changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/featuremgmt/featureregistry/test/helper/maketestconfig/maketestconfig.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Puts some test feature registry configuration files - some corrupt, others legal -
+// in the C: private data cage of the setup executable. Sets up test RProperties.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @test
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <featreg.h>
+#include "featregcmn.h"
+#include "maketestconfig.h"
+// names of test configurations that can be set up by this exe, specified as
+// command-line option:
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_force_setup,				"force_setup");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_reset,						"reset");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_missing,			"corrupt_missing");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_noheader,			"corrupt_noheader");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_incompleteheader,	"corrupt_incompleteheader");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_invalidtypeprefix,	"corrupt_invalidtypeprefix");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_badversionnumber,	"corrupt_badversionnumber");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_toomuchdata,		"corrupt_toomuchdata");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_toolittledata,		"corrupt_toolittledata");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_entryoutoforder,	"corrupt_entryoutoforder");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_entryrepeated,		"corrupt_entryrepeated");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_badrange,			"corrupt_badrange");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_nofeatures,			"valid_nofeatures");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_small,				"valid_small");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_large,				"valid_large");
+_LIT(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_perf,				    "valid_perf_");
+TConfigFileName ConfigFileName;
+static TInt DefineTestFlagProperty()
+	{
+	RProcess thisProcess;
+	// sanity check that feature property category in common header equals SID of this process
+	ASSERT(KFeaturePropCat == thisProcess.SecureId());
+	TSecurityPolicy readPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass);
+	TSecurityPolicy writePolicy(thisProcess.SecureId());
+	TInt result = RProperty::Define(KFeatRegConfigTestKey, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy);
+	if (result == KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		result = KErrNone;
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+static TInt WriteTestConfigFile(TUint32* aData, TInt aSize)
+	{
+	RFs fs;
+	TInt result = fs.Connect();
+	if (result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		result = fs.MkDirAll(ConfigFileName);
+		if ((result == KErrNone) || (result == KErrAlreadyExists))
+			{
+			RFile cfgFile;
+			result = cfgFile.Replace(fs, ConfigFileName, EFileWrite|EFileStream);
+			if (result == KErrNone)
+				{
+				result = cfgFile.Write(TPtrC8(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(aData), aSize));
+				cfgFile.Close();
+				}
+			}
+		fs.Close();
+		}
+	if (result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		result = DefineTestFlagProperty();
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+TInt E32Main()
+	{
+	TFileName configName;
+	User::CommandLine(configName);
+	// construct config filename
+	GetSystemDrivePath(ConfigFileName);
+	// always delete feature property so featreg.dll re-loads it (note this
+	// executable has same UID3 as featreg setup:
+	TInt result = RProperty::Delete(KFeaturePropKey);
+	if (result == KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		result = KErrNone;
+		}
+	if (result != KErrNone)
+		{
+		goto cleanupReturn;
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_force_setup) >= 0)
+		{
+		// force setup
+		// nothing to do; just ensures feature property is deleted so setup is run
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_reset) >= 0)
+		{
+		// reset
+		// delete "test-flag" property so setup looks at true config info
+		result = RProperty::Delete(KFeatRegConfigTestKey);
+		if (result == KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			result = KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_missing) >= 0)
