
   172 	{
   173 	public:
   174 		virtual TInt DoCommandL(TCommand aCommand, const RArray<TPtrC>& aValues) = 0;
   175 	};
   178 /**
   179 This is a utility class to parse command line arguments and to generate accurate event 
   180 to execute required command. 
   181 To use this class properly, MCommandImpl interface must be implemented and pointer to it 
   182 must be passed during object construction.
   184 @internalTechnology
   185 @prototype
   186  */
   187 class CCommand : public CBase
   188 	{
   189 	public:
   190 		IMPORT_C static CCommand* NewL(MCommandImpl* aCommandImpl);
   191 		IMPORT_C static CCommand* NewLC(MCommandImpl* aCommandImpl);
   192 		IMPORT_C ~CCommand();
   193 		IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
   194 		IMPORT_C TInt HandleCommandL(const RArray<TPtrC>& aArgs);
   197 	private:
   198 		CCommand(MCommandImpl* aCommandImpl);
   199 		TInt PrepareCommandL(RArray<TPtrC>& aArgs);
   201 		//data
   202 		MCommandImpl* iCommandImpl;
   203 		TBool 		  iVerbose;
   204 		RArray<TCommandLookup> iCommandsLookup;
   205 	};
   207 #endif /*ULOGGERCOMMANDS_H_*/