--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loggingservices/eventlogger/LogServ/src/LOGQUERY.CPP Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "LOGQUERY.H"
+#include "logservpanic.h"
+#include "LogServDatabaseTransactionInterface.h"
+#include "LogServDatabaseChangeInterface.h"
+#include "LogServSqlStrings.h"
+#include "LogDynBuf.h"
+///////////////////////// RLogDbTable /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+RLogDbTable "resource acquisition" method.
+Opens the specified database table with the required access mode.
+If the database indexes are damaged, before the "table open" operation, an attempt will be made to recover the databasde.
+If the table is opened successfully, the current RLogDbTable object will be put on the cleanup stack. The caller is
+responsible for the destruction of the RLogDbTable object.
+@param aDb RDbDatabase reference
+@param aTblName Table name
+@param aAccess Table access mode, one of RDbRowSet::TAccess enum item values
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void RLogDbTable::OpenLC(RDbDatabase& aDb, const TDesC& aTblName, RDbRowSet::TAccess aAccess)
+ {
+ if(aDb.IsDamaged())
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(aDb.Recover());
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!aDb.IsDamaged(), Panic(ELogDatabaseDamaged2));
+ CleanupClosePushL(*this);
+ User::LeaveIfError(RDbTable::Open(aDb, aTblName, aAccess));
+ }
+///////////////////////// RLogEventDbTable ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iIdColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iTypeColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iRemotePartyColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iDirectionColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iTimeColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iDurationTypeColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iDurationColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iStatusColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iSubjectColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iNumberColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iContactColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iLinkColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iDataColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iFlagColNo[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iRecentColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iDuplicateColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogEventDbTable::iSimIdColNo = 0;
+RLogEventDbTable "resource acquisition" method.
+Opens the "Event" database table with the required access mode.
+If the database indexes are damaged, before the "table open" operation, an attempt will be made to recover the databasde.
+If the table is opened successfully, the current RLogEventDbTable object will be put on the cleanup stack. The caller is
+responsible for the destruction of the RLogEventDbTable object.
+@param aDb RDbDatabase reference
+@param aAccess Table access mode, one of RDbRowSet::TAccess enum item values
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void RLogEventDbTable::OpenLC(RDbDatabase& aDb, RDbRowSet::TAccess aAccess)
+ {
+ RLogDbTable::OpenLC(aDb, KLogNameEventString, aAccess);
+ InitializeColumnsL();
+ }
+Initializes the static data members ("Event" table column numbers) of the RLogEventDbTable class.
+The initialization happens just once, during the construction of the first object of RLogEventDbTable type.
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void RLogEventDbTable::InitializeColumnsL()
+ {
+ if(RLogEventDbTable::iIdColNo == 0)
+ {
+ CDbColSet* colset = ColSetL();
+ RLogEventDbTable::iIdColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldIdString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iTypeColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventTypeString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iRemotePartyColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventRemoteString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDirectionColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventDirectionString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iTimeColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventTimeString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDurationTypeColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventDTypeString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDurationColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventDurationString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iStatusColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventStatusString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iSubjectColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventSubjectString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iNumberColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventNumberString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iContactColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventContactString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iLinkColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventLinkString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDataColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventDataString);
+ for(TInt i=0;i<KLogFlagsCount;++i)
+ {
+ TDbColName colname;
+ colname.Format(KLogFieldEventFlagString, i + 1);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iFlagColNo[i] = colset->ColNo(colname);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(RLogEventDbTable::iFlagColNo[i] > 0, User::Invariant());
+ }
+ RLogEventDbTable::iRecentColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventRecentString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDuplicateColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventDuplicateString);
+ RLogEventDbTable::iSimIdColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventSimId);
+ delete colset;
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(RLogEventDbTable::iIdColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iTypeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iRemotePartyColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDirectionColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iTimeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDurationTypeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDurationColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iStatusColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iSubjectColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iNumberColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iContactColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iLinkColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDataColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iRecentColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDuplicateColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iSimIdColNo > 0, User::Invariant());
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(RLogEventDbTable::iIdColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iTypeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iRemotePartyColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDirectionColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iTimeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDurationTypeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDurationColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iStatusColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iSubjectColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iNumberColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iContactColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iLinkColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDataColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iRecentColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogEventDbTable::iDuplicateColNo > 0, User::Invariant());
+ }
+///////////////////////// RLogConfigDbTable ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+TDbColNo RLogConfigDbTable::iSizeColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogConfigDbTable::iRecentColNo = 0;
+TDbColNo RLogConfigDbTable::iAgeColNo = 0;
+RLogConfigDbTable "resource acquisition" method.