+		{
+		// no header
+		RFs fs;
+		result = fs.Connect();
+		if (result == KErrNone)
+			{
+			result = fs.Delete(ConfigFileName);
+			if ((result == KErrNotFound) || (result == KErrPathNotFound))
+				{
+				result = KErrNone;
+				}
+			fs.Close();
+			}
+		if (result == KErrNone)
+			{
+			result = DefineTestFlagProperty();
+			}
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_noheader) >= 0)
+		{
+		// no header
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(NULL, 0);
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_incompleteheader) >= 0)
+		{
+		// header is not complete
+		TUint32 fileData1[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			0	// entry count
+				// range count: missing
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData1, sizeof(fileData1));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_invalidtypeprefix) >= 0)
+		{
+		// invalid type prefix
+		TUint32 fileData1[] =
+			{
+			invalidTypePrefix,	 // should be validTypePrefix
+			0,	// version number
+			0,	// entry count
+			0	// range count
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData1, sizeof(fileData1));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_badversionnumber) >= 0)
+		{
+		// bad file version header
+		TUint32 fileData1[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			1,	// version number: not zero
+			0,	// entry count
+			0	// range count
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData1, sizeof(fileData1));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_toomuchdata) >= 0)
+		{
+		// corrupt: config file contains more data than required by header
+		TUint32 fileData2[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			0,	// entry count
+			0,	// range count
+			0,	// unexpected extra data
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData2, sizeof(fileData2));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_toolittledata) >= 0)
+		{
+		// corrupt: config file contains less data than required by header
+		TUint32 fileData3[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			2,	// entry count
+			1	// range count
+				// should be 2 entries (2 words each) and 1 default range (2 words each)
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData3, sizeof(fileData3));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_entryoutoforder) >= 0)
+		{
+		// corrupt: feature entries not ordered from lowest to highest UID
+		TUint32 fileData4[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			3,	// entry count
+			0,	// range count
+			2,	// Feature UID = 2
+			1,	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			5,	// Feature UID = 5
+			1,	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			3,	// Feature UID = 3: Feature UIDs not in strictly increasing order
+			1	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData4, sizeof(fileData4));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_entryrepeated) >= 0)
+		{
+		// corrupt: repeated feature UID
+		TUint32 fileData5[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			3,	// entry count
+			0,	// range count
+			2,	// Feature UID = 2
+			1,	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			5,	// Feature UID = 5
+			1,	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			5,	// Feature UID = 5: Feature UID repeated
+			1,	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData5, sizeof(fileData5));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_corrupt_badrange) >= 0)
+		{
+		// corrupt: default-supported range not listed in order lowUid-highUid
+		TUint32 fileData6[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			1,	// entry count
+			2,	// range count
+			2,	// Feature UID = 2
+			1,	//   status low-bit set -> present
+			5,	// Range 1 low UID
+			9,	//         high UID
+			88,	// Range 2 low UID
+			76	//         high UID: not >= lowUID
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData6, sizeof(fileData6));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_nofeatures) >= 0)
+		{
+		// valid: no features
+				TUint32 fileData7[] =
+					{
+					validTypePrefix,
+					0,	// version number, must be zero
+					0,	// entry count
+					0	// range count
+					};
+		// valid: no features
+				TUint32 fileData7[] =
+					{
+					validTypePrefix,
+					0,	// version number, must be zero
+					0,	// entry count
