--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loggingservices/eventlogger/LogServ/src/LOGFILTQ.CPP Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "LOGFILTQ.H"
+#include <logcli.h>
+#include <logcntdef.h>
+#include "logservpanic.h"
+#include "LogServDatabaseTransactionInterface.h"
+#include <logfilterandeventconstants.hrh>
+#include "LogServCacheStrings.h"
+#include "LogServCacheTypes.h"
+#include "LogServSqlStrings.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+# define __LOGFILTQ_INVARIANT() Invariant()
+# define __LOGFILTQ_INVARIANT() void(0)
+KFilterFields array contains all fields that can participate in a filter.
+The term "field" refers a constant, which value is power of two.
+Every "field" uniquely identifies one of the event properties.
+The field values are used in the implementation of the TLogFilterExprBuilder class for initializing the
+iField data member, used to identify the currently processed event property value.
+const TUint16 KFilterFields[] =
+ {
+ ELogContactField,
+ ELogDirectionField,
+ ELogDurationTypeField,
+ ELogEventTypeField,
+ ELogNumberField,
+ ELogRemotePartyField,
+ ELogStatusField,
+ ELogStartTimeField,
+ ELogEndTimeField,
+ ELogSimIdField, //The new ELogSimIdField must be before the flags: see
+ //DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL() implementation and the assert.
+ ELogFlagsField
+ };
+The size of the KFilterFields array.
+const TInt KFilterFieldsSize = sizeof(KFilterFields) / sizeof(KFilterFields[0]);
+// Constants
+const TInt KLogBlockSize = 128;
+const TInt KLogPredicateListGranuality = 10;
+const TInt KLogMaxPredicateLength = 128;
+const TInt KLogNumberCharsToMatch = 9;
+Sets the iDatabase data member.
+The rest of the data member is left uninitialized. They will be initialized later by the BuildExprLC() call.
+@param aDatabase A reference to MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface interface.
+TLogFilterExprBuilder::TLogFilterExprBuilder(MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& aDatabase) :
+ iDatabase(aDatabase)
+ {
+ }
+Builds the WHERE expresssion of an SQL statement used later to filter events from the Event table.
+How the builder works? - BuildExprLC() gets as a parameter list of filters: CLogFilterList.
+Each filter is an object of CLogFilter type. The CLogFilter class contains the same set of properties as the CLogEvent
+class: phone number, SIM id, call type, etc. Some of the filter property values are set, defining the desired set
+of events that can pass the filter.
+For example, the filter list has two filters:
+ - Filter 1: number is "1011", SimId is 200;
+ - Filter 2: duration type is 2;
+BuildExprLC() takes the filter list and depending on passed TLogFilterConstructionType type:
+ - ELogFilterConstructFilterByFilterFieldByField
+ Organises two loops: the outer loop iterates over all field types, the inner loop iterates over the filters;
+ - ELogFilterConstructFieldByFieldFilterByFilter
+ Organises two loops: the outer loop iterates over the filters, the inner loop iterates over all field types;
+On each inner loop iteration the current field value of the filter will be checked and if it is not null then a predicate
+will be created of form "<column name> = <field value>" and added to the list of predicates.
+If the field value is null but it is allowed to include that field in the expression (the related bit of
+CLogFilter::iNullFields is set. This is tested by using CLogFilter::NullFields()), then the predicate format will be
+"<column name> IS NULL".
+So using the example filters above, the predicates lists will be:
+ - "Number = '1011'", "SimId - 200";
+ - "DType = 2";
+At the end of each outer loop iteration the predicates will be "linked" using either "AND" if the field type is "flags"
+or "OR" for the rest of the fields types.
+So, after the first outer loop iteration, the constructed part of the WHERE expression will be:
+ "Number = '1011' OR SimId = 200".
+After the second outer loop iteration the expression will be: "DType = 2".
+Also, depending on the TLogFilterConstructionType type these expressions will be "linked" either by "AND" or "OR":
+ "(Number = '1011' OR SimId = 200) AND (DType = 2)".
+On the first outer loop iteration, the predicates expression will be prefixed by the string refered by the aInitial
+parameter (that could be "WHERE " or " AND " or " OR ").
+When the processing of the filters finishes, the ready for use expression will be in the aExpr out parameter.
+@param aExpr Out parameter. If BuildExprLC() completes successfully, aExpr contrains the generated expression.
+ The caller is responsible for the destruction of aExpr. BuildExprLC() will create aExpr and put it on
+ the cleanup stack;
+ aFilterList Filters list;
+ aInitial String that has to be added in front of the generated expresssion;
+ aType Defines the order of the processing of the filters and the fields;
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory condition has occured.