+Opens the "Config" database table with the required access mode.
+If the database indexes are damaged, before the "table open" operation, an attempt will be made to recover the databasde.
+If the table is opened successfully, the current RLogConfigDbTable object will be put on the cleanup stack. The caller is
+responsible for the destruction of the RLogConfigDbTable object.
+@param aDb RDbDatabase reference
+@param aAccess Table access mode, one of RDbRowSet::TAccess enum item values
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void RLogConfigDbTable::OpenLC(RDbDatabase& aDb, RDbRowSet::TAccess aAccess)
+ {
+ RLogDbTable::OpenLC(aDb, KLogNameConfigString, aAccess);
+ InitializeColumnsL();
+ }
+Initializes the static data members ("Config" table column numbers) of the RLogConfigDbTable class.
+The initialization happens just once, during the construction of the first object of RLogConfigDbTable type.
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void RLogConfigDbTable::InitializeColumnsL()
+ {
+ if(RLogConfigDbTable::iSizeColNo == 0)
+ {
+ CDbColSet* colset = ColSetL();
+ RLogConfigDbTable::iSizeColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldConfigSizeString);
+ RLogConfigDbTable::iRecentColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldConfigRecentString);
+ RLogConfigDbTable::iAgeColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldConfigAgeString);
+ delete colset;
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(RLogConfigDbTable::iSizeColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogConfigDbTable::iRecentColNo > 0 &&
+ RLogConfigDbTable::iAgeColNo > 0, User::Invariant());
+ }
+///////////////////////// RLogDbView //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+RLogDbView "resource acquisition" method.
+Prepares a database view with the passed as a parameter SQL and with the required access mode.
+If the database indexes are damaged, before the "prepare view" operation, an attempt will be made to recover the databasde.
+If the view is prepared successfully, the current RLogDbView object will be put on the cleanup stack and all records
+evaluated. The caller is responsible for the destruction of the RLogDbView object.
+@param aDb RDbDatabase reference
+@param aQuery View SQL statement
+@param aAccess View access mode, one of RDbRowSet::TAccess enum item values
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void RLogDbView::PrepareLC(RDbDatabase& aDb, const TDesC& aQuery, RDbRowSet::TAccess aAccess)
+ {
+ if(aDb.IsDamaged())
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(aDb.Recover());
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!aDb.IsDamaged(), Panic(ELogDatabaseDamaged2));
+ CleanupClosePushL(*this);
+ User::LeaveIfError(RDbView::Prepare(aDb, TDbQuery(aQuery, EDbCompareFolded), aAccess));
+ User::LeaveIfError(RDbView::EvaluateAll());
+ }
+///////////////////////// Global functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+Runs the KLogSqlGetRecent SQL query and puts the IDs of the retrieved events into the aEventIds output array.
+This happens only if the retrieved events count is bigger than the aMaxRecentLogSize parameter.
+@param aDb A MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface reference
+@param aRecentListId Recent list Id
+@param aMaxRecentLogSize Max recent list size
+@param aEventIds Output parameter. The function will put it on the cleanup stack and fill it with
+ the events ids from the recent list. The caller is responsible for the destruction of
+ the aEventIds parameter.