+					1,	// range count: we have to provide at least one range, otherwise the file will be corrupt from the FeatMgr perspective
+					KFeatRegTest_DummyRangeId,
+					KFeatRegTest_DummyRangeId
+					};		
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData7, sizeof(fileData7));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_small) >= 0)
+		{
+		// valid: few features, one default=supported range
+		TUint32 fileData8[] =
+			{
+			validTypePrefix,
+			0,	// version number, must be zero
+			2,	// entry count
+			1,	// range count
+			KFeatRegTest1_02_SNFeatId,	// 1. feature UID
+			KFeatRegTest1_02_SNFeatSt,	//    status word; low bit set = supported
+			KFeatRegTest1_05_URFeatId,	// 2. feature UID
+			KFeatRegTest1_05_URFeatSt,	//    status word; low-bit not set = not supported
+			KFeatRegTest1_03_LoFeatId,	// low-feature-UID of default=supported range
+			KFeatRegTest1_04_HiFeatId	// high-feature-UID of default=supported range
+			};
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData8, sizeof(fileData8));
+		}
+	//--------------------
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_large) >= 0)
+		{
+		// valid: many features, several default=supported ranges
+		TUint32 fileData9[2 + 2*KFeatRegTest2_04_numTestFeatures + 2*KFeatRegTest2_07_rangeCount];
+		TInt j = sizeof(TFeatureHeader) / sizeof(TUint32);
+		TInt entryCount = 0;
+		TUint32 id = KFeatRegTest2_01_FirstId;
+		// feature entries
+		for (TInt e = KFeatRegTest2_04_numTestFeatures; e > 0; e--)
+			{
+			TBool featureSupported = !(id & KFeatRegTest2_05_NotSupportedBit);
+			TBool inDefaultSupportedRange = id & KFeatRegTest2_06_DefSupportedBit;
+			// only need to list feature if support differs from default ranges
+			if (featureSupported && (!inDefaultSupportedRange))
+				{
+				fileData9[j++] = id;
+				fileData9[j++] = RFeatureRegistry::EStatusSupportBit;
+				entryCount++;
+				}
+			else if ((!featureSupported) && inDefaultSupportedRange)
+				{
+				fileData9[j++] = id;
+				fileData9[j++] = 0;	// specifically listed as not supported
+				entryCount++;
+				}
+			id += KFeatRegTest2_03_IncrId;
+			}
+		// default=supported ranges
+		TUint32 lowId = KFeatRegTest2_06_DefSupportedBit;
+		for (TUint r = 0; r < KFeatRegTest2_07_rangeCount; r++)
+			{
+			fileData9[j++] = lowId;
+			fileData9[j++] = lowId + KFeatRegTest2_06_DefSupportedBit - 1;
+			lowId += 2*KFeatRegTest2_06_DefSupportedBit;
+			}
+		// header
+		fileData9[0] = validTypePrefix,
+		fileData9[1] = 0;	// version number, must be zero
+		fileData9[2] = entryCount;
+		fileData9[3] = KFeatRegTest2_07_rangeCount;
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData9, j*sizeof(TUint32));
+		}
+	else if (configName.Find(KFeatRegTestConfig_valid_perf) >= 0)
+		{
+		// extract the number of features to put into the file from the
+		// arguments supplied to the process from the script
+	    TInt digitchar = 0;
+	    TChar charItem(configName[digitchar]);
+	    while (charItem.IsDigit() == EFalse)
+           charItem = configName[++digitchar]; 
+	    if (digitchar >= configName.Length())
+	    	{
+	    	result = KErrArgument;
+	    	goto cleanupReturn;
+	    	}
+		TPtrC16 counter = configName.Mid(digitchar);
+		TLex lex1(counter);
+		TInt count = 0;
+        lex1.Val(count);
+		// valid: allocate space for maximum number of features we would expect
+		TInt j = sizeof(TFeatureHeader) / sizeof(TUint32);
+		TUint32 fileData9[4 + 2*8001]; // j must == 4
+		TInt entryCount = 0;
+		TUint32 id = KFeatRegTest2_01_FirstId;
+		// create 'count' number of feature entries
+		for (TInt e = count; e > 0; e--)
+			{
+			fileData9[j++] = id;
+			fileData9[j++] = (e&0x01) ? RFeatureRegistry::EStatusSupportBit : 0;
+			entryCount++;
+			id += KFeatRegTest2_03_IncrId;
+			}
+		// header
+		fileData9[0] = validTypePrefix,
+		fileData9[1] = 0;	// version number, must be zero
+		fileData9[2] = entryCount;
+		fileData9[3] = 0;
+		//we have to provide at least one range, otherwise the file will be corrupt from the FeatMgr perspective 
+		fileData9[j++] = KFeatRegTest_DummyRangeId;
+		fileData9[j++] = KFeatRegTest_DummyRangeId;
+		// header
+		fileData9[0] = validTypePrefix,
+		fileData9[1] = 0;	// version number, must be zero
+		fileData9[2] = entryCount;
+		fileData9[3] = 1;		
+		result = WriteTestConfigFile(fileData9, j*sizeof(TUint32));		
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		result = KErrArgument;
+		}
+	return result;
+	}