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::BuildExprLC(RLogDynBuf& aExpr, const CLogFilterList& aFilterList, const TDesC& aInitial,
+ TLogFilterConstructionType aType)
+ {
+ aExpr.CreateLC(KLogBlockSize);
+ iPredicateList = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KLogPredicateListGranuality);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(iPredicateList);
+ iFilterList = &aFilterList;
+ iInitial = &aInitial;
+ iConstructionType = aType;
+ iFilterIndex = 0;
+ iField = KFilterFields[0];
+ iFlagIndex = 0;
+ switch(iConstructionType)
+ {
+ case ELogFilterConstructFilterByFilterFieldByField:
+ DoNextProcessFilterByFilterFieldByFieldL(aExpr);
+ break;
+ case ELogFilterConstructFieldByFieldFilterByFilter:
+ DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL(aExpr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELogInvalidConstructionType));
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ iFilterList = NULL;
+ iInitial = NULL;
+ iFilterIndex = -1;
+ iField = 0;
+ iFlagIndex = -1;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iPredicateList);
+ }
+Processes the filters and the fields.
+Organises two loops:
+ - the outer loop is on the fields;
+ - the inner loop is on the filters;
+@param aExpr Out parameter. The place where the expression is generated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory condition has occured.
+@see BuildExprLC()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::DoNextProcessFilterByFilterFieldByFieldL(RLogDynBuf& aExpr)
+ {
+ const TInt KCount = iFilterList->Count();
+ for(TInt i=0;i<KFilterFieldsSize;++i)
+ {
+ iField = KFilterFields[i];
+ for(iFilterIndex=0; iFilterIndex<KCount; ++iFilterIndex)
+ {
+ iField != ELogFlagsField ? MakePredicatesL() : MakeFlagPredicatesL();
+ }
+ MakeConditionL(aExpr);
+ iPredicateList->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+Processes the filters and the fields.
+Organises two loops:
+ - the outer loop is on the filters;
+ - the inner loop is on the fields;
+@param aExpr Out parameter. The place where the expression is generated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory condition has occured.
+@see BuildExprLC()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL(RLogDynBuf& aExpr)
+ {
+ const TInt KCount = iFilterList->Count();
+ for(iFilterIndex=0; iFilterIndex<KCount; ++iFilterIndex)
+ {
+ //Process all filter fields except flags.
+ for(TInt i=0;i<(KFilterFieldsSize-1);++i)
+ {
+ iField = KFilterFields[i];
+ MakePredicatesL();
+ }
+ //Process the flag fields last
+ iField = KFilterFields[KFilterFieldsSize - 1];
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iField == ELogFlagsField, User::Invariant());
+ MakeFlagPredicatesL();
+ MakeConditionL(aExpr);
+ iPredicateList->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+Called on each inner iteration from DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL() and
+Generates a predicate in one of the following formats:
+ - "<column name> = <field value>"
+ - "<column name> IS NULL"
+The generated predicate will be added to the predicates list (iPredicateList data member).
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory condition has occured.
+@see DoNextProcessFilterByFilterFieldByFieldL()
+@see DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::MakePredicatesL()
+ {
+ const CLogFilter* filter = iFilterList->At(iFilterIndex);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(filter, Panic(ELogNullFilterInList1));
+ // Check for null field in filter and if the field has already been used
+ TBuf<KLogMaxPredicateLength> predicate;
+ if (!IsFieldEmpty(*filter) && !IsDuplicateField(*filter))
+ {
+ MakePredicateL(predicate, *filter);
+ if (predicate.Length() > 0)
+ iPredicateList->AppendL(predicate);
+ }
+ // Add Null predicate if required and not already specified
+ if (filter->NullFields() & iField && !IsDuplicateNullField())
+ {
+ predicate.Zero();
+ MakeNullPredicate(predicate);
+ if (predicate.Length() > 0)
+ iPredicateList->AppendL(predicate);
+ }
+ }
+Called on each outer loop iteration.
+At this time, all generated predicates are in the predicates list (iPredicateList data member).
+The predicates will be "linked" into the expression using "AND" for the "flags" and "OR" for the rest of the fields.
+Depending on the TLogFilterConstructionType type (iConstructionType data member) either "AND" or "OR" will be used
+to "link" pedicates from two different predicates lists.
+@param aExpr Out parameter. The place where the expression is generated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory condition has occured.