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void LogGetRecentEventsLC(MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& aDb, TLogRecentList aRecentListId,
+ TLogRecentSize aMaxRecentLogSize, RArray<TLogId>& aEventIds)
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL(aEventIds);
+ TheSql.Format(KLogSqlGetRecent, aRecentListId);
+ RLogDbView view;
+ view.PrepareLC(aDb.DTIDatabase(), TheSql, RDbRowSet::EReadOnly);
+ TInt count = view.CountL() - aMaxRecentLogSize;
+ if(count > 0)
+ {
+ (void)view.LastL();//If "count > 0", then there is at least one record => LastL() cannot return EFalse.
+ static TDbColNo idColNo = 0;
+ if(idColNo == 0)
+ {
+ CDbColSet* colset = view.ColSetL();
+ idColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldIdString);
+ delete colset;
+ }
+ aEventIds.ReserveL(count);
+ do
+ {
+ view.GetL();
+ aEventIds.AppendL(view.ColInt32(idColNo));
+ }
+ while(--count && view.PreviousL());
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&view);
+ }
+The function accepts an array of event IDs as a parameter, prepares an UPDATE SQL query using those IDs and
+puts the constructed query into aSqlBuf output parameter.
+@param aEventIds Array with event Ids, used for the construction of the SQL statement
+@param aSqlBuf Output parameter. A reference to RLogDynBuf object where the SQL is constructed.
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+static void LogBuildPurgeRecentSqlL(const RArray<TLogId>& aEventIds, RLogDynBuf& aSqlBuf)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aEventIds.Count() > 0, User::Invariant());
+ aSqlBuf.SetLength(0);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(KLogSqlRemoveDuplicateEvents);
+ for(TInt i=0,count=aEventIds.Count();i<count;++i)
+ {
+ TBuf<20> num;//buf size of 20 is enough for a 32-bit number
+ num.AppendNum(aEventIds[i]);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(KIdEqStr);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(num);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(KLogOr);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(KDuplicateEqStr);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(num);
+ aSqlBuf.AppendL(KLogOr);
+ }
+ aSqlBuf.SetLength(aSqlBuf.Length() - KLogOr().Length());
+ }
+The function accepts an array of event IDs as a parameter, prepares an UPDATE SQL query and executes
+the query.
+The MLogServDatabaseChangeInterface interface will be used to collect the information about the IDs of the purged events.
+Later that information will be used if there are any outstanding notification requests waiting for completion.
+If the count of the aEventIds elements is 0, then no query will be prepared and executed.
+@param aDb A reference to MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface interface
+@param aEventIds Array with event Ids, used for the construction of the SQL statement
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void LogPurgeRecentEventsL(MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& aDb, const RArray<TLogId>& aEventIds)
+ {
+ TInt count = aEventIds.Count();
+ if(count == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ RLogDynBuf sqlBuf;
+ sqlBuf.CreateLC(sizeof(KLogSqlRemoveDuplicateEvents) + count * 32);//32 - approx - length of "Duplicate=N OR Id=N"
+ LogBuildPurgeRecentSqlL(aEventIds, sqlBuf);
+ User::LeaveIfError(aDb.DTIExecuteSql(sqlBuf.DesC()));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sqlBuf);
+ for(TInt i=0;i<count;++i)
+ {
+ // This is a "hidden" change. It may affect the contents of a view, but the actual event hasn't changed
+ aDb.DTIChangeInterface().DCISubmitChangedEventContextL(ELogChangeTypeEventChangedHidden, aEventIds[i]);
+ }
+ }
+If the number of the events in the "Event" table is bigger than the aMaxLogSize parameter,
+the oldest events will be deleted from the table.
+The MLogServDatabaseChangeInterface interface will be used to collect the information about the IDs of the deleted events.