+@see DoNextProcessFilterByFilterFieldByFieldL()
+@see DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL()
+@see MakePredicatesL()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::MakeConditionL(RLogDynBuf& aExpr)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iFilterList != NULL, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iInitial != NULL, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iConstructionType == ELogFilterConstructFilterByFilterFieldByField || iConstructionType == ELogFilterConstructFieldByFieldFilterByFilter, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPredicateList != NULL, User::Invariant());
+ // Are there any predicates to add?
+ TInt total = iPredicateList->MdcaCount();
+ if (total == 0)
+ return;
+ // Add separator between conditions
+ if(aExpr.Length() == 0)
+ {
+ aExpr.AppendL(*iInitial);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch(iConstructionType)
+ {
+ case ELogFilterConstructFilterByFilterFieldByField:
+ aExpr.AppendL(KLogAnd);
+ break;
+ case ELogFilterConstructFieldByFieldFilterByFilter:
+ aExpr.AppendL(KLogOr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELogInvalidConstructionType));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ aExpr.AppendL(KLogOpenBracket);
+ // Add Predicates
+ TInt count = 0;
+ while(count < total)
+ {
+ // Add separator between predicates
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ if (iField != ELogFlagsField)
+ aExpr.AppendL(KLogOr);
+ else
+ aExpr.AppendL(KLogAnd);
+ }
+ aExpr.AppendL((*iPredicateList)[count]);
+ count++;
+ }
+ // Close the brackets
+ aExpr.AppendL(KLogCloseBracket);
+ }
+Called on each inner loop iteration.
+Processes the "flags" filter fields and generates predicates.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory condition has occured.
+@see DoNextProcessFilterByFilterFieldByFieldL()
+@see DoNextProcessFieldByFieldFilterByFilterL()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::MakeFlagPredicatesL()
+ {
+ const CLogFilter* filter = iFilterList->At(iFilterIndex);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(filter, Panic(ELogNullFilterInList2));
+ // Return if no flags are set
+ if (filter->Flags() == KLogNullFlags)
+ return;
+ TBuf<KLogMaxPredicateLength> predicate;
+ // Go through each bit in turn
+ iFlagIndex = KLogFlagsCount;
+ while(iFlagIndex--)
+ {
+ // See if the current flag is set in filter and bit wasn't set in any previous filters
+ if (filter->Flags() & 0x1 << iFlagIndex && !IsDuplicateField(*filter))
+ {
+ // Generate predicate - if null field flag set we don't want the flag to be set
+ predicate.Format(KLogFlagPredicate, &KLogFlagString, iFlagIndex + 1, (filter->NullFields() & iField) ? 0 : 1);
+ iPredicateList->AppendL(predicate);
+ }
+ }
+ iFlagIndex = 0;
+ }
+Depending on the currently processed field (iField data member) the function returns the column name that
+has to be used in the predicate being generated.
+@return A const reference to the column name.
+@see MakeNullPredicate()
+@see MakePredicateL()
+const TDesC& TLogFilterExprBuilder::ColumnName() const
+ {
+ switch (iField)
+ {
+ case ELogContactField:
+ return KLogFieldEventContactString();
+ case ELogDirectionField:
+ return KLogFieldEventDirectionString();
+ case ELogDurationTypeField:
+ return KLogFieldEventDTypeString();
+ case ELogEventTypeField:
+ return KLogFieldEventTypeString();
+ case ELogNumberField:
+ return KLogFieldEventNumberString();
+ case ELogRemotePartyField:
+ return KLogFieldEventRemoteString();
+ case ELogStatusField:
+ return KLogFieldEventStatusString();
+ case ELogSubjectField:
+ return KLogFieldEventSubjectString();
+ case ELogLinkField:
+ return KLogFieldEventLinkString();
+ case ELogDataField:
+ return KLogFieldEventDataString();
+ case ELogStartTimeField:
+ case ELogEndTimeField:
+ return KLogFieldEventTimeString();
+ case ELogSimIdField:
+ return KLogFieldEventSimId();
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELogNoSuchState3));
+ break;
+ }
+ return KLogUnknownString();
+ }
+Generates a predicate of form "<column name> IS NULL" in the passed descriptor.
+@param aDes Out parameter. The place where the predicate will be generated.
+@see MakePredicatesL()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::MakeNullPredicate(TDes& aDes)
+ {
+ aDes.Format(KLogNullPredicate, &ColumnName());
+ }
+Generates a predicate of form "<column name> = <field value>" in the passed descriptor.
+@param aDes Out parameter. The place where the predicate will be generated.
+@param aFilter The filter where the field values will be picked from.
+ The current field is identified by the value of the iField data member.
+@leave The leaving codes from TTime::FormatL().