+Later that information will be used if there are any outstanding notification requests waiting for completion.
+If the number of the events in the "Event" table is less than the aMaxLogSize parameter, then the function does nothing.
+@param aDb A reference to MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface interface
+@param aTbl A reference to RLogEventDbTable object
+@param aMaxLogSize The max number of events allowed to exist in the "Event" table
+@param aCountPlus Integer, added to aMaxLogSize during the "max log size" calculations
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void LogPurgeMainL(MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& aDb, RLogEventDbTable& aTbl,
+ TLogSize aMaxLogSize, TInt aCountPlus)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(aTbl.SetIndex(KLogNameEventIdx1));
+ TInt count = aTbl.CountL() + aCountPlus - aMaxLogSize;
+ if(count > 0)
+ {
+ (void)aTbl.FirstL();//If "count > 0", then there is at least one record => FirstL() cannot return EFalse.
+ TBool commit = !aDb.DTIInTransaction();
+ if(commit)
+ {
+ aDb.DTIBeginWithRollBackProtectionLC();
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ aTbl.GetL();
+ TLogId id = aTbl.ColInt32(RLogEventDbTable::iIdColNo);
+ aTbl.DeleteL();
+ aDb.DTIChangeInterface().DCISubmitChangedEventContextL(ELogChangeTypeEventDeleted, id);
+ }
+ while(--count && aTbl.NextL());
+ if(commit)
+ {
+ aDb.DTICommitAndCancelRollbackProtectionL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Updates the event records with "Duplicate" column value equal to aEventId.
+The MLogServDatabaseChangeInterface interface will be used to collect the information about the IDs of the modified events.
+Later that information will be used if there are any outstanding notification requests waiting for completion.
+If no duplicates of the passed as a parameter event ID exist, then the function does nothing.
+@param aDb A reference to MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface interface
+@param aEventId Duplicated event id
+@leave KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+ Note that the function may leave with database specific errors and
+ other system-wide error codes.
+void LogResetDuplicatesL(MLogServDatabaseTransactionInterface& aDb, TLogId aEventId)
+ {
+ TheSql.Format(KLogSqlDuplicateViewString, aEventId, &KNullDesC);
+ RLogDbView view;
+ view .PrepareLC(aDb.DTIDatabase(), TheSql);
+ // Are there any duplicates?
+ if(view.FirstL())
+ {
+ static TDbColNo idColNo = 0;
+ static TDbColNo duplicateColNo = 0;
+ if(idColNo == 0)
+ {
+ CDbColSet* colset = view.ColSetL();
+ idColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldIdString);
+ duplicateColNo = colset->ColNo(KLogFieldEventDuplicateString);
+ delete colset;
+ }
+ TBool commit = !aDb.DTIInTransaction();
+ if(commit)
+ {
+ aDb.DTIBeginWithRollBackProtectionLC();
+ }
+ // Get the id of the latest event
+ view.GetL();
+ const TLogId idLatest = view.ColInt32(idColNo);
+ // Mark the event as the latest duplicate
+ view.UpdateL();
+ view.SetColNullL(duplicateColNo);
+ view.PutL();
+ // This is a "hidden" change. It may affect the contents of a view, but the actual event hasn't changed
+ aDb.DTIChangeInterface().DCISubmitChangedEventContextL(ELogChangeTypeEventChangedHidden, idLatest);
+ // Reset the duplicate id's of the other duplicates
+ while(view.NextL())
+ {
+ view.UpdateL();
+ const TLogId id = view.ColInt32(idColNo);
+ view.SetColL(duplicateColNo, idLatest);
+ view.PutL();
+ // This is a "hidden" change. It may affect the contents of a view, but the actual event hasn't changed
+ aDb.DTIChangeInterface().DCISubmitChangedEventContextL(ELogChangeTypeEventChangedHidden, id);
+ }
+ if(commit)
+ {
+ aDb.DTICommitAndCancelRollbackProtectionL();
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&view);
+ }