+@see MakePredicatesL()
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::MakePredicateL(TDes& aDes, const CLogFilter& aFilter)
+ {
+ const TDesC& columnName = ColumnName();
+ switch (iField)
+ {
+ case ELogContactField:
+ aDes.Format(KLogNumberPredicate, &columnName, aFilter.Contact());
+ break;
+ case ELogDirectionField:
+ {
+ TLogStringId id = iDatabase.DTICacheStrings().FindId(aFilter.Direction());
+ aDes.Format(KLogNumberPredicate, &columnName, id);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ELogDurationTypeField:
+ aDes.Format(KLogNumberPredicate, &columnName, aFilter.DurationType());
+ break;
+ case ELogEventTypeField:
+ {
+ const TLogServCacheTypeEntry& entry = iDatabase.DTICacheTypes().FindByUid(aFilter.EventType());
+ aDes.Format(KLogNumberPredicate, &columnName, entry.iEventTypeId);
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the phone number in the filter is at least KLogNumberCharsToMatch long
+ // then it does a wild card search for numbers that match the last KLogNumberCharsToMatch chars
+ case ELogNumberField:
+ {
+ if (aFilter.Number().Length() < KLogNumberCharsToMatch)
+ aDes.Format(KLogStringPredicate, &columnName, &aFilter.Number());
+ else
+ {
+ TPtrC number(aFilter.Number().Right(KLogNumberCharsToMatch));
+ aDes.Format(KLogLikePredicate, &columnName, &number);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ELogRemotePartyField:
+ //We need to check RemoteParty string for any single quotes and
+ //add a second single quote to properly handle strings such as
+ //"Sam's Wife"
+ {
+ //If single quotes are found we need to modify the string
+ TInt quoteIndex = aFilter.RemoteParty().Locate('\'');
+ if( quoteIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ //Allocate a buffer twice the length of the string to cater for
+ //the worst case when every character is a single quote
+ TPtrC temp = aFilter.RemoteParty();
+ TBuf<KLogMaxRemotePartyLength * 2> buf;
+ //loop through and replace all single quotes
+ //with two quote characters
+ while(quoteIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ _LIT(KQuoteStr, "''");
+ //Append the characters before the single quote followed
+ //by two quote characters
+ buf.Append(temp.Left(quoteIndex));
+ buf.Append(KQuoteStr);
+ //Set the substring to the remaining characters after the
+ //single quote and look for the next single quote character
+ temp.Set(temp.Mid(quoteIndex + 1));
+ quoteIndex = temp.Locate('\'');
+ }
+ //No quotes left so append the remaining data
+ buf.Append(temp);
+ aDes.Format(KLogStringPredicate, &columnName, &buf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aDes.Format(KLogStringPredicate, &columnName, &aFilter.RemoteParty());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ELogStatusField:
+ {
+ TLogStringId id = iDatabase.DTICacheStrings().FindId(aFilter.Status());
+ aDes.Format(KLogNumberPredicate, &columnName, id);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ELogStartTimeField:
+ {
+ TTime time = aFilter.StartTime();
+ TBuf<KLogMaxDateLength> buf;
+ time.FormatL(buf, LogUtils::DateFormatForLocale());
+ aDes.Format(KLogDateAfterPredicate, &columnName, &buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ELogEndTimeField:
+ {
+ TTime time = aFilter.EndTime();
+ TBuf<KLogMaxDateLength> buf;
+ time.FormatL(buf, LogUtils::DateFormatForLocale());
+ aDes.Format(KLogDateBeforePredicate, &columnName, &buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ELogSimIdField:
+ aDes.Format(KLogUNumberPredicate, &columnName, aFilter.SimId());
+ break;
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELogNoSuchState4));
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+Determines whether the current field identified by the value of the iField data member, is a duplicate, used/defined
+by the previously processed filters. For example, if there are two filters and both define the "number" field value, then
+only the "number" value from the first filter will be used.
+@param aFilter The current filter being processed;
+@return True the current field value has been already used in some of the previously processed filters, false otherwise.
+@see IsDuplicateNullField()
+@see MakePredicatesL()
+TBool TLogFilterExprBuilder::IsDuplicateField(const CLogFilter& aFilter) const
+ {
+ TInt count = iFilterIndex;
+ while(count--)
+ {
+ const CLogFilter* testFilter = iFilterList->At(count);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(testFilter, Panic(ELogNullFilterInList3));
+ if (IsDuplicate(aFilter, *testFilter))
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Determines whether the current "null" field identified by the value of the iField data member, is a duplicate, used/defined
+by the previously processed filters.
+@param aFilter The current filter being processed;
+@return True the current "null" field value has been already used in some of the previously processed filters, false otherwise.
+@see IsDuplicateField()
+@see MakePredicatesL()
+TBool TLogFilterExprBuilder::IsDuplicateNullField() const
+ {
+ TInt count = iFilterIndex;
+ while(count--)
+ {
+ const CLogFilter* testFilter = iFilterList->At(count);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(testFilter, Panic(ELogNullFilterInList4));
+ if (testFilter->NullFields() & iField)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Determines whether the current field value, identified by the value of the iField data member, is a null value.
+@param aFilter The current filter being processed;
+@return True The current field value is null, false otherwise.
+@see MakePredicatesL()
+TBool TLogFilterExprBuilder::IsFieldEmpty(const CLogFilter& aFilter) const
+ {
+ switch (iField)
+ {
+ case ELogContactField:
+ return aFilter.Contact() == KLogNullContactId;
+ case ELogDirectionField:
+ return aFilter.Direction().Length() == 0;
+ case ELogDurationTypeField:
+ return aFilter.DurationType() == KLogNullDurationType;
+ case ELogEventTypeField:
+ return aFilter.EventType() == KNullUid;
+ case ELogNumberField:
+ return aFilter.Number().Length() == 0;
+ case ELogRemotePartyField:
+ return aFilter.RemoteParty().Length() == 0;
+ case ELogStatusField:
+ return aFilter.Status().Length() == 0;
+ case ELogStartTimeField:
+ return (aFilter.StartTime() == TTime(0));
+ case ELogEndTimeField:
+ return (aFilter.EndTime() == TTime(0));
+ // These fields are not part of the filter
+ case ELogSubjectField:
+ case ELogLinkField:
+ case ELogDataField:
+ return ETrue;
+ case ELogSimIdField:
+ return (aFilter.SimId() == KLogNullSimId);
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELogNoSuchState5));
+ break;
+ };
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+The function checks whether the field identified by the value of the iField data member has the same value in the
+passed two filter objects.
+@param aFilter1 Filter 1
+@param aFilter1 Filter 2
+@return True The values of the current field are identical in both filters, false otherwise.
+@see IsDuplicateField()
+TBool TLogFilterExprBuilder::IsDuplicate(const CLogFilter& aFilter1, const CLogFilter& aFilter2) const
+ {
+ switch (iField)
+ {
+ case ELogContactField:
+ return aFilter1.Contact() == aFilter2.Contact();
+ case ELogDirectionField:
+ return aFilter1.Direction().CompareF(aFilter2.Direction()) == 0;
+ case ELogDurationTypeField:
+ return aFilter1.DurationType() == aFilter2.DurationType();
+ case ELogEventTypeField:
+ return aFilter1.EventType() == aFilter2.EventType();
+ // The number fields in filters are considered to be duplicates if the last KLogNumberCharsToMatch chars match
+ case ELogNumberField:
+ {
+ TPtrC number1(aFilter1.Number().Right(KLogNumberCharsToMatch));
+ TPtrC number2(aFilter2.Number().Right(KLogNumberCharsToMatch));
+ return number1.CompareF(number2) == 0;
+ }
+ case ELogRemotePartyField:
+ return aFilter1.RemoteParty().CompareF(aFilter2.RemoteParty()) == 0;
+ case ELogStatusField:
+ return aFilter1.Status().CompareF(aFilter2.Status()) == 0;
+ case ELogStartTimeField:
+ return aFilter1.StartTime() == aFilter2.StartTime();
+ case ELogEndTimeField:
+ return aFilter1.EndTime() == aFilter2.EndTime();
+ case ELogFlagsField:
+ return aFilter2.Flags() & iFlagIndex;
+ case ELogSimIdField:
+ return aFilter1.SimId() == aFilter2.SimId();
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELogNoSuchState6));
+ break;
+ };
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void TLogFilterExprBuilder::Invariant() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(KFilterFields[KFilterFieldsSize - 1] == ELogFlagsField, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iFilterList != NULL, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iInitial != NULL, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iConstructionType == ELogFilterConstructFilterByFilterFieldByField || iConstructionType == ELogFilterConstructFieldByFieldFilterByFilter, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)iFilterIndex < iFilterList->Count(), User::Invariant());
+ TInt idx = KMaxTInt;
+ for(idx=0;idx<KFilterFieldsSize && iField!=KFilterFields[idx];++idx)
+ {
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(idx < KFilterFieldsSize, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((iField & (iField - 1)) == 0, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)iFlagIndex < KLogFlagsCount, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPredicateList != NULL, User::Invariant());
+ }